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of "it is becoming more apparent that the israeli regime is using food as a weapon in line with this genocidal and ethnic cleansing mission in the gaza strip. not only has it destroyed infrastructure needed for food production, it has prevented aid trucks from entering the gaza strap. meanwile, the us has air dropped around 38,000 food stuff. this is while there are over two million palestinians, many of them children who are going hungry, putting into question washington's real motives. in this edition of the spotlight we will look at how the israely regime. with us assistance is trying to
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starve the gazan population into signing to a temporary ceasefire while hamas officials are calling for a permanent one. first let me introduce our guests for this edition of the program. alberto garcia watson, political analyst and activist joins us from malaga spain. also joining us jihad abdult former black panther party member uh joins us from stone mountain over in georgia. welcome to you both. i'd like to start with you alberto uh watson if i may uh this uh notion of using food as a weapon has come about and it's a war crime, but the israeli regime uh is pretty much leaving no doubt that it's indeed guilty of that uh because we're looking a couple instances such as not letting eight trucks into the gaza strip. we know that there's two thousand of them. for example
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waiting at the crossings and when they do it's just a trickle and also instant where you have this is just a couple instances that i'm noting here uh one instance where you had the palestinians gathering around the a truck and then they uh um shot at them killing over hundred of them even though of course this of regime claims otherwise is israel guilty of using food as a weapon well absolutely they're responsible. and they guilty as charged um, what happened last thursday with the so-called flower massacker, but they um shot a thousands of people killing over hundred angry uh palestinians and wound in close to a thousand, it just proves what kind of uh genocidal mentality israel has towards the palestinian residence in the gaza strip, of but then again... "last sunday they sort of
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repeated the strategy of attacking uh people in their bala uh while also approaching a food convoys and they did last night again near the kuwait roundabout uh in the uh gaza strip in the northern part in the gaza city when people were approaching again to get some food uh it repeats the story. over and over they want to use food as a weapon, they want to use the starvation now that today the 20th victim of a salvation has fallen and the gas are strip, they want as matter of fact having thousands of tons of food waiting of outside the border with the rafa and the uh and the egyptian side of the of the border, it's so and these... and it's so obseine that
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2.4 million people has to staff to death, this this was actually not expected from so-called modern nation like israel is, but they usually they actually using the same methods that were used in the uh ghetto during the second world war by the nazi troops that are star to death almost 400 thous people for several months and we see they're not going to stop unless uh the international community that is not responding to this call do something about it. well uh the us roll has also become a bit more prominent here uh jihad abdul mamit. mean if there was any doubts about that uh let's look at and get your idea about this uh uh food air drops that the us uh did uh where it involved jordan and it was about 38,00 food parcels that were involved here now um it seemed like the... was very enthusiastic
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about doing that, that it was a goodwill gesture on their part to give that impression anyways, but they have been facing a barrage of critiques, how can 38? food parcels satisfy almost 2 million palestinians who are dying and i must say f 500 thousand of them are on the on starvation meaning they're um fighting for the for their life. what do you think about this so-called airdrop that has happened of food from the us? yes, thank you. always begin with bismillah in the name of allah. i thank you very much. it's is all it's all a pretense. i am a citizen of the united states. it's been very clearly stated uh read as. very recently by president joe biden uh a program, very unabashed, very unapologetic, he said clearly to the american public that uh, you do not have to be a jew to be a zionist, and i want to tell you right now that i a zionist, right there and then
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he's saying that he is a white supremist, he is racist, he he sides with the apartide colonial state of israel, he's made it clear, so this whole thing about dropping the food is... setting the stage for the us and israel to maintain and continue control of that area uh and i can forese more gestures, fake gestures, all leading to control, so here you are denying aid coming in from other countries, you are setting yourself up to be the one that's the benefactor, you're the one that's that's bringing the humanitarian relief uh, you're the one that's that's making sure that you control everything, you know uh so when this decimation is over, you can for you can forceed the united states pumping more aid into that area for the soul purpose of controlling that and setting up neocolonial arrangement if in fact anybody is even left, so it is it is not charity, it is definitely not goodwill, is it is the same uh
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uh process united states have done in many countries around the world, the once they decimated the area to come in with their their pretense of aid only for the purpose of securing. power and control of that area, not concern at all with human life, let's continue with this uh us air dropping of aid uh alberto watson because it's really confusing what the us is trying to do here, on the one hand you have two million palestinians who are starving uh 500 thousand them life and death situation, but yet you have 38,00 of these air drops of food, which by the way from what we understand there were dates and sandwich, i don't how that's going to be suffice, and then you have a trux way. on the border crossings, 20 of them, but the us was responsible for it to get to the situation with the military assistance that it gave, and there was just a report out in the washington post indicating how many thousands and thousands of bombs were actually provided to israel, so isn't this a
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somewhat hypocritical of the us to think that air dropping, the minimal amount is going to give the impression that they're not guilty, maybe actually this... has just happened uh the same day or the day before, the super tuesday primary elections in the united states, so it's just a propaganda strategy that the president biden has used, because it really was meaning to help the population and the gasa strip to get fed and and and in in moments in which as you very well said we're talking about 567. people at this moment are in the verge of a starvation, he will actually convince the israeli ally, the israeli authorities to open the border and let those, if not hundreds thousands of trucks with food, with medicines, with water
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to actually enter the gas strip, we're just talking about um four, five six days left for the start of ramadan and the people are... dying of estavation in the gas strip, the majority of which, if not the 100%, are civilians and their miners, the big majority, this is not hamas fighters that there after the israelis, the actually after dicimating the entire civilian population of the gaza strip, and they're actually not even avable or capable of fighting hamas, which is so much stronger and the gaza strip that the israeli army is. so the americans are just on one hand given a little bit of food, peanuts, basically, and on the other hands they given enough ammunition to killed whoever uh survives from this little um kind of - silly
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help, as i'm saying, the food that they receiving some of the food is so ridiculous, but people were yesterday and they kuwait uh roundabout in gaza city complaining, that even some of the food that they were receiving had to be prepared in microwave when actually they don't even have electricity already for months, so this is an irony, it's an insult and it's absolutely absolutely. upseen what's what's strange over here is jihad abduhamed is the fact that uh you have uh this truce that's now uh being discussed and hammered out in a sense and uh the us says the balls in the court of hamas now we have a situation we have 500 thousand or based on our guest data there 567 palestinians who are starving meaning they're fighting for their life do you think that the us is actually using this starvation as a tool in order to bring ' hamas into submitting and succuming to the will of the
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us and the israeli regime since you have that many palestinians that may unfortunately and hopefully won't happen die as a result of starvation and again using that as a tool to make sure that it meets the demands. yes indeed. i think in your question there lies the answer and and even and even before that this is not confusing. this is not confusing not unless a person has been living. under rock for the last uh since the united states started his 1950s and manifest destiny policy of imperialist aggression, the united states has said clearly out of the mouth of joe biden himself that if israel did not exis, the united states would have created its own israel to make sure it maintain control in that area of the world, so this is just military strategy, has absolutely nothing to do with the good will of. people, helping the people, the media over here, listening, if you was to tune into the abc, nbc, cbs, cnn
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and dephney fox news, you would get total different perspective, that little bit of food dropping, that air drop was telled as being the biggest thing in the world to do the the gullable, naive american population which becoming, which is becoming more conscious uh, that the united states is doing a good deed finally, hey, the united states is coming to the rescue, it's all... war strategy and it is not confusing for those that understand history, that know a little bit about history, how the united states has been involved in in in the muslim world, in the in the middle east, in the far east, and latin america, all around the world, we know that this is the same agenda, it's all ill, sure, we'd like to discuss this truths a little bit more, whether it's going to work or not, alberta watson, i mean we're we're looking at different angles of it, one of them is the fact that uh... why should hamas even go ahead with the truth? i mean, if you think about the device of issues that exist,
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one of them is the fact that israel has said, and it has repeated it, that they still want to eliminate hamas at the end, no matter what, however, given that, and the fact that hamas is demanding a permanent cease fire, but yet israel and the us wants a temporary cease fire, it puts it to question why hamas should even go ahead with this. but definitely hamas has already for the past weeks uh rejected any offert of temporary trues in the gaza strip uh and they actually will accept a only a permanent truse where all the prisoners are exchanged and all the troops the occupation israeli troops are with. from the gas strip, this is what they have been already saying for the past weeks
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if not months, this is what the delegations in the past brought to doha and to cairo, and they're not going to change their mind, because the fact that only through the ramadan some more trucks with aid is going to be allowed into the gaza strip, this is just going to white wash the image of israel and the... united states, but then shortly after they'll be bombing again and killing again by the thousands of women and children like they've been doing in the past five months, so definitely for hamas, this is no resolution capable of being approved by them, and i do understand them, what what actually the israeli forces and the israeli authorities want, it's an ethnic clingsing, they actually want that the situation is so unbearable for the population of gaza that eventually they just cross the border by
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jumping the fence with egypt so they can at least do what actually they're promoting in countries like the united states and canada at this moment in synagogues which is the selling of palestinian territories and palestinian land uh to jewish around the world especially american jews to move now uh to the uh to the... west bank, but shortly after it happen also in the casser strip when they cleaned up completely, that's actually their project, however they are finding lot of resistance in the past 76. ideas from a populations that is not willing to repeat a nag 2.0 because they had enough of it and they will resist and they will prefer to die actually in their land before having to cross to the border with with egypt you it's very confusing when you take a look at the amount of military assistance jihad the us has given
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the israeli regime forces uh where on the ground we know that uh so many bombs. have been used, and i referred to this washington post article, but uh, it revealed that more than 100 separate for militaries sales to israel has been done since the onslot began, it said amounted to thousands of precision guide ammunitions, bombs, bunkerbusters, small arms and all this, but they have not been able to defeat hamas, i mean at this point we know 350 iof regime forces have been killed, so uh, the question comes about why they haven't been. able to defeat hamas and what their aims would be if if many have said that that's just going to be an impossibility overall right, it makes me think about the battle of during the time of the prophet muhammed peace and blessing been upon him where 313 people defeated a much more serious army and forces so looking through it through islamic lens and many of these sisters and brothers are muslims that's why we we're not
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going to lose even in death we don't lose dying as a marker is not a loss those that are living. and fighting that's why they won't leave because of the resoluteness in the world needs to take note of when you see mother holding her baby you know praising allah that is a strength that you don't see in many places of the world if at all so i look at at what's happening if you look at it through secular eyes it is oh my god which it is and when you look at how the muslim countries around the scratching their head and not helping you know because their nation states carved out by colonialists themselves you know. and they're not abiding by the principle of there's no god, muhammad is messenger and one uma, and i'm a muslim, so everything you ask me is going to come from an islamic analysis, not a secular analysis. we are winning, and united states and israel has forever lost their moral authority, their moral ground, if they ever had it, but people over here are realizing the hypocrisy,
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they're realizing uh, what's really going and it's going to forever change, and the united states response over here is beginning to... build up to to develop fascist state to be able to control the resistance inside the united states. this is very, this is very serious what's happening around the world. this is the most serious contradiction that's been happening. i know there's genocide in parts of africa and many other places, but this here it bakes the possibility of a world war, and um and and and so lot of religious history forms right there in palestine, lot the prophets come from that area. we're not losing, we're not losing. losing the united states can do whatever they want, is all in the control of allah, and you can believe as sure as i'm sitting here, united states and israel will be the loser in this battle, i don't care how many of us die, persecution is worse than slaughter, persecution is worse than slaughter, persecution is worse than slow, thank you for that, we do appreciate that, and on a side note there, i'm i'm sure that you may have heard this, albert watson
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that many actually in the states and western countries have uh uh looked at uh islam in a different way based on the uh perseverance of the palestinians in the gaza strip, so it goes along the lines of what our guest are said, but i'd like to now take a look at the occupied west bank, alberto watson and ask you about um uh the crisis that's there that has been there for decades, but obviously it has picked up since october 7th, uh not only do do you have so many people who have been uh killed at this point uh i think it's over 400 about 412 or so um in terms of the numbers that have been. arrested, quite shocking uh, you have about 8,00 since october 7th, but the us secretary uh treasury secretary came out recently and said in a warning to prime minister netanyahu, you need to do something about the economy of the west bank, you need to take care of it, you need to make sure that it's in motion, uh, because that's going to spell another disaster, that warning, is isn't that um somewhat synonymous
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with the fact that if the west bank falls apart as it is, that that will then pose an exist. charge of collecting the taxes from the west but definitely because actually israel is in bank and they're not even delivering the money to the palestinian national authority to pay their workers in the west bank and as a strip, so it is actually very important for the israely economy uh, despite the fact that they actually need thousands of palestinian workers in the west bank working. uh in the israeli uh society, the economy in in in israel is actually down going down the train in the past months that actually invest in
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over 260 billion dollars per month uh and this war per day actually not uh per month per day and that is actually collapse in the economy of israel, israel cannot depend on the help that it receives from the united states - all times, so they they actually need that the commercial activity and the economy of the west bank continuous working, which is actually been partially collapsed by the since last year, the incursions and the rates of the israeli troops into and and not only the israel troops, but also the settlers, the israeli settlers in the west. bank that has been created a total chaos, not just in the economy, but in the social life in the west bank. sure. um, what you describe there, jihad abdul mohammed is very touching,
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and uh, the genocide, however, has continued, i think many people um, unfortunately, and i don't want to blame people, but you know, when you when you continue hearing hundred every 24 hours or more palestinians are being murdered, uh, there's something that is uh, happening here where it makes it become uh part of the language now and part of the the landscape that this is normal and uh i think it was riyad mansor who said you know this shouldn't be normal when it comes to the world reaction that has have however continued what else do you think can be done uh to stop this genocide from happening yes indeed this is very very uh daughting scary scenario when you have when you have a you know there's a poet here gilscott harren said the revolution will not be televised, but ironically the genocide will, when you see children as you said hundred children a day
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on the average of being killed as a direct result and not to mention mamed and crippled and not to mention the mothers and women and adults uh 10 thous it it it defies any any type of comprehension about that but the scary scenario is that the world at this point since october 7 and even the 70 years prior to that have watched this genocide, the world has watched it, that means that the world cannot muster the will or determination and strength to stop two countries, israel in the united states, two white supremist countries, and i'll call a spade of spade, this is white supremacy in his glory, this is white supremacy in his glory, unabashed, they'll tell you that and i'll call it exactly what it is. "the united states is a white supremist government built on the back of african slaves. we all know that. it is manifest destiny has conquered and tooking over all country people of color. so what
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you're seeing now, the only way that this is going to stop is by the will of allah and the people coming together in country and that hasn't happened yet. thank you for that. it's a shameful testimony for muslim countries not to help because they're clinging to the dunya. they're afraid, i don't know what their national policy is, but if it walks like a duck quack." like a duck and smells like a duck is a duck and that duck is called thank you for that uh we're unfortunately fresh out of time jihad abdul met former black panther party member from stone mountain georgia alberto garcia watson political analyst and activist from malaga spain with that we come to for this edition the spotlight fromway and the team is goodbye. is climate change real? is smoking cigarettes
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really hazardous? do ddt insecticides really work against malaria mosquitoes. for decades, companies have hard scientists to sew seeds of doubt among people and keep them... perplexed, this way they can keep excreting oil, producing cigarettes and many other things without a nuisance. watch the details in this documentary. in the streets of the gaza strip, which was suffocating under wave of profound sadness, hopes of getting a loaf of bread turned into funeral processions and sorrow. on the morning that followed the
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dreadful flower massacre, families... buried their hungry, martered children, as arab aircrafts didn't hesitate to replay the same aerial drop theater, dropping the packages this time inside zionist israeli settlements the gaza enclave. is there anything more humiliating and denigrating against a genocide stricken and started people? if aid was the real reason behind the sharade, then same people who wanted to help should have opened the rafah border, allowing aid trucks into gaza and handing them over to international or local entities responsible for distributing them to... the starving people bait in the form of aid in gaza this week on the mediast stream. how designists come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana?
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how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. last year iran's president ibrahim raisi visited three african countries, kenya, uganda and zimbabwe. president raisi witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements in economic, scientific and educational sectors among others and in this regard iran has granted full scholarships to uganan students to study in iranian universities.
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more palestinians die of hunger and dehydration as the israel regime's genocidal campaign on the gaza strip enters its 153rd day. meanwile south africa urges the world court to take a additional emergency measures against israel to prevent eminent famon and starvation in gaza, and the islamic resistance in iraq says is targeted to kiriat shimono airport and occupied territories in support of the people of gaza.