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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 26, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the american abrams cannot withstand the pressure of our military, the ukrainian armed forces have begun to withdraw them from the battlefield . the deeper you go underground, the greater your chances of survival. and the ingenuity of the artillerymen of the 120th brigade in the northern direction, report by alexey ivliev. almost 400 bodies have already been found in a mass grave in the south of the gaza strip. we believe that through a thorough investigation, we will be able to obtain additional answers. what do they say about this in israel? peak floods are expected in the tyumen region. all residents are dangerous areas have been evacuated. not thousands, but
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still dozens of deferred subsidized prescriptions in the vladimir region, andrei shamin looked into why the drug crisis in a particular region has not yet been overcome. the us supreme court has begun hearing a case on presidential immunity from prosecution. the result could potentially affect all cases against donald trump. alexey veselovsky, more details. hello. and we start with urgent news: two participants in a prohibited crime were detained in the volgograd region in russia, a pro-ukrainian terrorist organization, the fsb reported. according to the department, they were preparing a series of explosions. during interrogation, the suspects admitted that they had established contact with the leaders on the territory of ukraine and received from them detailed instructions on how to make bombs. and the police department in the city of volzh was chosen for the attack. local
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military registration and enlistment office and other facilities. rescuers from the zaporozhye region are currently continuing to clear the rubble in the city of takmak. the day before, he was attacked by ukrainian nationalists. at least seven people were injured. there are dead. one resident may still be under the rubble. local authorities reported this. according to operational services , foreign-made controlled air bombs were used for the attack. some of the shells were shot down by ours. air defense systems. as a result of the shelling, five residential buildings and a kindergarten were damaged. one of the high-rise buildings partially collapsed, residents were evacuated. the wounded were taken to hospital, some of them are in serious condition. nationalists struck donetsk, killing two people. according to local authorities, five more, including including a child, were injured. ukrainian militants fired more than a dozen shells into the city. destruction was recorded in six houses. at the same time, the united states is in a hurry to send kiev
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even more weapons for shelling peaceful neighborhoods. washington has begun transferring military aid to the zelensky regime from a new $61 billion package. some of the ammunition and military equipment is already in poland and will arrive in ukraine within a few days. the transfer of other weapons will take longer , the official said. pentagon representative: the specific timing and what exactly will be delivered to kiev is still unknown.
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ukrainian nationalists are urgently changing tactics on the front line, all because us equipment turned out to be useless. the ukrainian military is withdrawing the long-awaited abrams tanks from attacks by russian forces; as western media write, the ukrainian armed forces have stopped using these vehicles because they turned out to be vulnerable to our drones. the russian mine defense reported the loss of another abrams the day before; it was knocked out in the avdeevka direction. in september last year, the us department of defense. supplied kiev with 31 such tanks, by this day it is known that at least five of them have already been destroyed during the battles in the northern military district zone. meanwhile, captured ukrainian soldiers say that people who are unfit for military service are being sent to the front line. it turns out that we are forcibly forced to participate in hostilities, people don’t want to, they don’t pass the health test, many people can’t even bend over like that, and quickly.
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move, commanders, babbles, since i don't i know, as they led, as they said, we are one friendly family here, guys, let us have ours...
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non-iron vehicles in the disputed northern direction, their attacks are covered by the artillery of howitzer battalions, they work around the clock, but more often at night, great aware of who is opposing them on the other side. foreign mercenaries, mainly georgians, poles, also teroborona, well, listeners, yeah, where would we be without them, and this underground city, which the fighters themselves created in positions, dug tunnels in all directions, you can wash your uniform dry the kettle too. boil, and also a huge number of caches with ammunition, which are filled to capacity, delivered every day, now the shells come here straight from the factories, well, when the artillerymen say that everything is fine with the shells, we can see for ourselves that this is so, and this is not the only storage facility
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here on the front line, each gun has its own air observation point, a fighter with an anti-drone device, plants any birds within a radius of 500 m. another know-how of ours... savvy artillerymen, these here fishing nets, fpv drones very often get tangled in them. at neighboring artillery positions, under the cover of the same networks and from their own underground city, they are working on the enemy with a large-caliber d-20 howitzer. according to the division commander, there are almost no retaliatory flights; the nationalists are starving for ammunition. they launched them earlier as part of a counter-battery fight; three shells were actively fired at us as cluster munitions. now they fire one shell, sometimes not always, they shoot at the backhand, fire at full blast, the gun, in these frames of objective control more is recorded one precise hit and the detonation of scarce shells on the positions of the ukrainian nationalists, now they have
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even less ammunition. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova and dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, position. and in the northern direction , the tula paratroopers liquidated a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine, it was discovered by drone operators, and an armored group was sent to carry out the task. during the night assault, the military suppressed enemy defenses and cleared positions. today the 106th guards airborne tula division celebrates 80 years since its formation. its fighters in years. during the great patriotic war they liberated hungary and austria, and later carried out combat missions in afghanistan and the chechen republic and other hot spots. i read about the exploits of our brothers, senior paratroopers, afghanistan, chechnya,
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i wanted to be shoulder to shoulder with them, to also perform heroic deeds. when the svo began, i was not subject to mobilization. i decided to go voluntarily, well, precisely for the moment that becoming an airborne officer is pride, honor, so i achieved my goal, i i judge the airborne forces, from the first day of the northern military district, the government of the tula region has been supporting the fighters, is constantly in touch with the commanders, today the necessary equipment will be transferred to the front line. and in tula there will be a ceremonial formation. the military personnel will be congratulated and awarded by the governor of the tula region alexey dzyumin and representatives of the command of the airborne troops. in the tyumen region, the peak of the flood is expected today near the village of obatskaya. the
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regional governor announced this. there, the water level in the ishim river has already broken a historical record. the night before it was 11.5 m. a few days ago everyone was evacuated from dangerous areas. another 22 cm, now it is slightly more than 9 m; water flows from the capital of the region to the belozersk district. two dozen settlements are at risk . authorities are urging local residents to evacuate early. the situation in the orenburg region is improving. over the course of a day , more than 700 residential buildings and about 2.0 household plots were freed from water. 11,500 houses remain flooded, which is almost three times less than at the peak of the flood. large-scale work is underway in orsk, which was the first to take the hit in the elements. they are restoring energy and
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water supplies, repairing expensive ones, and carrying out cleaning and disinfection. the polish prosecutor's office has not confirmed the version of the explosion on board the presidential tu-154 plane, which crashed near smolensk in april 2010. this was stated by the local supervisory authority during a meeting with the families of the victims. however, relatives were informed that. the investigation is still ongoing. in august , an international group of experts will present their report on the crash; expect that the final results will be summed up only in next year. in 2011, the russian side cited the crew’s erroneous decision not to leave for an alternate airfield in foggy conditions as the cause of the tragedy. because of this, 96 people died, including the leader of the republic, lech kaczynski. these conclusions were confirmed by the polish commission based on the results of its own audit, but in the fifteenth year. the justice party , which was headed by the brother of the deceased president, stated that the previous
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government did not take into account all the circumstances of the tragedy and initiated a new investigation. then experts allegedly managed to find particles in explosives in poland, a version was circulated that tnt was planted during the repair of an aircraft in russia, but no evidence was found. several dozen more bodies of the dead were found in a mass grave on the territory of the medical complex in the city of khan yunis in the south of the gaza strip, so their total number reached almost 400 people. the palestinian side claims that the burial was found in destroyed buildings after the israeli army left the territory. idf fighters have been in the south for the past four months. it is reported that on the bodies of the dead show signs of torture. among the victims are many elderly, women, as well as medical staff, people's hands are tied.
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at the same time, when mass graves were discovered in the ukrainian bucha, the state department did not request any information from russia, but blamed the crime that kiev committed on moscow. israel denies its involvement in the mass graves in the south of gaza; the jerusalem post newspaper reported that the dead appeared on the territory of the medical complex even before the hospital was occupied by units of the israeli defense army. meanwhile in the usa. student protests in support of palestine are gaining momentum. the protesters reached the capital of washington.
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the action took place in the largest museum in the capital. dozens of students took part in it. they set up a tent city near one of the campuses. activists who support israel were also present at the rally, but there were no conflicts between the protesters. but at the university of texas , the demonstration was not so peaceful. there the action escalated into clashes. more than 20 people were detained, the state governor said that the protesters will be expelled and sent to jail. the action in atlanta also ended with arrests; a university professor was arrested there along with students. a wave of pro-palestinian protests has been shaking the states for several days since the authorities approved a new aid package from.
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that they promise to supply it, that purchases are supposedly underway, but there seems to be no end to all this, for such a long time, non-drugs with the active substance of mab, its joints... he convinced us that the warehouses are filled with what we need, only come, just write, just tell me, when i personally contacted the ministries via
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emails, i didn’t even receive a response, that is, to you... the minister says: we have everything, yes, you contact me for a prescription, but they don’t give me a prescription they say there is no prescription, and the protracted drug crisis in the vladimir region was reported to the president at the end of march. the investigative committee is investigating a criminal case on grounds of negligence; the collapse occurred during the reform of the regional drug supply system. the essence the changes are as follows: and if previously each hospital directly received money from the budget , it purchased medicines for each specific patient. now everything is centralized, a single regional procurement center itself concludes government contracts, distributes medicines to hospitals and clinics, and if previously everything depended only on the attending physician, now on a whole chain of specialists and on how well communication is organized between them. the investigative committee is now investigating the events
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of 2020-2021, since then there have been changes in the region governor, three heads of regional... security have changed, sometimes there are patients, well, some kind of drug, if they don’t receive it, we have hotlines in the drug department, they advised us to contact this number, we’ll try, so, a few more unanswered minutes, daria, igor ostashkin’s wife, i haven’t contacted any hotlines... of the local ministry, at this time we are at the regional procurement center in the healthcare sector of the vladimir region, together with the head of the center, we are looking to see if this drug is available, we are trying, to the drugs were not lying around with us, suddenly it turns out that there is a drug, how many of them are 20, 23 packages under the federal benefit, and 26
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packages are part of the regional benefit, are now available for provision. a total of 49 packages, while a disabled person of the first group sits without treatment and survives only thanks to painkillers, the human factor is often added to the unstructured communication system of all links in this chain: someone forgot something, under-ordered something or did not finish writing , one of the patients was waiting for her subsidized medicine more than a year. in the twentieth and twenty-first years , the number of deferred prescriptions was in the thousands, now the number is in the dozens. the problem, of course, has not gone away. decreased in scale. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, evgeny anisimov and sofia lesovets, ntv, vladimir region. avtovas is going to raise prices for its cars in may, the head of the company warned about this. further business news, marina pimenova joins us, marina, how much more expensive news, grants and so on will become. yul, well, the wording here sounds familiar, not higher than the inflation rate, well, that is, somewhere up to
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8%. your car is getting ready. to raise prices, company president maxim sokolov announced plans and explained this way: production costs have increased significantly, sanctions risks have increased, and avtovas and its component suppliers are forced to use complex logistics and financial chains. maxim sokolov promised that prices would rise no higher than inflation, which the president of avtovaz estimated at 7.5.8%. now the cheapest avtovaz car is the lada granta sedan from 700,000 rubles. previously maxim sokolov complained that it was chinese. automakers, with the help of large discounts, break through the barrier of the recycling fee and begin to compete, for example, vesta warehouses. he called for protecting the market from chinese cars that were too cheap, in his opinion, and raising it. recycling collection. according to calculations by the autostat agency, over the past 2 years the average price of a new passenger car has increased one and a half times in russia. the russian stock market
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continues to gently creep up. the main event today is the central bank meeting key rate. the ruble also froze in anticipation, the dollar was 91.92, the euro was 98.71. sberbank reported that it presented the city of oryol with a smart light and music fountain. governor of the oryol region andrey klychkov announced that on the eve of the may holidays this is a unique gift for all oryol residents. the fountain is located in the historical center of the city at the confluence of the two rivers and orlik. it is 80 m long and 20 m wide, it is specified that it is equipped with a laser, an led backlight system and a projector. there are many features in this fountain, we are on it together with a fountain... there are many videos in this city that we have already shot with mikhail semyonovich kozennik, but the most important thing is that the subject can make his own
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videos about the oryol region, and the oryol region is an amazing region, where a huge number of the greatest people were born here, i think this will generally be for throughout the country, it will be such a pearl, just a... clarifies that this is already his twenty-sixth interactive fountain, the next one is planned to open on june 1 in smolensk. the first airport of those that have been closed since february will open in russia. second year. airport sheets will be operational again from may 3. the federal air transport agency reported this. she clarifies that the airport in the capital of kalmykia will be open from 9 am to 7 pm. population and sheets are about 100,000 people. since last year there has been talk about opening krasno airport.
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in swing states, some with polls showing a 10% margin between the candidates, despite tens of millions of dollars being spent campaigning for biden and four criminal cases against republicans. however, attempts to sue competitors are not helping yet, why does the former us president already have every chance to emerge victorious, alexey vasilovsky knows. 6 a.m. is not a good time to meet with voters, but trump had no other option. the ex-president of the united states is forced to appear at a meeting of the city court at 9 every day, except wednesdays and weekends, that is, he is actually deprived of the opportunity to conduct a full-fledged election campaign. trump,
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however, still finds ways and even promises to try to win the state of new york in the presidential election, which candidates from republicans haven't succeeded since reagen. we will try to win in new york, the polls say very good. usually a democrat wins new york, but biden is the worst president.
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falsification of documents, but what is much more important now is the case that has begun to be heard in the us supreme court in washington, where judges are discussing whether trump can be exempted from any criminal prosecution at all. supreme court, the case of presidential immunity came after all the nishi courts. authorities refused trump's request to drop charges against him of trying to influence 2020 presidential election results. at the very first hearing, it became obvious that if the judges generally agree that the president should have some kind of immunity, the main question still remains unresolved, to which acts of the president immunity can apply and to which not. trump called the preliminary results successful. the supreme court held monumental hearings on presidential immunity. i think, i hope, it has become clear that the president must have immunity, otherwise he will only be a ceremonial president, and this is not what the founders our country would like to see, the alignment for
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trump in the supreme court is not... bad out of the nine judges, six are conservatives, and three of them were appointed to positions by trump himself. and potentially, if the supreme court sides with the ex-president, this could mean the end of his main troubles with the law. currently, four criminal cases have been opened against trump; he does not admit his guilt on any of the charges. the supreme court's decision wo n't be announced until mid-june, but even if the result doesn't go in trump's favor, federal case against him, trying to influence the results of the 2020 vote.
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it will be given to the best performers and stunt coordinators in feature films and tv series. there are no more than 200 such professionals in our country. many famous paintings have become iconic thanks to the work of stuntmen, although until the ninety-first year this profession did not exist in our country at all. mikhail plokhotnik spoke with those involved in the creation of action-packed entertainment films. can you say something in stunt language? get ready, camera-motor,
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action. anton smikalkin, a stunt coordinator, has devoted 44 years to his profession; he, like no one else, knows that there is such a job: to fall for another, or to burn for that guy. or crashing a car for someone, they are, of course, in the frame, but as they say in the movies, they don’t show their faces so often. alexander ivanovich inshakov is rather an exception; he is both an actor and a stunt performer at the same time. the point is that, to unfortunately, the attitude towards our profession is, to put it mildly, bestial, in the industry, you mean, yes, in cinema, in the industry, because not. not not to the stuntmen themselves, to the profession. the stuntmen are offended; without them , no modern movie can be made, which is why they need their own award, which is only being held for the fifth time. it’s impossible not to talk about our profession; the guys must understand that
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they are remembered and loved. 12 nominations, more than a hundred applications, although according to the statements of the stuntmen themselves, there are no more than 200 of them professional in the country, it is rare when an actor himself fulfills the risk. about stuntmen - this is not only about stunts, about directing in a sense, for example, such shots, when you have to build a model of an airplane, a falling airplane, as in this case, this is a dream profession, a dream job,
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a stuntman is a dream job, a stuntman - this is a profession for incorrigible romantics, brave people, they get up to test life to the limits, they test themselves to the limits so that we can see the magic of cinema, they deserve their award. mikhail plokhotnik, ulyana talpa, valentina abramenkova, ntv television company. i'm to that's all for this hour. stay on mtv. hello, about the weather for tomorrow evgenia neronskaya. there are several active cyclones in the far east, one circling to the north.


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