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tv   Mideastream  PRESSTV  November 22, 2023 5:02pm-5:31pm IRST

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all political and military analysis is currently indicating that the head of the zionist occupation entity is trying to portray and market a non-existent victory inside gaza. it seems that the palestinan resistance hamas has once again lured in the occupation and inflicted it with significant losses. after the zionist forces penetrated gaza. there is no victory for zionist israel on the horizon, and benjamin netanyahu statements about a long war are a marketing alternative for a non-existent victory. the palestinian resistance hamas has managed to outsmart the zionist for the second time, leaving their occupation forces to invade for a whole day on two axes, then surprising them with elite forces. as nahumbarnia, zionist military analyst put it for the hebrew newspaper. when he said, our soldiers bodies
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are another street and on the roads, and it seems that our forces have two choices, either withdrawal or humiliating death. meanwile the zianist newspaper harats revealed that the total intelligence known to the israeli military about the gaza tunnels is far from the size and degree of sophistication of the tunnel project. the newspaper an analysis by military analyst amos harel stated that the picture of the battles in the gaza strip is more complex. than what prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to export as a tremendous success. it added that some of these successes israel speaks of may result from hamas's attempts to preserve its strength for the upcoming stages of the war. this means that the intelligence information gathered by the israeli regime about hamas tunnels in gaza does not reflect their true size, development and complexities, and that it all falls far short of the scale of this project in reality, which may be the... largest of its kind in
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the world. regional observers have affirmed that the alleged zionist military successes following the bombardment of gaza with 3000 tons of dynamite are not visible so far. for example, the absence of images showing destroyed tunnels, surrenders or the non-existent assassination of a large number of palestinian fighters or prominent leaders in the resistance are key to this illusion of an israeli entity victory. the reality of the combat. situation in gaza is far more complicated than what netanyahu is trying to depict when he described it as an exceptionally successful phenomenon, well it might be so, but for sure not for the zionist occupation forces, rather for the trecending palestinian resistance. welcome to the mediast stream, i'mman.
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zinist israel has consistently hesitated to set major military objectives concerning the hamas resistance movement, usually stating that the wars it waged against the movement aimed to impose sufficient force to deter the resistance from carrying out its attacks without completely toppling hamas. however, it is now evident that tel aviv has completely failed to achieve its declared of limited objective as the hamas movement possessed notable military capability and weapons that in enabled it to undermine the israeli entity deterrents. to discuss this issue with us from moscow fuurella isabel journalist geopolitical analyst, host of the convo couch and writer at fiorella isabel substack. thanks emilion for being with us, fiorella this morning to discuss this very important issue. now the israeli occupation army faced fierce resistance from the palestinian hamas movement over the past 40 plus days preventing its progress and basically inflicting heavy loss uh on it as it carried. out violent retaliatory attack
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that we all watched on our smartphones and tvs against the occupation forces that there are when while they were trying to penetrate the gaza strip on four different axis at the same time and that happened all last week, yet netanyahu called the zionist incursion an exceptional success phenomenon. what is he seeing that made him call it this way? well, we know that israel has to promote a certain narrative. and it's been doing definitely a terrible job of promoting this uh propaganda as we can discuss later, but in my opinion, net yahoo considers the civilian casualties, which has party and other factions that are even more radical if we can imagine it, justify by allegging that they're targeting hamas terrorists, which is but a general mention of course of one of many militant factions, but uh we've also seen their attempts at these fake videos with perfectly arranged weapons that i'll... hospital to
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suggest that they're hiding there um they're hiding tunnels there and and that they're manipulating and using civilians as human shields, which of course israel has been... found to do themselves, so what netan yahoo! in my opinion sees is the success is what he has to promote uh essentially, which is the death of nearly you know 16,000 civilians uh from palestine by some estimates, but i think it's cowardly to go to war with injured people, women and children at hospitals and refugee camps and you know tell them to go south or go north depending on what's most convenient at the time and then uh simultaneously shoot. them when they do so, and of course they also see successful the fact that they have the entire support of western governments, which i do think is is slightly changing at least in in europe and so on and in certain to a certain degree, but i mean so far they've had the billions of dollars from the united states and the media
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arm uh, which is also now under more scrutiny, but in reality, as you mentioned, israel is losing the propaganda war and it's getting it really hand to them on the ground, and that's the truth that few uh, except you, are willing to really talk about, that they've completely underestimated the situation on the ground, and they won't ever admit to this, but they'll say that hamas must be defeated uh, in order to of course kill uh all palestinians. well, ferela, it does seem that designist prime minister is trying to portray or somewhat sell a certain victory in gaza that does not really exist on the ground as we mentioned, but let us say for the sake of the argument that "the war actually stops tonight, what do you think will be the terrifying scenario that is really scaring designs at the moment? well, first of all, the obvious right, they won't really know uh the uh advancements by the resistance, they don't really know what, how
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the resistance is operating, so that would be one tactical uh situation that they'll have to keep up with, but i've said this many times, now israel will." never be the same again, it will never be viewed the same and it will be forgiven by many people uh all around the world of course we've seen these protest and so much information has been revealed to those that have been previously unfamiliar with israel's actions and palestine's long history of struggle for liberation, israel has effectively i think lost the war on the entire narrative and then in spite of the i would say strong western and us backing, lot of people have seen through this via social media, we're now an age where... you can post videos uh and be online shortly uh after they're taken and in spite of all their attempts with the internet and such uh palestinians have been able to get their story out, i don't think we've ever seen this level of protest and support for palestine uh in a long time and also israel
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has been depicted as this um just unmovable figure that is so strong and so capable and that's also been damaged and they've seemingly come out as a paper tiger not quite a strong or real even stand out its own, we know that without the united states israel wouldn't really exist and in the way it exists now, and so while palestinians, to the rest of the world we have been watching um people being murdered and ethnic cleansing, and then you have the un and these institutions that are attempting to say, you know, they want to call a ceasefire and they say all the right things, but they refuse to actually name israel, antonio guteres can't say uh, israel bombed uh the hospital or israel is responsible for killing some of our own members, he won't say israel, so i think there's this cowardice that we've seen in these institutions while condemning israel's actions, they simultaneously do nothing to
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fix it, so i do think that israel is going to have to really um deal with the reality, that this narrative has changed, definitely, he will never mention israel because he will be called out as an anti-summit with. in seconds, but fiorella, the intelligence information collected by the zionist israeli entity about uh the hamas tunnels that israel keeps repeating on and on, they seem not to reflect the true size or the the capacity or even the complexity of this uh tunnel system that might be the biggest in the world. what do you think was the main reason for this unprecedented failure in the zionist entities intelligence when it comes to really understanding the resistance? of like hamas and others inside of gaza. um, well, forgive me for this uh ancient comparison, but israel um, as i mentioned right, it's exposed itself as paper tiger, but for the longest time it was seen as a goliath, it was seen as undefeitable, and they themselves have admitted that they don't see palestinians as
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human, but less than human or human animals, i quote, as they have said many times, and we've all heard, so they've never actually contended this idea that all their tanks and all their weapons and all this money from the us wasn't going to lend them easy victory, and this is because for the longest time israel has only fought adolescents, they've only fought women and children, with very little uh weapons at their disposal and so whenever they do go one-on-one with the resistance, as has happened before, they completely lose it and they don't have a a way of understanding how the resistance works, so then top of that they've also been uh completely just rendered uh helpless by their own humor arrogance because they started relying so much on ai intelligence and of course i think that was a part of their fault, and of some western analyss of course had this idea that, and i i think it's
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myopic, that it would be impossible for israel to lose uh in the way that they are losing, and that it also is impossible that israel's security was breached, they came up with a theory that israel must have quote, let this happen in order for it to serve a higher purpose, but the reality is that people have completely underestimated the palestinian resistance. the axes of resistance as a whole, um, the the arrival and the help of of yemen, of iran and all of this and all of the resistance forces, and again, israel is but a hologram of what is presented to the world, and the resistance has in fact methods of communication that i think are not easily trackable, um, and so they've had years to practice and study this, and i think it's funny because israel did build tunnels, um, and hamas did cover them at al-shiva hospital, but israel claims that they need to find them, so what i do fear that might happen is that of uh israel uh
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might promote something of false flag as we've seen them attempt time and time again, definitely, well i want to ask you to stay with us, fiorella, because we are going to go to the second segment where ladies and gents we're going to be uh watching how the zionists are really failing militarily inside of gaza. now away from the dust of the battle and the ongoing bloodshed of palestinian civilians by the zionist occupation forces in full view of the whole world, the palestinan resistance is still managing the battle military. while maintaining the upper hand, this is not what the resistance is claiming, but rather what
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neutral western military experts and even israeli entity once themselves are asserting. more details in this following report. for 40 days, including nearly three weeks from the start of the ground invasion, the zianist occupation forces succeeded in penetrating the northern gaza strip. they reached the shifa medical complex and the beach camp with tanks entering the shifa complex on the evening of tuesday november 14. occupation forces completely isolated the hospital from the outside world in what seemed like a show suggesting the achievement of some sort of victory by desperate military and political leadership inside the israeli regime. the reason is that the shifa medical complex, the largest hospital in gaza has become the primary propaganda point since the early days the israeli occupation aggression. the science leadership claimed that the palestinan resistance hamas has turned the medical complex into a central. command and control facility and that the movement was holding detainees in tunnels beneath shifa
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hospital. however, after many hours of the shifa incursion, israeli entity radio reports indicated the absence of detainees and that the search was still ongoing. meanwhile all reports from the complex indicated no signs of armed resistance, although it is not ruled out that sionist israel will insist otherwise without providing reliable evidence for its claim. in any case, from purely military perspective, it is important. to clarify what the occupation army has actually achieved and the extent of its success in approaching the main goal of this aggression, in which it has committed and continues to commit heinous war crimes in various forms in plain view and reach of the world, including the recent invasion of the shifa medical complex. the israeli occupation entity is attacking gaza on the ground with three armored divisions, representing more than half of the main and reserve forces of the occupation army. this is in addition to the air force, military and intelligence and internal security forces. on the other hand, the palestinian resistance in the gaza strip is fighting back with numbers
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that are less than 10% of the numbers of the occupation forces and with equipment that cannot be compared to the arsenals of deadly weapons that the occupation possesses, and which are constantly renewed through unlimited american support. therefore, by any military standard, the israeli occupation forces were supposed to have resolved the war and achieved their objectives within a week or two at most from the start of the ground. movement, why? because this move was preceded by intense bombing campaign from the air and sea, during which zianist israel dropped to tons of explosives of all kinds, whether internationally banned or not, equivalent to many times what the us western coalition forces dropped on afghanistan during an entire year. this is according to american, western and even israeli entity reports, but now weeks have passed and most israeli entity observers, analysts and military experts themselves acknowledge that defeating hamas is still a scenario that seems completely unthinkable. now we are back with our guests
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from moscow. fiorella isabel journalist, dear political analyst, host of the convo couch and writer at the fiorella isabel sapstax, thanks again for being uh here with us, fereola, it's truly an honor, now it seems like uh, despite the israeli propaganda that we are seeing all over the news, the palestinan resistance still controls the course of action on the ground in uh gaza, as per the reports by both the al-qassam brigades and the al-quds brigades and uh with us watching all of this uh videos that are being posted online every day, that speaks volume of the deteriorating israeli, military capability, or the israeli entity military capability inside of gaza, how does it affect the global image of the allegedly most moral army in the region? well, i think israel is its weakest point ever, and they will never recover, as we mentioned earlier, is israel
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just isn't what it has portrayed the world to be, and people are quickly finding out it isn't clearly democracy or even a legitimate state, but it's but a hologram, and the worst part is that israel is using the body count of palestinian civilians to show how it's winning, but all that shows is that there a fascistic entity, in my opinion, behaving in the way of of the terrorists that they accused palestinians and hamas of being, you won't hear most media call israel this, but you are seeing a change in perception, you're seeing cnn, you're seeing sky news. you're seeing even the bbc admit that israel hasn't been honest in its portrays when we're talking about uh the israeli media harets and their admission of the fact that israel uh israeli offensive forces did actually in fact shoot some of their own civilians and so they're admitting lot of these things like the that their videos don't seem legitimate
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and this is mainstream media doing it so what we're seeing is a shift from the narrative first of all israel isn't really giving itself uh a great uh advancement with their propaganda because it seems entirely fraudulent and fake, and as time goes by, things are worsening with the public opinion, especially with what we've seen younger people who have been learning about the conflict and questioning it, but also internally most aren't happy with netanyahu um and really are blaming him for really focusing on their political agenda and putting their lives in danger. so you have both of their own turning against them and the entire world watching what they are doing with it which is ethnic cleansing, war crimes and admitting that this is actually uh something that cannot be tolerated, so outside of the you know christian zionist and the zionist that exist in the west, israel really doesn't have lot of support as it's portrayed that it does. we we will talk more
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about the internal uh israeli entity political status or position, but the the picture painted by the zinest. regime uh naturally raises one major question here, how close is zionist israel to achieving any of its announced goals uh from this brutal, inhumane aggression, genocidal aggression against gaza? i think at one point, if we look back in history uh in the 80s, um, there was a willingness to compromise, unfortunately from some members of of uh the the newly created palestinian authority to two-state solution, there was a willingness to give up and and go to uh, the 1967 borders and follow the un charter that basically created an establishment of a palestinian state in israeli state where palestine lost 70 something percent of its land, which is completely insane, but now and what people
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have seen and in in the the trajectory that israel has done with all of its fan and all of its complete and total disregard for human life, you won't see that anymore in terms of uh the activist for palestine, it it'll be harder to argue to have the existence of and israeli state and israeli entity that supports apartite, and we learn this of course from south africa, you cannot coexist with apartide, you can't coexist with an entity that behaves in such fascistic. way, in terms of zionism, it's used, of course, the cover of judaism, which it isn't, and it's used that cover in order to basically justify this genocide that they're committing. and we've learned that you can't coexist with these factions just like you can't coexist with nazism, you can't coexist with fascistic entities, so it's going to be hard for israel to justify its own existence
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now because of their actions and again um more more of the resistance is more united than ever, and we've seen this fuse lit because they know that palestine should be free, but also because now this involves uh beyond uh palestine. the entire region, we're talking about a potential uh global war with involvement of syria, lebanon, iran and others, so i think this is definitely not a situation that israel is prepared for, because israel cannot win on the ground, and it cannot win against all of these forces. well, definitely, and apparently they're not even winning uh their own homefront, because families of the israeli entity detaines and the supporters continue to pressure the israeli entity cabinet to stop the war, stop the aggression and to... meant a prisoner swap or exchange deal with uh hamas for the return of their own uh relatives and uh family members, but every day, hundreds of israeli entities settlers, they demonstrate
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in front of the kineset, they demand the dismissal of the prime minister himself, benjamin netanyahu, and they are raising banners with phrases like impeach now, leave, bb netanyahu is guilty, and resine. let us say the war again ends tonight, how do you perceive the internal z? israeli front, how will people be treating their cabinet? yes, i think the people have been largely unhappy for few months now, probably more than that, we've seen the internal disarray within israel for differences of opinion. the unfortunate part is you, netanyahu uh is is is radical and he is awful, but there are even worse than netanyahu, and the thing is, he is both being perceived as... weak by some who want more bloodshed, who want the entirety of of palestinians completely obliterated, and he is also being perceived as completely aloof and alusive to the loss
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of life on his own uh territory with his own people, that just shows the israeli people that israel doesn't care about them either, of course they don't care about palestinians, but they don't care about israeli themselves, so you have these different factions that are upset with nenyahu. and upset with the current status quo in israel for different reasons, but they're all upset, so ultimately what matters is that i think netanyahu will be replaced uh, what, regardless of when this this ends, i think netanyahu will be replaced, i think he's going to be the fall guy for this uh, just completely uh terrible planning that israel has done, i mean the resistance has planned this, the resistance knows what they're doing, but israel isn't coming out like the... know what they're doing and we're going to see this internal squabble turn into complete and total chaos like it's it's been uh and this this conflict or this this attack that they've done on um
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the people of palestine the people of gaza uh has exacerbated uh something that was already there and so it's just going to weaken israel as a whole and i think that is actually beneficial to the resistance movement. well i second what you just said there fiorella. isabel from moscow, journalist, political analyst, host of the convo couch and writer at fiorella, isabel substack, thanks million for your time and your contribution to our show, ladies and gents, please do follow us on telegram and on twitter x, and please have in mind completely confidence, complete confidence that press tv is always going to be the voice of the voiceless, especially the people of palestine who we support, who we stand with against this genocidal, incremental genocide that's being implemented by design. regime and the west in collective west against the people of palestine. thank you for watching, we'll see you again next week on the mid east stream.
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حط على الارض حطها بالنص يلا ابحصه نزل لي استاند هذا بسرعه.
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the headlines this hour, the leader of iran's islamic revolution says the israeli regime was knocked out by the palestinian resistance group hamas during the alasa flood operation israel is going on with his of war in gaza, in spite of a true agreement with hamas, that will take effect tomorrow, and hamas says, it is agreed to afford a temporary humanitarian trust in gaza, which includes exchange of prisoners with israel and the entry of eight trucks.