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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  November 1, 2023 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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the headlines, israel's deadly attack a refugee camp in gaza draws international condemnations, iran calls it another stain on the long list of the regime's war crimes. the united nations. wars a gaza strip has turned into a graveyard for thousands of children as the death toll from israel's attacks exceeds 8500. iran warns of israel's war crimes continue in the gaza strip and the conflict expands, no party will be immune to the consequences.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 7:30 am here in the iranian capital techni, watching grest tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, more bloodshed in gaza, at least 200 palestinians have been killed in an israeli air strike on the jabalia refugee camp as the regime continues its atrocities in the strip for the 26th day, gaza's interior ministry says the refugee camp has been completely destroyed. by israeli bombardment, the ministry stated that six us made bombs were used on the district. there are no exact numbers of casualties are injured, but hundreds are being brought to nearby hospitals, over a thousand people are estimated to be stuck under the rubble, meanwile eye witnesses point to the use of internationally banned white phosphorus bombs in the attack since october the 7th, israeli attacks on gaz have claimed the lives of over 8,500 people, including 3,000 500 children.
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condemnations are pouring in over israel's deadly attack on the densely populated jabala refugee camp in northern gaza. iran says, the bloody strike is another stain on the long list of israel's war crimes. in doha, the ratari foreign ministry decried the strike and warned about the expansion of israeli attacks on civilians. egypt also censured israel. and its quote inhumane targeting of a residential block, cairo says it will open the rafa crossing to let in the wounded for treatment. meantime, the director of the new york office of the un high commissioner for human rights resigned. craig mackaber quit in protest against the un's quote failure to prevent the genocide in gaza and the military wing of the hamas resistance moving to defend gaza, reiterating that the besieg territory will be the graveyard for israeli troops. the
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un secretary general has once again condemned a killing of palestinians in the besieged gaza strip as israeli regime keeps its bloody war machine running. antonio guuteresh expressed concern over reports that two-thirds of the palestinians killed in israeli strikes are women and children. he said the civilians have uh born the brunt of the war. guuteresh also underlined his fears about the spillover of the war beyond gaza meanwhile and official from the united nations children's fund has said the number of killed palestinian children has been, quote, appalling. gaza has become a graveyard for children, it's a living hell for everyone else, and yet the threats to children go beyond bombs and morters, i want to speak briefly now, speaking a press conference in geneva, the unicef spoke. expressed concern
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over the number of child fatalities caused by israel's bombardment of gaza james elder warned the death toll could only be the tip of the iceberg given the israeli siege that has blocked humanitarian access into ghaza. un officials said he fears more children, particularly infants may die of clean water shortage. the unicef spokesman said gaza's water production capacity is a mere 5% of its usual daily output. israel has killed more than 3400 children in gaza since october the 7th, and as israel continues to bombard the besieged, ghaza stripped the regimes, atrocities in the occupied west bank also showed no sign of a baiting israeli forces shot dead, two palestinians in the west bank on tuesday, according to the palestinian health ministry, one of the victims was a 16-year-old boy killed in the town near the city of alkalilson as hebron. the other victim was a 70-year-old man shot in the face during an israeli raid in the city of two.
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palestinian teenagers succumbed to injuries, he sustained in israeli gunfire. on monday, israelis have killed more than 120 palestinians in the west bank since october the 7. settlers have also intensified raids into palestinian neighborhoods. eu foreign policy chief has condemned the settler attacks. joseph burell also expressed concern over such assaults on the palestinians. the yemeny army spokesperson has given a televised address to confirm that yemeny drones. and ballistic missiles will continue to target israel if the regime's acts of aggression on gaza continue. the spokesperson for yemen's armed forces has officially confirmed that yemen has entered the war against israel. in a televised tv address,
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general yahya sari stated that the yemeni army launched a series of ballistic missiles and drones that targeted numerous local. our armed forces launched a large batch of ballistic missiles and the large number of drones at various targets of the israeli enemy. the yemeni armed forces confirmed that this operation is the third operation in support of our oppressed brothers in palestine and confirmed that we will continue to carry out more qualitative strikes with missiles and drones until the israeli aggression stops. according to the military spokesperson, the united states with some arab states have allowed palestinians in gaza to suffer daily massacres and a stringling blockade. he condemmed these arab states for refusing to mobilize their armies in order to save palestinians. the arab and islamic world
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were supposed to mobilize and protect the children and women of palestine. this is moral, islamic and humanitarian obligation. in response to this, the yemeni army had choice but to answer the call of the yemani people and all free people. with our faith in allah, yamen's armed forces decided to act now in order to support the palestinians who are experiencing this historic form of oppression. the declaration of war leaves yemen to become the first automation to declare war on israel since the 1967 war. the six days of war ended with israel, expanding its occupation over more palestinian territories. muslims and out of. region are praising the yemeni army's missile and drone attacks against israel, the question now is will other arab nations take action to try and bring an end to the genocide in gaza, or will they remain silent? yusuf, press tv,
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iran's foreign minister has warned about the repercussions of israel's atrocities in the besieged gaza strip. han said if the regime keeps up its war crimes and the scope of conflict widdens, no party will be spared from the consequences. iranian ministers said, israel has collapsed and the palestinian resistance will be the quotes definite victors of battle. amir abdullah han said resistance groups in the region act independently and do not necessarily wait for political decisions. he said the united states is practically one side of israel's war on gaza despite urging others to exercise restraint. the iranian foreign minister was speaking in a meeting with the hamas leader ismail and qatar. anief for his part said the amount of explosives israel has used in the war since october the 7th is larger than the power of the atomic bomb the us dropped on the japanese city of hiroshima. iran has
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called on the united nations to condemn israel for spreading bases allegations and lies against the islamic republic. once again the israeli. regime's representative has misused the security council's floor to spread iranophobia and make fabricated and baseless allegations against iran. not content with these unfounded allegations, he then resorted to lies and disinformation as well as hateful and inflammatory language against iranian officials. this odious behavior is a clear example of promoting hatred and should be unequivocally condemned. you have only made the comments in. to the un chief and the president of the security council, this after the israeli ambassador to the un attempted to demonize iran at the recent security council session over the islamic republic support for regional resistance groups and the palestinian people, the iranian un envoy said israel is a quote apartide entity that violates the rights of
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palestinians. these violations include brutal massacres, forced displacement of civilians, the... liberal targeting of civilians, most notably women and children, as well as critical and civilian infrastructure and using starvation as a tool against the palestinian people in the gaza strip. also slam the united states for its unwavering support of israel, at the united nations, he said washington has emboldened israel to disregard un resolutions giving the regime an opportunity to divert international attention away from its atrocities against the palestinians. the iranian ambassador to the un said israel must be held accountable for its crimes. he urged the un to take action to end the israeli occupation of palestine and stop the regime's war machine. a senior hamas official says israel's gaza operation would certainly prove a failure vowing that
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resistance fighters in gaza are well prepared to confront the regime's war machine. i think that they the casan brigades is highly prepared and qualified and i think we understand the how can we resist them, how can we stop them? we succeeded now to destroy some text on gaza and even call some some some solger inside gaza, i think we we will do everything in order to stop them, it is will be, it will be very hard confrontation, it is will not be easy because they have tanks, they have all strikes and also from the sea, from everywhere they try to target gaza from different sites, it will be very hard, very hard confrontation, and but we believe that cassan brigades will do the best in order to qazi hamid a member of hamas's
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decision making political bureau made the remarks in a live interview with press tv, he said palestinians will never surrender to occupation and they will continue to fight for their rights, hamat said the zinius entity is cancerous tumor that should be eradicated elsewhere in his remarks, he rejected western allegations that hamas has targeted unarmed people in alaxa flood operation. we have no, had no intention, no decision to target the civilians, that i think we have to two purposes, first of all to destroy the the military image of israel, i think now all of them they are shocked that smaller groups, about just maybe 1,000 fighters from ka succeeded in six minutes, six minutes only that now to destroy all the military. sites along 45 kilometers and to control and to destroy the he stressed that
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hamas is ready to release captives in exchange for palestinians being held behind bars a hamas official said it's a shame that the zionist entities flag is still hoisted in some certain arab states. hamad also slamed the us's support for israel saying that washington is complicit in the genocide being committed by the zionist enemy against palestinians. anti israeli sentiments are growing across europe with thousands of protesters condemning the regime's war crimes in gaza. now belgium's transport unions have joined the waves of protest banning weapons transfers to israel. four major unions of called on members to reject handling arms shipments for israel. the union said in a joint statement that airport workers have witnessed arms shipments in the direction of the palestinian territories. belgian officials have declined to comment. on the matter, the union said such weapons transfers would implicitly support killing innocent people. the union's also called for an
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immediate ceasefire asking the belgian government to block arms shipments through belgian airports. and bolivia has become the first country to cut diplomatic relations with israel as the regimes non-stop onslot on gaza draws more condemnation from across the globe. speaking a press conference in lapoh. the bolivian deputy foreign minister announced the decision citing israel's crimes against humanity. freddy mamani demanded an end to bombardment of gaza, which has killed over 8,500 palestinians since october the 7th. chile and colombia also called their ambassadors to israel for consultations over what they called the regime's violations of international humanitarian law. the chilean government said israel's bombardment of gaza amounts to. punishment of palestinian civilians. people from all walks of life
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continue pro-palestine demonstrations across the globe to demand an end to the israeli bloodshed in the gaza strip. hundreds of children in the ladak union territory in northern india have thronged the streets to condemn the regime's genocide and killing of children in the besieg territory. the german capital berlin, protesters waved palestinian flags and called for immediate end to the israeli onslot against civilians in gaza and canada thousand flooded the streets of toronto to demand a hal to the western funding of tel aviv. they also called for an end to the israeli genocide in gaza.
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similar rallies were also held in other cities around the world, including in madrid, beirout and islamabad. the demonstrator. say western governments are complicit uh in israel's war crimes and the ghaza strip pro-palestine rallies have been held almost a daily basis since israel started its onslot uh on ghaza, the demonstrations are being held despite bands on such protests in several european countries. how many kids have today? ladies and gentlemen, continuation of the pro-palestinian demonstrations across the globe, we're now going to cross over to uh
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press tv's very own correspondent jennifer chang who's joining us uh from just outside of pro-palestinian riley that's taking place. and so jennifer, what's going on behind you, please? yes, uh, we have huge stage set up here next to the israeli embassy, as people are gathering, not just arabs and muslims and palestinians, but south koreans as well, and people of all nationalities to express their outrage about the killings of innocent palestinians by israelis, they are not justified. in killing palestinian children, in not providing fuel to hospitals so that palestinian babies cannot even have incubators, this is insanity and the people are saying this has got to stop, they will not stop demonstrating until this insanity stops, this is inhumane treatment and they
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are going to deliver letter to the israeli embassy complaining about israel's war against gaza, about its recent ground scale, ground invasion a full scale of gaza, which is getting worse and worse as israeli tanks approach gaza city, the south korean public is outraged, it doesn't matter if they're a us allied, they're outraged, and they've set up these palestinian flags right here in the downtown soul area in the heart of downtown soul, the central boolevard which everybody can spot from. foung away, major media have gathered here to record this historic protest, these protes are not going to stop, and after this rally, they are going to march to all the key locations in downtown, so as they march to their final destination, the israeli embassy to deliver letter, a long
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letter in korean, complaining about israel's inhumane and barbaric treatment of... the palestinians, which they view as, which they view as racism, and they are saying that israel has got to stop, that the world community has got to stop, that the us has to stop supporting israel, that the us is complicit in these war crimes against gaza, and palestinians and palestinian children in gaza, the un is'. hundreds and hundreds of palestinian children are being killed daily in gaza and at well over 8ight innocent palestinian civilians have died. yes, these protesters are saying that. no matter if the israeli embassy told the palestinians to evacuate from gaza, they don't really care
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about the palestinians, because whoever is left behind you could not evacuate in time. is just being slaughtered and being treated as a hamas terrorist. all right, thanks, jennifer press tv's jennifer chaing joining us uh from a uh pro-palestinian rally in the south green capital so. for the third saturday in a row, pro-palestine demonstrators packing the streets of central london to condemn the uk government's unequivocal support for... israel, our government is cheering this on and supporting israel to carry on with the massacre in gaza, so we want to try and stop that. i'm so ashamed of our government that they are sanctioning what i think. is just collective murder and it really, really has got to stop, it's awful. they should be listening to the protestors and demanding that there's an immediate and complete ceas far that
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humanitarian aid is allowed through, from madrid to milan and beyond, even in germany, home to one of the largest muslim communities in the eu, where such protests have been restricted over what was described as anti-semitism concerns. despite government attempts to... to legitimize it, support for palestinians is on the rise with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets of central london today to raise awareness of what's happening in gaza and to express solidarity with the palestinians. public pressure seems to be working. london's labor mayor has become the latest politician to call for a ceasefire, breaking ranks with his party's leader kier starmer, who said israel reserved the right to cut all supplies to gaza. 250 high-ranking lawyers have written an open letter to the government, urging it to stop arming israel, and they are paying the taxes to kill our brothers, so it's
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unfair, it's completely unfair, it should stop, we want sease fire, we want talking, negotiating, but giving palestine what it deserves, having been bullied for 50, 60, 70 years. as the war on gaza rages on, there is no sign of the emotions letting up or the demands that so many here are making for their leaders to find a political solution to the crisis. said porza, press tv, london. thousands gathered in the pakistani capital islamabad for a massive rally in support of palestine. all islamic... communities, including shia and sunni came together to voice their strong condemnation of israel's atrocities in gaza. pakistan's religio
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political party, jamaate islami hosted gaza million march just few miles away from the us consultate in islamabad to condemn washington's role in supporting israel's crimes. israel is brutally attacking the innocent people, the israel is brutally attacking with fast for. bombs on the hospitals and every day they kill 500, 600, even thousand childrens and kids and womens and civilians, so there is no justification of such genacide. similar rallies were held in other cities where people w their anger on what they call the criminal silence of the world on israeli bombardment in gaza that has killed thousands of men, women and children. in recent weeks, children have nothing to do with war or with hate, this is implantation of hate within children as well, which is
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very bad thing for people in the future, i would just say, i would request all the leaders of the muslim nations to rise, this is the time we don't have enough time, we don't have any more time to rise and become united against all this, against the evil israel, the protesters demanded that legal proceedings be launched against israel in the international court of justice for its ongoing crimes against humanity. it's not a war, it's a proper genocide, it's a proper ethnic cleansing and it is being followed by war crimes, proper war crimes, which is a crime not only according to islam, but according to geneva convention, according to all the rules of the world and you know this is: not acceptable, the protesters also called on the people of pakistan to boycot pro israeli companies and make donations to
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the people of palestine. the continuous presence of pakistani citizens at pro palestine rallies indicates their steadfast commitment to the palestinian cause and their strong objection to the actions of the us and its nato allies who are supporting israel's delhi strikes on gaza. press tv islamabad, that's a w for now let's stick around, i'll be back on the top our news and brief. اذا هناك ازمه كهرباء انا اقول يعني انه
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الاحتلال من اطلق الرصاصه على الكهرباء وجعلها في حاله مرضيه كبيره منذ فتره طويله لم يسمح او لم يدخل الى قطاع غزه ولم يسمح الاحتلال بادخال اي بالتالي عدم اتاحه هذه الميه للتدفق داخل حدود قطاع غزه طبعا هذه كلها تعتبر سرقه من قبل الاحتلال لمصادر المياه الفلسطينيه الماء حتكون مالحه جدا يعني تقريبا مشابهه لميه البر ومع ذلك نستعملها يعني مضطرين للاستعمال اليومي محدش بيستصيغه ماحد بيستصي نهائيا.
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خلاص خلاص.
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press tv's news and brief at least 200 palestinians are killed in an israeli air strike on jab alia refugee camp as the regime continues its atrocities in the gaza strip for the 25th day gaza's inter ministry says the residential camp has been completely destroyed by israeli bombardment with over a thousand still under the rubble. iran says the israeli strike on the densely populated javalia refugee camp is another stain on the long list of the regime's war crimes. namas says vowed it will turn gaza into the graveyard of israeli troops meanwile that's had in egypt have condemned the attack on the refugee camp.