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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 9, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am IRST

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your headlines on press, the israeli military keeps pounding the besieg gaza strip with resistance forces engaging in fierce street battles with the invading troops. palestinian resistance of groups have condemned israel's latest deadly raid on janine refugee camp in the occupied west bank and the resistance movement hezbollah says let us hit two israeli tanks as the raishim's forces regularly target areas in southern lebanon.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in terron, thank you for joining us. there is no end and site to israeli bloodshed in the gaza strip as the regime's genocidal war in the besieg territory enters his 34th day. nearly 30 palestinians were killed after israel talked at the cities of rafa and daraal balah. at least 25 people were killed
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in fresh attacks on the jabalya refugee camp and khan yunis. elsewhere israeli war planes once again hit the vicinity of al-shefer in hospital, garsa's largest medical complex as well as the vicinity of indonesian hospital. the regime also shelled al-nasr children's hospital in gaza city. the un agency for palestinian refugees and the world health organization have described the condition in the hospital as disastrous as it has overflowed. with thousands of injured and displaced palestinians. more than 10,800 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed since israel launched this war on gaza. meanwhile the hamas resistance movement said it inflicted heavy casualties on israeli forces, infiltrating gaza.
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the algasanburg said it destroyed an israeli military base, the military wing of hamas said they also hit 16 more armed vehicles, most of them tanks with yasin projectiles. meanwhile, rocket attacks have been reported in southern israel. one of the regime's military drones also crashed in elet caused panic among settlers, since the start of the operation al-axa flood on october the 7th, more than 100 israeli armed vehicles, including tanks, have partially or completely been destroyed. the palestinian islamic jihad movement says the resistance group is an integral part of the al-axa flood operation. a spokesman for the movement's military wing says the group is standing next to the fighters of algassam. brigades in the
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frontlines fighting against the israeli enemy. he added that the regime has been advancing towards gaza from several fronts but has suffered heavy losses. the official also expressed the resistance group's readiness to release two more israeli captives on humanitarian ground. hamas has already released four captives on humanitarian grounds. meanwile israel's repeated threats to the people in gaza to evacuate their homes have already the sparked international criticism, but the regime's of relantless bombings of the palestinian territory have forced tens of thousands of people to flee from northern gaza to the southern part of the besieged territory. let's listen to the palestinians recounting horror as they left their homes. we left the area due to the intense bombardment. we had been holding on there for 32 days. yesterday we made the decision to leave because the bomb. was very intense, they show no mercy,
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among the displaced are young and elderly women, individuals have lost their legs and their children who are too exhausted sitting on the ground, some are carrying their mother. and they are unsore of where to seek refuge. we've lost our homes, we've lost our children, where is the global community? where are our fellow muslims? look at us, we are muslims, just like you, we are not infidels, where can the people take refuge? they are living in tens in the streets, we left our homes due to the relentless bombardment, where can we go now? palestinians have filed a formal complaint with the international atomic energy agency against the israeli regime over his minister's threat to nuke the gaza strip. palestinian foreign minister riyad al-maliki an official letter to the iaea chief has stated that the threat entails, quote, an
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official recognition that israel possesses nuclear weapons. the letter says the nuclear threat is completely consistent with the prevailing discourse in israel against the palestinians. the israeli ministers for using nuclear weapons against palestinians had drawn international condemnations. the atomic energy organization of iran in a letter to the iaea asked the agency to discuss israel's threat of using nuclear weapons at the un security council. russia also condemned the threat, saying israel appears to have admitted that it has nukes. israel does not publicly acknowledge its nuclear arsenal, nor does it allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities, but the regime is believed to possess 400 nuclear warheads, the white house says israel will begin four-day daily pauses in northern gaza starting on thursday to allow people to leave for the southern part of the strip, white house
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national security spokesman or spokesperson john kirby said the pause has emerged out of discussions between us and israeli officials in recent days. kirby said the poses could be used. as away for the release of israel's held in gaza, however kirby said the seasfire is not in order. palestinian resistance group hamas says there has been no agreement with the regime. meantime hamas j has arrived in egypt for talks. the group says hany has met with egyptian intelligence chief abbas kamel for discussions on the current situation in the gaza strip. resistance groups hamas and the islamic jihad have condemned an israeli raid on janin refugee camp which has left 14 people dead and over dozen injured.
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hamas said the israeli regime will fail in breaking the will of palestinian. the group vowed that it will continue to fight the occupies until the liberation of palestine. israeli troops back by armed vehicles and bulldozers stormed the jane refugee camp earlier on thursday. the regime forces also targeted ambulance. following israel's attack palestinian resistance fighters targeted an armed israeli vehicle in response to the rate. over 170 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and settlers in the occupied west bank since october the 7th. the lebanese resistance movement hezbollah says it has hit two israeli mercaver tanks in a statement hezbollah said it struck the targets in metula military site near lebanon's border. the group said it's attack
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left casualties. earlier in a similar statement hezbollah said it targeted an israeli infantry unit in the region with missiles. this as israel continues to carry out attacks on southern lebanon. the area has witnessed exchanges of fire since october the 8th, a day after operation alaxa flood against israel. now iran's president has highlighted the need for more efforts to end the israeli onslaught in gaza calling on muslim countries to take serious action to bring the atrocities to an end. ibrahim raisi made the remark upon returning to terefan from uzbekistan where he attended the economic cooperation organizations annual. summit, he said, the palestini issue overshadowed the meeting with him calling for muslim nations to severtize with the israeli regime. ray he said, he and his counterparts discuss effits ease the situation in gaza and end the siege on the territory. also, he said the meeting explored ways to boost collaboration between member states. the
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iranian president said eco has the potential to play a bigger role in the region. in the canadian city of toronto, jewish activists have staged a siting to protest against israel's onslaught in the gaza strip. our correspondent camilia escalante was there and spoke to us about the protest. action, let's take your listen, this is - a sit in, action that was organized by a coalition of jewish organizations, among them, independent jewis, jewish voices, and if not now, among many others and the support of the palestinian youth movement, they're here saying uh, stop the genocide on gaza, stop stop the genocide the palestinian people, and they're saying that they'll be carrying out actions every day. until there's some change, and of course they're also making demands of the canadian government in ottawa, saying that ottawa and
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justin trudo, and this government is complicit in the crimes that are taking place, and the genocide that's taking place, and ethnic cleansing, and so those are the sorts of messages we're hearing here today. there has been severe suppression and repression of palestinian activism on university campuses throughout canada, including here in toronto, particularly in the country's largest universities. such as york university, the university of toronto, students and student unions are being threatened. people across the globe have taken the streets to voice their support for palestinians in the iranian capital, tehran, demonstrators condem the israel's indiscriminate massacre of innocent children in gaza and the occupied west bank. the protesters demanded immediatefire in gaza and call on the un to take action. else elsewhere in nablus, people flooded the streets in droves, waving hundreds of palestinian flags and chanting anti-israeli slogans. thousands
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of lebanes school children also protested in front of the united nations headquarters in beirout the announcing the killing of children in gaza and lebanon. in the jordanian capital, amman hundreds of workers and patients from a cancer center staged rally in solidarity with palestinians. protesters in the south korean capital also called for immediate ceasefire. in the gaza strip, stop the genocide, stop the genocide, stop the genocide, protest has gathered outside the south korean foreign ministry to show the rage over the visit of us secretary of state anthony blincon to soll. the protesters slamed blincon for quote putting a human. mask, they said, washington is making money from the blood of the palestinian people by selling weapons to israel, in a
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symbolic act, the protesters raised the blood stained hands to condemn the us complicity in the ongoing war in gaza. in south korea, rallies and marches in support of palestine have added pressure to the us to get israel to end its military campaign in gaza, but us secretary of state anthony. blinken in japan and south korea this week, repeated remarks that contradict the realities of israel's military bombardment and invasion of gaza. it is imperative that um the palestinian people uh be central to uh to governance in in gaza and in the west bank as well uh and that again uh we don't see uh a reoccupation and what i've heard from israeli leaders is that they have no intent to reoccupy gaza and retake control of gaza. unlike. the us south korea has not offered unconditional support for israel as it seeks to maintain good
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relations and trade with its many middle eastern partners. activists argue leaders must do more to reign in israel's attack on gaza. how, how you can let this happen? where is your dignity, where is your honor? where is you stand for the rights? i'm not standing for the religion. what's happening in palestine is not about religion, is not about islam. they pump church, they pump mosks, they kill babies. muslims, christians, no matter what religion, they just kill, and this is the exactly what is the definition of terrorism. social media has been instrumental and spreading awareness of the disproportionate israeli attacks. at each demonstration, in soul, local korean activists and supporters of palestine join residents from all over the world, the us, the middle east, and elsewhere, as the voice is demanding a ceasefire grow. as criticism is heaped on the u.s. over its blanket support of israel, american officials say they're trying to encourage tel aviv to limit civilian casualties, meanwhile the biden
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administration seeks a further $14 billion dollars in military aid for tel aviv, that many suggest might be used for more israeli war crimes. frank smith, press tv, soul. several american military bases in iraq and servia have come under fresh attacks amid growing anti-us sentiment. in the west asia region. in a statement, an iraqi resistance group said it successfully hit the al-harir airbase housing us troops in iraq's kirdistan region with multiple drones. the group added that another. us base called assad in iraq's anbar province was also hit in separate attack. iraqi media has reported that an american convoy near the city of mosul came under attack as well. meanwhile, in syria's delazour province, a us base was attacked by drones. there have been no immediate reports of casualties or damages from the strike. us
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run facilities in the two arab states have been targeted at least 40 times since october the 7th. resistance fac. in iraq and elsewhere in the region have repeatedly warned the us against funding and supporting the israeli war against palestinians. an international charity organization says more children have been killed in the... gaza strip over the past weeks than in every other armed conflict annually since 2019. the death toll amongst children in gaza may worsen as a result of the ongoing israeli aggression. hundreds of children are still trapped under the rubble of residential buildings targeted during israel strikes on gaza and they have not been rescued yet, which implies the actual death though could be higher. figures
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reported by. charity organization save the children shows the number of children killed in the gaza strip as a result of israel's ongoing aggression has exceeded annual figures related to global conflicts over the past four years. the international ngo says that israel's brutal military attack against gaza, which began on october 7 in response to an operation by the palestinian resistance group hamas, has so far killed more than the annual number of children killed in armed conflicts globally each of the past four years. according to multiple reports, including the palestinian health. history and the defense for children international dci. one child is being killed in gaza every 10 minutes. euromid human rights monitors said a press release on october 18 that since the launch of the indiscriminate bombing crusade against gaza, average of 100 children have been killed daily. hundreds of children are still trapped under the rubble of residential buildings targeted during israel's strikes on gaza, and they have not been rescued yet,
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which implies the actual death doll could be higher. the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs. said in a statement that at least 1,000 children are missing under the rubble in gaza. the ongoing sie and the relentless bombardment are impeading search and rescue operations. gaza has become a graveyard for children, it's a living hell for everyone else. and yet the threats to children go beyond bombs and mortars and i want to speak briefly now on on two of those water and trauma, the more than one million children of gaza have. have a critical water crisis. gaza's water production now, its capacity is at 5%, 5% of its daily output, so child deaths to dehydration, particularly infant deaths to dehydration, a growing threat. the un children's rights committee
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has strongly condemned the killing of children in the gaza strip as israel continues its relentless the besieged territory, the committee also condemned the escalation of attacks by israel against civilian targets in the gaza strip, it said grave human rights violations against children on mounting by the minute in the territory. the un committee on the rights of the child has also issued a statement saying grave human rights violations against children are mounting by the minutes in the gaza strip. the statement says armed conflict harms children first and foremost. and has lifelong effects on their physical and mental health, their developments and ultimately the enjoyment of all their rights. children are also harmed when they survive, but lose parents and other family members and friends and also witnessed catastrophic events. committee has also called for an end to the devastating harm that's being leveled on children's lives in the occupied palestinian territory. is also called on all parties to protect all children and to provide all the
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necessary medical and protective support, including psychological support to begin the long process of overcoming the consequences these grave violations, then of course we have the trauma, when finally the fighting stops, the cost to children and their communities is going to be born out for generations to come, before this latest escalation, before it, more than 800,000 children in gaza, that's three quarters of the entire child population of gaza, were identified as needing mental health and psychological support, again that. before this latest nightmare, in a desperate move, palestinian children and their parents have started writing their names on their bodies and black ink so that they can be identified in hospitals if they are killed or injured in israeli strikes. children pulled from the wreckage of buildings are sometimes unrecognizable due to grave injuries. heartbreaking photos of children lying on steel trays inside gaza hospital morges, with their sleeves or legs of trousers pushed up
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to reveal their names have been going viral on social media. un children's fund unicef said in a report last tuesday that almost every child in gaza has been exposed to deeply distressing events and trauma. uh, we're talking about children witnessing their parents, their families, their sisters and brothers being killed in front of them. uh their houses, their communities disappearing in in a split second, this has a big tall on their emotional, psychological and and mental health. the report highlighted that children are experiencing widespread destruction, relentless attacks, displacements and severe shortages of essential necessities like food, water and medicine. the report added that without stable electricity and fuel supplies, essential facilities like hospitals desalination plants and water pumping stations cannot work properly. it's interesting, we have a formula at the united nations that is applied to virtually every other conflict situation, but when it comes
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to the situation in israel and palestine, there's a different set of rules apparently, and that's a i think a big source of my frustration, where is the transitional justice process, where is the un protection force to protect all civilians, where is the tribunal for accountability, where is the action on the part of the security. council, the only mechanism in the united nations that has enforcement to ensure protection in the occupied territories. india has tighten this grip on pro palestine protest across the country in a bit to extend the support for israel. in recent weeks scores of palestinian supporters have been. charged and detained for their participation in protest against israeli aggression and carnage in the ghaza strip monavar zaman reports from new delhi. calls are growing
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across the globe against israel's aggression on the besieged gaza strip with many calling it a planned genocide by the regime. in india, however, the government of the ruling bharatiya party rarely allows any pro- palestine rallies. citing threat to communal harmony, law and order, many politicians and activists have criticized the move as unconstitutional, there is an alliance, there is a shift in bjp's you know policy towards israel and palestine, i mean every prime minister right from jawaharlal nehru, even vajpayi, everybody supported palestine cause, they said you know you can't allow the invator to benefit out of... of his invasion, that's what israel has done to palestine. before the emergence of the ruling bjp in india, all the political parties and successive governments have always supported
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the palestinian cause. india was the first non-arab country to recognize the palestine liberation organization in 1970 and has ever since advocated two-state solution. but when the bjp came to power, there was a shift in alignment with india expressing strong spook. vote for israel and abstaining from voting for sease fire in gaza. analysts say india being the largest buyer of israeli weapons and their growing partnership reflects that shift in alignment. observers say israelis are using islamophobic propaganda to justify their bloodshed in the besieged gaza strip, calling it crackdown on terrorism. it is however deliberate military onslot on... innocent palestinian women and children, action which is prohibited by international law and rules of engagement. india condemned
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the october 7 attack by hamas resistance movement, expressing solidarity with israel. new delhi is also barring any gathering in solidarity with gaza. in recent weeks, many activists and students have been detained while schools face police actions for their social media posts in support of palest. israel, we came to show solidarity with the people of gaza and to protest against how israel is dropping bombs on the innocent people of the occupied territory slaughtering mercylessly. israel is a war criminal, netan yahu is a war criminal, he should be brought to the international court of justice and should be hanged for savage politics of patronizing the west. say the shift in india's policy towards palestine could potentially be rewarding for the ruling bjp secure a third term as general elections are due in may 2024. the shift also resonates with how indian tv channels are covering the war on gaza from an israeli narrative. this
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is in line with bjp's potential voters on social media to stoke anti-muslim sentiments which in the past help the ruling bjp come into power. munawerzaman press tv new delhi. those were the top stories on press tv. thank you for listening, take care and bye-bye. احنا بنيجي هنا عشان اهلينا محتاجين 90% من الاطفال اللي بيعملوا في قطاع غزه هو بيعمل عند اللي هو قريبه من الدرجه الاولى يعني يا عند
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ابوه يا عند انا بطلت من المدرسه عشان اجيب لكتيه وبويا مصاري وعشان اشتري ابوي اللي بطلني هي كمان ماكينه وهي ماكيينه هنا واقع كله واقف هو المصنع كان يعني زي ما تقول كان في حوالي 15 عامل او 12 عاما بعد الحصار والهذا كله وقف هناك ما يقرب من 55 الفريج موجودين عاطلين عن العمل
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news and brief on press tv, israeli warplanes have once again struck the vicinity of alsshifar hospital in gaza, the un agency for palestinian refugees and the world health organization have described the condition of the hospital as disastrous, also at least 25 people. are killed in the jabala camp and in khanness in fresh israeli attacks. the military wing of the hamas resistance movement says it has inflicted heavy casualties on infiltrating israeli forces in gaza. the agasam says it launched mortal attacks on israely forces in northwest and south of gaza city. palestinians have filed a formal complaint with international.