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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 10, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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the headlines, the death toll from israel's onslot on the gauza strip surpasses 11,000. the palestinian resistance moving and hamas calls on muslim states to stop normalization of ties with israel over the regime's atrocities in gaza and worldwide rallies are underway in solidarity with palestinians with protesters condemning the israeli regime's genocide of the people of gaza.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 9:30 p.m. here in the iranian capital texaran you're watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour, 35 days in counting since israel launched its onslot on the besideged gaza strip, schools, hospitals. and civilian areas remain the prime target of the regime's relentless attacks, in its latest strike, israel targeted al-buraq school in gaza city, killing about 50 people. israel also bombed several buildings in of the largest um shifa hospital complex killing 14 people. israeli snipers also killed at least one person and injured 20. hospital, the palestine red
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cressen society says israeli forces have opened fire on the intensive care unit at the hospital. israeli strikes also targeted displaced palestinians uh on the salahaen street, the regimes indiscriminated bombing even targets those palestinians moving from the north to the south upon israel's evacuation warnings. in the ruined jabala refugee camp, israel killed at least 10 palestinians, meanwhile the un. palestinian refugee agency said at least 100 of its staff members have lost their lives in israeli strikes since early october. devastated, over 100 unrua colleagues confirmed killed in one month, parents, teachers, nurses, doctors, support staff. the head of the un palestinian refugee agency urged israel to stop the carnage in gaza, israel. has killed more than
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11,00 palestinians, mostly women and children since early october, lawyers representing a large group of palestinian ngos have filed the complaint with the international criminal court over what they see as the genocide in gaza. we build our cases and gradually make our voices heard. we'll talk about it again, but never theless, what we saw after few days made us think that we were moving on. this was no longer just a military. operation with his abuses, which would amount to war crimes, we decided that it was beginning to look very much like an act of genocide, and when i say genocide as detailed in the complaint, that is here and that i have sent everyone, it's not a philosophy, it's not a thought, it's not even historical reference, genocide is what the treaties say and what international case law says, the un human rights chief has held a press conference. on the situation in
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gaza and jordan's capital m1, volker turk has called for immediate humanitarian assistance to gaza. samp hospitals, including al-kuts and al-shifa hospitals have also received specific evacuation orders in addition to the general evacuation orders to all of northern residents of gaza. but such evacuation, as the world health organization has warned, is death sentence. a context where the entire medical system is collapsing and hospitals in southern gaza have no capacity to absorb more patients. demands for civilians to relocate to an idf designed so-called safe zone are also very alarming. a so-called safe zone when established unilaterally can heighten risks to civilians and raises real questions as to whether security can be. guaranteed in
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practice, at the moment, nowhere in gaza is safe, as bombardments are being reported in all parts of the strip, stop the violence, see the safety of humanitarian workers, provide safe access to ensure that assistance, humanitarian assistance can be delivered to all those in need, make sure that people have enough eat, clean water to drink, medical care and shelter. the solution to this situation is the end of the occupation and full respect for the right to self-determination for palestinians. as i have said time and again, for the violence to end, the occupation needs to end. israel's repeated threats to the people in gaza to evacuate their homes of already sparked international criticism, but the regimes are relamings of the palestinian territory force tens of thousands of people to flee from
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northern gaza to the southern part of the besieg territory. let's listen to palestinians recounting or as they left their homes. na طلعna menak, we left the area due to the intense bombardment, we had been holding on there for 32 days, yesterday we made the decision to leave because the bombing was very intense, they show no mercy, among the displaced are young and elderly women, individuals have lost their legs and their children who are too exhausted sitting on the ground, some are carrying their mothers and they are unsure aware to seek refuge. we've lost our homes, we've lost our children, where is the global community? where are our fellow muslims? look at us, we are muslims, just like you. we are not infidels. where can the people take refuge? they are living in tense in the streets. we left our homes due to the relentless
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bombardment. where can we go now? the senior representative of hamas and lebanon has called on muslim and arab states to take practical action. against israel is the regime continues killing palestinians in the besieged gaza strip. osama hamdan said it's quote unacceptable for arab state stav relations with israel. he called on those countries to cut ties with the regime and stop the normalization process. hamdon also called on the international community to hold israel to account over its crimes against the palestinians a hamas representative reiterated the movements will not give up the fight against the occupation. international outrage continues to grow against israel's insanity of relentless bombardment of the besieged gauza strip,
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hundreds of palestinians in the cities of ramala and alkhadi in the occupied west bank. demonstrated in support of gaza. in iran's capital tehran demonstrators waved palestinian flags in solidarity with the oppressed people of gaza and bahrain pro-palestinian protesters demanded the closure of israel's embassy and the permanent expulsion of the regime's ambassador. a similar mass of protest was also held in the qatari capital doha, the jordanian capital. aman also witnessed the public display of anger with the crimes of the israeli regime against palestine. jordanians demanded immediate and to the carnage undertaken by israel in gaza.
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thousands of yemanies also hit the streets and droves in support of the people of gaza. they chanted pro-palestinian slogans while holding anti-israeli banners. meanwhile in manhattan new york. pro palestine american demonstrators occupied the lobby of the new york times building. they called for immediate ceasefire in gaza. they also accused the leading us newspaper of bias in favor of israel in the coverage of the gaza crisis and in brazil hundreds of protesters burn the flags of israel in the united states outside the us consult in rio de janeiro. india has tightened its grip on pro-palestine protests across the country in a bit to extend its support for. israel in recent weeks scores of palestinian supporters have been charged and detained for their participation in protes against israeli aggression and carnage in the gaza strip one reports from new delhi. calls a growing across the globe against israel's aggression
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on the besieged gaza strip with many calling it a planned genocide by the regime. in india however, the government of the ruling bharatiya janata party rarely allows any prop. rallies, citing threat to communal harmony, law and order. many politicians and activists have criticized the move as unconstitutional. "there is an alliance, there is a shift in bjp's you know policy towards israel and palestine, i mean every prime minister right from jawaharlal nehru, even vajpayi, everybody supported palestine cause, they said you know you can't allow the invador to benefit out of its invasion, that's what israel has done to palestine. before the emergence of the ruling bjp in india, all the political parties and successive governments have always quoted the palestinian cause. india was the first non-arab country to recognize the palestine
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liberation organization in 1970 and has ever since advocated two-state solution. but when the bjp came to power, there was a shift in a linement with india expressing strong support for israel and abstaining from voting for seasfire in gaza. analis say india being the largest buyer of israeli weapons and their growing partnership reflects that. shift in alignment, observers say israelis are using islamophobic propaganda to justify their bloodshed in the besieged ghaza strip, calling it crackdown on terrorism. it is, however deliberate military onslot on innocent palestinian women and children, action which is prohibited by international law and rules of engagement. india condemns the... october 7 attack by hamas resistance movement, expressing solidarity with israel.
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new delhi is also barring any gathering in solidarity with gaza. in recent weeks, many activists and students have been detained while schools face police actions for their social media posts in support of palestine. israel, we came to show solidarity with the people of gaza and to protest against how israel is dropping bombs on the innocent people of the occupied territory slot mercilessly, israel is a war criminal, netanyahu is a war criminal, he should be brought to the international court of justice and should be hanged for savage politics of patronizing the west, activists say the shift in india's policy towards palestine could potentially be rewarding for the ruling bjp to secure a third term as general elections are due in may 2024. the shift also resonates with how indian tv channels are covering the war on gaza from an israeli narrative, this is in line with bjp's potential voters on social media to stoke anti-muslim sentiments
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which in the past help the ruling bjp come into power. munaman press tv, new delhi. the palestinian resistance moven hamas has conducted retaliatory attacks against televiven other areas, deep in the occupied territories. the military wing of hamas assam brigades conducted missile and artillery. on tel aviv, the settlements of miftahib and nirim, as well as the raim military base near gaza, israely media confirmed the sound of sirens in tel aviv, ashd and other central areas. a number of settlers were also injured in the attacks. meanwhile palestinian resistance fighters continued to engage the invading israeli troops in several areas inside gaza, the fighters conducted drone and artillery strikes on the gatherings of israeli soldiers. they... also destroyed a number of israeli tanks, asan brigades has destroyed 141 israeli tanks and military
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vehicle in gaza, since the start of the ground incursion late october, israeli media say 36 regime troops have been killed in the ground operation, so far the resistance however says a death is much higher. palestinian resistance fighters in the gaza strip have inflicted heavy losses on the israeli military since the regime began its ground operation in the besieg territory they've destroyed dozens of israeli tanks and armored vehicles, the resistance movement hamas says it holds sway in gas and still determines a course of action in the besieg territory despite israel claiming otherwise. israel is pushing ahead with this genocidal
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war and the palestinian people on the gaza strip. regim forces appear to be in the process of cutting the gaza strip into two parts. the israeli strategy this past week seemed to be one of isolating and wearing down hamas, and other resistance groups in the northern third of the gaza strap. however, they have been met with stiff resistance from palestinian fighters, continue to inflict heavy losses on the occupying forces. palestinian resistance fighters say that they have destroyed dozens of israeli military vehicles. as part of their resistance against invading israeli forces since the start of the ground attack on the strip. regarding the the ground invasion, i can confirm with high confidence that the occupation forces suffered from major failure and suffered heavy losses in and soldiers in insuligers
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and tanks, al khassam brigades and the resistance factions continued. to resist and to stop the uh occupational forces in the ground and they succeeded in inflicting damage and losses on the occupation forces. gaza will remain a thorn in the throat of the occupation and we will continue to fight against the occupation. the spokesman for the al-qassam gates abu ubaida has said resistance fighters continue to confront israeli forces, penetrating the northern gaza strip and gaza city on all fronts. our sniper rifles continue to target israeli soldiers and artillery to destroy their fortifications, he said abubaada added that the brigades continued to fight the israeli aggression, including in the northwest and the south of gaza city, and in the north of the gaza strep. the spokesman noted that the latest achievements are only a small fraction of what resistance fighters have done to israeli forces. abu ubeida also touched upon
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the issue of israeli captives in the gaza strap. he said the only solution to that issue is a prisoner exchange deal. ان ملف الاسرى لا يزال حاضرا لدينا في تفاصيل هذه المعركه واننا نجدد تاكيدنا على ان المسار الوحيد والواضح لهذه القضيه هو صفقه لتبادل الاسررى بشكل شامل او مجزا israel claims its main objective of invading gaz is to finish which has ruled to sie territory for the past 15 years, prime minister benyamin antonio has claimed israel would maintain quote overall security responsibility for gaza for an indefinite period when the war ends, however it's believed that israel lacks a clear strategy for its military operation and will get bogged down in gaza. since the hamas surprise retaliatory attack against israel on
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october 7th, israel has relentlessly bombarded the gaza strip. the ground invasion which began on october. 27th is claimed to be aimed at eliminating hamas resistance movement from the gaza strip. still, israel has not eliminated hamas's ability to launch rockets, targeting military installations in israel, a rate of about dozen a day. hamas officials say resistance fighters are prepared for a long drawn outwar in the gaza strip against israel. the group is confidence that thousands of his fighters can survive for months in a city of tunnels, and frustrate israeli forces with urban gorilla tactics. it is believed that hamas is trying to bog israeli force. is down in street by street combat in gaza and inflict heavy casualties to weaken israeli public support for a drawnout conflict. according to some sources, hamas has about 40,000 fighters. they can move around using a vast web of fortified tunnels, hundreds of kilometers long, built over many years. it's now widely believed that the us, israel's stand is getting increasingly concerned, israel's lack
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of a clear strategy and an exit away from gaza. militarily, technologically, obviously the idea of is. one of the strongest militaries in the middle east and also in the world and hamas doesn't have air force, hamas cannot counter that, but once you go on the ground, the asymmetric advantage that israel has with reference to its iron d system or its air force or the kind of tnt that it has been dropping on gazza according to their own you know estimates 11 bombs, i mean sitting here, i cannot even imagine the kind of tnt that they have dropped there, right, but once you go in, you lose that asymmetric advantage, because now you going to go face to face, man to man, street to street, rubble to rubble, destroyed buildings to destroyed buildings. just days ago the us secretary of state anthony blincon said that israel must
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not reoccupy gaza. prime minister netanyahu's declaration that israel could assume responsibility for gaza security. quote for an indefinite period, has concerned the byden administration, the us which bears the ultimate responsibility for the gaza massacre, now appears to be nervous about israel's plans for a conflict gaza, so once the israelis go in on fort and as i said previously, where they have to face off, you know through infantry weapons and infantry weapons frankly even in 21st century are the essentially the same as they were in the 20th century, got assault rifles, you got side arms, you got shoulder fired rocket propel grenade launchers, hamas now also uses, you know innovatively these normally commercially available drones that they're using as direct attack munitions. thousands of palestinis a
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bit farewell to 14 people killed in israel's recent raid into the occupied west bank. morners gathered for the final procession in the jennin refugee camp waving palestinian flags on thursday's railey troops backed by armored vehicles and bulldozer storm the camp the regime forces targeted an ambulance israels stepped up its raids into palestinian towns in the west bank since the start of its latest war on the besieged gaza strip on the 7th of october over 180. palestinians have been killed by the regime forces and settlers in the west bank ever since. france has held
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an international conference to increase humanitarian assistance to palestine, but many say too little was produced and far too late. israel's month long sie bombardment and invasion of palestine is already created a full blown humanitarian crisis. romi mazer has more on the story. more than a month after israel's unprecedented illegal siege of gaza began, the west has hosted an international conference for humanitarian assistance to palestine for the first time. officials from over 50 countries, international agencies and ngos gathered in paris to increase the levels of urgent aid caused by israel's indiscriminate bombing, the murder of 11,000 palestinians and a refusal to allow even the most limiting food, water and medicine is collective punishment. it took many countries that have champion
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international justice too long to call for adherance to international human law. at the same time, several countries rushed to call for cutting aid to palestine, abruptly unplugging an entire system that depends on international aid to survive. french president emmanuel macron said that pledges amounting to $1 billion dollars were announced, but many in france say that's too little and too late. in all of our countries we we we've shown our governments how we feel and um obviously they're never going to respond to it as much as we'd like them to, but there is definitely a shifting consensus and that's why we're seeing our governments talking about these aid packages, it's important because you can no longer, you can no longer deny what's going on over death toll over 10, the european union often boass of being the largest western aid donor to palestine, but they have only sent $80 million dollars this year with $30 million
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dollars just announced. contrarily, last year the united states sent israel over 3 billion dollars and they are planning to send them over $14 billion dollars this year. 70% of gaza's population has been displaced, the healthcare system has been overwhelmed and routinely bombed. while food, water and fuel are at horrifically low, often non-existent levels. the pledges are the first public attempt of many western nations to show anything but unconditional support for tel aviv. france soutient. it breaks my heart when i see what palestinians are suffering. france must insist that israel at least allow medicine and humanitarian aid, and this is the very least. the form produced widespread accusations that israel has violated. international humanitarian law, and even macron conceded that israel cannot fight without rules. rommin masahery, press tv,
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paris. that's r for now, sticker on and be back on the top news and brief. crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, gaza under attack. make sure to join the show through facebook, twitter, only on press tv.
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سلام الله على زينب هي التي تحمينا نحن ساكنين حولها نحن مؤتمنين بها ودافع عن ارضنا وعن عرضنا وعن اقام يعني خلاص دخلنا بهذا الخط وما يعني ما فينا نتركه لهذا الخط انا بوقت الحاضر يعني انا سلاحي اني اخدم العالم بمجال بمجالي انا كطبيب احسن وكمان عندي سلاح ثاني من الدعاء يا زينبيك يا زينبيك يا زينب.
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every news channel claims that it covers the latest breaking news as we do, so that alone is not what sets press tv apart. what mainstream news outlets conveniently leave out, with breaking news from around the world. we are here to bring to you, we fill in the blanks. we are the other side of the story, the less represented side of the story. we are tellers of inconvenient truths. while they continue to silence our website, our live broadcast and our social media platforms are persistent always perseveres and it makes you wonder what is it we're saying that they don't want you to hear. we are the shadow band, we are the censored. we
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are the voice of the voiceless, we are press tv, press tv's news and brief the israeli regime has targeted yet another hospital and its latest strikes on the gaza strip, at least six people were killed when the al-shifa medical complex in gaza city was struck. rights groups have raised concerns about the safety of thousands of sililan sheltering at the facility. a senior hamas official says muslim and arab states need to take practical action against israel, osama hamdan says it's quote unacceptable for arab states to have relations with israel, he called on those countries to stop the normalization process with israel.