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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 10, 2023 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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press tv headlines israel targets patients and medical staff and its new attacks on hospitals in gaza as the war enters, it's 35th day. world food program says population in gaza faces malnutrition atmit israel's devastating siege on the territory. and yeman's prime minister says the country will continue to confront israel's aggression on gaza and considers fighting the regime sacred duty. for all muslims,
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hello everyone, thanks for tuning in press tv world news and now more than a month into israel's war on gaza, hospitals and civilian areas remain the prime target of the region. relentless air attacks, the indonesian hospital in bait lahya became the scene of panic and horror after surroundings were pounded by the regime. in israri air strikes also. at two children's
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hospitals and gaza suspending services at the facilities, meanwile gaza's blood bank has been put out of service falling a targeted israeli strike, that according to the palestinian health ministry, it uh warned hospitals in gaza could face power outages within the next hours and stop providing services. gaza's government media office has slammed israel strikes against hospitals as international crimes and violations of international law. meantime civilians are evacuating northern gaz. heading south of the territory to flee there is really onslot 48: the current situation is just like the 1948 may got revenge on the united states of america, my message is to end the war and establish peace for everyone immediately, this is a crime. i left gaza and i'm not heading south on foot. i have diabetes and forgot. to bring my insulin injection, i may
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die tomorrow. nearly 11,00 palestinians have been killed since israel launched war on gaza on october 7th. many of the victims have been women and children. israel is accused of committing genocide in gaza. lawyers representing a large group of policy ngos a f complaint against the regime with the international criminal court. we build our of cases and gradually make our voices heard. we'll talk about it again, but nevertheless, what we saw after few days made us think that we were moving on. this was no longer just a military operation with his abuses, which would amount to war crimes. we decided that it was beginning to look very much like an act of genocide, and when i say genocide as detailed in the complaint that is here and that i have sent to everyone, it's not a philosophy, it's not a... thought, it's not
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even historical reference, genocide is what the treaties say and what international case law says, world food program has raised the alarm about the dire humanitarian situation in gaza, the wfp said all of gaza's 2.3 million palestinian inhabitants, lack sufficient food and face malnutrition, it added a 33% of gazans were food insecure before israel attacked the territory last month. and now all of them are food andsecure. the administrator administrator that is of the un development program is also warned a rising poverty in palestinian territories. i think after one month of this war now unfolding, first of all, what is quite clear is that top of the humanitarian crisis that the world has seen unfold in gaza right now, we also are beginning to see um
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the development crisis that follows, the uh increase in poverty rates, the loss of gdp, the destruction in terms of infrastructure, housing units. now we are obviously just talking about gaza right now, there is also the west bank, different conditions, but equally, this is the palestinian economy so to speak. meanwhile the un agency for palestinian refugees said it is seeking nearly $500 million dollars for gaza due to what it called unprecedented devastation. unra says due to israel's siege and brutal war on gaza, the humanitary needs of the territory are colos. and growing by the hour, and now you can see we have breaking news coming in, according to the palestinian red cresent, israel was violently bombed in area near the alcuds hospital in the beseged, enclave there, multiple hospitals, over half
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the gaza hospitals have been out due to lack of food, pardon, lack of a clean water, fuel to power their generators or due to mass destruction, meanwile israel repeated threats of people in gaza to evacuate homes have already sparked international criticism, but regime's relentless bombing of the palestinian territory forced tens of thousands of people to flee from northern gaza to the southern part of the besieg territory. we left the area due to the intense bombardment, we had been holding on there for 32 days. yesterday we made the decision to leave because the bombing was very. they show no mercy among the displaced are young and elderly women, individuals have lost their legs and their children who are too exhausted sitting on the ground, some are carrying their mothers and they are unsure of where to seek refuge. we've lost our homes,
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we've lost our children, where is the global community, where are our fellow muslims, look at us, we are muslims just like you, we are not infidels, where can the... people take refuge, they are living in tens in the streets, we left our homes due to the relentless bombardment, where can we go now? israel's deadly violence is claiming more lives throughout the occupied west bank as well. 21-year-old palestinian man has become latest victim of israel's crimes in a town east of annabolisra was fatally shot during late thursday raid by israeli force. is his death brought to 19 number of palestians killed in the west bank over 24 hours, 14 of whom lost their lives in attack on the genny refugee camp. palestinian foreign ministry described the attack as deliberate escalation, at least 182 palestinians have now been killed by israeli forces in the west
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bank since the regime started its war on gaza on october 7. people throughout the globe have taken to the streets to voice solidary. with palestinians. iranian capital tehran demonstrators condemned israel's indiscriminate massacre of innocent children in gaza. protestors are demanding immedia seas far in gaza and calling on the un to act. elsewhere in napolis, people flooded the streets and droves, waving the palestinian flags and enchanting anti-israeli slogans. thousands of lebani school children also protested in front of the united nations headquarters in beirot denouncing the killing of children in gaza and lebanon. in the jordanian capital aman, hundreds of workers and patients from a cancer center, stage rally in solidarity with palestinians, protesters and south korean capital also call for media ceas far in gaza.
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protesters gathered outside. korean foreign ministry to show rage over visit by the us secretary of state anthony blincon the soul. protester slam blincon for quote putting a humane mask. they said washington is making money from the blood of palestinians by selling the israeli's weapons and a symbolic act they uh raised their bloodstained hands to condemn us complicity and ongoing war crimes in gaza. a senior yemeny official says country will not stop confronting israeli aggression on gaza, even if it causes a setback to peace talks of the saudi led coalition. abdul aziz bin haptur, that's a prime minister of yemen's national salvation government, made the remark in exclusive interview with press tv's face to face
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program. he said fighting israel is sacred duty for all muslims and arabs. the yemini premier also held million strong pro palestine marches throughout the arab world. he said people have thrown their full weight. behind leader of yemen's ansera movement, abdul malak al-huthian, his call for using yemen's capacities to hit israel. full interview has been aered by press tv and you could catch it on our network. website, meanwile the yemen forces say they launch a barage of ballistic missiles at sensitive israeli targets. spokesman for the yemini army, brigadier general yahya sari said missiles hit military targets and the por city ofat sorry added operation has successfully achieved its objectives despite israely attempt to cover up the casualties, sorry about the yemeny armed forces will continue operations until israel's aggression on gaza stops, this was a sixth operation by yemen's armed forces against israel, earlier
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the same day, israel's military had said in a statement that a drone hit a building in alat causing some damage, but no injuries. iran's foreign minister has warned a due to intensification of israel's attacks against civilians in gaza. expansion of the war is become inevitable. hossain abdullahyan made the remarks in a phone call with his qatari counterpart sheikh muhammad bin abdul rahman bin jassim althanii top diplomats strongly condemned israel's brutal attacks against civilians and expressed concern about the humanitarian crisis in gaza and the targeting of women and children. the foreign ministers of iran and qatar also. discuss political ways to end israel's savage attacks and establish seed for in gaza to pave the way
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for sending in humanitarian aid. france holds international conference to increase humanitarian assistance to palestine, but many say too little was produced and far too late. israel's monthlong siege, bombardment and invasion of palestine is already created a full-blown humanitarian catastrophe as rami mo. reports: more than a month after israel's unprecedented illegal siege of gaza began, the west has hosted an international conference for humanitarian assistance to palestine for the first time. officials from over 50 countries, international agencies and ngos gathered in paris to increase the levels of urgent aid caused by israel's indiscriminant bombing, the murder of 11,000 palestinians and a refusal to allow even the most basic material needs into gaza. seven
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limiting food, water and medicine is collective punishment. it took many countries that have champion international justice too long to call for adherence to international human law. at the same time, several countries rushed to call for cutting aid to palestine, abruptly unplugging an entire system. that depends on international aid to survive. french president emmanuel said that pledges amounting to 1 billion dollars were announced, but many in france say that's too little and too late. in all of our countries we we we've shown our governments how we feel and um obviously they're never going to respond to it as much as we'd like them to, but there is definitely a shifting consensus and that's why we're seeing our governments talking about these aid packages is important because you can no longer... you can no longer deny what's going on over death toll over 10,000. the european union often boasts
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of being the largest western aid donor to palestine, but they have only sent $80 million this year with $30 million just announced. contrarily, last year the united states sent israel over $3 billion dollars and they are planning to send them over 14 billion dollars this year. 70% of gaza's population has been displaced. the healthcare system has been overwhelmed and routinely bombed, while food, water and fuel are at horrifically low, often non-existent levels. the pledges are the first public attempt of many western nations to show anything but unconditional support for tel aviv. franceent, it breaks my heart when i see what palestinians are suffering. france must insist that israel at least allow medicine and humanitarian aid, and this is the very least. forum produced widespread accusations that israel has violated international humanitarian law, and even macron conceded
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that israel cannot fight without rules. romin mazaherri, press tv, paris. israeli minister amakai eliya has spark controversy after calling for the use of nuclear weapons against palestinians in gaza, the comments have sparked international outcry, the now calls a probe into regime's military nuclear capabilities. an israeli minister has claimed that dropping nuclear bomb on the bloccaded gaza strip is an option. the israeli heritage minister ellyahu made the remarks in an interview with radio called bararama. el yahoo also insisted that
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allowing any humanitarian aid into gaza was wrong, claiming there is no such thing as uninvolved. אין בלתי מעורבים ולא היו צריכים להכניס יימוניטרים מבחינתך מחר בבוקר הציפיה שלך שהיינו מטילים מה שנקרא איזשהי פצצת אטום על כל אזה משתחים אותם מכסלים את כל מי שנמצא בה זה דרך אחת זה דרך השנייה היא גם לבדוק מה חשוב להם מה מפחיד אותם מה יצור להם את ההרתה הבאה זה שאתה הורג אותם הם הם חלק. following their remarks, israeli prime minister beniamin netanyahu suspended the minister from cabinet meetings. hamas resistance movement, however pointed out that eliahu's remarks were reflective of the netanyahu regime's genocidal mindset. the statement by what is called the israeli heritage minister
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in the zionist cabinet that throwing nuclear weapon on the gaza strip is one of the solutions didn't come up. of nowhere, but it is an expression on the level of decadence, nazism and sadism that takes place in the minds of the cabinet of the occuping entity that is based on murder and genocide. the remarks also drew condemnation from around the arab world and iran called for a swift international response. the united nations security council and the international atomic energy agency must take immediate and uninterrupted action to disarm this barbaric and apartite regime. russia has joined a course of condemnation that was sparked over controversial remarks made by an israeli minister about the regime's openness to nuclear strike in the ghaza strip. mariarova, russia's foreign ministry spokes one, said that the main issue was that israel appeared to have admitted that it had nuclear weapons. saudi arabia, jordan and other arab states
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have all denounced the commons. arab league secretary general ahmad abuit has said the remarks reveal field that israel possesses nuclear weapons, which is an open secret. he also added that the comments also confirm the truth of the racist view israel's hold against palestinians. now israel does not publicly acknowledge its nuclear arsenal, nor does it allow for international inspections of its nuclear facilities, but the regime is believed to possess some 400 nuclear warheads, meanwile israel's war on gaza is devastated the coastal enclave. israely military has dropped more than 25,000 tons of explosives on gaza since october the 7th, equivalent to the power of two of the nuclear bombs used on hiroshima. since israel's war began on gaza on october the 7th, the israeli military has dropped more than 25,000 tons of
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explosives on gaza equivalent in power to two the nuclear bombs used on his. في مكان اصلا شايف انت زي ما شايف هنا احياء سكنيه كامله بيمحوا يعني ما خلوش ولا شيء عندناtional banned weapons and its attacks on the gaza strip has also been documented, especially the use of cluster and phosphorus bombs. the israeli regime is estimated to possess 200 to 400 nuclear warheads in its arsenal, making it the sole possessor of non-conventional arms in the middle east and the wider west asia region. tel aviv, however, neither admits nor denies owning the
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weapons under a policy of deliberate nuclear ambiguity. it has also defied international calls for it to sign the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the npt, something that further corroborates its running of an offensive nuclear weapons program. the united nations general assembly has already backed a resolution urging the regime to give up its nuclear weapons and join the npt. now india has tighten this grip on prop. sign protest through the country in a bid to extend its support for israel. in recent weeks uh scores of palestinian protesters have been charged and detained for participation in rallies against really aggression and carnage in the gazo strip manowar zaman reports out of new delhi. calls are growing across the globe
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against israel's aggression on the besieged gaza strip with many calling it a planned genocide by the regime. in india, however, the government of the ruling bharatiya party rarely allows any pro- palestine rallies, citing threat to communal harmony, law and order. many politicians and... activists have criticized the move as unconstitutional. there is an alliance, there is a shift in bjp's you know policy towards israel and palestine, i mean every prime minister right from jawaharlal nehru, even vajpayi, everybody supported palestine cause, they said you know you can't allow the invader to benefit out of his invasion, that's what israel has done to palestine. before. the emergence of the ruling bjp in india, all the political parties and successive governments have always supported the palestinian cause. india was the first non-arab country to
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recognize the palestine liberation organization in 1970 and has ever since advocated two-state solution, but when the bjp came to power, there was a shift in alignment with india expressing strong support for israel and abstaining from voting for seisfire in gaza. analis say india being the largest buyer of israeli weapons and their growing partnership reflects that shift alignment. observers say israelis are using islamophobic propaganda to justify their bloodshed in the besieged ghaza strip, calling it crackdown on terrorism. it is, however deliberate military onslot on innocent palestinian women and children, action which is... prohibited by international law and rules of engagement. india condemned the october 7 attack by hamas resistance movement, expressing solidarity
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with israel. new delhi is also barring any gathering in solidarity with gaza. in recent weeks, many activists and students have been detained while schools face police actions for their social media posts in support of palestine. israel, we came to show solidarity with. the people of gaza and to protest against how israel is dropping bombs on the innocent people of the occupied territory slaughtering mercilessly. israel is a war criminal. netanyahu is a war criminal. he should be brought to the international court of justice and should be hanged for his savage politics of patternizing the west. activists say the shift in india's policy towards palestine could potentially be rewarding for the ruling bjp to secure a third term. as general elections are due in may 2020. for the shift also resonates with how indian tv channels are covering the war on gaza from an israeli narrative, this is in line with bjp's potential voters on social
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media to stoke anti-muslim sentiments which in the past help the ruling bjp come into power. munaman press tv, new delhi. that's it for relates here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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wars and battles are connected to gun powder and fire in people's minds, however the... was of another type the threatend to ease the state of the israeli occupation from the internet. this includes attacking critical and important websites of countries that
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support this entity. فقد الامن المعلوماتي لدى الحكومه او لدى المؤسسات الحكوميه والخاصه ب دوله اسرائيل يفقد ثقه المواطنين بالدوله وبالمؤسسه هذا ان دل يدل على الوعي لدى الشباب العربي وايمانهم بالقضيه الفلسطينيه ولا بد ان يفعلوا شيء نحن نشجع هذه التوجهات للوصول الى اكبر عدد ممكن من اختراق الحواسيب هي التي تحمينا نحن ساكنين حولها نحن مؤتمنين
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بها. حتى ندافع عن ارضنا وعن عرضنا وعن المقام يعني خلص دخلنا بهذا الخط وما يعني ما فينا نترك لهذا الخط انا بوقت الحاضر يعني انا سلاحي اني اخدم العالم بمجال بمجالي يعني كطبيب وكمان عندي سلاح ثاني من الدعاء لبيك يا زينب لبيك يا زينب لبيك يا
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as hundreds of people have.
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the voice of the voiceless. press tv.
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israel continues to target civilians and hospitals in the besieg gazo strip as regimes genocidal war on the palestinian territory enters its 35th day, nearly 11,00 palestinians have been. killed since israel started its war on gaza on october the 7th. the yemeny army launchers a barage, ballistic missile that sensitive israeli target south of occupied territories, forces spokes person says missiles successfully hit their targets. this was a sixth operation by yemen's armed forces against israel.