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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 21, 2023 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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of it's day 46 of the israeli war on gaza, more than 13,000 palestinians have been. killed in relentless attacks on the besieged territory. hamos praise his recent siezure of an israeli vessel by the yemeny navy as victory for palestinians. bron's foreign mister calls for international measures to protect lives of palestinian children atmit israel's brutal aggression on the gaza's strip.
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of hello everyone, thanks for tuning in a press tv world news. israel forces continue bombarding the gaza strip on the 45th day of the war, they target indonesian hospital in northern gaza. at least 12 palestinians lost their lives and dozens were injured in the overnight. attack against the health center, number of doctors working in surgical department are among the wounded, regime forces shot dead number of refugees leaving the hospital. the bodies were still lying about on the premises. the director general of the world health organization says he's appalled by the attack stressing that health workers and civilians should never be exposed to such horror while inside of hospital, indonesia has also deplored the attack as a clear violation of international law, calling on all countries to use their influence and
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stop the genocide. meanwile another year run school has also been bombed, at least 12 people have killed and dozens wounded w seeking shelter there. the news refugee camp in central gaza has also been reduced to ruble. israeli killing campaign has so far left 13,300 palestinians dead, 5600 of them children. you w the un secretary general says number a civilians killed in israeli attacks on gaza is unparalleled and unprecedented since he took office back in 2017, an oppressor, antotera said world is witnessing of the killing of civilians that it hasn't seen in any conflict since he became secretary general. he said it is clear thousands of children have been killed in just few weeks. meanwile tweet by the un agency for palestinian refugees known as a unra describe the situation in gaza shelters as unlivable.
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the african union chairman also called israel's response to the hamas operation on october 7th, inexcusable. elsewhere, in a meeting with a group of arab and islamic foreign ministers, the chinese foreign minister urged an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the international community must act urgently and take practical effective measures to prevent this tragedy from escalating and spreading further. china. stands firmly on the side of fairness and justice regarding this conflict. wang says r cause of the war is the palestinian people's rights to statehood and survival and right of return have long been ignored. the arab and islamic foreign ministers and attendance also of express concerns calling for an immediate seas far as well, and on another note, the bricks group of nations will be holding extraordinary summit to discuss the issue of palestine this tuesday. now the russian president vladimir putin and china's president and shizhi have announced they will
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be participating virtually. the military wing of hamas says israel military is bombs of its own forces in gaza. the al khassam brigade spokesman abu ubeida was referring to so-called hannable directive that's an israeli military policy aimed at preventing the capture of its soldiers by enemy forces any cost. in a pre-recorded statement of beta said four clashes rage on in several fronts in the gaza strip with alca. fighters inflicting casualties on israeli soldiers, he also said resistance fighters have fired missiles into tel aviv. media swords called it one of the heaviest attacks on the city, israeli forces were facing fierce resistance by palestinian groups as regime continues its ground operation inside of gaza. and the lebanese resistance movement hezbollah says it's hit israeli military outpost in the northern part of the occupied. territories.
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hizbillah says struck the biranit base, which is the headquarters at israel's 91st division, attacks left some casualties among israeli forces. 25 other launches were reported from lebanon into occupied territories on monday. the resistance movement says attacks against israel will continue until it stops his war crimes against palestinians and area along lebany southern border has been witnessing exchanges of fire between. and israel since the 8th of october, that was the day after palestin resistance launch, operation alaxabad. meanwhile, the yemeny military has released footage of an operation, it performed sunday to see an israeli vessel in the red sea.
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yemani armed forces say they seized the ship with all of its crew in response to israel's massacre of palestinians in gaza. the palestinian resistance moon hamas also held the move at as victory for palestinians, head the hamas political bureau overseas sami abu, called the seasure of the galaxy leader in the red sea a great achievement. he added that the move should set an example for all islamic countries. yemen and australia movement had already warned that it will target all ships associated with israel and regional waters. the palestinian resistance. is rejected as misleading and false allegations that it is holding israeli captives at the al-shifa hospital in gaza city. hamas said israel regime is trying to cover up for its military failures by leveling such allegations. it added those claims are in line with the regime's campaign of lies and misinformation. the resistance
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movie noted many of the injured captives were sent to alshifa for treatment and then return to their places of detention. on sunday the israeli military released videos showing israeli captives. being taken to al-shifa hospital claiming the hamas is holding them inside the medical complex. claim is in line with the regime's accusation that ama's headquarters located underneath al-shifa hospital a allegation fiercely denied by the resistance group. since the launches genocidal 1.6 million people have been displaced in the besieged enclave. most of them move south. from the north of gaza to take shelter in khanis which is now uh way overcrowded. here's what some of them had to say about the dar humanitarian situation they have found there. the place is very crowded in the classroom, staircase, corridors and
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the yard. the school currently houses nearly 5,000 refugees, and more people are still coming every day. the water is very scarce, all the refugees here consume non portable water provided by a tank, many children suffer from intestinal colic due to the contaminated water, in addition to malnutrition, because most of the food they eat is canned food, there is severe shortage of basic goods such as oil, sugar, flour, since hannuness received thousands of refugees from across gaza street, these basic goods can no longer be found here, we are displaced to to the heavy shelling a place called taluja and we went to jabala. the area was also targeted and the corpses piled up on the streets because of the continuous bombardment. the ambulances carried the corpses to be buried in mass graves and most the corpses were mutilated. the israeli army
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said it would expand the attacks, so we left. the police ministry. ations called on countries and institutions across the world to protect protect that is the right of palestinian children to life and education in the face of israeli atrocities ministry made the call on the occasion of world children's day. it said killing of children and students in gaza and occupied west bank violates all norms and conventions. iran's foreign minister has also called for immediate and practical international measures to protect the lives of palestinian children. amry abdul said failure to take such ac action will be major and regrettable tragedy. israel has killed more than 5600 children including 3,000 students in the war on gaza since october 7th. the un chief has warned the blocaded territory is becoming a graveyard for children. iran's permanent ambassador to
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the un haslam security council for failing to include a call for seasfire in its recently approved resolution on israel's war on the gaza strip. there is generally an expectation that the content of the security council resolution should have included the main elements of the resolution of the general assembly that was adopted with the majority of 121 votes, especially its key point that there is a most urgent need for an immediate, sustainable and durable true for civilians. was speaking at the informal plenary meeting the general assembly on humanitarian situation in the ghaza strip. he added that the security council resolution failed to stop israel's war and atrocities in gaza, as a lacked an executive guarantee and was not legally binding. the iranian un alway said despite. resolutions approval though, regime continues its deadly attacks against civilians and un schools. irabani urged un to
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support the people of gaza in the face of israeli war crimes. gaza is experiencing a challenging time, and the people of gaza facing unabated war crimes and crimes against humanity by the israeli regime. the people of gaza expect concrete support from the united nations, the land. is still under occupation and they continue to suffer from israel's vicious war despite worldwide calls for seasfire. the iranian ambassador to the un described gaza situation as dire and catastrophic. he noted that sympathy with palestinians in gaza is no longer enough. israeli crimes in gaza have been committed under the ages of the us. washington has also been resisting calls for a cease from. in gaza since israel launched its brutal war on the bloccaded strip. protesters worldwide
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continue voicing support for palestinians as israelly killing campaign in gaza shows no sign of abating. in valencia, spain, hundreds of protesters hit the streets, waving the palestinian flag and calling for a boycott of the israeli regime for its crimes against civilians of gaza. participants carried effages, shrouded babies as a sign of the israeli killing of more than 5,000 palestinian children, and the swedish capital stockholm, large number people took to the streets to show solidarity with palestinians, chanting slogans for freedom of occupied land. demonstrators in copenhagen, denmark called for an end to israel's genocidal war, milan, london, geneva, lisbon, beirout and sana, were also the scenes of pro-palestine rally the day earlier. canadian prime minister justin trudo is under mounting pressure's protest against the israeli onslot
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the besieg gaza strip enter a sixth week. demonstrators underline that it's not just the us president and israeli prime minister behind the killings of thousands of people in gaza, saying that their government is also complicit in israel's atrocities. we're seeing intensification of our people's struggle. zianism is falling. in front of our eyes, people are refusing to believe zionist lies about the palestinian people, about gaza, our numbers are growing every single week, we are seeing people all across the world take up more uh tense forms of direct action, refusing to be quiet, even though six weeks in the canadian government and western governments have not called for a ceasefire, continue to send weapons to the zionist state, the international center of justice for palestinians has announced its intention to seek the prosecution of four canadian officials, including the prime minister. the
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organization says it will pursue all appropriate courses of action to hold them accountable before the international criminal court for supporting the israeli regime. so this case is part of a larger international collaboration to bring uh charges for aiding and embedding against canadian officials who have been complicit with israely war crimes. all of them in their own way have been either acting or failing to act. act in a way that is benefiting the israeli armed forces with great intentionality uh and what we see right now is we see a situation where arms are still being shipped from canada to israel while it's carrying out war crimes, we see money being misappropriated from uh so-called charitable organizations here and being sent over to assist the occupation forces. we also see the government here failing to do anything at all to stop recruitment for the israely military, which is also happening right now. activists are calling for an immediate ceasefire in the palestinian. to prevent further loss of life and say that ottawa must cancel all arms export permits to
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israel and require the regime to fully comply with international law. so we refused for our canadian leadership, the ones, the members that uh we elected to be complicit in the ethnic cleansing of the palestinians. we demand that it imposess an arms embargo on israel and that it holds it accountable to the numerous international law violations and war crimes that it has committed, not only the past 42 days, but for the past 75 years of occupation, if the uh politicians and the media will not listen to us, then we will make it impossible for them to ignore us, we will not allow for business to go on as usual while genocide takes place. against our people in gaza, these mass protests demonstrate that people here and around the world no longer believe israel's propaganda as people from across the country prepare for next week's national march on ottawante press tv toronto.
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as israel continues its relentless bombardment of gaza regime has also stepped up its crackdown in the occupied west bank killing over 200 palestinians there and making thousands of arrests, harassment of palestinians by israeli settlers has also seen a sharp increase and its fear regime is using its crisis in gaza to also pressed ahead with ethnic cleansing of the occupied westbank. as the world is watching a genocide unfolding in the gaza strip, another massacre is taking place against the palestinian people in the occupied west bank, since the israeli offensive began on the gaza strip on october 7, the violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank has also escalated. israel forces have killed dozens of palestinians there, this really have cut off palestinian villages and cities from one
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another by closures and settler attacks. that has resulted in a near standstill of commercial activities of palestinians and their movements, furthermore, armed settleers backed by regime troops have blocked entrances to most palestinian villages, towns and cities through military checkpoints, mounts, cement blocks and iron gates. during the current offensive, the rate of violence practiced by settlers against palestinians has escalated, that includes preventing them from accessing their lands, attacking them while picking olives, expelling them from their fields and harassing palestinian moving on roads, we used to have problems with the settlers, but the war in gaza, they want to kill all of us. after the war, the situation changed, they started attacking our houses. they didn't used to come to our houses, they started attacking them and the people inside them. preventing access to water and food needs, especially in the herding communities, is done by israel with the aim of displacing the palestinian communities in those areas.
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we have the same occupation and we are the same people. geography does not you know divide people. "we are just the same, we are all targets, whenever you are a palestinian, you are a terrorist and you should be killed, people are killed for no reason and for nothing, so you know this, this is complete genocide, this is complete war crimes, that should be stopped immediately right now, just days ago, jordan warned against israel's plans to displace palestinians living in the occupied west bank to the arab kingdom, saying that am would consider the move quote " of war: the warning refers to decade's old plan dating back to before the creation of israel in 1948. this transfer plan originally formulated by zionist milias operating in palestine and then endorsed by the regime after its creation calls for mass expulsion of palestinians to egypt's suni desert. after israel's occupation of the west bank in 1967, the idea of pushing palestinians towards
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jordan became included in the transfer plan. there's also been a sharp increase in settler violence and takeover of land. across the west bank, since 7 october, nearly 1,00 palestinians from at least 15 herding communities have been forced from their homes. in the context of the coersive environment they live in, the displacement of these communities may amount to the forceable transfer of a population, which is a grave breach of the fourth geneva convention. you all, there have been reports of repeated clashes between. resistance fighters and israeli troops in various parts of the west bank. hundreds of fighters have presented a significant challenge to the regiem's aim of destroying the military and political capabilities of resistance there. before the start of israel's genocidal war on the ghaza strip, the occupied west bank was already witnessing the deadliest year on record for
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palestinians. the worsening violence in the west bank has fueled concerns that the palestinian territory could become a third front in a wider war. addition to the regime's northern separation line where clashes with lebanon's resistance movement hezbollah have taken place over the past four weeks israeli forces have raided palestinian territories in the occupied west bank in a bit to quell arising resistance against the regime there. the jane refugee camp in the west bank has now turned into a hot bet for resistance against israel. virginian camp with its high population density, narrow space and adjacent homes is very similar to the gaza strep. hundreds of palestinian fighters present a significant challenge to israel's aim of destroying. the military and political capabilities of resistance groups there. israeli attacks on jena untilm are aimed at ending the resistance in the northern occupied west bank so that it does not extend to the other cities. the regime
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has destroyed roads leading to vital institutions and centers that citizens need in their daily lives in those areas. the attacks of the northern west bank are aimed at ensuring any future arrangements within israel's vision of expanding settlements. but the october 7th resistance.
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