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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 20, 2023 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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new headlines on press tv, israel continues its brutal war against the gaza strip as death toll from the regimes indiscriminous rice hit 13,500. 5,500 of them children, the yemeni army says it has captured an israelly vessel in the red sea in response to tel aviv's continued aggression against palestinians in the gaza strip. the leader of iran's islam revolution says the ongoing genocide in gaza indicates the israeli regime's anger over its military failures.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehan. thank you for joining us. they 45 of israel's genicidal war on gaza, the regime's air strikes and shelling are not letting up, and the death told from the attacks is still on the rise. the total number of palestinians killed during the war has now surpassed 13,000. the majority of the victims are women and children. on sunday, israeli bombardment killed 150 people in northern gaza. also, in gaza city, 41 members of family lost their lives in a strike on their house. 32 other of palestinians were killed in separate attacks on two residential buildings in the nuserat camp in the central gaza strip. the growing fatalities in gaza are in addition to thousands of people who remain. missing under
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the ruble of bombed out buildings. people who are witnessing the un unending cycle of bloodshed in gaza are critical of the inaction by some arab countries. this is a war crime against the palestinian people. the arab and islamic world as well as the european countries are watching us being slaughtered. we were left alone with only god to help us. reports coming from gaza paint a grim picture of the situation of health facilities there. israeli warplanes have also launched a violent attack on the vicinity of european gaza hospital. currently 25 hospitals and 52 other health facilities have stopped working because of incessant israeli bombings as well as the lack of fuel, equipment and medicines. the world health
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organization says the al-shifa hospital, which was once the largest and most advanced hospital in gaza has now turned into a death zone. a team led by the who visited the hospital in northern gaza after the israeli army raided the medical complex and forcibly evacuated thousands of people taking refuge there from the regime's attacks. the who said there were signs of shelling and gunfire. it added that the team saw a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital with... more than 80 people buried there, the un health organization said the situation in the al-shifa hospital is desperate and it has essentially stopped functioning as a medical facility. he said the remaining patients included 32 babies which were in what it described as extremely critical condition. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees felipe latorrini says targeting onwar shelters on the gaza strip shows total
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disregard for humanity. the onrra chief said israel's attacks on un shelters blatantly contraven the rules of war. he said the number of fatalities hit or the number of facilities hit and civilians killed cannot just be collateral damage. latserini said most of the facilities that have been hit at families in them, including older people and children. he said they were all clearly marked. as un buildings carrying a blue flag. according to onrwa, israel has directly hit 17 of his facilities in gaza since october the 7th. on saturday, over 200 people were killed after israeli air strikes targeted two unrash schools in jobaliia. since israel launched this genocidal war on the gaza strip, around 1.6 million people have been displaced inside the besieged territory. most of the people moving to south from. northern
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gaza have taken shelter in han yunis, which is now overcrowded. here's what some of them had to say about the dire humanitarian situation there. the place is very crowded in the classroom, staircase, corridors and the yard. the school currently houses nearly 5,000 refugees, and more people are still coming every day. the water is very scarce. all the refugees here consume non-portable water, provided by a tank. many children suffer from intestinal colic due to the contaminated water, in addition to malnutrition, because most of the food they eat is cand food. there is a... severe shortage of basic goods such as oil, sugar, flour, since hanus received thousands of refugees from across gaza strip, these basic goods can no longer be found here, we are displaced due to the heavy shelling and a place called faluja, and we went to jabala.
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the area was also targeted and the corpses piled up on the streets because of the continuous bombardment. the ambulances carried the corpses to be buried in mask. graves and most of the corpses were mutilated, the israeli army said it would expand the attacks, so we left, yemani armed forces say they have seized an israeli ship in the red sea in response to the regime's massacre of palestinians in gaza. the spokesman for yemani armed forces said the ship has been has been taken to the country's coast. yahya sari said the ship's crew. will be treated according to islamic teachings, he also warned that those who cooperate with israeli ships will also be legitimate target for yemeny armed forces. saari stressed that it's israel which is threatening the security the region and international waterways. israel has denied owning or operating the
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seas ship. it also says no israelis were on board. the yemeny army has also uh recently launched several rounds of missile and drone attacks against israel. it says. the military operations against israel will continue until the regime stops this atrocities in gaza. now cancer patients in gaza are no exception to the regimes crippling restrictions on basic supplies and medicines. let's take a listen to comments by two doctors and the father of a patient at the turkish palestinian friendship hospital. they explained how... the israeli bands are affecting the patients, the situation is not only tragic, it's more than tragic. cancer patients are fragile group, they need a lot of care from nurses and medical teams as well as psychological
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support, which we don't have now. as you all know, time is a really important factor for the life of the cancer patients and if there was a delay in getting chemotherapy treatment, this will cause deterior. in the case, there were some cases we had to discharge and send to shelters, unfortunately four of these patients died because of the lack of medical care and because of the bad conditions there, the situation is very, very, very bad in gaza, it is a disaster situation, it is call for the international community, please come and save ghaza, say something about gaza, do action, you could be saying something very good, yes, we are hearing you, thanks. to you, but really we need you to come and take action to see firing ghaza, to stop killing of of gaza people to stop killing of our patients, to stop killing our cancer patients, abni maritan, my son has a cancer, he has
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dangerous cancer, today he is bleeding from the rectus because the cancer mass is pushing against the muscle and directus, so he has been bleeding, he had an appointment to be treated in napoles on the 8th of october, the second day of war, but unfortunately the war started and he stayed in gaza, then the turkish hospital was hit, there is no chemotherapy treatment or pankillars. i called on the palestinian authority, the health ministry, that i want painkillers. palestinian resistance fighters continue to deal blows to israel in retaliation for its deadly aggression on the best. gaza strip. hamas's military wing, the algasan brigades says it has attacked israeli troops in northern gaza forcing them to retreat after heavy clashes. the group said they destroyed 29 israeli tanks and military vehicles in the latest fighting. earlier the algasan said six
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israeli soldiers were killed after they targeted them with anti-personnel rockets in a village south of gaza city. the regime's army says it has lost 64 soldiers since launching a grounding. invasion in gaza, however resistance groups say israel is concealing the real number of his casualties. has revealed that israelis attending this october 7th music festival on gaza border were wounded by an israeli military helicopter fire. according to the israeli media, the pilot had difficulty identifying palestinian resistance fighters from festival participants. the prope says, the resistance fighters had no prior information a music festival being held close to the site of the october 7venth attack known as operation alacsa flood. this comes despite earlier israeli narrative blaming him. for the casualties at the music festival. israeli regime has used the unprecedented operation
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as the pretext for its brutal onslot against the beseged gaza strip, which has so far left more than 13,000 palestinians dead. in a united front, pakistanis have launched a fundraising campaign to provide crucial aid and relief for palestinians affected by israeli atrocities in gaza. our correspondent nasa kasmi has more. reports, palestine will be free, thousands of pakistanis took to the streets in a solidarity march, fervently expressing their condemnation of the israeli atrocities against the palestinian people in gaza. it's not the silence from the world, it's only silence from our governors, our rulers, the the people are here everywhere in all over the world, so the people are. with the palestine, with the palestinians, down down occupation, there were chances of
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solidarity as passionate individuals from all walks of life, gathered to voice their concerns for palestinian lives and express support for their rights. as mother and as a country woman, i am very much upset by saying all this, i can't sleep, it's very painful, it is genocide and it should be stopped react. to the continuing israeli actions in gaza, pakistanis expressed support for palestinians, not just through marches, but also through aid and financial assistance. aid agencies are calling for urgent action and support and also demanding the immediate opening of the rough border crossing. humanitarian groups have been sounding the alarm predicting a potential deterioration of the crisis in gaza. the rifa border should be immediately open and the aid should be delivered immediately to the people of gazza,
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so far very little laid is gone, 1000 container is the daily requirement at gazza, more than million people have dislocated from their homes, there is very big humanitarian crisis, food is required, tent is required, blanket is required, medicine is required, meanwile citizens across pakistan are stepping up their commitment to the boycot campaign against pr israeli businesses, the movement has garnered wide spread support and engagement by participating in marches of solidarity and extending it to those affected, pakistanis are vehemently denouncing what they see as war crimes committed by israeli forces in gaza and sending a strong message of empathy and support for the people of palestine. nasik azmi, press tv, islamabad. iran's foreign minister says resistance groups are engaged
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in phase one of spreading the war on the ground in the face of israeli atrocities against palestinians. according to hossen amir abdullahyan, resistance groups have already announced that new fronts are likely to open if the israeli regime fails to abide by a un security council resolution on ending this war on gaza. he saw new situation could unfold in the region if possible scenario. to stop israeli crimes fail to produce any results, meanwhile, the top diplomats says political and international efforts are focused on halting israeli war crimes and genocide in gaza, sending humanitarian aid there a regular basis and preventing the force displacement of people in gaza and the occupied west bank. now the leader of iran's islamic revolution says the developments in the gaza strip blew the lid of the western country support for. for racial discrimination says israel is the epidemy of
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racial discrimination. the leader says the regime considers itself the superior race and that's why it massacres thousands of children without any pang of conscience. ayatollah says the support by the leaders of the us, germany, france, and the uk for such a regime also means they support racial discrimination, and this is one of the most loadsome. issues in the world, the leader added that what is happening in gaza demonstrates the military and operational failure of israel. itullah he said the regime has failed to achieve the stated aim of eliminating. and the resistance despite over 40 days of bombing campaign, the leader stress that atrocious bombing of hospitals and women and children in gaza proves that israeli leaders are angered by their failure. also called on all muslim countries to cut ties with israel at least for a limited period of time over the regime's genocide in
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gaza. iran's islamic revolution gare has unveiled homemade. military achievements in the presence of the leader of the islamic revolution, ayatullah sayid ali khamenei, the new fatah 2 missile is an upgraded version of fatah one furnished with a hypersonic glide vehicle, warhead that can maneuver and glide at hypersonic speed. meanwhile, the mehran mobile defense system and the ninth of day upgraded defense system capable of launching short to medium range projectiles were unveiled. a new version of the shar head drone was also showcased. the... exhibition displaying the latest achievements of the iogc was told by the iranian leader early on sunday. in recent years, the islamic republic has made major headways in manufacturing military equipment which is aimed at boosting self-defense. the situation in gaza is worsening by the hour that as international bodies hesitate to take serious action to
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stop israel. our correspondent rashan saglam has talked with turkish residents who believe that a unified muslim front can put an end to the israeli regime's ongoing massacres. in fact, what is happening is massacre. israelis have occupied palestine, they have seased palestinians and started killing them. therefore all people, not just muslims, need to stand against this injustice. they are now doing to the arabs what hitler did to them. now, even if i'm at home eating or drinking, i find it hard to swallow knowing. there are innocent civilians being killed brutally, the world is silent in the face of what is happening there, israel is a criminal terrorist state, but the reason why israel continues to commit these atrocities is that muslims are divided, and if they unite, no one can harm them. turkey is doing its best,
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but it cannot enter the war alone. this is unrealistic. european civilization is fake civilization. and has no credibility, leaders of arab countries, we all know who they affiliated with, american and jewish parties, that's why there is nothing we can do, but if muslims unite, they can beat any force, i a 70 year old woman and i want to go there, but unfortunately the laws and interest of the state are different, they are trying to solve the issue in conferences. while the number of marters is increasing, this is not something that can be solved in conferences, olarak söyleyeceğimiz belli, what can we say, israel is a terrorist state that aims at murdering muslims, hopefully god will take our revenge from them. turkey is doing its best, but other countries do not support turkey, if arab countries stood with other muslim
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countries, they could have solved this issue, but unfortunately arab countries are busy with their me. turkey alone cannot do anything, but one day our army will go there to defend palestine. islamic countries should unite, this situation is unacceptable, in islam we are taught not to kill ant, and how can we watch humans being killed like this for god's sake? so we must lend them a helping hand. muslim countries must unite to stop this genocide. olmaz, the us military base has come under a drone attack in northern iraq, it was carried out by the islamic resistance, umbrella group of anti-terror fighters in iraq. the iraki resistance movement says his fighters targeted al-harir base in airbild in the kurdistan region. he said the drone successfully hit its target. the resistance groups have carried out similar attacks on us
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military bases in iraq and neighboring syria as the gaza war has continued and claimed more palestinian lives. those groups believe that washington is complicit in the israeli crimes. at least 60 us troops in syria and iraq have reportedly suffered injuries during attacks against the country's bases there since october 17th. now protesters across the globe continue to voice support for the palestinians as israeli killing campaign in gaza enters its 44th day. in valencia, spain, hundreds of protesters hit the streets. waving palestinian flags and calling for the boycot of the israeli regime over his crimes against civilians in gaza, participants carried effegies of shrouded babies. as a sign of israeli killing of more than 500 palestinian children in gaza. in the swedish capital, stockholm, a large number of people took to the streets to show solidarity with
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the palestinians, chanting slogans for freedom of the occupied lands. demonstrators in copenhagen, denmark called for an end to israel's genocidal war against carsans. milan, london, geneva, lisbon, beirout and santa were also the scene of pro palestine rallies a day earlier. canadian prime minister justin trudo is under mounting pressure as protest against the israeli onslot of the besieg ghaza strip enter a sixth week. demonstrators underline that it's not just the us president and israeli prime minister behind the killings of thousands of people in gaza, saying that their government is also complicit and israel's atrocities. we're seeing intensification zionism is falling in front of our eyes, people are refusing to believe zionist lies about the palestinian people, about gaza, our numbers
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are growing every single week, we are seeing people all across the world take up more uh intense forms of direct action uh refusing to be quiet, even though six weeks in the canadian government and western governments have not called for a ceasefire, continue to send weapons to this. the international center of justice for palestinians has announced its intention to seek the prosecution of four canadian officials including the prime minister. the organization says it will pursue all appropriate courses of action to hold them accountable before the international criminal court for supporting the israeli regime. so this case is part of a larger international collaboration to bring uh charges for aiding and embeding against canadian officials who have been complicit with israeli war crimes. all of them in their... own way have been uh either acting or uh failing to act in a way that is benefiting the israeli armed forces with great intentionality uh and what we see right now is we see a situation where arms
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are still being shipped from canada to israel while it's carrying out war crimes, we see money being misappropriated from uh so-called charitable organizations here and being sent over to assist the occupation forces. we also see the government here failing to do anything at all to stop recruitment for the israeli military, which is also happened. right now, activists are calling for an immediate ceasefire in the palestinian territory to prevent further loss of life and say that ottawa must cancel all arms export permits to israel and require the regime to fully comply with international law. so we refuse for our canadian leadership, the ones, the members that uh we elected to be complicit in the ethnic cleansing of the palestinians. we demand that it imposes an arms embargo on israel, and that it holds it accountable to the numerous international law violations and war crimes that... has committed not only the past 42 days, but for the past 75 years of occupation. if the uh politicians and the media will not listen to us, then we will make it impossible for them
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to ignore us, we will not allow for business to go on as usual, while genocide takes place against our people in gaza. these mass protests demonstrate that people here and around the world no longer believe israel's propaganda as people from across the country prepare for next week's national march on ottowa. toronto and with that we come to the end of this bulletin, thank you for being with us, i'll be back with a recap of the news in about five minutes time, take care for now. october 7th marked new chapter in israel's history. they were stunned by the unexpected
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turn of events. now the big question is can israel restore its shattered image. after the seismic shift in its narrative.
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news in brief for this hour scores of people have been killed in israeli attacks on two schools in northern gaza including the un run alphara school located in jabala refugee camp earn as strongly condemned the attacks, urging the international community and the islamic countries to act against tel aviv's crimes. the world health organization says the al-shifa hospital, which is once, which was once the largest and most advanced hospital in gaza has now turned into a death zone. a team led by the who visited the hospital in northern gaza after the israeli army raided the medical complex. amas's military wing the...