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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 29, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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you press tv headlines hamos releases tends really captives and two four nationals in return for 30 palestinians freeed by israel in the fifth face of a prisoner swap deal. the palestinian health ministry says uh it's has. the alarm about the dar situation of hospitals in northern gaza despite the truth describing it as catastrophic. noran says that durable peace in palestine can only be achieved by ending the occupation and restoring palestinians in alienable right to self-determination.
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hello everyone, thanks for tuning in the press tv world news. anahamasa is handed over 10 israelis and two foreign nationals to the red cross as part of an extended truth deal with israel, which also includes the release of palestinian prisoners. 30 palestinians, that's including 15 children and 15 women were also freeed from an israeli jail. now this is uh part of the fifth phase of a prisoner exchange deal. on monday, two sides. to extend a truce deal until wednesday under the same conditions set for the initial seasfire. before the latest round of exchange, hamas had released a total of 81 captives while israel had freeed 150 palestinians. the initial seasfire came into effect friday after nearly seven weeks of israeli bombardments of gaza. press tv has spoken to the mother of one of the palece.
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prisoners who was freeed on monday from the israelis under the truth deal between hamas and israel. 17-year-old jaward khamil was arrested last december and here is uh his mother telling us about khamil's situation while in israeli custody. i swear to god that in the past two months since the war started, of it has been very difficult for us as family. we didn't know anything about my son or about any of the prison. inside the israeli jails, we were very worried about our sons, because we had heard that israeli soldiers had been assaulting the prisoners and seizing all their belongings, including their mattresses and blankets. we knew from the released prisoners that they were not getting good or enough food and water. we heard they were not able to take showers the entire time, and they had been deprived of the simplest rights. alhamdulillah, my son will be released, and inshallah all prisoners will be
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freeed. the credit goes to our resistance. may allah give them a mighty victory, thanks to allah, and we are praying all the female and male prisoners would be released from all israeli jails. jawad was 16 years old when he was arrested last december while visiting the lands occupied in 1948. regime forces detained him for entering the occupied territories without a permit. his detention was arbitrary. he was mistreated and was beaten while he was. the neg of jail. i really want to thank our resistance, and may allah have mercy on the righteous marters who are most honorable among us and i wish recovery to all the wounded. top juradat is a palestinian prisoner who was released from israeli jail as well, following the temporary ceas far between israel and hamas. she recounts a dar situation that she and other palestinian inmates face while in israeli custody. they beat us, they suppressed us,
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they threw tear gas at us, they took away all our electrical appliances, cooking appliances and even the carpet. it was really painful, especially that i was deprived from seeing and contacting my three children and my brother were also arrested with me. it was really painful for me to be away from. my children, i couldn't hug them, i wish to see my children, they only allowed me to touch my son, was 17 at the time of his arrest once, make god free all prisoners, i understand the pain of the prisoners, i thank god that i was freeed by the grace of god and the power of resistance, and hope that my children will also be freeed, and i wish freedom for my brother and for all the pris prisoners, men and women, released from israeli jails have
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spoken about the appalling conditions they had to endure, their families have also thanked the resistance groups for securing the release. firstly we should not forget our marters, may god bless all the marters of islam, thanks god and the resistance, i was freeed from the occupations prisons, when i got out, i didn't know my cousin had been martered, when i got aware of that, i was so upset, but i was also happy for him, we would not be truly happy onless all our prisoners are freeed from israeli jails, our prisoners are being... tortured through various means, both physical and psychological torture, they hold the garage against palestinians and they do nothing but oppressing the poor prisoners, some prisoners lost vision due to the torture they suffered, five others were murted in the prison i was held in, some prisoners were
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only 13 years old, what had they done? i ask palestinian officials and international bodies to interven and help free all the prisoners. palestinian inmates are held in appalling conditions. thanks god, my son was freeed. i can't describe my feelings. i'm both happy and sad. as you see, the welcome ceremony has coincided with the funeral of his martur's cousin. we will be really happy when the occupation is gone and palestine is free. i don't know how to appreciate the sacrifices of the resistance and the people in gaza. i send my regards to the members of the resistance, the men of god. gaza's trip in violation of the truth with hamas israels fired as sheikh radwan, a district in gaza city regime also launched some artiliary attacks on the besieg enclave, the al-kassam
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brigades have urged the mediators to pressure the regime into adhering to all the terms of the truth. the gaza health ministry meanwile says that the regime continues denying hospital. fuel for their generators, the palestini red creys the israeli forces also prevented a truck carrying fuel for ambulances from entering northern gaza. over 15,500 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed during israeli strikes on gaza since october the 7th. the four days extended to six. the release of captives by hamos fighters, trucks rolling in for aid deliveries, giving the impression of positive humanitarian gestures from israel, but that is far from the truth. on the release of palestinian captives, israel said no celebrations, or they will be arrested
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again, showing israel's dehumanizing behavior. palestinians celebrate it anyways. when it comes to israel genocidal war on gaza, israel has failed. to begin with, it lost the war from day one when operation was executed by hamas resistance fighters. the truth is another sign of israel's failure since it was not able to defeat one of the stated goals, the destruction of hamas. according to senior hamas official osama hamdan, israel has also suffered a military defeat. since october 7th, between 70 to 80 israeli soldiers have been taken up. by hamas fighters, while 385 tanks have been destroyed, but another front that israel has suffered defeat, humiating one at that, do not look away, is the social media war. not only has israel lost information war, western
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media, no matter how hard they have tried, could not silence pro-palestinian voices, social media networks have also tried in vain to block and delete anti-israeli posts, which the... called anti-semitic, like facebook. facebook approved as that contained sentences, like murder palestinian civilians, wipe out goson women, children and the elderly. the us support for israel is filled with double standards, while the us says that it wants the pause to continue, and wants a permanent seasfire, it's continues its starch support for israel, in fact the us presidents approved israeli access to us web. stockpile by eliminating the red tape. the us has played a dubious role when it comes to its stance on the israeli war in gaza. on the one
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hand, the us secretary of state blincon is said to want to press israel to end the war in its upcoming trip to the region. this is while the us president will move to grant israel unfettered access to us weapons stock bill. the us president has also said eliminating hamas is very difficult but not impossible, which is part of the reason why pro-palestinian protests have continued unabated around the world. since many see the us key and ending the war. many celebrities have come out in support of palestine and against us unwavering support for israel, especially when it comes to military aid. u.s. actress and activist cynthia nixon has launched a hunger strike calling for a permanent ceasefire in gaza in front of the white house in washington dc, an unprecedented move by hollywood actress. to have hunger strike, to get attention. but also to say, yes, we are, we are bombing and killing palestinians in that way, but we are
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also starving them. 7% of the nutrition that's needed for population of two million people has been allowed into gaza, and so certainly people, many people are dying from bombs, but so many people in gaza are on the hunger, on the on the precipice of starvation, and so that's why we're having a hunger strike to to reflect the horror of that. she was joined by state legislators and activists also. i think about how much anxiety and depression and fear and all those emotions that gosans are feeling every day. we have lost an entire society. cities have been flattened and if president biden does not demand a permanent ceasefire, all of ghazza could be lost. israel is so afraid of the backlash. the israeli lobby has offered $20 million to candidate of arab origin. to compete with us senator rashied taleb in the michigan elections, i was offered $20 million
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to withdraw from the senatorial race and run against my friend rashed. as if that wasn't enough the israeli lobby is so worried about us congress descent due to the war that it was reported it spent big money trying to purge its critics from the democratic party. the pro israel lobby will go to any length. to remove anybody from the us congress that has any opposition to their agenda and their total, unequivocal support for israel, good, bad or indifferent. a new un report has shed more light on extensive destruction left by recent israeli strikes on gaza. the report prepared by a
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un-eled aid consortium said israel bombardments destroyed or damaged over 60% of all the houses in the besieg enclave. it said in gaza city and in the north specifically, intense bombing has resulted in damage to over 50% of all buildings. report says strikes also caused wide-spread damage to roads and the infrastructure so... as power systems and distribution centers along with water supply equipment. health facilities in the and ghaza bear the brunt of israel's brutal war. the palestin health ministry in gaza is turn the spotlight on the dire situation of hospitals amid the israeli bloccade. pursuent to the health status in the northern gaza strip only. hospitals are still operating, but they cannot cover the health requirements inside the gaza strip as
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these hospitals are small and there are 9000 people left. in addition, the health situation in the northern gaza strip is currently desperate because of the inaccessibility of medical aid and fuel to the hospitals in the north. the palean health ministry spokesman also described situation in northern gaza as catastrophic, lack of medicine and fuel. alkutra said the hospital beds are completely full and the wounded are lying on the ground. further in his remarks he denounced the arrest of director of al-shifa hospital by the israeli forces. the arrest of dr. mohammad abu salmiyah is inhumane and illegal and the international community must do everything possible to pressure the israeli occupace. and his colleagues as the arrest took place under the
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site and supervision of the united nations and the world health organization arrested hospital director last week, they accused him of cooperating with hamas, the regime claims hamas used the hospital as a command center, israel has yet to provide evidence to support that claim hamas and doctors working at the... hospital have a called the allegation absurd, hospital was recently scene of massacre by israeli military. yuran has reiterated that ending israeli occupation and holding a referendum among the the original that is inhabitance of palestine is only path to durable peace in west asia. mr. president, once again, my delegation retraced his principal position that the most effective and durable path to the peace in palestine is
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holding of a referendum among all residents of palestine, jewish, christians and including this place palestinian and refugees based on the history of conflict and instability in the middle east over the past seven decades. the islamic republic of iran believed that durable peace can only be achieved by ending the occupation restoring palestinian in alunable right to the self-determination, returning refugeed to their homelands and establishing the palestine state with sharif as it cap. told in the name of god, the compassionate, the merciful, president, your body was speaking a un general assembly session, the iranian onvoy said the flight of palestinians is rooted in the historical occupation and atrocities of israel. he also denounced setler attacks as he cited a un committee report that brings to the four israeli violence against palestinians. the second
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chapter of the... report of the committee shows that the number of palestinian casualties rose rapidly in the first half of 2023, the highest number of the casualties recorded since 2006. the report indicate that the israeli settlers who are supposed to act like regular civilians targeted palestinians including children on their way to a school and attacked and vandalized palestinian home and vehicles, international law and localy assess that those among armed settlers who directly take part in hostilities with the backing of military forces cannot be afforded the status of civilians protected by humanitarian law. my delegation fly maintains that anyvani also condemned israel's bombardment of civilian infrastructure in gaza. he said the regime makes desperate
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attempts to cover up and justify its crimes under the guise of self-defense. which is devoid of any legal basis. the uh iranian ambassador said israel must be held accountable for its crimes against humanity, its war crimes and its genocide. he demanded a general assembly revive resolution 33.79 that was adopted back in 1979, which equates zionism with colonialism and south african apartide and determined that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. turkey is called on the un to hold israel accountable at international tribunals for war crimes as committed in gaza. president erdogan made the remark during a phone call with the un secretary general antonio guteres. the turkish president said israel shamesly violates international law, the laws of war and international humanitarian law.
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meanwhile, a jordan's king, abdullah has also slammed israel for its war on gaza and crime. that the regime has committed during that war. king said israel's brutal campaign in gaza and its military operations and occupied west bank stand in blatant disregard for human values and right to life. and more rallies are held throughout the world in solidarity with palestinians in gaza with protesters calling for a permanent seasfaire. freiheit für gaza, freiheit für gaza, stop den mord, jetzt sofort, stop den mord, el estado de israel, va caer, va caer, el estado de israel, va caer, israel, in germany,
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thousands demonstrated in berlin, demanding and to the israeli massacre of gotzans, the spanic city of... barcelona people gathered in front of the iconic church there, voicing support for palestinians while urging a permanent seas far, also protesters in tokyo gathered in front of the israeli embassy, demanding an end to the gaza war. meanwile, a group of us activists and state lawers launched a five-day hunger strike just outside the white house demanding secefire in gaza and denouncing washington's support for israel. a ceremony in honor of the day of solidarity with the people of palestine has been held at the palestinian embassy in moscow, marina cortinova reports. the palestinian embassy in moscow on tuesday held a ceremony on the occasion of the international day of solidarity with the
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palestinian people. in the meeting, deputy foreign minister michael bogdanov read the message by president vladimir putin to his palestinian counterpart mahmoud abbas on the occasion of the solidarity day. the message said the creation of sovereign palestine within the 1967 borders is key condition for. resolving the palestine conflict. according to the russian diplomat, the russian foreign ministry has engaged in intense efforts to help resolve the humanitarian situation in gaza through cooperation with iran and other countries. from the very beginning we advocated for seccession of hostilities in order to channel this unprecedented escalation into political context with the goal to agree on immediate deescalation of tension and established negotiations on shimani. iran and russia have powerful positions in the middle east to help the
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palestinians restore their right to self-determination and the creation of soveraine, on the ev of the day of solidity with the palestinian people, moscovites came to the palestinian embassy and brought toys, flowers and posters. in 19. in 77, the un general assembly decided to observe november 29th annually as the international day of solidarity with the palestinian people. on this day, in 1947, the assembly adopted a resolution on the partition of palestine. we are here today in solidarity with our people. for 75 years palestinians have suffered under israeli zionist occupation. gaza has become a genocidal site in full view of the world and no one is doing anything to stop them. massacre of palestinians, we demand our own palestinian state with al-guds as his capital. president putin called it russia's sacred duty to help people in gaza. since the
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latest escalation began, russian aircraft have delivered over 57 tons of humanitarian aid to the population of gaza. humanitarian aid is being transferred to representatives the egyptian red crescent society, who send it to gaza. the international day of solidarity with the palestinian people coincides with. israel's deadly war in gaza and its intensified atrocities against the people in the occupied territories, however, the determination of palestinians to resist the regime's aggression is increasing day by day. marina kartonova, press tv, moscow. the united nations general assembly has adopted a resolution by majority of member states, demanding israel fully withdraw from syria's occupied golden heights, un resolution urged. is the regime to withdraw from the territory to the line of june 4th, 1967, total of 91 countries voted in favor of the document,
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eight countries, including the us and britain voted against it. the resolution said israel's decision in december 1981 to impose its laws and jurisdiction on occupied syrian territory is not void as confirmed by the security council resolution 497 of 19. meanwhile syria's deputy un ambassadors urge the security council to condemn israel's acts of aggression against syria and bring the perpetrators to justice. hakam dandi said that regime's atrocities will push the entire region towards dangerous escalation. leader of iran's islamic revolutions call for further boost and combat readiness of the country's navy using existing capabilities. khamenei said efforts should be made to turn the irani navy into a comprehensive strategic force, leader referred abundant capabilities, the country's naval forces possess,
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especially capacity to assist implementing seaborn economic policies. he stress the need to explore new capacities in order to enhance the country's strength. i told held as remarkable the advances of the navy since victory of the 1979. islamic revolution, that's right for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now. when palestinian journalist shirin abule was killed by nisvd sniper on may 11th 2020. 92,
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the israelis meant to get across a clear message that they don't want any narrative other than their own and the decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alternative narrative, and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israel. measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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hamals handsover tennis and two four nationals to the red cross in exchange for release of 30 palestinian prisoners. the swap comes of the two sides agreed to extend an initial troop. steal until wednesday. a un report says the israeli bombardment of gaza destroyed or damaged over 60% of all the houses there said in gaza city and in the north of gaza specifically intense bombing resulted in damage to over 50% of all buildings.