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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 15, 2024 10:30am-11:03am IRST

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you press tv headlines is really forces commit yet another massacre against palestinians in gaza killing over 60 people. waiting for aid in the north of the territory. yanser the leader says operations against israely link vessels will continue in the red sea and will extend to include ships crossing the indian ocean. and iran says israel's failed to achieve its proclaimed goals in its monslot on gaza and signs of its historic defeat are already clear.
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hello everyone, it's 9 a.m. in the gods of strip and you're watching press tv world news, condemnations pouring in over israel's massacre of at least 20 palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid in gaza city on thursday. the palestinian mejidin movement says israel's shelling of a secret. at kuwaiti roundabout is a stain of shame for anyone complicit in the crime. the resistance movement held, us and other western states as well as some arab countries responsible for israel's genocide in gaza. another resistance movement hamas reacted as well, it criticized failure of the international community and the un to take action against israel. hamas said in action has given the regime the green light to commit horrific crimes against palestinians. israel's time and gan targeted
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aid seekers in gaza in the past several weeks. regime unleashed its war on gaza early october, killing over 31,300 people. the holy month of ramadan is observed as a special and holy month for muslims across the globe, but situation is different for palestinians in gaza, where they are living under catastrophic conditions due to the israeli campaign of genocide. let's stick a listen to comments by some residents of gaza, we have been on stable, moving from one place to the in next, there is no shelter or anything, there's no food, there is water, nothing, not even the most basic living essentials like bread, we're forced to eat white plants when it rain and cook them, that is our situation, we hope from god to relieve this crisis and end this war soon, i don't know, look at my stomach how shrunk it's become, i was 80
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kilograms and now i'm around 65 kilos. i have lost 15 kilos. when you look at people, you see they talk to themselves, they can barely walk because of lack of food. there is no food or anything here at all. of course, despite the fact that we are under seage starving and despite the malnutrition that our dear children, patients and elders are suffering from. we are still performing the tarov prayers during the holy months of ramadan, we ask almighty god for a relief soon to our people in northern gaza who are under siege from all sides. a senior eu official says israel has not provided any evidence to support his allegations about understaff role in operation alexa flood. block's humanitarian aid chief janes lenardic called undra irreplaceable saying agencies reacted properly and effectively. to the
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regime's accusations. israel claims number of hundra workers took part in hamas's anti-israel operation on october the 7th, the accusations then prompted the regime's western backers, including the us, to stop funding the agency. undra is strongly denied the claim saying israel obtained confessions from its staff under torture and arrest. the humanitarian situation in gaza could become worse if the conflict drags on and... continues to block desperately needed aid, that's according to julia tuma, director of communications at the un agency for palestinian refugees known as unra, she says more aid is needed desperately for the population in gaza, the population uh displacement, the bombardment, the war, the shops were running out of of basic supplies, so what was allowed in has been... very very
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small and we've seen a slight increase in the number of trucks that were coming in, by far not enough due to the israeli authorities not giving the united nations, including andra enough authorizations for us to go, travel to the north, bring in the supplies on the regular basis. they are uh where hits on the convoy either either on the way up or on the way down from northern gaza, and the last time that anra was allowed and able to bring in supplies safely to northern gaza was more than six weeks ago on the 29th of january. we welcome any effort that would bring in much needed. leaf and humanitarian assistance to people in gaza. it's very costly to do air drops, very, very costly, and the united nations uses airdrops as last resort, so so far the united nations under included has not participated in the airdrops also because we
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cannot afford it, but also from aid efficiency lens and point of view, what we are saying is that there is easier way, a more efficient way, faster way, a cheaper way, let's take for way. the palestinian authority prime minister and his cabinet submitted the resignations a couple weeks ago and now news has surfaced there is a replacement for the job one approved by pa president mahmod abbas in our explainer program we took a closer look at this issue. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is said to appoint muhammad mustafa as the next palestinian authority prime minister. now this comes after the former palestinian prime minister muhammad shataya resigned from office paving the way for muhammad mustafa. but who is muhammad mustafa? well mustafa is 69 years old. he's born intokarm in the west
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bank. he holds a doctorate economics from george washington university in the us. he has also worked at the world bank for 15 years. other notable points of his resume, he has served as pa's deputy prime minister, the economy minister and as a boss's economy advisor. other close to mahmoud abbas, he is not a fata member. mustafa has also sat on the palestine liberation organization executive committee since the year 2022. now he has also served as the chairman of the palestine investment fund since 2005. this is important since he oversaw a fund with nearly a billion dollars in assets, so that's a lot of money. why is that important? not only did he oversaw gaza's reconstruction under hamas rule after earlier war between israel and hamas, mustafa will be responsible for overseing billions of dollars and expected international aid. the introduction of new prime minister is part of an effort by
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mahmoud abbas to reform the pa, to create a technocratic government in the west bank. mustafa himself is widely regarded as an independent technocrat. he's been holding consultations with perspective. cabinet members in recent weeks, the members are expected to be a group of technocrats unaffiliated with the boss fata party. for those that may not know what a technocrat or technocratic government is, well it's one in which the ministers are not career politicians and they are experts in their ministerial fields. so hopefully that'll define that for you. once the technocratic government is in place, regional stakeholders will be able to move forward with plans to establish in-term committee. in gaza responsible for providing civil services and internal security in the enclave, eventually govern the gaza strip after israel's genocidal war against palestinians continues. well, there's some confusion in this stance since muhammad mustafa has also said in the next phase, what he will do was he would
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reunite gaza and the west bank. okay, this is a direct quote, this means god on the west bank will be one palestinian land, not separated actually by. a border with gaza, well the unit government will perform under a reformed government comprise of new prime minister, it will be tasked with taking care of arab countries and european donors. there's also request for the pa president to transfer some of his powers to the prime minister, and finally, will muhammad mustafa get along with the israeli regime? well, check out this quote, if we cannot remove the occupation, no reformed governments can build a good governance. system, doesn't sound like he and the israeli regime are on the same page, you be the judge,
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operation took israel off guard, playing doing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack. but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason. gaza stripped of life soon unpressed tv. and welcome back everyone, you're watching
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press tv, world news. leader of yamanzan movement vows operations against israel link vessels in the red sea will continue with high effectiveness. abdul mahouti added, american and british vessels will also be targeted until israel's genocide in gaza stops. the military operations will continue. with rocket firing and the operations where we are targeting the vessels that are linked to the israeli enemy and as well with the implication of the us and the vessels that are for the us and the uk and the uk as well and their aggression against our country in order to support the israeli enemy and our operations are also continuing against them and our targeting is also continuous against them, this is all with with god almighty support. through these operations we've added yemen's operations will further extend
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include those specials that cross the indian ocean towards south africa's cape of good hope. he said yamen's naval forces have so far targeted 73 vessels in the nearby waters. he stressed the military aggression against yemen by the us and uk has failed to deter the country from carrying out these operations and has had no effect its missile and drone capabilities. elsewhere in his remarks. he criticized some muslim states for inaction in the face of israel's campaign of genocide. he called on muslims to stand against the regime which is trying to turn gaza into uninhibitable land for palestinians. hothy reaffirmed israel is failed to achieve any of its goals in gaza. and aron's foreign minister says the israely regimes failed to achieve any of his proclaim goals during its monsout on gaza. hussein amry abdullah han says: lines of a historic defeat for the regime have already become clear. iran's top diplomat made the remarks
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a message to heads of hezbulah hamas and islamic jihad resistance movements on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of ramadan. am abdullahan sa israeli regime continues its campaign of genocide and inhumane crimes against palestinians, especially women and children during the holy month of ramadan. he said international organizations, including the un security council have failed. to adopt any effective and deterrant measure against the genocide. amir abdullahyan also slammed in action of so-called advocates of human rights in the face of israel's extensive crimes. people across russia are heading to poles to choose new president for the next six years a vote is taking place throughout the country's 11 time zones. more than 112,00 people are. eligible to cast ballots from friday until sunday. incumbent president vladimir putin is
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running for fifth term and he has a three rivals. they are from the new people's party, the liberal democratic party and the communist party. now prior to the election, putin called on russians to vote, saying people are the only source of power in his country. he said russia is going through a difficult period and needs to stay united and confident to overcome it. now vote is also taking place in four. russia annexed from ukraine in 2022, namely doriansk, luhansk, zaprigia and herson, now if this is a tipo, but i don't if it's 112,00, it maybe 112 million eligible to vote, um, we'll get that scored up for you shortly, but join us from moscow now for more on the story is a press tv correspondent johnny miller, hey johnny, hope you're safe and doing well out there in the russian capital, what can you tell us? uh with respect to this election? well, as you say, russians, millions of russians going to
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the poles over the next three days, friday to sunday. frankly, nobody expects anybody else to win except for vladimir putin, he's been effectively in power for last 20 years and almost certainly he will win another six-year term. the major reason for that is that he's very popular uh, that's the reality. uh, the economy is stable and growing, politically it's stable, despite of course the major... conflict, the war, the special military operation, as it's called here, that's going on in ukraine, um, the economy is strong, so uh, vladimir putin uh, will almost certainly win another term. has opposition, the main opposition is from the left and the right of him, the communist party usually comes second in these elections, and there's certainly opposition um, not necessarily about opposition to how the country is generally going, but certainly disagreements with vladimir putin from the from more in the right, more ultra-nationalists and of course there's also uh the opposition uh
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pro-western, anti- war opposition centered around navalni, of course navalni died in a russian prison some time ago, they say that... will hold some kind of protest today, but it's unlikely to be very large. the major uh concern i think from the russian authorities that they hope that the the next three days will go um by uh peacefully. there has been some warnings that there could be some violence. of course, nato countries in ukraine have been trying to destabilize russia uh on through these elections, ukraine mounting some incursions in the belgrad regions, so there'll be some concern over that, but the next three days should be an overwhelming success uh for the current government and johnny, how funny is that all the usual allegations we always hear from the us saying the russia is trying to interfere in our elections, we've heard all week, moscow saying the us has very concerted effort a few different fronts trying to interfere in this very election. well some of the most disturbing aspects of the british
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embassy, the british content, the american embassy wrote that... people to stay away from large crowds, they did that the the beginning of the week warning of terror attacks in russia, that hasn't been so far, but there will be some concern about that, and also, as i say, there's been attacks from ukraine, lot of drones being fired in in into mainland russia, and of course this these excursions, um, attempts of armed brigades, ukrainians into belg regions, which look like have been a failure, but there's certainly attempt uh to... make russians think that the current government isn't in control of the situations to sew some panic, to sew some um fear in the russian population, and that's what the russian government will be most concerned about, but it looks like at the moment those such attempts have have failed, but we'll have to see over the next few days. all right, thank you johnny, stay safe, i'm sure we'll check with you often to uh monitor
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this election very closely here, until then, johnny miller, their press tv correspondent everyone joining us. out of moscow, thank you, you b, well, nigerian muslims, like millions of others worldwide, are fasting during the holy month of ramadon, however rising cause for living in the country has caused significant challenges for many nigerian muslims during this fasting period. press tv danjuma abdullah, he reports. ramadan, sacret month in islam is a month to cultivate self-discipline, self-control. sacrifice and empathy for those in need. breaking of the fast in the evening known as iftar also fosters a sense of community and sharing as people come together to share a meal. here in nigeria, many muslims are observing the month of ramadan with fasting while grappling with the economic hardships
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plaging the country. the nira nigeria's currency experience a historic decline against... the dollar in february this year, leading to rampant inflation that has rendered life exceedingly difficult for many nigerians in ramadan where people need so much food, where people need to have um access to to basic supplies, and then you begin to find that prices are exorbitant, um, the food is not even there in the first place, you know, so we have double-edged inflation, the inflation is such that the... is not there and the food is not there. many people experience hunger before bedtime, making fasting during ramadan are formidable challenge. experts assert that there exists a fundamental issue that requires urgent attention. for a country where that is that has uh sorry uh 40% of the world's available land, you find that there is no food
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security, it begs for question, mean it begs for answer, you calls to question what exactly are agricultural policies. uh, what are we doing? i mean, how did we get here? it's really uh, quite pathetic. religious organizations like the al-habibiyah islamic society have established the food bank where muslims donate both money and food to support the less fortunate during ramadan. dedicated volunteers cook and package meals ensuring that hundreds of impoverished fasting muslims receive a warm meal for iftar in the evening. this here is to improve lives through the support of allah, with utmost humility and sincere gratitude to the almighty allah, things are now getting better for us. yesterday we provided meals for 2,200 people, on the first day of ramadan it was 1,600, and on the second day it reached 2002, only god knows the count for today. the nigerian
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government has recognized the food challenge and has moved to address it. this is in addition to other critical measures. beyond palliatives, experts say the nigerian government must have the right mix of fiscal and monetary policies in order to get out of the economics. situation, they say more than 60 thousand hectares of farmland have been abundant in northern nigeria because of the banditry and kidnapping, the government needs to address the general insecurity in nigeria. press tv, abuja. conflict in ukraine has led to major restructuring of the global weapons market. according to new report from top ngo dedicated to peace. europe has doubled its arms import. in recent years with russia dropping from its long time number two spot behind the us. rami mahari has your story out of paris. the top annual analysis of global
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arms sales found that france has risen to the number two weapons exporter in the world. the gains have often been made thanks to debt from ukraine, which has become europe's largest arms importer. french arms sales have sored. 50% in recent years and now comprise 11% of the global market. the world's leading arms dealer is still the united states which controls a record 42% of the global weapons trade. for us it's a little paradoxical that nation which claims to be a country which greatly respects human rights is also nation which is so very proud of its weapon sales. it's clear that the values of the french people and human rights are subservient. geostrategic interest, and we shouldn't celebrate france's arming of often dictatorial regimes. arm sales to ukraine has proven to be big business, and it may explain
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president emmanuel macron's about face on the conflict. two years ago macron warned that russia must not be humiliated, but he's recently become one of europe's leading anti-russia war hawks. france's top three arms clients are india, which is the world's... arms importer, followed by saudi arabia and tiny but rich qatar. africa is still reeling from 40 tons of illegal free arms drops france made in 2011 to support anti-kaddafi rebels in libya. as predicted, the weapons soon found their way to syria, the central african republic, ukraine and elsewhere. them as combat proven, so africa is not just a show window for french arms, but also a testing laboratory, and with allways destabilizing results for the
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continent. this week, french parliament approved a 10-year military pact with kiev, which guarantees billions and more weapons deliveries. russia continues to gain ground against nato-backed ukraine, which is an important reminder that some weapons are made to work under actual wartime. conditions and some are made mainly for sales and profit. ramen mazahari, press tv, paris. that's it for the latest press tv everyone. thank you for joining us and goodbye for now.
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صدق الله العلي العظيم.
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as hundreds of people have merged.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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gaza, october 7th, the sun is coming up. boats are moving up and down in the cool sea breath, seagals flying over the beach. the law before the storm, suddenly a buldozer breaks the israeli built fence around gaza.