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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 8, 2023 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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of palestinian officials in the gaza strip say 15 civilians are killed every hour as israel pushes ahead with the genocidal war against the blocaded territory. ignoring israel's ongoing genocide, washington says it still draws no red lines for tel aviv in his bloody war against palestinians. and two american
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military bases in iraq and syria come under french attacks amid growing anti-us sentiments, over washington's complicity and israeli atrocities in gaza. hello everybody, very warm welcome to press tv world. our top story, israel continues to pummel the besieg gaza strip with relentless bombings showing no scruples about targeting civilians or hospitals. latest isrely strikes hit various areas across the palestinian territories regimes military campaign enter.
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is 33rd day, the director of the indonesiasian hospital and gaza says the hospital surroundings are still being hit, warning facility's electricity will be completely cut off in a matter of hours. the regime also continues is firing flare bombs in the vicinity of al-shifa hospital. the international committee of the red cross that humanitarian convoy delivering medical supplies to al-shifa was attacked in gaza city. israel began its deadly onslot on gaza back on the 7th of october. regime's genocidal war has so far claimed the lives of over 10,300 people, most of them women and children. according to the palestinian government media office, 15 palestinians are killed in gaza every hour, as a result of israel's in indiscriminate strikes, flow of dead and window streaming in the hospitals in gaza is nothing new. for palestinian doctors,
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but now listen to what idadura, an emergency physician in khan says, after he sees eight members of his family killed in israeli air strike on monday, استقبلت اطفال عبد الرحمن وعمر سبع سنوات وخمس سنوات، ما هو ذنب هؤلاء الاطفال، ما هو الجرم الذي اخترفوه، حتى تصب على رؤوسهم اطنان من القنابل، حتى نصب على رؤوسهم اطلع من المتفجرات حتى تقصف هذه البيوت على رؤوس ساكنين في هذه الضربه الغادره التي كانت يوم امس فقدت والدتي زينب علي ابو ديه رحمه الله عليه وفقدت اخواني محمود ابراهيم شاقوره وحسين ابراهيم شاقوره وكذلك فقدت اختي اسراء ابراهيم شاقوره مع ابنائهم نبيل ونور وفقدت ابنائي فلذات كبير عبد الرحمن س سنوات في
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الصف الاول الابتدائي وعمر خمس سنوات في التمهيد. south africa's foreign minister censured israel's israel for its war crimes in gaza naledi pandur also called for reform of the global governance system. she argued if the system had been fair than israeli leaders would have been immediately prosecuted. today, i believe all of us joined the world in expressing horror at the war crimes being committed in palestine through the targeting of civilians, civilian infrastructure, un premises and other vulnerable targets. these actions remind us of our experiences as black south africans living under a part eight. the murder of children, of women and the ageed by israel is a an act that should have resulted in the
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international criminal court issuing immediate arrest warrant for key decision makers, including mr. netanyahu. who is responsible for violations of international criminal law. this cannot be tolerated, this brutality should not be accepted. we must call for a ceasefire now. what is neither now, more than ever before, is reform of the system of global governance, so that it is fair, equitable, and has the capacity to respond to the needs of all persons in situations of. threat and harm, the system that is needed should not just be a tool for the most powerful countries of the world, but one that provides protection for the most vulnerable. in australia members of green's
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political party of walked out country senate and protest the government support for israel, senior member of the party that's the third largest in australia, accused cabinet members of complicity. in the massacre of innocent palestinians, calling them heartless cowards. the coalition is morally bankrupt when it comes to palestine, and labor has shown itself to be heartless, gutless, cowards. you are watching the massacre of thousands of palestinians by israel, and you are not condemning israel, you refuse to call for an immediate sease fire, well we are not going to sit here and watch you pat yourselves on the back for doing nothing. whizels are not going to stop war crimes, today we bring the people's protest into parliament, free, free palestine, thank you senator feriki, minister faral, that was a statement, so order, order senator hansen,
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order, order, senator shelden, uh, did you want to respond, minister, sorry. an american journalist has warned us officials they could face legal actions for their complicity in war crimes and genocide in gaza. sam husseini issued the warning while attending a press briefing at the us state department. greg mokaiper who just resigned as director of the new york office of the un high commissioner for human rights noted that intent, usually the hardest part of genocide to prove, isn't in this case, he wrote in his resignation letter, quote, explicit statements of intent by leaders in the israeli government and military, leave no room for doubt or debate, you claim that you want israel to make the distinction, but you don't seem to be taking making the distinction, if might, didn't
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interrupt you, didn't interrupt you, the center for constitutional rights just put out a statement, legal organizations put members of congress on notice for complicity on genocide, quote, please take note, this is letter that they sent to members of congress, center for constitutional rights, please take notice that should you vote in favor of that package, the biden package for israel, you risk facing criminal and civil liabilities for aiding and abiting genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law, and may face investigation and prosecution. do members of the state department face similar possibility? again, sam, as i said, we have uh, the us government has a rigorous process in place for evaluating whether something constitutes uh genocide and we have not made that assessment in this case you continue to pretend that the bombling of hospital after hospital bakery after bakery uh university after university and somehow you keep pretending that oh they're just after military people the
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palestinian journalist syndicate has called on the united nations secretary general told israel accountable for crimes against journalists in gaza in a letter to antonio gutieresh the syndicate. said israel continues to target journalists as well as their homes and families across the besieged territory. it orged the un chief to refer the case of the regime's genocidal crimes to the international criminal court. letter came after a march of coffens in the occupied west bank city of romala in which palestinians carried empty coffins with pictures of journalists killed in israel's ongoing war on gaza. reacting to the regime's crimes. reporters without borders also warn that journalists and gaza are in constant and eminent danger of death. it added that nowhere is say four journalists across a blocaded enclave. according to palestinian sources, 48 journalists have been killed in israel's attacks on gaza since the 7th of october. the military wing of the palestinian
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resistance moving hamasas continued retaliatory strikes against israeli military targets. the al-kassan brigade says a stealth blow to regime's military by destroying 11 tanks and military vehicles belonging to israel in northern gaza. it had resistance fighters useing missiles to. target armor vehicles approaching oshati refugee camp, now since the beginning, the israel's ground defensive in gaza 97 armored vehicles have been partially or completely destroyed by the al-kassam brigades that also carried out missile strikes against several israeli cities on tuesday, tel aviv and sadorat. also on monday the resistance grew fired over 16 missiles from southern lebanon toward israeli targets and occupied territories for a first time since operation. the flood. the international committee of the red cross has
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strongly condemned the massacre of civilians, especially children in gaza. world bodies president says what is happening to gaza and children is a sign of the world's moral failure. mirajana spolerish, stress, tremendous suffering and loss of civilians and the israeli onslot on gaza must stop. she said israel's massive bombardment is destroying civilian infrastructure throughout the onc. wave making life difficult for many generations to come. the icrc also called for safe and sustained humanitarian access across gaza and restoration of critical services like healthcare, water and electricity. meanwhile in international rights group slammed israel for killing palestinian children at an unprecedented rate. defense for children international palestine said number of kids killed during a month of the regime's aggression against gaza is higher than the... the total number of palestinian children killed in the occupied west bank and gaza combined since 1967. iran's permanent
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ambassador to the un has called on the international community to exert pressure on israel and dismantle its nuclear weapons program. the islamic republic of iran calls on the international community to. the israeli regime's reckless and dangerous statements and apply pressure to ensure that israel fully cooperates with the international atomic energy agency and adhears to its safegards and verification procedures, dismantales its nuclear weapons program and joins and fully implements all relevant international treaties and conventions on weapons of mass destruction. yurovni made the comments in letter to the un secretary general as well as the security council and general assembly, letter came after israeli minister amiu raised the
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possibility of dropping nuclear bomb on gaza amid regime's deadly onslot. irvine described iliayu's threat as a matter of most concern. he also referred to similar threats made by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu against iran at the un general assembly back in uh september. arani says such threats violate the fundamental principles of the un charter. here he is. they use or even the mere threat to use nuclear weapons, respective of the circumstances or the responsible party constitute a flagrant violation not only of international law, but also of the fundamental principles in the united nations charter. displayed a consistent disregard for international humanitarian law, saying the regime is
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committing genocide and war crimes in gaza. the iranian ambassador also condemned israel for using starvation as a method of warfare against palestinians in gaza. the us once again throws this full weight behind israel, as a regime pushes ahead with its one-month old onslot on gaza. spokes and for the white house national. security council says the washington is still not drawing any red lines for tel aviv. john kirby was speaking to reporters who asked him if the rising deaththoll in the besieged palestinian territory has led to reassessment of the us stance. he also dodged a question on whether president biden's administration will suspend or reduce military aid to israel if civilian casualties are not minimized. kirby stress us will continue to provide the tools and capabilities israel needs elsewhere in his remarks. said the us opposes the reoccupation of gaza by the israeli regime. we have an
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active discussions with our israeli counterparts about what post-conflict gazaugh to look like. president maintains his position and a reoccupation by israeli forces is not the right thing to do. we'll let them speak to their intentions, but we are definitely having conversations about what the post-conflict environment out to look like and what governance in gaza out to look like. one thing there's absolutely no daylight. kirby's comments came after the israeli prime minister said that the regime will assume overall security responsibility over gaza. and indefinite period. benjam netanyahu's reaction was his first statement about israel's plans for a post war. gaza, the regime is under fire for committing genocide in gaza and creating a humanitarian catastrophe. earlier this week, un secretary general antonio guteris warned that gaza has become a graveyard for children. several
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american military bases in iraq and syria have come under fresh attacks. amid growing anti-us sentiments and a statement in iraqi resistance group said it successfully hit alrir air base housing us troops in iraq's kurdistan region and another us based dubbed ain alkhazra in syria well targeted by drones. resistance faction also claimed responsibility for a third attack on another us base in syria's deirazour province. there's no immediate reports of casualties or damage several us run facilities in the two arab. states have come under attacks in recent weeks that's a mid outrage of washington's support for israel's deadly onslot on the besieg gauza strip. the deputy secretary general lebanon's hesball the resistance movement says october 7th operation by hamas will have a great impact
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on the israeli regime in the future. al-aqsa flood operation is an exceptional operation which is unprecedented since the establishment of the zionist regime in palestine in 1948, and we believe it will be a turning point for the future. it planted the seats which would lead to the regression and downfall of the regime, since it uncovered that the israeli security capabilities are extremely weak, the israeli army is very weak and the politicians know nothing and cannot envision the future. we are facing an artificial entity which shows in appearance that it has strength, but in reality it has a deep weakness in everything that they have, and it's not only a weakness in their occupation and aggressive project, but also in the practical performance of their army and security apparatus and
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politicians. therefore after we started a different. interview with press tv sheikh naim cossom said victory of any faction of resistance alliance against israel will be victory for all movements. cossimat operation flood proved the theory that israel is weaker than a spider web. he underlineed regime is only alive on foreign support, namely from the us and the eu, and cannot survive its own. cosm said, israel wants to destroy all resistance groups in palestine, but added, it will be difficult for the regime to achieve this if hezbollah intervenes. calls have not stopped, whether from foreign or arab states, directly or indirectly, calling on us not to enlarge our intervention in the battle, and they are also calling on us to stop our intervention in this confrontation, facing
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the israeli regime, we responded to all of them in the following, instead of asking - not to intervene ask israel and the us to stop. our intervention is a reaction to the israeli aggression on gazza. you cannot ask those who are reacting to this not to have a reaction, and you are justifying the aggression, and allowing it to continue under the pretext of self-defense, while they are actually killing the civilians and children and striking hospitals and the places of worship and schools and so on. we say that. they should go to the zionist regime and the us which is safeguarding this occupation and tell them to stop, and then everything could stop, but you cannot tell us to stop and leave israel and even support israel to do as it wishes and continue with assaults on civilians and not fighting resistance fighters, this is unacceptable, mean what
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would it take for the lebanese resistance to take part fully said resistance front will take necessary measures based on developments on the ground, adding there are enough reasons for the unity of resistance movements, given that the us, the eu, as well as their allies continue backing israeli aggression against palestinians. as bull official underscored any movement with any belief can come together with the resistance front. us secretary of state anthony blinton wraps up his west asia tour in turkey's. met with the turkish foreign minister hakan fedan to discuss a sease fire in gaza and this all comes as the president once again reiterated the turkey will not abandoned palestinians. as part of a diplomatic dash across west asia, the us secretary of state anthony blincon arrived in ankara and met with his
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turkish counterpart hakkam fidan. the visit comes one day ahead of the turkish police traiding the pro palestinian protesters who tried entering the injured leak airbase which host us troops with tear gas and water cannons. demonstrators condemned the us unconditional support for israel in its aggression. against palestinians, stressing the us is israel's partner in the genocide taking a place in gaza. the fear's israeli attacks against palestinians are due to the united states unlimited support to netanyahu's cabinet. if the us did not support israel from the first place, we wouldn't see them committing such masakers openly and not even thinking of the consequences. i think the only way a ceasfire or post can be achieved if the us stops blind support to. the israeli government in its aggression on gaza, the united states must use its influence to push for peace, not war, and the huge rallies we've seen in the us,
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and the american public refusing to fund maskers and genocides will push the biden administration to stop its support to israel. in a speech made during his visit to his hometown, riza, the turkish president said his country has never left the brothers in gaza unprotected, helpless and alone, and will never do so. erdogan said that it is turkey's duty to protect the holy sites in jerusalem al-quds. he added that israel has taken a very wrongful step by which it has darkened its future. it is our duty to save our palestinian brothers from israeli oppression and to stop the massacres committed in gaza before the eyes of the world. turkey has been strongly condemning israeli aggression on gaza which has killed more than 1000 palestinians most. them women and children. ankara has withdrown its ambassador in israel and strongly condemned the israeli aggression on gaza. the country's
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president erdogan has also threatened to call israel a war criminal, but there has still been no clear and official statement on cutting ties with the occupying regime. rashanan saglam, press tv, istanbul. the pakistan sending se and humanitarian aid package for gaza surge of rallys across the country and solidarity with the palestinian peoples. press tvs nuster cosmi reports. the israeli onslaught in gaza has ignited wave of protests across pakistan as people express their anger over the regimes back to back attacks on the besieged territory. israel would never. never be able to carry out its inhumanity and its barbarity and its atrocities unless it was helped and funded and supported and weaponized by america, uk,
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european union and i want to condemn the organization of islamic conference for being complicit and silent and inactive. in response to the ongoing crisis in gaza. pakistani citizens are raising their voices to demand and end to the war crimes being committeed in the region. so far, no financial support, no medical support and no practical food and other necessaries have been delivered to the people of ghaza, so there is catastrophe, there is a humanitarian crisis, war crimes are being committed by israel, the gazza is bleeding and gazza is being massacred in the huge numbers and we are unable to do anything, we are not e unable to give the aid to them, to provide medicine, to provide food, commodities, how they are living in the open sky, and the children are bleeding, children are dying
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every day, meanwhile, the government of pakistan is responding to the ongoing israeli aggression by sending its second consignment of relief goods that consisted of hygiene kids, medicines and food packages, like people in many parts of the world, pakistanies are worried about israel's constant air attacks on civilians in gaza, they demand an immediate and to the regimes onslot. nasir kazmie, press tv, islamabad, that's rap for your latest here on press tv everyone, thank you for staying tuned in and bye-bye for now.
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this is for bad. following the military operation undertaken by palestinian resistance fighters on october the 7th code-named alaxa flood, the zinish propaganda machine issued torrent of deception and downright lies about what happened. yasmin parat in particular is what one of the ones who says first of all that uh what happened was that the idf, the occupation forces had themselves killed some of the hostages and then of course that we learn later that many the the hostages uh were killed. in in fires caused by the shelling from tanks of houses in which the hostages were held, fake news was kind of clumsy in a way, but is very effective because everybody basically you know fed that into all mainstream media throughout disseminated throughout the western media, so you had the beheaded babies, you had the burnt charred body of a maybe baby or some image that was put out mass the allegations of mass rape, the
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rich realm of bolivia, mr. evo morales, we offer a gracious salutation and convey our profound appreciation for the precious moments he has. it bewilders me that international institutions do not expeditiously react to parallel. atrocities akin to those occurring in palestine. the calos strikes in hospitals, the death of thousands in matter of days due to relentless bombings and litany of terrorist acts perpetrated against innocent souls all coaless into the harrowing contours of genocide. our earnest plee resonates with the
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call to classify israel as a paraya state tainted by terrorism while urging the international court of justice to arain israel for the unforgivable sin of genocide. it is my fervent play that my homeland's administration enhances its solidarity with the palestinian populaus and in their hour of need shares the...
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israel continues to massacre palestinians in gaza, officials and besieged territory say 15 civilians are killed every hour, the international committee of the red cross also says a humanitarian convoy. during medical supplies, al-shipa hospital was attacked in gaza city. moorestines fall victim to israeli aggression in the occupied west bank where two people were killed in separate raids in al-guds and al khalil. 164 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and settlers throughout the west bank since october the second.