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tv   Documentary Seeds of Doubts 2  PRESSTV  March 14, 2024 3:02pm-3:31pm IRST

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on june 18th, 1994. when francisco oscar
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lamolina, the referee of the opening game of the world cup, blew into the whistle, over 77,000 spectators were shouting in jeers at pineak silver dome stadium in detroit. it was the first time that the world cup was being held in the us. for a month, all eyes all of over the world were fixated at the event. the shining stars of the world of... people like romario, roberto bagio, kristojkov and george hagi filled the stadiums to the brim, with every goal, yellow or red cards, the stadiums were in operar, like the day when nigeria thashed bulgaria with three goals and the fans of the team were madly shouting out of joy, people who had traveled thousands of miles from africa, so... could watch the
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games up close. those days were good days for the people in africa, but not for all the residents of the continent. right at the time when people across the world were glued to their television sets to watch nigeria's exhilerating display of skills. in a part of africa, one of the most brutal genocide in the history of mankind was underway. apparently, rachel carson is the biggest murderer in history, and yet nobody was aware in for a long time. everyone admired carson for being a nice human being and a great author and also for her role as an environmental activist. she has been praised in numerous books, articles and reports, but in the...
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and the mask was removed from her face, they said that the woman who had a charming smile on her face in all of the pictures and the only thing she cared about was nature was behind the death of millions of people in africa. the deaths happened after she genetically modified mosquitoes. if we take a look at history, we'll find out that rachel carson's life in many ways had striking similarity with major criminals throughout history, like hitler who used to paint pictures when he was young man, or stalin who was a choire singer. carson was into art, literature and poetry. she was born in pennsylvania and graduated from johns hopkins university in 1932, after getting a degree in of
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zoology, she started her career as a journalist. 15 years later, she displayed so much talent and skills in the field of aquatic creatures that she supervised all publications in this field, during those years she'd write books besides working as a journalist. her books are an environment and the seas which gained cars and fame. she resigned from all of her posts in 1952, so she could concentrate mainly on writing books. the most important book she wrote in that period was her autobiography. the us media as well as many chemists and physicians say the book changed the fate of millions of people in african and many other parts of the world. carson's name turned into the nightmare of people who were grappling with malaria. in africa and asia, the mosquito is a mass killer. more than 2 million people die every year from malaria, which mosquitoes
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transmit. based on figures and documents proposed by dr. gordon edwards and entemologist at the university of san jose in california stated in his paper that the elimination of ddt helped the mosquitoes that transit malaria to reproduce without any barriers. in few years, the population of the mosquitoes grew so large that millions of africans fell victim to the disease and lost their lives. according to edwards in an article titled bias, misinformation. half truth published in 1992 in the science and technology magazine, the silent spring has been one of the deadliest books in history as it sent millions of people in africa to their death. some people put the number of fatalities at about 50 million people, larger
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than the number of the casualties in the second world war. the documents leaked in the 1980s and 1990s by some tobacco company staff revealed that the owners of the companies had known as an established fact from the 1950s that smoking can cause cancer. in one of these documents dated 1953, cloud tico, one the scientific advisors of camel tobacco company wrote to his director that the tobacco in cigarettes is one of the main factors behind long cancer and added that there is a direct correlation between smoking and long cancer. a decade before that, emma harris palmer, the head of the research center of lord yard acknowledged that there
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is ample evidence to prove the link between smoking and long cancer. the company is brown and williamson, america's third largest. tobacco company, the man they've set out to destroy is dr. jeffry waygan, their former $3000 year director of research. in 1996, another revelation was made on cbs's 60 minutes program. jeffrey wayand, one of the personel of the brown and williamson tobacco company, leaked significant information about the tobacco industry. michael man made a movie. out of the developments named the insider, starring russell crow, who played the role of jeffrey wayand. the movie received accalade by film critics catch you a lie, they can paint everything with that brush, you understand? everything you say, i told the truth, everything you say, and i
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can't defend you, man, with one hand tied behind my back, because you keep from me what they can discover, and they will discover everything, believe me. i was young. i was young. there are many documents like that, yet, when the scientists were summoned to the us congress to testify about the addictive aspect of nicotin, they all testified that the substance is not addictive. later, it was revealed that most of them were on the payroll of the tobacco companies. as us poet and writer upton bill sinkler said almost. century ago, it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it. the owners of the tobacco companies understood the meaning of this sentence very well. in today's world,
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money decide: that's what people should know and what they shouldn't. even worse, it is the big companies that decide to show a distorted image of the reality to the people, and they are. to get the scientists on board to achieve their goals. for years scientists and environmental activists have warned of the impact of fossil fuels on climate change. ordinary people try to meet their end of the bargain and make the earth less polluted. on the other hand, major company like exon
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mobile releases 320 scientific papers every year to argue that the company's oil activities and fossil fuel do not have much effect on climate change. in recent years, the company has hired thousands of scientists and has spent huge... amounts of money to get its messages across the scientific events and undermine conflicting scientific findings eventually reach its objective, creating fear among people. nothing as much as doubt can mislead the audience in their decision making, but this isn't all exon mobile does to create doubt among people. in 2000 2016, they spent $9 million for their lawyers and
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lobbies in washington to fail the climate change bill. the figure was $29 million in 2008. after eight years, the senators and representatives have grown soft spots and it seems it takes less to convince them. these measures have made many people in the us believe that exxon mobile is an advocate. of science, however, the scientific works in favor of exon mobile as it helps the company extract and sell more oil, yet, in order to find out how major companies like exon mobile take science hostage to serve their own objectives, we can highlight one more case, the james hansen case. uh, well, i'm james hansen, i'm the head of the gotard institute for space studies and a se okay. in 1988,
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james hansen, a nasa scientist who had studied environmental issues and the effects of co2 on the earth for years, mentioned the phenomenon called global warming. he took part in a congress session and raised the alarm over the phenomenon for mankind that can wipe off life. from the face of the earth, hansen was now known as the father of global warming. his statements quickly spread in major international media. george bush senior took advantage of the issue for his election campaign and talked about his administration's determination to put a bridal on global warming, but added, the issue still needs further study. after a while, the scientific advisers... at the white house entered the scene in a collaboration with the industry lobbyists in
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the us and raised doubts about the claims made by hansen, they and many other scientists argued that global warming has always existed and that the issue has happened during the renaissance and sought to pretend the issue as a natural phenomenon. the issue did not stop by providing scientific reasons. they said the claim can lead to reduction in production and can put breaks on us congress and warrant this is exactly what the communists and socialists want. hence hansen was accused of advocating communism. however,
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after several years, it has come to light that many of the figures who lectured people on television networks against global warming had no expertise in this field and had been picked by the companies to oppose hansen and his arguments. what's more? some of the people who were picked in debates on global warming were so frail that could not properly defend the issue. last week tonight presents a statistically representative climate change debate. good evening, joining me tonight, a climate change denier and naturally bill nice science guy. uh, so bill, bill, john, yep, humans are causing climate change, no question. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, before we begin on, in the interest of
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mathematical balance, i'm going to bring out two people who agree with you, climate skeptic, and bill k, i'm also going to bring out 96. other scientists uh, it's a little unwieldy, but this is the only way you can actually have a representative discussion uh, so yeah, please, please file in, again, again, this is, this is going to make the debate difficult, we shouldn't really be having it in the first place, but uh, it was back then when global warming was labeled as a theory to further question its validity, in fact, the global warming issue... was important for factory owners and governments more than anyone else, because if everyone believed in it, and in case the regulations on co2 were to be tightened, they would have been deep in trouble, so the companies, the media and scientists affiliated with them, resorted to strange tactics. for example,
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when global warming alarmists published a magazine, the opponents also published a similar magazine in the same size and color and even the number of pages to misleed congress members. the interesting point was the magazine was signed by over 31,00 american scientists. the medias trest on the number time and time again. look, 31,000 scientist and engineers signed a statement. to the contrary to the what you just read, the oregon vitition, yes, more than 31,00 scientists, more than 31,00 scientists, and more than 31,00 american scientists rejecting global warming alarmism. political pressure forced nasa in 2004 to commit to the white house that it won't publish hansen's studies
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without prior approval. what's more, the data on global warming were... moved from public access. hansen was also warned that he could not take part in regular interviews by npr. they even manipulated the results of studies by hansen, so he had to go to congress once again and sit face to face with algore, one of proponents of hansen's theory. al gore continues to run a foundation to fight global warming. during the... he asked hansen to elaborate on parts of his report, but hansen said those parts of the report were not his statements and they had been altered. in fact, a person named philipp conney who used to work an oil company was put in charge of the bush administration's environmental
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policies. he received the report from the united states. environmental protection agency that had warned of the global warming. connie had no knowledge on the issue. he edited the report and removed the paragraph and instead wrote, "these are just claims and speculations." algore shed light on the incident in 2005, which was a scandal for the white house. philip conney had to resign few days later under pressure. but the day after his resignation, khany was recruited in the xonmobile oil company. that was exactly the time when hansen was ridiculed and repelled by the media. conny accomplished his mission,
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because of the efforts by him and his colleagues to confuse people on global war. today almost half of the people in the us do not believe the issue, besides the ordinary people, some top politicians in the world also think that global warming is a big joke, so obama is talking about all of this with the global warming and that and lot of it's a hoax, it's a hoax, i mean it's a money making industry, okay, donald trump was the vanguard the doubters, just days into... to his presidency, he posted a tweet writing, it's snowing and freezing in new york city, what the hell ever happened to global warming? he had better taken a trip to greenland. and the disappeared ice sheets before openly doubting the global warming. his remarks were in line
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with the flary of doubts that the owners of major companies have been planting in people's minds for many years, so the industry giants keep going. their survival depends on not understanding. ich will noch also meine studium.
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ناگون انسانی در شعر توجه کردن. زبان مردم خودش هست. رنج های جامعه خودش رو می بینه. همین رنج ها هم بعدها برای او تنگناها و محدودیت و دشواری هایی رو فراهم می آورد. what is most important is the depth of paris's belief and her vision for the empowerment of women. i believe that working together we can make
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playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack, but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? gaza stripped
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of life soon unpress tv. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. فتعرفونها وقل الحمد لله سيريكم اياته فتعرفونها وما ربك بغافر عما تعملون؟ صدق الله العلي العظيم.
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christ of v headlines in this hour, dozens of palestinians are killed in fresh israeli air strikes in gaza, pushing the overall death toll from the aggression to more than 31,340. "an aid-boat set sail from cyprus is gradually heading toward the gaza strip with growing calls for further humanitarian assistance to the besieg territory. also the headlines, russia and ukraine launch new wave of drone strikes against each other with both sides reporting casualties and damage to the buildings.