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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 15, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm IRST

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recist headlines israely forces to storm the shif hospital, the largest medical complex in gaza, as the death low from the 40-day onslot reaches nearly 11,500. we need to quit. israely prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing increasing calls to step down over his handling of the war against palestinians in gaza. and us president joe biden is coming of under intense fire from his own administration employees over his unconditional support for israel's genocide in gaza.
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5:30 pm, this is prest tv news, thanks for joining us. the harrowing nightmare unfolding in gaza's al-shiffa hospital, israel relentlessy attacks the complex in defiance of widespread international outcry, to halt this onslot of thousands of innocent women and children trapped there. the regime forces have stormed the largest medical complex in gaza with tanks and soldiers with thousands of engine. and displaced people have taken shelter. the regime says it is carrying out a targeted operation against hamas, which it claims has a command center there. in the meantime the regime is pressing ahead with its air strikes and ground operation across the fully blockaded gaza strip. the death doll in gaza is now nearing 11,500. some 200 medical staff have also been killed since october the 7th. residential areas and hospitals have recently been the prime target of the israeli attacks. the regime has rejected any proposals for. humanitarian
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seasfire, despite back-to-back protest and international plays. chris gaza correspondent ash shanan is on the ground in gaza and has the latest on the situation at al-shifa hospital. the situation is extremely horrible inside chief hospital as premature babies have been forbidden by the israelis. from leaving the uh the compound of shifa as well as intensive care uh patients, they are uh, i'm not sure if it's real or not, but people are saying that some two dozen people have been executed literally by the israeli regim forces inside shifa hospital, we're still waiting for information, more information about this, especially that the israeli regime went with heavy gun power inside shipa hospital. into a civilian place, they entered
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with with their tanks, machine guns, they started shooting almost everywhere inside the chifa hospital, they blew up uh whatever remained of medicines and surgical supplies and medical equipment, they detonated the whole thing, they also bombed every almost every single door inside the chief of hospital compound, especially the the surgery department which was attacked. by the israeli rocket few days ago. pentagon spokesperson has backed up the israely military's claim and justification of this brutal raid on alshafa hospital. we do have information that hamas and the palestinian islamic jihad uses some hospitals in the gaza strip, including the al-shifa hospital, um, as a way to conceal. support their military operations
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and hold hostages, they have tunnels underneath these hospitals and so hamas and pij members operate a command and control node from al-shifa hospital in gaza city, they have weapons stored there and are prepared to respond to an israeli military operation against the facility. the resistance movement hamas has rejected the us assertion about the presence of palestinian fighters inside alshafa hospital. gaza. hamas says washington's justification of repeated israeli allegations prove that president joe biden is complicit in israel's occupation and genicidal war. netanyahu and his defeated army's attempt to portray the incursion of their tanks to shifa hospital is political immaturity and an exposed theatrical move which won't work in anyone and will not be believed by anyone. is hospital that is older
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than the occupation itself, it houses the a sick, injured, doctors, nurses and also houses displaced children, women and the elderly, the arrival of the... occupations tanks to shifa is not an achievement. shifa is a medical and civilian building and not a military side. the attempts by netanyahu and his army to portray this as an achievement or victory only show their failure and panic and the depth of their defeat. the white house in the pentagon's contributions to the campaign of zionist lies that claim shift. was used by the resistance makes american president biden a full participant of this occupation and of this crime and also the genocidal war that our palestinian people are being exposed to. their intrusion into shifa hospital means
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they have drowned further and further in the gaza's trip creating bigger opportunities to the heroes of qasam brigades to target them and hand them. more losses. iran's prime minister has slammed the us over its involvements in israel's brutal aggression against the messies gaza strip. the humanitarian situation in gaza is so regrettable. unfortunately, the united states is sending all types of weapons to tel aviv a daily basis, including phosphorus weapons and prohibited weapons via cyprus or directly from all their bases in the region. referring to his talks with hamas leaderyan said the tel aviv is hindering efforts to secure the release of israeli captives held in gaza and end the war. he said that tel aviv is using the captives as a pretext to commit genocide
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in gaza. iran's top diplomat also expressed hope that his trip to geneva would speed up the delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza. amir abdullah hanyan headed for the swiss city to meet with officials from the. and the international committee of the red cross to discuss the situation in gaza. he has met with the un under secretary for humanitarian affairs and has called for immediate actions to stop the israely war on gaza. the foreign minister insists that the rafa border crossing be reopened in order to let much needed humanitarian aid into the besieged palestinian strip. well domestic pressure is mounting on it really prime minister benjamin netanyahu with hundreds of protesters. to demand his resignation, we gather here, in request that the one to be blamed is our
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prime minister, that he has to go down and leave his office and another government to rule in israel and try to make it better because what happened till now is terrible and we cannot afford that he will continue to be our prime minister any moment that our prime minister is in his role is dangerous for the citizen for the soldiers and the need to quit protestors gather outside of israelness, some holding banners reading quote, baby has blood on his hand. they also called on the authorities to work for the release of captives held by the palestinian resistance movements in gaza. the protesters blamed netanyahu for israel's defeat following last month's unprecedented operation by hamas, saying that he is not fit
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for office. similar rallies were held this month in alqs and tel aviv by families of those who were captured during the operation, alax the flood. they demanded that the regime should prioritize the lives of captives. and to facilitate their immediate release. we gather here in request that the one to be blame is our... prime minister that he has within the israeli body politics there is a general uniformity of racism against the palestinians and this has increased over time and it certainly was consolidated and
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strengthened during the last five weeks because of basically prevention of any kind of dissent in. about the war, israels are not allowed to protest the war, etc., there is one exception though, which is very hard for israel to suppress, which is the fam. of those were taken to gaza, know and the israeli public in general knows that the israeli government, the current israeli government doesn't care about those people and doesn't want to trade them for anybody, because they would consider that as a win for the resistance, so the israeli government is adadiment that we will continue to bomb gaza, even if that... those are taken by the resistance forces, so and indeed many of them
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were already killed in israeli bombings, ironically some of them were killed in israeli targeting, even before they were taken to gaza, as israeli helicopters, bombed both the fighters, resistance fighters, on october 7 plus the israeli civilians and indeed probably up to 80% of the civilians killed on october 7 were killed by the israel military itself as as described by witnesses anyway this information is well known to the israeli public and so the families of those taken are demonstrating and have been demonstrating from day one asking that that the israeli government make deal and get them back to them. israeli government refuses, tries to stall, etc., but it cannot stop
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those kinds of demonstrations. crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. child killing unabated. make sure to join the show through facebook, twitter, only on press tv, a blinding flash light, lit up the sky over gaza tonight. people running for cover, not
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knowing whether they're dead or alive, they came with their tanks and their planes, with ravaging firy flames and nothing remains, just a voice rising up in the smoky haze, we will not go. all down in the night without a fight, you can burn up our masks and our homes and our schools, but our spirit will never die, we will not go down in gaza tonight, women and children alike, murder and massacre night after night, so call leaders
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of countries a far, debated on who's wrong or right, but their powerless words were invain, and the bombs fell down like acid rain, but through the tears and the blood and the pain, you could still hear that voice through the smoky haze. we will not go down in the night without a fight, you can burn up our masks and our homes and our schools, but our spirit will never die, we will not go down in gaza tonight.
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we will not go down in the night without a fight, you can burn up our masks in our homes and our schools, but our spirit will never die, we will not. not go down in the night without a fight, we will not go down. welcome back to press tv, let's cross on over to uh southern lebanon and talk to mariam sala correspondent uh joins us. mariam, we understand that there has been a um, i guess based on what i'm reading, bombardments of the outscares of two lebanese border towns of ita, al-shab and your own if you can confirm
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that and of course anything else you have for us. yes, well aitah and yarun have had their fair share of israeli shelling their one two the towns that are mostly being bombarded by the israelis uh since the beginning of the confrontations and yarun were also the scenes of very heavy closshes during the 2006 war and so therefore they are expected to be places where you can see lot of israeli bombardment uh whether there are any places for the resistance or any um movements for the resistance or or even if not two days ago in yarun specifically the israelis shelled near a a convoy of journalists and so they are not only shelling of course is really um they are not only showing resistance targets but also civilian targets that is evident those two towns specifically have mostly been evacuated especially near to the border uh
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but what is new now is that we did also have shelling behind us in the town of uh kham and also in the town of ferkila since it was near to an resistance operations and we do have a statement uh by hazballah two statements actually, i think what you are seeing now in the camera is one of the barras which is the hunin barack uh that was declared uh a place which was targeted by the resistance at around 2 pm beirout time uh which they did directly talk that was the the barrass of ramim but of course it's close. so the uh the hunine lebanese occupied village and this is what hizbullah is stressing in many of their towns and many excuse me of their statements that these towns are actually lebanese occupied towns uh since they have been occupied by the israeli since the 1940s and have of course taken control of that area and so the hazballah targeted one of those baracks we saw the smoke uh rise from that
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barack specifically uh but only like 10 or 15 minutes later uh we also heard heavy explosions uh in those villages surrounding that baraq but also in thefarshubah hills and so hazballah also declared after the first operation that we had another hizbullah operation in the uh raisat post for the israelis in the occupied shiba farms of course hazbullah has said that they hit their target targets, and there are casualties, um, it's of course we saw some helicopters flying from there as we know from reports uh, but it is not clear uh what the casualties are, whether there were israeli soldiers that have uh been killed or wounded as a result of the hizballah operations today, it's not clear, we also have reports from the israelis that
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the siren sounded in karachmona and that we have also rockets being fired from lebanon, they're talking about uh more than 20 rockets uh, the israelis are talking about more than 20 rockets at least that have been fired from lebanon. now hizbullah does not of course usually uh fire a lot of uh kachusha rockets, we saw that only basically after the targeting of civilians when we had four civilians that were directly hit and killed by the israelis, but after that hazballah did not continue to use the garad or the kitchen rockets against the... directly against the kapots, but we do have the continuous operations of course, hazballah has also uh sent us, has sent the media map showing um that there are continuous operations all along the border, you have all the way from the coastline uh where you have the nakura and then towards itashab and then going further into the central uh galileili and towards the eastern side where we are
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standing uh right now where you have um palestinian territory, syrian territory and golan height, you can see it from here and also the lebanese occupied shaba farms and farshuba hills. thank you for that, we appreciate it. miriam solid there from southern lebanon. muti abu musa is a palestinian political activist who joins us now from gaza city. um mutiabu, welcome to the program. uh, we are looking at the way that israel has uh executed its offensive on hospitals overall, but in particular hospital is under the spotlight here. um, taking a look at the way that this operation has gone, um, there are people who are. detained, there's obviously live fire that has happened, and uh, it's putting the lives of many of the patients at risk, going on the track record of israel, we've noticed that it's good time to mention what happened, at the hospital uh by the name of al rantisi where there was a obviously uh falsities that were um expressed by the regime forces there
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where they said that this was a tunnel it turned out to be an elevator shaft and basically just lying about what they had discovered there um if their intel is that weak and hamas has said that this is not uh the command center for them or used for military operations what kind of footing is israel on um in terms of this operation that they're executing at all hospital. yes, hello everyone, thanks for having me, before i talk about what's going on in the shifa hospital, let me say that the latest israeli air strike targeted the salhi residental tower in the anu refugee camp in the central area of strip, claiming the lives of 27. palestinian so far and this number is increasing incrementally as there are many bodies are still trapped under the rebel and missing actually so this is why there is lot of miss
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and lot of car and we have here a c situation in this regard so the situation here is so there there is lot of outcry among the people here for for missing the beloved ones and this is i'm sorry, where where did this occur? can you please repeat where it occur committed by the israel incubation forces against the palestinan civilians and israeli air striks targeted several apartments and and residental tower and camp in the central area, so this is the situation so far here in the middle area and in the central area of god strip, regarding what is going on. the shifa hospital as you know that shefa hospital became totally isolated and totally separated by the israeli incubation forces and we are talking at according to the
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according to the latest news coming from somehow from gaza that we have more than seven more than 650 palestinian patients are still trap, among them there are 22 balestinian patients uh are in the ic units and the shif hospital, they are totally trapped in addition to the medical staff, in addition to the palestinan evacuees who are still trapped and stranded inside the asifa complex, there the they are totally got of water, got of food and electricity and and they are totally under the ongoing israeli ustals inside the complex, this is the situation so far, we are talking about... about new we are talking about new assault and we are talking about new massacker actually looming in the horizon as the israeli occupation forces used to cross the
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overred lines when it comes to dealing with the palestinian hospitals it would never be surprising for the israelicution to commit another massacre new massacker we are in front of really concerning situation in this regard many b actually and injuries inside the shifa hospital began to notice decomposition of over their wands and their injuries actually as they as they till this moment they don't have they don't receive the medical and they needed medical care actually so the situation is so disastrous let me say not only in the shif hospital but across all palestinian all all all areas okay, um, i need you to, just to make sure, where is it that you are saying that this uh strike took place, and how many casualties uh did you say
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uh, it has incurred? as as you can see, i'm i'm located right now in the central area of gaza strip, it's the vicinity of the alaxamarters hospital, it's the only hospital in the middle area of gaza streb. located in balah city and the last er strike as have as i have mentioned to a place and targeted the residential tower in the refugee camp which is also located in the central area of gaza strip, i see. okay, very well, thank you very much for that, we appreciate it, palestinian political activists there talking to us from gaza city. thank you, with that we come to an end for this edition. of world news, thanks so much for being with us, i'll be back with recap at the top stories at the top of the hour, just bye bye for now.
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crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, child killing unabated, make sure to join the show through facebook, twitter, only on press tv.
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uh we're going to listen now to the who uh director general who's speaking, let's take a listen into gaza through the rafa crossing, but without fuel we cannot get it to where it needs to go. on monday, the fork lift we used to load aid on tracks inside gaza run out of fuel. gaza's telecommunications providers have said that without fuel or electricity, their networks will turn off in the coming hours. earlier today, a track with 23,00 liters of fuel intered gaza, but israel has
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restricted its use. to only transporting aid from rafa, at least 120,000 liters a day are needed to operate hospital generators, ambulances, desalination plants, seaway treatment plants and telecommunications. this problem can be easily fixed, the supply of electricity must be restored and sufficient fuel must be allowed to. to run vital infrastructure and distribute lifesaving aid. although the situation in gaza is rightly dominating our headlines, who's work continues in many other areas. the covid-19 pandemic brought the problem of social isolation and loneliness to wide spread public attention, affecting all countries.
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communities and ages, but the problem existed long before the pandemic and it continues for many people throughout the world. currently, one in four older people experience social isolation, and one in six adolescents is socially isolated and lonely, so this is likely an underestimate. social isolation and loneliness. both physical and mental health, it's associated with up to a 50% increase in dementia and the 30% increase in strokes and cardiovascular disease. social connection has profound benefits for improving health, education and the economy. around the world, there are many initiatives to promote social connection in different communities. but we
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don't yet know which ones work best. we need global leadership to identify the best buys and help deliver the resources needed to implement these solutions. that's why today i'm proud to announce the launch of who's commission on social connection. this is the first global initiative to tackle the epidemic of loneliness. the commission will work to understand the severity of the health risks that social isolation presents, and to map effective solutions and resources. today i'm pleased to introduce the co- chairs of the 11 member commission on social connection. u.s. surgeon general dr. vivec merthy and african union commission youth invoy.