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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 21, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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of dosons of palestinians are killed in fresh israeli attacks targeting civilan infrastructure in gaza, including a school, hosting displaced people. the gaza health ministry warns of a dire situation at indonesia hospital saying that israel is trying to turn it into a mass grave. lebanese media says the three civilians including two journalists have been killed in israel's latest round of the strikes against slovenan.
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hi everybody, you're watching press tv news, this is the live broadcast from tehran, with meruz najafi, welcome. it's been more than a month and a half since israel launch its deadly war on gaza. it's pounding the basis trip with air strikes and shelling, keeping the palestinians there in a perpetual state of pain and suffering. of قال لي ربطناها معها حالي قال لي ربطناها عشان في حالها وتخبط في حالها that dozens of palestinians have been killed in fresh rates targeting civil infrastructure the including school hosting displaced palestinians in an area west of jabalia in northern gaza also in the same mary at least nine houses were
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struck in beidalah region, at least 25 palestins were killed in the nusa camp in central gaza too. hospitals are not spared from the bombardments either. doctors without borders expressing concern about the situation at al shafa hospital, one of the hardest hit health facilities since the war began. the dead tool in gaza has surpassed 13,300, most of them women and children. around 70 israel troops have been killed since the regime. launched a ground offensive in gaza, now despite international calls for the protection of hospitals, israel keeps targeting medical facilities in the gaza strip. on monday, it was a turn of the indonesia hospital where at least dozen people were killed in attack. the spokesman for the gaza health ministry has asked international bodies to take action against israel crimes. this hospital will be. last
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location for medical care in the north of gaza, the israeli occupation is trying to turn the indonesian hospital into a mass grave, the same as what happened at al-shifa medical complex. we are asking organizations to take action to protect over 200 doctors and over 500 patients and over 2,000 displaced people. even now the situation doesn't allow us to get people in or out of the indonesian hospital. the israeli occupation is trying. to render this hospital out of order and is also targeting the kidney dialysis unit which holds a large number of displaced people, patients and doctors inside. we ask countries around the world for field hospitals for the north of gaza after all other hospitals went out of order and to have medical teams capable of dealing with conditions as what is seen there now, and fully equipped to be able to service the north and south of the gaza strip. the world
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health organization has sounded the alarm about the humanitarian situation in gaza, it's warning about the risk of disease outbreak as israel continues with it's of bombing in the palestinian territory. i would in continue to describe the humanitarian health situation as catastrophic. um, our main concern is ensuring that the people of gaza get access to healthcare, both urgent healthcare for the large number of traumatic injuries as a result of the war, and also other essential health services, such as obstetric care for the 180 odd women that are going to be delivering every day, particularly those needing a cesarian section or having a complication of their pregnancy, similarly we need to be providing care for those with chronic conditions, high blood pressure, heart disease and diet. we're also
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extremely concerned about the risk of disease outbreaks because of the overcrowding, we've got one of one and a half million people displaced, very large. portion of them in these overcrowded unsanitary schools and collective centers uh where there is limited access to clean water where limited access to food there is very very very poor sanitation toilets overflowing, open diffication and we're already starting to see increase rates of infections such as respiratory infections, chaundus now suggesting the hot possible hepatitis. childhood infections, terrible skin infections like uh like scybis. the palestinan resistant movement hamas says it's snearing a true agreement with israel, that according to statement post on social media coding hamas political burough chief smile.
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there are some reports suggesting that negotiations mediated by qatar are underway to establish seasfire in gaza. possible includes a 5-day trues and return for release of between 50 and 100 israeli captives held by hamas and he also reported said that the resistant movement has delivered its response to qatar over the agreement. iran's permanent ambassador to the un has islam the security council for failing to include call for a ceasefire in its recently approved resolution on israel's war on the gaza strip. there is generally an expectation that the content of the security council resolution should have included the main elements of the resolution the general assembly that was adopted with majority of 121 votes, especially its key point that there is a most urgent need for immediate, sustainable and durable true for civilians. thairwani was speaking at the
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informal plenary meeting of the general assembly on the humanitarian situation in gaza, is that the security council resolution failed to stop israel. war in gaza as it lacked an executive guarantee and was not legally binding. the iranian unvoy said that despite the resolution's approval, the regime continues it steadly attacks against civilians and un schools. iravany urged the united nations to support the people in gaza in the face of the israeli war crimes. gaza is experiencing and time and the people of gaza facing unabated war crimes and crimes against humanity by the israeli regime. the people of gaza expect concrete support from the united nations. the land is still under occupation and they continue to suffer from israel's vicious war despite worldwide calls
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for seasfire. the iran ambassador yuan described the situation in gaza is dire and catastrophic, he noted that sympathy with palestinians there was. no longer enough, the israel crimes in gaza have been committed under the eages of the us. washington has also been resisting calls for sease fire in gaza, since israel launched this brutal war on the bloccated strip more than a month and a half ago. labanan sa movement says it's an integral part of the resistance front in the region and is in a state of war with israel. the movement's deputity secretary general says that israel aims to terrorize. palestinians and force them to abandon resistance by massacring innocent people in the gaza strip. sheik naim gasam said that a regime also seeks to crush the palestinian resistant movement, hamas. he urged arab and islamic countries to do more for palestinians and protect them from israeli crimes rather than just supplying food aid to waren gaza.
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israel has launched a new round of strikes against lebanon. killing three people, including two media personnel south of the country. that the attack came hours after the regime performed aerial raid on the vicinity the town of kefershuba in southeastern lebanon. earlier, the lebanese resistant movement also targeted israeli troops hiding a sellament in northern parts of the occupied territories. as well as said that successfully hit the target with precision weapons. in recent days, hisbollah has ramped up its rocket and drone attacks on israeli bases and forces. the... resistance group has time and again accused tel aviv of downplaying the real number of his casualties as well as v to continue with the strikes against israely targets until the regime stops its genocidal war on palestinians in gaza. all right now from beirout let's bring
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in mariam salah our correspondent uh mariam bring us an update as well is uh a daily basis like we were talking about this yesterday. it's uh conducting these reprisal attacks against these israely targets, yes definitely hezbullah seems to be hurting the israelis really hard with their very precise operations and we saw yesterday uh the brune um post the headquarters of the 91st division almost completely destroyed and it seems that that has frustrated the israelis to the extent that they are launching haphazard random strikes and in addition to that striking uh targets that are civilian since they cannot seem to find a military target or a target for the resistance and so this is why we see today that they have purpose ly targeted journalists and killed two uh, two of our colleagues today, we are sadded of
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course to hear about their their marturdom, but at the same time, we are this for many um of course journalists and people of the press consider this as an act of terrorism, this is violation of international law that clearly protects journalists, journalists are not holding guns, they're not there to fight, they are clearly there. just to show the image and uh our correspondent um the correspondent of almayadin television formar she was an area that was considered or deemed safe uh she was away from the the post uh trying to get some image maybe from far off like other journalists as well she clearly had her uh her her vest on that had press on it and she had her um her helmet uh their cars at press on it with really large letters. and journalists are supposed to be protected by international law, and clearly
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it seems the israelis do not head to any international law or to any humanitarian law for that matter, and so this is one violation, very clear violation of international um humanitarian laws and legislations and we also know from the prime minister of lebanon who said that despite the fact that lebanon seems to have lost all confidence. in the united nations and in international law, they will still be launching complaints uh to the united nations to tell to say that this is unacceptable, this is unbearable and this is something that lebanon will not be silent about, now at the same time we also have funeral processions for hazballah's martyr who uh who was killed yesterday, and as you can see it seems that we have less marters uh for hizbullah, this is why... the israeli seem to have lost maybe most of their database or lot of their
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targets that are military targets or targets for hesbollow which is differs differs from the first uh two weeks of the of the confrontation and now they seem to be venting their anger on lebanese and we had also earlier in the day um we have the killing of an 80-year-old grandmother uh her granddauter was also wounded as a result of the showing on their house in the carkela bordertown although they were an area that was also inside deep inside the the town away from the border area uh and also we had the fact that these journalists as well were not in a place that was uh maybe level zero or very close um to any post uh or a place where they knew they would probably be in danger no they were following procedure uh they did everything they were asked to do by the lebanese army they were in specific areas just like all journalists were now some are saying that this is direct targeting of the journalists in order to intimidate um the media, not to cover events from that area, but it also
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shows that it seems the israelis are incapable of really targeting hezballah and inflicting heavy losses upon hezballah and so therefore they found it their only means to do so as they are doing in gaza is to target civilians and to target the plus and journalists as we know in gaza we have over 40 over 50 perhaps journalists that have already been killed and this is is of course proof of the israeli policy that continues, the aggressive policies that have not stopped since the beginning of the aggression and the onslot on gaza, and of course that we also have news of another civilian car that was targeted south of the southern town of tyre, um, we do have confirmation that it was targeted, but it's not clear, if there were civilians inside those, inside that car specifically, and if people anybody was killed or there were any marters uh, so we are still waiting to see what hezballah's
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reaction will be, what the retaliation of the killing of the two journalists who are lebanese citizens also, and in addition to a third lebanese citizen is there um who was with them of course helping them on the job, but that in itself has really saddened the media spector here in lebanon, but at the same time it has made them even more determined to follow up these stories in south to continue their coverage from there. okay, thanks for that. i am, our correspondent inrut. now moving on the yemani. navy forces have released the footage their capturing of an israeli link ship that was attempting to pass the boble mandab straight near yemani territorial waters. our correspondent mauri has the details. this is not a military drill. what you are seeing is yemen's navy forces capturing an israeli link
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chip in the red sea. the operation is the first of its kind. yemen's military spokesperson confirmed the... aperation is part of a military effort to end the israeli regime's genocide in palestine. we the armed forces renew our warning to all ships belonging to the israeli enemy or any ships associated with them. you will become fair target for us. all nations need to take steps to ensure the nationals who work in the red sea abstain from any work with israeli ships or any ships associated with israeli businessman. armed forces reaffirmed their commitment to continuing to target the israeli enemy until the aggression and the growsom atrocities committed in gaza come to an end. the capturing of the israeli linked ship was the first official military operation by yemen's naval forces in the red sea near babel mendeb. babel mandab is a
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strategic international shipping lane that makes up almost 90% of israel's imports and exports trade. i would like to congratulate our navy forces for their accomplishment in capturing the israeli ship, this was not a small operation, this operation will certainly boost the moral of the fighters in gaza. israeli military officials have stated they have plans to attack yemen following weeks of yemen. and ballistic missile attacks which targeted the heart of the israeli regime. well the white house has responded to ons allah's capture of the israeli vessel calling for the immediate release of the ship and all of its crew. however, the leader of yemen revolution, sayid stated in his latest speech that yemen is not a nation that takes
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its orders from the us. yusuf. the palestinian ministry of education has called on countries and institutions around the world to protect the right of palestinian children to life and education in the face of israely atrocities. the minister made call on the occasion of world children's day, it said the killing of kids and students in gaza strip and the occupied west bank violates all norms and conventions. iran's forme minister also called for immediate and practical international measure to protect the lives of palestinian children. said that failure to take such action would be major and regrettable tragedy. israel has killed more than 5600 children, including 3,000 students in the war on gaza since october 7th. the un chief has warned that the blockated territory is becoming a graveyard for children. as
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sitten has been held in rome to commemorate thousands of children slaughtered by israel and gaza. the initiative took place on the... world children's day, it was disregarded by politicians and most italian mainstream media. i corresponding max chiv reports. on monday, the italian capital hosted a citting to commemorate the children who have been killed in gaza after seven weeks of unrelentless israeli bombardments, more than 5,600 minors have died as a result of the ongoing ruthless israel's military assault. the death toll has surpassed 13,300 so far, including over 3,500 women with 30,000 more people wounded, according to the hamas run health ministry in the gaza strip. the roame sitin took place on world's children day, with the participants calling for an end to
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the war in gaza where children's rights are being violated daily. italy has commercial and military agreements in place with israel and that's why we don't do anything, zionism is racism, as a result, palestinian kids are being considered second class victims, the citting held in stubbed our shameful charter on the rights of the child, referring to a united nations convention first issued in 1924 and successively reviewed to protect children's. rights worldwide. according to the united nations declaration on the rights of the child, all children should be protected against all forms of cruelty. however, a
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growing number of people in the international community believe that the bodies that are established to protect such rights, like, for instance, the international criminal court, have selective and biased approach to the implementation of international law. occidere bambini vuol dire. killing children means killing hope to live in a peaceful and secure world. there are hundreds of un resolutions and international right norms that israel has never ever observed. during the sitin people brandished placads and banners reading our martyrs are not just numbers, and under gaza's rables, the west has buried its humanity. no italian politicians, nor mainstream media reporters attended the initiative. max chivili, press tv, rome. iran's islamic revolution, guards core has kicked off tactical military drills in the
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country's southeastern province of kermon. several units of the rgc forces, including artillery, and rockets, as well as rangers are taken part. chief of the staff of the iranian armed forces, major general mohammad barhari has subserved the exercise to evaluate the forces's offensive and defensive readiness. the top. general visited the motor's graveyard and kermon paying tribute to top anti-terror icon liwtenant general sallemani. he held the general as role model for freedom seekers around the world. bagari said that the youth in the countries that back the resistance front will not allow the global arrogance to have foothold on their soil. he said that a clear example of this is the young palestinian people. and that's right for this news, broadcast from tehran, thank you for being with us.
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i believe that working together we can make history.
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اعتقاداتش باشه. پدر جمع بوده، پدر این شهرای هسته ای ما بوده. این ها نشون دادن این دشمنان ما که چقدر شقی و در این راه حتی از کشتن دانشمندان هم ابایی ندارد. disabled girl from gaza, how is life for her? how was she tackling her problems? how has the israeli bloccade put her under constant pressure? and how has she remained hopeful under the worst of conditions? these and more
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in sohaw.
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israel keeps pounding gaza for a 46 day in a row, dozens of palestinians have been killed in the fresh strikes on several areas of the strip, including 25 people in the nasarad camp in central gaza. the total death toll from israel's onslot has surpassed 13,000. and 300, most of them women and children. the spokesman of the gaza health ministry warning of a dire situation at indonesia hospital in bait lahya. ashaf al gudras says the hospital is under siege by the israel army and has been repeatedly trigeted by artillery, he said the regime is trying to turn a medical facility into a mass grave. leononce as well movement says it's an integral part of the resistance in the region.