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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 7, 2023 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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and israeli air strike targets the building of the al-shiva hospital in gazas a death tool from regime's genocide in the territory exceeds 10,000. bahrain's national assembly is pressing to reverse the normalization of the country's relations with israel in reaction to the regime's genocide in gaza. and the emmy army says it's launch a barage of drones of sensitive targets and occupied territories in response is. aggression on
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gas, of hello everybody, it's 4:30 am in the iranian capital, you're watching press tv, world news, our top story, israel continues at war genocide in the gaza strip as death tool mounts from regime's onslot which began back on the 7th of october. israel bombardment of the besieg palestinian enclaves claimed the lives of more than 10,000 people, mostly women and children. israel targeted building in al-shifa hospital complex, during its
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latest air strikes, according to the health ministry in gaza, 170 patients and hundreds of displaced policians were in a hospital building, the children's hospital in gaza was also hit by israeli shelling. for the record, intensive care unit here comprises more than 15 to 20 patients who received chemotherapy and used ventilators. it was about 10 o'clock the hospital and its interior east gate were targeted at the same time, accordingly, a large number of ambulances, public transport of and staff cars were damaged, we found a large number of murters and injured in the cars and the corridors of the hospital. critical injuries were transferred to al-shifa hospital with the help of our colleagues in emergency department, and as you can see, this is the place where destruction took place. it's really strikes on. have pushed
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hospitals in the territory to the verge of of collapse, palestina red crecent has made an appeal to international health and relief organizations to supply hospitals in gaza with essentials. it warned a fuel reserves at alcuz hospital will run out in less than 48 hours, israel has barred any fuel transports into the enclave. this has left hospitals increasingly unable to treat the injured due to the need for fuel to power generators. palestinians in the besieg gaza strip insis they will not leave the coastal territory despite the israeli onslot. our ancestors were displaced in 1948 all over the world. we of have been already displaced here. we will not repeat the force displacement, we will die in our lands and we will not go anywhere. if you leave our houses, we will have no dignity. if you go to the desert, there are no essentials for life, so it's better to die on our land. all of their. mean nothing to us, will remain
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steadfast in our land. are they still considering nuclear bomb? every day they strike us with part of a nuclear bomb, they stock us with bombings and rockets that destroy entire esquiers with their neighborhoods and population. let them come and see the destruction we are living in, every day we are being struck with nuclear bomb and the people cannot handle anymore, god brings what's best for us. this workshop provides the livelihood for four children they destroyed it despite the fact that we don't harm them, we are not speaking badly about them or mention them in our talks and we say whoever serves us should be respected. what are we guilty of? did we raise a stake or a stone in their faces? we haven't done anything to them, we were focusing on our lives and our livelihoods. this workshop was my livelihood, how i supposed to feed four children? our correspond has asked some residents. ubide westbank about america's
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rule and crimes being committed against palestinians in gaza. not only are they playing an active role, they are. primarily responsible, israel would not have the capabilities, military, technological, financial to continue with this genocide if it was not for the full and unstipulated backing of the united states, they are absolute, it's it's despicable that they are continuing to normalize relations, it was despicable before october 7th and before this current genocide in gaza, they must reflect the will of their people, we know that there are many people in all of these countries who are against what their government is doing, who are standing with their brothers and sisters and and we know that they are being suppressed and they are not being allowed to to articulate this support, and we we see this and we know that we send all our love and solidarity to those who are standing against these forces. america is leading the top of crimes in the middle east. america is
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the head of the snake, it's leading terrorism in the middle east to destroy the middle east for its own interests so as to keep israel in control of the region, and this is we reject. we tell the americans. their allies, you are the terrorists, you are the children's killers, you are controlling the palestinians and arabs capabilities. the palestinian people will always remain a steadfast on their land and will not leave it whatever the price is. المجتمع الدولي 75. we've been urging the international community for decades to see the israeli occupations crimes, killings, burning people alive, expansion of settlements and settlers attacks. we figured out that the international community will always stand with strong ones: the international community was clearly biased towards ukraine. gaza is burning and they're not moving. i love to tell the world, we are under occupation, and according to all international laws, we have the right to fight and defend our homeland in all suitable means. we want more action, we
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want more pressure on israel and on the united states to see fire now, because this has to stop, people are being killed in gaza, children are being... bombed in incubators, newborns are killed, uh, people are uh running out of water, they're running out of food, there is no support for these civilians who are being killed, so we need help for these civilians, ghaza has no food, no water, no anything, ghaza has no transportation, the israeli occupation has killed thousands of thousands of children and women. the the arabs start don't have any water to wash their hands or any normal things, they have no transportation to get out of ghaza. the violence in gaza was carried out by israel after directions and approval from the united
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states. the main responsible for the crimes committed there is the united states. the rockets and weapons used by israel and its war on gaza is provided by the united states. they're pumping a lot of money into israel. bahrain's national assembly is also pressing the reverse normalization of relations between the persian gulf kingdom and israel, that according to deputy speaker, bahrain's legislative body. in an interview, abdul nabi salman said the demands of the bahraini lawers are a reflection of the aspirations of the people. these are the most important public demand is severing all ties with israel. and cancelling the abraham accords. ultimately though, any decision on bahraini israeli ties is taken by the uh bahraini king. bahrain recalled its ambassador to israel last week, amid the regime's atrocities in gaza. flights between bahrain and israel were also suspended. and more
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attacks by regional resistance forces against israel. yemen's are in forces saved the launch a barage of drones of... very sensitive targets in occupied territories, the forces said movement at targeted israeli bases and airports were halted for several hours, army also about to carry out these operations in support of palestinians until israeli aggression on gaza stops. now since october 7th, the emmy forces have on several occasions launched large batches of ballistic missiles and drones at various targets and occupied territories. they say israel's continuation of its crimes against palestinians is what. is expanding this conflict and destabilizing the region. tens of thousands of yemenese have also repeatedly taken to the streets and a show of solidarity with palestinians. iranian and egyptian foreign ministers have reiterated israel's
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brutal attacks against civilians in gaza must stop, in a phone called amir abdullah han and same shukri also called for continuation of consultations between tehran and cairo. to end the ongoing crisis in palestine. top iranian diplomat said iran's red cressent is ready to send humanitarian aid to gaza through egypt for his part highlighted egypt's efforts. in delivering international humanitarian aid to gosan health contributions of arab and muslim countries, including iran. the un secretary general has renewed his call from immediate and unconditional humanitarian sease fire in gaza, noting situation in the besieged territory is a crisis of humanity. antonio gutires. warned israel's relentless bombardment of gazas, turning the enclave into a graveyard for children. i'm deeply
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concerned about clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing. let me be clear, no party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law. ladies and gentlemen of the press, gaza is becoming a graveyard for children. hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day. more journalists have reportedly been killed over four week period than in any conflict in at least three decades. more united nations aid workers have been killed than in any comparable period in the history of our organization. i salute all those continue their lifesaving work despite the overwell. challenges and risks and the unfolding catastrophe makes the need for humanitarian
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ceasfire, more urgent with every passing hour. the parties to the conflict, and indeed international community face immediate and fundamental responsibility to stop the inhuman collective suffering and dramatically expand humanitarian aid to gaza. and south africa is to withdraw all of its diplomats in israel as regime's genocide of palestinians in gaza draws more condemnations from throughout the world. the air strikes in gaza and the west bank in the west bank continue to attack schools, hospitals, ambulances and civilians. as previously indicated, a genocide, under the watch of the international community cannot be tolerated.
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another holocaust in the history of humankind is not acceptable and the south african government has decided to withdraw all his diplomats in tel aviv for consultation. anshaveni added position of the ambassador of israel in south africa is becoming very untanable. she's at the president's cabinet introduced department of international relations and cooperation to take action against ambassador live belkovski. pretoria has long been a local supporter of the palestinian cause, often linking it to its own struggle against the apartide. number of countries such as turkey, jordan, honduras, colombia, chile and bahrain have also recalled their diplomats from occupied territories, and last week, bolivia severed all diplomatic ties with telavi. and domestic
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pressure is mounting on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to take action and secure the return of captives held by hamas. crowds of israelis of riley demanding the regime accept prisoner exchange proposals. traded in west al goods outside the connesit and in tel aviv, protesters called on the regime to prioritize the lives of its own civilians over the ongoing conflict, urging officials to facilitate their immediate release. israeli media says 240 individuals were seized during operation alaxsa flood on october 7th. hamas says 50 of them were killed during israeli bombardment of gaza. they also say they released four individuals on humanitarian grounds. hamal says it's ready to. swapped though all the captives with 6,00 palestinians held in israeli prisons. us secretary of state
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anthony blincon wraps up his west asia tripped in turkey's capital ancada blinken met with the turkish foreign minister hakan feedon to discuss a ceasefire in gaza and it comes as a country's president tyve erdogan reiterated that turkey will not abandon the palestinians. as part of a diplomatic dash across west asia, the us secretary of state anthony blincon arrived in ankara and met with his turkish counterpart hakkam fidan. the visit comes one. day ahead of the turkish police trading the pro-palestinian protesters who tried entering the injured airbase which host us troops with tier gas and water cannons. demonstrators condemned the us unconditional support for israel in its aggression against palestinians stressing the us is israel's partner in the genocide taking the place in gaza. the fears israeli attacks
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against palestinians are due to the united states unlimited support to netanyahu's cabinet. if the... as did not support israel from the first place, we wouldn't see them committing such mascararies openly and not even thinking of the consequences. i think the only way a cease fire or post can be achieved in the us stops blind support to the israeli government, in its aggression on gaza, the united states must use its influence to push for peace, not war, and the huge rallies we've seen in the us and the american public refusing to fund maskers and genocides will push the byde. a speech made during his visit to his hometown riza the turkish president said his country has never left the brothers in gaza unprotected, helpless and alone and will never do so. erdogan said that it is turkey's duty to protect the holy sites in jerusalem al-quds. he added that israel has taken a very
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wrongful step by which it has darkened its future. it is our duty to save our place. senian brothers from israeli oppression and to stop the massacres committed in gaza before the eyes of the world. turkey has been strongly condemning israeli aggression on gaza which has killed more than 1000 palestinians, most of them women and children. ankara has withdrown its ambassador in israel and strongly condemned the israeli aggression on gaza. the country's president erdogan has also threatened to call israel a war criminal, but there has still been no clear and official statement on cutting ties with the occupying regime. rahshan saglam press tv, istanbul. now the us has been uh fully supporting israel during its war on gaza, and now the administration of president joe biden is reportedly planning a $320
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million transfer of precision bombs to tel aviv. according to the wall street journal, the white house sent a formal notification to congressional leaders for the plan delivery the so-called spice family gliding bomb assemblies bombs or type of precision guide weapon fired by war planes and it comes in growing concerns across the globe or the high number of civilian casualties by the israelis. american administration's unconditional support for israel's war is also drawing criticism with the within the us establishment. according to us news outlet political. state department officials have demanded that washington publicly criticize israel's violations of international norms over its war on gaza and support for settler violence in the occupied west bank. global protest continued condemning israel's indiscriminate killing of palestinians in
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gaza, in one of the latest events iraqis took to the streets of the capital baghdad. protesters slammed a visit by the us secretary of state, anthony blincon to the arab country, they waved iraki and palestinian flags enchanted anti-israel and anti-us slogans. visit by the us official also triggered widespread protest in turkey, the first destination in bilinkins mideast tour, participantslam us as accomplice. to the israeli massacre of palestinians, other turkish cities of ancut and istanbul, also the scenes of anti-us rallies, scuffles erupted between turkish police and angry mobs trying to storm a us military base in the southern turkish city of adam, and people in
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pakistan have launched a consumer boycott campaign against us and israely made products and protests. against ongoing israeli aggression in gaza. our correspondent reports from the pakistani capital, islamabad. as israel intensifies its military operation in gaza, public sentiment in pakistan has shifted sharply against companies and brands that are perceived to be pro israel or pro america. social media campaigns have been launched calling for a boycot of popular international brands like mcdonald. kfc, pizza hatt, coke, pepsi and many others. influencers and public figures are using their platforms to urge people to refrain from purchasing from these companies. which are seen as supportive of israel and the united states to demonstrate our support for palestinians, we can impose bans and products
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from companies that are directly or indirectly backing israel. i urge people worldwide to rise beyond religious or national differences and stand together in the name of humanity by boycotting pro israeli and pro american companies. the ongoing war on gaza has fueled a wave of anger. and frustration among pakistanis who view these companies as complicit in the violence and suffering of palestinians grocery karna by refusing to purchase products from companies that support israel, we can show our solidarity with palestinians and contribute to their cause. let's unite in the face of this humanitarian crisis and send powerful message by by coding companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians. as a result of this boycot, the sales of pro israeli companies in pakistan have witnessed a record decline in recent weeks. ever since the bycot campaign started, we have noticed a significant drop in sales
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the us and israeli made products. customers are increasingly avoiding products that are associated with the united states or israel and it's impacting our business. the boycot has really hit us hard. people are not buying these products anymore. they prefer local products. in response, these businesses are actively leverage. social media to try to recover their market share and restore their public image. the call for boycot of pro israel companies is testament to the deep empathy and concern of pakistanis for the plight of palestinian people and their desire to contribute to a resolution of the conflict. nasir kazmie, press tv, islamabad. nouthoritative university in rome has hosted a conference on the role. of religions and conflicts and peacebuilding, however conference ended up being a commendation of violence and oppression by israel and occupied territories. on monday, a conference
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called religions on peace and war was held at rome's luis guido carli university, considered one of the most distinguished private research institutes in italy, the conference attended by academics and represent. of religious groups had been presented as an initiative on the positive role religions can play in peacemaking or deescalating violent conflicts, it turned out to be a meeting absurdly victimizing israel in the ongoing sie launched on the gaza strip without any regard for the massacre of innocent people who have been under oppression and occupation for decades in palestine. in addition to that, number of deceatful statements were presented. by some the conference speakers to the audience. what i'm saying here is that terrorists used violence on israeli people on october 7, going to their homes and chopping the heads
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off kids and killing women after abusing them, saying that israel upholds the palestinians in a state of apartide is out of context. what's happening in former palestine is palestinian's responsibility. un experts and number of human rights organizations, including amnesty international and human rights watch have. argued for years that upper tide is being practiced by israel in the occupied palestinian territories. one of the speakers and some students from the audience pointed out that the reconstruction the events occurred in palestine made by the president of the jewish community was totally biased. the role of religions is also to promote dialogue in order to find solutions. the issue here is that mutual recognition must be the starting point. the previous speaker called a disputed territories former palestine. how can you call them that way? there is no former palestine. there is palestine and there are palestinians. we
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won't go anywhere if we continue this way. at no time during the conference it was mentioned that over 10,000 palestinian civilians and more than 4,000 children have been slattered so far after four weeks of israeli bombardment on the besieged. strip: one of the issues that have been raised during the conference is how western countries are showcasing very selective morality in choosing the conflicts where they express outrage and claiming their universal values. in the same way for decades, the west has had selective and biased approach to the implementation of international law, max civili, press tv, rome, and that's a very latest here on press tv, everyone. thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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they think they've done a good thing because they don't have to look in the eyes of these mothers who know they are going to die, who are going to die before their children's justices delivered the truth about their child who was not a gun man or a gun woman, who was not someone that the british we could just take away and snuff out their life and then cover up the files and hide them away for until 2064 or 2070. those women know they're going to die without having any of truth and without any justice. chris heat and harris doesn't have to look into any of their eyes and it doesn't matter if it was the british army or the ruc or the ira or loyalist that took those lives. those loved ones mattered and those families matter and
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what this is. doing is inhumane in in an extraordinary way that no one in a developed country in 2023 should even be cognicent of.
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after the occupation of palestinian lands and creation of the israeli regime, both sides came to realize the... power of cinema in getting their messages across. the israeli regime used cinema to show the territory it had occupied as heaven on earth in order to entice jews from all over the world to migrate to occupied territories. on the other hand, although belatedly, palestinians also learn to use the power of media and cinema.
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to make their voice heard across the world. there was a new battle field for both sides. unyielding resolve. look into the tumoltuous life of yauster arafat, the palestinian leader who dares sit at the negotiation table with israel only to face broken promises and shattered dreams. witness his lifetime tour from fighter to a diplomat and again from a diplomat to fighter to save palestine. this is story of sacrifice, betray and unbreakable spirit of a leader who fought against all.
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fatalities for ongoing his really attacks on gaza exceeded 10,000, mostly women and children, later strikes have hit several homes at hans as well as al shifa hospital with shelters hundreds of and eternally displaced. gabin's arm forces say they once again launch a barage of drones of various sensitive israeli targets, army also about to carry out more such operations and supportive palestinians until israeli aggression on gaza stops.