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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 13, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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israely attack still raging in the gaza strip and occupied westbank, civilian targets, including schools and hospitals are being bombed. palestinian refugee agency onra's warning that his fuel depot and gaza will no longer be able to supply hospitals in few days. and the irish opposition party demands is really regime be taken to account at the international criminal court. of
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hello everyone, thank you for tuning in to press tv world news. and now beginning with the dar situation in the bessieg of the striper israeli regime is transforming every street into scenes of bloodshed as it relentlessly presses ahead with this bloody onslot against innocent women and children. most recent series of israeli strikes have killed 40 palestinians among the latest targets, the albarij refugee camp and the un operated school in northern city of bait lahiah. regime also targeted several. schools and hospitals where people were seeking refuge. palestinians complain israel is conducting air strikes indiscriminately all across a bloccaded inclave. i fled from one hospital to another. i thought hospitals were safe, but nowhere is safe. we are staying on the street. there is no shelter for me and my children to sleep at night. i thought hospitals were safe, but they are non. hospitals are being bombed. have been
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displaced to this school as safe place according to the israeli army commands, but unfortunately even at andro shelters, we can't find safety after retreating from of northern gaza strip. deut to in gaza has now surpassed 11,200 with more than 8,000 women and children falling victim to regimes relentless raids, hundreds are also buried under rubble of ravaged buildings mean well israeli regime is waging his ground operations as well, intense clashes have been reported in the vicinity of gaza city. the alcus brigades of the islamic jihad resistance movement says it is targeted israeli troops and vehicles south of the city. regime says 44 of the soldiers have been killed in the ground invasion that began of two weeks ago. nothing is probably more synonymous with war crimes than targeting hospitals and killing war stricken people that are taking. shelter there and that is
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exactly what is happening in gaza where the healthcare system is deteriorating and more and more hospitals are becoming dysfunctional. israeli military has incircled al-shifa hospital in gaza city while bombing it repeatedly over the past several days. now according to reports israely snipers continue to fire anyone that approaches the medical facility. the world health organizations described situation at the hospital is darre and periless. hospital's last generator has also run out of fuel which has led to the death. of five premature babies and seven critical care patients. the palestin resistance moving hamas denies the claim that it refused israeli fuel. for al-shifa, director of the medical facility also called israeli claim a propaganda stunt. palestinian officials say all hospitals in northern gaza are out of service. and hospitals in gaza continue turning into mass graves for patients and medics in the midst of cause.
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for safe evacuations, receiving no response from the international community. now dr. khans in southern gaza has delivered a statement on devastating situation of hospitals in the besieged enclave. hospital under under fires, the last example is chifa hospital icu, there is another private obstatric hospital was targeted directly today and two of our colleague who are specialists in obstatric and gynecology were killed to tonight, there is no service for pediatric patients in the northern area, five kids in the pediatric icu. left alone in rantisa hospital and we don't know what's going on with them, the communication were lost, so they might be dead or alive, so now in shifa hospital they cannot deal with the dead bodies, there is 10th of dead bodies
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back in the hospital, stray dogs were seen attacking the dead bodies, so the dignity for dead people are lost now. shifa hospital and indonesian hospital are the only hospital can operate in the north and people cannot reach them, so situation there is very critical and dangerous. medical teams and patients inside shifa hospital sending calls for human community for international organization for safe evacuation with no response around 600 civil onded patient need to be evacuated, so this is call for egypt egypt government to send ambulances towards shifa hospital so these 600 civil limitted patient can be evacuated safely, so our medical teams in shifa hospital now are facing death because they just committed to their patients till
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the last moments, which doesn't happen before anywhere else in the world, so basic requirement for shifa hospital, indonesian hospital operation like... fuel, medical supply, safe, inlet and exit are urgently required, so fuel as well and basic medical supply needed in the southern hospital like naser hospital, european gaza hospital, because now there is huge pressure on the health system with lack of fuel, with lack of medical equipments, thank you very much, the dark humanitarian crisis and naza is about to get worse, un agency for palestine refugees says fuel depot is now empty, warning further shutdowns in the next two days. the unra chief says the un body will no longer be able to supply hospitals, remove sewage and provide drinking water starting november 15th. the un agency is currently sheltering
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nearly 800,000 people, about half the total gaza population, unrafuel has also been used to remove hundreds of tons of solid waste from increasingly. overcrowded camps in gaza, lack of fuel is said to cause health and environmental disaster. israel's military has so far refused imports of fuel into gaza, saying they could be used by hamas for military purposes. the united nations officials and staff at duty stations worldwide have observed a minute of silence to honor more than 100 colleagues killed in israeli attacks on gaza. so i would like to invite you to join the secretary general in a minute of silence to morn and honor the colleagues who have lost their lives in haza. world bodies flag also fluid half mass at its offices around the globe in memory of fallen
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personnel who worked for the un palestinian refugee agency unra. they provide aid to the people of gaza or provided pardon to the people of gaza and concept. bombardment and a complete siege of the enclave. the director general of the un of office in geneva said that this is the highest number of aid workers killed in the history of the organization in such a short time. israel continues to silence voices reporting its crimes against regional countries. regime has targeted a group of journalists covering its bombardments on areas in southern lebanon. nearly dozen journalists from several media outlets were hit by two air strikes in the bordertown of yaron on monday. lebani state medias reported damage to vehicles and minor injuries among the journalists who are providing coverage of israel's attacks on southern lebanon. meantime, the regime has blocked all web access, the lebanese ahmidin tv channel inside the occupied territories
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citing security concerns. israel is long history of attacks on news networks and media personnel to prevent their coverage of its atrocities, us based committee. to protect journalists says regime has killed at least 40 journo since it began its onslot of palestinians in gaza on the 7th of october. and iran once again condemns what it calls israeli atrocities against hospitals in gaza, saying that the world needs to reign in the regime. foreign ministry spokesperson made the statement in a weekly pressure in reaction to bombing of gaza's largest hospital al-shifa and the siege on the facility. nasir kanani said the western supporters of israel are responsible for the heinous catastrophe unfolding in gaza. spokesman says such countries such as the us, britain and france should stop their unconditional support for the... regime and stop preventing the un security council from doing its job to establish peace and
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security. can only call for an end to israeli aggression, lifting of a sissige on hospitals, sending in humanitarian aid and confronting coersive measures to displace palestinians. israel atrocities through gaza strip giving more rise to international hatred against the regime in tel aviv. ireland's opposition party has strongly accused the regime of... committing barbaric and cowardly war crimes. israel claims to act in self-defense. carpet bombing civilians, collective punishment, massacring children in their thousands is not defense. the world sees israeli actions for what they are. barbaric, hateful, cowardly war crimes. mary
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lou mcdonald, demanded to be hel the countable the international criminal court. she said situation in gaza is a test of world leader's commitment to human rights. leader the irish opposition party also urged the irish government to expel the israeli regime ambassador. reaction is made as more countries are joining in international chorus of severing ties with israel in response to its genecide of palestinians. number of countries such as turkey, jordan, honduras, colombia, chile and bahrain have repeatedly recalled their diplomats from occupied territories. irish author and political activist daniel morrison says the world is watching israel committing war crimes in gaza, and it will not go unpunished. there is motion going before the parliament in dublin
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this week, which calls for the expulsion of the israeli ambassador, it'll be supported by many people, many other parties besides, but the two main coalition parties, foil and finegal are going to oppose it and try to block it. just as have as they have refused to sign the legislation, which chin was successful two or three years ago and getting passed to uh produce a boycot of goods produced in the occupied territories, so what the the prime minister, the tee shock of ireland has said that there is no need for us to put down a motion calling for the the prosecution at the international criminal the court because there are already motions before, what we're saying is absolutely
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appalling, it's extraordinary, i have never seen it probably the last time i saw world outrage and anger like this was at the time the britain and america proposing to go into iraq and invade iraq, and and and they seemed to think that they can get away with it, but they have a special case, they're exceptional, they're loud. and what they're doing is war crimes and the world can see this, people around the world continue hitting the streets to show solidarity with palestinians and demanding end to israely bloodshed on gaza. palestine will never die, will never die, palestine will never die. hundreds of people attended a rally in australia's biggest city of sydney, they denounced israel's actions and gaza wave the
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palestinian flag, enchanted stogans such as palestine will never die. spaniords packed an underground station in barcelona, demanding a halt israel's military action against gazans. in the irish capital of dublin, protesters urged their government to expell the israeli ambassador, south africans held another rally in cape town, demanding the expulsion of israel's envoy. enclosure of its embassy. similar rallies were also held in the capitals of france, germany, belgium and britain where people condemned israel's brutal attacks on gaza. in london, over 300, people marched. toward the us embassy, calling for an end to the war on gaza. a senior member of palestine's hamas resistance movement has described as deplorable israeli attacks on hospitals in gaza. osama hamdon has said the hamas will pay in his words the nazi leaders of the occupying regime back for their crimes. hamdan criticized the
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international community for doing nothing in response to israeli air strike on alahli arab hospital last month. that failure to try israel over that crime only embolden the regime to target more hospitals. amas official said israel continues to kill palestinians to make up for the defeat that it faced back on october 7th. hamdon also rejected israeli claims that gaza's largest hospital al shifa is a military site. he meanwile called for more efforts by arab countries to help stop us-backed war. we expect our. and muslim brothers to use all their strength from political and economic power to pressure washington to stop the aggression against civilians and children immediately, which every day results in 400 more murters and about 1,ous more innocent children and women injured, yes carried out
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to air strikes in eastern syria following uptake of attacks on american military bases in the region us secretary loyd austin, says a military targeted a training facility and safe house near the eastern cities of abu kamal and mayadeen. austin also says move was in response to recent attacks on american forces in iraq and syria. us has carried out three such strikes over the past two weeks. now there have been a wave of drone and rocket attacks against us troops in iraq and syria following the outbreak of the war on gaza. an iraki resistance group has claimed responsibility for several of the incidents. the us faces worldwide criticism criticism that is for supporting israeli bloodshed against palestinians. craig murray is a former british diplomat who was sacked by the foreign office back in 2003 for criticizing the country's human rights record and just this week he was briefly detained for expressing support for resistance movements
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hamas and hezbollah. press tv's palestine to classify program is spoken to craig murray. he elaborates on the... i think uh britten's primary role as usual is is being a kind of useful henchman and and accompliced to the united states in in reinforcing united states diplomacy you you'll find uh not a cigarette paper of difference between what the uk has said and what the us has said in the diplomatic world, but uk also has has offered military support, as we heard in the report, the reasons to suspect that the sas is involved in the gaza strip, and and britain is also assisting with um, with communications intelligence intercepts. israel is a implanted colonial settlement,
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which effectively is an outreach project of the united states, part of its power project. into into a hydrocarbon rich area, the united states subsidizes israel to tune of f billion dollars a year, and of course uh provides the great bulk of its military hardware. iran is commemorating the martim anniversary of late brigadier general hasan tehrani muqadam is known as a father of iran's missile program. senior military and state officials attended a ceremony in the capital tehran to honor the late. general's achievements. terran moqadam was an engineer by profession. he kickstarted the development of iran's ballistic missile program during the war of the 1980s against iraq under former dictator saddam hussein. the general design such medium and long-range missiles as the shahab, the gadr and sejilil. he lost his life and an explosion that took place during a missile test in tehran back in
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november of 2011. the situation in gaza is rapidly deteriorating to point where international bodies are calling it humanitarian disaster. iranians have supported the palestinian resistance from day one and are now appalled by atrocities by the israeli regime. gisumisha ahmadi has her story. in gaza the situation is getting worse, no longer by the day, but by the hour. incessant israeli bombardments and its refusal to lift a crippling bloccade on the enclave. has led to humanitarian disaster as described by the icrc. more than half of the hospitals in gaza have closed down. the situation is described as intolerable by iranians who have supported. the palestinian resistance from day one. on the streets of tehran, people are calling this an unbearable human tragedy unfolding before their very eyes. we have them in any way, shape or form
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that we can. the entire world is watching silently, and even western countries, and the u.s. in particular, are blatantly supporting the zinanists as they commit these atrocities. the palestinians are our muslim brothers and sisters and we have. have to do everything we can do to help them. the most barbaric things that one could imagine are coming out of gaza. i couldn't sleep the night as i saw images of hospital in gaza where a young child pulled from under the rouble was all alone crying, he was probably the only one left from his family, just like many other kids there, how can the world do nothing? all countries should call for immediate ce fire. i can't believe that in year 2023 we are witnessing such atrocities. it is completely unbelievable. no one is trying to stop the zionist. why? just because
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palestinians don't have blond hair and blue eyes, just because they are muslims. they deserve to be treated this way. we saw how all these countries who are now supporting israel were vocal when it was all about ukraine. currently over 9 million iranians have signed up to go to gaza to help palestinian. does international law mean anything at all or it is just for some countries to benefit from history will judge them, such atrocities are completely unprecedented. i never thought that i would be seeing such images, how can they call themselves humans? how can the rest of the world just sit and watch and do nothing? everyone should demand an immediate his fire and humanitarian help for palestinians. i would go to help them if i could. when i see these images, i feel nauseous, all these young innocent children, why do they have to suffer? they haven't done anything wrong,
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they need humanitarian help immediately, children, hospitals, schools, according to international law, they should not be attacked, but we see now how they are bombarded every day, there should be immediate ceasefire, israelis have absolutely no shame, they call themselves human. them and all those who support these atrocities, the us. the international community now knows the truth about them, them and their so-called human rights. israeled the war on gaza on october 7th, at least 11,00 palestinians have been killed in the strikes, most of them women and children, while 27,00 others have been injured. tel aviv has also imposed a complete sie on gaza, cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water, to more than two million palestinians living there. iranians are appalled by the images coming out of the gaza strip showing the atrocities the zionist regime. they are also shocked
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that western countries led by the united states are supporting the israeli regime. iranians are calling for immediate ceasefire and immediate humanitarian help for the people in gaza. kusumishahmadi press tv, tehran. and that's it for your latest here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in, goodbye for now.
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i believe that working together we can make history.
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day 38 of the israeli war on gaza at least 40 palestinians have been killed in latest air strikes that hit two homes and khan unis and the jabala refugee camp. israel also struck a un run school. in several hospitals, the total death tool is now passed 11,200. smokes and for the marters hospital in gaza strip says over 5,000 people have been wounded so far, as the israeli regime continues with this relentless strikes on hospitals, these said the hospital will turn into mass grave if fuel runs out and generator shut down.
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