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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  April 27, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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a century is overboard, alternating long and short signals means: i understand you, and long, short and long, please get in touch, well , unfortunately, you didn’t reveal your secret, the money remains in our bank, it’s you who watch films with igor livanova, well, i see, you don’t miss premieres, not premieres, no, i don’t miss them, these are my last films, which are practically...
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i just know how people watched, already prepared people, and it holds the viewer to the end, it’s worth watching , this is not the word, is it worth it, is it worth watching, there’s not even a question no, there are no questions, i need an answer right away, i just need vyacheslav, thank you very much for coming to us, we are seeing you off, thank you, i’m flying away, oh my god, oh my god, come on, hello, thank you, all the best, you ’ve reached the end of the program with a winning of 170.5,000 rubles. thank you very much for our heart-to-heart conversation. honestly, i can’t imagine how you found so much strength and courage in yourself not to break under the blows of fate, after all the trials in general, and to live on. i know that all creative people like to do soul-searching and blame everyone sins yourself. i want to wish you... igor,
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according to the terms of our program, open the envelope, read the questions, if you are ready to answer it, we will turn on the light and continue our conversation. well, no, lerochka, no, of course not, that’s out of the question, thanks for the question, but let it all stay here, someday the time for this will come, no, never, and let, let secrets generally be kept in families and never revealed , well, that's your right. i understand, igor, your winnings
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amounted to 175 rubles, what will you spend it on? charity, let those who need it get it, most likely, for the children, it would be just wonderful, thank you very much, we will definitely donate this money to charity, watch the secret for a million, every week on the ntv channel. there was a business from scratch, it became as dreamed, every third business develops with an ecosystem outline, based on real developments.
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hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we continue our anniversary tournament, the 30 best players, each of whom symbolizes one year in the history of their game, are fighting for... 1 million rub. at the first gaming table is alexey viktorovich prokin. this is attention, 1997. at the first gaming table is alexey vikich prokhin, a programmer from the city of azov, rostov region. he is 23 years old. alexey, you won in your debut game back in 1997, but then, despite showing a generally decent enough game, you couldn’t. to win for 15
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years, which prevented other players, the second gaming table,
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at the third gaming table alexander efimovich martynov, a lawyer from st. petersburg, the personification of 2010 in our program. a question related to what days the contract can be executed, the answer was banking days, quite a civil code. you are so lucky, well, zhanna, alexander, alexey, now is the time to get acquainted with the themes of our game today, here are all the themes of our game today on our main
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monitor, they are wonderful, as usual, the most wonderful topics questions for you, dear players, and for you, dear tv viewers, we are starting the first round. its own game, the first round of the middle name theme, the gate in the photo, the square theme, not only about frogs, questions in cinema and novels, zhanna, choose, let's try novel 500,
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i wrote a legal study on this novel, which was translated into european languages ​​with a foreword by leo tolstoy, well, apparently the crime is punishment, incorrect, alexey, so you answer, on sunday, this is correct answer, lev
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tolstoy, zhanna, play, not only about frogs 500, frogs from this tropical family often have tadpoles as a home, brameliads filled with rainwater. bramels are pineapples, maybe she's a pineapple frog? no, zhanna, that's wrong. these are dart frogs. not only about frogs 400. the purple frog, which lives in southern india, spends most of its life there, which is why the species was only described. recently underground, bravo, they come out of the underground only for a couple of weeks during the monsoon period for reproduction, here it is, alexey, square theme 400, you get the code in
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the bag, minus 500 for zhanna, 400 for alexander, the same amount for you, alexander, alexander, the topic is under this stone, becoming. 500. attention to the screen. during the first world war he commanded the caucasian front. in civilian life he led the northwestern white army.
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and gave the children rare names: vivian and ramualt. this is volkov. absolutely right, alexander volkov. patronymic for 400. in the 18th century, these merchants received from vasily shuisky the right to write with a switch. for help against false dmitry, contribution to the siberian campaigns. stroganov. absolutely right, for example, peter. semyonovich, and not pyotr semenov, like the others. square topic 500.
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can such an angle be measured in sterrodians or square degrees? bodily. absolutely right, solid angle, spatial analogue flat angle. square theme 300. the historical center of this capital is called quadraturan. king christian 4 planned it in the form of a square. oslo, right, square theme 200. official exhibitions of the paris academy of fine arts since 1725 were held in the square salon of this palace, which is why they became known as salons. luv. right. this is what the salon looked like in 1787. alexei. square theme 100 was already possible in ancient babylon, in the second millennium bc, but some schoolchildren still cannot
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cope. it's probably square the equation. right. alexander, choose. film questions over 400. in this film by anatoly litvak, based on the story of the same name by francoise sagan, fragments of brahms’s first and third symphonies are heard. do you love brahms? exactly. questions in the cinema for 300. who has the leg - dima semitsvetov asked investigator podberezovikov and received exactly this answer. this is the leg of someone who needs a leg. and there are over 200 movie questions. in the hong kong film “who am i,” the main character played by jackie chan suffers from exactly this. amnesia, memory loss. movie questions for 100. to the dry question, how did you end up here? said from the white sun of the desert
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invariably answered just like that, they shot. middle name for 300. you get the auction question. 10800 for alexey, minus 300 for zhanna, 1600 for you. 500. alexey: 900. alexander? thousand. alexei. pass. we play with alexander. the male version of this patronymic was worn by prince igor stary. women's - worn. anastasia melnikova is the star of the tv series street of broken lanterns and foundry. well, that’s all i know from tv series. igor rurikovich. patronymic for 200. in
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the translation of the iliad, created in the 18th century, collegiate assessor kiryak kondratovich. gods and heroes are called by their patronymic name. this brave achets is named telomonovich. hector. hector? no no. ajax the telomanite is correct, the gate in photo 400, among the ruins of the capital of this empire in asia minor. the gates of the sphinxes have been preserved. hedskaya. hed empire, capital of hatus. the gate in photo 500. the cadet gate in this suburb of st. petersburg was given its name by the alexander cadet corps located here. the gate was made 2 centuries ago at the iron foundry. you know,
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visually it reminds me. last year russian chess championship.
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don’t miss the central television’s first information show about the events and people of the week, alexander lukashenko again knew everything in advance, i warned you. they will be given 160 of these billions, is the west now really ready to finance the war until the last ukrainian soldier, until the ukrainians all run away or die there, for what purposes will the american 60 billion be spent and what other signals is the western establishment sending to minsk so that putin does not win, this is what they say everywhere, and what according to the belarusian president
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the west must do this right now so that the ukrainian impasse does not lead the world to a global catastrophe, if putin does not do this. definitely a winner, it will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. emelya, premieres on monday at 19:30 on ntv. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. this is why credit is the best. use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the existing discounts, everything for your looks even more attractive prices with the promotional code
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spring. let's do it again. there is another idea, of course, let’s pay the bills, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, that’s all it will work out , there will be more cashback applications, we’ll find a place to stay, closing a loan is like a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkof gives you a great gift, money, apply for a loan with tinkov before the end of april, make all payments. on time and we we will return 5% of the rate in money, we approve your planks, discomfort and turbidity, poisoning is swirling, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need filtrumsti, a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea, at an average price of 123 rubles for 10 tablets, filtrumsti to
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putting things in order in your stomach is great, but for a subscription, save up a savings account, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, it’s just space when you taste the taste of ham with pork ham with... find yourself in the universe of taste, cosmically delicious, cherkizova! buy polaris equipment with up to 70% discount, such as a coffee machine, robot vacuum cleaner or portable vacuum cleaner with dust collector. there will be no money, use the card, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 3,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash.
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the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 3000 rubles for any purpose, receive it on your ozone card and pay anywhere. miguel vs dzhigan. stars today at 21:20 on ntv. a pipe or radiator leaked , a branch damaged the roof, a small one. can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands for repairs, that's enough, save money and nerves, order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from leamax, sealant, rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface , elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of low or high temperatures, is safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call order fixpro three in one from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order
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fixpro three in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax, purchases with a plus. call or order on our website mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. this is our own game, we are playing the second round, here are its themes, the first: i’m lying in a picture, around the opera, athletes, questions from and letters, zhanna, let’s start, let’s find out who the questions are from today, come on, hello! dear participants of the program, my name is shevchenko elena, and i am the director of the confectionery production. today i will ask you questions about pastries about how they
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are made. questions from the pastry chef 600. the name of this delicate french cake translates as kiss. what kind of cake is this? meringue, that's right. around the opera 800. in tchaikovsky's opera, cherevichki, due to censorship requirements, the clerk became a school teacher. it was not the queen who handed it to cherevichka in akula, it was he. i think potemkin. absolutely right. in libre it is called lighter. alexander. an athlete for a thousand. having finished players' careers, these spartak brothers became famous.
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you can afford it, questions from the pastry chef 800, these small buns made from choux pastry are not always enjoyed for dessert, the filling can contain mushrooms, onions and even meat, what kind of buns are these? well, it looks like profiteroles, you’re right, well, each to their own, i’m athletes over 400, from defending classic titles... chess, he refused, but at the end of last year he once again won the world championships in rapid and blitz. magnus carlson, that's right. here's a pastry chef for a thousand. in in the old days, only hardy, muscular men were hired for certain jobs. the shift lasted 12 hours, all this time they worked with only one tool. what kind of instrument was this? the squirrels are very, there is harder
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work in the confectionery shop, they worked with a rolling pin, and did not roll out the dough, but let’s go with operas for 400. in the opera electro, richard strauss used 110 of them at once, almost a record in the history of the genre, what are we talking about, maybe about organs, no, what? well, maybe about musical instruments? this is the correct answer. 110 musical instruments. around the opera 200. this was first done in russian by the poet alexander sumorokov. probably written by liboreto opera. right. first 800. from this particular case of the law of conservation of energy it follows that the existence of a perpetual heat engine is impossible. this is probably the first law
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of thermodynamics. bravo, first in a thousand. the painting by jean baptiste greuze was exhibited for the first time under the title farmer handing plow to his son in the presence of the whole family. but later this name stuck. first furrow. right. painting are in the pushkin state museum of fine arts. lying in painting 800. he painted his first wife vera in 1882 lying in an armchair, the painting is called “rest.” sirov, no, repin, right, zhanna, i’m lying in the picture for a thousand, an english landowner of the late 18th century, brooke budby, was a fan of this philosopher. here is
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a photograph of joseph wright in nature with a volume of his works in his hand. jean-jacques rousseau. right. i’m lying in the picture for 600. an artist from the art world, alexander golovin, created a portrait of this bass in the role alaferne from the opera judith. the military leader reclines with a cup in his hand. you're probably shalyapin. you're right? the first 600. prototypes of the heroes of this story by turgenev, the writer himself, his father sergei nikolaevich book ekaterina shakhovskaya. asya spring of water, first love. exactly. the first for 400. it ended in 241 bc. as a result, the loser
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paid the romans. 3,200 talents of indemnity. first punic war. that's right, zhanna. and the first 200. the monument to the first komsomol members, the builder of the magnet, was installed in this city in the park named after chipaev. well, it would be logical in magnitogorsk. exactly. i’m lying in picture 400. he wrote the poems included in the collection of the last song. sick, in the process of work he was portrayed by ivan kromskoy, this is not karasov, you are right, athlete 200. in the last years of his life, this great german football coach, coach, was an ambassador for the children's social program football for friendship. this is bickenbauer. right. letters for 600. aukson. 2.0
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for zhanna 5100 for alexey 9200 for you 2.100 alexey 2600 alexander. 700. alexey. pass. alexander. in zamyatin’s novel, we citizens wore numbers instead of names. namely this a vowel or a consonant was determined. it will appear at the beginning of the issue. i think it depended on the gender. absolutely right, men have consonants, women have vowels. plus 2,700. lying in the picture for 200. in 1913, gertrude vander whitney founded this institution in philadelphia and donated 700 works from her collection, and 3 years later the philanthropist was captured by the american artist robert henry. probably an art gallery or a museum
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. yes, that's right, the museum of american art. let's continue playing. a letter for a thousand. this letter of the greek alphabet came out of. the phoenician letter shin, similar in shape to the familiar sha. omega, no, really, look, this is sigma, the greeks turned it around, we continue to play, the letters cost 400, you get the code in the bag, zhanya, thank you. topic from a to z 200 or 1.200. this station of the st. petersburg metro, opened at the end of 2011, has become the deepest in russia. you already regret it, right? yeah, admiral oyskaya. admiralty,
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right. letter c200. 10 years ago , the symbol of this currency was approved, based on a simplified outline of the letter. seeker last roundar question for 200 the bride and groom often decorate the wedding cake with figures of these two, that’s right, our
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second round is over, i’m summing it up: 1400 for zhanna, 5300 for alexei, 12,100 for alexander, the third round is ahead, where are you taking me, let me go! ntv may 2 is the anniversary of leonid konevsky. hello. in the morning, my favorite movie is dartagne and the three musketeers. honorers, cardinal. this is power. during the day the investigation was carried out. however, this is a completely different story. are you filming a movie in the evening? about whom? about me? what for? new documentary film leonid konevsky, people's artist. leonid semyonovich - this is a bridge. between times, planets, events, leonid konevsky’s apartment with margulis, i don’t really like that a star of this format, just don’t be rude, came to us, our service is dangerous at the end of the day
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, the series semin with leonid konevsky in the title role, act only according to mine team, anniversary of leonid konevsky on may 2. day on ntv. stars. premiere. today at 21:20 on ntv. there will be no money. sazon cards, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 3,000 rubles. for any purpose. spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash and receive cashback. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay anywhere. i’ll have some tea for my husband, and then i’ll give you some tea, some may tea for the warmest moments. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything
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can easily get up to 3,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash. the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 3,000 rubles. for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. emelya, premieres on monday at 19.30 on ntv. get your face in order without cuts or irritation, remove hairs from the nose and ears? liamax razer cordless 4d shaver three in one, rotary facial shaver, beard trimmer, nose trimmer , ears. three rotating heads provide fast and high-quality shaving, and the metal mesh protects the skin from contact with the blades. you need to trim your beard with a beard trimmer attachment. you will trim your temples. trim and shape your beard without visiting
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the hairdresser; a nose trimmer will carefully remove unwanted hairs in your nose and ears. call to order a three-in-one electric razor leamax razer for rub 1,999. but if you call right now, the razor will be yours for only 999 rubles. liamax purchases with a plus. call us or order ours. website miguel vs dzhigan. stars today at 21:20 on ntv. this is our own game, we are in the studio playing the third round. here are his topics. nickname. what's on our heads? planet earth. under the stone sim. name in title and. apples, questions on the planet earth topic
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are presented by the russian geographical society. zhanna, it’s starting to look like we have 300 on our heads? lord mayor of this city on ceremonies are accompanied by a sword bearer wearing the so-called moscow hat. london, i guess. it’s absolutely true that the moscow state once traded with england with mikhami. fans awarded this great nhl sniper the nickname mr. elbows for his penchant for fighting with power using a blow from under the tackle. well, better known by the nickname mr. hockey, of course, is gordie howe. absolutely right. nickname 1200. auction 5300 for alexey, 1400 for zhanna, 13900 for
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you, alexander, well, let’s not break it down scheme 2100, alexey, pass, we play with alexander, i can raise it to 2700, so that, 2700, come on, this nickname was given to the first king of portugal afonso, the english king with the same nickname ruled a century before afonso. well, perhaps, since he is the first, it means that in order to do this he had to conquer someone, so by analogy with the more famous velgelius the conqueror, he is alphon the conqueror. bravo! afontsu successfully fought against the moors in the 19th century. also known as afonso the great and afonso the founder. alexander. nickname for 900. national monument construction began in scotland in 1822, but was abandoned for this reason. the unfinished memorial was popularly called edinburgh's disgrace.
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well, there wasn't enough money, right? nickname 600. a well-known bandit in the wild west. george sazarland carrie was nicknamed flat nose after a blow to the face received from her, the horse kicked, that's right, planet earth 1200. these killers were considered fiction in the scientific world until 1995, when one of them was recorded by the instruments of the dropner platform. killer waves. you're right? planet earth 1500. having studied the data on loss of life as a result of volcanic eruptions, british scientists found that at a distance of less than 20 km from the volcano, the greatest danger is these flows. power currents? absolutely right, due to the melting of
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the snow cap. name in the title 900. auction 7,100 for alexey 2,300 for zhanna 18,100 for you 2700 alexey 2800 alexander 2900 alexey az 2900 play the name of this ancient scientist in the story of yuri sotnik was carried by a submarine built by a pioneer.
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petrograd, that’s right, planet earth 900. the largest erosion crater on the planet is ramon. 350 m deep, located on the territory of the negev desert, in this country, and in front of you is a photograph from space, in israel, that’s right, alexander, the name in the title is 1500. punishments strangled the dens, besele of their grandchildren, this is alexei verstovsky’s opera from ancient russian life was presented a year before the life of the tsar mikhail
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glinka, the life of the tsar, maybe it was called that ivan susanin, no. this opera is called askold's grave. the name in the name is 1200. surprisingly, this city in the khabarovsk territory retained the imperial name throughout the soviet era. nikolaevsk on amur. exactly. planet earth 600. april 29, 2020. the weather satellite recorded over the three southern states of the united states, precisely its length of 768 km, a record for the earth. maybe there was such a lightning, you are right, the name is in the title 600. in this film by andrei torkovsky
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, nikolai burlyaev played his first leading role in a feature film. ivanovo childhood. you're right? alexander, the name in the title 300. in 2005, queen sonja inaugurated the norwegian research station troll, on this antarctic land. queen's land maud. you're right? the land is named after the norwegian queen mot under the 7.900 stone. the austrian monarch joseph ii ordered to write on his tombstone. here lies joseph, having failed in all his endeavors. this circumstance betrayed the dark comedy of the situation. him like that. they didn’t bury him, no, this inscription was never inscribed, and
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his command was not fulfilled, that is, here too he failed. come on, what do we have 600 on our heads? in the middle ages, this detail of the clergy’s appearance was considered a sign of union with god and was even compared to a crown of thorns. tanzura. under a stone 1500 a pig in a poke 7.700 for alexey 2600 for zhanna 2200 for you zhanna, thank you, zhanna, the topic is not only about dogs, the bet is 300, attention to the screen, a fragment in front of you, what kind of picture is this horsewoman. so let's what's on our heads 900 also, having met a friend in
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three steps, you should take off your hat in a pleasant way and not past the past, looking back to greet taught young people, this book is probably an honest mirror of youth , true under the stone sim 1200 husband. andersen believed until the end of his days that his wife, an impostor, she is the one, now both are buried in the cemetery of the city of charlottesville in the state of virginia, and anastasia tsarevna, quite rightly, her imperial highness is even stamped on the whip, and what do we have on our heads 1,200, under such a cap made by designers toks ahmed and... chapman's cla, neither dreadlocks nor curls will be harmed, i don't want to work out, maybe a swimming cap, that's right, that's what it
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looks like, apples 1200, in a painting by the british artist william turner, the goddess iris chooses the future of apple discord in this garden, the garden hespiritis, you're right ? alexey, apples 900, the move is in the bag, who should i give it to? alexandra? alexander, the fourth topic is redundant, the bet, well , let me take a chance for 1500, come on, pay attention to the screen, here is the first image, here is the second, third and fourth, three images can be called the same word, and the fourth is his, well, accordingly , the fourth one doesn’t fit, because the rest is all butterflies, a bow tie, a butterfly knife , actually the butterfly itself, and the fourth one is
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a wing nut, that’s right, alexander, apples for 600, in serbia this particular wedding party ritual, he must hit an apple from a rifle, just like wilhelm tell, the groom, right, 300 apples . most men have this apple on their necks, probably an adam’s apple, further along the stones sim600, her son georgy ifron died in the great patriotic war near the village of druika , that in the vitebsk region, in the local cemetery, they are buried, this is tsvetaeva, marina tsvetaeva, that’s right, and near kamnemsky, in a cemetery near the emory military base in estonia.
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circuit system, based on real developments, pr based on blood, we even
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turn mourning into a reason to bless the execution narusi. why did a resident of the french canaries mock the memory of the victims of the tragedy in cropus cityhall? it's disgusting what they do, it's just incredible. theatrical corpses on the london stage and nazarov’s revelation to bbc journalists: this notorious alley was created by an angel, it’s a fake, how did the offended artist take revenge on the russian prankster? dmitry nazarov dedicated a poem to me: how sad and how unfair it is that soryan lives, what’s wrong with them?
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