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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 22, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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rest of the headlines, the leaders islamic revolution says the israeli regime was knocked out by the palestinian resistance group hamas during the alast of flood operation. this was brutal war. gaza strip is in its 47th day as the death doll from the regime's genocidal war surpasses 14,000. and hamas says it is agreed to afford a temporary humanitarian troops in gaza, which includes the exchange of prisoners with israel and the entry of eight trucks.
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in the capital, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us, the leader of iran's islamic revolution says the israele regime has been knocked out in the palestinians flot operation. اگر بخوام من به شما. ورزشکارها درباره این حوادث اخیر یک جمع بندندی ارائه بدم اون جمعی اون جمله کوتاه اینه که رژیم صهیونیستی در حادثه طوفان رقسا ضربه فنی شد. یعنی حماس به عنوان یک گروه مبارز
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نه به عنوان یه دولت نه به عنوان یک کشور با امکانات زیاد به عنوان یه گروه یه گروه مبارز توانست دولت قاصب صهیونیست رو با اون همه امکانات ضربه فنی کنه من میگم ایران آیت الله ali khamenei made the remarks while meeting with iranian athletes and medal winners participated in the 2023 asian games in china. the leader expressed his appreciation of those athletes took a stand in support of palestine in some way, including rejecting the occupying regime's representatives in the tournament. he also thanked those who dedicated their medals to the children of gaza and the marters of hospital bombed by the regime. the leaders said the truthfulness of such acts is manifested more than ever in the wake of israel's genocide in gaza. has
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repeatedly condemned the ongoing israeli massacre of gasans, calling on all muslim countries to cut ties with the occupy regime. israel has carried out near air strikes in gaza, despite a truth announcement, five palestinians are killed in the attacks on the jabalya refugee camp of the northern strip. the latest footage shows blooms of smoke rising in the sky over northern gaza, hours after the warring sides agreed to the truth mediated by... and egypt. wednesday marks the 47th day since the israeli regime launched its war on gaza. residential buildings have been the main target of israely warplanes and artillery. hospitals are not spared from israelin bombardments either, with alshufa hospital in gaza city being the hardest hit over the past couple weeks. they are bombing all around the... hospitals, the and they are
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digging in many areas within the hospitals parts, it's again that you see in a war area with lot of tanks, lot of troops all over the time, what what's happening now that they are totally very very aggressive with the medical staff here and they keep pushing us hardly and arresting us each one of us for few hours. the health ministry in gaza says israel has been targeting hospitals in order to displace those who have taken shelter over there. meanwile the world health organization has reported the killing of one of its employees alongside her family members in gaza. the french medical charity doctors without borders also says three medics including two of its own were killed in a strike on al-ada hospital in northern gaza. the group says it was horrified by the.
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mostly women and children have been killed in gaza since the war began. the palestin hamas has confirmed the humanitarian truce in gaza. it says the four-day truce mediated by qatar and egypt includes the exchange of israeli captives with palestinian prisoners held by the regime. hamas says 50 israeli captives, all women and children, will be released in exchange for the freedom of 150 palestinian huan and children. under the agreement, hundreds of trucks of humanitarian aid, including fuel and medicine, will be brought to all areas of gaza. during the truth, the israeli regime should stop arresting or attacking anyone. all across the besieg territory. latar and israel have confirmed the agreement as well. latar says the starting time of the truth will be announced within the next 24 hours. it also says the deal is subject to extension. meanwhile, more
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palestinians have lost their lives and yet another israeli aerial arrayed on a refugee camp in the occupied west bank. reports say at least six palestinian resistance fighters were killed in a pre-dawn drone strike on the. tarm refugee camp. according to palestinian sources, the israeli occupation forces also prevented ambulance from reaching the spot. the israeli strike came as palestinians keep resisting the israeli incursion that began late on tuesday. the sources said israeli snipers were stationed on nearby buildings. since the onset of the gaza war, the israely forces have killed over 200 palestinians and detained hundreds more in the west bank. earlier joined us with more details about the fresh israeli raid untilkaram. during this military operation, israeli forces have raided them refugee camp with military jeeps storming this area and
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soldiers had been attacking the people, searching the houses and cause severe damage damage in the infrastructure and the no. the israeli forces had also surrounded the hospital of and readed the vicinity of the hospital and they had been checking the ambulances and the soldiers had at least one wonded from one of the ambulances inside the hospital of thabet and it seems that the israels they had been carrying out their attacks storming the hospitals and the gauza ship and at the same time in the last two weeks the israels had storm the several hospitals and the the the emergency holes and
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the complex of number of hospitals in the occupied westbank in jeine in minneapolis and now in as well we have to mention that before this operation, another palestinian had been shot and killed by the israels in the village of zon in was shot and killed by the israels in the village of zone in caltibia. australian police have arrested some two dozen propalestinian demonstrators a sydney port during a protest against an israeli shipping line. about 400 people gathered at at port botani on tuesday night carrying palestinian flags enchanting free palestine. they also condemned the israeli killing of civilians in gaza and demanded immediatefire in the besieg territory. protesters blocked traffic near a dockyard in order to disrupt operations of a container ship belonging to
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an israeli company. police said 23 people were detained for what they described as the unauthorized rally. the detainees were charged with failing to comply with a police, order and disrupting major facility. however, the protesters criticized the australian government for siting with israel in the conflict. one of our demands is also um demanding the australian government to have a more um humane stance about what's happening in gaza and i mean we're not here just to create financial disruption to zimshipping for nothing because it's involvement in israeli um treatment to palestinians and israeli apartites. that is imposing on palestine, that's the main point, really. it was the second rally of the port since israel launch is deadly onslot on gaza. during earlier protest, activist target trucks carrying containers owned by the same israeli company. the demonstration in sydney is one
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of numerous rallies being held across the world in support of the people in gaza. the demonstrators condemned israel's indiscriminate massacre of people in gaza and the occupied west bank. at least five people have been killed in us strikes on the positions of a resistance group in iraq. iraq's anti-terror group, qatib has in a statement has confirmed. attacks on the jurf al- sakar area south of baghdad. the us military claims the strikes were in response to tuesday's missile attacks on hissad air base. iraqi resistance groups have carried out dozens of attacks in us run facilities in iraq and syria since the beginning of the israeli war in gaza. that's somemed growing anti-american sentiments in the arab country. resistance factions in iraq and elsewhere in the region have repeatedly warned the us against funding and supporting the israeli war against palestinians. leban's president
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says it has carried out 10 successful strikes against israeli military sites. in separate statements hezballah said its guided missiles has struck a targeted or a target affiliated with israeli military intelligence known as military assembly near the monara settlement. the beital military base and a contingent of israeli soldiers hiding in the avavim settlement also came under attack by hezbollah. the lebanese resistance movement says the intense strikes were in response to israel's deliberate targeting of the media team of lebanon's television channeldin in the south earlier in the day. almayadin's correspondent farah omar, cameraman rabiah mamari and a contributor to the tv channel were killed in the israeli strike. the regime has a long history of attacks and news networks and media personnel. palestinian estimates say israel has killed 65 journalists. since october 7. iran's prime
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minister says the israel regime keeps murdering journalists in gaza and southern lebanon due to the role that they play in reporting the regime's genocide and war crimes. housein amir abdullahyan was reacting to the killing of two journalists working for lebanon's al-mayadin tv channel in an israeli strike. he added that the regime has so far killed scores of correspondents and cameramen during its brutal war on gaza as they play a crucial role in awakening the world's public opinion. leban's carteker prime minister najib maqati also condemned the deliberate targeting of almayedin correspondence by israel. he said the regime's attacks on journalists proves that there are no limits to crimes that israel commits to silence the media that reveal its crimes. south africa has dealt a blow to israel over the regime's brutal war on the gaza strep. the country is lamikers have voted. in favor of closing down israel's embassy in pretoria and suspending all diplomatic ties with the regime until a
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ceasefire is in place. having considered the proposed amendment moved by the chief of the majority party, i rule as follows that the amendment is in order as it only seeks to clarify the circumstances of the closure of the israeli embassy and there. 250 members of parliament pass and anti-israel resolution that was brought in by the opposition. nearly 250 members of parliament pass and anti-israel resolution that was brought in by the opposition economic freedom fighters party last week. the party proposed the motion in solidarity with the palestinians. speaking during the parliamentary session, the law-makers condemned the crimes of maybe we should do a sensus 2023 on what is happening in palestine and how... many children have been massacred, how many women have been massacred, how many of those in the
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hospital were massacred in cold blood by the barbaric state of zionist israel, thank you honorable members, zionist israel, thank you honorable members, now it's up to the government implement the resolution. office has said he appreciates the parliaments consultation on matic relations with israel, particularly on the status of his embassy, speaking during a virtual extraordinary meeting of the bricks group on tuesday, ramafosa accused israel of committing war crimes and genocide in gaza. the collective punishment of palestinian civilians through the unlawful use of force by israel is a war crime. the deliberate. of medicine, fuel, food, and water, to the residents of gaza is
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tutan, to genocide. south africa has backed the palestinian cars with statehood for decades. the country believes the plot of palestinians is similar to that of the black majority during the apartite era in south africa. dr. matz gilbert is a tour in south africa to raise public awareness of the plight of the palestinian people. this is the israelly regime continues to target hospitals in the strip, causing the deaths of scores of... palestinian patients. hasan sarah reports. he should have been in gaza saving lives, but the occupying regime has imposed a 10-year ban preventing him from entering the strip. dr. mads gilbert, the world renowned norwegian anesthesiologist is bent on doing his best to help the palestinians. so he is now trying to raise public awareness of the
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plight of the palestinian people and the heroic efforts by medics to save lives there. palestinian healthcare workers, they are the heroes, they are the heroes. dr. gilbert has worked in palestine and lebanon for over 40 years. having witnessed the attacks israel carries out, he notes israel deliberately attacks children in the strip. but this is what man made injury and man made pain and man made evil looks like. when you shoot off the legs of a whole young population, you shoot off the arms. you do it for one reason, not to defend yourself, but to tell the occupied, this is what's going to happen to you, if you pick up anything to try to confront us, a stone, a tire, a gun, whatever, we will do this to you, the assault on the medical facilities is therefore very much part of the sinister plot to eliminate
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palestinian resistance, in the level of medicine that is practiced in gata, it's superb. it's at and above the level that i have in my university hospital, but they have been strangulated for 16 years of sige, they have been denied supplies, spare parts, new instruments, trollies just to repair what they have, because of the siege, because the occupier, they do not want the palestinians to have anything close to good life. joining doctors and medical workers here, dr. gilbert noted that israel's war crimes on hospitals will continue, especially because of the impunity under which it acts with the full cover of the west. outside the world famous red cross children's hospital year, dr. gilbert handed out roses in memory of palestinian children massacred by israel. while he is borred by the zionist regime from
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saving lives in gaza, is trying to spread the message of resistance, thousands of kilometers. is away at the tip of africa. assun siria press tv, cape town. u.s. media reports says israel has targeted humanitarian aid groups in its genicidal war in the beside gaza strip, despite the fact that it had their location information. the report released by politico said the regime had gps coordinates of medical facilities in the gaza strip, as well as information on the movements of aid groups. israel however continued to attack the position of aid groups near hospitals leading to the destruction of buildings and the blocking of fuel and other critical supplies into the territory, humanitarian groups have said time and again that israel's war on gaza has made it impossible for them to continue providing healthcare to patients, especially premature babies. since the beginning of the war, hospitals and aid groups have been among the regime's main targets leading to the killing of hundreds of medical staff. humas,
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representative office in tehran has commemorated. mad bar, the vice speaker of the palestinian legislative council who was killed during israeli assaults on the gaza strep. samon cojury reports. a ceremony has been held at the representative office of hamas movement in taiwan to commemorate ahmed ber, the vice speaker of the palestinian legislative council and member of the hamas movement who was murder during israeli attacks in the gaza strip. the ceremony was attended by hamas representative in tehron khaddumi, number of iranian military. and state officials, including members of the iranian parliament, were also present at the ceremony. the marter sayid ahmad bahar, he is iconic struggling figure in palestine and he is a statute at the level of the importance of palestinian issue, he was one of the
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brothers and fellows of sheikh ahmad yasin, the founder of the hamas movement and he used to be a... a state man and and he is a transparent fellow when he is to address the palestinian issue, he use always to to address it in a very solid, bold and straightforward fellow. shahied doktor. martter ahmad bah was a great personality who stood against the israeli aggressions until his last moment of life and did not flee his homeland. what israel has done in the occupied lands? has proved to the world that it is an aggressive regime which is just killing children and women in order to protect itself, but we warn israel that we will sue the case at international courts and will bring... the main perpetrators to justice. with all these ongoing israeli atrocities, israel will definitely be the main loser of the war and will collapse.
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since october 7th, israel has bombed much of gaza to ruble, ordered the depopulation of the entire northern half of the strip and made around two-thirds of gosons homeless. the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs said israeli tax had destroyed or damaged at least 45% of gaza's housing. units, the resistance of palestinians, especially resistance forces against the israeli occupying regime, was a bigger slap in the face of the zionist regime. the brutalities of the israeli forces show that they have other option but to kill children and women because they cannot stand against resistance forces. this is the beginning of the collapse of the zionist regime and because of its atrocities in the gaza strip, this regime has been hated and detested by world people. more than ever before, international officials say humanitarian crisis for the 2.3 million residents of gaza is entering new more dire
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phase as the israeli war continues. palestinian resistance front says, despite all israeli atrocities in the occupied lands, resistance will continue until the full liberation of palestine from the clutches of the israeli regime. sam kujury press tv, tehran. turkish president has criticized the eu and us's silence on israel's war crimes in gaza. he says that ankara will not allow the issue of israel's nuclear weapons to be dropped from the global agenda. more in this report. turkish president tayyib erdogan said his country will not allow the issue of israel's nuclear weapons to be dropped from the global agenda, saying the european country's support to israel is due to what he called the... shame of the holocaust on the us support of the regime, the turkish president said that we are not surprised by the backing provided to israel's lives by those who occupied iraq on the pretext of
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nuclear and chemical weapons, israel openly admits and confesses to having nuclear weapons, but neither the united nations security council norther the international atomic energy agency launches an investigation. the nuclear weapons issue is not an ordinary. issue on which one can just remain silent, those who don't speak out against israel today cannot criticize other countries in the future. earlier this week, erdogan had said israel must be tried at the icc, vowing to use all available means to ensure that impartial punishment is delivered to the regime's crimes. israel's use of nuclear weapons is not even a possibility, because if something like this happens, it will be the end of israel, so no one expects israel take such risk, our turkish government in support of palestine, this is not something be solved with slogans and condemnations. i am not very positive of the
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turkish stance. for example, neither our embassy there has been closed nor the embassy of israel here. unfortunately the turkish government does talk the talk, but does not walk the walk. many accuse erdogan of always condemning israeli atrocities and giving warnings without taking. any concrete actions against tel aviv. turkey has not yet cancelled its gaz deal with israel and also has against tel aviv. turkey has not yet cancelled its gas deal with israel and also hasn't closed its embassy in tel aviv. the majority of turkish people want their government to fully cut ties with israel. the nation criticizes erdogan for threatening and condemning, while in reality he maintains good political and economic relations with israel. istanbul, with that we come to an end for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, i'll be back uh in less than 6 minutes time at the top of the hour with a
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recap of the top stories, it's bye-bye for now. october 7th marked new chapter in israel's history. they were stunned by the unexpected turn of events. now the big question is, can israel restore its shattered image? after the
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seismic shift in its narrative.
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the leader of iran's islamic revolution says the israel regime has been knocked out by the palestinian's operation alaso flood. meeting with iranian athletes, ayatollah said the hamas as a resistance group and not a government or country succeeded in knocking out the occupying israeli regime. israel carries out new air strikes on gaza despite a truce announcement. five palestinians have been killed in the attacks on the jabala refugee camp in the north. more than 14,00 people, mostly women and children have been killed in gaza since the war began 47 days ago.