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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 21, 2023 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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first of you headlines this hour of the death doll from israel's brutal aggression against gaza tops 13,300 with the victims mostly women and children as the war enters its 46th day. the world health organization sounds the alarm about the humanitarian situation in gaza, saying israel's continued bombing increases the risk of a disease outbreak. and iron raps the un security council for failing to call for a ceasefire in gaza in his recent resolution to stop israel's atrocities against palestinians.
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7:30 am at iran's capital tehran. this is prest tv news. thanks for joining us. israel's brutal war on the base gaza strip is now in its 46th day. nothing and no one and nowhere has been spared. hospitals however have become the focal point of israel's fatal raids. the health ministry in gaza says the regimes is firing non-stop at the indonesian hospital. the ministry expressed concern about another israeli massacre at the hospital or at least dozen palestinians were killed in late monday attacks. meanwile the charity group doctors without borders has expressed deep concern about the situation at alshufa hospital, which was also the scene of a recent israeli massacre. them said some of his staff are still in the hospital's area and are unable to leave a mid israel's continued siege and deadly attacks. elsewhere
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in the south of the ghaza strip, the city of hanus remains under israel's heavy bombard vent, of israel launched this booda war in gaza on october the 7th, since then the regime's attacks have killed over 13,300 palestinians, the regime stands accused of committing. side in gaza and rejects growing calls to bring a halt to his carnage in the palestinian territory. now the world health organization has sounded the alarm about the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip, warns about the risk of disease outbreak as israel continues this relentless bombing in the palestinian territory. i would continue to describe the of humanitarian health situation as catastrophic. um, our main. concern is
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ensuring that the people of gaza get access to healthcare, both urgent healthcare for the large number of traumatic injuries as a result of the war, and also other essential health services, such as obstetric care for the 180 odd women that are going to be delivering every day, particularly those needing section or having a complication of their pregnancy, um, similarly, we we need be providing care for those with chronic conditions, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. we're also extremely concerned about the risk of disease outbreaks because of the overcrowding, we've got one, over one and a half million people displaced, very large proportion of them in these overcrowded unsanitary schools and collective centers uh where there is limited access to clean water, where limited access to food,
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"there is very, very, very poor sanitation, toilets overflowing, open diffication, we're already starting to see increase rates of infections such as respiratory infections, diar, journes now suggesting possible hepatitis, childhood infections, terrible skin infections like uh, like skabes. the military wing of the hamas resistance movement says the israeli military has bombed some" its own forces in gaza. the sam spokesman abu ubeida was referring to the so-called hannibal directive and israeli military policy aimed at preventing the capture of his soldiers by enemy forces any cost. in a pre-recorded statement, obeda said fierce clashes raged on several fronts in the ghaza strip with the gasam fighters inflicting casualties on israeli soldiers. he also said resistance fighters have fired a barage of missiles into tel aviv. media sources have called that one of the heaviest attacks on the city. thisly forces are facing
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fierce resistance by palestinian groups as the regime pushes a ground operation inside the gaza strip. the lebanese resistance movement hezbollah says it has hit israeli military outpost in the northern parts of the occupied territories. hisball says it has struck the biranit base, which is the headquarters of israel's 9 first division with heavy caliber burcan rockets. the attacks have left casualties among israeli forces. 25, other launches were reported from lebanon into the occupied territories on monday. the resistance movement says attacks against israel will continue until it stops its war crimes
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against palestinians in gaza. the area along lebanon's southern border has been witnessing exchanges of fire between hezbollah and israel since october 8, a day after palestinian resistance forces. launched operation allows a flood against israel. yumen's navy forces have released footage of their capturing of an israeli linked ship that was attempting to pass babel mandaf straight near yemen's territorial waters. this is not a military drill. what you are seeing is yemen's navy forces capturing an israeli link ship in the red sea. the operation is the first of its kind. yemen's military spokesperson confirmed the operation is part of a military effort to end the israeli regime's genocide in palestine. we the armed forces renew our warning to all ships belonging to the israeli enemy or any ships associated with them, you will become a
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fair target for us. all nations need to take steps to ensure their nationals who work in the red sea abstain from any work with israeli ships or any... ships associated with israeli businessmen, yemen's armed forces reaffirmed their commitment to continuing to target the israeli enemy until the aggression and the gruesome atrocities committed in gaza come to an end, the capturing of the israeli linked ship was the first official military operation by yemen's naval forces in the red sea near babel mandab. babel mandab is a strategic international shipping lane that makes up almost 90%. of israel's imports and exports traded in the global market. yemeni officials have praised the seasing of the ship. i would like to congratulate our navy forces for their accomplishment in capturing the israeli ship. this was not a small
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operation. this operation will certainly boost the moral of the fighters in gaza. israeli military officials have stated they have. plans to attack yemen following weeks of yemeni drones and ballistic missile attacks which targeted the heart of the israeli regime. well the white house has responded to ansar allah's capture of the israeli vessel calling for the immediate release of the ship and all of its crew. however, the leader of yamen's revolution stated in his latest speech that yemen is not a nation that takes its orders from the us. the palestinian ministry of education has called on countries and institutions across the world to protect the right of palestinian children to life and education in the face of israeli atrocities. the ministry made the call on the occasion of world children's day,
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said the killing of children and students in the ghaza strip and the occupied west bank violates all norms and conventions. iran's foreign minister has also called for immediate and practical international measures to protect the lives of palestinian children. said the failure to take such action would be major and regrettable tragedy. israel has killed more than 5600 children, including 300 students in the war on gaza since october 7. the un chief has warned that the blocade territory is becoming a graveyard for children. iran's permanent ambassador to the un has slammed the security council for failing to include a call for a ceasefire and it's recently approved. resolution on israel's war on the gaza strip. there is generally in expectation that the content of the security council resolution should have included the main elements of the resolution of the general assembly that was adopted with majority of 121 votes,
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especially its key point that there is most urgent need for immediate sustainable and durable true for civilians. irovani was speaking at the informal plenary meeting of the general assembly on the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. he added that the security council resolution failed to stop israel's war and atrocities in gaza. as it lacked an executive guarantee and was not legally binding. the iranian un envoy said despite the resolution's approval, the regime continued its deadly attacks against civilians and un schools. he urged the un to support the people in gaza in the face of israel's war crimes. gaza is experiencing a challenging time and the people of gaza facing unabated war crimes and crimes against. against humanity by the israeli regime, the people of gaza expect concrete support from the united nations, the land is
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still under occupation, and they continue to suffer from israel's vicious war despite worldwide calls for seasfire. the running ambassador to the un described gaza situation as dire and catastrophic. he noted that sympathy with the palestinians in gaza is no longer enough. the israeli crimes in gaza have been committed under the ages of the us. washington has also been resisting calls for ceasefire in gaza, since israel launched this brutal war on the bloccaded strip more than a month ago. protesters across the globe continue to voice support for the palestinians as israelly killing campaign in gaza shows no sign of abading. in valencia, spain, hundreds of protestors did the streets waving palestinian flags and called for a boycott of the israeli regime over its crimes against civilians in gaza. participants carried of shrouded babies as a sign of israeli killing of more than 5,000 palestinian children in gaza. in the swedish
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capital stockholm, a large number of people took to the streets to show solidarity with the palestinians enchanting slogans for freedom of the occupied lands. demonstrators in copenhagen, denmark call for an end to israel's genocidal war against gazans. milan, london, geneva, lisabon, beirout and sana were also the scene of pro-palestine violis a day earlier. on monday the italian capital hosted a citting to commemorate the children who have been killed in gaza after seven weeks of unrelentless israeli bombardments. more than 5,600 minors have died as a result the ongoing ruthless israel's military assault. the death toll has surpassed 13,300 so far, including over. 3,500 women with 30,000 more people wounded, according to the
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hamas run health ministry in the gaza strip. the rome city took place on world's children day with the participants calling for an end to the war in gaza where children's rights are being violated daily. the west is with israel, that's why nobody says anything about the slaughter of children. italy has commercial and military agreements in place with israel and that's why we don't do anything. zianism is racism. as a result, palestinian kids are being considered second-class victims. the sitting held in rome was dubbed our shameful charter on the rights of the child, referring to a united nations convention, first. issued in 1924 and successively reviewed to protect children's
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rights worldwide. according to the united nations declaration on the rights of the child, all children shall be protected against all forms of cruelty. however, a growing number of people in the international community believe that the bodies that are established to protect such rights, like for instance, the international criminal court, have selective and biased approach. hope to live in a peaceful and secure world. there are hundreds of un resolutions and international right norms that israel has never ever observed. during the sitin, people brandished placads and banners reading how marters are not just numbers and under gaza's rables the west has buried its humanity. no italian politicians nor mainstream media reporters attended the initiative max chivili
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press tv, as israel continues this relentless bombardment of... gaza, the regime has also stepped up as crackdown at the occupied west bank. it has killed over 200 palestinians there and made hundreds of arrests. harassment of palestinians by israeli settlers has also seen a sharp increase, it is. that the regime is using crisis in gaza to also press ahead with this ethnic cleansing in the occupied west bank. as the world is watching a genocide unfolding in the gaza strip, another massacre is taking place against the palestinian people in the occupied west bank. since the israeli offensive began on the gaza strip on october 7, the violence against palestinians in the
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occupied west bank has also escalated. israeli forces have killed dozens of palestinians there, this really. have cut off palestinian villages and cities from one another by closures and settler attacks. that has resulted in a near standstill of commercial activities of palestinians and their movements. furthermore, armed settleers backed by regime troops have blocked entrances to most palestinian villages, towns and cities through military checkpoints, earth mounds, cement blocks and iron gates. during the current offensive, the rate of violence practiced by settlers against palestinians has escalated, that includes preventing them from accessing their lands, attacking them while picking olives. expelling them from their fields and harassing palestinian moving on roads, we used to have problems with the settlers, but after the war in gaza they want to kill all of us. after the war, the situation changed, they started attacking our houses, they didn't used to come to our houses, they started attacking them and the people inside
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them. preventing access to water and food needs, especially in the herding communities, is done by israel with the aim of displacing the... palestinian communities in those areas. we have the same occupation and we are the same people. geography does not you know divide people. we are just the same. we are all targets. whenever you are a palestinian, you are a terrorist and you should be killed. people are killed for no reason and for nothing. so you know this, this is complete genocide. this is complete war crimes that should be stopped immediately right now. just days ago, jordan warned against israel's plans to displace palestinians living in the occupied west bank to the arab kingdom, saying that aman would consider the move quote a declaration of war. the warning refers to decade's old plan dating back to before the creation of israel in 1948. this transfer plan originally formulated by zionist militas operating in palestine, and then endorsed by the regime after its
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creation, calls for mass expulsion of palestinians to egypt's sani desert after israel's occupation of the west bank in 1967. the idea of pushing palestinians towards jordan became included in the transfer plan. there's also been a sharp increase in settler violence and takeover of land across the west bank. since 7 october nearly 100 palestinians from at least 15 herding communities have been forced from their homes. in the context the coersive environment they live in, the displacement of these communities may amount to the forceable transfer of a population, which is a grave breach of the fourth. geneva convention. there have been reports of repeated clashes between palestinian resistance fighters and israeli troops in various parts of the occupied west bank. hundreds of fighters have presented a significant challenge to israel's aim of destroying the military and political capabilities of resistance there. before the
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start of israel's genocidal war on the gaza strip, occupied west bank was already witnessing the deadliest year on record for palestinians. the worsening violence in the west bank has fueled concerns that the palestinian territory could become a third front in a wider war, in addition to the regime's northern separation line where clashes with lebanon's resistance movement hezbollah have taken place over the past four weeks, israeli forces have raided palestinian territories in the occupied west bank in a bit to quell arising resistance against the regime there. the jane refugee camp in the west bank has now turned into a hot bet for resistance against israel. the janian camp with his high population. density, narrow space and adjacent homes is very similar to the gaza strep. hundreds of palestinian fighters present a significant challenge to israel's aim of destroying the military and political capabilities of resistance groups there. israeli attacks on jane until karm are
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aimed at ending the resistance in the northern occupied west bank. so that it does not extend to the other cities. the regime has destroyed roads leading to vital institutions and centers that citizens need in their daily lives in those areas. the attacks of the northern west bank or aimed at ensuring any future arrangements within israel's vision of expanding settlements, but the october 7th resistance operation against the israeli regime has proven that the regime cannot protect settlers. the israeli occupation policy today is that, you uh need to accept. being killed by the israeli soldiers and the israeli settlers without speaking, it is gag order, they don't want the victim to speak up, they don't want the victim to... condem their murder of the victim itself, so that is the policy of the israeli occupation colonial dictator regime.
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a recent press release by the us justice department shows an israel intelligence involvements in a massive hacking campaign, targeting individuals and organizations around the world. the press release did not name the intelligence firm, but said its owner, aviram azari has been given an 80-month prison sentence. the statement said the firm played a major role in orchestrating and facilitating an international hacking campaign from israel. azari's clients are unknown, but some of the targets mentioned in the document are activist and financial firms in the us. lazar was arrested in 2019 and has pleaded guilty to computer intrusion, wire fraud and identity theft charges. he has earned nearly 5 million dollars from his criminal activity between the years 2014 and
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2019. and that is for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, i'll be back at the top the hour with the recap of the top stories, it's bye-bye for now. well this occupation forces are perpetrating genocide in gaza, the zinish propaganda machine has gone into overdrive. "on the one hand, people see every day children, babies being dragged from the rouble dead, dying or having limbs amputated, on the other hand, israeli leads and zionist leaders have uh
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made huge list of genocidal statements, the human animals, the unhuman animals, we must wipe them all out, there are no civilians in gaza, all of these are patently genocidal statements, we talk a lot about hostages, that israel had 500 hostages." before october 7th, they've now stolen, kidnapped another 5,000, so they're over 10,000 palestinians imprisoned actual in in jails, not just the open air prison of gaza.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem, we must remain part of their solution, we must not aim to impose ourselves, our solutions, our favorites in
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south africa, damn it, we have favorite. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learn about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes, more than 1,00, 1,0 innocent lives lost, including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make alqaida look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil. i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with israel.
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the palestinian health ministry in gaza has warned that israel troops, israeli troops may commit another massacre at the indonesian hospital like the one they carried out at the alchupa hospital. the death though from israel's war in gaza, which began on october the 7th, taught. 13,300 iran's permanent ambassador to the united nations has slammed the security council for failing to include call for a ceasefire in his recently approved resolution on israel's war on the ghaza strip. amir said iravani said the security council resolution failed to stop israel's war and atrocities in gaza. the emmy military has