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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 11, 2023 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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of impressive headlines death for israel's onside on the gaza strips forpasses 11,000 mainly women and children as a regium continues targeting hospitals and schools. officials and international bodies have warned the health system in gaza has reached a point of no return and hundreds of pro-palestinian protestors blocked entrances to factory of the uk's largest arms manufacturer condemning its supply of weapons to israel.
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hello everyone, thanks for tuning in to press tv world news, our top story, 35 days and counting since israel launched its devastating onslot on the besieg gauza strip, schools, hospitals and civilian areas are still the prime targets of the regime's relentless attacks. in this later strike, israel targeted alburak school in gazo city killing about 50 people. israel also bombed several buildings of largest shifa hospital complex killing 14 people there. israeli snipers also killed a person and injured 20 others at alts hospital. the palestine red creson says israeli forces open fire on intensive care unit at that hospital. israeli strikes also targeted displaced palestinians on salah aldeen street. the targeted civilians were moving from the north to the south. upon israel's evacuation warnings, in
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the ruined jabala refugee camp, israel killed at least 10 palestinians, hamasa slammed, israeli attacks on civilians as a disgrace in the face of humanity. it says palestinians will not be defeated by israel's quote, fascist actions. meanwhile, un palestinian refugee agency said at least hundred of its staff members have lost their lives in israeli strikes since early october. devastated, over 100 unrua colleagues confirmed killed in one month, parents, teachers, nurses, doctors, support staff, head of the un, palestinian refugee agency urged israel to stop the carnage in gaza, israel's killed more than 11,000 palestinians, mostly women and children since early october. lawyers representing a large
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group of palestinian ngos have filed complaint with the international criminal court over what they see as genocide in gaza. the international committee of the red cross warren's healthcare system in gaza has reached a point of no return. now the committee says hospital supplies are running out and it is becoming increasingly unsafe to work for healthcare staff. this comes as head. the world health organization says half the hospitals in gaza are not functioning one bit. since the 7th of october who has verified more than 250 attacks on healthcare in gaza and the west bank hospitals, clinics, patients, ambulances. last week, who documented five attacks on five hospitals. in
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one day, in the past 48 hours alone, four hospitals have been put out of action, half of the gaza strip 36 hospitals and two thirds of its primary healthcare centers are not functioning at all, those that are functioning, the who chief also said those hospitals that are functioning are operating way. beyond their capacities, he also said average a child is killed every 10 minutes in the coastal territory. tedros added that one and a half million people have so far been displaced, he said they're looking for shelter anywhere they can find it, though nowhere and no one is safe. now hospitals have become regular targets of israeli bombing. on friday and israeli strike at gaza city's biggest hospital al-shifa which left at least 13 palestinians dead. palestinian
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read cressent has called on the un security council to ensure delivery of unconditional humanitarian aid and fuel to the besieg gaza of strip. mr. president, we call on the security council and the international community at large, one, to ensure effective and immediatefire is enforced. to ensure fuel gets into gaza immediately to prevent additional unnecessary deaths and sufferings. increase humanitarian aid and ensure that unconditional humanitarian aid gets to the north of gaza. where where tens of thousands of people are still there and have no safe places to go to. ensure respect for international humanitarian law and the protection of medical missions and civilians in all parts of ghaza. ensure hospitals
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continue to function with the needed support of fuel, medicine, medical supplies and to allow medical teams to enter gaza, to relieve the teams who have been working. tirelessly 24/7 for the past 35 days. the un human rights chief has held a press conference on the situation in gaza and jordan's capital. volker turk called for a probe into israel bombing of densely populated areas in gaza. he also called for immediate humanit assistance to gazens. samp. hospitals, including al-kutz and al-shifa hospitals have also received specific evacuation orders in addition to the general evacuation orders to all of northern residence of gaza, but such evacuation, as the world health organization has warned, is death sentence in a context
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where the entire medical system is collapsing, and hospitals in southern gaza have no capacity to absorb more patients, demands for civilians to relocate to an idf designated so-called safe zone are also very alarming. a so-called safe zone when established unilaterally can heighten risks to civilians and raises real questions as to whether security can be guaranteed in practice. at the moment, nowhere in gaza is safe, as bombardments are being reported in all parts of the strip. stop the violence. guarantee the safety of humanitarian workers, provide safe access to ensure that assistance, humanitarian assistance can be delivered to all those in need, make sure that people have enough eat, clean water, to drink, medical care and shelter, the solution
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to this situation is the end of the occupation and full respect for the right to self-determination for palestinians, as i have said time and again, for the violence to end, the occupation needs to end. the senior representative of hamas in lebanon is called on muslim arab states to take a practical action against israel, as a regime continues killing palestinians in the besieg ghaza strip. osama hamdan said, it is unacceptable for arab states to have relations with tel aviv. he called on those countries to cut ties with the regime and stop the process of normalization. hamdan also called on the international community to hold israel to account over its crimes against palestinians. hamas representative reiterated the movement will not give up the fight against occupation. hundreds of pro palesty and protestors block entrances to the factory of
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the uk's largest arms manufacturer, condemning its supply of arms to the israeli regime. what do we want fire? when do we want it now? how many kids have you killed today? what do you say? how many kids have you killed today? we're standing here in front of bae systems in britain because this company manufactures parts of f35 war planes which the israeli occupation forces are currently using to commit a genocide against the people of usa. we're starting to build, we're seeing more and more groups autonomously decide that they want to do this kind of action. we're seeing people abroad decide they want to do this kind of action. this is one of series of many actions, it's a growing movement. we need to be the headache that they don't want to have so that they will, these people just want to make money, they don't care about these things, they just want to make money and if we make this too difficult for them and we make it not profitable, they'll start
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doing something else instead. and speaking of war planes, you can see breaking news, we're just talking about how they're protesting outside the... this factory that produces uh f35 parts now you can see seven people have just been killed as is really warplanes that bombed a palestinian home in bait lah north the enclave there. demonstrators held palestinian flags in large banners reading this factory arms genocide. a protesters also called on british authorities to end armed sales to israel and support immediate ceasefire. bae system site in rochester kent reportedly makes parts for israel's most advanced fighterjet the f-35. the supreme follow-up committee of the palestinian revolutionary factions organized. major protest in yarmuk camp on friday to support the resistance and condemn the massacre
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committed by the israeli regime against defenseless civilians in gaza. we assure our people in gaza that we stand with them resiliently sharing their wounds and pain. we tell the occuping entity that we will liberate alaksamask and meet our people in palestine. we pledge to the resistance front to pray in al-quts. they defeated israeli. occupation is taking revenge by killing children and women and historically destroying humanity. we, the islamic jihad algots brigades abroad, wow to inter palestine and liberated, as we promised to eliminate israel. with unbidled fury, demonstrators burned the israeli flag, confirming that the resilient resistance front has proven that american threats no longer intimidate anyone and vowed to defend palestine with their lives until liberation. as the police... in resistance and sayid nasrulah have stated, let america come, so we will fight our main and fundamental enemy. we
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are not afraid of america's intimidations, as it is more cowardly than waging a war. we call on everyone and every country capable of doing anything to imagine their children thirsty, dismumberembered, lying in a hospital or buried under rabble. protesters called on international community to assume its human responsibility by ending the brutal. israeli aggression on gaza and lefting the sige imposed on its people. syrians and palestinians gathered today to tell the world that palestine is beacon that will never fade and the people of gaza will never capitalate despite the tremendous western support for the israeli atrocities committed against them. ibrahim wah dist tv damaskus. crows of yemenes took to the streets of the capital sana after friday prayers. to reaffirm their... solidarity with palestinians and to condemn the brutal israeli aggression on beseeged gaza strip.
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israel's bombardment of gaza, which started over a month ago, has claimed the lives of more than 11,00 palestinians, most of whom, women and children. we came out today to express our support for the palestinian resistance fighters and to show our solidarity with palestinian civilians who are being killed by all types of... israeli weapons, my message to the arab leaders who have normalized ties with israel, you will suffer great consequences from your people and from the entire muslim world. the participants in the friday demonstration also expressed their support for the yemeny army's latest missile and drown attacks which targeted the city of ilat in the south of occupied palestine and forced israeli schools to close. temporarily, we indeed fired our cruise and ballistic missiles at tel aviv and
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ilot, and they reached their targets. we also shot down a us spider on over yemen's territorial waters. the americans initially denied this, but we proved that to the word and released that video which forced them to later admit the truth. the speaches delivered at the rally stressed that it is a religious duty for yemen's armed forces to continue targeting the... despite any consequences yemen may face. as long as yemen defies us and continues to launch attacks against israel. there is a high possibility that yemen could soon be targeted by israeli and american fighter jets, but according to abdul malik althi, the leader of yemen's revolution movement, yemen will be ready at the time. as the yemeni military spokesperson has confirmed, yemen will continue to launch drone and ballistic. misiles towards israel until seasfire is reached. the yemani army is
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also considering targeting western military warships that are currently patrolling in the red sea. yusuf maudi, press tv, more and more demonstrations in condemnation of the israeli blood bathh in gaza and in support of the palestinians are taking place across. italy, on friday, the palestinian community of rome called a new demonstration dubbed, stop the genocide of the palestinians, which sew hundreds of people gathering near the italian capital's largest. university, the organizers the rally said that the attention on the slower of thousands of palestinian civilians in the gaza strip must remain high. definitely all these demons have force our mainstream media to keep the focus on palestine, people are with us. unfortunately
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we have not obtained much yet, at political level, despite israel's repeated war crimes. now the people are not just following our mainstream media but also other outlets and finally they're understanding what's going on more than 30 pro-palestine rallies have been held in italian large and small cities since the start of the israeli onslot in gaza four weeks ago. earlier this week some students from a high school in naples. displayed a gigantic palestinian flag and banners calling on israel to stop bombing gaza. what about the innocent palestinians who were killed in the past years before the ongoing onslot? the israeli's attack must stop now. a cess fire must be called immediately. meanwhile, the number of palestinians killed in israeli
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bombardments in the gaza strip as risen to over 11, 4,500 of whom are. also on friday, hundreds of italian dock workers in the city of genoa stage their rally against the ongoing genocide in gaza, they refused to load weapons on cargo ships to be used by israel against palestinians, max chivili, press tv, rome. saudi arabia is about to host a joint summit of the organization of... islamic cooperation and the arab league in just few hours to discuss israel's aggression on the gaza strip. a saudi for ministry says emergency summit will be held in response to the exceptional circumstances in the palestinian territory. ministry says member states feel they need to adopt a unified stance on developments in gaza. several muslim leaders have already arrived in saudi
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arabia to attend the summit. iranian president ibrahim race is also scheduled to leave tehran for. on saturday to participate in the meeting. the palestinian resistance movement hamas has conducted retiratory attacks against tel aviv and other areas deep and occupied territories. the military wing of hamas, the al-kassan brigades conducted missile and artillery strikes on tel aviv, the settlements of meftahim and nirim, as well as raim military base near gaza. the israel media confirmed sound. of sirens in tel aviv, ashtad and other central areas. number of settlers were injured in the attacks. meanwhile palestinian resistance fighters continued to engage invading israeli troops in several areas inside of gaza. fighters conducted drone and artillery strikes on gatherings of israeli soldiers. they also destroyed a number of their tanks. the al casan brigades have destroyed 141
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israeli tanks and military vehicles in gaza since start of the israeli ground incurs. in late october, israele media said 36 regime troops have also been killed so far in their ground operation. the resistance however says death toll is much higher. lebanon's resistance moving hezbollah says attack several israeli military positions. now a group said guided missiles and artillery were used to hit the al-asi military site. the resistance movements also said three combat drones hit israel infantry unit yeftash and two contingents of israeli soldiers in different areas near the lebanese border. this as the israeli military has launched a heavy artillery shelling of areas near the towns of marwahin, albustan and ramya in southern lebanon. hezbol has warned scope of its response will be twice the intensity of
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any israeli shelling that target civilians. now since the beginning of the israelian bombardment of the gazo strip on october 7. hezboles targeted several israeli positions near the lebanese border in retaliatory strikes. india has tightened its grip on pro-palestine protest across the country in the bid to extend support for israel. in recent weeks scoress of palestinian protesters have been charged and detained for the participation and protest against israeli aggression and carnage in the gaza strip. mon reports from new delhi. calls are growing across the globe against israel's aggression on the besieged gaza strip with many calling it a planned genocide by the regime. in india, however, the government of the ruling bharatiya janata party rarely allows any pro- palestine rallies, citing threat to communal harmony, law and order. many politicians and
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activists have criticized the move as unconstitutional. there is an alliance, there is a shift in bjp's you know policy towards israel and palestine. i mean every prime minister right from jawaharlal nehru, even vajpayi. everybody supported palestine cause, they said you can't allow the invader to benefit out of his invasion, that's what israel has done to palestine. before the emergence of the ruling bjp in india, all the political parties and successive governments have always supported the palestinian cause. india was the first non-arab country to recognize the palestine liberation organization in 1970 and has ever since advocated two. state solution, but when the bjp came to power, there was a shift in alignment with india expressing strong support for israel and abstaining from voting for sease fire in gaza. analysts say india
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being the largest buyer of israeli weapons and their growing partnership reflects that shift in alignment. observers say israelis are using islamaphobic propaganda to justify their bloodshed in the besieged gaza strip. calling it crackdown on terrorism. it is, however deliberate military onslot on innocent palestine in women and children, action which is prohibited by international law and rules of engagement. india condemned the october 7 attack by hamas resistance movement, expressing solidarity with israel. you delhi is also boring any gathering in solidarity with gaza. in recent weeks, many activists. and students have been detained while scores face police actions for their social media posts in support of palestine. israel we came to show solidarity with the
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people of gaza and to protest against how israel is dropping bombs on the innocent people of the occupied territory slaughtering mercilessly. israel is a war criminal. netan yahu is a war criminal. he should be brought to the international court of justice and should be hanged for savage politics of patronizing the west. actives say the shift in india's policy towards palestine could potentially be rewarding for the ruling bjp to secure a third term as general elections are due in may 2024. the shift also resonates with how indian tv channels are covering the war on gaza from an israeli narrative. this is in line with bjp's potential voters on social media to stoke anti-muslim sentiments which in the past help the ruling bjp come into. powerzaman press tv new delhi efforts of iranian experts espan petrol refining
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company has succeeded in refining diesel and turning it into a product with global standards and its diesel hydro treating unit, unit is not operational despite crippling western sanctions against the country. another huge project by iran. experts, this time in one of the country's industrial hops, isfahan, diesel hydro treating unit, which is devised to protect the environment and generate significant profit for the country, has become operational. we are trying to make green products that comply with global standards, we have programs that increase the profit of the refinery up to four times. we have used iranian experts in all our projects and we can share this knowledge with the world. thousands of young people are working in this refinery and we are improving our economy. the daily production of 16 million
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lits of diesel and clean fuel that comply with the euro-5 standards prevents the daily emission of 300 tons of sulfur in the air of the country's metro policies. comprehensive environmental plans have been implemented in this reform we need to improve the quality of our products in order to eliminate the air pollution caused by them. we have been producing high quality gasoline for years and now we have put refined diesel into use. the large project has been implemented with investment of $511 million dollars. it is expected to bring in 200. 63 million dollars worth of profit per year. this project that is eco-friendly and fully indigenous has been underway despite the unilateral western
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sanctions. against the country, farzan ashuri on press tv, isfahan, that's it for your latest on pres tb everyone, thanks for joining us and staying tuned and goodbye for now. احنا بنيجي هنا عشان اهلينا محتاجين 90% من الاطفال اللي بيعمله في قطاع غزه هو بيعمل عند اللي هو قريبه من الدرجه الاولى يعني يا عند ابوه يا عند انا بطلعت من المدرسه عشان اجيب لك خليه مصاحه وعشان اشتطي ابوي اللي ببطن. هي
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كمان ماكينه وهي ماكيينه هنا واقع كله واقف هذا مصنع كان يعني زي ما تقول كان في حوالي 15 عامل او 12 عاما بعد الحصار والهذا كله وقف هناك ما يقرب من 35 الفريج موجودين عاطلين عن العمل.
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israely targets uh the alparock school killing over 50 people in gaza, over dozen civilians also lost their lives as a regime continues shelling several buildings of the shifa hospital complex, israeli snipers killed one person, injured 20 others in alcuds hospital, regime forces also open far on its intensive care unit, the international committee, the red cross has warned helsa samen gaza has reached a point of no return, authority says hospital supplies are running out and it is becoming increasingly unsafe to work for healthcare staff. a senior amos official says muslim and arab states need to take practical action against israel.