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tv   Iran An Insiders View of the Country Top Iranian Sweets  PRESSTV  March 10, 2024 5:46am-6:01am IRST

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terror bombing of doniesc an exclusive documentary on press tv now uh of course ukraine has been shelling donyetzk uh for months now indeedly for the last eight years when they're not trying to hit military targets, they focus on civilian targets. british filmmaker johnny miller goes to the region to delve into the heart of the conflict between the two neighboring countries.
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now one of the most popular traditional iranian sweets is called sohan. in order to find out more about that, we've come to the city of gold. سوان قدمتش تاریخیه به زمان قاجار برمیگرده یعنی به این شکل نبوده قبلاً به صورت حلوا پخته میشده بعد دیگه کم کم به این روال پیش اومده قالبای متنوع ترهای جدیدتر occasion.
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visiting rome to take part in a special ceremony. the king was amazed by the taste and his new found sensation quickly became popular in the court and later spread among ordinary people as a tasty treat with plenty of health benefits. iran's tea loving culture has its own specialities to enjoy.
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the traditional iranian confection is made by boiling sugar with water and rose water and then coating the roasted almonds or other nuts and seeds with it. this part requires lot of expertise. no has very special place in iranian culture. serving it is considered a sign of happiness. that is why it's included in wedding celebration. حالوا رو تو چند تا مجلس استفاده می کنن فقط صرفاً برای خدای نکرده مجلس عذا نیستش یعنی ما برای سفره های مذهبی یا نظری از حلوا استفاده میکنیم. you've probably already heard of the
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word halavah, a dense sweet confection served across the middle east and north africa. halva literally means dessert or sweet. in iran, it's specific.
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particularly during the holy month of ramadan, providing a much needed blast of sugar after a day of fasting, and a perfect
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sweet to have with your tea, which is why it is consumed all year round. another traditional treat is a souvenir for... isfahan, you've probably heard of this one because it's quite well known around the world. gas a suite with plenty of health benefits. no trip to iran and isfahan in particular would be complete without gas, a persian nugget with pistacheos. gas is actually made with the sap of the angabin plant, which in persian is called gazangebin and that's where it gets its name from. اصلی گزبین های گیاهی هستش که شامل ترنجبین، شیرخش انگبین هایی که از گذای علفی استفاده میشه. شکر، گلوکز، گلاب، سفیده، تخممرغ و بهترین مغزهایی که از مغزهای پسته بادوم ازش استفاده
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میکنن و داخل ترکیبات گز قرار میدن. rectangles, depending on the ingredients mixed in, gas can have a subtle rose flavor or nutty taste, it can be white or it can become a little bit yellow because of the addition of spices such as saffron (gisumishah ahmadi) for iran.
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the israeli occupation demonstrates its hatrid on houses of the lord. this mask was reduced to rubble by f-16 warget. their way led to the destruction of the houses around the mosk, causing the fall of marchers and injuries amongst neighbors of the mosk. the palestinians did not stand on the romans of the mosks idly, but they created temporary mosks that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer.
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i believe that working together we can make history.
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and it's worse than that, they are using islamophone. we to demonize palestine solidarity solution avec l'occupation
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média français montrez la vérité média français.
6:00 am
hello and welcome to press tv, spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us, well it is day 155 of this... estopian reality that we are witnessing, the zionist regime can't