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tv   Iran Today A Letter from Tehran  PRESSTV  November 27, 2023 3:02am-3:31am IRST

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october 7th, 2023 has already gone down in of history as watershed in regional politics. through its military operation, hamas managed overnight to reveal the underbelly of a regime which had long boasted about its invincibility, its military prowiss and its intelligence superiority. the myth, however was shattered into pieces by a resistance group based in the gaza strip, a swath in the occupied territories which has been under years of crippling siege. to know more, we talk to dr. mohammad ali shafii, an iranian international relations analyst. he believed that the israeli regime's meta narrative has just shattered. many, like we could say leaders of the countries all around the world, mainly in our region. believe that
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mayl after the wars of 1970s, they believe that the this regime and this country is undefeitable, we can't even fight with israeli regime, so we have to accept is resist, accept it and work with it to survive, but nowadays we see that it's defeatable by a small group of hamas in a small country, they defeated this, in the in any kind of like military intervention or any kind of things, so this ritoric has been changed after that issue. to restore at least part of its lost face, tel aviv has desperately tried to drag the islamic republic of iran into the war, blaming tehran as the major force behind the escalation, but iran's stance since the very beginning has been crystal clear. iran supports the
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palestinian cause as a centerpiece of its foreign policy, but at the same time the country has made it clear again and again that it is not involved in the escalation at all. on november 16th, the commander of the irgc force brigadier general ismail khahani sent a public letter to hamas. the letter took the headlines right away. but what was the letter all about? what is its significance? why was it published at this time, and how should it be read without missing point? these and more on this edition of iran today. brigadier general ismail gaani succeeded murder liwtenant general haj qasim of sulaymani after the legendary commander was assassinated in a us air strike in 2020. so in the first place, the two-star general is no ordinary commander and his war. any shape
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or form must be taken seriously. this is dr. mohammad hasan khadiri. former iranian ambassador to mexico and australia, that's why the letter was more than just letter. این سردار جانشین سرdar سلیمانه که general qahani is the successor of martir leutenant general haj qasem suلیmani who was assassinated by the united states during the presidency of donald trump. he has very high position and is responsible for iran's support of liberation movements in places where iran needs to take action. such an important person is the writer of the letter.
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that is someone in charge of things in the field, now these things can be training forces, can be sending weapons, can be financial packages, whatever in support of the palestinian people, they are an oppressed nation that has been massacred, slaughtered and victimized by the zionist for 75 years, so again the letter is very important because it can boost the moral of palestinians. written in arabic, the letter addressed the commander of hamas's al-qassam brigade. muhammad azaif, assuring him and the military wing of hamas in the gaza strip of the solidarity of the access of resistance with palestinian fighters. your brothers in the axis of al-quds and the resistance are united with you, and they will not allow the enemy to reach its dirty goals in gaza and palestine. the axes of resistance refers to an alliance among iran, syria and anti-israeli groups in lebanon, iraq, yemen and elsewhere which have. iranian
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international relations researcher told us that the letter is a reminder of iranian's law the letter is just to give a warm support the what the iranians can do in this brutal war which zionist regime has veged against the palestinian people and this is an explicit support of what the palestinian resistant movement is doing, so the palestinian can be well assured that iranians are just with them and we support them to the end. in the letter, general qaani held operation storm by palestinian resistance
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fighters on october 7th, which caught israel off guard. you created a great epic called the alaqsa storm, which was accomplished with the help of god and by the holy fighters of the... some brigades and the resistance in gaza. dr. hamid reza gholamzade, iranian political analyst told us that one of the main features of the war is that is being fought within the occupied territories. those who are in the fight, those who are in the battlefield are the the resistance front themselves and the beginning of the fight has been from within the occupied line. so what you are saying. now is hamas handling and actually directing directing the war, so it is from the within inside the occupied line inside gaza strip, inside west bank are streng are strong enough to begin, they have a strengthened and they are now leading the
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fight against the zin regime, so with these players in the on the battlefield, the the situation is totally different, they they find what is going to happen that would be totally different from the past and there are no arab politicians or any politicians who would be able who would be bought by money or by petrol dollars or i don't know all the lobbying techniques that occur in the land of arena of politics so they are not being being bought by money they are fighting their cause so there is no stab in the back anymore if the fight is going to escalate and get more. in the letter, general qani touched on undeniable fact a fact many experts concurred with that palestine and the region after operational storm will not be the same as before. i would like to refer to the letter
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again, the part where uh brigadier general khaani states that the palestine and the region will not be the same after the alaxa flood operation. what do you has changed after october 7 and operation alaxsa flat, if you want to divide history, we can divide it into before october 7 and after october 7. israel is no longer what it used to be and cannot become like what it used to be, on the one hand, the israelis have lost their moral, and on the other hand, moral among the resistance forces is high, the israeles have received the... blow, the american navies threaten that if hizbullah entered the war, they would target both hizbullah and iran, but now it is hizbullah that is threatening the us saying that if the americans enter the war, the resistance group would target their navies, and it is within the power of hezballah. that's why the american navies
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changed their location and moved away. now the table has been turned and the israeli regime will be anated. i have no doubt about it. there is no doubt that there is. israeli regime now wishes to turn the clock back to the days before october 7th when its fabricated narrative was still believed by some that it was the wrong guy to mess with, indeed the good old days. in yet another part of his letter, general qahani wrote, you clearly showed the weakness and fragility of the usurping zinus regime, and you showed in a practical and decisive way that the regime is weaker than a spider's web. in his. letter elsewhere brigadier general gahani addressing hamas says that after the epic alaxsa flood operation, the myth of israel being invincible has been debunked, could you tell us more about this: the israeli regime used
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to claim that its army was invincible, that they would win any war, in other words, israel used to be known for its powerful army, it was even regarded as a word power by some, the... regime has a state of the art weaponry, fighter just, you name it, but hamas has none of them, even its missiles are not like the ones israel possesses. the group has no fighter jets, no navies, no even tanks. they enter the... israeli occupied areas by paragliding and managed to kill some 1500 military zionists and capture more than 250 zionists. this was the first time that the regime was cut off guard. its military and intelligence services proved ineffective. with the humliating blow the israeli regime received from hamas, tel aviv is already getting the monicer of the paper tiger of the region as it would no longer look fearful when it bears its teeth. در این قضیه ۱۵ مهر به این طرف رژیم قاصب صهیونیستی هم از لحاظ
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نظامی هم از لحاظ اطلاعاتی یک شکست غیر قابل ترمیم خورده شکست رو همه گفتن من تاکیدم به غیر قابل ترمیم بودن است. من میگم: این زلزله ویرانگر توانسته است بعضی از سازه های اصلی حاکمیت رژیم قاصب رو ویران کنه که تجدید بنای اون سازه ها به این آسانی امکان پذیر نیست. بعيده. که رژیم قاصب صهیونیستی با همه هایی که
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میکنه با همه حمایت هایی که امروز در دنیا ازش از سوی غربی ها می شود بتواانه اون سازه ها رو ترمیم کنه من عرض می کنم از شنبه ۱۵ مهر رژیم صهیونیستی رژیم صهیونیستی قبلی نیست. in 1948, a military doctrine for the regime was formulated by david bin guurian, which was heavily based on deterrents and intelligence superiority. this military doctrine was in place until october 7th this year when it was totally destroyed. there was no more deterrance in the sense of military superiority. again in his letter addressing hamas, he has said that the al-aqsa flood
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operation has debunked the israeli regimes's myth of invincibility and has proven again once again the fragility of the israeli regime's position and stand stating that it's weaker and more fragile than a spider's web. it's just enough to look at the situation right now on the ground, the israelies could not actually handle the situation, so first of all they were surprised by the... the uh the operation in october 7th i show that they in terms of intelligence they were weak in terms of military they were weak in terms of deterrance they were weak and after that after few days the situation changed and it was clear that for those who are looking at the situation analytically it was clear that the zionist regime could not handle the situation and it was the americans to get involved so they are actually right now now commanding the line and they are doing the job, the americans are doing the job for the
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israelis, so they it is already seen that the israelis cannot handle and stand against just hamas, let alone the others and they are they were actually about to fail at the very beginning early days of the operation. hamas was not afraid of israel's military. warnings, israel's army and security apparatuses were not able to defend their citizens against hamas and practically became a target for resistance fighters. you know, there is a comparison between what israelis are doing and what is did or even any terrorist group does. you just uh when you see a terrorist group acting, they are. trying to terrorize the people, to achieve
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some goals, when you see the israelis are just bombarding the civilians, they are bombarding the hospitals, they are just using their guns, tanks and shells to uh deplet the area, they just want to evacuate a vast area which belongs to palestina. and they have turned gaza to to a dust, and this is not a military achievement, this is a terrorist achievement, you are just terrorizing the people. you are just killing innocent civilians like children, women, elder people, and then uh, you cannot call it, an achievement, a military achievement. the corporate media's coverage of the zianist regime's daily mass slaughter of men, women
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and children in gaza has been shamefully one-sided. the pro israel storyline is: tightly policed and any interviewes who straight from that pro israel narrative are invariably ridiculed, cut short or continuously interrupted. one of the worst offenders is peer morgan. he's clearly uh biased and he clearly does attack people who are critical of of zinanism and indeed of western foreign policy more than he does the people on the other side. i'm not being awful, mercenaries kill people and they do it for money uh, so they they are not what you would call the most moral people in. world, so not only a spanish people going over there, i've got reports of czech, british, american and also colombian. there's plenty more right after a quick glance at some news exserves. hello, and welcome back to news
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exerbs, let's get going, in a letter to hamas's dave, god's for. chief says iran will not allow israel to defeated. times of israel writes, iran will not allow israel to defeed hamas in the gaza strip. the head of iran's expedition records force rights in message to the commander of the hamas military wing. however, general ismail gaani stops short of saying, tehran will join the battle in order to rescue hamas. now, let's move on. iran's qaani says the resistance. front stays united with hamas. roits writes, iran has warned israel of escalation if it fail to end aggressions in the gaza strip. now iran will do whatever it takes to help hamas in war with israel, god's force chief says. al- arabia writes, "tairwan refuses to recognize
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israel and as made support for the palestinian cause, a fundamental component of his foreign policy. since the islamic revolution of 1979. how far will iran go to support hamas in war with israel writes 40 days into the israel hamas war, the commander of iran's go force promised the group that iran will do anything required, yet questions linger over iran's willingness to risk a direct involvement. access of resistance will never abandon palestine, iranian commander. to aldeif the palestine chronic writes general gaani extended his congratulations to aldave the palestinian resistance as well as the people of occupied palestine for the significant victory and unprecedented achievements they had made against israeli occupation. now iran will do everything to
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help palestinian resistance, irgc commander says. the crater rice, the leader of the courts force hailed. the achievements of the resistance in gaza against israel. that's it from me. thank you so much for being with us and see you later. general qani's letter seems to be more than a pat on the shoulder of hamas. it praises the group's extraordinary operation into the heart of the israeli occupied territories, but it doesn't stop there. some have read the letter as a renewal of iran's military alliance with hamas, cause for serious concern for the israeli regime. in the letter, general qani declared that tehran would continue its support to the palestinian fighters with whatever it takes to win their weeks long war with israel. we assure you that we will do whatever is necessary in this historic battle. in his letter he has also stated that we assure you that we will do whatever it takes in this historic battle and we will commit to our brotherly bond that unites us.
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irgc will not allow gaza to remain under pressure. now what is your interpretation? of this: do you think this means that iran would possibly get involved? to look at this question, we have to separate the in two different issues, from the 7th of october we see many iranian officials going all around the world and trying to call and have meetings like we could say mr. amir abdullah foren minister of iran, he traveled all around the world, mainly the countries in the region, he went to the un headquarter in new york and he tries to uh bring the politicians from different countries to do something about the situation and beside that leader of iran a we had a meeting with hamas leaders, mr. hane and the president of iran made many several calls with different people in different countries, this is a part of the
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practice that iranian officials did, but when mr. gani says this, it means that we will do anything, but we are looking at the situation on the ground, that's the variable that may change our decision on participating in. any means necessary, we are not putting military interactions beside, but we will focus on the political issues, but the military intervention, not directly, not as they may expect, but we will support you in any means. general qahanii told azafe that as gaza is defending the oma's pride and honor, the allies of the palestinian resistance in the access of al-quds will not let the israeli enemy single out. and reach its targets, but the $1 million dollar question is, will iran embark a military confrontation with the israeli regime? the situation in the occupied
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lands is not like the necessity of involvement of iran in terms of a full filledged military participation, i mean from the day one, leader of islamic republic said that iran was not involved and it is not. that iran actually knew about that, but it doesn't mean that iran is afraid of getting involved, it means that it there is no need for iran to get involved, the resistant movement, the hamas and other fighters in occupied land in palestine, they are enough to finish the job, but it needs to, it needs time and they are doing what they need to do, so iranian support is not just about military intervention or military support. is about political support, it's about knowledge support, in many different ways, it is being done and will be done more and more. the
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timing of the letter's publication is also as important as the letter's content, but what is the significance of the letter in this respect? the letter came just after western media claimed that hamas leader ismail hani had got a dressing down from the leader of the islamic revolution, ayatullah... ali khamenei in tehran. it was, however categorically denied as a flat-out lie by both the iranian and palestinian sides. reuters had claimed that hania had been told that since tehran was not given prior notice the october 7th operation, it would offer political support to hamas, but would not intervene directly in the fight. the news agency had also claimed that hania had been asked to silence those voices in hamas. calling for iran and hezballah to directly join the war against israel in full force. the significant significance of the leather in is in the situation of these days that we
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had the news from righters in which they uh fakely said claimed that uh the iranians are actually uh angry with hamas and some some comments were uh falsely claimed about in the meeting between uh the leader of islamic republic and the leader of hamas, mr. ismail han, so it was all fake, and this leader first of all shows that uh iran is totally supporting hamas in their fight and in their cause against the zionist regime and there is nothing that would be decreasing the support, so there is no disunity among the resistance front and all the uh fronts in the this group in this front are supporting one. another so the they are united and this letter shows that this unity is actually in place in full support of the hamas. to dr. shaffii, the
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letter was written yet for another reason. the point of this letter in this exact time is that we could see that many arab leaders and arab officials are using the rhetoric of condemning the genocide in palestine, but they're not really doing anything on the land. and they're not helping the palestinian people, they're not cutting their ties with israel and nothing doing any real fact in on the land, but when a military official from iran, he is the head of the force of irgc uh issues this letter in this context, we could see that he he is a official military person, and as we know the military people they don't use the words only as ritorics, they'... mean what they say and they will do what they say, and this is the situation that his letter came out in this appropriate time, so he wants to send this message to the palestinian
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people that we're not. us using words as words and we are not politicians, we are military people, and we will help you and support you in the on the ground. general qani concludes his letter by reiterating support to the palestinian resistance on the religious and fraternal basis that unites the entire axis of al-quds. your brothers in the axis of al-quds and the resistance are united with you, and they will not allow the enemy to reach his dirty goals in gaza and palestine. that's all for today, thank you for watching from the whole team, please do tune in, same times next week and each week after, please send us your comments and topic requests, you can also follow us on facebook, instagram and twitter via at eron today show, till next time, take care.
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your headlines on press tv, israel releases 39 more palestinians after hamas free 13 israeli captives and four foreign nationals as part of the truth deal in gaza is forces kill a palestinian farmer and injure another an attack a refugee camp in the gaza strip despite a 4-day truce with hamas and the iran's president says the us as accomplice in israel's crimes has no right to take part in any decision making process for the ghaza strip.