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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 14, 2023 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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a the headlines: the latest barage of israeli attacks in the gaza strip kill dozens of more palestinians. women and children remained the main victims of the 39 day onslot by the regime. the palestinian ministry in gaza warns that they need urgent access to medical supplies or all hospitals will become dysfunctional in 48 hours. also in the headlines, the us faces outcry over support for israel with an advocacy group accusing washington of betting israel's genocide in gaza. of
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warm welcome to our studios in the capital tepron, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. palestinians in gaza have been witnessing an unending cycle of bloodshed for 39 consecutive days. israeli fresh air strikes have claimed dozens more civilian lives across the besieg territory. six members of a palestinian family were killed in attack a house in the jabalia refugee camp in northern gaza. they are in addition to 30 people killed and yet another air strike there. in the southern city of juans 10 people were killed in new israel bombardment. the total palestinian death doll from the israeli war now tops 11,200, mostly women and children. a total of 47 israeli
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soldiers have also been killed in the ground operation in gaza. they include two soldiers killed on monday night in the northern gaza strep. the palestinian health ministry meanwile is warning that all hospitals in the gaza strip will be dysfunctional within the next 48 hours unless they receive urgent medical aid. those medical facilities are in desperate need of life-saving equipment as well as fuel for their electric generators. one of the hardest. medical facilities in al-shifa hospital is in gaza city. the israeli military has been encircling it with armed vehicles for the past several days under the pretext that palestinian fighters are present around the hospital. the hamas resistance movement has, however denied the israeli claim. a separate warning of the fuel crisis in gaza has also been issued by the un agency for palestinian refugees. onrabah has said its operations in gaza will shut down within two days due to shortages. now the un
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office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs has also warned about the dire situation of hospitals in gaza. let's take a listen to comments by the head of the office andrea de dominikov. in gaza fighting around al shifa hospital intensified over the weekend. in shifa hospital, critical infrastructure were damaged, including water of tanks, oxygen stations, the cardio... vascular facility in the maternity ward, three nurses were also reported killed, many of the people that were in the hospital have fled or tried to flee, some have remained behind, it's very difficult for us to establish how many are still in the premises. in particular we call everybody to respect hospitals, ihl specifically protect hospitals and medical personnel, hospitals must not be made places of warfare, any military operation around or within hospital must take
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steps to spare and protect the patients, medical staff and other civilians and all feasible precautions must be taken including the effective warnings which consider the ability of patients, medical staff and other civilians to evacuate safely. lives in gaza are hanging by a thread due to the pleating of fuel and medical supplies, we hear that patients are already dying and we have been reported few cases, also access to water and food has become the... or more difficult uh for those remaining uh and we are trying to figure out better how many have remained behind but is of course a little bit complicated given the inability of our teams to go in the north of the gaza strip. palestinians in gaza say the us is compliced in the israely war in their territory. they believe washington's military support has inboldened the regime to intensify its brutal attacks in gaza. the weapons of the zionist
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entity are american weapons. america is capable and able to protect the palestinian people by cutting off the supply of weapons and ammunition to designs in. america is the main culprit in killing palestinian children, all the massacres that occur in gaza are in direct violation of the fourth geneva convention agreed upon by all countries, including the zionist entity. until now, the international community remains silent in the face of the crimes committed by the israeli occupation against palestinian civilians in the ghaza strip. unfortunately, no steps have been taken towards reaching a seasfire or facility. imitating the delivery of aid to the besieg gaza's trip. the entire international community is still complicit in the siege and this far that israel is raging against gaza. everywhere you look around there is a mortar mutulated body of a palestinian child or destroyed house, and it
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is all because of american weapons that were given to israel. where is the western war and all of this? no one cares about the children of palestine. what did the western leaders do to stop the massacres? the united states keeps sending nuclear submarines and warships to support israel, i'm pessimistic about the situation here, what what the united states is doing for supporting israel, not the both sides, so united states is being just uh supporting israel um by some weapons and some um supplies, equipment that... increases um the situation here in gaza, what i mean situation, like killing people, um, injuring people here, well uh, international community is being silent these days and when he's the international community is silent, doesn't
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mean like it's just supporting both sides or just silence nowadays is being supported for the genocide. more than 30 civil society and faith-based organizations in the us have called on the pentagon to halt is plans for transferring artillery shells to israel for use in gaza. in the letter to the defense secretary loyd austin, the organizations said the transfer of these ammunitions to israel jepardizes a civilians and contravens international humanitarian law. also in the us, the center for constitutional rights has filed federal lawsuit on behalf of palestinian human rights organizations. it has accused president joe biden, the secretary of state anthony blincon and the pentagon chief of abeting israel's genocide in gaza. in the meantime, indonesian president jokovido has met biden at the white house, telling him that the us should do more to help stop the israeli atrocities in gaza. brazil's president lula de salva has also
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taken a job at israel for killing children. i had never heard of children being the preferred victims of a war. "the number of women and children who have already died and the number of children who have gone missing is unheard of in any other war. lula also accused israel of killing innocent people, without any scruples, he dismissed israel's justification for bombing hospitals under the pretext of hitting fighters of the resistance movement hamas. he said there is no explanation for dropping bombs on hospitals and what children have taken shelter." sir ash from khans a correspondent joins us to tell us more ash the issue of the hospitals obviously is still front and center when it comes to the news and uh what israel in particular is going to do with uh or if you
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can tell us what it has done when it comes to the khan to the alshafa hospital and what it has stated that it is it wants to do uh overall. okay, for last three or four days, shifa hospital come under a tank attack, a pass helicopter, gun ship attacks, drone attacks as well as a quad copter uh equipment machine gun attacks, they destroyed the the the main uh electricity backup generator, they also destroyed the solar panels top of the the shif. hospital, they also bombed the surgical, surgery department on the fifth floor of shifa hospital, this is the most equipped part of of shifa, they also killed over 100 people and their bodies are on the on the floor, on the grounds of shifa hospital and even today, up to this half an
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hour ago, the head of of the shifa hospital, dr. muhammad, said that they were trying to to have a mass grave for the for the dead bodies. to uh to prevent the spread of of of disease because of the decomposing bodies that they are not unable to do it, there are more than 120 bodies on the grounds of shiffa hospital, in addition to some 20 others who died due to lack of electricity inside the intensive care unit and also in the new natal department while where several babies died as result of the electricity outage and this is the just when we talk about shifa other hospitals like rantise children hospital was bombed several times by the israeli regime and israeli forces entered the dc hospital, arrested lot several people there and also
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revig inside the hospital, they also uh fire rockets at the psychiatric hospital and the i hospital which that are adjacent to uh ranti hospital, they also bombed and destroyed the soul cancer hospital, that's called the turkish friendship hospital, south. of gaza city uh and several cancer patients have died few days later. they also attacked the indonesian hospital in northern gaza and the kamal adwan in northern gaza. they've attacked an ambulance in front of nasar hospital right heres and this is just some examples what the israel regime has done. the israeli regime alleges that the leadership of of hamas and the uh the leadership, the command the command posts of the... hamas military brigades are hiding under hospitals and are hiding under schools, but definitely
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this is absurd as this has has never happened before, and people would have known, you mean, why would people thousands of people seek shelter and top top of a hamas, security command, that doesn't make sense, is there any indicator? what they are going to do, have they said what they're going to do? they haven't regime does not say what they want to do, but basically you can tell from the fact that they've been attacking it, that means they want to uh most people inside shifa, they internally displaced persons have already left, but there are at least three or four thous people. who have nowhere to go and remained inside shifa, i i believe they they
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they will escalate their attacks, maybe by using white phosphorus or smoke bombs to scare the people there to to to smoke them out of out of the hospital, they want to, they want empty the hospital of the internally displaced people persons and i think after that they will enter it and continue committing massacres there. okay. let's bring in some analysis into the picture. thank you very much for that uh ashraf, we do appreciate it. let's bring in zainafi. he's the coordinator of the zagzaki foundation south africa who joins us from cape town. um, welcome to the program, so taking a look at the issue of the hospitals, israel wants to, not wants to, has been attacking the hospitals and the pretext that is using there is that there's presence of hamas and that is being uh used um for military purposes and our correspondence says that that is just... not the case uh and and i'm wondering overall uh then what do you think the israel's motives there are? because
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on the one hand there are civilians that are being killed uh on the other they say that they have to move in because like i said that they feel like there is a military usage of the hospital. what's your reading into it? thank you very much for having us on your show and as the correspondent mentioned that they is these hious authorities that. against international law and it violates um the rules of engagement where they come in and they are destroying actively hospitals and other essential necessities that is needed in hazza. now the first thing that we need to highlight and identify is that hamas is in fact the democratically elected representatives of the people of hazza, so in the first place the israeli regime and other regime in the world has the right to militarily target them as they are democratically elected representatives, this
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goes against international law, this is illegal, and this once more show the war criminal face of the zin regime. secondly, that hospital is a hospital, it's a vital essential service that's needed in gazza and in all areas of the world, and the international law, hospitals cannot be targeted, it cannot be attacked and it must be free from being a casual. of all the zist regime has no respect for this, thus far there has been no evidence to highlight that there has been any military leaders or any military person now. hiding in the shifa hospital or in any other hospital or any other residential target that was targeted by the zirus regime. thus far we have only seen that the death doll has risen 15 hours ago to more than 11,200 people, more than 4,00 children was killed and right now i don't have the accurate numbers because i only checked this 15 hours ago, yet they do not have any constructive evidence to prove that
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in all of these targets and with all these days that they are successfully targeting militants. number two, the military wing of hamas is the security wing of the elected, democratically elected representatives of the people, there is no justification for the zinanis regime to come in and even target the security wing of the democratically elected representatives of the people, this is wrong, it proves that desires regime is a is a criminal and i think at this rate the world needs to come together to stop both the us and from the criminal war crimes within the strip, well uh the obviously the the support that the us is giving uh israel is not going to stop uh we're trying to figure out in terms of the moves that the israeli regime forces are making and uh we're only noticing that the civilian casualties are just accumulating um they for example are conducting air strikes but yet they want to
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uh eradicate hamas as they have stated uh but eradicating hamas um you know the... there are kilometers upon kilometers of tunnels that hamas fighters and resistance fighters all together are in of which are based on just the military aspect in terms in terms of the tactics uh for example they come up uh out of the uh guess tunnels and they then go ahead and either destroy the tanks or they uh um get rid of the israeli regime forces uh so why why does israel continue with this air strikes that claim civilian lives? uh when uh it doesn't seem like it has an appetite to go inside the tunnels, maybe it's because they know that they perhaps are not going to be able to handle a fight with the uh resistance fighters, what do you think? um, this is correct, we see that sous far there has been this mass killings of the civilians of hazza right, this is state sponsor terrorism, the
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united states and the western allies, they do not term this as terrorism because they only term violence. which is used as act of resistance against western hegemony as terrorism. the invading and the killing of the innocent people of vietnam by the us was not termed as terrorism. the drone killings and strike killings in libya in pakistan, the invasions of afghanistan and iraq, they have not termed as terrorism, and now this invasion and masskilling of more than 11,200 people, in 33, 35 days, they have not termed as terrorism, but we see that this that this aggression against the people of palestine is indeed sponsored terrorism by the united states in the support for the zianist regime. the zionist regime has failed, they refused to go into a ground, head on confrontation with the hamas, with the resistance of hamas and this is because they have seen with the operational that the palestinian fighters has
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reached a new level of military sophistication and precision and the destroy. the designers intelligence networks on the 7th of october shows that the palestinian resistance is in a new age of confrontation with the illegitimate sionist regime. on this point they do not go in to have head on confrontation with hamas, but rather they use this policy of mass destruction in terms of killing civilians in terms of destroying infrastructure, essentially needed necessities with in hazar to try to displace the people, to try to turn the people against ham. to have the people of hazza leave the city so that the israelizist regime can go ahead with their policy of occupation, however they cannot go in or right now they've refused to go into a head on confrontation because they proceed with a policy of mass destruction, it goes against international law, it's morally incorrect and it proves once more for those that have not
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woken up and small the coffee that the zionist illegitimate regime is a whole criminal. all right, taking a look at the political aspect. of this in terms of the fallout uh that israel is experiencing, many countries have recalled their ambassadors, we know the stance that for example south africa has the your form minister has been very vocal uh addressing how she is so against uh this uh genocide that's taking place um i'm wondering if uh and iran iran's for minister has actually addressed this issue um uh with with the south african for minister where uh in her capacity of being one of the bricks members, her country being one of the bricks members, whether there can be momentum gained by the bricks member countries, in order to do something when it comes to israel, for example boycotting israel, if something can be done given the fact, for example how south africa again is one of the main members of bricks? indeed, south africa and many other countries has taken the decision, some
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countries has scut diplomatic tires in totality, other countries like south africa have repold the missionary the missions inside the illegitimate regime, of course for consultation and to regroup to see what are the next steps that can be taken to assist the people of hazza and to bring a end to the current aggression, is for the seas fire and for the entering of aid into hazza. of course south africa is playing vital role our minister of international relations naledi pando is very vocal on the issue of palestine in support of the palestinian people. however, further more, we also need to comment the foreign minister of iran for taking the position that iran has taken to the various countries, including the arab and the gulf countries, calling for the stopping of oil to be exported to. design regime, much of course in this sense would cripple the zianist regime very very easily and bring a hal to the aggression of the palestinian people, this is the call that must be
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supported by south africa, by bricks and the countries of the world, because right now the time for talking, the time for statements has long pass, and constructive efforts is the only thing that can bring about some sort of assistance and a relief to the palestinian people. design is a regium we need to remember is illegitimate, it has no right. exist, he therefore pays no attention to international laws and it does not take - kind of statements of support to the palestiness by various countries, statements is no longer needed, constructive efforts to cripple the regime must be taken, so that the relief can come to the palestinians. thank you very much, zandafi, coordinator foundation south africa from cape town. thank you so much. let's continue with the news, more palestinians have fallen victim. to israeli aggression across the occupied west bank, regime forces have killed six palestinians during pre-dawn raids that happened in the city of tulkarum and a refugee camp there. the palestinian health
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ministry said two people were killed in clashes with israeli forces while the rest were killed in drone strikes. a dozen more were injured with some being in critical condition. regime troopers also fatally shot another man in the bait ainun junction area. there have been reports of clashes in the town of kalkilla as well. israel has intensified its bloody attacks on the west bank. nearly 190 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and settlers across the occupied territory since october the 7th. leban's hezbollah movement has launched several retaliatory strikes against the israeli. territories in support of the palestinian resistance in gaza. hezbolah announced in a statement on monday that the movement had targeted number of sites occupied by israeli forces with appropriate
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weapons causing considerable damage and injuries. it also targeted israeli infantry at aldahira site with missiles, inflicting heavy losses among the enemy's ranks. hisboda and israeli troops have been engaged in direct flashes since the regime's brutal war the bessieg gaza strip started on october the 7th. the movements says attacks against israel will continue until it stops his crimes against palestinians. israeli atrocities across the gaza strip is giving rise to more international hatred against the telaviv regime. ireland's opposition party has strongly accused the regime of committing barbaric and cowardly war crimes. israel claims to act in self-defense. carpet bombing civilians active punishment, massacring children in their thousands is not defense.
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the world sees israeli actions for what they are, barbaric, hateful, cowardly war crimes. she demanded be held accountable in the international criminal court, mcdonald says the situation in gaza is a test of the world leader's commitment to human rights. the leader of ireland's opposition party also urged the irish government to expel the israeli regime's ambassador. the reaction is made as more countries are joining an international course of severing ties with israel, response to its genocide of palestinians. a number of countries like turkey, jordan, honduras, colombia, chile and bahrain have already recalled their diplomats from the occupied territories. and that does it for world news, thanks for being with us in just few minutes time at the top of the hour, recap of the top stories, just bye-bye for now.
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the us economy is tied to waging new wars. arms manufacturing companies in the us have always been the winners of the wars. military contractors are the new phenomenana to do the dirty work for the us military in other parts the world like iraq and afghanistan.
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operation took israel off guard. playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack. but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason gaza stripped of life soon onpress tv.
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october 7th marked new chapter in israel's history. they were stunned by the unexpected turn of events. now the big question is can israel restore its shattered image after the seismic shift in its narrative.
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israel has carried out fresh air strikes on several areas in the besieg gaza strip. 36 palestinians were killed in the jabala refugee camp, while 10 others lost their lives in khan unis. the total death doll from the israely war in gaza is now at over 11,000. 200, mostly women and children. us base center for constitutional rights has filed a federal law against israel's brutal war on gaza. the petition on behalf of palestinian human rights organizations accuses president joe biden, the secretary of state anthony blincon and the pentagon chief of abeting israel's genocide in the besieged palestinian territory.