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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 3, 2023 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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your headlines on press tv israel continues with this indiscriminate strikes of the besieg cause strip for the 28th day targeting more civilian infrastructure including four school shelters. un rights experts one of a looming humanitarian. catastrophe in gaza same time is running out to prevent a genocide in the blockade the territory and palestine of valleys continue unabated across the globe protest has accuse israel of committing genocide in gaza calling for immediatefire.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran. thank you for joining us. israel continues with the savage bombardment of the ghaza strip as the regime's deadly onslot against the besieg. enters is 28th day. the death told from israel's genicidal raids on gaza, which began on october the 7th, has surpassed 9,000, including more than 3,600 children. an israeli ear strike in the burage refugee camp in the centre of gaza city has killed 22 people. israeli jets also bombed the jab or jabya refugee camp for the third day on thursday. the regime's strikes on the refugee camp have left hundreds of people dead. and
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wounded, a journalist working for palestine tv station was also killed after an israeli air strike hit his home in the city of khan yunis. meanwhile, the united nations agency for palestinian refugees said four schools sheltering displaced people have been damaged as a result of israel's indiscriminate raids. israel has received heavy blows from palestinian resistance movement hamas and it is ground and into the gaza strip. the algason brigades, the military wing of the movement has warned the regime that is invading soldiers will quote, go back home in black bags. the spokesman for the brigade said gaza will be the curse of history for israel. abu ubayd added that resistance fighters have attacked israeli forces directly, using anti-tank missiles and dropping bombs by drones. he described the operations as successful, saying a large number of israeli forces have been killed. abu ubaid. commens came after the israeli
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military claimed this troops have completely surrounded gaza city following days of expanding ground operations. earlier on thursday hamas official said israel's ground invasion of gaza has failed. regarding the the ground invasion, i can confirm with high confidence that the occupation forces suffered from major fail. and suffered heavy losses in and soldiers in insulgers and tanks. elkasam brigades and the resistance factions continue to resist and to stop the occupational forces in the ground and they succeeded in inflicting damage and losses on the occupation forces. gaza will remain a thorn in the throat of the occupation and we will continue to fight against the occupation. uh they could not ham said israel
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will also fail to make any political, military or security gains in the ground battle. the amas official said israel's western allies, including the united states are complicit in the massacre of women and children in gaza. he said the west seeks its own goals in the region, but nothing can change the geopolitical map of palestine and the gaza's strip. another hamas official also turned the spotlight on the plight of gazans in the face of... the regime's deadly raids, the health situation in gaza is catastrophic, and unfortunately up until now, the sufficient supplies aren't reaching the place to treat our people, there are those who are dying today as a result of chronic situations, cancer, dialysis because of the
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lack of medical supplies as a result of the ongoing siege against the palestinian people, what makes the situation even worse is and that israel is now committing, quote, the massacre of the century in the gaza strip, he said the regime has resorted to using internationally banned white phosphorus bombs against the palestinian resistance. iran's deputy permanent representative to the united nations office in geneva has strongly condemned israel's deadly onslott in the besige gaza strip. mehdi ali obadi said the regime's plan to this place and forcibly evacuate the'. population in gaza is a crime against humanity. ali obadi was speaking a meeting of the permanent committee of the international organization for migration. he called on the organization not to remain indifferent in the face of a looming displacement crisis in gaza. the iranian envoy also earged the organization to take a
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strong and decisive position any action that leads to the force the placement of the palestinian population. aliyabadi condemned israel's crimes as brutal and barbaric. a group of united nations human rights experts has warned a voluming humanitarian catastrophe in the besieg gaza strip and made israel's brutal onslot on the territory. they said time is running out to prevent a genocide in gaza. the group which conducts fact finding and monitoring activities in gaza also voice deepening horror about israel strikes, calling them a brason violation of international law and a war crime. the experts. said the bloccated territory faces major health hazards and is in die need of food, water, medicines, fuel and other essential supplies. they emphasize that israel's backers also bear responsibility for the regime's crimes and must act to prevent is disastrous course of action. the experts
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also slammed israel's attacks on refugee camps sheltering civilians in gaza. they said such attacks violate the rules of proportionality and distinction between combatants and civilians. the world health organization calls for speeding up eight deliveries to gaza which is grappling with, which is grappling with the severe humanitarian crisis caused by israel's relentless strikes on civilians of the besieged territory. let's take a listen. we immediately established a warehouse and the team is working against all odds and risk to their security to liver life. saving medical supplies to the hospital. the who supplies that came into fiya rafa have been immediately distributed to seven hospitals all over gaza. unfortunately, these essentially needed supplies are merely drop in the ocean of needs. who calls for an
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urgent accelerated access for humanitarian aids, including fuel, water, food and medical supplies into and throughout the gaza strip. israeli forces have killed two palestinian young men and injured four others during violent raid on the occupied westbank city of janne. the victims identified as 31 year old suleiman muhammad staiti and 26-year-old jihad ibrahim mustafa were killed during a massive israeli raid on the city followed by intense overflight of the regime's aircraft. israel forces also fired live bullets as well as stung grenades and toxic teer gas during subsequent confrontations with palestinians. this after earlier on thursday, israeli settlers attacked palestinians in the northern part of the occupied territory, setting fire to their vehicles and stores. three palestinians were killed by israeli forces in the west bank cities of calkalia and bira, while teenager died of gun fire
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injuries sustained on monday. the regime has been escalating its rates across the west bank since the beginning of his war on gaza, killing more than 130 palestinians. is there. palestinians in the occupied west bank have observed a general strike in protest of israel's war crimes in the beleagueged gaza strip. this as palestinians continue to bid farell to more marties amit an escalation of fighting between the resistance fighters and the regime forces. here's a report. as the israeli regime presses ahead with its atrocities. the occupied west bank have held a general strike to express their condemnation, the shut down brought busy life to a stand still, but protests and demonstrations were already organized all across the main cities. in one of those rallies, protesters marched to the headquarters of the united nations in
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ramolah, demanding an immediate stop to the genocide and ethnic cleansing against the palestinians in gaza. gazza, these non-stop massacres in gaza and the latest committed against the jebalia refugee camp are failed attempt to weaken the palestinian resistance and break people steadfastness. fighting is continuing and the resistance groups are causing severe losses to the israeli force. we have the same occupation and we are the same people, geography does not you know divide people, we are just the same, we are all targets, whenever you are a palestinian, you are a terrorist and you should be killed, people are killed for no reason and for nothing, so you know this, this is complete genocide, this is complete war. crimes that should be stopped immediately right now. on
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the other hand, israeli regime has escalated its military operations and incursions all over the occupied territories. four palestinians were killed on wednesday, three them were murtered in jinin during a military raid to the city and its refugee camp, and the fourth was killed in tolkarim. the israeli military has also used drones during this recent trade to jinin. this assault has caused severe damage. in number of buildings and to the alleys, during the funeral procession of the marters identified as fighters from aqsa marters the brigades, morners v to continue fighting and avenge the killing of palestinians in gaza and here in the west bank. we have bid farell to three marters, leaders of the alaxa martter brigades, have been killed during the military raid on, there's a clear message sent by this criminal israeli military that is targeting all the... resistance groups and not a specific one, all resistance groups are united in facing the sionist war cabinet and
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fighting its offense. so far, 130 palestinians have been killed by the israeli forces in the occupied west bank and over 200 have been wonded. according to the palestinian prisoners society, almost 1800 palestinians were detained during the daily rates and for the third week entrance is to most palestinian villages, towns. and cities have been blocked by military checkpoints, earth mounts, cementa blocks and iron gates, preventing movements between them. and with increased israeli crackdown. palestinians say the heavy crackdown is meant to prevent them from engaging in different forms of anti-israel activities. with escalation of israel's aggression on gaza, the regime's military has also been stepping up violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank. despite that palestinians in the wist bank say they would not back. up from supporting their brothers and sisters in the ghaza strip monandial for press tv, occupied
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dramalah. lebanon's resistance movement hezbollah says it has simultaneously attacked 19 israeli positions as part of his retaliation for the regime's attacks on lebanese territory. a statement by hezbollah said guarded missiles and artillery were used to hit the israeli targets. earlier hezbollah said they used to drones to attack an israeli military command position in the... occupied sheba farms in a first attack of this kind. meantime the gasan brigades, the branch, the gassan brigades branch in lebanon says it has fired 12 missiles towards the israeli town of kiriyamona and its vicinity. the group said the attack was a response to the massacre of palestinians in gaza. meantime, israeli attacks left three dead in southern lebanon. the israeli military has been repeatedly attacking areas in southern lebanon over the past few days. an israeli commander has however, acknowledged that the regime troops are under pressure due to operations by hizbullah and are losing morale for battle.
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international outcry against israel's brutal strikes on the beseest gaza strip continues to mount with large-scale demonstrations across the globe. a jewish american advocacy group closed the highway in the city of durum in the us state of north carolina to demand the ceasefire in gaza. the groups activists deplored the... bombardment of gaza, the die situation of his hospitals and lack of essentials such as food and water in the territory. the activist called on president joe biden to stop the bombing of gaza. in france, people held a vigil in the capital paris, accusing israel of committing genocide in gaza.
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and genocide, it's very serious because israel does not respect the united nation or life, life is sacred in islam, we don't kill, we don't kill children, we don't kill elderly people, we don't kill disabled people, this is the palestinians land, the french protesters denounced israel as a... terrorist entity, they accused president emmanuel macron of complicity in israeli crimes against palestinians, elsewhere in europe, protesters marched inside athens international airport in the greek capital to the protest has called for a halt to israel's killing of palestinians and immediate ceasefire in gaza. propalestinian rallies
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were also held in africa. garnayan protesters took to the streets of the... or akra to show their support for the people of gaza. all african leaders must unite, must stand together, because africans, we are known and i speak as an african today. we are known for our hospitality and we are known for our unity and our cultural values. cultural values that if if we are to follow today, they will never stand for israel, they always stand for the people of palestine, and i just want to let you know something that today in gana even though we have ga and all others ashanti and and what not, today when one ganian bleeds everybody bleeds and just like that, we are all one human race and we all fight against oppression and tyranny, that's
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all i have to say, free palestine. other major cities across. the world have also been the scene of similar pro-palestinian rallies since israel launched his deadly attacks against gaza on october the 7th. despite repeated repression from the government, pro-palestinian demonstrators continue to try and rally in france to demand that the israeli regime and its war crimes in gaza. insupportable, how can we possibly? allow children and babies to be the targets of bombs, it's absolutely unacceptable, this isn't a war, it's a total massacre of the palestinian people, the entire world is demanding a ceasefire immediately. french president emmanuel macron is increasingly under fire for what appears to many like unconditional support for tel aviv, even as
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their atracities mount with each passing minute. paris only just joined the international cour. demanding that israel accept a humanitarian truce right away. we are here to put pressure on our government to stop these massacres, which are inflaming not just the entire region, but the entire world. i had no faith in macron before this started, but now i can only say that he is not my president. at the previous pro-palestinian demonstration in the capital, local authorities banned the march just 90 minutes. before its scheduled start. that gave police the legal justification to hand out 135 eur fines to a whapping 1,400 protesters, totaling nearly 200,000. however, people here said that, regardless of the government's tactics, they will not be intimidated to stand up for palestine. manifestation, j'en
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ai fait déjà. i have been to many pro-palestinian demonstrations, one time i was f four times at the same protest, however you can see i'm still here today to support palestine, whether they authorize it or not, the government's repression of the liberty of expression is dangerous for all of france, and i hope everyone realizes that. the french political class continues to falsely portray pro-palestinian protesters, not only as anti-semitic, but increasingly accuses them of alleged incitement to terrorism, that likely won't stop major anti-israel. protest in paris on november 4th. press tv, paris. outraged syrians and palestinians gathered in their mook refugee camp in damascus to support the people of gaza against the brutal atrocities committed by the israeli regime.
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we have gathered today in yarmuk camp to send the message of solidarity to our. resilient brothers and sisters in gaza were bravely paving the way back to palestine with their blood. we assured them that they are not alone. the arab people's, the resistance front and the free people of the world stand with you. we will liberate every part of palestine by god's will. we express our gratitude to syria and mr. bashar al-assad for supporting us and taking an honorable stance. we tell everyone that our people will not die by the grace of god. protesters voiced. anger towards western powers that have been supporting israel's war crimes, specifically the recent massacre in the jabala refugee camp, which violates all laws, norms and human ethics. happened in jebalia and previous israeli massacres provide clear evidence of regional and international collusion, but gaza will not be left alone. we say to netanyahu and joe biden, come with
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all the strength and weapons you have, by land, see and air, by god, we have prepared fighters who embrace martter them as fervently as you cling to life, victory will be ours. demonstrators rejected the israeli displacement projects and emphasized their absolute faith in ga's victory over injust. pledging to defend palestine and its nation sanctities, cruelty, savagery and monstricity awards that no longer suffice to describe the israeli criminality, but syrians completely recognize these crimes and once again they confirm the resolute support for palestine and the resistance. ibrahim wahdi, press tvs. well, those were the top stories on press tv, thank you. for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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the students united will never be defeated it down it down.
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news in brief for this hour, the death toll from israel's genosadal rates on the besieg gaza strip has surpassed 9,000. the united nations agency for palestinian refugees says four schools sheltering displaced people have been damaged as a result of israel's in. discriminate attacks. amas officials say israel is now involved in a quote: massak as it has resorted to the internationally banned white phosphorus bombs against civilians. they say resistance fighters will nip the israeli ground invasion in the bud. ivan's deputy and