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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 8, 2024 8:30am-9:02am IRST

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of your headlines here on press tv: is really forces once again kill gosons waiting for 80 trucks as regimes indiscriminate attacks claim more civilian lives across a blockaded enclave. a un expert says israels launched a starvation campaign against palestinians by destroying the gaza's food system. and the islamic resistance in iraq targets israel's military barracks at rosh pina airport in the north of occupied territories in support of the palestinians of gaza.
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hello everyone, it's 7 a.m. in the besieg gazo strip and you're watching press tv world news. it's now over five months into israel's genocidal campaign on gaza and the regime's indiscriminate attacks continue claiming more civilian life. in one of the latest attacks, at least 10 palestinians were massacred and several wounded after israeli forces bombed two homes and abalah in central gaza, most of the victims, women and children. separately, at least two people were killed and dozens injured, some critically when israely forces fired at aid seekers at al nabulsi and al- kuwait roundabouts in gaza city. meanwhile, more civilians were killed and injured by israely bombing of a home in jabalya in northern gaza. the israely genocide is so far killed 30,800 palestinians, mostly women and children. and thousands of others have gone
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missing and our fear dead and presume buried under rubble. nazar's largely destroyed vital civilian infrastructure in gaza as a months long war on the besieg territory continues raging on, and now with the collapse of basic urban services, fears are growing of the spread of deadly diseases and epidemics among local palestinians. muti abu musabe joins us earlier from dear albala. as the war on gaza continues andabated, israel is pressing ahead with its systematic move to dehumanize the entire population of the gaza strip and destroy all aspects of life in the beege territory. piles of rubbish and solid waste are now normal scene in gaza's streets after israeli forces targeted all parts of civil life in gaza including the municipalities where dozens of the crews were killed, wasted storages and related equipment, including
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waste collection vehicles were also destroyed in the war and completely paralyzed. israel forces targeted several vehicles used to remove the rubbish, as you can see over there, this left us paralyzed in handling the tremendous amounts of the rubbish left by the displaced people crammed in the central area. we demand that all international bodies help by providing us with the needed equipment and vehicles. not only did the deliberate israeli attacks against the municipalities cause this crisis, but israel prevention of delivery of fuel needed to operate the vehicles and equipment was in the problem, this caused rubbish and wastes to pile up on the streets and in shelters. this is a big problem, we have been suffering from since the beginning of the war on gaza, the rubbish is scattered everywhere in the vicinity of the hospital, which causes a lot of diseases for people, particularly the children. infectious diseases are ravaging palestinians in war torn gaza as the health system collapsed by the... war and their conditions and
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discurcity of food and clean water have set of a public health crisis. the gaza health ministry alongside many international organizations has called for an end to the catastrophe that is looming in terms of the infectious diseases that began to spread a wide scale among the displaced palestinians. hundreds of thousands of those people, mostly women and children were now diagnosed with contagious diseases like hepatitis and intestinal diseases. more than 150 days of this war led to mass displacement of the people who cramped in the evacuation centers without having a real access to the hygiene and cleanness. this caused a lot of infectious diseases, particularly among the children. needless to mention the several shortage of the medical supplies and assistance ammit the overwhelming number of injuries inflicted by the israeli attacks. months long insistent. israeli bombardments
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have butt the fast majority of the health facilities out of service, this as limited sanitation facilities and overcrowding shelters are causing the spread of disease and keeping gazes from covering, it's another dark side of the deep catastrophe that is still afflicts the palestinian people as a result of the ongoing apocalyptic israeli genocide in the gaza strip while the outcies the palestinian civilians are still unanswered and immuted by the american veto press tv the central area of gaza strip. a un expert says israel is destroying gaza. food system is part of the regime's broader starvation campaign and its genocidal war. michael fakhri, the un special reporter on the right to food was addressing the human rights council. he's a destroying gaza's food system runs along with israel's restrictions on humanitarian aid into the territory.
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fachry said israel has mounted its starvation campaign by even targeting small-scale fisherman, destroying around 80% of gaza's fishing sector. meanwile, a report by rights group action aid international says women in gaza are giving birth to still born babies due to malnutrition and the collapse of humanitarian operations is that many children have also died in hospitals due to malnutrition. and now palestinian women of gaza face death and destruction as the world marks international women's day and now gaza's government media office says that israel has killed nearly 9,000 women during its genocidal campaign, in a statement, the media office said regime's attacks have also injured 23,000 women and displays over half million is a palestinian women continue to suffer from killings, injuries, displacement,
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detention and torture, media office slam the international community for merely watching as a regime commits grave atrocities against gauzans. it says 60,000 pregnant women under extremely difficult conditions in gaza, lacking the most basic healthcare requirements. the statement urged the world to take steps and end israeli occupation and support the rights and needs of palestinian women. این افتخار داشتم که به عنوان اولین بانوی دریانورد. جمهوری اسلامی ایران و خاورمیانه وارد سیستم دریاندی بشم کسی بهم کار نمیداد اوائل می شستم تو اسکله همه میومدن مسافراشونو میزدن منم وایمیستادم که خلاصه یه نفرشون پایین کار بده کار هرکس نیست که بخواد
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این کارا رو انجام بده بخواد این حکومت این دریا رو این شناوری دریا رو به دست بگیره من. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. a new report says reuters journalist who died in southern lebanon last october was killed after an israeli tank fired shells at a clearly identified group of journalists. report says after that shelling regimes tanks crew likely opened heavy
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machine gun fire at journalists wounding six others as well. now one of those journalists later had to have leg amputated. report said the journalists were fired upon for over two minutes. separate. investigative reporters had reached similar conclusions in the past, news outlets and rights groups say reports suggest deliberate attack on journalists that amounts to a war crime on the part of the israeli forces. according to palestinian media, the regime is killed more than 130 journalists and media workers since starting its genocidal war on gaza early october. the islamic resistance in iraq has launched. attack against israely targets and occupied territories and support of the palestinians in gaza. the iraqi resistance says it carried out a drone attack on military barracks at rosh pina airport in northern occupied territories. this after iraqi resistance targeted israel's carry out shimono airport
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with a drone and earlier this week they targeted israeli port of high for twice hitting a chemical facility and power station with drones. now the is on. resistance and iraq says it will continue its attacks on israeli targets until the regime stops its genocide. it's also struck major american military bases in both syria and iraq over. washington support for israel's onslout. see fire talks and carro between hamas and israel have ended without a breakthrough. negotiations are reportedly set to resume next week, but hopes are dim for a result, especially before ramadan. earlier in our explainer program, we discussed this issue in detail. now there's a real push for a temporary ceasefire or a temporary truth to take place before ramadan when it comes to
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the us israel genocidal aggression. the us and the israeli regime, while giving the impression that they are after a ceasefire, are still continuing with the genocidal war full steam ahead, as of punishing the palestinian side to succum to their terms. now, at this point, hamas has received the draft proposal of the deal and has agreed to some of the terms. now, taking a look at the first stage in terms of what it would cover, well uh... on the ceasefire which in the first stage is going to take place, the time frame is 40 days, as you see here, in order for that to happen, both parties need to stop their military operations completely, including israel's aerial reconnaissance operations over the gaza strip and for it to stop for 8 hours a day. then comes the issue of detainees, which has been one of the toughest issues actually to resolve. now there has been an agreement on what types of israel will be... least uh taking a look at what was agreed upon, you have women,
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children under the age of 19, the elderly aged 50 years and above, and the sick, which will be exchanged, those are the categories, the ratio, now that's something that needed some convincing on the hamas side, which it appears it has settled for one, the exchange would be in terms of the ratio, as you're about to see 10 to one, okay, and that's pretty important, there are 134 captives, there's been an agreement for 40 israeli captives to be released, so when you take the look at the uh number of israeli captives based on the ratio of 10 to1, obviously 10 times more equals 400, the number of palestinian prisoners which will need to be released. now keep in mind that this ratio was 3 to1 in the previous trips, israel has said if more than 40 are released, more days will be added to the ceasefire, and that's an important point. now is important due to the number of palestinian prisoners that uh israel has languishing in their jails, it's
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good to uh have a reminder of that, israel has about 13,00 palestinian prisoners, how do we get to that total? well, before the aggression, you had 5,00 that were languishing in the jails and then since october 7th you have uh what 8,00, obviously the grand total there being 13,ous palestinian prisoners, so this somewat actually gives the appearance that it's detaining. after commencing the first phase, israel is said to reposition his forces away from the densely populated areas in the gaza strip, once something like that happens, again if there's a cease fire temporary one at that, which will be good upon, then you have palestinians which will then have a right to gradually return to... what is said to be the northern part of the gaza strap. now there's a precondition there except men
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of military service which are aged above to the northern gaza strip. now on the humanitarian side there is a big need for eight supplies and the following is what's on the table. the commitment that's being made and this is a minimal in order to provide for the needs of palestinians you're looking at 500 trucks a daily of humanitarian aid. now the current number is. way below the required amounts uh ranging from none to tens of trucks. there's also commitment to provide tents, 200,00 of them is what's uh been hashed out and also for caravans, looking at the number to be 60,000 for that. one of the snacks to hit the deal is that israel wants a list of captives to find out who is actually dead or alive, but hamas says it would first need a halt to the aggression. now the hamas political bureau uh member, basim naim, this is... what he has said, it is impossible to know exactly who is still alive and who has been killed, that's very logical. another
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thing that he has said in terms of the demand that israel has made, these captives are in different areas with different groups, different resistance groups in the gaza strip, so that's another reason why that list has not been released, and then finally he has said, we have called for a ceasefire okay, in order to be able to collect the data, so these are all very logical stances that... hamas has taken on that request and demand by israel. well, the latest is that the united states is preparing a new ceasefire resolution to submit to the un security council, in it, what it has. backed is immediate cease fire of which it would last six week in duration. also the release of all captives, it's all for that obviously, and the support of the ongoing negotiations on the ground. uh, linda, thomas greenfield, the us ambassador to the un is circulating this text to then be officially submitted. now the us hypocresy however is in full
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display when it comes to palestinians that are getting killed, for example from lack of food and and why? well check out this most recent entry which reveals us hypocricy when it comes to military assistance. just came out yesterday, us has quietly approved more than 100 weapons package for israel, amounting to thousands of munitions since the onslot began. thousands of these bombs the us has approved somewhat without making any noise about it. next up, the video, as you saw, three of them by the un, and then this, the us request for a ceasefire was not a permanent one. so uh we can see that that's something hamas is requiring, but the us is only opting for a uh not a permanent ceasefire, which puts again us hypocrisy at play. an international congress is underway in the iranian capital focusing on the occupation of palestine. legal experts participating in this event have been
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discussing the violations of international humanitarian law in gaza. gisu misha ahmedi was there for us. discussing legal avenues to stop the israeli genocide in gaza, adamant about finding a way to end the catastrophe in gaza, iran's red creson society brought together legal experts from 21 countries in tehran to attend an international congress on the occupation of palestine with a special focus on israeli violations of international humanitarian law. today, what's happening in gaza is beyond words. terms such as war crimes are simply not enough to describe what designs are doing. it's been over 5 months and more than 30,00 people have been killed. the least muslim countries can do is completely cut off their ties and trade with thesigns. a stance that was reiterated by every single speaker of the conference. legal
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experts having voicing their support for palestinians. what is happening in gaza? is against everything we know to be the pillars of modern society, violating the geneva convention, the universal declaration of human rights and international humanitarian law, the universal declaration of human rights and international humanitarian law clearly gives the right to palestinians. the israelis are violating the geneva convention day in and day out. they should be held accountable for all these crimes an international tribunal. fortunately, many legal experts around the world are aware of these violations, they are asking why is the unsc indifferent after more than 150 days of heinous crimes against the palestinian people in gaza. we very clear that the united nations, the security council at this stance is politicized and because there's no
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enforcement mechanisms, israel continues to perpetate its crimes with impunity. so far, call. food distribution in gaza have been denied and there have been numerous warnings against the looming femin. we have recently sent to ship of humanitarian aid and food to gaza, but only 25% of the aid has been allowed in sight. the food is being kept in bad conditions and the trucks are not allowed to cross the border. just few days ago, more than 100 people were killed and about 750 wounded after israeli forces fired at palestine. trying to get flower for their families. with the hashtag #fower massacre trending, the international community is now also actively involved in showing support for palestinians. we have seen the public opinion also has been raised, and nowadays we are witness with these all big demonstrations of thousands of people in london, united states
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in all around the worlds in european countries. with more than 40,00 online participants from cities in iran and around the world, the call for change can be clearly heard. the participants are demanding accountability. they say today, the same countries that wrote the geneva convention, and the international organizations that claim to be advocates of human rights are silent in the face of israeli atrocities in gaza. however, with public opinion shifting against the israeli regime, this conference could be a first step in creating the kind of change the international. community wants to see tv, tehran. a conference has been held in the indian capital new delhi to denounce israel's genocidal war on gaza. participants highlighted devastation that israel's caused in gaza while urging immediate seas far zaman reports out of new delhi. a meeting has been
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held in new delhi where renowned indian authors, writers, journalists, lawyers and intellectuals condemned western countries. these elites slammed the west that calls itself the defender of human rights, yet openly finances israel genocide. in gaza citing the icj hearing that all indicators meet the legal definition of genocide, they stress that no power in the world is holding israel to account. the speakers at the event said that israel would cease to exist without western funding. all definitions of the un of genocide, this war has been located as genocide and the un has tried to, the icj has tried to clearly. state that israel must stop, very, you know, obviously they have tried to say that they must restrain, they must not do this, but we are seeing that
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there seems to be no morality left at all. the speakers of the meeting urged the indian prime minister narendra modi not to be complicit in israel's genocide. the activists called on the indian government to stop providing military support to israel for killing innocent women and children. it is through its military and defense sector providing israel uh the most up to date, the most high level of military technology which it is using against gaza citizens, against the civilian population. we can see how with so much you know impunity and without any restraint israel continues to bomb and attack you know palestinians and even prevent uh food and other medical aid from reaching the gaza strip. "the conference also heiled the palestinian people for facing the most powerful countries in the world, saying the nation has however won this war. the
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participants paid their tribute to journalists, doctors, rescue teams, poets, academics and children who are facing israeli aggressors with courage, inspiring the world to stand against oppression. activists said the governments of most powerful countries in the western world have lost their dig'. and respect for being advocates of human rights defenders. activists have expressed outrage over the un failure to put an end to israeli genocide in palestine and the murder of tens of thousands of civilians. they called on the international community to boycott the israeli regime and take actions to stop the massacre of innocent people in gaza. press tv, new delhi. and that's it for your latest here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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