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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 25, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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your headlines on press tv israel freeze 39 palestinian prisoners, all women and children, in exchange for 24 captives held by hamas, as part of a temporary ceasefire in gaza. the hamas leader says, palestinian resistance forces, or resistance forces forced israel into accepting the group's terms for a cfire agreement. the leader of the palestinian islamic jihad movement says israel will eventually be forced to release all palestinian prisoners.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehan, thank you for joining us. the four-day truce has taken effect in the gaza strip, the first pause in seven weeks of israeli aggression on the besieg strip, the... recease fire came into force at 500 gmt, however two people were killed as the israeli army used live fire and tear gas to stop palestinians in southern gaza from returning to their homes in the north. under the deal, desperately needed aid will be allowed into gaza. also, a group of 24 captives held by hamas have been handed over to the regime's forces. in return, 39 palestinian prisoners, all of them, women and children were released. israeli forces
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attacked hundreds of people awaiting the release of the palestinian prisoners outside israel's ofer prison in the occupied west bank. they fired volleys of tear gas and live fire at the crowd injuring two. the gaza truce follows 48 days of relentless israeli air strikes that killed nearly 15,000 palestinians and displaced around 1.7 million garsans. in defiance of israeli threats, palestinians have been celebrating the release of their prisoners by the regime as part of a f-day gaza trues.
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the 39 released palestinians are all women and children. israel have threatened to rearrest the prisoners in case of any celebrations upon their release. the israeli regime has also warned the free palestinians not to discuss their prison conditions. however, the free prisoners have already revealed that the palestinian detaines suffered serious medical neglect during detention and now need medical attention. israel released the 39 palestinians in exchange for 24. captives held by hamas following operation on october the 7th. earlier we were joined by political analyst jim kavana and asked for his take on the temporary truce in gaza. let's say listen. regime was never really interested in saving the hostages. the captives. i think they're interested in destroying gaza and depopulating. gaza, it's an ethnic cleansing
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operation, and they they have an, they have a policy called the hannibal directive, which is to kill hostages, to to attack places where hostages are held, because they don't want the hostages to be used as political tools against them, which of course that's what they are, so they they were never really interested in in going after the houses, that was clear, they didn't go after the hospital, she for hospital because of hostages hidden there, they went, they they destroyed hospitals because they wanted to destroy. hospitals, now what's happened in israel is of course there's been political pushback from the hostage families and their constituency saying do something for the hostages. i think that's the only reason netanyahu has agreed to do this now, because he's got to give himself some cover politically in israel, okay, i am doing something for the hostages, i want to do something for the hostages. of course he set up this situation where not only the palestinians aren't supposed to celebrate, but the hostages, the is hostages have been leased. away and kept from the uh the the
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media and told they will be fined if they talk to the media, so the hostages are a problem for israel, they didn't really want them back, they wanted to use them as an excuse. for ethnic cleansing of gaza. the secretary general of the palestinian islamic jihad resistance movements says the israeli regime has failed to achieve a stated goals in the gaza war. in a televised address ziad nakhale added that the current prisoners swap deal with tel aviv will finally lead to another agreement that will force the regime to release all palestinian prisoners. he said the resistance front will continue fighting and prevent the enemy from reaching its objectives. noted that the october 7 operation alaxa flood has caused earthquake within the israeli regime and shed light on the western support for israel. he also thanked resistance groups in lebanon, iraq, syria and yemen for courageously supporting palestinians. nikali underlined that those
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who speak of governing gaza should think of protecting their own people instead. former hamas chief khalid michael says operation alaxsa flood exposed israel's weakness and its need for foreign support. mishal who currently heads hamas's diaspora office said the october 7 operation inflicted psychological, military and intelligence defeat on israel. he added that israel's aggression on gaza exposed the barbaric nature of the regime. referring to the gaza truth, michel said israel was forced to reach an agreement with hamas after failing to achieve his goal of eliminating the resistance group. meanwhile, he slamed arab silence, or the arab silence on israeli crimes and edged financial and military support for gaza. he also rejected the prospect of any foreign forces participating in the governance of gaza, stressing that resistance fighters will crush such western
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plots. the world health organization has voiced concern over the fate of the head of gaza city's al-shifa hospital. whom israel forces detained on wednesday, in a statement, the who said israel detained the hospital director and five other health workers during an evacuation operation by the un. the who added that two of the six have reportedly been released, but the well being of shifa hospital chief and others are unknown. the organization called on israel to respect the legal and human rights of the detainees. israel launched a barrage of attacks on shifa and other hospitals in the... gaza shriff before taking over the facility. a few of hospitals in the cost territory are now functioning and operational ones lack essential medical supplies. iran's basieg volunteer forces have held nationwide valleys
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in solidarity with palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. in the capital tehwan, over 5000 members of the volunteer force turned out to condemn israel's atrocities. gisumisha ahmadi tells us. marching towards al-quds as they called it, over 5,00 members of iran's basige volunteer forces took to the streets downtown tehran in one of the largest gatherings held in the iranian capital to express their outrage at the ongoing israeli bloodshed in gaza and the deliberate targeting of children. carrying the palestinian flag, they chanted slogans against the occupying israel. regime and its western backers, the us in particular, as they condemned the genocide in the besieg territory. the basige force is actually iran ordinary people, the ones who pray in most, so what you see here is the huge support of iranians for men, women and
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children in gaza. my message to the kids in gaza is that we will always support them. more than 14,000 innocent muslims have been killed. so far, according to the statistics, nearly 7,000 of those who have been killed are children, as member of the bassis volunteer force has just had to take part in this rally, the oppressed people in gaza should know that they are not alone, many demonstrators also carried bundleed white shroud symbolizing the children killed in gaza in the israeli attacks on schools and hospitals. everywhere in the world, people agree, and also according to international law, attacking hospitals is a war crime, as member of the passage force in the faculty of medicine, i'm here to condemn the war crimes committed by the israeli regime, whenever in a war you see one side taking unconventional measures, it's a clear sign that they are desperate, attacking women and children and killing chin children shows how weak the
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israelis are, the people of palestine should know that their victory is near, we will always support the suppressed people of palestine, all the people that you see here have come to condemn the israeli regime, we will defend them till our last drop of blood. the government's media office in gaza announced on thursday that at least 14,000 800 people have been killed in the israeli attack so far, including nearly 7,000 children, while over 36,000 have also been injured. 60% of the homes in gaza have also been destroyed. since the beginning of the israeli war on gaza, not a day has gone by, the iranians have come out on the streets to show their support for the palestinian people. more than 10 million people have so far signed up to go to gaza. tv, tehran. children from various backgrounds in the
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pakistani capital islamabad have marched hand-in hand to express unwavering solidarity with the pears in gaza. press tv's correspondent nasir kasmi has more in this report. in heartwalming display of empathy and solidarity. thousands of school children from private and public schools across. pakistan gathered a spirited children's rally to express their support for the palestinian children facing the harsh realities of israel's atrocities in gaza. the event marked by sea of youthful faces accorded with charts of unity and calls for justice. we are here to tell our palestine sister and brother that we are they are not alone. we are always stand with them and we all. raise or wife for them i'm here to support palestine and
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support kids like me. my message is that the palestinians shall be free. these pakistani children, armed with compassion stood united to condemn the injustices that palestinian children face amid the ongoing war in gaza. we are here to show our support to the children of palestine, we stand with them. i am here to support the palestinian children and i stand with them. the rally served as testament to the power of education in fostering compassion and empathy, transcending geographical boundaries to create a global community that stands against oppression. any conflict in which such a big. number of children are killed, this is a children's genocide in gazza and children
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around the world are showing solidarity with the children of ghaza, they are angry about the killing because israel has targeted the children of ghaza specifically. children here in pakistan called for a world in which each and every child's rights are safe guarded and respected. through their participation in these pro- palestine rallies pakistani school children not only supported the solidarity narrative but also reminded the international community of profound resonance of israel's onslot on gaza within the younger generation which values justice empathy and peace nasir kazmie press tv islamabad ambassador of the regime's accusations against the country's prime minister, the spanish foreign minister
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says the allegations are unacceptable. the accusations of israel towards the spanish prime minister and the belgian prime minister are totally false and unacceptable. we reject them categorically from the ministry of foreign affairs. we are analyzing the appropriate response that we are going to give and there will be a response. to these false and unacceptable accusations, earlier, israel's summoned ambassadors of belgium and spain, the israeli foreign ministry accused them of supporting terrorism, it came after spanish and belgian prime ministers slammed the regime for indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians. belgium's alexander the crew and his spanish counterpart pedro sanchez made the comments during a visit to rafaq border crossing south of the gaza street. they also denounced the violation of international law by israel in his war on
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gaza. the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians, including thousand of boys and girls are completely unaceptual. a military operation needs to respect international humanitarian law. the killing of civilians needs to stop now, way. many people have died, the destruction of gaza is unacceptable, we cannot accept that society is being destroyed the way it is being destroyed. this is not the first time that israel finds itself at odds with international community over the war on gaza. it is a repeatedly demanded the resignation of un chief antonio guiteres for saying that gaza has become a graveyard for children and that the october 7 operation alaxa flood by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. tel aviv has also dismissed as infamy a un resolution
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urging humanitarian truce in gaza and even criticized germany for not. rejecting it, the regime has lembasted turkish president recep erdogan for calling israel a terrorist state and describing hamas as liberaters fighting for their own land. israel couldn't even tolerate russia hosting a hamas delegation calling it upseene. in an extraordinary and heroic move the yemeni armed forces seased an israeli cargo ship in the red sea on sunday in response. the regime's deadly aggression against gaza a correspondent from for iran's arabic news channel al alam has visited the detained ship in a yemeny port and filed this reporting off the israeli ship galaxy leader off the coast of yemen or even crossing the red sea is not welcome unless mandatory with
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invitation the seazure ship is a line with this narrative and the... how many forces did it remarkably displaying support for the palestinian cause? i'm standing on the deck of galaxy leader an israeli ship that was seized by yemen's naval forces. they did this to help our brothers in palestine and to support the islamic jihad and other palestinian resistance movements which are fighting against the tyranny and global arrogance in israel. this is the first time we stopped this israeli ship. through this we send message to friends. and enemies that the yemeni naval forces are ready to help our brothers in gaza with all available means and they would also make fuutile any move against the yemenis. yemen's operation that was carried out few days after the leaders abdul malik althi's speech regarding the constant monitoring of israeli ships revealed the
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weakness of the regime's intelligence system once again after the alaskaf flot operation. this operation will continue in the depth of the red sea until the regime's attack and gaza stops. all israeli ships will remain the main target of the yemeni naval forces and this was only successful beginning that god has promised to the oppressed, and the israeli ship exactly fell into the hands of the oppressed. we are standing on the deck of galaxy leader, the first israeli ship we've seized in defense. of our palestinian brothers, this is not the only ship and others will follow, we will continue this operation until the attacks on our palestinian brothers are stopped, despite the great shock inflicted on the enemies and the pain of the indifference of the arab world toward gaza, palestinians, whose words and action are the same are more valuable to us
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than anything. the us and their backers is crystal and clear, we support palestinians from the air and the sea, and are aligned with the resistance fighters for whatever they do in the coming days to defend, global demands to prosecute israel are growing in the regimes never ending atrocities against the palestinians, we earlier talked to sakina saddat pad, a special advisor to president
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international peace and security, it must give recommendation or adopt a decision, so far nothing has happened, so far these have not happened, despite the crimes committed regime, so it seems that there's a need for an international legal consensus at the global level,
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impossible to cover the ongoing situation there, press tv's max chavily has a report. a group of italian journalists, representatives of media unions and organizations gather that the roman press association in rome to discuss how the ongoing conflict in the gaza strip has been biasedly covered by the media so far. the initiative was organized by the no gag network, a group that advocates for freedom of expression. in italy as palestinian and international journalists trapped in the coastal territory continue to be slotted by the israeli occupation forces.
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as of today we don't know if these journalists have been executed or they have been killed in their homes together with their beloved ones during the israeli bombardments, and i ask you, would that make any difference? it is horrific anyway. during the... meeting, journalists agreed that a war needs field reporting, condemning israel's refusal to head calls to allow independent reporters to access gaza for direct testimony, since october 9, the 2.3 million residents of gaza have been experiencing devastating near complete communications blackout. killing a journalist is a war crime and we call on the international criminal court to proceed with the examination into what's happening in gaza. the italian journalists also relaunched the petition already signed by 200 french, palestinian and
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lebanese journalists demanding access to gaza and the protection of journalists covering the israeli onsloat on the strip. la libertà di informazione viene seppellita sotto le manship. freedom of expression has been buried under gaza's rubbles. are in gaza operating under the observation of israeli commanders in the field. speaking of freedom of expression, the future of journalism in italy looks blake. there has been a big question mark over the credibility of italian media outlets in recent years as the sharp divide between the mainstream media and a large chunk of public opinion has been growing deeper. the divide is getting deeper and deep. much of the public opinion does not follow mainstream tvs and newspapers anymore, they have totally lost trust in them, and it is understandable, the media keeps saying the
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conflict in gaza started on october 7. meanwhile, italy's foreign minister antonio tayani has urged israel to use the four days fire in gaza to carefully consider what the international perception is of its offensive against the strip, max chiville, press tv, rome. well that's it for this hours bulletin, thank you for being with us, i'll be back with a recap of the news in about four minutes time, take care for now. a disabled girls from gaza, how is life for her? how was she tackling her problems? how
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has the israeli bloccade put her under constant pressure, and how has she remained hopeful under the worst of conditions, lease and more in sohaw. october 7th marked new chapter in israel's history. they were stunned by the unexpected turn of events. now the big question is, can
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israel restore its shuttered image after the seismic shift in its narrative.
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people in israel marked parim as a holiday to commemorate the saving of the jewish people from annihilation at the hands of the kamanite empire in persia, as it is recounted
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in the book of ester. they've been using the occasion to play the victim, but what is the reality and is there truth in it? watch this documentary to gain some insight.
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news and brief for this hour, israel has free 39 palestinian prisoners, all women and children in exchange for 24 captives held by hamas as part of a ceasefire in gaza. the four-day truth, which took effect of 500 gmt is the first pause in seven weeks of israeli aggression on the besieg strip. the hamas political bureau chief says it remains committed to the implementation of a gaza truce agreement as long as israel abbies by the deal. ismail hannie said the group is prepared to continue countering the israeli onslot on the gaza shrift after the truth ends.