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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 11, 2024 9:30am-10:03am IRST

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first of the headlines, this hour now in this 157th day, this is the genocide in gaza claims more civilian lives as the death doll tops 31,00 mostly women and children by the... indian resistance fighters carry out more retaliatory operations against israely forces in gaza, inflicting losses and casualties on them, and on the eve of the holy month of ramadan, israeli forces block the entry of hundreds of palestinian worshippers into the alassa mosque.
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9:30 a.m. in iran's capital tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. israel keeps pounding gaza, killing more palestinians in fresh strikes across the besieg territory. the regime's warplanes have struck area near the nasarat refugee camp in central gaza. the camp itself was also targeted an air raid. in gaza city, the dead bodies of 10 palestinians were recorded. from under the rubble of house and were then transfered to alsafa hospital. israel's genocidal war in gaza is now in his six month. the death doll has passed 31,000, most of them women and children. the war has reduced much of gaza into rubble, as israel's relentless attacks target a wide range of buildings from schools to mosks. according to gaza's government media office, 220 mosks have been completely damaged since october the 7th. israely forces have... intensified
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attacks on residential buildings in central and southern gaza in the past 24 hours. let's listen to our correspondent in daryl bala, musaba. who joined us earlier for more details. the israeli accubition forces maintained and continued their air strikes against several areas in gaza strip. those air strikes actually were intensified over the last couple of hours against refugee camp, another residential building. was destroyed, at least three palestinian civilians were reportedly killed while thousands were injured in that attack. it's what mentioning that over the last night the israeli incubation forces committed an opining massacre after destroying a residental square in a noserati fiji camp that included uh several residental buildings in addition to stores and warehouses and shops and a big fire actually engulfed those houses and those uh shops there. at least nine palestinian civilians. were revertedly
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killed over the last attack and in the meantime the israeli artillery maintained shilling the eastern part of their balah city here as we are standing right now uh while in gaza city the israeli wanes also renewed their strikes against uh several residential buildings another residental building was destroyed and flattened particularly in the southern part of gaz city at least nine palestinian civilians were reportedly killed over the last couple of hours. uh over that attack and in the meantime, when it comes to hanyuni city, as you know that the israeli incubation forces are still attacking hammed neighborhood located in the area between balah city and khanuni city, more residental buildings were blasted and blown up by the israeli occupation forces, meanwhile the eastern parts of kanuni city also were subjected to more attacks of the israeli incubation forces as more residental buildings in al karara neighborhood were...
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destroyed and the blasted by the israel activation forces. the united states and the european union have announced new methods to send humanitarian aid to the gaza strip. however, there are many questions about the motives behind the plan. in our explain of program, we took a closer look at the issue. as mass starvation and famin are engulfing the entire gaza strip leading to palestinians dying, the west namely. us and the eu may have woken up to this grim reality that there may be a massive loss of palestinian lives, or are they just giving the impression that they care? now there are announcements of ports and maritime corridors that will deliver aid, but many are questioning the us and eu's real intentions. first, the us president revealed that the us military would lead emergency mission to establish a port off the gaza strip. this is what we know so far. now based on the announcement by the pentagon, the us military will set up temper,
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is going to be as follows: the shipping vessels are going to transfer cargo to what's called j lots. now jlot is a capability that enables us forces to enter the land area from the sea due to lack of port infrastructure, since ga does not have a functioning port. now this land area is reached a causeway or pier. the cause would then lead to a port. that's the general outline of what we're seeing here. destruction of the jaillos will require considerable manpower, based on the announcement again by the pentagon will involve more than 1, us personnel. also, the pentagon wanted to be known that there would be no us boots on the ground as part of the construction process. there's another claim
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that the pentagon has made when it comes to the number of meals that it can be delivered. this is what it has said, which is pretty ambitious that it can process more than 2 million meals to the citizens of gazan. per day, now loading that much food inside the gaza strip, well that's a mammoth task. no sooner had joe biden announced this port idea, then the eu also came out and made announcement its own that it would provide a maritime corridor to the gaza strip. this is what we know, it's a cyprus initiative, it's named amalf, eight corridor, the countries involved, the united states, the united kingdom, and the united arab emirates. now, this corridor would allow aid to be shipped from c to the coast of gaza, a uk operator ship would offload the cargo without the need for a physical port. this entire process is made possible by off-loading to a floating pier. although it's pretty odd how both the eu and the us have announced their aight plan simultaneously. it's worth pointing out that
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what the major differences are. well, the us one involves what's called the cosway that you see there in the picture, and then the j loss, which we explained what it was. the eu plan however, consists of ships dropping off aid. on what's called a floating pier, like in this picture here, but the big difference, the time frame. the us plan will take up to two months or 60 days to complete, the eu plan, as it has been announced, is ready to go, or within a matter of days. and here are the reactions to us's plans for aid to gaza, which is viewed as efforts that are just a little too late in the game. mustafa baruti, the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative said that this is not a new idea, and he also added uh, another effort, he said, to divert attention, and of course the real issue that 700 thousand palestinians are starving in the north, gaza, and that's what this diversion is doing. well, the us construction of the port has faced backlash from many who hold the us as
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guilty as israel when it comes to the genocide. just some of the reactions uh, that is pretty common, especially in social media, you're trying to cover the gaza genocide, another ease. national pressure both on israel and the us, and also what about the us military aid to israel? that is very popular one, which we have noticed. the military spokes brigades, has blasted the israel regime for weaponiz food. now this is what he has said based on his statements here, using starvation against palestinians to put pressure on hamas into a cease fire is something he capitalized on, and also he said no captive swap without. the aggression, so as we can see, hamas is into accepting at the not accepting the temporary cease fire, but rather it wants a permanent one. is climate
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change real? is smoking cigarettes really hazardous? ddt insecticides really work against malaria mosquitoes. for decades, companies have hired scientists to sew seeds of doubt among people and keep them perplexed. this way they can keep excreting oil, producing cigarettes and many other things without a nuisance. watch. the details in this documentary. welcome back to the news on press tv. the military wing of the palestinian resistance movement tomas has
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inflicted losses on israeli forces in its fresh retaliatory attacks in gaza. local samber gates said his fighters managed to detonate a building an undisclosed location in gaza. said that an israely engineering core soldier was shot in the head an area near the southern city of hannus and in northern gaza the dalsan brigades targeted an israeli military post using a drone, another israeli soldier was also targeted by resistance snipers in gaza city. palestinian resistance fighters have been putting stiff resistance to israeli soldiers since the start of the regime's ground invasion of gaza. french lawyer and academic gees devers has told press tv that he is building an army
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of attorneys to defend palestinians in international tribunals. he has already filed the complaint with the international criminal court to bring israel to justice for his genocide in gaza. when we filed the complaint on the 9th of november through a simple call and through pre-existing contacts very. quickly, in only one week we had 650 lawyers on board coming from all over the world, from pakistan to chile, to european countries, africa, from all over the world, so that's when we decided to take a different route. we started working together going from country to country with the help of bar associations, and at the moment i believe that there is more than 100 thousand of us lawyers, of course that is mainly because in some very large countries, national bar associations have endorsed our efforts and this has
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greatly empowered us. for example, algeria and then morocco, of course, morocco's case is a little more complicated, but we still have very influential attorneys who have signed our papers, palestine, which of course was the first to join in, and with which we are working closely. there is lot to be done and our palestinian counterpart. are doing their best. indeed, you must note that the power of lawyers allows them to go to court and address the prosecutor, and go to the international court of justice and say, "this is matter of legal concern for professionals in this field, those who understand what is happening from legal perspective, and those who demand the judicial system do its job. and this army of lawyers is one that i can say will always be available. palestinians are under bombs, palestinian children are suffering, the elderly, the sick are dying
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from famin. we will defend their rights, we will defend all palestinians. the palestinian hamas has blamed the israeli regime for the failure to reach an agreement a cease fire in gaza. in a statement, the hamas political bureau chief said the movement will not settle for anything less than a full sessation of israeli aggression and the withdrawal of the occupation forces from gaza. ismahanah said israel has evaded providing guarantees required for a ceasefire during the talks held so far. he added that israel has not even committed to having people return to the areas that they were pushed out of. haniah noted that hamas has shown great responsibility, positivity and flexibility in the negotiation process mediated by qatar and egypt. the israely forces have denied hundreds of worshippers entry into the alasmask on the eve of the holy month of ramadan. "i windness accounts indicate that israeli troops detained citizens at the gates of the mosk and blocked
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their access to it. the regime's forces also imposed restrictions on young men entering the mosque. meanwile, palestinian islamic jihad movement denounced the move, it said the descration of the mask by israely forces and settlers and refusing worshippers access to it, amount to quote playing with fire. the israel regime has kept the alasamas under tight seage for five months, denying worshippers entry into the holy site. "the leader of the movement has vowed the yemani armed forces will continue their operations in support of the palestinians in the gaza strip. abdul malik al-huthi was referring to the attacks that were launched against the israeli bound vessels in the bret sea and the gulf of aden. he condemned the israeli regime for what he called the crime of genocide committed against the palestinians in gaza. al huthi praised the emany nation for the massive pro-palestine rallies that were held across the arab country. the ana leader warned. the repercussions of not supporting palestinians would affect the entire muslim world. yemen has recently intensified its
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operations against us vessels following washington's attacks on yemani soil. now top yemani official muhammad ali hothi has warrant the us against the continuation of its hostile actions in the red sea. he stated that the yemini army is fully aware of the loop holes in american aerial operations which can be. exploited during the takeoff or landing of us fighter jets. the movement of the american, british and israeli enemy are monitored by our forces, especially in the... context of the recent escalation during which we witnessed air strikes against yemeni territories. our monitoring includes any take up for landing to and from american ships. we are able to target them and our operations are legitimate in defense of our brothers in gaza and in defense of our land that is being targeted by american air strikes. according
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to experts cm always sent several warnings to enemies before taking any military action. the say the militarization of the region will only result in escalation of the conflict, which will also impact the rest of the world, including europe and america. the presence of american forces in the battleships in the red sea put them within the reach of our weapons and thus the yemen leadership's warning to america indicates that the yemeni armed forces have the ability to hit enemy forces, including war plane station on aircraft carriers. when these aircraft take off, they can be dealt with by appropriate weapons. whether ballistic missiles or drones, the continued presence of american forces in yemani regional waters will further complicate the situation, and the region does not need more militarization, and if the situation escalates here, the consequences will reach america and europe. in november 2023, sana announced a naval siege on israeli maritime navigation and solidarity with the oppressed people of palestine. however, the
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us and uk launched several attacks on yemen in order to stop its operations against israel. linked ships and the red sea. since then, the yemani army intensified its maritime attacks against american and british vessels in retaliation for their aggression. experts say the yemani army, despite its limited capabilities, has succeeded in exposing the weaknesses within the us military, which is regarded as one of the most powerful in the world. they argue that following the recent warning from yemen, the us must sees its intervention in regional waterways to salvage its reputation on the global state. reporting for pr ab movement says it is targeted the israeli maron settlements with dozens of katucha rockets. this comes in response to the regime's latest attacks on southern lebanon which left five civilians, including four members of the same family dead. earlier we spoke to our correspond mariam sal in south lebanon to get
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more details about the developments. well actually in the last four. 5 minutes or so we were hearing sounds of of explosions non-stop, especially in the area behind us, which is the occupied shiba farms and the khashuba hills. we learned later from hazballah statements, at least two that there were simultaneous operations both in the al sumaca post uh and the armtha post. now because of the clouds hovering over the uh the the area of the shabat farms because they're pretty high, mountains were... able to show you the exact uh base, but it seemed that hazbullah's rockets reached areas that are even behind those mountains as well, so even uh also simultaneously in addition to the sounds of hazbullah's rockets that were uh pounding uh the uh shaba farms post, there were also there was also another significant operations against the area of maali golan
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which is also right behind the shabal farms post and also we had a big number of operations if i can just... walk you through them uh in addition to the mali golan which was targeted by the use of rockets and anti-tank it seemed rockets we also had a burkan rocket that reached the group of soldiers in the alrah post, we also had another uh attack against the radar post which is also in the yakubat farms where hazballah said it destroyed devices and hardware in that post specifically there was another attack and targeting of the israeli armored personnel carrier namer, which is considered one of the vehicles that the israelis are proud since they which they manufacture, it seems that has lost its reputation. pro- palestine protesters in amsterdam have slammed a visit by the israeli president to the dutch capital. the
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pro-palestine campaigners gathered outside of the holocaust museum where isaac herzoch attended the opening ceremony, they chanted slogans against israel's genocidal war against the besieged gaza strip calling for the boycott of the regime. they also wave palestinian flags urging for an end to the occupation of the palestinian lands. people in pakistan have organized. the gaza marched to denounce the international community's silence regarding israel's onslot on the palestinian territory, her correspondent nasir kazmi reports from islamabad with further details. through the streets of the pakistani capital islamabad as thousands of demonstrators gathered to condemn the united
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states and israel. the protest organized by pakistan's largest religio political party, jamaat islami, saw passionate crowds marching through the streets, expressing solidarity with the palestinian cause and denouncing israel's actions which take place with the support. the us, of course there should be sease fire long ago, but even now we are pressing for it and you have seen how irresponsible and insensitive byden has been responding, she he was just having ice cream and talking about cefire as if it was very casual affair and on the other hand the way children are dying, women are dying from morning till night and especially there are... of prisoners which are taken by israel and there are large number of women and children who have been taken as prisoner and their condition is bathatic. the acts of
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solidarity in pakistan reflect wide spread outrage and sympathy for the plight of the palestinian people. as a pakistani citizen, i think that our government government, our government should immediately call for sease fire. and by caught all the products that are supporting the israeli aggression in palestine and i also want to say that the whole world should come out of their houses and protest because the kids palestinian kids are starving right now and they are being starved and they are scared and they are homeless and they are they have nothing eat and drink and they are dying and how can anybody bear that the protesting pakistanis called on the government to cut its ties with the us over what they call the barbaric role in the killing of innocent men, women and children in gaza. people here in pakistan are concerned about the ongoing atrocities
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committed by israeli forces in gaza. they are demanding that the international community inforce immediate cease fire by bringing the us and israel to the international court of justice for their war crimes in gaza. press tv islamabad. syrians struggled to survive under inhumane western sanctions in ramadan, while the plight of their starving brothers and sisters in gaza waves heavily on their hearts and minds. our correspondent abraham reports from damascus. syrians have long been accustomed to eagerly welcoming the holy month of ramadan, brimming with joy and happiness, but this year has proved an unusual sense of sadness as the harsh ex economic conditions exacerbated by unjustified western sanctions is casting a shadow over their celebrations. moreover, their hearts are heavy with sorrow for their
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brethren and gaza who endure the devastating consequences of the ongoing israeli unslot. we are going through painful situation as people do not have money due to the poor economic conditions. as store owners, we are trying to consider the people's circumstances by reducing prices during ramadan. however, basic production materials are expensive due to the importing difficulties. ramadan is always a special month, as it is a month of worship, patience and blessings, especially in palestine. however, this year, it is as if palestinians in gaza have been fasting for more than five months. we pray for them and gain our determination, patience and steadfastness from them, from the brave faces of gaza's children, the resilience of its resistance fighters and patience of its steadfast women. ramadan comes this year while the western world, which claims freedom and humanity practices double standards with
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the people of gaza who are suffering from hunger, blockades and israeli crimes. palestinians are paying the price for demanding their freedom and legitimate rights. syrians will always stand with them until the final victory over the zionist regime and the liberation of the occupied lands. the month of ramadan. comes this year amed the continued and just western economic blockade on syria, we see our people in gaza suffering from blockade, hunger, killing, destruction and continuous zionist aggression without deterrant. syrians are living nation because they have defended resistance, and the palestinian people are the soul of resistance. we say to the west, you will lose, and the access of resistance from iran to iraq, syria, lebanon, palestine. 'and yemen will prevail. we will break the caesar act and all your blockades on syria and gaza, and we will all pray in our kids. syrian
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message to their brothers and sisters in'. in gazah is that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, your tragedy in gaza remains even more challenging, and your resilience is inspiration, not only for us, but for all free people around the world. syrians welcome ramadan this year amed hard economic conditions due to unjust western sanctions and with heavy hearts for their beseed brothers and sisters in gaza, yet their commitment to the resistance fuels their faith in eventual victory. and that does with this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now,
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this week on expos a, although aaron bischnell explicitly stated that his actions were a protest against the zionist entities genocide of palestinians, western media misreports his motivation as a protest against the israeli hamas war. a debunked article claiming that hamas actually assaulted palestinian women during the al-aqsa flood operation causes controversy for the new york times. times and pro-palestinian activists praised bushnell as a hero who succeeded in bringing attention to the calamity and genocide suffered by the palestinian people. right here on expos a, the truth is just to revelation away.
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sheikh talal abdurrahman shirim, a former prisoner in israeli regime prisons, dealing with the situation in palestine and talking to someone who understands and knows the zionist regime very well. freedom is priceless and must. the palestinian detainee suffers two pains. the first pain when his house is rided by the occupations army. the second suffering that the prisoner will endure begins when he is placed in the army troops vehicle. we hope that the blood that was shed in gaza was not in vain and that they will achieve the freedom and preserve the dignity.
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se demand karta hon, uske baad hamare workers, leadershipdan karenge, lekin wo leader hai jo.
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with you're still tuned into the conversation, your weekly alternative probe of political events and current affairs around ireland. i'm joined by our special guests, dr. mark humpries from ireland, israel alants, along hamza tortis from the salpient institute. uh, do you see mark at as do you see the impact that it's had on jews? of course i do. i look, i, i, i consider myself empathic. the the impact it has had, of course it's going to be traumatic. if that's how they perceive things, i'm not deny.