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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 6, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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a israel's incessant bombardments of areas around gaza hospitals continue, more than 10,000 palestinian lives have been lost during the past 31 days. more countries reacting to israeli genocide in gaza, south africa has decided to withdraw all of its diplomats from israel as a sign of protest. israel is demand that prime minister netanyahu agreed to a swamp deal and secure the release of prisoners of war help. by
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hamas and gaza. hello and welcome live from tehron. you've turning to press tvs world news, i'm. thanks so much for being with us. well, the fatality is. from the ongoing israeli attacks on gaza have exceeded 10,000 people as the regime of continues to target civilians, civilian infrastructure, school and medical facilities.
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of عينيه على العينيه بسرعه عندك عندك يا حاج عندك palestinian health officials in gaza say most of the killed are women and children. the israeli army says it's conducted 450 air strikes on gaza since last night. the lady strikes have hit several homes and khanes as well as the algos building of al shafa hospital which shelters hundreds of injured and displaced. palestinian resistance movement hamas as israeli military continues with its intense bombardment around several hospitals in gaza. a senior hamas official says tel aviv is line. about how much spaces
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and hospitals and refugee camps to cover up its massacre of innocent civilians. the spokesman for the israeli army, after all this, he said that he has intelligence information, accurate intelligence information. where was this information, and where was the intelligence of its allies on october the 7th? do they want us to believe, do they want the world to believe that these intelligence failed capabilities, failed to of notice the movements of the thousands of muujidin who weren't noticed, thank god, at the same time, these blind intelligence agencies, can they all of sudden be able to notice, an entrance, an alleged entrance to a just next to a hospital and for the
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of resistance to put miss just meters away from the hospitals which are treating the people wounded not to mention taking in osama hamdan urge a un fact finding mission to go to gaza and inspect the hospitals and schools to uncover israel's lies. he added however that palestinians will not surrender and gaza will in be the graveyard of oppressers. hamdan also referred to the us supplying israeli forces with arms, saying that palestine holds america directly responsible for the crimes committed in the besieged strip, oh palestinians in the besieg gaza strip insist that they will not leave the coastal territory despite the israeli onslot, our ancestors were displaced. 1948 all over the
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world, we have been already displaced here, we will not repeat the force displacement, we will die in our lands and we will not go anywhere, if you leave our houses, we will have no dignity, if you go to the desert. "there are no essentials for life, so it's better to die on our land. all of their warnings mean nothing to us, we'll remain steadfast in our land. are they still considering nuclear bomb? every day they strike us with part of nuclear bomb, they strike us with bombings and rockets that destroy entire escores with their neighborhoods and population, let them come and see the destruction we are living in, every day we are being struck with nuclear bomb and the people cannot handle anymore, god brings what's best for us." this workshop provides the livelihood for four children, they destroyed it despite the fact that we don't harm them, we are not speaking badly about them or mention them in our talks and we say whoever serves us should be respected. what are we guilty of? did we raise a stick or a stone in their faces? we haven't done
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anything to them. we were focusing on our lives and our livelihoods. this workshop was my livelihood. how am i supposed to feed four children? our correspond has asked some residents in the occupied west bank about the united states role in crimes being committed against palestinians in gaza, and which measures should be taken to stop them? here's what they had to say? not only are they playing an active role, they are primarily responsible. israel would not have the capabilities, military, technological, financial to continue with this genocide if was not for the full and unstipulated backing the united states. they are absolute, it's it's despicable that they are continuing to normalize relations, it was despicable before october 7th and before this current genocide in gaza. they must reflect the will of their people. we know that there are many people in all of these countries who are against what
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their government is doing who are standing with their brothers and sisters in gaza, and we know that they are being suppressed and they are not being allowed to to articulate this support, and we we see this and we know that we send all our love and solidarity to those are standing against these forces. america is leading the top of crimes in the middle east. america is the head of the snake. it's leading terrorism in the middle east to destroy the middle east for its own interests so as to keep israel in control of the region and this is we reject. we tell the americans and their allies, you are the terrorist, you are the children's killers. you are controlling the palestinians and arab's capabilities. the palestinian people. we've been urging the international community for decades to see the israeli occupations crimes, killings, burning people alive, expansion of settlements and settlers attacks. we figured out that the
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international community will always stand with strong ones. the international community was clearly biased towards ukraine. gaza is burning and they're not moving. i love to tell... the world, we are under occupation, and according to all international laws, we have the right to fight and defend our homeland in all suitable means, we want more action, we want more pressure on israel and on the united states to seas fire now, because this has to stop, people are being killed in gaza, children are being bombedd in incupators, newborns are killed, people are running out of water, they're running out of food, there is no support for these civilians who are being killed, so we need help for these civilians, ghaza has no food, no water, no anything, ghaza has no transportation, the israeli occupation has killed thousands upon
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thousands of children and women, the the arabs don't have any water to wash their hands or any normal things, they have no... the violence in gaza was carried out by israel after directions and approval from the united states, the main responsible for the crimes committed there is the united states. the rockets and weapons used by israel and its war on gaza is provided by the united states. they're pumping a lot of money into israel. the israeli forces have. have killed four top resistance fighters an assassination operation in the west bank city of tokarm.
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according to local sources, undercover israeli forces use a civilian car to enter the city, then they... fired multiple shots at the car carrying four resistance commanders. two of the marters were alsa brigade commanders in tokram, 25 year asadin awat and 22 year old jahar shahad, the other two areasm rajab and momen balaawi who later succumbedmed to their wounds a palestine red cresent medic says a 14-year-old passerby was also shot in the back and taken to the hospital. according to palestinian health ministry, israeli forces have killed a young man in al khalil and shot dead another one in easter jerusalem al- qod, raising to six, the number of palestinians killed in the west bank. only on monday. all the leader of
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iran's islamic revolution says the us is truly complicit in the crimes israel commits in the gaza strip. i told says israel would not be able to continue its aggression, without the weapons and political support of washington, the leader called on the muslim world to exert all political pressure on the us and israel to ensure a halt to the massacre of the... people in gaza. ayatollah khamene also says the regime has so far been the losing side and is not able to repair its damage image. the leader made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting prime minister of iraq. ayatollah further noted that iraq is an important country in the region and can play a special role regarding the situation in gaza, calling for the coordination between baghdad and tehran in this regard. iranian president ibrahim raisi has reiterated
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support for any regional or international effort to in the israeli aggression against palestinians in the gaza strip. rais slammed the international community's failure in meeting its obligations regarding the crisis in gaza, the president called on muslim nations to break their silence on israeli crimes. raise also called for an immediatefire and the swift delivery of humanitarian aid to people in the palestinian territory, he also condemned the support for israel by the us and some european countries. the president made the remarks during a joint pressure with visiting iraqi prime minister muhammad shiah al-sudani, iraqi premier confirmed that tehran and baghdad host similar views about the war in gaza. meanwhile iran warns the possibility of a spillover of the israeli onslot against the gaza strip in the region, iran's foreign
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ministry spokesman said in his weekly pressure, that tehran has conveyed this message to the us, natar canani argued that the u.s. government cannot claim that it is not after the expansion of the war while giving the green light to israel to continue its crimes against palestinians. cannony added that this goes against washington's calls on others for restraint and clearly. leads to serious steps by resistance movements in the region. he also slamed the inaction of the international community, saying this puts all possibilities on the table. kennedy warned that israel will poste a threat to other countries if it achieves a victory in the ghaza war, which he stress is unlikely to happen. the un secretary general has renewed his call for an immediate and conditional humanitarian seasfire in gaza, noting that the situation in the besieg territory is a crisis of humanity. antonio
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gateres warned that israel's relentless bombardment of the gas strip is turning the enclave into a graveyard for children. i'm deeply concerned about clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing. let me be clear, no part. ladies and gentlemen of the press, gaza is becoming a graveyard for children, hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day, more journalists have reportedly been killed over a f period than any conflict in at least three decades. more united nations aid workers have been killed. than in any comparable period in the history of our organization. i salute all those who
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continue their lifesaving work despite the overwhelming challenges and risks and the unfolding catastrophe makes the need for humanitarian sease fire more urgent with every passing hour. the parties to the conflict and indeed international community face immediate and fundamental. responsibility to stop the inhuman collective suffering and dramatically expand humanitarian aid to gaza. south africa. is to withdraw all of its diplomats from israel as regime's genocide of palestinians in the gaza strip draws more condemnation from across the globe. the air strikes in gaza, and the west bank in the west bank continue to attack schools, hospitals, ambulances and civilians.
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as previously indicated, a... genocide under the watch of the international community cannot be tolerated. another holocaust in the history of humankind is not acceptable, and the south african government has decided to withdraw all his diplomats in tel aviv for consultation. in shavin he added that the position of the ambassador of israel in south africa is becoming very untenable, she said the president's cabinet instructed the department of international relations and cooperation to take action against the ambassador. pretoria has long been a vocal supporter of the palestinian cause, often linking it to its own struggle against apartide. a number of countries such as turkey, jordan, honduras, colombia, chile and bahrain, have also recalled their diplomats
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from the occupied territories. last week, bolivia severed all diplomatic ties with. tel aviv over its atrocities in the gaza strip. well domestic pressure is mounting on israeli prime minister netanyahu to take action to secure the return of prisoners held by hamas. crowds of israelis have rally demanding the regime accept prisoner exchange proposals. families of the prisoners of war demonstrated in west salds outside the knesset and in telaviv, protestors called on the regime to prioritize the lives of its own civilians over the ongoing conflict, urging israeli officials to facilitate their immediate release. the israeli media says some 240
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individuals were seized during the al-axa flood operation on october the 7th. hamas says nearly. 50 captives were killed during israel's bombardment of gaza. the palestinian resistance movement has already released four individuals on humanitarian grounds. and the movement says it's ready to swap all the captives with 6,00 palestinians held in israeli prisons. meanwhile global protests continue to condemn israel's indiscriminate killing of palestinians in the gasa strip. in one of the latest such events that masses of irakis took to the streets in the capital of baghdad. the visit by us secretary of state anthony blincon to the arab country. they wave iraqi and palestinian flags enchanted anti-israel and anti-american slogans. the
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visit by the us official also triggered widespread protests in turkey first destination of blinking's middle east tour, participants slammed the us and as accomplice the israeli massacre of palestinians. other turkish cities, ankaram and istanbul have also been the scene of anti-us rallies for the second day of blincon's visit to the country, scuffles erupted between turkish police and angry protesters trying to storm a us military base in the southern turkish city of andana, meanwile protesters in other parts the world voice solidarity with palestinians admit the fierce israeli onslaught against the besieged ga strip now to pakistan where people there have launched a consumer boycott campaign against us and israeli made products and protests against the ongoing israeli aggression in gaza. our correspondent reports
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from the pakistani capital of islamabad. as israel intensifies its military operation in gaza, public sentiment in pakistan has shifted sharply against companies and brands that are perceived to be pro israel or pro america. social media campaigns have been launched calling for boycot of popular international brands like mcdonald's, kfc, pizzahut, coke, pepsi and many others. influencers and public figures are using their platforms. to urge people to refrain from purchasing from these companies which are seen as supportive of israel and the united states to demonstrate our support for palestinians. we can impose bans and products from companies that are directly or indirectly backing israel. i urge people worldwide to rise beyond religious or national differences and stand together in
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the name of humanity by boycotting pro israeli and pro american companies. the ongoing war on gaza has fueled a wave of anger and frustration among pakistanis who view these companies as complicit in the violence and suffering of palestinians. grocery. by refusing to purchase products from companies that support israel, we can show our solidarity with palestinians and contribute to their cause. let's unite in the face of this humanitarian crisis and send powerful message by bicoding companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians. as a result of this boycot, the sales of pro israeli companies in pakistan have witnessed a record decline in recent weeks, unka bycott chal raha hai. ever since the bycot campaign started, we have. noticed a significant drop in sales of the us and israeli made products, customers are increasingly avoiding products that are associated with the united states or israel and it's impacting our business. the boycot
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has really hit us hard, people are not buying these products anymore, they prefer local products. in response, these businesses are actively leveraging social media to try to recover their market share and restore their public image. the call for buycot of pro israeli companies is a testiment to the deep empathy and concern of pakistanis for the flight of palestinian people and their desire to contribute to a resolution of the conflict. nasir kazmi, press tv, islamabad to nigeria, where an international conference has been held on the situation in gaza and the israeli regime's illegal occupation of palestinian land. press correspon and jama abdullahi reports. in the nigerian city of kaduna a conference was held on the ongoing situation in gaza on saturday. the speakers
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the conference organized by almizan, a publication of the islamic movement in nigeria, said that as a result of israel's manipulation tactics, some western outlets either ignore the truth of the war on gaza or distort the truth while reporting the israeli genocidal war in gaza. one of the speakers accused western outlets of turning a blind eye to the various violations of international law and war crimes. israel has lot of issues which it is hiding, as such, she now put the information in a different way that will influence the conscience of people so that it will now have the chance to commit more crime. various speakers at the seminar agreed that the root cause of the conflict in gaza is the illegal israeli
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occupation of palestinian lands for over 70 years, so the hamas attack didn't happen in a vacuum, but it was the result of years of subjugation and oppression of palestinians by the israelis. they said the israeli regime continuously spread lies and propaganda about the origins of its existence and also highlight antisemitism to justify his war crimes. the destructions are very clear in the public domain, especially in the internet, so there are a lot of destructions of public property, many killings, and we feel the world, especially here in nigeria needs to understand actually what is happening. the participants at the seminar described journalists as the eye of the public and said they must report accurately and comprehensively during conflict and war situations, they called on international organizations and civil society groups to protect journalists who report the truth,
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thanjum abdullahi, press tv, kaduuna, and with that report brings us to the end of this world news bulletin, that's it for me, thanks so much for staying with us right here at press tv. el shiffa hospital in downtown gaza city is the biggest hospital and the most important one in the strip, especially in wartime under a tight sie. i want to ask everyone in the in this award, if it is this child is yours. what do you feel? i am here because the israeli occupation bombed us. this war
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results in high number. of casualties, people dying every day, unyielding resolve, look... into the tumoltuous life of yaster arafat, the palestinian leader who dared sit at the negotiation table with israel only to face broken promises and shattered dreams. witness his lifetime tour from fighter to a diplomat, and again from a diplomat to fighter to save palestine. this is story of sacrifice. betray
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and unbreakable spirit of a leader who fought against all odds, الله اكبر الله يوم الشهيد ما بيفتحوا الا الشهيد الا الشهيدي يجميل العموري قدام باب الاقصام الحبييد ما بيفتحوا الا الشاهيد.
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top stories haro press tv, fatalities from ongoing is really attacks on gaza exceed 10,000, most of them women and children. strikes of it several homes in h and unist as well as alfuts building of alchu hospital, which shellters hundreds of injured and internally displaced. the leader of iran's islamic revolution says the u.s. is truly complicit with israel in crimes committeed in the gaza strip. is calling on muslim countries to pond up political pressure to end israeli onslot on gods.