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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 7, 2024 2:30am-3:03am IRST

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of your press tv headlines scores of palestinians lose their lives as israel regime pushes ahead with this war of genocide on the gaza strip. south africa ures the world court to take additional emergency measures against israel to prevent eminent famon and starvation in gaza. and yemeny armed forces hit a us cargo ship in the gulf of aiden in retaliation for western attacks on yemen and in support of palestinians in gaza.
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hello everyone, it's 1 am in the besieg gazo strip and you're watching press tv world news. 152 days into israel's genocidal war and the regime continues targeting civilians in all areas of gaza, worsening the humanitarian conditions. careless of international calls the halt is bloodshed, israel stage even more air strikes on residential areas of gaza, attacks of increased number of civilian casualties and injuries pressuring already deprived gaza health system. hospitals are on the verge of total shut down due to the israeli prevention of aid deliveries into gaza. the death tool from the israeli onslot since early october has surpassed 30,700, most of them women and children, and failing to... achieve its gaza
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objectives, the israel regime still faces fierce resistance from palestinian fighters who have been inflicting heavy losses on the regime, the alcood's brigades has targeted gatherings of iof soldiers and number of their military vehicles. press tv's moto musa joined us earlier from the central gaza city of of deer abalah for an update. israeli accubition forces committed at least nine opponing massacers against the palestinan civilians across different areas of gaz strip over the last 24 hours claiming the lives of at least uh 86 palestinian civilians and injuring 113 others uh it's worth mentioning that the israeli killing machine continuous claiming more lives of the palestinian civilians over the last couple of hours the israeli incubation forces intensify their
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attacks against the central area of gaza strip as at least seven palestinian civilians were reportedly killed uh in addition to 10 injuries after the israeli incubation forces opened their gun fire towards the palestinian civilians gathering near gaza valley area located between the central area of gaza strip and gaza city uh it's worth mentioning that that area particularly the northern parts of annosarati fiji camp and almoghraga neighborhood uh uh witnessed uh harsh israeli attacks against that area, including the consecutive and the continuous israeli air strikes and the constant israeli artillery shilling uh destroying mortal buildings and uh resulting more devastation in the infrastructure there and in the meantime here in deril balah city the israeli incubation forces destroyed another resender buildings after the israeli war planes destroyed and of leveled to the ground that building uh it's
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located in the south, the southern part of city. norway says many countries that pause financial support for the un agency for palestining refugees (unra) are likely to resume funding soon. norway, which is top donor says, many unresponsors have agreed funding needs to be resumed. unra says none of the 16 donor countries that had frozen funding have resumed yet. this while iraq and qatar say they'll give. extra funds of $25 million to the agency, unrasacked dozen of his staff, following his really claims that they took part in the hamas operation against israel back early october. several countries, including the us and uk, pause their funding to the agency following those allegations. the agency has strongly denied the claim saying israel is obtained confessions from its staff under torture. it's a warrant of deliberate and concerted campaign aimed.
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ending its operations in gaza. and now welcome everyone to press tv's news review program where we get in depth in one the days top stories. south africa has once again asked the international court of justice to take additional emergency measures against israel amid the regime's genocidal campaign in gaza. south africa urged the world court to take immediate measures to stop an eminent tragedy and save gazans from dying of starvation. also warned about the threat of alooming all-out famon in the war ravaged territory. pretoria urged the world court to force israel to take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of desperately needed humanitarian aid in gaza. it says such measures must be taken without new round of hearings because of the extreme
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urgency and nature of the situation in the coastal territory. in the case followed by south africa in january, the icj had ordered israel to refrain from any act. that could fall under the genocide convention. now joining us for the program is jim kavanaw, political analyst and blogger from new york, and frank emspack, radio producer and political commentator joining us from madison wisconsin, gentlemen, welcome to the program, i guess frank, we're going to start with you out there in madison. and really frank, all uh, all roads lead back to washington, and i say this because we know that the icj doesn't have lot of teeth to really enforce much, and we know that the israelis never really have much respect for the un and all of its uh institutions, so your thoughts about the us
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getting on board, if they're going to uh make this big uh theatric show of making these air drops into the besiege enclave, why not use their power to force the regime into... opening the borders and avert a catastrophe of of monumental proportions of famin and starvation for taking place in gaza. well, this is key question, isn't it? the why not? and i think what's happening in this country is that public opinion has shifted considerably, and i think that at this stage the game, majority of the population is appalled that... what's going on in gaza and increasingly says, you know, killing 13 or 14,000 children, destroying every church, mosk, library and so forth, is really not something that people here are willing to accept, now how that expresses politically is
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another question, because there is nobody in congress presently who is willing to say publicly that we should, the united states should end all arm sales or... stop the $4 billion dollars or so forth, but what is happening is it's very clear to the biden administration that he can lose the presidency over this issue, and that's what the importance was of the non-committed vote in in michigan, it was in excess of the of the amount that he won in 2020, here in wisconsin there is a similar movement going on with the expectation that the there's a similar thing on the ballot, it's a little bit more complicated, but the expectation is that the numbers that are going to be garnered through this on april 4th, i think that's when the referendum is, is going to be greater than the margin of victory, so for the first time the administration is faced
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with the possibility that their complete adherence to this right-wing genocidal agenda the israeli government is going to cost them. and they have to decide whether this is worth it for the united states given the isolation that we have diplomatically, that lot of things are on the table here in terms of being able to function in the middle east after this, and is it worth it? and i think that uh that for the first time you're seeing people beginning to say, wait a minute here, what are we doing? not enough people, and nobody publicly in senior administration positions. is willing to say clearly that they support the notion of palestinian sovereignty, but the fact of the matter is when you have even any kind of news on cnn or the new york times that's favorable to the palestinians as there was this weekend,
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something is shifting. thank you uh frank and jim kavana, welcome to the program, sir now, jim, i mean, for lack of better word, how pathetic is it that it does... come down to humanity to frank's point, it doesn't come down to trying to avert famin or starvation of women and children, but it comes down to to votes, popularity and... and politics? well, it's uh, it's shameful. look, this is a world historical crime a level that we haven't seen since world war ii, and i'm afraid, you know, we've failed gaza, i failed gaza, the americans have certainly failed gaza, they were the palestinian people, the world is failing gaza and the palestinian people, the world is watching this happen, children being shot in the head as they try to get food, children... starving to death when there are trucks full of food, a couple of miles away, this is inexcusable, and it is
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true that american popular opinion is ch has changed on this, lot of people have just become aware of really what's going on with the israel, israel palestine issue and with zionism, and they're appalled by it, but i'll say this true, that on every subject in every policy area, what the people think does not the... determine what happens and whether the democrats might lose the election, the democrats are perfectly willing to lose an election rather than betray what they think is the most one, listen tosi, if the capital goes down in ashes, we will be standing with israel, what what the the ruling class of the united states is wetted to zionism, and they know that what's going on here now is is what's at stake is the future of... and if israel is forced out of gaza without achieving its goal, which is exterminating or
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expelling the people of gaza so that only few enough are left that they can subjugate them effectively, then zionism will be losing, and and the hamas and the palestinian resistance know that too, and they're not going to do it, israel is not going to accept it, and the palestinian resistance isn't going to accept the six weeks fire will give you your... hostages and then we'll go back to this, starving children, so it's very difficult, and the world, some power in the world has going to have to go in with military force with humanitarian and reconstruction aid and say, we are coming in, and if you try to stop us, we will fight you, and if no power in the world does that, then goz are going to continue to be killed and they will end up being expelled. thank you, uh, jim, and frank, i mean, south africa, they got that ruling at the ice. tj back in late january, i believe is a 26th, if i'm not mistaken, that
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israel refrain from genocidal acts, a ruling that the regime basically just laughed at, so why expect the icj now to push for measures to uh prevent starvation, and famin, i'm just kind of shows that nations at this point are are are desperate and really don't know where to turn for action, for answers. i don't think that's true, i think everybody. knows where to turn for action and answers, $14 billion dollars is a start, unlimited arm sales is the second aspect of it right, and so you could have serious initiatives on the part of other countries in the world to say cut off uh financial aid as they did with iran, but over the nuclear stuff, people didn't seem to have a big problem figuring out what to do, and they wanted to do it, and the ruling classes in these countries said right, boom, you know, uh the dutch took this little baby step saying we're not going to send uh you know spare parts to parts of the
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israeli military, every country in europe could do that, united states could do that, so everybody knows where to turn, the question is the political mixture, and the fact of the matter is that yes, significant sections of the american ruling class for a variety of different reasons have decided that israel is our aircraft carrier in the middle east, maybe that's the reason, but the cost is going up, and i think that this also depends on what other countries are prepared to do, and in other countries, the populations are in fury, and again in the middle east in particular, these regimes which were able to overcome the arab spring may not be able to overcome this, and i think they have to worry about that, but our problem here in the united states and i want to focus on that is to figure out how we're going to move this. government now, if we take the position that nothing that people ever say here makes any sense or can
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influence politics, well then i guess there's nothing to do. i have been active for a long time, and in 1968, which is when we had a referendum here in madison wisconsin, not one single member of congress at that time supported immediate withdrawal of troops from vietnam, that was what we had on the ballot here, 44% of the population voted for that. and really going to have a more democratic serious discussion here in this election, or maybe you're right, we're going to get down the drain here, but i think that the key is the united states and people building and making sure there is the political space buse we're not getting the leadership, the political space to push people to say enough is enough, because i think we cannot do this,
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you cannot predict world war over israel as the way to solve the... palestinian problem, because if we if somebody, the chinese or the russians or somebody else said to the american navy, we're going to come in whether you like it or not, what does that really mean? so i think it's here on us in the united states to figure out how to have the kind of democratic and popular movement to force the policy changes. good, good stuff, frank and uh jim, last thoughts with you, i'll put the same question to you and you can answer it if you want, take it back to washington when frank did or go on another tangent, but basically why is south africa going back to the icj, why take a uh, i don't know, a thirsty horse back to the same trough that was dry last week, expecting for not to be dry this week? well, south africa is doing its best, you know, this is a front of battle, and it's good for them to do that, but as frank said, the icj doesn't have enforcement capability, something, somebody
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has to enforce this, and look, i was at vietnam too, i saw things. vietnam from one one year to the next, and that's true, but you don't have, you did not have the same cohorts of wealthy, powerful people around the world in the western countries who are absolutely committed to saving, saving uh american imperialism in vietnam. you have cohorts, wealthy cohorts in the united states and around the world who are absolutely committed to saving zionism and no, that's what... stake here, so and and the other problem is the people of gaza don't have time to wait to see what happens in the american election in in november, they're they're over, they have they the starving and dying of disease, something has to be done or they're going to go, and we can sit around and say by six months from now or 10, oh look how the the public, there are three more
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congressmen in in in congress that may say something against israel, still be given the money and and still be given the... i don't see what's going to stop that in the next 10 months, so and i don't think the the gazan people have time for that, that's the the the situation that i think uh we have to take seriously and realize it's a terrible situation and somebody and it's under the now any any party go, we're not coming in to attack israel, we're coming in to bring that humanitarian aid under the sanction of the icj uh that's that's what's going to enforce the icj ruling, if nobody does it then it's never going to be enforced and the people of... will be spelled and exterminated. thank you gentlemen, both of you for joining us from the program and your respective takes on this. mr. jim kavanaw, their political analyst and blogger joining us out of new york and frank emspack, radio producer and political commentator, joining us from madison wisconsin. and viewers, this brings us to the conclusion of this segment of your press tv news review program. thank you for
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tuning in and goodbye for now. and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news, the hamas resistance movement is blasted is or the expansion is plans in the occupied west bank, the movement says israel's plans to build thousands of new settler units near alqs proves regime's intention to bring palestinian land under its control. the movement added israel wants to isolate the palestinian nation by building a network of settlements throughout. occupied territories. hamas also noted telby wants to prevent palestinians from establishing a state with alcods as its capital. tel aviv has advanced plans for another 3,500 new settler units east of alkuts. is really settlements are all illegal under international law. some 700 thousand israelies currently live in around 160 settlements built on occupied palestinian
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land. the emmy army has carried out fresh attacks against the us target in the gulf of aiden. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces carried out an operation against a ship, an american ship in the gulf of aiden with number of appropriate naval missiles and the targets were hit accurately, thank god, which led to the ship. yeah, he al said, he said attacks came after american cargo ship ignored warning calls by the yemani army to stop for inspection. he stress operation was in response earlier strikes by the us and uk on yemen and insolidarity with the palestinians in gaza. yemeny forces have targeted couple dozen israely linked vessels
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in the red sea since the beginning of the regime's onslot on gaza. so stress these operations will continue until israel stops its war on gaza and lifts the siege on the palestinian territory. attentions. continue to mount along the southern lebanese border as israel and hezbulah engage in heavy clashes on an almost daily basis. hezbulah says is carried out fresh attacks against israely military bases in response to regime's recurrent shelling of uh civilian areas in southern lebanon and earlier we were joined by beirot correspondent matt for more. well today has retaliation for the shelling against civilian areas and the destruction of. uh civilian houses in the bordering towns and other areas as well, they uh launched an air strike as they called it by using a kamikazi drone in the in the area of mute
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against the base in mutule specifically, of course the entire area and the the whole five kilometers beyond the border have transformed into basically a military zone by the israelis as a result of hezballah's operations. hezbulah also launched its uh its rockets against the the bases in alam infashuba hills as well as the zibdin post in the shaba farms, the israely shelling of course did not stop in many of the bordering towns and a little bit beyond that we're talking about yaron and yatar in addition toira and marwahin as well as the surrounding area of the shiba which is the shabat town which is not occupied in itself of course that is always under con sent israeli shelling, now despite the israeli shelling, the lebanese today held a mass a mass funeral actually in the town of hola, which is
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adjacent to the border, and it was actually remarkable to see the number of people that went and attended this funeral, which was the funeral for the woman and her husband and son who were killed by israeli shelling, yesterday has of course had already retaliated for that israeli crime by long launching uh several catusha rockets, tens actually have to catusha rockets against several settlements and not only one. the first international conference on family health is underway in the iranian capital. today event has turned into an opportunity for participating countries to familiarize themselves with the iran's national health program described by the world health organization as successful model as gisu misha ahmedi reports. diplomacy in full swing: iran's successful national family health program and referral system detailed for healthcare officials from 14 countries as
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they take part in panel discussions on the second day of the first international conference on family health, dubbed pac for uac. in other words, elaborating on how primary healthcare can be oriented to provide universal health coverage. well, i think iran has lot of what i might call demonstration projects, it has lot to demonstrate and show, not only at the gross level of of the health pop of the population, but individual efforts in primary care and how primary care can move forward, and i think that one can also say that iran is humble enough to say that they have more to accomplish, and that's a that's a model. other countries basically everything from the day one up to now it's interesting because lot is being learned from run what
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they are doing actually what they are trying to do especially on health care it's so interesting that iran is moving with the technology i came to know that more than 90% of physicians or health care practitioners they are using e-prescription so that is a great sign and could actually i'm very hopeful by adding these small small components one day is very soon we will have a complete digital health ecosystem going back to back to countries to our countries we can implement some of the recommendations and we can take also with us some experience from the other countries at the same time we share our experience what we are good in and present it in these conferences. that is why this conference can be considered an essential step for achieving the who sustainable development goals or in short 2030 sdgs. iran is the... first country in
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the region to start healthy cities in 1991 in three settlements in tehran. i think the movement is very well taken in iran and we are close to 2030 and achieving sdg, this will be an opportunity to have all the sectors including the community to work under one vision which is health and well being. i think iran they develop too much in the health sector and we try to... operate with with iran to in the health sector and we appreciated that the minister of of iran uh attended a conference in qatar last week. the success of iran's uac plan, which relies greatly its well-functioning pac network as demonstrated in this international conference can pave the way for stronger bilateral relations with participating countries. the participants of this conference are impressed
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with the level of... development of iran's half-care sector and they're hoping that their bilateral relations with iran will allow them to achieve similar goals. gisumy press tv, tehran. that's what for your latest here on press tv everyone. thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. from the environment to business and economy to civil and human rights, to treaties and agreements, to war and conflicts, we bring
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you the overlooked aspects of world. events and news from the far-flunged corners of the globe. 10 minutes only on press tv. in this week's show we'll be asking. why the archbishop of canterbury seems to be in thraw to zionist extremists. the church of england used to be referred to as the british conservative party at prayer. but justin welby's leadership of the church has gone even further. he's positioned it as an adjunct to the genocidal zinist regime. christian zionism as a movement preceded jewish zionism about at least 50 years. millions and millions of pounds over the last 10 or so years have gone to zionist
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organizations under. guys of doing country extremism work.
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in the midst of the war between the arab and israel, june 8th, 1967, unidentified attackers target a us navy warship in the mediterranean. operation china if i had the about. i had so what was it? i suggest we stop the interview here. what do you say? why you want it? the attack on the liberty was part of a covert operation by the cia and musad to destroy the power of arab military forces in the six day war against israel.
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stay with press tv as we take a look at evidence from this operation and listen to eyewitness accounts.
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