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tv   Africa Today Will Africa Cut Ties with Israel  PRESSTV  November 15, 2023 9:02pm-9:30pm IRST

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اضرب اضربك. kaboot seam hailed by many is ra as
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paradisiacal havens stand as enduring symbols of of resilience and human ingenuity. these lands were originally owned by palestinians, but now these kabutsim have transformed into the hubs of industry and agriculture for the israelis. kubut seam feature lush gardens, fertile fields and modern amenities, a stroll through these paradisiacal spaces reveals a blend of fragrant flowers and joyful children, creating an atmosphere. of peace and prosperity. inhabitants enjoy a high standard of living with quality homes, excellent schools and healthcare services. meanwhile, just few miles away lies the gaza strip, where a markedly contrasting reality unfolds. the people of gaza. have endured a
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protracted period of severe hardship, grappling with profound deprivation due to the constraints imposed upon them by israel. even the simple act of fishing along their shores has become an arduous endeavor, of burdened by stringent restrictions enforced by israelis. however, on saturday october 7th, the calm in kabutsim was shattered when hamas fighters mounted daring challenge to israel's perceived military might, altering the world's perception of the situation. the skies, usually pristine, became cloaked in smoke as paragliders bearing these fighters of swooped down, simultaneously on the ground, a relentless wave of heavily armed fighters, many on motorcycles, followed bulldozers that
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brazenly breached the fortified fences separating israel from gaza. this wasn't all. the lightning quick multi-proged ambush also included dozens of hamar's fighters on motor boats who descended upon israeli beaches. they stormed into cities, catching israeli soldiers off guard and leaving settlers in a state of shock. this was not the iron dome they had envisioned. israel's iron dome serves as a shield against relentless rocket attacks, safeguarding settlers from groups like hamas and hizbullah. equipped with advanced radar and tracking systems, it detects and intercepts incoming rockets, claiming to have success rate of approximately 90%. during a recent visit by open ai ceo sam oltman to tel aviv university, israel made deliberate effort to showcase its technological proweus presenting in a innovations like the iron dome as a
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display of pride, even if it may not have been as groundbreaking as suggested. israel has wielded the iron dome not only as defense mechanism, but also as a diplomatic tool, projecting an image of security and deterrents on the global stage. other nations such as south korea have sought to develop similar missile systems. saturday october 7th marked pivotal moment in israeli history as the... resistance group hamas executed an extraordinary multi-faceted attack. employing a calculated campaign of deception, hamas managed to catch israel off guard with devastating assault. their forces, utilizing bulldozer's hand gliders and motorbikes confronted the formidable israeli military. this saturday assault represents the most significant breach in israel since the arab army's 1973 conflict. it came after two years
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of careful planning by hamas, marked by military secrecy and convincing israel that they sought no confrontation. israel acknowledges being taken by... prized by attack timed to coincide with the jewish sabbath and a religious holiday. major near dinar, spokesperson for the israeli military admitted, they surprised us and they came fast from many spots, both from the air and the ground and the sea. israeli chief of staff, liwtenant general hurtsier levy, has also publicly acknowledged shortcomings related to the hamas operation. here's how the operation named alaxsar flood was executed. an initial barage included two stages. in the first stage, more than 3,000 rockets rain down on various israeli settlements within a mere six hours. these targeted barracks, outposts and checkpoints, forcing israeli soldiers to seek refuge.
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during the second stage, additional 2000 rockets were launched, primarily targeting the same objectives. the rockets through the sky and began raining down on specific targets in israel, after penetrating the iron dome, inflicting extensive damage and casualties, it instilled a profound sense of fear, prompting thousands of israelis to urgently seek refuge, but this was merely a diversion, the prelude to a mediculously coordinated operation, as the resistance fighters aided by first person brones and grenades systematically seized dozens of observation towers held by the israelis, their complex operation unfolded. in the next phase, over 25 barracks and out postts fell under their control, achieving all their
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objectives with impressive success. in this critical phase, they captured the karim shalom military site, leading to the destruction of several merka tanks. and the apprehension of their crews. many of these tanks were from the site, and numerous seas trophies were transported back to gaza. simultaneously with paragliders, they managed to bypass the formidable israely military fortifications, erected along the gaza borders and launch assaults from unexpected directions. by neutralizing these fortifications, they paved the way for other fighters to strike. israeli outposts. this strategic approach allowed them to penetrate up to 25 miles deep into the occupied territories on the very first day of the operation. video footage shared on social media captured the dramatic scene of hamas
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fighters descending via paragliders near one these so-called paradises named reim kaboots located approximately 3.3 miles from the wall that d locates the boundary between gaza and southern occupied territories. as the next phase started, hamas fighters executed a swift and highly precise operation, successfully capturing various camps and kabootsim all at once. they advance towards kaboots beiri, taking advantage of the early morning hours when many israelis either sought shelter from the ongoing rocket attacks or were asleep. other destinations included the nahar oz camp. where robust israeli resistance was met, but eventually overcome, yielding significant trophies transported to gaza. as they pushed toward kafa-aza, the fighters encountered determined resistance, capturing this location proved a formidable challenge, but they persevered,
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securing kafa aza and acquiring numerous trophies for transport to gaza. strategically crucial was the area's crossing. major entrance to gaza. the wide expanse provided numerous trophies and many israeli officers lost their lives or were captured. with captured bulldozers, the fighters disrupted the walls and fences of the gaza strip at multiple locations, disorienting israeli force and impeeding their strength and reaction times. as barriers were breached, the fighters started the next phase of the attack, simultaneously. advancing into urban areas and capturing police stations. in the city of steot, they took control of the police outpost, inflicting heavy casualties on israeli personnel. ashgalon was another important target, the resistance fighters marched through its streets, their actions
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vividly documented in history. this marks the moment when a new element came into play, the speed boats. a floatilla of vessels part. participated in the audacious assault on ashcalon and some of them reached its shores. here the indomitable resistance fighters found themselves at the gates of the ziki military base. overloocking the city's shores. meanwhile, other hamas forces reached the city of offakim. the police station fell along with trophies and prisoners before they proceeded to mishmar hangev, where resistance encountered minimal opposition. throughout the operation, the israelis retreated suffering heavy casualties along roads 34 and 25. the hamas operation has so far killed more than 1400 israels. soldiers and settlers. the list of confirmed lost israeli equipment was filled with numerous military
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vehicles, including tanks, tactical vehicles and bulldozers. these figures based on available footage, may in reality, be at least one-third higher accounting for statistical error. palestinian fighters are reported to have successfully neutralized four israeli military helicopters, using rocket launchers. additionally, the incorporation of rad antitank missiles into their arsenal indicates the comprehensive readiness of palestinian forces for urban warfare scenarios. within hours of the attack that shocked the world, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was calling it a dark day and declaring war on hamas. in attempt to mend its damaged reputation, israel imposed a complete siege on gaza,
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severing access to water, food and electricity for its 2.2 million residents. israel has officially affirmed its commitment to the disbandment of the hamas administration, a commitment that faces substantial hurdles. chief among these challenges is the apprehension of potential hostilities with hizbullah, should any further incursion into the gaza strip take place. veteran war correspondent elijah magnier believes that israel was ill prepared for a confrontation with hamas, let alone the prospect of engaging hizbullah. in his analysis, israel approaches this situation with considerable apprehension, as there is a looming concern that hizbullah based in lebanon may initiate a secondary conflict on the northern front. despite a heavy bombardment campaign of unprecedented intensity, israel has struggled to halt the rocket attacks by hamas or weaken the military capabilities of the resistance
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group. falling short of their initial objectives, israel has initiated sustained aerial bombardment campaign targeting the civilian population in gaza. this relentless assault has taken a devastating toll on the lives of palestinians with a tragic loss of thousands, primarily women and children, and leaving thousands more injured. amid israel's sustained bombardment of gaza, a deepening humanitarian crisis confronts the palestinian population, as desperately needed aid remains inaccessible to this besieged enclave. the situation within gaza's hospitals is growing increasingly dire with severe shortage of fuel for emergency generators, as reported by the united nations. furthermore a critical water outage has exacerbated the prolifer. of communicable diseases in gaza. in light of the evolving circumstances, the task of
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rehabilitating israel's tarnished image has become a formidable challenge, and achieving a swift resolution may prove elusive. in this context, the leader of iran's islamic revolution, ayatollah ali khamenei, shared a tweet in hebrew, drawing attention from over 3 million people. in his tweet, he emphasized the europa. terrible nature of israel's defeat in the october 7th incident, both in terms of military and intelligence. ayotol khamenei stated, everyone acknowledged the defeat, the irreparable aspect is of greatest significance. he went to state, i would argue that this saismic event has succeeded in dismantling some of the fundamental underpinnings of the usurping regime's governance, elements that are not easily reconstructed. in the wake of the recent... conflicts, a story of shifting dynamics unfolds, one that has far reaching
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implications for israel and its standing on the world stage. israel has long rested a foundation of soft power, narrative woven around the bedrock of security, meticulously crafted over decades. institutions like the mossard, shinbet and idf have played a pivotal role in maintaining this sense of security. however, the recent war challenged the very essence of this narrative. israeli settlers found themselves grappling with level of insecurity they had not encountered in years. at the heart. of israel's strength is its diverse settlers, comprising immigrants drawn to the occupied lands by the promise of stability, peace and safety. the majority of israel settlers are immigrants or descendants of immigrants, and the regime has continuously sought to attract jewish communities from around the world. however, the unprecedented hamas operation and the
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significant loss of israeli lives have cast a shadow over this image. the prospect of reverse migration among non-native settlers presents new and unsettling threat to israel's existence. this sentiment is echoed in the words of israeli officials. during a closed meeting on emergency preparedness, major general raffilo of the israeli military's home front command, in the presence of israeli minister for military affairs, yoaf gallant and other senior officials offered a candid assessment. we failed in guarding the southern front, the... recent war has also showcased the resilience the resistance forces. their ability to respond proportionally to the actions of israel has reached a critical juncture. notably deep-seated political divisions in israeli politics triggered extensive public protests lasting for months, reflecting a deep rift among the israelis. also, reports
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of soldiers from the elite gollani brigade engaging in rioting during a training session. indicated growing discontent within the israeli military with prospects of resolution appearing uncertain. the story takes a turn as the enormous defeat suffered by israel emboldens the palestinian people and other nations and resistance groups in the region. a surge of energy inspired by israel's vulnerability further undermines its position in the complex geopolitical landscape. for israel, the journey towards building a reputation. and security infrastructure has been a costly one, spanning decades. however, these investments have been dramatically eroded and squandered in the crusable of the recent conflict, leaving the israelis facing a complex and uncertain future. much like the iconic parable of the emperor in the timeless tale
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the emperor's new clothes, israel's formerly unshakable perception of invincibility and strength has now being unequivocally shattered. in the wake of the conflict, israel confronts a future characterized by a complexity and uncertainty, revealing a host of vulnerabilities and challenges that may prove insurmountable in the days ahead.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem, we must... remain part of their solution, we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa, damn it, we have favorites in south africa, the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites, i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes, more than 1,000, 1,000 innocent lives lost, including at least 20. sev americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, but i said from the beginning, the
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united states, make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with. marder fakhrizade, an iranian nuclear scientist. what made him different from other nuclear scientists was that he linked physics and یه همچین آدمی خود به خود دنبال این هست که دنبال فلسفه علم مبتنی بر اعتقاداتش باشیم پدر
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جمع بوده پدر این شهرای هسته ای ما بوده این ها نشون دادن این دشمنان ما که چقدر شقی و در این راه حتی از کشتن دانشمند
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welcome to the palestinian village of alacaba. it's in the northern jordan valley. you think life here would be relatively simple and uncomplicated. population, it makes them their lives as difficult as possible, those palestinian families who live in in almost about 52 communities without any kind of service, لا نعلم لماذا الرد الاسرائي. focuses on area c. this is the goal, the immediate goal.
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readlines israely forces attack causefa hospital with thousands of the injured and people have been trapped. euran's top diplomat urges getting much needed humanitarian aid to gaza in his meetings with un officials in geneva and u.s. president joe biden is coming under intense fire from his own administration employees over his unconditional support for israel's genocide in gaza.