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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 17, 2023 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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tops here on press tv, israel continues its genocidal war on gaza now entering a 42nd day intensifying strikes on territories, hospitals and people that are taking shelter there. un warrens. millions in gaza face starvation because food and water have become practically nonexistent due to israel's siege on the encliff and the american civil of liberties union sues florida's university system for banning pro-palestinian university groups calling it violation of students free speech.
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hello everybody, it's 8:30 am in the iranian capital, you're watching press tv, world news. israel continues to strike the gazo strip as regime's brutal war on the besieged palestinian territory enters its 42nd day. regimes launch fresh attacks on jabalya refugee camp, killing 15 people at least, casualties of also... has been reported after israeli attack on the neuserat refugee camp. hospitals also remain the focal point of israeli strikes. hundreds of wounded individuals have been scattered on the floors of gaza's indonesian hospital due to non-stop influx of injured people. hospital director says facility is completely out of service. allshiva hospital that was rated early uh wednesday by israeli forces also remain surrounded by regime tanks. the situation at
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dal shiva hospital is very dangerous and catastrophic. the israeli army invaded the al-shefa complex last night and since then we have lost contact with our colleagues, patients and everyone inside the al-shafa medical complex. we are unable to ascertain the events inside the al-shafa complex, including violations against the medics and patients by israeli forces. israel launches genocidal war on gaza on october 7th, conflicts taking the lies at least 11,500 palestinians, most of them women and children. senior representative of hamasa in lebanon says the palestinian resistance fighters are not operating in any hospitals. there is no center or... control room for
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hamas in this hospital, we avoid all the hospitals all the time, the israels, they have said that about rantisi hospital and they were lying, they've said that about alds hospital and everyone realized that they were lying and now everyone is watching their lies even with the support of the united state administration israel have air basis allegations against hamas, he underscored israeli military's failure to provide substantial evidence proving that hamas is operating under the al-shifa hospital complex. hamdon also examined the footage the israel's military has put on the internet. the senior hamos official accused the regime of propagating untrue stories about its bloody campaign on gaza. hamd mentioned several cases of such israeli propaganda. in one such case, an old palestinian man was killed after. israely media showed in being
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helped by regime soldiers, hamdon also said the military wing of hamos has been successful in damaging or destroying israeli tanks. the kassam brigades have succeeded in destroying and inflicting damage on 33 vehicles, over the last 48 hours, these brigades, which are dealing these severe blows. ham so the al khassam brigades military wing of hamas is continuing its operations. he said the brigades issued a steman saying in 24 hours that destroyed a building where research soldiers were sheltering and some were killed and wounded. of palestinian people are able to outlast israeli offensive on gaza and will certainly emerge victorious that according to head of the political bureau of hamas. ismail hany added. since fighters have delivered painful
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blows to the israeli army since the regime started its onslot on gaza on october 7th. he's a palestinians that foiled many israeli plans. i noted regime will not be... to retrieve its captives except by paying the price. thomas leader described israel's attacks on the palestinian territory as barbaric. he called for the implementation of resolutions issued in the recent arab islamic summit in saudi arabia, summit called for an end to the israeli aggression and breaking of the sige on gaza. the dire humanitarian situation in gaza is rapidly deteriorating amid israel's brutal. war in sie on the palestinian territory, the world food programned that civilians in gaza face immediate possibility of starvation because food and water have practically become nonexistent. the wfp added the lack of fuel is also impeeding the delivery of food, it said amount of food entering gaza remains
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wowfully inadequate. the un high commissioner for human rights also raised the alarm about widespread hunger in gaza. the total depletion of fuel supplies is imminent, according to anra, and it would be catastrophic across all of gaza, leading to the complete collapse of water, sewing and crucial healthcare services and endling the trickle of humanitarian assistance that has been permitted to date. massive outbreaks of infectious disease and hunger seem inevitable. in my career. turk was speaking a press briefing at un office in geneva, meanwile un agency for palestian refugees warn deliberate attempts to paralyze this operations in gaza. suspension of unramission in gaza will pose new challenges to hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians that
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are living under the agency's support. in the us, florida has been sued by civil liberties societies after the state. propose a ban on pro-palestinian rallies at universities, the american civil liberties union is seeking to repel the ban on students for justice and palestine. that's a group which is stage pro-palestinian rallies throughout the us universities. laws says ban violates students free speech. last month, florida blocked chapters of the sjp from receiving school funds and using campus facilities for what it called a violation of university policies. american universities have seen countless pro-palestine. protest since israel its onslot on gaza, number of us universities, including colombia and george washington have already imposed bans on pro-palestinian activities. and probaale sentiment continues to expand throughout the world with people
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staging number of new demonstrations. in the us capital, police scuffled with protesters outside the democratic national headquarters, they are call for an end to israel's genicidal war on gaza. police dispersed the demonstrators and made some arrests elsewhere in san francisco, california, hundreds of protestors blocked entrance into an apex summit. some demonstrators try to prevent summit attendees from entering the venue. protesters are demanding an immediate. at seasfire in gaza in london, protesters assembled outside parliament demanding lawers support seasfire, also in jordan's capital almon security forces mobilized to guard the us embassy as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the premises. the protesters are condemning washington support for israel and regime's
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raid into al-shifa hospital in gaza. press tv's camilla escalante in toronto canada's spoken to people there about. the gaza war, they are critical of their government over what they see as in action to help bring an end to gaza in suffering. well, i'm devastated and i'm extremely enraged um and horrified by the genocide happening in gaza. um, i'm not surprised by the canadian government's response. i know that they have um stakes in trying to continue the illegal occupation of palestine, um, and that they are funding. is genocide, genocidal campaign, and they have been for decades, so i'm not surprised, but it's um, it is disgusting to see, of course, uh, i'm mortified by what we've been witnessing over the past month, uh, this is not a war, this is a slaughter, this is genocidal offensive against the
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palestinian people in the in the ghaza strip in the first, first instance, but also in the west bank, uh, and ethnic cleansing a massive scale, so uh um, i'm also angry with most of the western governments and certainly the canadian government for their silence or for their dithering, the... confiscation, the refusal to take a firm principled stand in favor of international law and uh in favor of of peace and to call for a ceasfire. i think as most people, i'm i'm appalled and sickened by what is happening, it it's just awful to watch the news, but i keep watching because i am so angry, and our government is taken a very bad position, it's following the united states as it's done so many. times, and that is not helping the people, the children, the
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everybody in palestine. commander of the gods force of iran's irgc, has sent a message of support to gaza resistance hailing operation alaxa flood as an epic of grand skills that laid bear fragility of israel. brigadier general ismail gani said operation showed israel's security is far more. vulnerable than a spiders web, letter was addressed to commander of the al-qassam brigades, mohammad daiif said the palestinian operation united muslim nations around the notion of jihad against israel, he said now everyone believes that palestine and the wider region will not be the same in the wake of alaxa flood, the iranian commander touched attacks by resistance against israeli troops in armored vehicles, saying strikes portrayed created side of resistance. the iranian general saidran will do its best report palestinian resistance in this ongoing war. he said the resistance front will not allow israel to
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corner gauzans and achieve its objectives. political commentator shabi razy says israele regime is a passive player that only reacts to hamas initiatives in his ongoing war on gaza. the palestinian resistance has israel right where it wants them. israel is reacting, it is not. taking its own measures, it is being forced to make decisions. based off this, they have been forced into engaging the resistance, but every time they actually engage the resistance, they cover up their casualties, they cover up the loss of their vehicles, they instead are relying on this air campaign, this inhuman, this genocidal bombing campaign to actually force the resistance out of whatever they may be, but they are ultimately failing. two, you also have uh the the international community, but also just people worldwide, seeing the
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failure of israel and instead of actually engaging the resistance uh, the true face of zallionism is actually exposed, because instead of actually going you know combat to combat maneuver, they insist on bombing civilians, they insist on uh war crimes, they insist on using white fosphorus, they insist on bombing hospitals and schools and now what we're also seeing is them fabricating uh lies right before the... international audience, we have seen time and time again the lie, the lies of the israeli uh defense forces quote unquote being exposed, and so right now uh, essentially the resistance has boxed in the zionist entity to point where there is no way that they can achieve all of their objectives, there's simply no way because one, they're they're losing on the ground and they're also losing uh the the support that they once had amongst even western leaders. israel is cleared out another areal attack on
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syria, targeting this time the vicinity of the capital damascus, the syrian military says regime missiles were launched from the direction of the occupied golen heights, it had country's air defenses intercepted and shot down most of the missiles, the offensive hover caused some material damage. israel regime frequently targets to war, ravage, arab nation, particularly in and around damascus, the syrian government has time and again called the un to force israel to stop its aggression against the country. damascus says assaults are in violation of international law and aimed at propping up terrorists in syria. lebanon's resistance moving hezbollah's carried out more air or more strikes against israeli military positions along the lebanese border. hasbollah fired rockets and missiles towards seven israeli military sites, leaving some uh soldiers injured. hezbollah and israeli. troops have been engaged in direct clashes since the 7th of october when the regime ignited its bloody war machine against gaza.
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hez says it will continue striking positions the israeli regime until it stops its crimes against palestinians. earlier this week, an international delegation of writers, lawyers, journalists and activists went to egypt to push for the opening of the rafa border crossing, which connects the arab country to the besieg gaza strip, but members of the delegation were arrested by egyptian authorities near the crossing and then later deported. dan kovolik, member of the group joined us earlier to explain exactly what happened to them. at the last minute, it like 5:30 in the morning when we were supposed to leave, they denied the international delegations right to go to rafa, so we never got to the rafa crossing, we then held a press conference in front of the uh us embassy in cairo, to call for the opening of the rafa border, and of course and end to the
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us support for the genocide in gaza, and that's when we were arrested in front. the us embassy um in in cairo, i think they got unnerved by the gathering of people in front the embassy, by the way, it was across the street from the embassy, it's not like it was right in front of it, it was across a very big uh uh lane, very big avenue in cairo, across, so it wasn't any threat to the physical integrity of the embassy, but when they came up to us, they made it clear. they were upset and disturbed by the fact that some of us were wearing caafias, that some people had palestinian flags, they made it clear that's what they were concerned about, they asked if any of the members of the group were palestinian, even if they were palestinian americans, so that was clearly uh part of what was going on there, pakistan's
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former ambassador to the united nations, ali saraby says: "the public outcry is the only way to push for sease fire in gaza, as the united nations has proved to be ineffective in this regard. the basic problem is that the united nations can be effective and functional only if all its members desire to do so, then in the security council there is the discriminatory process of those members who are. permanent and they can vito any resolution, so effectively they make the security council totally, mean i impractical and ineffective to work with, you know in the vietnam war, the reason the us administration
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was forced to sue for peace and to hold peace talks in paris in the... 60s and early 70s of the last century was because of public protest because of the fact that people came out on the streets, students in the universities came out in protest and demonstration against the policies of the government, so there was such a massive change in public opinion that the government had to also alter its foreign policy, now here the situation is very worrisome and very bad, but unfortunately the israeli and the jewish lobby in the united states is using all resources and keeping the media its side,
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the media in america is still talking about israel's right of defense and israel's dealing of the threat that it come that comes from gaza, so the media war has to be fought also, and i think if public opinion turns against israeli action, then the media will also have to follow suit and change its stance. the israel military has attacked alshiva hospital in gaza city after repeatedly pounding his vicinity over the past several days. hospitals already run out of fuel and electricity which has resulted in the deaths
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of several premature babies and critically wounded patients. the world health organization. has described the situation there as dire and perilous. israel claims palestinian resistance groups have tunnels and bunkers underneath the hospital, but hammas resistance group has vehimently denied that allegation. israeli forces raid al-shifa hospital in gaza city, the largest medical complex in the strip where thousands of taken shelter. the spokesman for the ministry of health in gaza has said that... their only doctors, patients and displaced people inside alchifa hospital. regime troops entered the hospitals emergency department building while tanks surrounded the medical complex. the israeli military said it is conducting the operation in a cult specific area. hamas resistance movement has said that israel's
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leaders and the us presidents were full responsible for the consequences of the regime's rate on shifa hospital. all shifa has been denied urgently needed supplies of medicines and fuel. fuel shortages threatened the function of generators which run vital equip. like ventilators and dialysis machines. the world health organization has described the situation of the hospital as dire and perious. the hospital's last generator has also run out of fuel, which has led to the death of several premature babies and wounded patients. i am standing here at the icu at al-shif medical complex. this department is suffering after the shutdown of electricity due to lack of. these people here were denied life support devices, they may lose their lives because there are no support machines or artificial respiration devices,
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around 29 patients are facing this tragedy. israel alleges that hamas has built its headquarters in bunkers and tunnels under the alchifa hospital, a claim rejected by the palestinian resistance movement and hospital staff. shifa hospital. has been one of the main targets of israeli strikes since the regime began its deadly onslot on gaza, the situation remains tens in other hospitals as well, and you are asking doctors and nurses to move people, knowing that that would kill them, uh, and again, why would you need to move them? hospital should never be under attack, hospital is a place, safe haven, this is agreed under international. humanitarian law. now this is not the first hospital that israel has attack during its ongoing aggression against gaza. israel has been
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targeting hospitals and medical facilities since beginning of its war on the seventh of october and in defiance of international condemnations. palestine resistance group has already called on the un to form investigative team and debunk is really allegations that hamas is operating from under a medical complex attacks on. are against international law and geneva conventions. israel has a long list of attacking medical facilities, health, personnel and ambulances in gaza. israel's repeated attacks, damaging hospitals and harming healthcare workers devastated gaza's healthcare infrastructure. it's extremely critical situation when the israeli army have... al shifa hospital if we can call this war on gaza one can call it the war on hospitals, the war on injured people, the war
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on sick people, the war on infants, the war on infants who are in incubators, the indonesian hospital has been struck multiple times between october 7th and 28th, the international eye hospital was struck repeatedly and completely destroyed on october 10th or 11th. the turkish palestinian friendship hospital was forced to close on november 1st, days after air raids on or near the facility. repeated attacks have been reported on the ots hospital, israeli strikes of also targeted nasa hospital and khan yunus along with two centers of the palestinian red creson society in jabala and gaza city and october 18th, nearly 500 people were killed in an israeli air attack on el ahli arab hospital in the besieg gaza strip and israeli
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forces trock well-marked ambulances on several occasions. elrinti is the only hospital in gaza that specializes in treating children with cancer. israeli troops have also conducted operations inside l-retincy. the regime recently struck vehicles outside l. in tc, which is located in northern gaza. the united nations says, and it's it's you know, it's beyond description. i'm i'm out of words to describe this systematic man-made slaughtering of patients in civilian hospitals. what we are seeing is an unprecedented attack a civilian society, occupied by one of the most brutal and ruthless armies in the world. as of november 10th, two-thirds of primary healthcare facilities and half of all hospitals in gaza are not functioning. international humanitarian law based on the 1949 geneva conventions considers hospital civilian objects that receive protection. it's now
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believed. that israel's intention is to subject them to starvation, thirst, physical harm and psychological torment, with the goal of instilling fear, and ultimately eliminating the population. israel started its much hyped ground invasion into the gaza strip on october 27th. it stated objective is to destroy the hamas resistance group, but over two weeks have passed since the start of the ground offensive with no concrete achievement for the televive. machine, internally, pressure is piling up on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to free the captives, and internationally, israel has come under mountain pressure to stop its genocide in gaza. israel is now desperate to come up with an achievement, it's now widely believed that its war on the hospitals in gaza is part of attempt by the regime to fabricat an achievement after days of failure and sitbacks.
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that's right for lates here on pres tv everyone, thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. after the occupation of palestinian lands and creation of the israeli regime, both sides came to realize the power of cinema in getting their messages across. the israeli regime used cinema to show the territory. had
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occupied as heaven on earth in order to entice jews from all over the world to migrate to occupied territories. on the other hand, although belatedly, palestinians also learn to use the power of media and cinema to make their voice heard across the world. was new battlefield for both sides. welcome to the palestinian village of alacaba. it's in the northern jordan valley. you think life here would be relatively simple and uncomplicated. for palestinians in area c, uh, that the way that israel treats them as hostile population, it makes them their lives
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as difficult as possible. those palestinian families who live in in almost about 52 communities without any kind of service, inنا جميعا في قريه العقب لا نعلم لماذا الرد الاسرائيلي علينا. see, this is the goal, the immediate goal.
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israel continues bombing civilian targets across the gazo strip as virginia's brutal war on the palestinian territory enters at 42nd day. regimes launched fresh deadly attack on the jabala refugee camp. hospitals also remain the focal point of israel's trucks. hamas have presented evidence rejecting israeli allegations that palestinian resistance movement is operating under gaza hospitals. senior representative of hamas says the us and israel have aired bases allegations against the resistance group.