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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 8, 2024 7:30am-8:02am IRST

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of headlines is really forces once again kill godsons waiting for eight trucks as regimes indiscriminated attacks claim more. civilian lives across the blockaded territory. a un expert says israel launched a starvation campaign against palestinians in gaza by destroying the territory's food system. and the islamic resistance in iraq targets israel's military barracks a rushpina airport in the north of occupied territories in support of gaza.
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hello everyone, it's 6 a.m. in the besieg gazo strip and you're watching press tv world news. our top story, it's over five months into israel's genocidal campaign on gaza and the regime's indiscriminate attacks continue claiming more civilian lives. in one of the latest attacks, at least 10 palestinians were massacred and... several wounded after israeli forces bombed two homes in der abalah in central gaza. most of the victims were women and children. separately, at least two people were killed and dozens injured, some critically when israely forces fired at eight seekers at al nabulsi and al-kuwait roundabouts in gaza city. meanwhile, at least one civilian was killed and three injured by israely bombing of a home in jabalya in northern gaza. the israel. side has so far
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killed 30,800 palestinians, most of them women and children, and thousands have also went missing and our fear dead and presume buried under rubble. nazar's largely destroyed vital civilian infrastructure in the gaza strip as monce long war on the besieg territory rages on, and now the collapse of basic urban services, fears are growing of the spread of deadly diseases and epidemics among local. as the war on gaza continues andabated, israel is pressing ahead with its systematic move to dehumanize the entire population of the gaza strip and destroy all aspects of life in the beeige territory. piles of rubbish and solid waste are now normal scene in gaza's streets after israeli forces targeted all parts of civil life in gaza including the municipalities.
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where dozens of the crews were killed, waste storages and all related equipment, including waste collection vehicles were also destroyed in the war and completely paralized, israeli forces targeted several vehicles used to remove the rubbish as you can see over there, this left was paralyzed in handling the tremendous amounts of the rubbish left by the displaced people crammed in the central area. we demand that all international bodies help by providing us with the needed equipment and vehicles. not only did the deliberates israely attack. against the municipalities caused this crisis, but israeli prevention of delivery of fuel needed to operate the vehicles and equipment was in the problem, this caused rubbish and wastes to pile up on the streets and in shelters. this is a big problem, we have been suffering from since the beginning of the war on gaza, the rubbish is scattered everywhere in the vicinity of the hospital, which causes a lot of diseases for people, particularly the children. infectious diseases are ravaging. inians in
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war torn gaza as the health system collapsed by the war and their conditions and discussity of food and clean water have set of a public health crisis. the gaza health ministry alongside many international organizations has called for into the catastrophe that is rooming in terms of the infectious diseases that began to spread a wide scale among the displaced palestinians. hundreds of thousands of those people, mostly women and children were now diagnosed with contagious diseases. like hepatitis and intestinal diseases, more than 150 days of this war led to mass displacement of the people who crammed in the evacuation centers without having a real access to the hygiene and cleanness. this caused a lot of infectious diseases, particularly among the children. need this to mention the several shortage of the medical supplies and assistance atmit the overwhelming number of injuries inflicted by the israely attacks.
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months long insistent israeli bombardments have b the vast majority of the health facilities out of service, this as limited sanitation facilities and overcrowding filters are causing the spread of disease and keeping gazes from recovering. it's another dark side of the deep catastrophe that is still afflicts the palestinian people as a result of the ongoing apocalyptic israeli genocide in the gaza strip while the outcies the palestinian civilians are still unanswered and immuted by the american veto. press tv the central area of gaza strip. a un expert says israel is destroying gaza's food system as part of the regime's broader starvation campaign and its genocidal war on gaza. michael fakri, the un special repertoire on the right to food was addressing a human rights council. he's a destroying gaza's food system runs along with
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israel's restrictions on humanitarian aid deliveries into the territory. fachry said israel has mounted its starvation campaign by even targeting small-scale. fisherman destroying around 80% of gaza's fishing sector. meanwhile, a report by right's group action aid international says women in gaza are giving birth to still born babies due to malnutrition and collapse of humanitarian operations. it said many children have also died in hospitals due to malnutrition. the palestinan resistance movement hamas says israel has thorted all efforts made. by mediators to broker se fire in gaza before the muslim holy month of ramadan. we discussed this with our guests earlier in our news review program. here it is. and now it's
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time for the news review section where we delve deeper into one of the day's top stories. so stay tuned. now the hamas. resistance movement says israel has thorted all efforts by mediators to reach a ceasefire agreement in the gaza strip. the senior hamas official said israel has rejected to end this onslaught on the beseest trip, ensure aid entrance and the return of displaced palestinian people. the hamas delegation has left cairo without achieving a breakthrough. hamas says the talks are set to resume next week. envoys from the us, qatar and hamas were involved in talks for a ceasefire agreement. the... parties are scrambling to reach an agreement before the muslim holy month of ramadan which begins on march the 10th. now to talk more in this, we are joined by mr. theo west, geopolitical analyst from dallas, texas and also mr. john andrew mirfy,
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political commentator from coatswall, pennsylvania. gentlemen, thank you for being on uh press tv, and now starting with you, mr. west, uh, so these fire talks have stalled, hamas is blaming the israeli regime for that, obviously we know that the palestinians want a permanent cease fire, but on the other side israel and their ally the us uh are looking for a temporary tous, so mr. west, why is that, why is that the case? i think first we have to put this within a historical context, and then we can better understand the context as it is right now, and historically, i would say... that for example, in 2011, the obama administration lied claiming that libya's gaddafi was bombing peaceful protesters and he used that lie as a pretext for nato to bomb libya and also to arm terrorists in libya. today what we see undeniable, it's undeniable, we see
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mass murder in gaza, but no military effort by the americans and the europeans to end this under humanitarian grounds with... is what they used to invade libya in 2011, they use that, so this humanitarian ground they use it to carry out military action against libya. the difference between gaza and libya is not only hypocrisy, but it is also criminal, because you've got over 30,00 people who have been killed there already, and i would also like to say that uh, just today, anwar ibrahim, who's the prime minister of malaysia, he correctly points out the hypocrisy of the united states in its condemnation of putin's military action in ukraine while not condemning netanyahu's military actions in gaza, targeting civilians, civilians. hulton is not targeting
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civilians, netanyahu is targeting civilians. the zionist regime has slaughtered more than 30,000 palestinians, most of them are women and children. this has been done with american. resistance and american weaponry, the american and israeli le is that the palestinians turn over all israeli pris and the israeli regime must not be the administer of any of this aid to the
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palestinians. finally, also israel troops, they must not occupy any parts of gaza, from the northern most area to the southern most area of gaza and all the way, including the eastern corridor, and i also like to add that the united states who is supporting this genocide, they are now talking about setting up. do you think they are looking for only a temporary cease fire so the capters are released? so they can relieve some of the public pressure, and then they can continue with the onslaught without the fear of
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killing more of their own people, with that being said, mr. murphy, your thought on this as well, someone saying that the israeli regime doesn't even care about the captives, sure a a temporary cease fire during ramadan would simply be exploited by the united states and the zionist entity to... bypass a complete aggression on the gaza strip, let's also keep so what designist entity has done is carefully construct the catch 22, hamas knows that it can't release its um hostages without a ceasefire because the hostages are spread across a wide area and then israel design this entity comes back and says, oh, well, there will be no ceice fire until you
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release them, so we have to catch 22. that's something else that that is troubling me when i hear over and over 30,000 dead. i live near philadelphia, i was born and raised in philadelphia, it's about 50 miles from here. philadelphia is about the same size as a gaza strip. there's a million and a half. people living in philadelphia, and i'm trying to imagine what would happen in philadelphia if it were hit by 65 thousand bombs, if tanks and artillery had been opening had opened fire on it for the past several months, if snipers had firing on the population, if the hospitals had been destroyed, the churches had been destroyed and the people had been deprived of food, water, healthcare, so we
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got to keep in mind, we're talking catastrophic numbers, we're talking holocaust here, and we're not talking war, on that note, i would like to thank our guests on the left, mr. theo west, geopolitical analyst from dallas, texas and also mr. john andrew merfy, political commentator from coatswill, pennsylvania, gentlemen, thank you for being. on the news review section, thank you sir, and with that we come to the end of this news review section, thank you for listening. last year, iran's president ibrahim raissi visited three african countries, kenya, uganda and zimbabwe, president raisi with the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements in economic, scientific and educational
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sectors among others and in this regard iran has granted full scholarships to ugadan students to study in iranian universities. and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news. palestinian women in gaza face death and destruction as a world marks international women's day. and now gaza's government media office says israel has killed nearly. 9,000 women during his genocidal war on gaza, in a statement, the media office said regime's attacks have also injured 23,000 women and displaced over half million others. it said uh palestinian women continue to suffer from killings, injuries, displacement, detention and torture. the media office slammed the international community for merely watching as a regime
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commits these grave atrocities against gazans. it's a 60,000 pregnant women. live under extremely difficult conditions, lacking the most basic health care requirements. the statement urged the world to take steps and end israeli occupation and support the rights and needs of palestinian women. new report says a reuters journalist who died in southern lebanon last october was killed after an israeli tank fired shells at a clearly identified group of journalists. report says after that shelling regimes thanks crew a likely opened heavy machine gun fire at journalists wounding six others. one of those journalists later had to have lake aputated. report said that journalists were fired upon for about two minutes. separate investigative reporters had reached similar conclusions in the past. news outlets and rights groups say reports suggest deliberate attack on journalists that amounts to a war
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crime on the part of the israeli forces. according to palestinian media regimes killed more than 100. and 30 journalists and media workers since its genocidal war on gazo started back early october. the islamic resistance in iraq has launched a new attack against israely targets in occupied territories in support of palestinians in gaza. iraqi resistance says it carried out a drone strike a military barracks at rospina airport in a northern part of occupied territories. this after iraqi resistance. targeted israel's carry out shimona airport with a drone earlier this week the resistance targeted israely port of hyfo twice hitting a chemical factory and power station also with drones. the islamic resistance in iraq says it will continue its attacks on israeli targets until the regime stops its genocide in gaza. it's also struck major american
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military bases in both syria and iraq over washington's support for israel's brutal onslot. an international congress is underway in the iranian capital focusing on the occupation of palestine. legal experts participating in this event have been discussing the violation of international humanitarian law in gaza. gisumi shah ahmedi has your details. discussing legal avenues to stop the israeli genocide in gaza. adamant about finding a way to end the catastrophe in gaza, iran's red creson society brought together legal experts from 21 countries in tehran to attend an international congress on the occupation of palestine with a special focus on israely violations of international humanitarian law. today, what's happening in
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gaza is beyond words, terms such as war crimes are simply not enough to describe what designs are doing. it's been... over 5 months and more than 30,00 people have been killed. the least muslim countries can do is completely cut off their ties and trade with the zinanis. a stance that was reiterated by every single speaker of the conference. legal experts having voicing their support for palestinians, what is happening in gaza is against everything we know to be the pillars of modern society, violating the geneva convention, the universal declaration of human rights and international humanitarian law? the universal declaration of human rights and international humanitarian law clearly gives the right to palestinians. the israelis are violating the geneva convention day in and day out. they should be held accountable for all these crimes an international tribunal. fortunately, many
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legal experts around the world are aware of these violations. they are asking why is the unsc indifferent? after more than 150 days of henous crimes against the palestinian people in gaza. we very clear that the united nations, the security council at this stance is politicized and because there's no enforcement mechanisms, israel continues to perpetrate its crimes with impunity. so far, calls to allow food distribution in gaza have been denied, and there have been numerous warnings against the looming femin. we have. recently sent to ship of humanitarian aid and food to gaza, but only 25% of the aid has been allowed in sight. the food is being kept in bad conditions and the trucks are not allowed to cross the border. just few days ago, more than 100 people were killed and about 750 wounded after israeli forces fired at palestinians trying to get flower for
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their families. with the hashtag #fower massacre trending, the international community is now also actively involved in showing support for palestinians. we have seen the public opinion also has been raised and nowadays we are witnessed with these all big demonstration. of thousands of people in london, united states, in all around the worlds in european countries. with more than 40,000 online participants from different cities in iran and around the world, the call for change can be clearly heard. the participants are demanding accountability. they say today, the same countries that wrote the geneva convention and the international organizations that claim to be advocates of human rights are silent in the face of israeli atrocities in gaza. with public opinion shifting against the israeli regime, this conference could be a first step in creating the kind of change the international community wants to see. gisum shahmadi, press
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tv, tehran. the conference has been held in the indian capital, new delhi to denounce israel's genocidal war on gaza. participants highlighted the devastation israel's caused in gaza, while also urging immediate cease far. mon zaman reports from new delhi. a meeting has been held in new delhi where renowned indian authors, writers, journalists, lawyers and intellectuals condemned western countries. these elites slammed the west that calls itself the defender of human rights, yet openly finances israel genocide in gaza, citing the icj hearing that all indicators meet the legal definition of gene. side, they stressed that no power in the world is holding israel to account. the speakers at the event said that israel would sease to exist without western funding. all definitions of the un of
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genocide, this war has been located as a genocide, and the un has tried to, the icj has tried to clearly state that israel must stop, very, you know, obviously they have tried to say that... they must restrain, they must not do this, but we are seeing that there seems to be no morality left at all. the speakers of the meeting urged the indian prime minister narendra modi not to be complicit in israel's geneside. the activists called on the indian government to stop providing military support to israel for killing innocent women and children. it is through its military and defense sector providing israel uh the more. most up to date, the most high level of military technology which it is using against gaza citizens, against the civilian population, we can see how with so much you know impunity
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and without any restraint israel continues to bomb and attack palestinians and even prevent food and other medical aid from reaching the gaza strip. the conference also hailed the palestinian people for facing the most powerful countries. in the world, saying the nation has however won this war, the participants paid their tribute to journalists, doctors, rescue teams, poets, academics and children who are facing israeli aggressors with courage, inspiring the world to stand against oppression. activists said the governments of most powerful countries in the western world have lost their dignity and respect for being advocates of human rights defenders. activists have expressed out rage over the un failure to put an end to israeli genocide in palestine and the murder of tens of thousands of civilians. they called on the international community to boycott the
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israeli regime and take actions to stop the massa of innocent people in gaza. munobar zaban press tv, new delhi. that's it for your latest here on press tv. everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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i believe that working together we can make history.
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last year, iran's president ibrahim raisi visited three african countries, kenya, uganda and zimbabwe. during the historic visit, president raisi witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements in economic, scientific and educational sectors among others. immediate steps were taken implement these agreements and in this regard, iran has granted full scholarships to uganda and to study in iranian universities, the students will study diverse disciplines such as engineering, computer science and business management. the islamic republic of iran seeks to transfer technology to africa and empower this continent.