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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 16, 2023 12:30am-1:01am IRST

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your press tv headlines israeli forces attack gazas alshufa hospital where thousands of the injured people have been trapped. eral's top diplomat urges getting much needed humanitarian aid into gaza and his meetings un officials in geneva and us president joe biden is under intense fire from his own administration over his unconditional support for israel's genocide in gaza.
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of hello everyone and thank you for tuning in press tv world news and now hearing nightmare unfolding in gaza's al shifa hospital israel relentlessly attacks the complex in defiance of widespread international outcry to halt its onslot of thousands of innocent women and children trapped there regime forces storing largest medical complex in gaza with tanks and soldiers where thousands of injured and displaced have taken shelter. regime says it is carrying out a targeted operation against hamas, which it claims has a command center there. meanwhile, the regime is pressing ahead with air strikes and ground operations throughout the fully blockaded gazzo strip. death toll has now hit 11,500, some 200 medical staff have also been killed since october 7th. residential areas and hospitals of... recently been the prime targets of
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israeli attacks. regimes rejected any proposals for humanitarian sease fire despite back-to-back protest and international pleas. the palestinian authority prime minister says israel's war on gaza is a war on hospitals. now this after the regime rated largest medical complex in the besieged enclave. extremely critical situation when the israeli army have raided al shifa hospital, if we can call this war on ghaza, one can call it the war on hospitals, the war on injured people, the war on sick people, the war on infants, the war on infants who are in incubators, it never happened in anywhere in history that hospital. are targets, what is happening in
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gaza is very obvious, very clear war crime that israel is committing against those who have been treated in the hospitals. shit dismissed israel's allegations hamas uses hospital for anti-israel operations. he urge the international community to seriously intervene and stop the bloodshed at al-shifa. nothing that is noting israel. is an occupying power, the officials stress right of people living under occupation to defend themselves. meanwhile, the unhumanitarian chief also described israeli attacks on hospitals as shocking, calling for immediate action to reign in the carnage in gaza. the un has warned its operations in gaza are on the brink of collapse. head of the un agency for palestinian refugee says, having fuel for trucks, only will not save lives anymore.
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londra chief made the remarks hours after receiving the first delivery of fuel since israeli war began 40 days ago. press tv correspondent in gaza ashraf shenin is on the ground and has the latest on the situation at alshipfa hospital. the situation is extremely horrible inside chief of hospital as a premature babies have. forbidden by the israelis from leaving the uh the compound of shifa as well as intensive care uh patients, they are uh, i'm not sure if it's real or not, but people are saying that some two dozen people have being executed literally by the israeli ge forces inside shifa hospital we're still waiting for information more information about this, especially that the israeli regime went with heavy gun power.
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inside shipa hospital into a civilian place, they entered with with their tanks, machine guns, they started shooting almost everywhere inside the shiffa hospital, they blew up. uh, whatever remained of medicines and surgical supplies and medical equipment, they detonated the whole thing, they also bombed every almost every single door inside the shif of hospital compound, especially the the surgery department which was attacked by the israeli rocket few days ago, allship hospital complex has taken a center stage as the israeli regime presses ahead with its bombings of medical centers throughout northern gaza claiming they're hosting hamas forces. a palestinian doctor though takes us a free tour in and around al-shifa. it's a damage on infrastructure rendering the medical complex almost non-functional. i am
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sanding here at the icu at al-shafo medical complex. this department is suffering after the shut down of electricity due to. lack of fuel, the health ministry warned about the lack of fuel. these people here were denied life support devices, they may lose their lives because there are no support machines or artificial respiration devices. around 29 patients are facing this tragedy. here, as you can see, patients should have been connected to the devices to save their lives, but we had to evacuate this place completely, as you can see, the paramedics were forced to evacuate this department to save people from israeli air. strikes and sniper fire. even these patients who are in the icu are facing death. israel wants to kill them inside this complex. there is an absolute siege on el shafa complex. no one can move in the yards around hospital, even between the various buildings inside the complex. we also can
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securely move the patients between buildings that face air strikes. this doctor is trying to save this girl by giving her oxygen through manual methods. this girl is suffering now because of the air strikes and because of moving the beds from the original places to the corridors, this is what is going on inside the alsafa hospital, the director general of the world health organization has denounced israel's recent incursion into alshupa hospital. says israeli regime is restricting access to vital fuel and aid exacerbating already die conditions and hindering operations of central. medical infrastructure. israel's military incursion into al-shifa hospital in gaza city is totally unacceptable. hospitals are not battlegrounds. we are extremely worried for
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the safety of staff and patients. protecting them is paramount. who has lost. contact with health workers at alshifa hospital, but one thing is clear, under international humanitarian law, health facilities, health workers, ambulances and patients must be safe guarded and protected against all acts of war. earlier today, a track with 23,000 lits of fuel interred but israel has restricted its use to only transporting aid from rafa. at least 120,000 liters a day are needed to operate hospital generators, ambulances. now
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the resistance movement hamos has rejected us assertion about presence of palestinian fighters inside al-shifa hospital. ham says washington's justification repeated israeli allegations prove that president joe biden is complicit in israel's occupation and genocidal war. netanyahu in his defeated army's attempt to portray the incursion of their tanks to shifa hospital is political immaturity and an exposed theatrical move which won't work and anyone and will not be believed by anyone. shifa is hospital that is older. in the occupation itself, it houses the sick, injured doctors, nurses and also houses displaced children, women and the elderly. the arrival of the occupations tanks to shifa is not an achievement. shifa is a medical and civilian building and not a
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military site. the attempts by netanyahu and his army to portray this as an achievement or victory only show their failure and panic and the depth of their defeat. the white house in the pentagon's contributions to the campaign of zionist lies that claim shifa was used by the rese makes american president biden a full participant of this occupation and of this crime and also the genocidal war that our palestinian people are being exposed to. the intrision into shifa hospital means they have drowned further and further in the gaza's trip, creating bigger opportunities to the heroes of qasam brigades to target them and hand them more losses. iran's foreign minister stresses the important role the international committee of the red cross can
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play in the humanitarian crisis in gaza. hossain amdullahyan told president of the icrc in geneva that the organization can play an effective role in delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza and the release of israeli captives. he said israel is hindering efforts to secure the captives release despite hamas willingness for a swap. minister also referred iran's. diplomatic efforts regarding humanitarian issues and gaza and reiterated tehran's opposition to the spread of conflict across the region. for her part, mirach held a timing of the visit amit growing concerns or the dire situation in gaza. she described the mission of the icrc in gaza as sensitive and difficult, urging iran and other countries to help its successfully perform its humanitarian tasks there. toron blames the us for the dar situation in gaza. the humanitarian situation in gaza is so
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regrettable, unfortunately the united states is sending all types of weapons to tel aviv a daily basis, including phosphorus weapons and prohibited weapons via cyprus or directly from all their bases in the region, during his trip to geneva, the foren minister also met un under secretary for humanitarian affairs and called for immediate actions to stop. israely war on gaza i abdullah insists arafa border crossing be reopened to let much needed humanitarian aid into the besieged enclave. ironstop diplomatic express hope his trip to geneva will speed up the delivery of aid to gazans. situation in gaza is worsening by the minute and that is international bodies hesited to take serious action to stop israel. our correspondent rashan saglam has and the turkish residents who believe the unified muslim front can put an end to the
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regime's ongoing massacre. in fact, what is happening is massacre. israelis have occupied palestine, they have seased palestinians and started killing them. therefore all people, not just muslims, need to stand against this injustice. they are now doing to the arabs what hitler did to them. now, even if i'm at home, eating or drinking. i find it hard to swallow, knowing there are innocent civilians being killed brutally. the world is silent in the face of what is happening there. israel is a criminal terrorist state, but the reason why israel continues to commit these atrocities is that muslims are divided, and if they unite, no one can harm them. turkey is doing its best, but it cannot enter the war alone. this is unrealistic. europeans. civilization is fake civilization and has no credibility, leaders of arab countries, we
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all know who they are affiliated with american and jewish parties, that's why there is nothing we can do, but if muslims unite, they can beat any force. ben kendi shahsım i a 70 year old woman and i want to go there, but unfortunately the laws and interest of the state are different, they are trying to solve the issue in conferences, while the number of marters is increasing, this is not something that can be solved in conferences, müslüman olarak söyleyeceğimiz belli, what can we say, israel is a terrorist state that aims at murdering muslims, hopefully god will take our revenge from them. turkey is doing its best, but other countries do not support turkey. if arab countries stood with other muslim countries, they could have solved this issue, but unfortunately. arab countries are busy with their music concerts. turkey alone cannot do anything, but one day our army will
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go there to defend palestine. islam devlet. islamic countries should unite, this situation is unacceptable. in islam, we are taught not to kill an end, and how can we watch humans being killed like this for god's sake? so we must lend them a helping hand. muslim countries must unite to stop this genocide. over his support for israel's genocide on gaza and yet another leaked memo obtained by american news website axius officials accused biden of spreading misinformation on the israeli war. five page memo signed by over 100 state department and us aid employees said that israel is committing war crimes and that biden support for israel has made him complicit in the genocide taking place in gaza. he also recommended the government advocate release
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of israeli captives as well as thousands of palestinians being illegally held in israeli jails. days ago, a similar leaked memo from the state department showed lots of confidence among diplomats in biden's approach and handling of the gaza war. the document demanded to seize fire in gaza and asked the administration to balance is private and public messaging toward israel. maldivian and political and activist muad mohammed zaki is of the opinion, although israeli lobby has a strong impact on us politics that increase. public pressure calling for seas far is forcing joe biden to retreat from his pro israel stance. i think when it comes to us politics everyone has to understand that the ipack the israele lobby in the us is one of the strongest and they have allowed politicians that are only pro
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israel and basically what we can say now is pro-genocide to be able to be elected into representatives. so even though they get voted in by the people of by american people, american voters, it doesn't mean that when it comes to foreign policy, they would actually care about what american voters think, however this has actually changed this current war, this ongoing war where there's so much of destruction, so much of genocide, it is changing the public opinion, and because of that, i think there is a big understanding within the american. political atmosphere that hey, look, we have to do something, and that is why i believe you can see that joe biden has been doing everything he can to try to get israel to finish this genocide as as fast as possible, you know, everyone knows it's a genocide, but joe biden keeps giving excuses and claiming they have helped this much of garzans for medical
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treatment or whatever, the world does not care about that, the world cares about stopping this and putting is... well to accounts under international law and going after every politician in america who has supported descent weapons, knowing that these weapons are going to be dropped on children, including nurses, doctors, teachers, and even human rights ngos, all schlong is a spokesperson for germany-based larus organization, he says the us president has been defying calls from his official to detach from the corrupt israeli regime committing genocide and war crimes against the palestinians. it's clear that the us has made a terrible mistake in backing netanyahu. netanyahu has a history of commitment ethnic cleansing, he has very terrible past, he he
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was, he's using this war to consolidate his position when he's under charges of corruption once again. now the the report you have, there are now more than a thousand signers to the us agency for international development and state department letter criticizing the biden administration, calling it complicit in the murder of innocents and demanding a ceasefire. this is becoming more prevalent throughout the administration, because the there's a recognition that it's one thing to say, well, we stand by you in in defense against terrorism, it's another thing to support the launching a terrorist attack against the palestinians by netanyahu, and i think the the other thing in this letter is that it cited a new york times poll which shows that 66% of the american people support
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a ceasefire, so that's almost two-thirds of the people pulled, insisted that the us support a ceasefire. what about democracy? why doesn't the president listen to the people? why don't they listen to the career diplomats who realized that the us is losing absolute credibility by once again siding with a corrupt government that's carrying out war crimes. people around the world continue to hold pro-palestine rallies in a show of resentment at israel's genocidal war on gaza. now americans hit the streets of san francisco and washington to condemn the government's support for israeli onslot
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protests in san francisco came as president joe biden was visiting the city to raise a fund for his 2024 re-election bid. nearly 500 people marched to the venue leading to a brief confrontation between protesters and police. separately protest was held outside the white house after news broke out about israeli rate on al shifa hospital in gaza city in the lebanese capital beirut. propalestinian protesters gathered near the british embassy demanding international action to stop israely bloodshed in gaza. condemnations continue pouring in from around the world tomit israel's relentless attacks and ethnic cleansing of the palestinian territory. meanwile yemen's military says the successfully fart a barage of... at positions the israeli regime. spokesperson yahya said yemeny strikes at crucial targets in um arash rash near city of ilat. yemeni officials said military will not hesitate in targeting
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israeli ships in the red sea. sorry said yemeni armed forces will continue operations against israel until the regime stops its savage war machine that's killed more than 11 palestinians. earlier leader of the ana movement said yemen will constantly monitor the movement of israeli ships especially. the leader of yemen's law movementy has delivered much anticipated televize speech in which he stress that the yemeni military will continue targeting israel, after condemning some arab and islamic countries for not taking meaningful stance against the israeli regime. made it clear that yemen is determined to take decisive military action that will eventually force the zinus aggression to stop. our brothers in the armed forces have
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begun their work and carried out number of operations with long-range missiles deep into the south of israeli occupied lands. we also use drones to target israeli zionist targets there. we will continue our bombardment and we will continue to march for palestine. also planning for additional military operations against all zianist targets in palestine and outside of palestine. alhuthi declared that from now on all israeli ships passing through yemeni territorial water will be targeted in the red sea, move which would prove to be very costly, since trade through the red sea constitutes 90% of israel's imported goods. our eyes are open for constant. monitoring and searching for any israeli ships, everyone should know that the israeli enemy relies its movement in the red sea, especially in babel mandab where they try to camouflage their
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ships by not raising israeli flags on them, it's a smuggling mission because they even turn off the identification devices on board, despite this they will not succeed, we will search until we verify the ships that belong to the israeli regime and we will not hesitate to target them. yemen's continuous military strikes against israel come after... us officials directed a warning to yemen to not interven in israel's brutal war on gaza, but according to alhuthi, yemen doesn't take its orders from america. as you can see on this map over here, babel mandab is very narrow straight that separates yemen from the horn of africa. this means any ship that passes through babel mandab will be within the target zone. of yemen's armed forces and as sayid abdul malik al-huthi has stated, all israeli shipments will be targeted if they attempt to pass. yousu maudi press, and that
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brings us to the end of this press steven news bulleton everyone. thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. after the occupation of palestinian lands and creation of the israeli regime, both sides came to realize the power of cinema in getting their messages across. the israeli regime used. cinema to show the territory it had occupied as heaven on earth in order to entice jews from all over the world to migrate to occupied territories. on the other
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hand, although delatedly, palestinians also learn to use the power of media and cinema to make their voice heard across the world. it was new battlefield for both sides.
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entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at -
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the situation at alsharifa hospital in gaza is escalating into an apocalyptic catastrophe with each passing minute, israeli forces and tanks have stormed the complex, indiscriminately attacking thousands of enemy. women and children taking shelter there, israel's prevented people from leaving the hospital. forces of storm al-shifa largest medical complex in gaza where people are sheltering, regime claims is conducting a targeted operation against hamas, the palestiny resistance movement though has rejected that saying attack on shifa is not an achievement for israel.