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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 13, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, hospitals turning to graveyards, make sure to join the show through facebook, twitter, only on press tv. your press tv headlines for no end inside to deadly israely attacks in gazo strip in occupied west bank regime still pounding
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million targets, including schools and hospitals. the palestinan refugee agency unra is warning that its field depot and gaza will no longer be able to supply hospitals in a of few days time, and rillies are being held throughout the world in solidarity with palestinians and in condemnation of israeli genocide. hello everyone, thanks for tuning in a press tv world news. our top story beginning with the dar situation in the besieg gaza strip where the israeli regime is transforming every street into scenes of bloodshed as a relentlessly presses ahead with its onslot against the innocent and children there, most
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recent series of israeli air strikes have killed 40 palestinians among the latest targets, the albadis refugee camp and un operated school northern city of bait laa. regime also targeted several hospitals where people were seeking refuge. now palestinians complain that israel is conducting air strikes indiscriminately all across the blocaded territory. i fled from one hospital of to another, i thought hospitals were safe, but nowhere is safe. we are staying on the street, there's no shelter for me and my children to sleep at night. i thought hospitals were safe, but they are not. hospitals are being bombed. we have been this placed to this school as safe place according to the israeli army commands, but unfortunately, even at anndwa shelters, we can't find safety after retreating from northern gazas. deathtal in gaza is now near
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11,200 with more than 8,000 women and children falling victim to the regime's relentless raids, hundreds are also buried under rubble of buildings ravaged by bombings. meanwhile the israeli regime is waging a ground operation into gaza as well. intense clashes have been reported in the vicinity of gaza city. alcus brigades of the islamic jihad resistance movement says it has targeted. israeli troops and vehicles south of the city, the regime itself says 44 of its of soldiers have been killed in the ground invasion over the last two weeks, but resistance forces say that's a lie that the number is much higher. and nothing is probably more synonymous with war crimes and targeting hospitals and killing war stricking people that take shelter there, and that is exactly what is happening in gaza where the healthcare system is deteriorating rapidly and more and more. hospitals are becoming
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dysfunctional, the israeli military has incircleed al-shifa hospital in gaza city while bombing it repeatedly over the past few days. according to reports israeli snipers continue to fart anyone that even gets close to the medical facility. the world health organization described situation there as dire and perilous. hospital's last generator is almost out of fuel, which is also already led to the deaths of five premature babies and seven patients that were in critical care. palestine resist. since movement hamas denies the claim that it refused israeli fuel offer to al-shifa, director of the medical facility also called israeli claim a propaganda stunt. palestinian officials say that all the hospitals in the north of the strip are out of service. hospitals in gaza are turning into mass graves for patients and medics in the midst of calls for safe evacuations receiving no response from the international community. a doctor in khan unis in the south of gazas delivered a
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statement on the devastating situation of hospitals in the besieg gaza strip. hospital under the under fires. the last example is shifa hospital. icu, there is another private obstatric hospital was targeted directly today and two of our colleague who are specialists in obstatric and gynacology were killed tonight, there is no service for pediatric patients in the northern area, five kids in the pediatric icu left alone in rantiso hospital and we don't know what's going on with them, the communication were lost, so they... might be dead or alive, so now in shifa hospital they cannot deal with the dead bodies, there is 10th of dead bodies back in the hospital, straight dogs were seen attacking the dead bodies, so the dignity for dead people are lost now. shifa hospital and
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indonesian hospital are the only hospital can operate in the north and people cannot reach them. so situation there is very critical and dangerous, medical teams and patients inside shifa hospital sending calls for human community for international organization for safe evacuation with no response around 600 several wonded patient need to be evacuated, so this is call for egypt government to send ambulances toward chifa hospital so these 600 civil the patient can be evacuated safely, so our medical teams in shifa hospital now are facing death because they just committed to their patients till the last moments, which doesn't happen before anywhere else in the world, so basic requirement for shifa
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hospital, indonesian hospital operation like a fuel, medical supply, safe, inlet and exit are urgently required, so fuel as well and basic medical supply needed in the southern hospital like naser hospital, european gaza hospital, because now there is huge pressure on the health system with lack of fuel, with lack of medical equipments, thank you very much, and joining us now for some special coverages, press tv's ashraf shany joining us from khan author and middle east affairs expert joining us out of belfast, we're going to start with our press tv correspondent out the besiege enclave and khanis ashraf shanan ashraf hope you're doing well and you're safe you, your colleagues, your family, what can you tell us with respect to the developments on the ground there? well, uh, danny israel fighter jets continue to bomb almost every
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spot in the gaz strip, including areas around nasir, hospital in khan units, at least 12 people were killed today, including eight children, as israeli fighter jets bomb the areas of benesela and al-qarara east of khaninis as well as areas adjacent to nassar hospital, this is the biggest hospital in southern gaza, it's one of the last three remaining functioning hospital in entire gaz strip, the other hospitals are the khannis european hospital as well as the uh the al-aqsa marters hospital and balah now. every hospital south, sorry, every hospital north the gaza waley or the gaza valley is out of service, including of course shif of hospital that has been under heavy bombardment by the israeli regime and heavy tank shelling mainly outside the hospital, around the hospital and
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also and attacks on almost every building surrounding the shif of hospital, the israeli regime claims that the the leadership the... the military commanders of hamas are hiding under the shifa hospital which is absurd and definitely untrue and everyone can bouch for that. even the ministry of health and the ministry of interior has called in the international community called on the un and the international committee of the cross to send inspectors to check it and no one has responded. things are so bad in in in gaza in the northern parts mainly in gaza city that only seven ambulances are still. working due to the fact that many ambulances were bombed by the israeli regime and also the fact that is not any fuel left for for the other ambulances. gaza hospital has no electricity, no water, no food, and there are few hundred
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patients and injured people inside the hospital and the most of of of the icu uh patients have died and as well as the premature babies. in addition, there are about 120 or 130 bodies like laying on the ground inside shifa hospital that even uh straight dogs were started to to. mold these the bodies of of of those uh victims as the zien regime refuses to allow uh hospital staff to uh to dig a mass grave and burry them and the hospital staff is worried about the spirit of disease as the bodies some of them been there for four four days now and and decomposing uh under the sun uh in and gaza strip in general situation is disastrous israel has been uh carrying out genocide, extermination of palestinians, over 12,00
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people have been killed, nearly 30,00 others have been injured, out of the 3000 people are injured, doctors expect half of them to die, because there's no medication, and no uh post surgery follow up, nothing, hospitals like nasar hospital is working at nearly more than 200% of his capacity, and most injured people when they come and if they have a medium to serious injury, they're likely to die, they go in from one gate and exit the other to the more. okay, and ash the un also says that out the 36 uh gauzan hospitals, 18 or that was actually the day before yesterday, you very well remember, even you didn't agree with that statistic uh two days ago, but now apparently three more uh, so we're talking about 14 or 15 to basically provide uh services for over 2.3 million people. that's an that's you know a herculan task, but from what you told me a couple days ago, that is
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not really true, you're saying there's only a handful, possibly even less fully functional hospitals left right, gaza city has no functioning hospital, definitely no functioning hospitals, when the who talks about hospitals, they're talking about private hospitals including the government hospital, the hospitals that uh are under the uh uh we say the the ownership of the ministry of health in gaza city is only one hospital that's shiva hospital and you have al ahli al arabi hospital or the protestant church hospital remember that was bombed few hundred people were killed and there is the indonesian hospital in northern gaza uh definitely not working there's no electricity there is no way for it to operate and there is the kamalwan also in hospital in northern gaza it's not working either no electricity. and now she have no electricity, so when they talking about private hospitals like mahdi hospital which was bombed yesterday and the
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owners of the hospital, the doctors on the hospital were killed as well, it's it's it's it's out of service, and today the the public service hospital, i remember this hospital very well because my youngest son, was born in it and i remember one of the hamas commanders al-jabar was killed in front of it, and i also remember that the name of the road of that place is bro, this is why i remember it very well and and was bomb today as well, so oh, i forgot the wafa hospital for for the elderly and the disabled is surrounded by israeli tanks, today still this under and and those inside, including staff and and and patients are calling for on the international committee of the red cross and the un to help them exit that place and there is no safe passage for them, so israel is is is is killing. the people and and destroying the the health sector, destroying the infrastructure, more than 65% of buildings in
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gaza with bomb including unfortunately mine, and before we let you go, ashref, what do you know as far as the ground invasion by the regime into the besieg onclave? well, as i said, tanks are wafa hospital, wafa is in the middle of gaza city and they are around shiva hospital. that's about about four 600 yards west of wafa hospital, they are on certain locations, but they israeli regime has not occupied the ghaza strip literally, even hamas's military wing says that every day they kill israeli soldiers, they destroy israeli tanks and abc's armor personal carriers and this evening, said that having israeli tanks and soldiers in the center of ghaza city does not mean they control gaza,
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they're still heavy fighting, everywhere the israeli soldiers are present, there's heavy fighting and there's there are heavy losses among the israeli regime forces, i remember four days ago, i saw footage from friends who managed to reach khans showing dozens of israeli soldiers on the street dead, street, thank you, stay safe, joining us there out of hannus and we're going to swing over to our guest now author and medias expert joining us out of belfast thank you for your patience mr. shot and welcome to the program our conversation here with with respect to gaza, your initial thoughts about the atrocities over the last 38 days in the besiege enclave and uh our corresponder we just talked to mr. shoth is in front of al-nasir hospital, the undra is providing that hospital with fuel, it's one of very few hospitals still up and running, and unra just said moments ago that it's a it's a fuel depot is out, it's it's
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out of completely out of fuel now, warning for further shutdowns in the next 48 hours, so things are about to go from to extremely horrible and very quickly, your initial thoughts please, i think entity with it backers and this war of war crimes and extermination and genocide against the oppressed palestinian people and the ghaza which is cupied and blocated by the zenst entity with the images we see it's accumilation they wanthumu those people, they want to degrade the palestinian people, the survivors or the dead, as we heard your correspondent said, even some of the people talking about dogs around the shifa hospitals, which turning to part of it to be a mass grave, eating the dead bodies and in the culture and religious thought of the
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people of palestine, which the majority of muslims or the christians a barrier is to. to save the dignity of of the dead bodies, now these bodies are over the streets and and when when when we think of this, and yesterday i heard the the the german chancellor even refusing to entertain the idea of calling for seasfire, that is can we understand is a collective western punishment for the palestinian people who managed in to resist. and managed to change equasions in that region, like i'll give you an example, why they are shocked to the core, in 1967, the zinis entity army, supported of course by the us, it took less than 60 days to occupy senai and to occupy the golan heights and west bank and the gaza strip and the parts of
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of south lebanon, from arabic regimes. today it taking them 38 days to reach just around the hospital chifa hospital and they trying this propaganda warfare which is they they done in iraq to make the world focus like their target is the shifa hospital and we heard the propaganda and the lies about the hospitals in gaza have some military personnels inside it when the international doctors who's been there. serving for 16 years and they never seen someone uh out of the ordinary in their all civilians, we know this, they they they when the americans attacked iraq in 2003 and they focused on the airport of iraq, george bush and the western alliance made the whole world think and the
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iraki people mainly, this is the decisive battle, the the the port of iraq, and once this battle... is finished all iraq will be in their hands and this psychological thing to make the people believe it's over and they trying to do the same thing now in gaza city surrounding shifa hospital shooting anything moving inside or outside the vicinity hospital using white phosphorus around the the vicinity of the hospital lots of dead bodies you see from the people who's been pushed to go from north to to the south. by the the israeli occupation forces, but at the same time, what we saying, the the people in in in palestine, they understand this the psychological worfer they're playing with them, but the the urgent is stuff in here, we know the resistance is stopping them, we know they denying the the losses they have in
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gaza, they know we cannot, they cannot secure some sometimes meters around, gaza and we know they are in a very small few hundreds meters they they they cross into gaza, but the amount of bombardment, the amount of destruction, the amount of vicious killing, it's unprecedented, and you know when you see the some of the images coming like from the hospital because of the running out of fuel and that, babies, premature babies. is being out of their incubators and put in the ground and some of them is is being you know like already died and some of them they try to save some of these guys, and when you see these kids, they haven't even been named yet, and they haven't been issued with birth certificates yet, but they issuing them with
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death certificates, as the images of the premature babies and it's it's really disturbing to watch this and to see this is the international community and the western countries who believe some of... them at used to believe they are like oasis of human rights and that this is a stain in the international community to watch these things and not to interfere to do something to stop that and to save some of these babies the zilas entity making press conferences about 200 liters and 300 liters of of fuel they can play with the international community sending to gaza and this 200 300 won't run even one ambulance for a day, imagine hospitals, and you know what, when you hear 40 at 11,200
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people that are so far died, you hear 4600 of them are children, mr. saidchat, and and you and to your point, when you when you hear, and it's just it's horrendous and when you you and you mentioned, when this includes uh babies that have yet to be issued a birth certificate, but there are not, there's not fuel to power generators to give them the life support they need buse some of them are premature, and then you hear the rhetoric coming out of the israeli regime that there are no uninvolved civilians in the gaza strip, and you see the images of the babies getting killed for no reason, what crosses your mind? you know, we are dealing with the same kind of nazi, fascist uh thugs who the the world seeing uh... the mayhem they called in the second world war, and those people are repeating this the the irony is the nazis used to think they are the the arian race who
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are entitled to do whatever because they are supremecis and we have the zist entity homoring the idea they are the chosen one like by god like god as i wrote couple of days that on facebook like god is favorite some people over some people, this is the idea, and they are the chosen one, and the chosen one with that kind of ideology, they are entitled to treat the rest of the humanity as not a human beings and especially the the the the the palestinians right now, and they can the babies, they don't that in 1948 when they they came these thugs from all over europe, by the british and the americans to occupy palestine, they committed massacres, unimaginable, the people didn't at the time, the took the palestinian narrative
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or the story, what happened to the palestinians, but today they seen it right on their social media, right on tv, we know the zirus entity, now and before with with the help of lot of of course western de... they call it trying to silence the the the the the palestinians narrative or the muslims or even the activists around the world or the public opinion through facebook, instagram and that suddenly their algorithm way jump in when you do some story about palastin and wipe it out and stuff like people start to to use to try using the old ancient palestinian technique when we used to have in palestine after the british women when they go to visit their husbands in in a prison, they convey the messages through a song with song added
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letters to it, so nobody will understand it except the prisoner himself, and the same thing, today you'll see in in in social media when people are trying to write about what happening in gaza strip on facebook or instagram or or snapchat or whatever they try to add letters, more letters, break that slashback, they confused the whole thing, sometimes right with arabic and english just to let the the the message slips and that and it is working, the people around the world seeing that, seeing this vicious massacres being committed about people occupied people, which is the by geneva convention and international law, the people under your incubation, you should be protected, not to be but in a extermination, it is extermination cams right now, com committing genocide, you are the cubier force and the
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international community. is not doing anything, it's paralyzed and why? because uncle sam, united states of america and the western powers who are dominating the world affairs want this entity which is theirs to to come back again from the massive blow the palestinian fighters directed at it at nearly collapse, it was on its knees, now we are facing there in in gaza. we facing massive armada from german, british, french, italian, and the united states of america, aircraft carriers, new york submarines, carryan uks with them, all of that against a tinest leather of land, called gaza strip, bringing over 400,0 soldiers, reserves and professionals from design entity around gaza,
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bringing mercenaries from... spain and from australia and all of that paying them around 2000 euros a month uh all of that targeted against it's unbelievable or four of that and the people who carried the the freedom fighters according to the science intelligence if they have intelligence uh roughly around a thousand fighter i can't believe the whole thing it's and the the the nothing is being done to look at the civilians. and to save the civilians, somebody on the media, an american, i think bloggest or something asked politicians, if these hamas fighters were within the zionist entity, they carried out the inside and they were inside the people, would you target your the people the same way you target in gaza, they said of course no, so we know the double standards, we know how they look at the
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others in here. they know they look at the people in palestine like not the human beings and that is supported by western uh rulers and how how how effective do you think social media has been mr showt in bringing the palestinian u cause and the atrocities committed against them to light because it's getting harder and harder for the west to control the narrative for the regime to control the narrative you notice the palestinians online are winning the media campaign, but i guess the problem at this point is how do you turn that media campaign victory win into how does that translate into some kind of ending for the atrocities and the carnage and the massacres taking place in gaza, because that's where palestinians desperately need to win right now, the civilians there, of course palestinian don't need to do anything about the what's happening to them, just show what happening to them is enough to move the international.
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public opinion and that's what was social media succeeding before in in not allowing the or the bbc or the cnn all of them mixing up the narratives and shutting down the the palestinian and silence their voice we know that when breast tv itself suffered and was silenced on the sky network in uk and the west europe and north america because the... showing the truth about the cause of palestine and other causes which was weaponiz the the activist and the public opinion with the truth and this, i remember i called it like the spanish inquisition at the time, but the the as you are right in direct, what is the result of all of this, i seen a lot today like a group of lawyers, international
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lawyers are gathering and getting... lawyers to to be filing for war crimes and stuff like that against international community against entity and some western leaders, british an ex mp as well issued at the beginning of the letters to the sunak government, they gonna be after them and taking them for to court and they listed how in supporting genocide in in palestine, when you see the chancellor of germany even refusing uh the word seas fire, you understand how much they involve, there the german guilt want the they want the palestinians to pay for it, these guys, which is unbelievable, but the public opinion is massive, if you watch the london administration, people were saying around one and a half million were in there, and we see in heads already rolled in the uk today, as well rem the...