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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 10, 2023 9:30am-10:01am IRST

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israel targets patients and medical staff and its new attacks on hospitals in gaza, as a warrenters its 35th day. the world food program says population of gaza is facing mounnutrition and it israel's devastating siege of the territory. and prime minister says the country will continue to conf. front
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is israeli aggression on gaza and considers fighting the regime sacred duty for all of muslims and arabs. everyone, thanks for tuning in a press tv, world news. now more than a month into israel's war on. gaza, hospitals and civilian areas remain the prime targets of regime's relentless air strikes, the indonesian hospital in bait laa became the scene of panic and horror after surroundings were pounded by the regime.
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is strikes also hit two children's hospitals and gaza suspending services at the facilities, meanwile gaza's blood bank has been put out of service following a targeted israeli strike, that according to the palestinian health ministry, it warned hospitals in gaza could face power outages within the next hours and stop providing services. gaza's government media office has slammed israel strikes against hospitals as international crimes and violations of international law. meantime, civilians are evacuating northern gaza, heading south of the territory to flee the israely onslot. the current situation is just like the 1948, may god revenge on the united states of america. my message is to end the war and establish peace for everyone immediately. this is a
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crime. i left gaza and i'm now heading south on foot. i have diabetes and forgot to bring my insulin injection. i may die tomorrow. nearly 11, palestinians have been killed since israel launched its war on gaza on the 7th of october. many of the victims have been women and children. israel's accused of committing genocide in gaza, lawyers representing a large number of pales and ngos of... we build our cases and gradually make our voices heard. we'll talk about it again, but nevertheless, what we saw after few days made us think that we were moving on. this was no longer just a military operation with his abuses, which would amount to war crimes. we decided that it was beginning to look very of much like an act of genocide, and when i say genocide as detailed in the comp say and what
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international case law says, the food program is raised the alarm about the dar humanitarian situation in the besieg gaza strip said all the ghazas 2.3 million habitants lack sufficient food and face malnutrition, amid israel's devastating sie of the territory, it added 33% of gazans were food insecure before israel attacked the territory a month ago, and now all are food insecure. the administrator administrator of the un development program has also warned of rising poverty in occupied palestinian territories. i think after one month of this
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war now unfolding, first of all, what is quite clear is that top of the humanitarian crisis that the world has seen unfold in gaza right now? we also are beginning to see um the development crisis that follows the uh increase in poverty rates, the loss of gdp, the destruction in terms of infrastructure, housing units. now we are obviously just talking about gaza right now, there is also the west bank, different conditions, but equally, this is the palestinian economy so to speak. also the un agency. for palestinian refugees says it's seeking nearly $500 million dollars for gaza due to what it called unprecedented devastation. unra says the humanitarian needs of the territory are colossal and are growing by the hour due to israel sie and brutal war. israel's repeated
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threats to the people in gaza to evacuate their homes have already sparked international criticism, but the regime's relantless bombings of palestinian territory have forced tens of thousands of people to flee from northern gaza to the southern parts the besieged enclave. let's listen to palestinians recounting horror as they have to flee their homes. we left the area due to the intense bombardment. we had been holding on there for 32 days. yesterday we made the decision to leave because the bombing was very intense. they show no mercy among the displaced are young and elderly women. individuals have lost their legs and their children who are too exhausted sitting on the ground, some are carrying their mothers and they are unsore a wear to sick refuge. we've lost our homes, we've lost our children, where is the global community? where are our
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fellow muslims? look at us, we are muslims just like you, we are not infidels, where can the people take refuge? they are living in tense in the streets, we left our homes. due to the relentless bombardment, where can we go now? israel's deadly violence is claiming more lives around the occupied west bank. a 21-year-old palestinian man has become the latest victim of israel's crimes in a town east the westbank city ofnapolis. late muhammad bakir nasasrastra was fatally shot during late thursday raid by israeli forces. his death brought to 19 number of palestinians killed in the west bank in a span of 24 hours. powers, 14 of whom lost their lives in attack on the city of janin and its refugee camp. the palestinian foreign ministry described the attack as deliberate escalation. now at least 182 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces in the west bank alone since the regime started is war on gaza back on the 7th of october. and
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joining us for an update out of the occupied west bank it is a press tv's monicandiel joining us from ramala. hello mona, i hope you're doing safe and well out there. what can you tell us? jenian, that was an unprecedented day of horror against the uh locals there, yesterday. what can you tell us? yes, danny, it was very difficult day for the palestinians in the jamine area. the the the operation is started in the early hours of thursday, continued for the late hours, as you have mentioned, 15 palestinians had been killed. over 20 others had been wonded, the israelis used a drone to head the group of palestinians and they the israeli forces have forced thousands of palestinian students to remain in the in their schools, families were
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not able to go to these schools to bring their children, their sons and daughters out the schools, till the late hours, many of those according to paramedics has suffocated. due to inhaling tear gas, a palestinian female pyramidic was also shot in the back, she was in serious condition during this operation, this comes as also, one palestinian was killed in balata, the israelies have rated bolata napolis, one palestinian was killed 17, others were wonded in alamhari, a palestinian was also killed by the israeli soldiers, in dura al khalil palestinian was shot dead, the israeled bit fajar near b lehem. and killed at least one palestinian in addition to others had been wonded. all this comes while the israels continued detaining palestinians. this morning as you have said laith mohammad 21 year old was shot during an israeli military
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raid to bait fore east nablis late on thursday but he second his injuries later. nine palestinians were also wounded during the... operation that was carried out to the village of betfouri, this morning and up till the moment the israeli forces had raided al-arrub and alfaar refugee camps in jamine. um at least 20 palestinians were wonded and the israelis are still in those two uh palestinian refugee camps, attacking people, they throw they fire the sun greens and teer gas cannisters, they read that the israeli forces had raaded the houses and searched it, at the end of the day the israels are trying to keep their grip on the palestinian areas here, while it's genocide. being committed during the gauza strip at the same time, it's not a comprehensive war on the west bank,
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however, every day there are incursions, rates, killing people in cold blood, detaining more palestinians continuing to cut off the areas with more check points, earth mounts, sement blocks, metal gates at every palestinian village, so it's a war in a way. another unfortunately and mona, before we would have these deaths in the occupied west bank many times as a result of retaliatory operations carred out by uh young uh men sometimes from resistance factions out there, but now we're what we are hearing about the israeli forces and settlers initiating the violence and they're just going in there and wiping out a bunch of young people without any uh provocation, is that correct? palestinians here in the west bank are also
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facing violence from the israeli settlers, so they are facing two armies, the official israeli army and the israeli armed settlers that at the end of the day they are, they are soldiers in a way or another, either either either, even if they are not, or even if they are considered as civilians, but they have they have arms israeli for decided to to arm the israeli settlers before the war on the ghaza strip settlers continued to attack palestinians mainly in the areas close to the illegal settlements these settlements that were built on private palestinian lands however now the settlers are raiding the villages where palestinians have to go to their lands and agricultural lands to now it's the decision of olive and they want to pick olives to to check their agricultural
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lands, however the sitlers had been raiding these lands and forced palestinians to leave it and they had been threatening them, many palestinians were beaten by the israeli settlers and there are at least three palestinas were killed by the israeli settlers during being... the lands in addition to others had been killed by the israeli forces on the roads, two of them were shot and killed while taking part in a funeral procession of a martter, they were surprised by israeli sittlers on the streets, using their guns opened the fire at the funeral procession and killed palestinians, so the the the the settlers know very well that under the so-called defending themselves they can use... the weapons to shoot and kill people, and moment, before we let you go, we know that hamasa yesterday asked for people
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to take to the streets and protest today and show their solidarity with the besieg people of gaza, do we know if you guys are expecting protest where you're at in the occupied west bank today, almost every friday after the friday prayers the people take to the streets to protest, usually the uh organized anti israel protest and anti-selament protest, however since the war on the goza ship every friday protest demonstrations are taking place in support of god and calling for in the genocide, however we the issue is that when the israeli forces have closed the palestinian areas, they know very well that the first reason would be to arrest. palestinian fighters to prevent palestinian activists from carrying out any activities
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against the israeli regime and against the israeli forces and at the same time to prevent big numbers of palestinians from coming to the center of the cities and take part in the protest and go to the to the areas where israeli military checkpoints are located in order. and not to uh allow people to let's say face the israeli soldiers, exchange fire with the israeli forces, whatever would be the mean to - fight those troops at the military checkpoint, so yes, there would be demonstrations and protest, we expect that they would be held in every city alone, so a protest will be havelas, in ramalah, in zien today, there will be the future procession of the palestinian marters. thank you, stay safe, we'll talk to you soon,
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joining us from romaladals monic candy, and senior yemininy. official says the country will not stop confronting israeli aggression on gaza, even if it causes a set back to peace talks with the saudiled coalition. abdulaziz bin habtur that's the prime minister of yemen's national salvation government, made the remark in an exclusive interview with press tv's face-to-face program. he said fighting israel is sacred duty for all muslims and arabs. yemani premier also held millions strong pro- palestine marches throughout the arab world. he said people have thrown their weight behind the leader of yemen's answer. movement, abdulmalik al-huthi and his call for using yemen's capacities to hit israel. you could catch a full interview air right here on press tv and also available on our networks website. meanwhile the yemeni armed forces say they've launched another barage of ballistic missiles at sensitive israeli targets. spokes per the yemenier general
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yahya sari, said missiles hit the military targets in the port city of ilat. now sorry added operation successfully achieved its objectives despite israeli attempt to cover up the casualties sorry about the yemany armed forces will continue the operations until israel's aggression on gaza stops. this was a sixth operation by yemen's armed forces against israel. earlier the same day israel's military it said in a statement that a drone hit a building ilat causing some damage but no injuries. your... for minister has warned a due to intensification of israel's attacks against civilians in gaza. expansion of the war has become inevitable. hossain amir abdullahyan made the remarks in a phone call with his qatari counterpart. sheikh muhammad bin abdulrahman bin jassim althani. two top diplomats strongly condemn israel's brutal attacks against civilians and expressed concerns about humanitarian crisis in gaza
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and regimes targeting of women and children. the foreign ministers of iran and qatar also discussed political. ways to try to end israel's savage attacks and establish an immediate seas far in gaza and paved the way for humanitarian aid to get into the bloccaded territory. demonstrators have occupied the lobby of the new york times office in manhattan, the us in the united states, calling for an immediate ceire in gaza. media workers are among the demonstrators, they accused leading american newspaper of bias towards... israel in its coverage of the gaza war. meanwhile, in brazil, hundreds of protesters burned israeli and us flags aside the us consultate in rio de janeiro. in west asia, a thousands of lebani school children protested in front of the un headquarters in beirout, denouncing the killing of children in gaza. in jordan, hundreds of workers and patients from a cancer center demonstrated in aman and
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solidarity with palestinians in the iranian capital tehran. demonstrators condemned israel's. indiscriminate massacre of the people of gaza and occupied west bank. also, protesters in the south korean capital are calling for an immediatefire in gaza. in south korea rallies and marches and support of palestine have added pressure to the us to get israel to end its military campaign in gaza, but us secretary of state anthony blincon in japan and south korea this week, repeated remarks that contradict the... of israel's military bombardment and invasion of ghaza. it is imperative that palestinian people uh be central to uh to governance in in gaza and in the west bank as well, and that again we don't see a reoccupation, and what i've heard from israeli leaders is that they have no intent to reoccupy gaza and
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retake control of gaza. unlike the us, south korea has not offered unconditional support for israel, as it seeks to... maintain good relations and trade with its many middle eastern partners. activists argue leaders must do more to rein in israel's attack on ghaza. how, how you can let this happen? where is your dignity? where is your honor? where is you stand for the rights and not standing for the religion? what's happening in palestine is not about religion, is not about islam. they bump church, they bump mosks, they kill babies, muslims, christians, no matter what religion, they just kill, and this is the exactly what is the definition. of terrorism. social media has been instrumental in spreading awareness of the disproportionate israeli attacks. at each demonstration in soul, local korean activists and supporters of palestine join residents. from all over the world, the us, the middle east, and elsewhere, as the voice is demanding a ceasefire grow. as criticism is heaped on the us over its blanket support of
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israel. american officials say they're trying to encourage tel aviv to limit civilian casualties. meanwhile, the biden administration seeks a further $14 billion dollars in military aid for tel aviv, that many suggest might be used for more israeli war crimes. frank smith press tv soul. france has held the international conference to increase humanitarian assistance to palestine, but many say that too little was produced and far too late. israel's month-long siege bombardment and invasion of gaza has already created a full blown humanitarian catastrophe, as rami mazahiri reports. more than a month after israel's unprecedented illegal. siege of gaza began, the west has hosted an international conference for humanitarian assistance to palestine for the first time. officials from over 50 countries, international agencies and
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ngos gathered in paris to increase the levels of urgent aid caused by israel's indiscriminant bombing, the murder of 11,00 palestinians and a refusal to allow even the most basic material needs into gaza. severally limiting food, water. medicine is collective punishment. it took many countries that have champion international justice too long to call for adherence to international human law. at the same time, several countries rush to call for cutting aid to palestine, abruptly unplugging an entire system that depends on international aid to survive. french president emmanuel macron said that pledges amounting to $1 billion. were announced, but many in france say that's too little and too late. in all of our countries we we've shown our governments how we feel and um obviously the they're never
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going to respond to it as much as we'd like them to, but there is definitely a shifting consensus, and that's why we're seeing our governments talking about these aid packages, it's important because you can no longer, you can no longer deny what's going on over death toll over 10,000. the european union often boss of being the largest western aid. to palestine, but they have only sent $80 million this year with $30 million just announced. contrarily, last year the united states sent israel over $3 billion dollars and they are planning to send them over $14 billion dollars this year. 70% of gaza's population has been displaced, the healthcare system has been overwhelmed and routinely bombed, while food, water and fuel are at horrifically low, often non-exist. the pledges are the first public attempt of many western nations to show anything but unconditional support for tel aviv. it breaks
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my heart when i see what palestinians are suffering. france must insist that israel at least allow medicine and humanitarian aid, and this is the very least. the forum produced widespread accusations that israel has violated international humanitarian law, and even macron conceded that israel cannot fight without rules, romin mazaherry, press tv, paris, that's it for your latest tv everyone, thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. al shifar hospital in downtown gaza city is the biggest hospital and the most important one in this strip, especially in wartime
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under a tight sie. i want to ask everyone in the in this award, if it is this child is yours, what do you feel? i am here because the israeli occupation this war results in high numbers of casualties, people dying every day. hello and welcome from the yemen capital san to this special meeting with the prime
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minister of the ye zionists are committing crimes that neither german naziism nor italian fascism committed. coordination is taking place at the highest levels between the leader of the yemani revolution, abdul malik badriddin alhuthi, and also the leaders in iran, iraq, syria, lebanon, and also the resistance in palestine. we consider ourselves part of the access of resistance and our relationship with tehran is excellent. i mean, very, very, very excellent.
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your top stories here on press tv: israel continues to target civilians and hospitals in the besieg gaza strip as a regime genocidal war on the palestinian territory enters a 35 day, nearly 11,00 palestinis have been killed since israel started to war on gaza on october the 7th. yummy r forces launch a barage of missiles at sensitive israely target south of occupied territories, forces spokesperson says missiles successfully hit their targets and this was a sixth operation by yemen's armed forces against israel.