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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 25, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
there is no evidence, there is no bullet, there is no evidence, so get out of here, puppy, and i won’t prove anything, it is clearly written there that the effect of the poison is instantaneous, which means there was no one but you to give it to the bastard, if i kill you right now here, the bastard , the bosses will only say thank you to me, what do you want, what do you want, who ordered you to poison sakhatov, tell pavlivka.
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pavliv, you have nothing, the guts of a tank, how are you doing here, grandpa, right? it seems like everything is quiet, we didn’t hear it, departure is soon, so in half an hour, you, if anything, fix it, that’s it as it should be all spring, so in moscow we can hear, the main thing is that we hear, well, yes, well, okay, so that you die, the whirlwind and the damned one, “that’s it, we’re gone,
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let’s go now, i’ll spoil you with some tea, thank you , father, thank you for everything, but what’s there, my son is 50, the eighth, he pulled out a full ten, and my daughter was so bent in these camps, for which, since then i have hated their power, their filthy one.” what exactly did he say, they’ll soon shut me down? if gloriously, very soon, because these are not empty words, but what about kotoriv? "sorry, i asked for it, hands,
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yur, it’s possible to give birth to a hedgehog, giving birth to a hedgehog is not the worst thing, but it’s much worse to die young because of a disassembled pistol, but what a fool would bother us, so..." but if i lose some part, then he’ll kill me without he’ll eat some salt, and he’ll do the right thing, by the way, he’s here, no, he won’t be there until the evening, he was called to the regional office, who is there, well, i’m there, i won’t be here for long, and you, by the way, too, what happened, yes, there’s information that five people of criminal appearance are coming to us, in an hour they will be with the person passing by, where does the information come from, a friend from tambov called, he works for us there in line, in short, more details later? there
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he is looking for the meaning of life, let's go, yes, let's go, well , are you sure that in the story with the taraksinovskaya machine i have no reason to worry, if only i knew what was bothering you, but not what, who is your friend kozylev, you know , that he split markov yesterday, and what did markov say, that you are elderly? what is noticeable, well, i admit, is a little, but he told him something that directly leads kozyrev to me, he really will have to it’s a matter of time, he has plenty of time, we don’t have it, what are you suggesting, a strange question, when, the sooner the better, it’s easy to say, kuzarev is not a snotty kid, he shoots no worse than me, but if you ... so, as i understand it, this
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thing put marco in the dark, you think, oh well, don’t flatter me, otherwise...
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why did your friend get the idea that they were coming to us, they themselves told you, you know how it happens? oh, here are the greeters,
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look, i didn’t understand, albertik, what a cat of a bitch, found a warm place. here our clients, that’s right, great, gypsy, great, well , let’s go, wait, well, that’s all, my gypsy bunch, that’s not all, what ’s happening is this, one ripped it off, for what kind of sins, from what kind of eggs do we get this joy has hatched, what to do, let's go, let's see where to settle down, we'll see, it's time.
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and if the gypsies of altai overwhelm, what then? the main thing is that altai doesn’t fail the gypsy either. or maybe it was better? no, if a gypsy is knocked down, they might kick him because of the frost, but for better or worse, he immediately starts to misbehave.
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here they are, look, gongrila himself is here, gangrela, that's great! what’s wrong, why are you so unfriendly, did you call? presenting you with a gypsy, we’ll sort it out, then we’ll rinse ourselves off, something doesn’t look like a friendly welcome, uh-huh, you’re no longer there to be sorted or wired, so what’s the deal, you’ll see now. maybe they will knock each other down here, it’s less of a worry for everyone, then whoever would definitely not come, which means i’m sure that everything will be smooth, but what will happen? what will happen, we'll see now? well,
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hello, gypsy, great, valtai, so you decided to present it, but i can’t present the yagan, i want to ask you. because you see, i’m alive and well, which i can’t wish for you, so listen, i can’t present it to you, i understand , the meeting decides here, the expenses have nothing to do with it, because i want to ask you, i want to ask you like a bastard, i have the right to do that, that it looks like one of the gangrene ones has some kind of complaint against this gypsy. that ’s right, gypsy, let’s ask your boys, but we’ll have to tell them everything, or they don’t know, quietly, quietly, in general,
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you should warn them not to twitch, this is your personal analysis, now, don’t interfere, give knife, i understand, don’t get in there. moroski, quiet, quiet, come on,
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what are you waiting for, come on, finish it already, let gangrene decide, but i don’t want to get my hands dirty, live the gypsies. just know, this is my land, and i’m the law here, bitch, yes, i understand, i understand, i understand, now let’s get cozy, i’ll meet you, gangina, and what’s great, brother, say hello, it’ll be a joke, look, but i don’t understand a thing , at first they sorted it out, now they are showing mercy, oh, i wish i knew that there were so many of them in outfit. thus,
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it can be said with a high degree of probability that the u-52 product produced by our special laboratory and the poison with which repeat offender simonyak, nicknamed elk, was poisoned in petrov, is identical. here is the examination report. since the circle of people with access is extremely limited, identify the person. labor, i know that colonel pavlivker is carrying out some kind of operation in the petrovsky district, but i am not privy to the details, how do you know about the operation, solely from rumors, not directly from management, some money at a gathering, listen, i know about your difficult relationship with the colonel, if my memory serves me right, this on your initiative, he went to places not so remote, yes, that’s right, listen, roman goevich, let’s be honest, do you have evidence of colonel
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pavlivker’s dishonesty? not yet, but i’m sure they will appear soon, when they appear, then i ask you to come to me immediately, agreed, eat, freely. krainov, send me a personal file on the vlifer, yes, immediately, alive, there.
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what is who? no, they changed the teeth in the evening, they called dokukin, but kostin’s trump card was still not there when they left in the morning. that i 'm fine.
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they won’t sit as a prisoner, that’s for sure, well then how come you find out right away from me, of course, you understand, you only need to take gangreen when it’s hot, you just come up with something, we’ll figure it out, the main thing is don’t do something stupid yourself, okay, wait here for a couple of minutes until i drive away, well, have you installed it?
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forest fires occur due to human fault; it is the calling of the strong to stop and defeat the fire. forest firefighters of the rosleskhoz aviation forest protection service, 90 years old, guard the forests of russia. you have a gun, you are a serious person. "we 're leaving, your friend murin can come here show up, but what do you need security for? shoot the shit, only for his legs they need him alive, you have 2 hours, you won’t find him, they’ll look for you, you’re in serious trouble, hot spot, final episodes, you need to get out of here, i
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don’t want anything to happen to you, today at 20:00 on..." ntv, so what the hell? are you playing some kind of spy games, or did you not play enough of them as a child? i, igor, have already played my part a long time ago, so you seem to have finished your game. come on, come on, alisa, what happened? today the boss urgently asked for your personal file, and just like that, he suddenly took it
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urgently requested? yes, just like that, he immediately took it urgently... he said immediately, i’m curious, why do you think, you know better, i can only add that not long before that bozhenin came to him, they talked for about 40 minutes, so i’m drawing conclusions, here how, well... thank you, kolya, thank you, and also, igor, i think we shouldn’t meet with you in the near future, even on official business. i understood, well, i hope, if something happens, at least
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you’ll write a positive review of me, okay, forget it. yes, in the end you will think it’s also a personal matter, that’s why you bosses, so that we subordinates don’t doze off, you know, yes i know, i also know that it’s one step to request a personal file before issuing an arrest warrant, which point is on your tongue, but anyway, thank you, kolya, come on, nikolai , let's go,
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rat, i was the one who punctured our last one, i was a little rat, i stayed like that, i almost tucked my tail between my legs while running from the ship, is something serious? happened, i don’t know yet, listen, sasha, you once told me that you have a friend in our forensic department, there is such a person, i need information, but in such a way that it’s exclusively private, and immediately, no question, we’ll do it, let’s go. that means as many as 11 snouts, seriously, that’s it, and
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it’s good that we didn’t immediately approach them, yurka then noticed the others, otherwise they would have chopped us into mincemeat, let’s all get it in due time, some will get bunks, some will have wooden, mokintage , but what’s the point, gangrene will cause new ones, you need to take it, only with evidence. then i would work with him, especially about that bastard who gives him a tip in order to get even for sashka belyashin, why you assumed that this bastard had anything to do with the murder of belyashin, well, i deny it, and there are some considerations, yes, i had one conversation with belyashin on the eve of his death, so what are we doing here, while we are often away, on street they worked all day in the sweat of their brow, exclusively for health, and the working day was already over, well, firstly, not a major, but a lieutenant colonel, oh, congratulations, and
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secondly, on behalf of the leadership for outstanding services in security socialist legality, i am authorized to present major yuri sergeevich kozyrev with the order of the red banner of battle, i serve the soviet union, congratulations, thank you. as i understand it, i should run to the store, but just sit there, your bosses are not soulless beasts, this is for my star, and this is for yours, well , come on, as usual, it’s nice, brave men, it’s nice, love lovers to live, with our chieftain i i have to grieve, so colonel
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narehodimych and you with the order, thank you, sergei vadimirovich, look what a thing it turns out to be, the song seems to be good, yes, but it’s forbidden, how come, just remember, god save the tsar, also a cossack song, cossacks, as you know, are the enemies of the working people, is that what you call minions? you understand for a long time, minions, my grandmother is a cossack, what i consider myself to be from the village, and so they fought at the front, i saw with my own eyes, that’s for sure, we had general metalnikov’s plastun division stationed next door, so they were more afraid of the fritz than they were , here i am about the same thing, we fought the right way, but the song is forbidden, and the politics are crazy and what a pain, well, nonsense, ordinary nonsense, well, well, well, whose nonsense, sergei vadimorovich, tell us? chime in, comrade major, colonel, we are calling from the internal affairs directorate, tell me that the head office hasn’t arrived yet,
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but i already said that it’s the culprit here, well, trust the fool, the glass reel, he’ll either lose it or break it, you they didn’t warn you, okay, tell me, now, ah, okay, you have to respect your superiors, zazul, well, let me pick up your fragrant ones, and then hold the pack. and i still have, you understand, yes, a real cammal, well, for the sake of this i would be fired up, comrade colonel, wait, we would treat you to cigarettes, oh, our vadimych has gone wild, yes, he would have given a prius for 10 years without even looking at that, yes, he has always been like that, that’s why he just got a lieutenant colonel, listen, my head is cracking, i haven’t had cognac for a long time, well, that’s the way it should be aggravate. you think, of course, i know from my own experience, as soon as he starts to press down, a glass on top is all, he lets go, well, come on, come on, eh! belyashin also
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managed to tell me something shortly before his death, what exactly? well, it seems like one person promised to tell him who sent him to the next world, come on, what kind of person? yeah, damn it knows, kind of like an informant, and even the name is sophisticated, nikodim, slyh, i ’m not afraid of anything at all, nothing at all, well, in childhood. i was afraid of nikodim tsatskin, who is this? brownie, my grandmother scared me with them, she said, if you behave badly, nikodim tsatskin will come and take you away, i was so scared of him, nikodim tsatskin,
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yur, what are you doing? and something really sucks for me, i’ll go into the fresh air, yur, where are you, what is it, where did you go, but i had a little too much, now he’ll catch his breath, move away, yura, let’s then, you know, we’ll have a drink with you, like shots at weapons, how is it at the front, huh?
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well, you turned out to be right, colonel bozhenin really contacted nashiko. here are
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the results of the request and the results of the examination. you keep digging under me. ok. sasha, what about your friends in our special equipment department? also urgent, confidential. eat. go. “belyashin also managed to tell me something, shortly before his death, but it seems like one person promised to tell him who sent him to the next world in a deep voice, come on, come on, what kind of person, nikodim, tsatskin, i heard so, this who is this, a brownie, my grandmother used to scare me, she said, if you behave badly, nikodim tsatskin will come and take you away, i was terribly afraid of him,
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nikodim tsatskin, here..." just don’t tell the men, otherwise they’ll laugh, no, it can’t be, well then why, why, what why, yur? and this is me, i’m thinking, where were you? well , you went to the cinema with the earring, the outpost was in the mountains, there were foreign agents who wanted to sabotage us, they helped us, we were waiting for you, leave me alone, what’s the backwater? masha, i ask you to leave me alone now, no questions, okay? i'm not okay, i'm not okay at all right now, so i ask you to leave me alone. fine. and there was
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no need to be rude to her, what an idiot i am! what an idiot i am already!
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are you letting guests in or are you all busy at work, what about the lovebirds? is still parking or is already showing mercy, but it’s understandable, i’ve already looked around, how tired i am of all this, leshenka, when all this is over, let’s go somewhere, but we don’t have a lot of money, we’ll buy a house by the sea, we’ll live quietly, calmly, you will catch fish, and i will paint the child, come on alyosha, don’t say, no, but tom, thank you, it’s still interesting, what is this
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lenka doing to him there, but listen, can i at least take a peek? we all smile joyfully and meet the liberators. follow me, guys, come back, postopovich, go to the station and work, but i want to fight, we need
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a strong underground organization there, and of course, if possible, sabotage work, electrician, fourth category, good. “give me your mines, i’ll go, i’ll accomplish a feat, this hero is not sharing anywhere, we need to end things with him, the fate of a saboteur, you don’t seem happy, the hero, who remained alive, thought the order was inflated, not up to the order, homeland, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, about the weather for today in the far east for real." warm weather on the amur in khabarovsk +21. in other areas spring is in doubt, cooling is beginning in yakutia near baikal, there is quite a bit of precipitation, it will increase where the sun was shining recently on the islands, but the kuril islands will not be surprised by rain, but there is something to rejoice here. on the
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southernmost island of the kunashira ridge, the number of swans has reached the figure. , which remains record for the last decade: 215 birds. swans and bobbers spent the winter here, and now they fly to nesting sites, in addition to the bobbers. in these parts there are other species, all listed in the red book. in siberia, a huge anticyclone does not allow much change. there are few baits in the region, but also little warmth, especially in the south. here the temperature is below normal, from irkutsk to tyumen +5-10 no more. in the urals, it is not only cool, but also rainy, with the exception of orenburg and ufa, where it is sunny up to +20, and tomorrow it will start to warm up everywhere. the air warms up the south of european territory russia, where balkan cyclones come one after another, each time capturing new portions. greek air, in the kuban today it’s already up to +35, in the crimea it’s still closer to twenty, it rains only on the don in the ozovo region. in the center there is more rain, but the rains are warm, southern, in the daytime it reaches +20 and above, the heat will not reach the north, and in minimal
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quantities so far in the north-west. in st. petersburg today it will rain and up to +8, tomorrow up to +15. in moscow today it’s already 20-22, with intermittent rain in places. so why did he annoy you so much? well if? i think i already told you that no matter what in the scheme of things, you have nothing to do with it, you simply don’t exist, so if you refuse, i’ll understand you, after all, there’s a whole mgb colonel, and what are you going to do? to be honest, i don’t know when yet, as always, the sooner the better, most importantly, very quickly, well, that’s how it turns out. you need to think, but what is there to think about?
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look, the latest development, magnetic, i didn’t spend any time on the count, almost a kilogram, a serious thing, i thought you were strict with this, strict, of course, for those who can’t pay, so very strict, that’s where, turn off the toggle switch, hook it up just a hint, well the first bump would be the sound. colonel vablikter, i’m listening, what, what the fuck, so, who, who else knows about this, don’t let anyone out of the house , even god, that’s it, i ’ll be there soon, something happened, so, work issues, tolya . “i understood everything,
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open the kozarev, are you crazy, in the middle of the night, great, great, ugh, look where they are yelling, seryoga, it’s an urgent matter, oh, don’t say that you need to eat somewhere urgently, not urgently. urgently, let's get ready, well , where, where, yur, to bazhenin, now, bazhenin, you know where he will send us at this time, well, let's get ready, quickly, yur, well, you can call first, suddenly he's not at home, he's not cooking, come on, of course he's not cooking, mix vodka with cognac, there's no peace from you, hello, grunin is on the line, i'm listening to crazy kozyrev, remember, among nights to me? hello,
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roma, hi, it looks like i know who killed belyashin, there is evidence, i can say there is, so wait, i’ll be there soon, i said wait, it’ll be there soon, madhouse. uh, come on, move away from the car, give me half a liter, you’ll give it in the eye now, come on, come on, come on, let’s bake it, come on, i won’t serve it for a while.
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i didn't mean to, it's just a game. wedge with honor, what is this, friends, yes, christmas trees,
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santa claus himself, red nose, and what does he correspond to the snow maiden, completely cold, don’t you dare talk to me like that, i’m a member of the central committee. listen, you member, you just killed a man with particular cruelty, you understood me, i can’t hear you, i understand, don’t hit me, don’t hit me, i need to call, ah... just one call, just one call, i beg you, please , you will get a call in 15 years, if you don’t get the tower, there will be a colonel, there the driver is wondering what happened, nothing happened, now in 5 minutes he will be alive and healthy, why is he rushing there, you don’t know what to do, or what?
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then you will let me go. listen here, scum, you will write to me right here right now, everything is as it was, but you understand me, yes, yes, i understand, i can even pay you so that all this remains, that goes without saying, lesh, let me give him some paper and let him wash, or what?
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what about the rest? the girls are sleeping, that's good, good, they don't have to know anything, i'll figure it out something, okay, igor, where do they come from, and from the same gates as the rest of the people, and then they get to power, he gets mad again, who lets them in there, what were you thinking? are there others sitting there? intelligence, honor and conscience with clean hands and a cool head? cunning, greed and corruption, with my hands covered in blood and with one thought in my head, as if at a feeding trough, to linger, how tired i am of this, when will it all end?
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it will end, it will end soon, alexey will decide with the body, well... there will be no clients yet, so relax, good morning everyone, i don’t understand, what do you mean, it still hasn’t worked out well, i’m sorry, i forgot to say, he doesn’t know anything, okay, i’ll go, i’m not very good i feel, what are you doing? i don't know, did something happen? no, everything is fine, just a regular tick. igor, i wanted to talk to you about this girl. samson, dear, let’s not now, i promise you, we’ll definitely talk, now you have to leave. well, at
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least we can say goodbye. well, of course, you can say goodbye, but you’re leaving today, right? yes, i'll leave. okay, so you want to say that zazulya, gangrena’s gunner, and kukushkin are the same person? well, judge for yourself, when we were herding basov, he supposedly had stomach problems, he ran away several times, kostin can confirm this, basova was indirectly involved in the raids on the gortorg cash register and the jewelry store that took the gangster gangrene, well, that’s all she’s talking about i didn’t know, so i was dangerous for him. yes, it’s better to eliminate such a witness, well, but this
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is not proof, it’s all indirect, indirect, and nikodim tsaskin, belyashin never i never told anyone about this childhood fear of mine, i was afraid. that they would laugh, he told me this completely by accident, guys, excuse me, but this actually looks like nonsense, but it’s not nonsense, it’s roma, i’m sure that sashka gave me a sign in this way, apparently zazulya before killing him, i tried to find out something from him, maybe even tortured him, maybe you’ll still explain to me why you let my driver go, where are we going, how where, you yourself wanted that no one would ever... oh, well, yes , sorry, i’m just so worried, what are you saying, sasha, moscow, anyway, guys, there are not enough facts. these are just guesses, but the fact that he transferred from leningrad is not a fact? you want to say that in 1943 after the warehouse explosion he didn’t
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leave, he stayed in the city, why not? well, this is quite in the spirit of abwehr agents, they are looking for you anywhere, just not at the crime scene. you said that there are fingers of this kukushkin, well, you just need to compare them, by the way, from ukrainian from polish zazol is translated as cuckoo, what? look at me, i was born in lviv, but from what side is pavlivker here? not from the side seryoga, in the very center of this whole web, it’s not like that, roman lvovich, even if we assume that of everything that we awarded here, at least half is true, well, everything lines up logically, but what’s logical, yes , everything is logical, pav livker put gangrene in chalov’s place in order to destabilize the situation in the area, and zazulya fed information to the bandits, and they implemented it. i am sure that pavlivker had his own deshet here, moreover, he then wanted to hook up with the gang and also gain his laurels here. only what does it have to do with
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tutel? i think that this is some kind of parallel operation related to the first territorial one, after all, this is a district under his control. wait, guys, what brothel? wait, seryoga, not now, now the main thing is not to miss the zazulya, he can tell us a lot of interesting things, including the prolifer, yes, but you need to be 100% sure that this is the cuckoo, so give me his finger, i’ll check it today, okay, let’s go, come on, bye bye, bye, bye, they burst in, woke you up, oh, okay, okay, warm up the car, aper group, why? well i don't i thought that you had ironclad proof, well, the sphere will have fingers, i just
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ask you very much, be as careful as possible, he is very dangerous, in the forty-third year he put four mixed-men and left, or the povlifter helped, but why is such a wolf on the wings so expensive . we didn’t have time to detect where they were shooting from, look at everything quickly, the soul, well, greetings from a comrade, so igor decided to go to the bank, but here it’s either he us or we him, quickly, thank god. ask, okay, ask for time off and come,
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let's go, let's go, guys, here yourself they'll figure it out, let's go. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we will tell auto stories in the first program. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio marat seddikov. residents of one high-rise building in vladivostok achieved this. that they still paid attention to their problem; one neighbor, or rather her ferocious dog, is not allowing people to live in peace.


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