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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 15, 2023 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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deadlines palestinian resistance group say the us is a partner in the crime israel is of committing at chifa hospital and is fully responsible for its consequences. hamas rejects the us's claim about using gaz hospitals as military bases saying it's a green light to more israely attacks on medical facilities and the emeny forces fire barrage of ballistic missiles at israeli target saying their operations will continue until the regime's aggression against skaz stops.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 8:30 am here in the iranian capital, tehran you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour israel's brutality in the gaza strip shows no sign of abanting, the israeli forces rated gaza's shifa hospital early wednesday with palestinian officials saying the regime's tanks have entered the complex. the israeli military said it's conducting the operation in a quote specific area. hamas resistance movement said in a statement that israel's neonazi leaders and the us president were fully responsible for the consequences of the regime's rate on al-shifa hospital. the islamic jihad movement also said that the us is a partner in the crime that israel is committing at the hospital. the palestinian authorities health ministry also held israeli forces fully responsible for the lives of uh medical staff, patients and displaced people at the medical complex. shifa hospital has been one of the main targets of israeli strike. since
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the regime began itsteadly onslot on gaza 40 days ago, the medical site had been encircled by israeli armored vehicles, over the past days, it houses 8,500 palestinians including medical staff, the wounded and displaced people. the situation in deralbala hospital and central gaza also remains life threatening israel's bombardment. i was on my way to the market to buy some food for the children eat. i don't know what happened, i just heard the sound of bumming and found myself in the hospital. these are the safe areas they talk about. there is no safe area in gaza, not markets, not parks, not schools, not even hospitals. we have children and women who have been killed and we were in the unr school. the israeli army says there are safe areas. where are these areas? we are in schools and we have done what you asked us to do to be in safe areas. where should we go?
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the situation inside alrotz hospital has also been described as dire and catastrophic by the palestine red crecent society. hundreds of people including medical staff patients the wounded and their families are currently in the process of evacuating uh the hospital israel launched its war on gaza on the 7th of october. since then these uh the regime has killed nearly 11,500 palestinians, most of them women and children. the united nations secretary general says israel's killing of palestinians in gaza hospitals is quote horrible antonio guetesh has called for an immediate cease fire in the beside palestinian territory that's according to the un chief spokesman. the secretary general is deeply disturbed by the horrible situation and the dramatic loss of life in several hospitals in gaza. in the name of humanity the secretary. general calls for immediate
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ceasefire. uh, and just to give you a bit more granual information that we've been receiving from the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, regarding gaza. they tell us that all but one of the hospitals in gaza city and northern gaza reportedly out of service as of yesterday, and that is due to lack of power, medical items, oxygen, food and water, compounded by bombardments and fighting in the vicinities of those health centers. uh. ali hospital in gaza city, which currently accommodates over 500 patients, is the sole medical facility able to receive patients, admit increasing shortages and challenges. hospitals and medical personnel are specifically protected under international humanitarian law, and all parties to the conflict must ensure their protection, and they must not be the object of combat, any military operation around and within hospitals must take steps to spare and protect the... the world health organization
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has also turned the spot night a dire situation of patients and hospital. in gaza who says transferring vulnerable patients from hospitals is impossible because they might lose their lives. the people in the hospitals were very vulnerable, very sick, so moving them was uh an impossible task, and you are asking doctors and nurses to move people, knowing that that would kill them, and again, why would you need to move them a hospital should never be under attack? hospital is a place safe haven. this is agreed under international humanitarian law. secondly, there's lack of capacity in the south. the bulk of the healthcare, especially the complex healthcare, and most of the people we are seeing here are in need of
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healthcare right now in gaza are in need of very complex uh healthcare just to survive. the bulk of the capacities in the north, in the south, it's there is only a... few hospitals that can uh, there far fewer hospitals in the south, there are 11 currently functioning as best they can, not at full um steam, and they are completely full, the palestinian resistance woven, hamas is slammed the united states for accusing it of having a command center at the al-shifa hospital complex, amoss said the white house is giving the green light to israel by such accusations to intensify the... massacre of palestinians taking refuge in hospitals and medical facilities. the resistance women said such accusations are made with the main objective of destroying gaz's healthcare system and displacing more palestinians. a group said the united states is directly responsible for enabling israel's genocidal
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war on gaza. the white house earlier said it has evidence hamas is using el shif hospital to run its military operations and store weapons a senior hamas official has dismissed similar accusations by israel calling them quote naive attempts by the regime to cover of its defeat in ghaza. the naive images of the weapons and the computers, computer which they gathered from the rooms of the nurses and from different locations within the hospital. this is naive attempt to say that this was headquarter or a center for a... qassam brigades. we know that they are lying. we know that they will continue to lie to justify their crimes against the medical sector and against these sick and the wounded, and we know that they will continue with these lies in order to cover up their failure. and in a press conference in beirot,
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hosamdon said hamas has a vast network of underground tunnels in gaza, and it doesn't need to use hospitals as its military bases. said 25 out of the 35 hospitals in gaz are now out of commission due to the israeli bombardment. hamdan said israel is targeting gaz's infrastructure and hospitals with the aim of pushing people out of the territory and to bring about another nekpa. hamdan urged the un to investigate the situation of gaza hospitals and debunk israel's lies. he said hamas is its path to victory and israel's propaganda can't save it from defeat. the military wing of. the palestinian resistance moven hamas says it has conducted series of retaliatory attacks targeting israeli positions and armored vehicles in the gaza strip. the algasam brigade says it has targeted a group of israeli forces in southern gaza city with short range missiles. it also bombed building where israeli troops
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were stationed killing one soldier. several israeli tanks and armored vehicles were also hit in the west and south of the city. the group has fired at barage of rockets at tel aviv causing several injuries. one critically, the city of uh baityam just south of tel aviv and the southern city of ascan were also targeted. a coresponent is joining us now from hannuness in southern gaza to bring us up to speed on all the latest uh from the situation on the ground ash what do you have to share with us interviewers right now? yes, but the israeli forces entered shifa hospital around between 2 and 3 am this morning after surrounding with tanks and pounding the the walls of of shifa hospital, according to the director of the ministry of health, munir albursh who's inside shifa
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hospital, he said that israeli forces stormed the patients rooms and start shooting um everywhere, they they they did not say whether people. killed or not, but we know for sure that at least 130 bodies are laying on the ground and uh inside shifa hospital over the last few days after being killed by israeli forces. through snipers and through through air strikes and the body the bodies were rotting and were decomposing and even we were mold by by straight dogs inside shifa hospital. the uh attack on shifa hospital and storming shifa hospital by israeli special forces happened only half an hour after the director of shif ministry of bursh was called by israel regime intelligence telling him that they're entering the shifa hospital and and they were asked to stay away from windows and doors, but all of sudden the uh scores of
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israeli soldiers storm shifa hospital and start start searching there, the ministry of health says there is they will never find anything inside chifa hospital because it is a civilian place, it's a health provider and has no fighters or militants in it, but at the same time the uh the uh government media off. said last night that they expect the israeli regime forces to storm shifa hospital and place weapons inside shifa hospital in order to fake the presence of palestinian fighters inside the hospital, it really doesn't make any sense the claims the israelis are making because hospitals in gaza have around 30,000 internally displaced persons seeking shelter there, why would anyone? and seek shelter in a place that has fighters or militants in it, and and
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yesterday the statements by us president joe biden literally, and i said that yesterday during one of my live interviews, literally gave israel the green light to storm the shifa hospital and they did, about five, four or five hours ago, we still don't know what is happening inside shifa, we're waiting for more information as there is a media blackout on what's happening on shifa, no one can make calls, no one can... send images or or videos of from there as we speak, so we're waiting to see what's going to happen in the next hours, but almost every hospital in gaza right now is out of service, except for three hospitals south of the ghaza wady, including this one, naser hospital in khannes, the european khanunes hospital and theqsa marters hospital and the they're working at nearly 200% capacity, they even treating wounded people on the floors of the ship of the hospitals and even operating on people on the floors, this hospital is the only one that
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has been receiving fuel supplies from unra, the un, the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in the near east, but as of yesterday it was the first time that i haven't seen a fuel shipment come in, we've been here for nearly 40 days, 36 days we've been heres and hospital every day there was a fuel shipment coming from onorwa, but yesterday nothing has arrived, and noticed inside the nast hospital that the dimming most of the lights, and they're they're trying to save the electricity as much as they can, but there was a news uh released by the israeli regime saying that they will allow 24,000 liters of diesel fuel to reach unra, so it is possible that unra might get some fuel and give it to the hospitals south. of of the gaza wadi, no aid or fuel will ever come north of the gaza
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wadi, i'm talking about the northern part of the gaza strip, all the aid that had come through rafah crossing, none of it reached uh the northern parts of the gaza strip, northern parts of the gaza strip are functioning with less than six ambulances and the attacks during this war on gaza really concentrated on the health sector, there's around 250 doctor. and medics and paramedics have been killed during this this war, around 100 ambulances were bombed and destroyed and they will never be repaired, it's it's it's it's just madness what the israeli regime is doing, 2.3 million palestinians in gaza, nearly 60% of them are under the age of 18, are coming under ferocious attacks for 40 days? ash as you mentioned 40. days of non-stop um attacks and genocidal uh bombing
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against the palestinians uh in gaza, journalists have been killed, as you mentioned, so many um medical uh so many uh people in the medical sector have been killed, the medical sector has been heavily targeted and still no consequences for the israeli regime, no action uh coming from the international community, is it? safe to say that the world has failed the people of gaza. for sure, the world definitely has failed the palestinian general and gaza. in particular, the israeli regime has zero accountability to their actions because of the unwavoring support of the united states, and we've seen this administration, the democratic administration in the united states of us president joe biden, and they were supposed to be the good guys and see what they're doing, they're supporting the attack on shifa hospital, they're supporting israel in every possible way, they basically hamas and the
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the government government media office and the ministries in gaza, they literally said that the attacks on on gaza are by the united states, because the united states is supplying israel with the weapons, with the tank shells, with the with the logistics, with even uh satellite support, naval support, air support, so basically it's the united states that's waiting war on gaza, not israel, and by the world, ashraf, i do mean international, the international community. and the governments, because now the uh the uh casm between uh the people and the governments has never been broader and thicker now as we see people out on the streets in so many cities in support of the palestinians and condemning the uh israeli uh attacks and this genocidal war against palestinians they have to uh keep up with the
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momentum and and keep the pressure on their governments uh to uh to stop. support for the israeli regime, how do palestinians feel about this uh increased level of global awareness at this point? you talk to any palestinian whether in gaza or anywhere else in the world, they know, they know what's going on, they know that the government, the problem with the governments in europe, in the united states and the even in arab countries, they know it's not the people and they know that the people are doing are trying their best to support palestinians, the united states people are good people, europeans are good people, muslims and all people are good people, it's just the problem with the government, with the regimes that controlling them, the the there is a some satanic cult controlling these governments and and and it's hidded by the us administration, followed by the british government. thanks lot, joining us from
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hannuness in southern gaza, we're now going to cross over to author and journalist robert vantina who's - joining us from kitchener ontario, mr. fantina, welcome to the program. uh, listening to the accounts of our correspondent asha shanin, uh, he very clearly said that this war, this israeli war has been heavily concentrated on the health sector, destroying uh medical facilities, destroying hospitals, deliberately targeting uh ambulances and medical convoys, is this genocidal war in your opinion? this is absolutely genocide, there can be no doubt about that, as you mentioned, the the targeting of health facilities, the targeting of uh home, refugee centers, mosks, other houses of worship, this is also when the uh israeli government told the people in the north to to go to the south, the israeli
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government then bomb the routes they had to take, the goal of this entire entire. catastrophe is to kill palestinis, to kill as many of them as possible, and to to just wipe them out. the fact that the health careare sector is being targeted, means that those are injured will not be able to get the help that they need, which will cause in all their death, so people are injured who under normal circumstances could be treated a hospital or by some other medical facility, not have that opportunity now, so it's all part of the israeli plan to kill as many palestinians as possible. how come, how come this war is still continuing? mr. fantina, we see the uh, the global awareness and the opposition to this war. we've uh, we've seen the condemnations, even coming from high-ranking united nations officials and humanitarian organizations, yet the incessant bombing continues, it's been 40 days now, why is
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that? we see, not only uh, united nations, but people in the state department, the united states have... come out publicly opposing this and saying this is completely wrong, and yet the united states still supports it, and this bombing campaign, this genocide could not happen without the complete support of the united states, the united states is financing it, the united states is uh giving continuing to give israel cover on the international stage, the reason this is continued is because the united states is allowing it to continue uh israel wants to annex all of palestine uh, it's been slowly doing it for... forly doing that for 75 years, but wants to to hasten that now, accelerate it, and the united states allowing it to happen, the as your the other commentator said moment ago, the people in through the world support palestine, this has been shown in countless demonstrations in major cities around the world with hundreds of thousands of people gathering, but this
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information or this this resolve to help the people of gaza and people throughout palestine has not filtered up to the governments of these countries, governments the united states, canada, throughout europe, even the uh the arab nations in the middle east are not lifting finger to assist the palestinians. rather they are further uh hurting them, further causing them harm. this is perplexing uh, the the support of the united states uh is giving to the uh to the israelis as they continue to murder innocent women and children, we know the unequivocal support that the united states has has been given has been giving israel uh for decades now, but one has to ask the the scope and level of damage that this is doing... not just to the israelis, but to the us image and the us president joe biden's image at this point in time, one has to ask how much
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support is is too much. biden has said there is no red line that whatever israel wants to do, it can do. now occasionally he will say there should be humanitarian pauses of several hours to allow uh aid in, but he could mandate that, he could make that happen, he refused to do so. but as you mentioned, the reputation of israel, which is already greatly tarnished by the occupation and the repression of the people is now worsened as people are seeing that israel is committing genocide, nation that uh formed itself and illegally under or unjustly at least under the un in 1947, 1948 is now committing the the crimes against humanity that had been... committed against its people a generation ago uh and the united states which condemns uh genocide in some areas although not in all of them by any means is
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condoning and financing this genocide and biden will pay for that at the ballot box united states will pay for that on the international stage with its reputation not not really never very good since it's uh it's a war mongering nation it's a nation whose own citizens are have restricted rights, but now people are seeing that this that it is just brutal, and this this sloughter of men, women and children, baby, and the united states is financing and condoning it, this is shocking to people in the world as it should be. thanks lot, robert fantino joining us from kitchener ontario. lebanons hezbollah movement keeps targeting israeli positions along the border areas in support for the resistance in gaza. in one of the latest
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attacks, hezbollah has fired rockets towards the israeli occupied kaf shoba hills in southern lebanon causing injuries among israeli soldiers. the lebanese resistance movement says it also targeted a group of israeli soldiers near almarj site causing injuries among them. meanwhile the israeli army said its position. in several areas were targeted with anti-tank missiles and mortar shells launched from lebanon. israel has been continuously bombarding what it calls hezwilla positions in southern lebanon in recent days. yemen's military says it is successfully fired a barrage of ballistic missiles as positions of the israeli regime in the occupied palestinian territory. spokesman yahya saari said the emmy strikes hit crucial targets in the olmal rash area near the city of ilot. the yemani officials said the military will not hesitate in targeting israeli ships in the red sea or any spot within reach. saari said the yemani armed forces will continue operations against
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israel until the regime stops its savage war machine that has killed more than 11,00 palestinian since early october. early the leader of ansola movement said yemen will constantly monitor the movement of israeli ships, especially in bababel. he said yemen's drone units will continue hitting targets inside the occupied territories. that's wrap for now, but stick around, i'll be back on the top, the other news and brief.
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depress the people in coverage of this assination now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh
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press tv forces of raid at alshufa hospital in gaza city, the regime's army says it's in uh conducting an operation in a quote specific. area of the facility. palestinian resistance group say the us is a partner, the crime israel is committing at the hospital. hamas has come down heavily a recent accusation by the white house of the resistance group runs command centers at al shifa hospital. the resistance group says through such accusations washington is giving israel to go ahead for more massacres at medical centers.