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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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[000:00:17;00] 5,000 people have already been evacuated from flood zones in the tyumen region; they will help where artillery cannot operate. fpv drone crews in the southern donetsk direction are destroying equipment. relations between china and the united states are facing many negative factors, and it is important to handle differences responsibly. what borders did the us secretary of state and the chinese leadership talk about in beijing? another mass grave was discovered in
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the palestinian khan yunis after leaving there. israeli army, auto you are going to raise we find out the prices for our cars, when and how much they imitate them in business news. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the flood zone is expanding in the tyumen region. this is what the tyumen-omsk federal highway looks like, which was urgently reinforced with an embankment. the road itself is dry, but ishim has already come close to the dam. in some places the water level is almost the same as the height of the dam. if the river rises any more, water may rush onto the roadway. traffic police inspectors are on duty on the highway around the clock, but this is one of local roads. there were no fish along the way, in my opinion. more than 5,000 people were taken out of the disaster zone, and the evacuation continues. here, for example, is one of the jams on the ishim river, because of which the water does not go down the riverbed, but runs towards the houses. the neighboring village is a team of residents and visiting volunteers who have gathered for
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battle. together with the elements, we prepared more than 1000 sandbags to strengthen the local dam, this is a different area and another river, the tobol, but the most popular material also sand, residents unite and build embankments, and are you here under the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations employees or on your own or what? under my leadership, and you are the leader here? but this village, it seems, could not be defended, the river is taking over the territory, there is a lot of water. as they say, it came in one night, a dam broke there, the water is rising very actively, this is the edge of the village, the current is very clearly visible here, the features of this flood are called the extension of time in some areas of the tyumen region, after the drop in the water level they are waiting for a new one wave, in the same city of ishim, where at the beginning of the week the river began to recede, not excluding that the situation will worsen again, in orenburg
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after the departure of the large water they are counting. damage in orsk, now such a landmark, a stone street, cobblestones brought by the stormy current of the ural river overflowing its banks, this is a regional center, the camera filmed how the water leaves the streets of orenburg, the consequences of the flood, destroyed buildings and garbage in the areas. the ministry of defense reports that in the area where the ied was carried out in the southern donetsk direction, su-25 attack aircraft the russian aerospace forces destroyed the ukrainian stronghold along with the medical one. the attack was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles at an extremely low altitude. on the territory of the dpr, reconnaissance of turkish paratroopers using a drone discovered a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces with personnel hiding in it. the armored group, under the cover of darkness in combat vehicles, promptly marched to the specified area and eliminated the target. by the way, today the tula airborne forces unit celebrates the eightieth anniversary of its formation. and in the vicinity of ugledar, pacific marines
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a targeted attack on the dugouts and trenches. bsu using fpv drones, they are used as komikazas, hanging different types of ammunition. report by sergei pikulin. there is such an important point: to find the golden mean of the projectile, so that the bird has balance, it is not outweighed either forward or backward, that is, the balance is here, the middle of the bird is here, between the reserves. it’s easy to recognize the fpv drone calculation engineer in his pouches; instead of magazines with cartridges, he has a battery , a set of keys with screwdrivers, but the most important thing. tool tape in case something happens stores like this i also have it in unloading, but at the moment, in order to quickly prepare the bird for flight, to eliminate the target, i leave everything here. the crew consists of three people, and the operator himself says that the main work now is either ambushes on enemy heavy equipment, or movements with our infantry and covering them. when, say, 15 meters from the position of our attack aircraft,
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a machine gunner is working. or the enemy’s ags, then suppressing his artillery is quite dangerous, you can also hurt your own, but such a drone can easily will fly into the window. here, in the next ruins, a group of ukrainian soldiers settled down, the operator of our drone comes through the window, an explosion, infantry can clear the square, drones deploy faster than, say, a mortar , much less than artillery, readiness from the take-off command to take-off takes no more than a minute as a rule, we are constantly on duty, the bird is always on alert, at the start. another soldier of the 155th brigade of the pacific fleet, uniform according to the regulations, helmet, body armor, unloading, everything was made to order, obskorovsky's helmet, his armor, all his stores, grenades, we did it all ourselves, we did everything to order, in the armor just like
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we have armor packages, that is, this is a svmp, after all, we should also have it in our defense, a talisman or on the armor or on the back of the backpack they take the cheburashka with them on all missions, the infantrymen say it helps, looks after everything. foreign military advisers are directly involved in the preparation of sabotage carried out by kiev on russian territory. this was stated by sergei shaigu in astana at a meeting of ministers the sco will participate in the defense of countries. the head of the russian military department clarified that almost every day ukraine uses
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weapons received from the west to attack civilians. russia cannot be stopped in ukraine, then allegedly we will attack the alliance countries. the russian federation adheres to the policy of not interfering in the affairs of other states. at the meeting, information was heard that belarus would join the organization very soon. iran recently gained membership. sergei shegu noted that this is an important moment in strengthening security throughout the sco. chinese president xijen ping today met with anthony blinken in front of him. during his trip to china, the state department stated that the secretary of state intended to convey harsh warnings to beijing about the inadmissibility of supporting russia, but during a rendezvous with chinese foreign minister wang yi, blinken himself had to listen to the warning, because
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the chinese themselves have a lot of complaints against the americans, ksenia nikrasova is monitoring visit. the round of us-china negotiations, anthony blinken decided to start with a basketball match, a photo from the stands was published by the us ambassador to prc, wished. good luck to the shanghai team, there is much less support on the political field, where washington calls beijing its main enemy. even on the eve of the trip , the american secretary of state promised to bring with him the clearest warning to the prc, but once in china he suddenly started talking about the importance of diplomacy. it is very important to handle disagreements responsibly in order to avoid misunderstandings, to avoid miscalculations; this is our common responsibility, not only to our own people, but also to all the peoples of the world. trying to soften my landing in beijing, where blinken had negotiations with the head of the prc foreign ministry in wang yi in the states they really hoped to set china against moscow on the ukrainian issue, especially against the backdrop of putin’s upcoming visit to the prc.
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otherwise, for supporting russia, washington threatens to cut off chinese banks from the global financial system, beijing will answer harshly, there is no need to meddle in other people’s relations. the same applies to the taiwan issue, just before the visit of blinken senats. the us has allocated an additional $8 billion for military help to taipei. china advises the states to decide who is beijing for them, a rival or a partner; this issue is called fundamental here, in which catastrophic mistakes cannot be made, because the consequences of a trade war between the two largest economies will affect not only bilateral relations, but the entire world. trade barriers, unilateral sanctions, and increased tariffs on chinese goods are called a mockery in beijing. violation of wto rules. the states are calling on europe to follow the american example, so almost simultaneously with blinkin's arrival. the european commission staged a surprise inspection of a large chinese company that allegedly received foreign subsidies that distorted
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the domestic market. without prior notice, law enforcement officers seized equipment, documents, and even employee cell phones. what is this, if not a raid, they reacted in beijing, so the head of the prc ministry of foreign affairs, wang yi, calls on his american colleague to fair competition, so as not to slide into open conflict. relations between china and the us are facing more negative factors. all kinds of failures. china's legitimate development rights are being unreasonably suppressed, and our core interests are being challenged. wang yi spoke out against the american strategy to contain china, in which the united states surrounds china with its military bases, and right now, together with the philippines, they are conducting exercises near disputed territories in the south china sea. the us also calls its attempts to take away the beijing company that owns tiktok from the chinese as healthy competition. white house administration app
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issued an ultimatum that the social network will be banned by the united states if it is not sold to americans within 6 months, the bill has already been signed by joe biden, although for some reason the head of the white house has not deleted his tiktok account. ksenia nekrasova anastasia konarovskaya, especially for ntv. several dozen more bodies of the dead were found in a mass grave on the territory of the medical complex in gorodnis in the gaza strip, so their total number reached almost 400 people. the palestinian side claims that the burial was found in destroyed buildings after withdrawal from the territory of the israeli army. idf fighters have been in the south for the past four months. it is reported that the bodies of the dead show signs of torture. palestine and the un are calling for an international investigation, but israel's main ally, the united states, which previously stated that it saw no signs of genocide in gaza, after the discovery of mass graves, did not condemn the actions of the israeli army, but... we believe that
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thanks to a thorough investigation , we may be able to get more answers. we also hope to receive from the government israel for additional information on this case. israel denies any involvement in mass graves in the south of gaza. the jerusalem newspaper reported that the dead appeared on the territory of the medical complex even before the hospital was occupied by a unit of the israeli defense forces. myself. a meeting of the council of legislators is being held in st. petersburg today, this is a traditional annual meeting on the eve of the day of russian parliamentarism, which is celebrated on april 27. the council of legislators unites both the federal assembly and all regional parliaments. today on the agenda are two issues about the turnover of agricultural lands and the development of tourism. there has already been a proposal to form a special agricultural hectare program based on the experience of the far east, and also to enshrine the concept of family tourism in the law, they talked about, for example
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. the federal air transport agency reported that from may 3 , elista airport will reopen, it has been closed since february 22, they gave business news and denis talalaev, denis, it seems that over the past few months they have been planning to open another airport in krasnodar, do you know why plans changed? yes, i agree, everything turned out somehow unexpectedly, we can only hope that after all, the plans have not changed, krasnodar airport will also open soon. in russia, they decided to open the first
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airport of those that have been closed since february 22; a week from may 3 , elista airport will reopen, the federal air transport agency reported. she clarifies that the airport in the capital of kalmykia will be open from 9 am to 7:00 pm. the population of elista is about 100,000 people. since last year there has been talk about opening of krasnodar airport, which has a population of more than a million people. and on december 15 last year they even did it. test flight to assess the readiness of all services for operation. to celebrate, several russian airlines announced their readiness to resume flights to krasnodar as soon as they were allowed. the russian union of tourism industry already predicted that with the opening of the krasnodar airport, holidays on the black sea coast would become cheaper, but the krasnodar airport is still closed. from february 24, 2020 in russia 11 airports remain closed. last fall, forbes calculated that the state had already spent approximately 12.5 billion rubles to support closed airports.
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avtovas is preparing to raise prices, the plans were announced by company president maxim sokolov , who explained this way: production costs have increased significantly, sanctions risks have increased, and avtovas and its component suppliers are forced to use complex logistics and financial chains. maxim sokolov, however , promised that prices would rise no higher than inflation, which the president of avtovaz estimated at 7,5,8%. now the cheapest car. he called for protecting the market from chinese cars that were too cheap in his opinion and raising the recycling fee. according to calculations by the autostat agency, over the past 2 years the average price of a new passenger car in russia has increased by almost one and a half times. the russian stock market continues to rise gently. the main event today is, of course, the meeting
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of the central bank on the key rate. we will find out the decision in about 15 minutes. most likely, the central bank will leave the rate at 16. and the main intrigue is what signal the central bank will give about its future actions? the ruble is also frozen in anticipation, the dollar is 91.97, the euro is 98.62. in russia , sim cards have begun to be blocked en masse, as the kommersant newspaper writes, citing sources: mobile operators, at the request of roskomnadzor, are blocking approximately 300,000 sim cards per week. one of the interlocutors puts it this way: roskomnadzor’s fight against the gray market began last year, now. quote: everything is on stream. sources of the newspaper say: until the fall of last year, the mechanism looked like this: every week, operators received a list of numbers from roskomnadzor, data that needs to be verified. the operators checked, sent the data back to roskomnadzor, which checked the data again using its sources, and where it found a discrepancy, it ordered
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mobile operators to block these numbers. and now roskomnadzor, the newspaper’s interlocutors continue, immediately sends lists of numbers to block. and after that , subscribers have 15 days to provide their data either in a communication shop or at government services, the editor of the profile telegram channel telecommunications alexey slukin says, sim card blocking will complicate gray market schemes, but they will not be able to completely close it. egor is all about economics. yes, thank you, denis. the patriotic event victory dictation is taking place in russia today. it is dedicated to the history of the great patriotic war. in moscow, at the victory museum. on poklonnaya hill, before the start, a ceremony was held to extinguish a special postage stamp. it was created using augmented reality technologies, and if you point a gadget at it, a video opens, which tells about the history of the action. to the dictation new countries join every year, questions are published in eight languages, this time in addition to russia, it is written in
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sixty more countries. memory is endless, where there is a word, there is a person. where there is a word, there is memory, and of course, we cannot forget those great historical events that took place in our country, because this is tantamount to betrayal. 20 dictation winners who are the first to give correct answers will receive an invitation to the victory parade on red square, and applicants will also receive privileges when entering universities, well the ministry of internal affairs... warned about a new scam scheme targeting older people ahead of victory day. the police have identified online resources where veterans are promised one-time payments ranging from 50 to 300,000 rubles. at the same time, the decision must be made very quickly. the websites indicate the final date by which money can supposedly be received. a necessary condition is to pay the commission and enter
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your bank card details. the ministry of internal affairs urged russians to be vigilant, warn elderly relatives about this, and also take all measures to keep them safe. from calls and visits from uninvited guests, well, then watch the emergency program, marat sedekov is with us, marat, over to you, and egor is now passing sentence on vyacheslav klimov, he was tried for the murder of his own sister, the jury has already found him guilty, klimov has dual citizenship, russian and american, it was the internal politics of the united states that became the subject of a dispute between relatives, this conflict ended in murder, klimov, being an ardent trumpist, took the position too... to heart sister, who adhered to left-wing views, he waited until galina went for a walk in the forest, there he lay in wait for her klimov, then confessed, then refused to testify, according to his version, galina generally died as a result of an attack by wild boars, now ours is working in court film crew, we'll contact them in a couple of minutes. yes, thank you,
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marat. the emergency continues, but i say goodbye to you, until the next news broadcast on ntv, at 16:00, see you. are you sure you chose me yourself, or did you listen to a fashion blogger? at bigfest you definitely choose, double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, it’s delicious, period, feel free to look your expenses with iota in the eye. your money will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, every month you can get one iota. you won’t be able to withdraw money, if you use a card, there will be money, now you can easily get
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your dream with sber, open a free account for business and connect to the sber business loyalty program, thank you, get 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. "an emergency incident in the studio marat seddikov live, vyacheslav klimov is sentenced today in the mytishchi court by vyacheslav, a holder of dual russian and us citizenship. an american financial company analyst was tried for the murder of his sister. at their parents' dacha, in mytishchi, they argued about the political situation in usa. vyacheslav is an ardent trumpist, but my sister, on the contrary , defended leftist ideas, including lgbt people. after this quarrel, galina went for a walk in the forest. according to investigators, her brother ambushed her there. our film crew
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ilya ushenin is working in court. gets into direct contact. ilya klimov was tried by a jury. he himself insisted on this. what conclusion did the assessors come to and what sentence does he face? well, the government is asking for 10 years in a maximum security colony for vyacheslav klimov, and the jury recently found him guilty. unanimously in the murder of his sister, the story is really complicated, and vyacheslav and galina klimov, apparently, really quarreled initially over political disagreements, both lived in the united states for some time, the brother had us citizenship, studied at a prestigious university, in his passport, by the way, he was written as steven slava vladimir and was really an ardent fan of donald trump, galina, his sister on the contrary was - a supporter of current president joe biden and she also studied at a prestigious university in the usa, although without citizenship. later - after they completed their education, both of them returned to russia, and somewhere near mytishchi in the family cottage this dispute took place on


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