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tv   Zhivaya yeda s Sergeem Malozyomovim  NTV  April 27, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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yes, but the question is: won’t it stick together? is there any benefit to such sweets at all? isn't there more sugar here than cottage cheese? now let’s put all the pros and cons on our scientific scales, find out what they outweigh and make a verdict. is this food alive? curd. the curd mass has a lot of fans. choreographer evgeniy papunashvili says that these are very pleasant memories for him. my mother always prepared cottage cheese and jam for me there, it’s homemade jam, just cottage cheese on top, jam all mixed with blackcurrant, i just remember, it was very tasty, the curd mass was like this with raisins, i really love all sorts of curd cheeses in the morning with pleasure, the curd mass for many is tastier than simple cottage cheese, and this is its first plus, and how different it can be, in general the main magic of its pleasant texture, in the combination of cottage cheese and
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butter, even according to the guest, these are the main components, plus sugar, and this trick is actually used in different culinary cultures. in india, for example, curd and butter even became part of the ritual in honor of god krishna. according to legend, he is very he loved sour milk and, as we were told in his moscow church, as a child he used to steal clay pots with these delicacies. krishna walked from house to house and when he came across a house with a pot hanging from the ceiling, he called his friends, while the owners were away, they stood together in a pyramid and broke the pot. in memory of this, nowadays at the annual krishna festival people hang pots of curd between houses and try to get them out. participants have been training for many years, because the height is quite high. usually. the pot is hung at level six or
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seventh floor, daredevils gather in a pyramid, and then one of them climbs up it, at this holiday they treat cottage cheese delicacies, make them with sugar, fruits and even spices, a palette of indian tastes to our correspondent lisa kryuchkova, dressed as expected , in a sari, showed sudha kumar. she moved to russia from india 10 years ago, but here she follows traditions both in religion and in the kitchen. here, for example, is her favorite revelry. curd balls boiled in sugar syrup. floral taste. yes, it's rose water. we add rose water, rose extract. is that why you like this floral taste? i really like it, it's new to me. you
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’ve never tried rose-flavored cottage cheese, this is it, it’s wonderful, in fact, sweet, quite sweet, it’s better to wash it down with some tea, but it’s delicious. next we have a version of this dish. rasmalai. malai means cream. if those balls are boiled in water, then these are cooked in the same way, but in milk, to which saffron and pistachios are added. well, it feels like it. not an everyday dish at all, but there is a taste of saffron here and it’s not just a rose, but a whole bouquet of some flowers and flavors. it is clear that by mixing cottage cheese with any additions you can get very tasty things, but they will have the same drawback: they must be eaten immediately, they cannot be stored for a long time, our usual industrial curd mass is also rich. moisture and
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nutrients is a perishable product, this is an obvious disadvantage: if in production, during transportation or in the store there are problems with cleanliness or storage temperature, the curd you can be poisoned by the mass; microbes will multiply in it very quickly, and this is quite possible. in 2020, roskachestvo specialists examined 19 brands of curd mass using 67 indicators, and found shortcomings everywhere. and as a result of our research in one... coliform bacteria, also five brands did not meet the requirements for mold content, and one brand did not meet the requirements for lead content, this is not allowed by law and such products should not be supplied to implementation, maybe now after 4 years the manufacturers have managed to establish quality control, we will check in the laboratory for mold, yeast, starch, which... some
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manufacturers add for thickness, often without indicating in the composition, curd mass with raisins from popular brands rokompleks, green line from milk of our milking and take another sample. another problem that worries consumers, at least conscious ones, is the sky-high calorie content. due to the fat and sugar in one 180-gram pack of mass, made according to gost more than 600 kilocalories, about the same as a piece of cake. in the scarce soviet years, this was a mass-produced product, its availability second. plus it helped a lot, but now, of course, extra calories are not in fashion, and, for example, at this production in the moscow region they are looking for ways to remove them, according to the state regulations they add butter to the curd mass, but at our enterprise we use cream, and this reduces the fat content more than twice.
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cottage cheese, cream, vanilla sugar, exactly in the ratio that you see on the screen, are mixed in a closed container so that avoid the entry of germs. after 2 hours it is already homogeneous. they are taken to packaging, the machine itself pours the liquid contents into cups. this is our ready-made curd butter with vanilla; we can add kurago raisins to the same base to get a different taste. a minimum of two samples from each batch are sent to the laboratory for testing. cottage cheese, and indeed all dairy products, are a very good nutrient medium for everything that can grow anywhere. therefore, in this case we control the curd mass by... quantity yeast and molds, in addition they monitor e. coli and consider good lactic acid bacteria, they really are here, although their quantity is not regulated by standards. versions of curd mass also appeared on sale not
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only without butter, but without cream, which are also fatty, just cottage cheese and sugar. there are also options with a cheaper composition using milk fat substitutes. it's not harmful, but it can spoil the fun. on the taste, and what will outweigh this product in the end, the pros or cons? let's continue evaluate very soon and decide whether the curd mass is worthy of being called a truly living food? live food is on air, i'm sergey malozyomov, watch further! buckwheat spirit in sausage, desserts and tea. how do you like the taste? well, no way. buckwheat, does it come from greece or not? the eggs were also successfully imitated, and the potatoes were rehabilitated. the latest news from the world of food science. well, at the end of the program - the traditionally beautiful recipe of the week and the continuation of the main investigation of the issue.
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curd. what unsweetened options can there be, how to find a quality one, what will show analysis of samples from stores and markets. do you feel it too? makheev! pay as conveniently as possible with alpha pay with any smartphone, get super cashback every month. not just profitable, alpha profitable! there was so much trouble and suffering in his life that no one else would have been able to stand it. i can't imagine how you got through it. i cried i cried. how igor livanov learned to live again after the train crash that killed his wife and...
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make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash, we approve of your flame, tinkov, mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. a pipe or radiator is leaking, a leak has damaged the roof, a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands to repair. that's enough, save money and nerves, order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from liamax. sealant, rubber and glue in one bottle. quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks. spray the surface, elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any leaks. it is not afraid of low or high temperatures, is safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface. call and order from pro three in one. liamax black, white or transparent for only 999 rubles. but call us right now
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and order fixpro three in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website results of the week. tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. this is a star show. second stage of the duet. miguel, we have a work permit, i’m miguel istan, okay, mr. miguel istantsev has a work permit, against dzhigan, i thought that we had a kirkorov star, i play blacks in every show, mickel, understand, but this is the first thing that comes to mind, the second and third, to be honest, well, dumplings, now i have you...
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today at 21:20 on ntv. everyone knows that eating buckwheat is healthy, and nutritionists always recommend it, but in reality, few listen to them. buckwheat often seems boring and tasteless, why? but because to cook it doesn't just make porridge. now we will show five examples of how different. is this cereal capable of being and where did it even come from? the word buckwheat for us sounds like
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something associated with greece, but here in fact almost no one knows this cereal, it can only be bought in specialized russian stores, such as the svetlana minimarket in thessaloniki on kazanzaki street. elena avramides, née fedorova, has been trading here for a long time and says that the buckwheat is in the store. always one of the most popular goods, now not only ours buy it compatriots, but local residents taught by them, she herself also takes it, i studied from tambov, got married... got married, it so happened that, as a decembrist, i went to greece for the greek. i’ve been living here for 20 years, but i really, really miss russia, and i miss the stove too, naturally. krupa, by the way, has something in common with these regions? according to historians, in russia it was called buckwheat in
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honor of the greek monks who brought it to us from byzantium. but let's return to the main question. but how can you cook something tasty and unusual? in jewish cuisine buckwheat mixed with pasta and the result is varnishk porridge, perhaps the name comes from the word vareniki, which was transformed during the migration of jews from eastern europe to the west. blogger and musician lezer dabakarov and his son mashe asher prepare this with great love. at first it seems like the products don’t go together at all, but when you try this dish, it’s simply delicious. the recipe is simple: you need to fry onions and mushrooms, cook buckwheat and pasta, then combine
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everything in frying pans, add salt and mix. the aroma, it smells like flour. our wonderful ornishki porridge with pa-bam is ready! will the taster like the taste? this is who we invited to evaluate unusual recipes with buckwheat. our permanent expert, nutritionist marina makisha. among whole grain cereals, and i only eat these, buckwheat comes first; i like it because it has a bright taste. the second taster is the chef of a greek restaurant in moscow, yanis chrysohaidis. he was born and raised in athens, but... has been living and working in moscow for 12 years, i'm a buckwheat anyway i ate it since childhood, since our parents in greece already went to these russian stores and bought it, i have a neutral attitude towards it, the third participant, a teacher from st. petersburg, arina logacheva, in her youth she was teased because of her weight, and once for a couple of weeks she ate only
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buckwheat, i lost weight, but i hated grains, well, for 8 years now i can’t stand buckwheat, in general it... honestly disgusts me, even when i walk to the apartment through the stairwell, if someone cooks buckwheat there, i just i close my nose, will arina be able to change her attitude by trying new things? dishes, for example, varniškis porridge. as part of the dish, and due to just buckwheat and vegetables , more benefits appeared, that is, if we ate empty pasta, then we would n’t get much benefit, we would only get energy, yes, because it’s mostly carbohydrates, in general i’m like chef, i see that this dish is somehow gray. how do you like it? well, no way, what would you add there, well, ketchup, of course, and i would add zucchini cool, arina, of course, felt the taste of buckwheat here, and she didn’t like it, maybe with others the dishes will be different, in poland they cook blood sausage and koshanka with this grain, the recipe
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was shown to us by the pole krzyszta vsmyk, he has been living in russia for more than 30 years. in its homeland, koshanka is often grilled when relaxing in nature, and not only. as a child, i lived in a small town, in a private house, where we had a traditional stove with an oven, always before christmas, before the new year, that is, we prepared home-made kashanka. he cooks pork cheek and lungs together with vegetables, in another pan he cooks green buckwheat, this the same cereal as brown, but not thermally processed, then grinds the raw liver in a meat grinder. and other by-products, mixes the resulting minced meat with buckwheat, seasones with spices and salt and adds the main ingredient - pork blood, and then it remains to stuff the casing, pierce the small sausages with a toothpick so that the seals do not burst and put them in boiling water for 50 minutes, and then in a frying pan,
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served with fried onions. krzysztov hastened to boast of his culinary success. alive and which not so much, we’ll continue to find out right after a short break, just space, what kind of curd do they eat in orbit? i haven’t had to bite cottage cheese yet, and that with the safety of earthly options, the results of the examination are already ready, and buckwheat
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turns into tea, and soy and nud into eggs, why the recipe of the week, video idea 1 minute long, you can prepare a delicious lunch, but you can also make it profitable, our program and a debit card from alfabank will help with this. order your favorite products and receive super cashback up to 100% for any purchases. all payments and transfers are commission free. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. the world of bcs investments is limitless. there are those who accurately calculate the trajectory based on the support of experts and strive further to get more. plus 20% to profitability with bcs analytics. bks. the world of investments. where is emelin? emelin? yes. emelin is the best detective in the department, i want him to investigate this case, what kind of case is it, and what about you , a policeman? well, yes, it’s cool, by the way,
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hates buckwheat. after losing weight on it, i admit, i love all sorts of dishes with giblets, maybe because i also understand that these are the most useful parts of the carcass, yes, because the largest amount of heme iron and vitamins and microelements accumulates in the internal organs . marina, however, noted that there is a lot of fat in koshanka, so it, like any sausage , should not be eaten often, a question for corina, is there any buckwheat in it? i don't feel any buckwheat. then i feel the liver, overall the tasters liked the koshanka, although it seemed a little dry. pastry chef yana drozdova prepares a cake with green buckwheat that her whole family adores. green buckwheat, it has a neutral taste in itself, can be adjusted to different ingredients, that is, with its help you can create a whole palette of diverse flavors
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cook and... it gives the cake a pretty good density and texture. yana makes the base from ground caramelized buckwheat, coconut flour, cocoa powder and dates. initially, there is a biased attitude towards healthy nutrition, especially in children among the male population. the trick is that i recommend... don't tell your husbands and children that this is a healthy cake, they try it first, and then they reveal their cards and, as a rule, they are very surprised. next you need to prepare the mousse, mix sprouted green buckwheat, dates, cherries in a blender, coconut milk and cocoa. to get the desired consistency, yana adds
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coconut oil. beats again, puts the finished mousse on the base, decorates with freeze-dried raspberries, cherries, postila, dried oranges, puts the cake in the freezer for 6-8 hours, it turns out beautifully, but how does it taste, in this form i would now start eating buckwheat, like the dessert is very tasty, it looks like buckwheat this way, of course, for many it will be tastier, because here we no longer added ketchup with mayonnaise and sugar. even the nutritionist liked the dessert, although of course, she wouldn’t call it directly useful . there is still a lot of sugar here, from dates, cherries and other ingredients, like any sweets, it is better not to abuse this one, but sometimes, for a change , you can allow yourself pleasant experiments. pastry chef yana also adds green buckwheat to
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the ice cream. first, beat the heavy coconut cream, sugar and cereal in a blender, then pour it into a saucepan and heat it so that the sugar dissolves, pour the mixture into molds and put it in the freezer for 2 hours, it’s ready, well, there’s boiled buckwheat inside, well, yes, very sweet. crunches, well, i would eat it, but not to the end. in fact, the inside is not boiled, raw buckwheat, the nutritionist also noted that the calorie content of this dessert is no less than that of any other ice cream, so again there is no point in talking about the benefits, the tasters had different opinions about the taste, janis liked it, arina and marina were too sweet. well, what will they say? buckwheat
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tea. it is, however, made not from ordinary cereals, but from the grains of a related plant, tatarian buckwheat. in general, her homeland is the himalayas. and in a word tatar, botanist joseph gartner. i just tried to emphasize the eastern origin. in china , kuuqiao tea has long been made from this culture. the drink is also becoming popular in russia. there are even production companies that specialize in it. tatar buckwheat seeds are initially carefully collected, sorted, fried, ground and pressed out. next, granules are obtained. the granules arrive to us ready-made. in the drum we add granules. natural pieces of fruit and berries, natural flavors, mix, you get a blend of tea, as the founder of the manufacturing company anna khabarova says, in order for the taste of such tea to fully develop, it needs
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to be brewed correctly, fill it not with boiling water, but with hot water, about 95°, yeah. you see, the tea begins to acquire such a golden color, it is brewed for about 2-3 minutes. the grains can be poured with boiling water up to three times, the taste will not deteriorate; anna advises adding used tea leaves to kefir, yogurt or pancake dough. the seeds give the whole thing an unusual biscuit note. also tatar gryachikha is good in chocolate. we produce chocolate like 200 years ago in stone. all the ingredients are mixed for two days, preserving all the beneficial properties, including the beneficial properties of buckwheat. such products sell well not only in russia, they are supplied
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abroad, but how will our tasters rate buckwheat tea? i liked the tea because i like the taste, that is, i would drink it with pleasure, and i would even be happy to go somewhere like a bathhouse, a sauna, wherever i want to drink. yanis and arina i also liked it, at first, however, they said that it looked like chamomile, but then they felt those same, either nutty or biscuit notes, there are also benefits, it can be called so rejuvenating, because the antioxidants included in the composition are like since they protect our cells from the effects of free radicals, it can be drunk every day and can be drunk in the evenings, unlike green and black tea, which we still do not recommend drinking after 18, lat tasters also rated it highly, although it is the taste of the grains we didn’t really feel it. nutritionist marina went through the packaging separately, with the word healthy. so, what i see is cocoa butter in the first place, sugar comes in second place,
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then comes powdered milk, then only tatar buckwheat seeds, that is, in any case, this is milk chocolate, not buckwheat. of course, you don’t need to look for health benefits here, but the taste is interesting, and in general, as you can see, buckwheat knows how to surprise, it’s unlikely that anything can compare with classic porridge in terms of benefits, but variety is also an important element. all recipes from this story you will find on our website www.eda. show you will be able to please your loved ones with something new and unusual, buckwheat. and now the latest news from the world of food science. what interesting and useful things have scientists discovered for us? obesity is dangerous for the psyche. this statement was made by scientists from ireland. they analyzed data from more than 1,800 patients
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aged 46 to 73 years. and they found that with the onset of obesity, the risk of depression increases, especially in women. perhaps this is due to the public censure of excess weight. although there is another version. how can we avoid this? a new option for maintaining normal weight was proposed by scientists from spain. they studied the diet of more than 200 families in one of the rural communities, then about half of them were prescribed the so-called atlantic diet, this is now part of ... moda, a traditional type of diet in northwestern spain in northern portugal. it is based on fish, seafood, fruits, legumes and vegetables, including many cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower. overall it looks good
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the mediterranean diet, researched and recognized as the healthiest. but here you can also occasionally eat meat, including pork , and starchy vegetables, such as potatoes. six months later, in the group that also worked from the nomadic diet, scientists separately rehabilitated potatoes, proving that they do not increase the risk of developing obesity and diabetes, the main thing is not to get carried away with too fried and fatty options and not to forget about other fresh vegetables. plants, by the way, provide more and more inspiration to food technologists. based on soy protein, inuta, and also sunflower oil, innovators from los angeles have created a very realistic imitation of eggs. which even have a runny yolk. for the presentation, they were prepared into
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poshot and fried eggs, suitable for fasting vegans. the manufacturer plans to sell vegetable poached food in frozen form, making it easy to make it edible at home. from a nutritional point of view, the disadvantage of artificial eggs is that there is three times less protein compared to classic chicken eggs. but there is a plus: there is no cholesterol at all, which some people need limit, although... studies say that ordinary eggs in reality do not increase cholesterol, but rather even help reduce it. this was news, this is what awaits us further in the issue. curd. in what recipes can i use sweets from the store and how can i make healthy ones at home? answer from the laboratory, in which samples were found mold, yeast, starch, you may stop eating it. and. recipe of the week is a traditionally beautiful minute-long video.
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white fish fillet is an excellent product for a healthy diet. i love her very much myself, but often it turns out to be dry, somehow boring, or what? how to make it more interesting? chef igor molotkin is with me in the studio. igor, reveal your secrets. you just need to learn how to cook it correctly. i will show. first, add some salt and pepper. place on a baking tray. igor uses triskie fillets. but any white fish, such as pollock or hake, will do. place in a hot oven for literally 7-10 minutes and that will be enough. for now, let 's get down to the main thing: what will make your fish special. sauce. exactly, good sauce will transform any dish. white fish is quite lean, so igor advises preparing a sauce based on butter and boiled eggs to make the fish juicy. the most important thing is to use high-quality butter, fat content 82.5%. i'm from.
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breadcrumbs, season to taste, stir, a few minutes and the sauce is ready, eggs, parsley, juice of half a lemon and it must be served hot, well , how do you like it, creamy sauce and butter just gives what you need. tenderness to the fish, very pleasant, the taste of the fish is not lost, here try a piece without sauce, the difference is very noticeable, and this sauce is based on butter, it simply works wonders, and the recipe is also quick, take note, our family has a tradition, we always add fresh cream butter to our dishes, brest-litovsk , traditions through the centuries. i won’t hide the walls of our hero, we constantly make holes, just like that, so that
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there’s a huge hole in the wall, in full view of everyone in the bedroom, such experiments don’t happen often, one of them will happen just today, i really like green, for example, and so foresty, scandinavian, a little bit - i could also experiment, the characters really like to spend active time in nature, so i decided to make the bedroom in such a natural theme. there will be such a lake in the forest, a lake of hope, a forest lake in the bedroom, an interior inspired by nature, i like how it somehow played on our lake of hope, we managed to place an area here where you can sit, relax, and also hang some things, which is very convenient , housing issue today at 12:00 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult,
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this is the topic of the investigation of the week and right now its final part. at the beginning of the program , we found out that curd mass is for many it’s tastier than cottage cheese, and it’s also a convenient ready-made product. the downside is that it spoils quickly, but only if it’s not a space version. cosmonauts oleg artemyev and oleg skripochka know it and have tried it more than once on flights. we also use it as a currency, since everyone loves it, in the american segment it is not there, then we can exchange for this vorok any other things that we do not have, for example, we do not have enough seafood, crabs here or midi there or scallops , and we
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can exchange this cottage cheese for any amount of cottage cheese for crabs, yes, so this is the most delicious thing, some lovers can take whole bonus ones with them. the most popular flavor is nutty. a dry, sublimated mass is sent into orbit; the bag with it must be cut and filled with water. while everything is brewing, let's try another option. with sea buckthorn from a tube. such packaging is actually no longer taken on flights; it is released as a souvenir, for example, for visitors to space museums. the smell is like curd cheese, almost like a sea buckthorn smell. but this curd mass, just so homemade, earthly, familiar, without raisins, yes, but the most unusual cosmic cottage cheese is dry in cubes, with the taste of, for example, black currant, it is part of the emergency emergency reserve in case
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the descent module lands in an unplanned in place, the astronauts will have to wait a long time for help, well, the only thing that can be said is not a minus, you don’t want to, but you want to drink, so these cubes, if we survive in the desert, it’s better, of course, to leave them as a last resort, in winter conditions when... making homemade cakes in orbit with this cottage cheese as a cream in honor of the days , he says that this is roughly what he did
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for the birth of his child. in the dilution we did, it’s similar in consistency to kefir, the taste is like a milkshake, rather, you come across pieces of nuts, you come across such grains of cottage cheese, thin, and overall it’s cool, i really want to finish this to the end, yes, add more ice cream there. in general , it will be delicious, it’s already like melted ice cream, that’s great, it’s just me i had great pleasure, nuts, mm, dear producers, don’t let this opportunity pass you by, cottage cheese with nuts is top, quite recently the diet of russian cosmonauts on the iss included freeze-dried cottage cheese with celery and sesame seeds, yes, there is a lot of not only dessert. it can serve as a completely dietary nutritious product without harmful sugar. in india, by the way, they prepare karkhaipanir, which is
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cottage cheese in tomato puree with cashew paste, cloves, pepper, cinnamon and other warming spices. this is usually eaten at lunch, with flatbread or rice. smells like chicken. i know the taste of the sauce. but its combination with cottage cheese seems surprising to me, here you absolutely expect to feel the taste of, for example, the same chicken, because it looks like chicken, it smells like chicken, put this cottage cheese in sauce for chicken, this is also paneer, the sauce for it is made from spinach , which is boiled and then turned into paste, some other thing... the combination of cottage cheese with spinach is also very, very good,
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again, when we add cottage cheese to something or cottage cheese is something, it takes on some new taste, but let’s leave the exotic and return to what is sold here, let us remind you that we submitted three samples from the supermarket and one from the moscow market to the laboratory and checked for three indicators: yeast, mold starch, which is often not indicated in the composition, is not dangerous, but helps the manufacturer to cheaply embellish the product, bringing it to an attractive thickness. of the four subjects, only rostagrokompleks successfully passed the test. into the market mass, as it turned out, the manufacturer added starch. in the green line there is eight times more mold than the permissible maximum; in the curd mass from the milk of our milking we found a critically high amount. yeast, if in terms of mold this sample passes the maximum permissible level, then there is 220 times
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more yeast than the established norm, so such a product should not be eaten, of course, because the mold yeast contained in the product indicates that spoilage process, the problem is... how to externally determine the safety of cottage cheese mass is almost impossible, food technologist elena mesnikova assessed the samples for color and smell, only the one bought at the market was confusing. it holds its shape very well, you can even make a drawing using such a mass. that is, in general, the starch did its job. as a thickener, it worked well here. the surface is white, i would say, too white, this may indicate that. either this sample does not contain enough butter, or perhaps the manufacturer did not add it at all, in
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comparison, again, with previous samples, i practically don’t feel it here... it’s a blow to the pancreas, but it also creates a dependence on bright taste sensations, and returning to regular cottage cheese after a lot of it is very difficult, especially for children. after a child tries a very tasty, sweet product several times, it will not be possible to convince him to eat regular cottage cheese, even with fruit. this will be the main problem, that the child will refuse a more natural,
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less calorie, but incredibly nutritious product. nutritionist nuria dianova prepares the curd mass for her children herself. instead of sugar banana, which needs to be put in a lot, it should be about half. the curd is five percent, and to make everything seem even tastier, nuria uses a trick in serving, spreading the curd mass on a bright banana and kiwi using a pastry sleeve, like decorating cream on a cake with berries. we took a very good protein-fat product. exactly the curd mass, in this form. there are many other recipes on the internet, and in all of them you can control the amount of sweet ingredients yourself. plus - complete freedom experiments with tastes. unuria
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even has curd mass in its piggy bank. with olives, she mixes them with five percent cottage cheese, adding mint leaves, salt and greek yogurt to soften the taste. the presentation is also creative, with a colorful composition of carrot sticks and cucumbers. together with bread, this is a complete snack, where the curd mass, one might say, is more healthy, because it is less fatty and is a substitute for cheese. of course, you can occasionally enjoy the less healthy version. the main thing, says the nutritionist, is to remember that this dessert, appropriate only for... normal food, and the curd mass can also be an interesting ingredient for cooking, the basis for a festive easter or, for example, a more everyday royal cheesecake, it is often prepared in the family of our correspondent, lisa kryuchkova, you need to break the eggs and add curd mass to them, with raisins or any other, this is the base, then lisa makes a topping of softened butter, flour, soda and
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salt, chopping with a knife so that it looks like crumbs, more... she puts some on bottom of the wall of the baking dish, pour in the base, sprinkle the remaining grains on top, and place in the oven for about half an hour. the convenience of the recipe is that you do not need to add sugar, it is already in the curd mass. of course, such a tart can be made from ordinary cottage cheese, but then you will need sugar more than butter. or you can mix cottage cheese with curd mass, as, by the way, nutritionists advise, it will be healthier, and you will enjoy the taste. no less, every time i return to my native tatarstan, we are together with family make this royal cheesecake, then i take with me such a solid piece of moscow as - part of home comfort, this recipe definitely has it, but what did our scientific and culinary investigation ultimately come to, the disadvantages are clearly more significant, regular store-bought cottage cheese contains a lot
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of fat and sugar, and it’s easy to get poisoned. the quality is not always the best. it’s good, of course, that you can mix cottage cheese with something not so sweet and eat it yourself right away, before evil bacteria multiply. but the traditional industrial version, alas, we we can’t call it truly living food. that's not all for today. now there will be a recipe of the week and a traditional quiz. and i, sergey malozyomov, will return to you next saturday, and together we will look for what kind of food is truly alive. recipe of the week , this time avocado-egg. place cling film in a bowl, grease with butter, break an egg,
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wrap it in a bag and cook for 3 minutes. boiling water, cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, remove excess pulp with a spoon, remove the peel, place the egg, close wrap in bacon, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, ready, you get an unusual and appetizing dish with a liquid center, there is protein and healthy fats from avocado, of course, you should eat bacon less often, but how delicious it is, we remind you of moderation with a yellow signal from our nutritionist traffic lights, bon appetit and health, we and culinary specialist lena yartseva wish you! and now on your screens is the question of the weekly quiz, just test yourself or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link, choose the correct one
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answer option and win one of my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, and delicious recipes. winners are determined every month, among those who gave at least one correct answer, and with what... we will call you right away, so do not forget to enter your phone number after you answer. the voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens. thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week.
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hello, this is a housing issue, i'm oksana kozyreva, i will not hide the walls for our heroes, we constantly make holes. irregularly shaped, in plain sight, in the bedroom, such experiments happen like this, just like a huge hole in the wall, infrequently, one of them will happen just today, well, our heroes, the kichatov family by training, psychologists, i think , must endure. leaving life without active recreation and travel. anya and stesha made their first multi-hour flights with their parents as babies. our heroes have a special passion for big water. we went to
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sea, we decided to try the sap, the weather was turbulent, we sailed quite far, and then we realized that we couldn’t return, because somehow the wind and waves were heading in our direction. we lay down on the saddles like surfers do when they catch a wave when they accelerate, so we paddled closer to the shore and returned, but... she was in some tears, she hugged me, i put a ring on her. lera definitely didn’t expect it, it was really cool.


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