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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 12, 2023 12:30am-1:01am IRST

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your headlines on press tv, the israeli military has killed more than 11,100 palestinians in gaza, over 8,000 of them women and children with no letter in the bombings. the iranian president says the us is behind the israeli genocide against palestinians in gaza calling for the designation of the israeli military as a terrorist entity. and the secretary general of lebanon's hezbullah movement says the israeli unslaught in gaza is to underminend the resistance was a miscalculation.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran. thank you for joining us. israel's devastating war on gaza is entering this 37th day. palestinians are enjuring relentless bombings on civilian infrastructure, including residential buildings, schools, medical facilities everywhere in the besieged territory. seven people were killed in an air strike a house in beiglah local uh located in the northern part of the strip in gaza city operations have been suspended at als to
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hospital after it completely ran out of fuel. the israeli military has repeatedly targeted this hospital and other medical facilities over the past five weeks. the total death sold from the war is now at over 11,000. the majority of victims are women and children. hundreds of people are also missing under the rubble of bombed out buildings. according to reports, more than half of housing units in gaza are destroyed or damaged by the israeli bombings. gaza's health ministry says operations in shifa hospital complex, the largest in the gaza strip have been suspended after it ran out of fuel. the ministry says the hospital has lost this last lifeline, a small electric generator due to israeli attacks, it says the electricity cutoff and lack of medicine is taking a heavy toll on the patients. gaza health ministry says, wounded people are dying one after the other after another as the... staff struggled to
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save them by primitive methods. 39 babies have died recently due to the shortages. the ministry added that there are 2000 people in shifa hospital, including the staff, the displaced and the wounded people. now listen, let's listen to doctor in gaza as he describes the dial humanitarian situation in the palestinian territory, and calls on the international community to put an end to the israeli war crimes. so we sending call for the human community, this war crimes should stop, this should not happen in this century, and this is the last moment for the people in the icu, the united icu, if nobody put a pressure to stop this aggression and to provide some electricity and water to the of hospital, people in icu, people in the... new
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natal icu, they will face that soon, there is lack of medical staff, there is lack of electricity, there is lack of equipment, there is lack of everything, situation are disastrous, human community should move, healthcare worker in ghaza like any place in the world they have nothing with this conflict, they should be protected by the international law, we didn't saw any real action from the international organization, from the international community to provide any help to provide. protection for the medical staff and the hospitals. i'll tell you something, there is no real number even for the death, because there is too much dead people in the streets, around the hospital, nobody can give a real number, even the medical staff, doctors, nurses inside chifa hospital, some of them are staying with their families, some of them left, you know, you cannot even communicate with them to know who still there, who left, so the situation is.
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very critical, you know, there is too much claim that the paramedics are sometimes involved in this conflict, so they are directly targeted, so people who are just giving a pure. help also under very heavy pressure, they targeted many time as well, they cannot move, they cannot evacuate the injured people, they cannot evacuate the dead bodies, with the israeli onslaught in gaza entering his 37th day, a british doctor breaks down while reading emergency message from the director of al-shifa hospital in gaza, let's thick listen, we as medical staff want to leave, but we cannot, we might not survive until the morning.
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she's. for arabic for healing, healing, we might not survive till the morning, we don't want to be killed here, just only because we remains committed to our patients and our medical profession, i am calling for help urgently, please do whatever you can through your governments or the international, the icrc, the red cross to arrange safe corridor for the medical staff, please. please treat this as top urgent, this is the director of the major trauma hospital in gaza, fire now, sease fire now, sease fire now, sease fire now, fire now, shease fire now, fire now, now
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recording to... palestinian health ministry, three young palestinians have been killed by israeli forces in the occupied west bank city of janin. now let's cross over to ramala to a correspondent mona can deal for more details. moona, glad you can make it. now mona, a while attention has been uh on the war in gaza, there has been a rise in violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank. israeli army uh used jeeps and boldosers, they've raided the city of janin. i believe it was from the northern side of the city. one of the names that i have is amir al-qai, i believe he was 19 years old, can you keep updates with the latest? yes, exactly, one of the palestinian marters is 19 year old amir mahar al-qaisi, israeli forces
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raided jan city and its refugee camp and the operation is still going on, the residents of jin are expecting that the operation will might last for several hours, especially that the israeli armored vehicles had been accompanied with buldoss and this means destruction, more destruction in the jen refugee camp. so far the israelis had destroyed infrastructure and roads and shops there in the refugee camp of genny clashes had erupted between palestinian fighters and the israeli forces. the israelies had killed one palestinian in the refugee camp of jin, three others had been seriously wonded, so the palestinian ministry of health declared that in genan refugee camp only one palestinian was killed, the three others are in serious condition, this means that we
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expect unfortunately that any of those palestinians might succum to their injuries, before the reid to general refugee camp, israeli forces had raided the earlier. the town of arabe south jinin and in order claiming they wanted to arrest palestinians there during this operation israeli forces as usual they use their guns to shoot and kill palestinians they killed a palestinian 23 year old wesam humran from the uh town of arabi and palestinians immediately uh organized the funeral procession and this young man was buried in the... town of arabi, since the beginning of the israeli war on the gaza strap, israel has killed so far 186 palestinians, some of them were shut and killed by the israeli sitlers as well across
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the occupied west bank. moona, i believe there was also or there has been an israeli curfu on enough for more than these 36 or 37 days, how does that operate? exactly, the one hand, military is still going on with their massacres and genocide and... war on the people of the ghaza strip and on the other hand, israel and the israeli military was escalating their military measures here in the occupied west bank, several metal gates had been brought to the entrances to numerous villages and towns as well as earth mounts and huge cement blocks in order to surround these villages, mainly those villages and towns that are adjacent to the... legal settlements, so on the one hand they would control the palestinians more and on the
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other hand they will prevent the freedom of movement and prevent palestinians to take part in any anti israeli activities whether operations or peaceful demonstrations or even reaching to the illegal settlements and the military checkpoints. at the same time, there is the the hawara military checkpoint has been closed, so palestinians who wants to... travel to northern the occupied west bank like to travel to jeneen, totul karam, nablas and qalkilia, they have to travel very long distance that would last for several hours and at the same time they will be faced by numerous military check points where the israeli forces would stop the vehicles and check people and decide who would be allowed to enter these cities or not anyways the village of huara that is adjacent to the illegal military checkpoint had been closed since they were on the goza strip, all shops,
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businesses had been closed, even schools, there people are not allowed to move, they are not allowed to travel on the main road of hawara, elsewhere in the occupied west bank, like the town of hizma, also a major checkpoint had been set there and all the entrances to hizma are being closed. the israels might close these entrances for several days and then they will decide to open it or for several only for several hours at the same time the milit checkpoint of colandia that is the only entrance to alkuts that palestinians originally from alkuts who work in the occupied west bank are not allowed to enter al-quts using the collondia military checkpoint but only for two hours very early in the very early hours of the morning sometimes before dawn palestinians from the occupied west bank who usually need
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to get the special israeli issued permit and this is almost impossible for the palestinians to get are not allowed to enter alqs for any reason whether whether to go and work there or to visit a aqsa mosk and the city itself and as we are speaking now i want to mention something that the protestant demonstrations are taking place in tel aviv against israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and these protests are urging netanyahu to release the their hostages or their prisoners that had been detained by the resistance groups in the gazister at the same time some clashes has been taking place according to the israeli media between pro and anti in netanyahu demonstrators mono or the demonstrators palestinians i think they are israelis yeah exactly netanyahu and the
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israeli regime and also the families of those israeli israels who had been detained by the palestinian resistance yesterday a similar demonstration had also taken a place in tel aviv and the israeli police literally attacked those israeli settlers and they were ordering them to be dispersed and to return home, at the same time, netanyahu, there was a press conference before we started, he claimed that the most important thing for him is to return the prisoners back to their families, but at the same time he is saying he will not allow hamas movement or the resistance groups in the ghaza strip to achieve any kind of victory and that he expects that the war on the gaza strip will... continue until he completely finishes and fights the hamamas movement. thank you
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mona, stay safe our very own monandial from ramala with the latest from the occupied territories. now iran's president ibrahim raisi says the united states is the root cause of all israeli atrocities perpetrated against the palestinian people in the besieg gaza strip. the united states is the main instigator and partner in this crime. israel is the illegitimate child of the united states, it is the united states that has preferred supporting the israeli regime to the lives of palestinian children by holding its emergency security cabinet in the occupied territories, the united states encouraged israel to commit crimes against innocent civilians in gaza and call that
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legitimate self-defense. gracy said the americans are providing israel with billions of dollars to commit crimes against palestinians. the president lashed out at israel saying the regime is using internationally banned white phosphorus bombs and threatening palestinian civilians with nuclear bombs with the aim of committing genocide against them. president raisi called for an international embargo on israel and urged muslim countries to designate israeli military as a terrorist group. he said the regime must be brought to justice in a... international court over his crimes against palestinian people. racey made the remarks during a joint summit of arab league and the organization of islamic countries in the saudi capital riyad. other world leaders including palestinian president mahmoud abbas also addressed the session. in his address to the summit, abbas called on the united nations security council to stop the israeli onslaught in gaza. we request the security
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council to. abide by its responsibilities to stop this this aggression immediately and to allow the institution of of medical supplies and food supplies and to provide water and electricity and food into gaza and to stop the forced displacement of the palestinian people in gaza and the the west bank and seeing an unmatched genocidal war by the israeli regime. abbas said israeli actions in the besege gaza strip and across the occupied territories amount to clear violation of international and humanitarian law. the president said palestinians need international protection in the face of israely attacks including the desecration of muslim's holy sites. he also noted that palestinians will not negotiate when it comes
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to the inalionable rights. the uh iran's president has met with leaders of several regional countries on the side lines of the joint oic arab league summit in the saudi capital riyadh ibrahim raisi has reiterated the need to provide humanitarian aid to the people across gaza amit the relentless israeli bombardment in a meeting with syrian president bashar al-assad ray called for an immediate hall to israeli attacks on residential buildings, the reopening of rafaq crossing and expanding the scope of humanitarian aid to the people. in gaza. raisi also met with egyptian president abdulfat. during the meeting, president raisi said, israel and the united states are blocking efforts to reopen the rafa crossing, stressing that measures have to be taken to overcome that matter. the iranian president also met with saudi crown prince muhammad bin salman, where the two officials discussed in gaza, discussed the latest situation in gaza
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along with other regional and international developments. the leader of lebanon's resistance movement hezbollah says israel's brutal bombing of the ghaza strip is aimed at crushing the will of resistance forces. sasan nasrulah says that's another israeli miscalculation. they say that all of this killing and this terrorism and this torture and brutality, they say it all has a goal. it's not just revenge. it's not just an expression of rage, psychological act, the aim is to break the will of the demands of legitimate rights, to make people lose hope in the choice of resistance and set fastness, to push people towards surrender and to promote the culture of surrender and to say
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that the cost of resistance and demanding our rights is too heavy, and so you must stop. speaking in a televas speech, nasaralah said israel aims to send message to palestinians that they have no option, but to abandon their land and their sanctities. he said the regime also wants to subjucate the people of lebanon and push them to stop demanding their legitimate rights and stop resisting israel. however, nasa said the israeli attacks only strengthen the resolve of palestinian resistance fighters to eliminate the entity. these zius, it's as if they forgot what they did to the palestinian people ever since the 1940s, the massacres committed in daddy reaching up and till today the massacres committed day, the demolish of homes, the displacement, the demographic changes, the killings which are carried out for 75 years,
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what was the result of all of this? was the result the palestinian people backing down, the lebanese leader said the israeli attacks put on display the regime's barbaric nature, and this is tilting global public opinion against the regime. he said israel is now deploying its leat brigades to gaza and this is a sign of its weakness. nasaralah also said no one supports the continuation of israeli aggression but the us and his allies. he said if the americans want operations against them in iraq and syria to stop, they must stop the war on gaza. he also touched on the arab islamic summit that was held in the south in saudi arabia on saturday. nasrulah said 57 members of the oic can open crossings to allow aid, medicine, water, fuel to reach gaza, meanwile hundreds of thousands of protesters in britain's capital, london have
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held a rally to condemn israel's crimes in the gaza strip. london police says that an estimated 300,000 people marched towards the us embassy in the city. the rally dipped the national march for palestine was organized by the stock to war coalition. protesters called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, elsewhere in edinburgh crous descended on the city center in a pro- palestine march, in the irish capital... as well as thousands of people called for the expulsion of the israeli ambassador to ireland. demonstrators express solidarity with palestinians. they also slam their
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government's support for the regime. the regime's genocide in gaza has prompted people from around the world to hit to the hit the streets and voice their support for the palestinian people. protests in canada continue against the genocide of palestinians. four different weapons plants and facilities have. blocked and production disrupted. they belong to l3 harris and lockhead martin, whose components and weapon systems are being used to slaughter palestinians in gaza. yeah, lot of canadians think of their country as as a peace-loving country. in fact, canada last year, 2022, sent over $21 million dollars in military goods and technology to the state of israel, and that includes everything from bombs and munitions to uh targeting systems. l3 harris. uh produces number of kind of components that are used in the jdam bomb, which is manufactured by boing, which is used by the israeli defense forces, uh, the f-35 uh
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fighter jet, which is used by the israeli air forces in the air assault on gaza, l3 harris produces components for the f-35 as well. activists say that canada is complicit and the widesspread abuses directed against palestinian civilians and they're demanding that ottawa suspend all military assistance and arm sales to israel. we need to stop funding, this is really genocide, we need to uh put arms embargos on israel, we need to stop awarding contracts to companies like this that are directly supporting the ethnic cleansing of palestinians. we are demanding canada end its complicity in the the genocide that's unfolding in palestine and in gaza in particular. we are calling for the uh lifting the siege on gaza and we are demanding for immediate and unconditional seasefire. so we're here to tell canadians, we're here to tell the world that canada is complicit in the assault on gaza, complicit ethnic cleansing, complicit in the occupation and in israeli apartide. i want to stop seeing
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israeli products on our shelves and i want to stop seeing canadian products being directly used in the murder, the mass murder of palestinians. these actions follow a month of non-stop protest, including a recent rush-hour takeover of toronto's union station. canada's busy transportation hub led by jewish organizations demanding an end to the sige on gaza. activists here say they won't turn their backs on the horrors we are witnessing in palestine and say they'll continue blocking arms factories and shipments and maintain pressure to hold ottawa accountable. camelante, press tv, toronto. and with that we come to the end of this bulletin. thank you for being with us, take care and by.
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احنا بن بنيجي هنا عشان اهلينا محتاجين 90% من الاطفال اللي بيعملوا في قطاع غزه هو بيعمل عند اللي هو قريبه من الدرجه الاولى يعني يا عند ابوه يا عنده انا بطلت من المدرسه عشان اجيب لك هي كمان ماكينه وهي مكينه هنا واقع كله واقف هو المصنع كان يعني زي ما تقول كان في حوالي 15 عامل او 12 عامل بعد الحصار والهذا كله وقف هناك ما يقرب من 35 الفريج موجودين عاطلين عن العمل
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the first will coverage of this assination of sulamani now entering its uh fourth day. we're looking at uh.
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news and brief for this hour is really strikes target alb school in gaza killing about 50 people, over dozen civilians also lost their lives as a regime shell several buildings of shifa hospital. complex. israeli snipers killed one person and injured 20 others in auckwarts hospital. the regime forces open fire on his intensive care unit. the international committee of the red cross has warned that the health system in the besieg gaza strip has reached the point of no return. the authorities says hospital supplies are running out and is becoming increasingly unsafe to work as healthcare staff.