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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 3, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am IRST

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your headlines on press tv, the leader of the hezbollah resistance movement warns israel against attacking in lebanon, saying the resistance keeps all options on the table. israel has killed more than 9,000 palestinians, most of them children and women in his ongoing onslot on the besieged gaza strip. and people around the world take to the streets to show solidarity with the people of gaza and denounce the israeli of regime's atrocities against palestinians.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehwan, thank you for joining us. the secretary general of the hezbollah resistance movement says israel's war on gaza must end immediately. say hasan nasrullah said the first scope. the resistance is ending the israeli onslot and the second is to ensure the victory of the resistance. he also said israel cannot achieve a stated goals against the resistance and the final victory belongs to palestinians. nasar allah said palestinian sacrifices will have a great impact on the future of the whole region. he said the threats against hezbollah by israel and its of main supporter, the united states will not change lebanon stance in supporting palestinians. nasaralah war. the us and
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israel not to make any move against lebanon. the behavior of the zianist enemy towards lebanon. once again, from some of the bombings which targetted some civilians. this might lead us once again to strike a civilian if our civilians are striked. with constructive ambiguity, i say that all options are on the table on the lebanes front. i say that all options are on the
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table, and we can adopt any option any time, nasral elaborated on the options by saying that is prepared to act against us navy ships in the mediterranean and is not intimidated by their presence, he said the us is entirely responsible. responsible for the war in gaza and called israelly an executive too. nasaralah also said hezbollah operations against israel are significant and unprecedented in history. he added that the operations have forced israel to divide his focus and troops and also resulted in the evacuation of dozens of settlements. meanwhile the death toll continues to mount in the gaza strip which has been realling from nearly a month. of relentless israeli
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attacks and a tightened sie. at least 15 people were killed as an as a convoy of ambulances was hit at the front gate of al-shifa hospital in northern gaza. the convoy was transferring critically injured palestinians to the rafa border crossing. attacks were also reported in the vicinity of indonesian and al-quts hospitals. nine people were killed as a house at the nuserat refugee camp in central gaza came under. attack, the health ministry in gaza says an israeli strike also killed at least 14 displaced palestinians. the that reportedly hit a coastal road which the israeli military had previously told civilians to take to travel south. the death toll in gaza has now risen above 9,200, most of them women and children. more than 23,000 people have also been injured. the... hamas resistance movement has
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described israel strikes against hospitals as heinous crimes. hamas says it holds the us and other western countries responsible for attacks against al-shifa, al-quds and... indonesian hospitals. hamas added that open us support for israeli terrorism and the silence of the international community are to blame for these massacres. hamar said, the strikes indicate a plan to fully destroy the medical sector in the already devastated gaza strip. the resistance movement also warned of the regime's plan to target to target more civilian infrastructure and medical facilities. no one is spared as the israeli war in gaza rages on, not even those with supposed international protection. two more journalists have been killed during the regime's air strikes in the beleget strip.
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palestinians. laid to rest palestine tv journalist muhammad abu hattab alongside 11 of his family members, they were all killed during the israeli bombardment of han yunis in southern gaza. another journalist also fell victim to the deadly air strikes targeting al-shifa hospital in northern gaza. according to palestinian sources, 39 journalists have been killed in israeli attacks on gaza since october the 7th. it's often, it's often said that journalists should remain emotionally detached from their story, but sometimes that's asking for the impossible, especially when seeing first hand israeli atrocities in gaza. watch how palestine tv presenter duha shami burst into tears while listening to a correspondent in
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gaza expressing journalists, exhaustion and desperation. لقد انهكنا اننا هنا ضحايا شهداء مع فرق التوقيت فقط نحن نمضي واحدا تلو الاخر ولا احد ينظر الينا ولا الى حجم الكارثه والجريمه التي نعيشها في غزه لا حمايه لا حمايه دوله لا حمايه دوليه على الاطلاق ولا حصانه لاي شيء لا تحمينا هذه الدروع ولا تحمينا هذه القبعات انها مجرد شعارات نرتديها فقط هي لا تحمي اي صحفي على الاطلاق على الاطلاق لا تحمي هذه الدروع ولا هذه من نرتديها فقط هي هي
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الشعارات فقط نحن هنا ضحايا ضحايا على الهواء مباشره نفسقد واحدا تلو الاخر بلا اي ثمن نمضي الشهداء فقط مع فرق التوقيت نحن ننتظر الدور واحدا ثلو الاخر زميلنا محمد ابو حطب كان هنا منذ نصف ساعه فقط وغادرنا الان هو وزوجته وابنه واخيه وكثير من عائلته هم ضحايا هنا في داخل المستشفى the un relief agency for palistan refugees or onrua says is no longer able to shelter civilians in gaza, unwhile gaza director thomas white said 38 people have died in un facilities in the wartorn area and 72 unraw staff have also been killed since israel started this assault. some 600,000 people in gaza have been sheltering in un
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buildings since october 7th. un facilities are protected under international law, but they have not been spared by israel's ruthless onslot. the palestinian resistance movement, hamas says it has carried out a counter attack on israeli forces in northwest of gaza city. this comes as the regime is pressing ahead with its ground offensive on the strip. the armed wing of hamas said is forces fired salvos of mortor shells destroying six israeli tanks and two armored personnel carriers. algasam brigades added that number of israeli troops were killed and injured as a result. the brigades also... that israel's military death toll is much higher than what the regime has announced. the group has warned that gaza will be, in its words, the curse of history for israel. it added that the regime's forces entering the besieg territory will go home in quote, black bags. the israeli military claims that
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his troops have now encircled gaza city. it says 25 troops have so far been killed in the ground operation. we have conducted an interview with hamas representative in iron khalid khaddumi. he tells us about his cancelled interview with france 24 and accusations of antisemitism against hamas. they have requested the interview from me in person and when i gave them the the time for that they they came it was a sunday and it was an off day in paris and then when i wanted to enter into the studio in front of the camera the chief bureau has received the call from his boss who came from his house to inform them from paris on sunday off night. that you are not allowed to take a to take to give the opportunity or the platform of
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france 24 for for the speech of hammas, they accused us as terrorists, they are the terrorists, they they claim the freedom of the speech, there is nothing called freedom of speech, what antisemitism? blincan himself has declared he is the jew and because he is a jew he is defending israel, they are saying it is jewish. said we are fighting about against israel, they are putting themselves as representative of jewish, we need our brothers and sisters from jewish religion outside israel to raise their voice and say explicitly that israel does not represent the jews, the international outcry against israel's brutal strikes on gaza is growing everyday, as demonstrated by the... large-scale rallies across the globe. yemenes
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once again to the streets of the capital san art to express support for palestinians in gaza. similar rallies also took place in jordan's capital amman and the turkish city of istanbul. palestinians also voiced their solidarity with their fellow citizens staging protests in the occupied west bank. cities of al khalil and ramala, those those were just the latest in pro palestine protest. numerous rallies have been held in europe, canada, the us and elsewhere ever since the gaza war began nearly a month ago. people are outraged at the rising civilian toll in gaza as well as international inaction to bring an end to israeli brutalities. syrians and palestinian refugees. in damascus have joined their voices to protest against the israeli aggression on gaza, here's a report. outraged
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syrians and palestinians gathered in their mook refugee camp in damascus to support the people of gaza against the brutal atrocities committed by the israeli regime. we have gathered today in yarmuk camp to send the message of solidarity to our. brazilian brothers and sisters in gaza were bravely paving the way back to palestine with their blood. we assured them that they are not alone. the arab people's, the resistance front and the free people of the world stand with you. we will liberate every part of palestine by god's will. we express our gratitude to syria and mr. bashar al-assad for supporting us and taking an honorable stance. we tell everyone that our people will not die by the grace of god. protester's voice there. towards western powers that have been supporting israel's war crimes, specifically the recent massacre in the
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jabala refugee camp, which violates all laws, norms and human ethics. what happened in jabala and previous israeli massacres provide clear evidence of regional and international collusion, but gaza will not be left alone. we say to netanyahu and joe biden, come with all the strength and weapons you have by land, sea and air, by god, we have prepared fighters who embrace martter them as fervently as you cling to life, victory will be ours. demonstrators rejected the israeli displacement projects and emphasized their absolute faith in gaza's victory over injustice, pledging to defend palestine and its nation sanctities. cruelty, savagery and monstricity, are words that no longer suffice to describe the israeli criminality. syrians completely recognize these crimes and once again they confirm. the resolute support for palestine and the resistance. ibrahim wah dist tv damaskus. the diplomatic cost of
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israel's atrocities in the ghaza strip is mounting with bahrain now recalling his ambassador to the regime. the bahraini government confirmed that its ambassador returned home and that the israeli ambassador left the kingdom. the government however did not confirmed that economic ties with tel aviv were severed as the parliament had earlier announced but said the flights between the two sides had been suspended. bahrain was one of the few arab nations that signed us back normalization agreements with israel in 2020. israel was also hoping to normalize ties with saudi arabia, but that, but that now seems unlikely. people across the region have been holding protests against normalization deals with israel, while palestinians see them as stab in the back. ivan's foreign minister says israel and his supporters, particularly the us are
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responsible for any consequences if the regime does not stop his crimes in gaza. hossain amir abdullah made the comment. a phone call with the syrian foreign minister faisal miqdad. the top iranian diplomat underlineed the great ability of palestinian and other regional resistance groups to stand up to the israeli regime. maqdad for his part stressed that syria's principal stands in support of palestine is definitive and immutable. he also called for muslim unity against israel and vigilance amongst regional nations in the face of us and israeli schemes and deceat. amir abdullah young. also on the phone with his qatari counterpart with the two sides calling for immediate end to israeli war crimes and the mass and continuous delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza. now chile has renewed this consens over the gaza war with president gabriel boric telling his us counterpart that what's happening there is unacceptable al presidente
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biden nuestra preocupación. i told president biden our concerns on. what is happening in the gaza strip? the number of civilian death grows day by day. what's happening in gaza is simply unacceptable and why lates international humanitarian law? boric also talked about the captives held by the palestinian resistance movement hamas and demanded their release. he met with president joe biden in washington. the meeting took place a time when biden is under growing pressure inside and outside the us for failing to make israel. stop his war in gaza. earlier this week, chile joined a chorus of international criticism against the regime's relentless bombardment of gaza, recalling his ambassador to tel aviv. another south american country, colombia took a similar move and elsewhere in the continent, bolivia cut is relations with the israeli regime. at
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least 11 palestinians have been killed in israel, raising the occupied west bank even as the regime continues is. atrocities in the gaza strip, israeli forces killed a palestinian man in the village of budros, northwest of ramala, according to local sources, he was leaving the mosk after performing friday prayers. earlier, five palestinians lost their lives in an israeli rade in the janne refugee camp in northern west bank. locals say the regime's focus or forces used live rounds during the raid. five more palestinians were killed in attacks near al khalil and east al-guts. israeli forces have killed at least 146 palestinians in the west bank since october the 7th. that's when the regime began its onslot against the besieged casa strip.
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and into. national charity organization says more children have been killed in gaza strip over the past weeks than in every other armed conflict annually since 2019. the death toll amongst children in gaza may worsen as a result of the ongoing israeli aggression. hundreds of children are still trapped under the rubble of residential buildings targeted during israel strikes on gaza and they have not been rescued yet, which implies the actual death toll could be higher. figures reported by the charity organization save the children shows the number of children killed in the gaza strip as a result of israel's ongoing aggression has exceeded annual figures related to global conflicts over the past four years. the international ngo says that israel's brutal military attack against gaza, which began on october 7 in response to an operation by the palestinian resistance
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group hamas, has so far killed more than the annual number of children killed in armed conflicts globally each of the past four. years, according to multiple reports, including the palestinian health ministry and the defense for children international dci, one child is being killed in gaza every 10 minutes. euromed human rights monitor said in a press release on october 18 that since the launch of the indiscriminate bombing crusade against gaza, average of 100 children have been killed daily. hundreds of children are still trapped under the rubble of residential buildings targeted during israel's strikes on gaza, and they have not been rescued yet, which implies the actual death doll could be higher. the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs said in a statement that at least 1,0 children are missing under the rubble in gaza. the ongoing siege and the relentless bombardment are impeading search and rescue. gaza has become a graveyard for children, it's a living hell for everyone else, and yet the threats to children go
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beyond bombs and mortars and i want to speak briefly now on on two of those water and trauma, the more than 1 million children of gaza have a critical water crisis. gaza's water production now, its capacity is at 5%. percent of its daily output, so child deaths to dehydration, particularly infant deaths to dehydration, are a growing threat. the un child rights committee has strongly condemned the killing of children in the gaza strip as israel continues its relentless bombardment the besieged territory. the committee also condemned the escalation of attacks by israel against civilian targets in the ghaza strip, it said grave human rights violations against children are mounting by the minute in the territory, the one commit the rights of the
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child has also issued a statement saying grave human rights violations against children are mounting by the minutes in the gazab. the statement says armed conflict harms children first and foremost and has lifelong effects on their physical and mental health, their developments and ultimately the enjoyment of all their rights. children are also harmed when they survive, but lose... parents and other family members and friends and also witnessed catastrophic events. committee has also called for an end to the devastating harm that's being leveled on children's lives in the occupied palestinian territory. it has also called on all parties to protect all children and to provide all the necessary medical and protective support, including psychological support to begin the long process of overcoming the consequences these grave violations. then of course we have the trauma. when finally the fighting stops. the cost to children and their communities is going to be born out for generations to come, before this latest escalation, before it, more than 800,000
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children in gaza, that's the quarters of the entire child population of gaza, we identified as needing mental health and psychological support, again that's before this latest nightmare, in a desperate move, palestinian children and their parents have started writing their names on their bodies and black ink so that they can be identified in host. hospitals if they are killed or injured in israeli strikes. children pulled from the wreckage of buildings are sometimes unrecognizable due to grave injuries, heartbreaking photos of children lying on steel trays inside gaza hospital morges, with their sleeves or legs of trousers pushed up to reveal their names have been going viral on social media. un children's fund unicef said in a report last tuesday that almost every child in gaza has been exposed to deeply distressing events and trauma. we're talking about children witnessing their parents, their families. sisters and brothers being killed in front of them, their houses, their communities disappearing in a split second, this has a big toll on their
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emotional, psychological and and mental health. the report highlighted that children are experiencing widespread destruction, relentless attacks, displacements and severe shortages of essential necessities like food, water and medicine. the report added that without stable electricity and fuel supplies, essential facilities like hospitals, desalination plants and water pumping stations cannot work properly. it's interesting, i mean, we have a formula at the united nations that is applied to virtually every other conflict situation, but when it comes to the situation in israel and palestine, there's a different set of rules, apparently, and that's a i think a big source of my frustration, where is the transitional justice process, where is the un protection force to protect all civilians, where is the tribunal for accountability? where is the action on the part of the security council, the only mechanism in the united nations that has enforcement to ensure protection in the occupied territories,
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and with that we come to the end of this bulletin, thank you for being with us, i'll be back with news in brief in about five minutes time. take care for now, unyielding resolve, look into the tumoltuous life of yauster arafat. the palestinian leader who dared sit at the negotiation table with israel only to face broken promises and shatter dreams. witness his lifetime tour
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from fighter to a diplomat, and again from a diplomat to fighter to save palestine. this is story of sacrifice, betrayal, and unbreakable spirit of a leader who fought against all odds.
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بنعمل فيهم بقياس بنحط فيهم يا عمي بقيقي الله حاول هنا اختار.
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news and brief for this hour, the leader of the hezbollah of resistance movement warns israel against attacking lebanon, saying the resistance keeps all options on the table, sasan nasrulah also said israel cannot achieve a state. it goes against the resistance and the final victory belongs to palestinians. at least 15 people were killed as a convoy of ambulances was hit in an israeli attack outside al shifa hospital in northern gaza. an israeli strike also killed at least 14 displaced palestinians a coastal road. over 9200 people have been killed in gaza in nearly a month of israeli war.