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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 15, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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of firstly headlines this hour israely forces storm the austrafa hospital, the largest medical complex in gaza, as death doll from the 40-day ons slot reaches nearly 11,500. iran's top diplomat urges getting much needed humanitarian aid to gaza in his meetings with un officials in geneva. u.s. president joe a biden is coming under intense fire from his own administration employees over his unconditional support for israel's genocide in gaza.
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7:30 pm, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. a harrowing nightmare unfolding of in gaza's al-shipa hospital. israel relentlessly attacks the complex in defiance of widespread international outcry to halt is onslot of thousands of innocent women and children trapped there. the regime forces have stormed the largest medical complex in gaza with tanks and soldiers. where thousands of injured and displaced people have taken shelter. the regime says it is carrying out a targeted operation against hamas, which it claims has a command center there. meanwile the regime is pressing ahead with this air strikes and ground operation across the fully of blockaded gaza strep. the death doll in gaza is now nearing 11,500. some 200 medical staff have also been killed since october the 7th. residential areas and hospitals have recently been the prime target of the israeli attacks.
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has rejected any proposals for humanitarian ceasfire, despite back-to-back protests and international plays. the palestinian authority prime minister says israel's a war on ghaza is a war on hospitals, this after the regime rated the largest medical complex on the besep. it's extremely critical situation when the israeli army have raided. hospital, if we can call this war in gaza, one can call it the war on hospitals, the war on injured people, the war on sick people, the war on infants, the war on infants who are in incubators, it never happened in anywhere in history that hospitals are targets, what is happening in gaza is very obvious, very clear war crime that israel is
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committing against those who have been treated in the hospitals. shatai dismissed israel's allegations that hamas uses the hospital for anti-israel operations. he urged the international community to seriously interven to stop the bloodshed in al-shifah. noting that israel is an occupying power, the official stress that the right of the people living under occupation to defend themselves. meanwile the un humanitarian chief has also described this. attacks on hospitals as shocking, calling for immediate action to rain in the carnage in gaza. the un has warned that its operations in gaza are on the brink of collapse. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees says having fuel for trucks only will not save lives anymore. the honorable chief made the remarks hours after receiving the first delivery of fuel since the israeli war began 40 days ago. firstly because of course. is on the ground in gaza
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and has the latest on the situation at all shif hospital. the situation is extremely of horrible inside chifa hospital as a premature babies have been forbidden by the israelis from leaving the uh the compound of shifa as well as intensive care uh patients they are uh i'm not sure if it's real or not but people are saying that some two dozen people have been executed literally by the israeli ge forces inside shifa hospital we're still waiting for information more information about this especially that the israeli regime went with heavy gun power inside shipa hospital into a civilian place they entered with with their tanks machine guns they started shooting almost everywhere inside the chifa hospital they blew up. whatever
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remained of medicines and surgical supplies and medical equipment, they detinated the whole thing, they also bombed every almost every single door and the chief of hospital compound especially the the surgery department which was attacked by the israeli rocket few days ago hospital complex has taken the center stage as the israel presses ahead with a bombardment of medical centers across northern ghaza claiming that they are hosting hamas forces. a palestinian doctor takes us a free tour in and around the batter al-shif hospital. he shows us the damage of the... director rendering the medical complex almost non-functional. i am standing here at the icu at al shafan medical complex. this apartment is suffering after the shut down of electricity due to lack of fuel. the health ministry warned about the lack of fuel. these
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people here were denied life support devices. they may lose their lives because there are no support machines or artificial respiration devices. around 29 patients are facing this tragedy. here, as you can see, patients should have been connected to the devices to save their lives, but we had to evacuate this place completely, as you can see, the paramedics were forced to evacuate this department to save people from israeli air strikes and sniper fire. even these patients who are in the icu are facing death. israel wants to kill them inside this complex. there is an absolute siege on el shafa complex, no one can move in the yards around hospital, even between the various buildings inside the... complex, we also can securely move the patients between buildings that face air strikes. this doctor is trying to save this girl by giving her oxygen through manual methods. this girl is suffering now because the air strikes and because of moving the beds from the original places to the corridors. this is what is going on inside
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the alsafa hospital. the director general of the world health organization has denounced israel's recent incursion into the alshufa hospital in. says the israele regime is restricting access to vital fuel aid, exacerbating the already dire conditions and hindering the operation of essential medical infrastructure. israel's military incursion into al-shifa hospital in gaza city is totally unacceptable. hospitals are not battlegrounds. we're extremely. for the safety of staff and patients. protecting them is para amount. who has lost contact with health workers at al-shifa hospital. but one thing is clear, under international
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humanitarian law, health facilities, health workers, ambulances and patients must be safe. and protected against all acts of war. earlier today, a track with 23, lits of fuel inter gaza, but israel has restricted its use to only transporting aid from rafa. at least 120,000 liters a day are needed to operate hospital generators, ambulances. the resistance movement hamas has rejected the us assertion about the presence of palestinian fighters inside the hospital in gaza. hamas says washington's justification of repeated israely allegations prove that president joe biden is complicit in israel's occupation and genocidal war. netanyahu in his defeated
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army's attempt to portrayed the incursion of their tanks to shifa hospital is political immaturity and theatrical move, which won't work in anyone and will not be believed by anyone. shifa is hospital that is older than the occupation itself, it houses the sick, injured, doctors, nurses and also houses displaced children, women and the elderly. the arrival of the occupations tanks to shifa is not an achievement. shifa is a medical and civilian building and not a military site. the attempts by nit. yahu and his army to portray this as an achievement or victory, only show their failure and panic and the depth of their defeat. the white house in the pentagon's contributions to the campaign of zionist lies that claim shifa was used by the
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resistance makes american president biden a full participant of this occupation and of this crime, and also the... genocidal war that our palestinian people are being exposed to, their intrusion into shifa hospital means they have drowned further and further in the god his trip creating bigger opportunities to the heroes of gasam brigades to target them and hand them more losses. iran's foreign minister has slamed the us over its involvements in israel's brutal aggression of the besieg gaza strip. the humanitarian situation in gaza is so regrettable, unfortunately the united states is sending all types of weapons to tel aviv a daily basis, including phosphorus. weapons and prohibited weapons via cyprus or directly from all their bases in the region, referring
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to his talks with hamas leaderan sa telaviv is hindering efforts to secure the release of israeli captives held in gaza and to end the war. he said that tel aviv is using the captives as a pretext to committed genocide in gaza. iran's top diplomat also expressed hope that his trip to geneva would speed up the... delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza. amir abdullah hanyan headed for the swiss city to meet with officials from the un and the international committee of the red cross to discuss the situation in gaza. he has met with the un under secretary for humanitarian affairs and has called for immediate actions to stop the israeli war on gaza. the foreign minister insists that the rafa border crossing be reopened to let much needed humanitarian aid into the basseige palestinian strep. theo west is a geopolitical analyst who uh joins us from dallas texas. theo west, welcome to the
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program. um, the way that the us has uh supported israel in uh this war, um, is quite uh, it's almost uh as if they are relying on whatever israel is feeding them, them in particular would be the us president, from the intel that they gave have given about hospital, which it seems like the pentagon has just confirmed what israel has said, which is a go ahead for them to continue uh, and then to any operations that uh, either the minister of military affairs wants or that netanyahu has requested, it's getting the full backing of the us, so much so that the world is reacting to that, um, are you reacting to that? well, yes of course, this is case of the tail wagging, the dog, the tail being uh the zion. aparthy state of israel and the dog being the united states, the american government, even uh this week
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you had the speaker of the house, the republican speaker of the house, had rally, he supported uh, the no support of a ceasefire, so this is the american policy, it is a policy of genocide, it is violation of international law, it is violation the geneva accords, it is violation of all of those things, you even have the french president, at least in words and the the prime minister there in canada, so you have macron, you said to design state of israel, that you must stop this killing of women and children, you must stop this attacks, these attacks upon the hospitals and all, you have to stop these attacks upon the... so uh again back to what i said initially, it is case of the tail
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wagging the doll, as aril sharon said, when he was living, prime minister of israel, the jews control america, they control america, as uh said when he was prime minister and george w. bush was president of the united states, omar said, george bush does what i tell him to do. so there is massive control the american government, so that means that the american government is complicit in these violations of human rights, they're complicit in this genocide that is continuing to happen in gaza, and this also, there are millions of american evangelicals, explicit in this also, they are no different than their four parents, also at one time said that black
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people in america should be slaves and it's ordained of god, so you have this this mentality of netanyahu and his people, they have the same mentality that god said that this land belongs to us, however yahu and his people, they were never ever in the land 20 years. years ago, they are newcomers from europe, they adopt uh the judaic religion, and they're trying to push and promote the same type of crusade aga. that was promoted in australia by the british, that was promoted in the americas by the uh, the english, the spanish, the french and others right here in north and south and central america, this is wrong, the whole world, all the world, they know this, and at this time it is being proven that these europeans are
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on the wrong side of history, not for the first time, they were on the wrong side of history hundreds of years ago too. and this they still are. when you take a look at uh the uh role that the us has had in different wars, it was back in september of 2020 when you had the state department officials at that point some who were asked to uh testify before the house foreign affairs committee uh when it came to the war that was being conducted there uh in yemen and the way that the us was complicit of uh cited instances of which uh the us was in particular they pointed out to the um arms that were being provided to saudi arabia, this kind of mirrors what's happening when it comes uh to the us visa v israel, but nothing happened, so we can see how the actions in the past of the us in different war scenarios, like the one i just mentioned, has given the us a stamp of approval to continue does doing what what it's doing, do you do you see that being the case, and of course with israel it's a
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different story, as you said, um, the dog and the tail story in the beginning is how... this relationship probably is best described. uh, yes, yes, of course, you have a situation with the united states. united states, it's leaders believe in power, that is their calling card, it is power. they believe in intimidation, they believe that they can enforce their will, and these are their words, they can enforce their will against whomever they want, as often as they want. and then they said there's no reason why america cannot rule until the end of time. now this is the mentality of american leaders unfortunately, and when you have bully, you know, we can go back to childhood, you all of us and most of us probably uh know of story of a school bully, and bully, he will bully
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other children until someone comes along. and stop that bully, beat that bully up, give that bully of a bloody nose, then the bully uh is forced to accept the message that you cannot do these things, now until the united states until it is given a bloody nose, it will continue to do and promote and the same thing with the zionist state of israel, they will continue to promote what they are doing. and um, who do you think that should be, well, well, i've said it before, it's it's just like bully a playground, but who do should give the us a bloody nose, if that's what it's going to take, to use your words, yes, well what you have here, you have right now, you have uh the discussion about a multi-polar world and a unipolar world, okay,
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the unipolar polar world is the united states riding shotgun, meaning the... united states is controlling things, it is controlling the european union and it is controlling much of the world. a multi-polar world is a world where various states they have their own sovereignty and they work together uh for for economics, for trade and all they work together. now so you have case right now in the with the in a multipolar world where you have russia, china, uh, south africa and number of others, you had you just had this year. and in january it will be official, you had six additional nations that joined the bricks nation, bricks being uh um uh made up of russia, of china, of south africa, of india and also brazil, that's bricks, so you had six additional nations, and lo and
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behold, saudi arabia is also a member of that now, iran is member of that. for decades the united states have exploited the vision between saudi arabia and iran. now their old saying, it's an old biblical saying and i'm sure i'm sure there's something similar in the quran that a divided people cannot stand, house divided cannot stand, and that is what the united states have done in many of these nations, they divided the people. they came in with the term democracy. now most people don't realize this, they don't know this, but the term democracy came from the greeks and the greeks were, they were very small nation, but they ruled. ruled much of the ancient world briefly at one time, how did they do it? they did not do it mainly primarily because of their military might, they did it
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because they had a political philosophy, it was called democracy, and democracy in the greek is democratian, which means to divide the people, and then you rule them, how would you describe, pardon? how would you describe israel in those terms? well, israel, israel is not is not. really the real power, the real power is the united states, the united states, anytime israel get into any kind of real serious trouble, the united states always come to its rescue with weaponry, with money, with uh uh military intelligence, so the united states, you have here, you have zinonis, central bankers, as you know, in 1948, the the primary force behind the establishment of the zionist state with a roth child banker. the international bankers, they were behind the establishment of of that, today in the united states, these same bankers and others, they are behind the power
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the zionist state of israel, so this is used to divide people, they use democracy. now to to more to answer your question more sicinctly is that what what the design state of israel did years and years ago, they saw that the plo was a real real problem for them, so what they did, they did what the united states did, the united states went out there, they established al-qaeda with bin layden and put them against the soviet union, so israelis they went out and they got some palestinians, they funded them, they aided them, and it became known as hamas, okay, so okay, well, i'm not too sure, i'm not too sure you have to. "we have to do a history check on that and uh get some facts based on uh different sources, not to argue with you on that, but since you mentioned 1948, we're watching what was called a nakba, another one
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happening here, based on uh all the different facts that are pointing towards that, it's pretty evident that israel wants to uproot palestinians, i think we agree on that from the ghaza strip, um now uh the the way that some certain is really officials have come out saying that uh is is pointing to that direction uh very simply." and uh this uh displacement first of all is against international law, there are um, well so many laws have been broken, but israel is also using starvation as means to approat these palestinians. the us is complicit in aiding israel with that, not to keep harping on the us on this, but uh, doesn't the us realize that the way it's accommodating israel, um, it is at the same time committing these crimes, and again i'm using... the 1948 nakba that we're looking at this occurring in 2023? yes, the united states, it's leaders, the american leaders, they realize that, but the
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american leaders, they're thinking is that look, no one can do anything against us, so we can do what we want to do, as i said earlier, there's no reason why we cannot rule until the end of time, and that's a that's a silly conclusion on their part anyway. because with russia, china and the south, south being africa, the south being central and south american countries, with these countries uniting, with colombia, even even indicating that they are calling for the international criminal court to file charges against the zionist state of israel for what they're doing in gaza, this is huge, huge. that's developing in the world, and america, more and more in the eyes of the people around the world, they are being seen as a paraya, and as when you're seen as a paraya
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and your country rely on international trade, more and more countries they begin to say, we don't want your products, we don't want anything that you're bringing to us, we don't, some of them are even saying, we don't even want your aid, we want you to go home, we want you to leave, we don't want your money, okay, so so with the sign and state of israel, what they're doing is they're shooting themselves in the foot with this, they have gotten away for decades with committing crimes against humanity without the international community doing anything about it with the united states or britain or france, usually the united states, vetoing anything in the united nations security council, but this is a part of the end game.
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okay and the end game is that that european state that was established in 1948 because of its moral issues and because it is losing favor with more and more people around the world meaning that it is becoming more and more a paria it is becoming more and more like a parthy south africa was in the eyes of the people that state will... fall, it's going to fall, it's just matter of time, thank you very much for that, theo west, geopolitical analyst from dallas texas, we appreciate your input, with that we come to an end for this edition of world news, thanks so much for being with us, i'll be back with recap of the headlines in just few minutes time at the top of the hour, it's by bye for now.
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the situation hospital in gaza is escalating into an apocalyptic catastrophe with each passing minutes israeli forces and tanks have stormed the medical complex indiscriminately attacking thousands of innocent women and children. taking shelter there, israel has prevented the people from leaving the hospital. israely forces of storm ship hospital, the largest medical complex in gaza, where people have taken shelter, the regime claims it is conducting a targeted operation against hamas, the palestinian resistance movement has rejected that, saying the attack on shiva is not an achievement for israel.