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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 26, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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ilya klimov was tried by a jury for direct communication, he himself insisted on this, what conclusion the jurors came to and what sentence he would face. yeah, well, the government is asking for 10 years in a maximum security colony for vyacheslav klimov , and the jury recently found him guilty unanimously of the murder of his sister. the story is really confusing. vyacheslav and galina klimov, apparently, actually quarreled initially due to political differences. lived in the united states for some time, my brother had us citizenship, studied at a prestigious university, in his passport he, by the way, he was recorded as steven slava vladimir. and he was a really big fan of donald trump. galina, his sister, on the contrary, was a supporter of the current president joe biden and she also studied at a prestigious university in the usa, although without citizenship, but later, after they completed their education, both of them returned to russia, somewhere near mytishchi in the family cottage this dispute took place on a political topic. course of the usa, after which
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the girl was found murdered in losiny ostrov park. vyacheslav first insisted that he he didn’t kill his sister, then he even stated that wild boars could have killed her, the fact is that in mytishchi on elk island they can actually often be found, and then after talking with his lawyer and his influential parents, he changed his testimony to the exact opposite and - but the investigation, firstly, still has footage of his interrogation and materials at its disposal. interrogation, where he says that he committed murder, but did it in a state of passion. in this case, it is precisely passion, that is, i don’t say so, murder is when i came i wanted to kill, roughly speaking, i set it to kill, it’s not like that, it’s not like that here, here i am, she just brought me out, there’s something in my head, maybe i wanted to hit her, maybe somehow drop it.
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it may have happened, but i didn’t want to kill her, i came and wanted to kill her, the surveillance cameras also speak in favor of the prosecution, on the day of the tragedy after this argument, galina went to get some air in the park, this can be seen in the recording, and her brother vyacheslav followed her , but only after passers-by found the body of a girl with signs of beating, well, in addition, in at the disposal of the investigation was a certain note, or rather a memo to himself, where vyacheslav sketched out a certain plan of action for himself, first it says that it is necessary to find all the cameras that he could get into, apparently, somehow try to delete these recordings, and then he has a further planned, essentially conversation with a psychologist, where he recommends to himself to put pressure on the fact that he had some waves, unreasonable crying and in general he was depressed, but the examination later still recognized vyacheslav klimov as sane. in summer 2021 klimov lured his sister into the forest of losiny national park. where
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he beat her, inflicted multiple bodily injuries, and then strangled her, fearing that she would be caught in the act of committing a murder, klimov imitated the theft of money, a bank card, and a mobile phone, which was thrown out of a nearby body of water. i must say that galina and vyacheslav’s parents are very influential, not poor people, they even ordered a production studio from one. a documentary film that talks about how vyacheslav did not guilty, then there was a series of articles in his defense, in one of these interviews the head of the family made it clear that no matter how cynical it may sound, that since now their daughter is dead, they must try to get at least their son to freedom, today vyacheslav already in the courtroom, adheres to the version worked out with the lawyer and completely denies his guilt, i ’ve been in prison for 3 years, i’m already used to it, so much time has already passed, it’s a long time ago. me, i’m already
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frostbitten, you have nothing to say about the accusation, no, i don’t admit it, but you really had a conflict, no, of course, well, at these moments, court hearings are taking place, the defendant’s lawyers assure that those same recordings with a surveillance camera are fake and in general they are trying to overwhelm the judge with petitions in order to somehow delay the sentence, but nevertheless, court hearings are still continuing and a decision is likely will be announced today, this is all the information for now. thank you ilya, i will remind you that ntv correspondent ilya usheninin was live on air, and we are waiting for the court verdict in this high-profile case in the coming hours, and as soon as the decision is made, we will report it in on our telegram channel, to find him you need to type chpntv in the search bar of the messenger, you can also use the qr code that you see on your screen, and now in the chpntv telegram channel you can watch the full recording of the initial interrogation of vyacheslav klimov, in which he... admitted
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to the murder, described it, and you can also read the diary entries that klimov made to confuse the investigation. kristina dobrokhodova asked. commute the sentence, a twenty-five-year-old woman hit her friend with a car and dragged him 80 m, when alexander ilsakov was taken out from under the car, few people assured that he would survive at all, but the doctors performed a real miracle, now he himself is not against his ex- girlfriend’s sentence being commuted, but what did the court decide, dinar usmanov will tell? when these terrible footage presented as the main evidence was viewed in court during the trial, everyone felt uneasy .
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it hurts, please, but how did you get in? they managed to get alexander to the hospital in time and undergo an operation; everything could have ended in his death. until now he is with with difficulty he moves, obvious traces of his injuries are visible on his face, so he earnestly asked not to publicly demonstrate his disfigured appearance.
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in the criminal case, which was read out in court, the description of the injuries he received took up almost an entire page. broken bones, damaged organs, lacerations all over the body and face. this is how kristina dobrokhodova repaid him for his kindness, our accused began to express to him the idea that she wanted, it turns out, to go to her friends, so he tried to stop her, citing the fact that a person who is in a state of alcoholic intoxication can be detained by employees and, accordingly , deprived of his rights there, so she, accordingly, in order to annoy him, tried, as she says, to drive a car, he began. in front of this car and she accordingly hit him. alexander doesn’t hold a grudge against kristina now; he considers the verdict of the first instance court, according to which the woman was sent to a colony for 3 years, to be too harsh; at the second trial , he supported the convict’s request to commute the sentence. dobrokhodova herself called it
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she promised to improve everything with a second chance. dear judge, i ask you to give me a chance, because my fate and my destiny depend on it. child, i promise to lead a healthy lifestyle and fulfill all my responsibilities. three judges of the supreme court of the komi republic, having once again studied the materials of the criminal case and the personality of the accused herself, came to the conclusion that the punishment assigned to her is a second chance for her, it is the conditions of the colony that will help her get rid of bad habits and begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, which she's talking about so far only... she says that as for christina’s child, whose upbringing she supposedly wants to return to, the prosecutor did not fail to remind the court that this is exactly what dokhodova did very poorly when she was free, almost causing an investigation into the improper performance of parental
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duties by the convict back in december 2023, when the child was in a dangerous life situation, and also taking into account the establishment of facts of abuse of the child by the convict’s cohabitant, so taking into account all these factors, even a request the victim to mitigate the punishment of the offender who ran over him with a car, little could change. the original sentence of 3 years in prison was upheld, but if kristina dobrokhodova really comes to her senses, she will be able to be released on parole in about a year. dinnar usmanov, ildus salatulin and oksana goncharenko, ntv television company, komi republic. what caused the explosion? in the apartment of a nizhny novgorod blogger, experts are now finding out, immediately after the emergency they reported that it was gas, however now another version is becoming a priority, the personality of the victim himself is pushing towards it, mikhail kotov, judging by his publications on social networks, is a big fan of pyrotechnics and weapons, they say that
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he kept some dangerous devices in the apartment, but meanwhile they are crawling around the house cracks, utility workers promise to begin strengthening the structure in the near future, what was initially mistaken for a gas explosion in an apartment on the fifth floor in one of the high-rise buildings in nizhny novgorod now looks completely different, the residents of the first...
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to the intensive care unit, here are shots from the blogger’s apartment, it is clear that the consequences of the fire are obvious, but the crater in the room raised questions from the neighbors: this is not a cylinder explosion at all, that this is an explosion of some kind of shell, and he has a lot of them, they are found , well, everywhere, handcuffs were lying there, well, well, cartridges were just lying around, well, we ourselves saw it right away and immediately picked it up, it was the next day, once the blogger’s neighbors decided to study kotov’s work and noticed that misha was involved in everything.
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although in appearance misha kotov’s block looks quite good harmlessly, he buys old things at flea markets, on classified ads websites he buys garages with junk and even cars that are not running, then he takes it all apart, repairs something and resells it, in general, this is a hobby, then he comes across shell casings, then cartridges. experts examined the damage in the house and said it was possible to live, only the first entrance needed to be strengthened, until this happened, residents of this entrance were allowed inside once every couple of days on a schedule so that they could take the necessary things, although...
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there is work against the dzhigan, i thought what do you have our star is kirkorov, i
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play blacks in every room, mikel, understand, but this is the first thing that comes to mind, the second and third, to be honest, well, dumplings, now you will start to relax, we thought, at least this club is strong, i haven’t learned that, let’s move on. will be, now you can easily get up to
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21:20 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast: a vigilant local trainee prevented a crime from being committed in the trading floor of one of the supermarkets in omsk, where a pensioner tried to transfer money to scammers, she was counting bills at an atm, i was talking to someone on the phone and was very nervous; the woman’s unusual behavior attracted the attention of the future district police officer.
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hello, hello, do you know what kind of mother yours is? telephone scammers convinced the pensioner that her page on the government services portal had been hacked and now she urgently needed to save her savings, and for this it was necessary to transfer money to a secure account, this was actually done by the pensioner, i strictly followed the instructions over the phone, alexey stasyuk explained the situation to the confused woman and conveyed relatives. at a landfill in a large-scale search is underway in stavropol, they are looking for the body of a five-year-old boy, the parents went on a visit and asked to look after the son of a neighbor, a repeat offender. now he says that he dealt with the child when he began to scream, then he took the body out and put it in a container. meter by meter, law enforcement officers
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and volunteers in stavropol are combing the waste disposal site, but finding a child’s body in giant mountains of garbage is like finding a needle in a haystack. even cynologists with dogs were involved in the search, but so far to no avail. as detectives determined a five-year-old boy was killed in cold blood by oleg vasilenko. during the investigative experiment, he... trusted the child to his friend oleg vasilenko, although the family had not previously come to the attention of law enforcement officers, but it is difficult to call it safe, otherwise how can one explain that looking after the baby was essentially
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a repeat offender. a couple of years ago, a man was released from a colony where he was serving a sentence for theft; he has a criminal record for possession and purchase of drugs. then i took this package with the body, today there is a duster on the street tank. have you ever seen this child? he never walked here, never. well, they say that he is disabled, or something, it is known that the boy had another attack, just at the time when vasilenko was looking after him, the man, having had too much alcohol, could not calm the child down, the child’s cry irritated him, then he decided to force the boy shut up. work continues to find the child's body. in addition, investigators will evaluate the employees of the sorting shop and waste processing plant. after that, how oleg vasilenko confessed to the crime and told how exactly he got rid of it.
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the driver doesn’t look inside, hooks it with special hooks, loads it into the car, everything is pressed there, then the car goes to the landfill, it all unloads, most likely the remains of a child who ended up among household waste and, having gone through various stages of disposal, were taken to a landfill, under such circumstances it will be extremely difficult to detect them, but detectives do not lose hope and continue their search for the murder of a minor in relation to...
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russia, watch the new episode of the state of emergency investigation program this saturday at 16:20 on ntv. but that's not all, see below. forecasters promise june weather in maysk. good news for vacationers, but not so much for rescuers, barbecues and field trips. we’ll tell you after the advertisement what simple rules you need to follow to avoid big trouble. the defendant beat three people, moreover, he raised his hand against the future commander of the red fleet, but this is unfair, he...
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stood up for the girl, the defendant is sentenced to three years in prison, the war will put everything in its place, the judge will become a traitor, where was i wrong, that i went to serve with the germans, i wouldn’t have gone straight away shooting, but the defendant is a hero, this means you put one down, how many germans? six, it seems, or eight, and a legendary soviet saboteur. the trains will not reach the destination station, the fate of the saboteur , i certainly cannot promise you complete forgiveness, but extenuating circumstances will be taken into account, the premiere is today at 20:00 on ntv, there will be no money , there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose.
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professional graduate. we will teach you to think with your own hands, choose college prof.rf, leading employers are already waiting for our graduates, professionalism, you are in good company. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. the national guard motor rally in akhta memory with great victory ended in the tvr region, almost 400 km behind. end point became the city of ostashkov. in 1942 , heavy defensive battles took place here. they took part in the traditional action. employees and military personnel of the russian guard, veterans of the department, search engines, cultural figures, social activists, cadets, together they put in order military burials and mass graves. the personnel of the russian guard, together with
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the veteran activists, provide patronage to veterans on an ongoing basis, carry out military-patriotic work among young people, improve military burials and mass graves, it turns out assistance to search teams.
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investigators will find out later with grass or an abandoned cigarette butt, now the task of the units is to quickly stop the flames near the small village of borovkovo, several makeshift houses have already been engulfed in fire, an amphibian transporter has arrived to evacuate the residents, such equipment worked during the floods in the urals, it transports up to 78 people, it turns out that the task was to save the population, they coped with the task, meanwhile the fire continues to spread, on its side all the delights of the fire... dangerous period, scorching sun, gusty wind, firefighters have an impressive arsenal of equipment. the real heavy artillery of these exercises, this is an engineering clearing vehicle, it is made on the basis of a tank, which is why it is sometimes called an engineering tank, and
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fire ditches for such equipment are a matter of a few minutes. work closely together with employees of several departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the moscow regional fire service, the forestry committee, a total of 46 units of equipment and... and barbecue, which we love very much, but not it’s worth lighting them and doing them in the forest. the warning is especially relevant on the eve of the may
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holidays, which are traditionally not complete without picnics and country gatherings, here firefighters ask not to let down their vigilance, they remind you that it is prohibited to make fires in forests and fields; in areas near the barbecue it is better to keep large containers of sulfur. so as not to repeat the legend of today's exercises, which, by the way, all services coped with perfectly. i think it’s not for us to give an assessment, but we fulfilled the instructions, the protocol instructions of the council security of the russian federation and instructions from the governor of the moscow region, forces and means are ready. we dedicated the exercise to the 375th anniversary of the fire department. immediately upon completion of the demonstration part, the best employees were awarded departmental awards.


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