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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 24, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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co-25 attack aircraft eliminated militant positions in the southern donetsk direction. omar magomedov, speaking to the nemesis about how our self-propelled artillery works on the front line. has the us approved a bill on military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan? adding even more money to the ukrainian treasury will only prolong the conflict and lead to the loss of even more lives. however, london also seeks to pump kiev with weapons. we will provide ukraine with the largest ever package of british military equipment. what are the goals? pursues the united
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kingdom. the large water recedes in kurgan, but moves towards tyumen. how long will the flood last? and on the eve of victory day , the st. george's ribbon campaign starts across the country. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. and we start with urgent news. a few minutes ago. an ottoman court in moscow arrested deputy defense minister timur ivanov. he was detained for 2 months. ivanov is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. the exact size is not a consequence reveals. according to the case materials, he entered into a criminal conspiracy with third parties to commit a crime during contract subcontracting work for the needs of the ministry of defense. as tas previously reported, the prosecution materials are based on...
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there is a second defendant, this is sergei borodin. he is also arrested. according to investigators, he was in friendly relations with ivanov. eight civilians were injured over the past 24 hours as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the target of ukrainian militants was civilian objects in kakhovka, kherson areas. the transformer substation car service market was hit. five people were injured, residential buildings were damaged and there was a fire. for
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a car, three more people were injured in the belgorod region, it was attacked by drones, one fell and exploded near the entrance of an enterprise in the city of shibekina, the second dropped ammunition in a residential area, broken windows in an apartment building, four cars were cut by shrapnel, another drone, our air defense shot down in volkonovka, no casualties. meanwhile, the americans continue to pump up militants with weapons. senators approved. project military assistance to ukraine for $61 billion, while now ukrainians will receive assistance free of charge, on credit. as joe biden said, he will sign the document today. according to him, washington will make the first tranche for 1 billion and send a shipment of weapons this week. however, politicians admitted that the situation in the conflict zone is not in ukraine’s favor. alexey vesilovsky about kiev’s attempts to stay afloat.
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the foreign aid bill for ukraine, israel and taiwan faced virtually no opposition in the senate. some republicans tried to delay the adoption of the document by proposing a number of amendments, but the upper house of congress refused to consider them, let alone discuss them. as a result , by a majority vote - 79 for, 18 against, the package of more than 95 billion dollars in aid previously approved by the house of representatives was adopted, almost 61 billion of this money will go to ukraine. today, the us senate sent a signal to the whole world: america will always defend democracy, her hour of need. true, this story dragged on for so long that many nato allies, not to mention kiev, began to doubt the ability of the united states to keep its word. still, for more than six months, congress could not agree on whether to send aid or not, and complete agreement was never reached. conservatives still believe that allocating money to ukraine is a big mistake that will cost washington dearly. but even
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more expensive for kiev, adding even more money to the ukrainian treasury will only prolong the conflict and lead to the loss of even more lives. no one in the white house, the pentagon or the state department can explain what winning a... battle looks like, they couldn't say it when we sent the first tranche of aid over 2 years ago: we must work with ukraine and russia to agree on how to end this madness, votes, that infusion it's getting louder and louder in the west. why our ukrainian policy is devoid of any meaning, because we do not have the industrial capabilities to support the war in europe. not only are we seriously limited in the number of dollars we can send to ukraine. we have limited quantities weapons. and they talk about this not only in the usa. while the senate was discussing assistance to kiev, the british telegraph published an article by colonel richard kemp entitled ukraine has 6 months left. the new aid may help contain the russian offensive, but it will not help ukraine seize the initiative and go on
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the offensive itself. one reason for this is that russia has achieved air superiority while ukrainian air defense remains inadequate. the second reason is that war-weary ukraine is simply not... a soldier and after 2 years of heavy fighting, the country does not want to launch the mass mobilization that it needs. the american establishment so far refuses to even listen to such a point of view. republican senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, an ardent supporter of aid to ukraine, explained why he likes this conflict. it's important to remember that we are not fighting this war. our soldiers are not participating in it. we help protect independence and also cause a lot of damage.
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convinced many republicans that aid to ukraine was a mistake. president biden promised to sign the bill as soon as it reaches his desk on wednesday, so that arms supplies to kiev begin immediately; they say that the pentagon has already transferred part of the first package of military assistance across the ocean to germany and poland for speedy transportation to the combat zone . so far the composition of the supplies has not been disclosed, but there is already evidence that washington is going to transfer atacoms missiles with a range of action to kiev for the first time. up to 300 km, the total cost of this military package could reach a billion dollars. alexey vasilovsky, valeria polukhina and vladimir vypritsky, ntv. usa. the uk is also rushing to the aid of the zelensky regime. prime minister sunok promised financial assistance to ukraine, as well as to send
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royal combat aircraft to poland to patrol the airspace on the eastern borders of nato. in addition, the head of the british cabinet announced a plan to increase. military spending so that the uk's defense budget becomes second only to the usa, however, this will happen only by the thirtieth year; it will not work earlier, since britain is now experiencing a budget crisis. behind over the past decade, the kingdom's defense industry has been in a deplorable state. a number of factories are closed, the arsenal is not enough, so against the backdrop of the migration crisis, economic recession and mass protests, sunak’s promises look like preparation for the upcoming parliamentary elections. on... the british are better off supporting the americans than following them, after the approval of the $61 billion tranche to kiev, the financial assistance from sunak, announced during his trip to
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scholz and tusk, looked lackluster. today we let's go further, we will send another 500 million pounds to ukraine, so the total amount that we will transfer to kiev in... long distance, exactly the same amount of 500 million pounds is estimated at sunok's internal project to evict unwanted persons from the island to rwanda. the british defense industry translates:
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stoltenberg intervened in this showdown, saying that there are no plans to deploy additional nuclear weapons in any of the alliance countries. the main purpose of his visit was not to restore order in poland, but to collect money. this time nato secretary general came up with it. that europe must pay simply for the fact that russia is its neighbor; it did not pay before, but now it must, a tax on
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geography. you must remember that you need to pay for the fact that russia is your neighbor, you need to pay for the fact that ukraine wins, we cannot avoid these expenses, we must pay, not least because we need to understand that the most the expensive alternative is to let putin win in ukraine. scholz, tusk and stoltenberg, only sunok announced specific figures. limited themselves a well-known set of words about american-european unity in the face of the threat of russia and china, apparently, according to the rules of such a game, sometimes only one bankers, and the rest bluff until it’s their turn to fork out. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, vladimir vypritsky, anastasia konarovskaya, ntv television company. london. in the northern military district zone, su-25 attack aircraft eliminated the nationalist positions in the southern donetsk direction.
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unguided missiles were fired at the specified coordinates, and the destruction of the targets was confirmed by the aircraft controller. and near the sentry yard, ivanovo paratroopers occupied a large stronghold . during the battle, the enemy opened heavy fire, but our artillery suppressed the enemy guns and control posts. after this, assault troops entered the positions. from the air. they were covered by drones, which carried out precise strikes on the militants' locations. during the flight, the nationalists abandoned the wounded and dead, and also left behind their weapons. nato assault rifle, there are many modifications of this rifle. we took them out too. jewellins, motodors. on the right on the banks of the dnieper, the enemy lost armored vehicles and lost fortified ones.
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from the ukrainian side, russian soldiers, who led us, said to kick and tried to cover us from the shelling, it happened three times that ours fired at us, fortunately ours didn’t hit us, they were close to being hit, everyone remained alive and well , the soldier also said that his unit was almost completely defeated, he himself received several shell shocks, but despite this he... was again sent to the front line after one or two days in the hospital.
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and in the donetsk direction, the advance of russian groups is supported by crews of the gvozdik self-propelled gun. in conditions where the enemy is using combat drones, the artillerymen have changed their battle tactics. how they act, omar magomedov has now learned. in the donetsk direction, the gunfire does not stop; artillerymen support the advance of the assault troops. shooting activity is increasing. on the front line, our reconnaissance detected the movement of american armored vehicles. the armed forces of ukraine are trying to hold positions in the forest belt, the reconnaissance drone operator reports, the enemy has delivered reinforcements, it seems that everything that can shoot is flying at the enemy, a fire barrage of artillery forces the enemy landing party to dismount, and the driver to look for other escape routes, the vehicle is driven into the desired square, a desperate attempt to hold the position ends in complete defeat, the armored vehicles fly into the air, the riflemen distinguished themselves anti-tank platoon, a small fighter originally from ovdeevka, together with his family, left the city in 1414, when punitive operations of ukrainian
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nationalists began. those who disagree with the kyiv during the coup d'etat he was detained, brutally tortured, many of his acquaintances went missing. he enlisted in the army from donetsk, he has been at the front for three years now, he is fighting not only for his family, but for the bright future of the children of donbass. we do not hit peaceful houses, civilians, we hit armed people, if they lay down their arms, we will stop this. do it, everything is simple, let them go home, raise their children, we will do the same here, that’s all. uavs have been spotted shooting in the sky, they say they haven’t flown so deep yet, perhaps we are waiting out the attack in an abandoned building, the air command came, two drones were spotted in the sky, one is a reconnaissance, the other is a kamikaze, it is not clear whether it is ours or someone else’s, but just in case we asked to hide in the room, we will wait, a frequency suppression device is turned on throughout the entire area, powerful equipment for the sake of electronic warfare turns off
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the komikaze, it falls like a stone, a bang is heard, the second one manages to escape, the crew of the artillery installation. continues to work as if nothing is happening, to the hard work of the former workers of the mines of the factories get used to it, now our soldiers have prepared their self-propelled gun for firing, the command to fire can come at any minute. omar magomedov, rabadam magomedov, ntv television company, donetsk direction of the special military operation. a few minutes ago we received footage from the kremlin; vladimir putin addressed the participants in the twelfth international meeting of high-ranking representatives. security issues, it started today in st. petersburg, the president noted that international terrorism remains one of the most serious threats of the 21st century, followed by it is not only radical groups that are responsible, but also the intelligence services of some countries, this is undermining
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the constitutional foundations and destabilizing sovereign states, inciting ethnic and... religious hatred, while the methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies of russia continue to find out and study all the details of this vile crime, identifying its participants, including customers, sponsors, and organizers. none of them should escape fair retribution. the flood is receding in kurgan. the water level in the tabol river dropped by almost 30 cm in one day. from this day , face-to-face classes will resume in city schools. they worked remotely for more than two weeks until only those educational institutions
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with temporary accommodation centers were opened. now large water from kurgan is moving to the side. due to the threat of flooding , truck traffic in tyumen has been restricted on the irtysh highway; residents continue to be evacuated from villages in the tyumen region. with more than 3,500 people have already been evacuated from dangerous areas. the so-called high water period is forecast to last for several weeks. meanwhile, in the orenburg region the situation is stabilizing. orsk, which was the first to take the blow of the elements, was almost freed from water. the streets are now being cleared in the city.
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further business news, marina pimenova joins us. marina, to be honest , the concept of stuffiness is different for everyone, are there any exact parameters? yes, yul, i agree here, according to the aviation authorities, if in the temperature in the cabin is above 25°, it would be good to let people out to breathe. fair. the federal air transport agency and rostransnadzor demanded that the airline immediately disembark people from planes if the cabin is stuffy. the news is written about this. referring to their letters. aviation authorities point out that russian air legislation currently does not regulate the permissible air temperature on board, therefore, as they note, one must be guided by sanitary and epidemiological standards.
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one man who, according to his wife, suffered from arrhythmia, lost consciousness, fell into a coma, and soon died in a thai hospital. russian shares begin trading with symbolic growth; yesterday the indices lost percentage points and it is possible that investors will continue selling ahead of the may holidays. continues to rise in price, the dollar is less than 93, probably exporters are selling currency in preparation for paying taxes. scientists from skolkovo decided to refute the well-known maxim that flies
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should be kept separate from food. skolkovo resident company biolaboratory i started baking bread, which contains the larvae of a tropical fly, the black soldier fly. this was reported by the press service of the innovation center. it is clarified that in a biological laboratory. portion, to get the result per kilogram of flour you need to add a couple of grams of protein extracted from flies, then the bread, if you do not cut it, does not become stale and does not spoil for five to seven days. the founder of the company, gennady ivanov, assures that the larvae of the black soldier fly contain fat rich in natural antibiotics, which helps with cuts burns, as well as pain in joints and muscles. last october, the government officially recognized black breeding. a special type of agricultural activity, this is a fairly popular business in other countries. now on the website of the biolaboratory company it is indicated that the excess flies, the black soldier fly, produce
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feed additives for animals, as well as protein capsules and fat for humans. the biolaboratory admits that while public opinion perceives such innovations without enthusiasm, but when people see the healing effect, they will change their minds. yul, are you inspired? yes, to be honest, i think this is a great reason to refuse. voluntarily, and to give up bread products to save, at least for today, yes, thank you, marina pimenova was with us with an economic review. the second largest city in the kaliningrad region, sovetsk, is on the verge of an environmental disaster. next to it there is a large landfill that pollutes the environment. experts found excess formaldehyde in the air; it is harmful to human mucous membranes and skin. and recorded it in local reservoirs.
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at this point, you can already close the window, because well, you can feel it a little, they began to choose a place for placing a solid waste landfill in this area more than 10 years ago, this territory belongs to the neman urban district, its district center is 11 km from here, while to sovetsk, and this is another municipality, only 2 km, there are the nearest streets of the city in direct visibility, until last year, garbage was transported to the site only from the city itself and small... neighboring municipalities of slavsky and neman districts, but in 2023 after the closure of two of from four regional landfills , waste began to flow into borsukovka from the west of the region, and
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there, kaliningrad, with a population of half a million, is all resort towns. at 5:00 in the morning it is impossible to open the window, instead of letting in fresh air, the stench there is incredible. the environmental prosecutor's office conducted an inspection, which involved rospotrebnadzor and other departments. the result is an impressive list of violations and instructions to eliminate them. the waste comes out onto the surface of the telecon. unloading occurs in a random manner and throughout the body landfill, there is no drainage system for supplying biogas to the resulting body of the landfill, the environmental prosecutor’s office notes that the regional waste operator, according to an agreed schedule, eliminates the identified violations, so the director of the unified waste management system in barsukovka welcomes it, assures that now the landfill is not only being put in order, but and modernize. the entire body of the landfill was covered with an insulating layer. secondly, we isolated. the so -called fat pit, the third stage we moved to ensure that the part that was previously flooded the unused card begins to fill it up, but local residents sense
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a catch in all these measures. and shortcomings in the filming with a thermal imager, the side that faces the soviet side, the slopes of this landfill, they are all burning with a white flame, that is, the body of the landfill is glued, specialists from the kaleningrad state technical university, by order of a regional garbage operator, have developed a kind of deodorant for the badger, the chemical composition is neutralized in a targeted manner biological sources of stench discovered by researchers at the test site, there is released... turnover as a result of action, aerobic conditions, they contribute to the death of the bacteria themselves, yeah, which produce this at the same time chemically neutralize this hydrogen sulfide that is released. the arbitration in kaliningrad, rosprirodnadzor appealed there with a demand to close the landfill, the department insists: in barsukovka the limit on waste accumulation established by the project has already been exhausted. regional operators of the ministry of natural resources of the kaliningrad region object, given the current situation, this is indeed
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the polygon is. however, while the arbitration process is in full swing, the governor of the kaliningrad region gave the waste management system a kind of stress test, ordering it to stop accepting waste from the west of the region for two weeks in order to understand whether the badger is exactly the source of the stench. the management of the unified waste management system admits that it is possible to survive in this mode for 14 days, but if the landfills can no longer be exploited to the maximum or they are closed altogether by a court decision, they will suffocate from garbage already the whole region. alekseyich botorev, dmitry sitnikov and ntv kaliningrad region. israel launched new attacks on the gas strip. the tdf said that the targets were areas from which rockets were launched towards the jewish state, and hamas observation posts were also destroyed. in turn, al-jazeera tv reported that israeli shells fell near a school in the nusirat refugee camp. four people became victims. the iranian president recalled his support for palestine. he
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threatened to destroy. in a few minutes we’ll tell you about other events in the country and the world, don’t switch, sometimes you dream of beautiful things, but what you get is not at all: you expect one thing, you meet something completely different, and it happens that you are expecting a regular banking application, but you get the best. alfabank is the best mobile bank, not just profitable, alpha profitable. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster.
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the airport in libyan benghaz was closed, and residents were given an unscheduled weekend until the weather improved. the wind carried african dust even across the mediterranean sea to greece. a red-orange haze blanketed several regions. according to meteorologists, this is the strongest sandstorm in the last 5 years, people are advised to take care of their eyes and respiratory organs; it is better not to leave the house unless necessary. a census of snow leopards was conducted in russia. the results of the study were published by the interregional association irbis. according to the organization , there are 87 individuals on the territory of our country, most of all leopards, more than in the altai republic. this is... 10 more than last year. the number of animals has increased thanks to the work of specialists. they fought poachers and restored the food supply of the snow leopard. also animals noticed in tuva, buryatia and krasnoyarsk territory. the snow leopard is listed in the red book. in all
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twelve countries where it lives, it has the status of a rare or endangered animal. it is impossible to see it in the wild. and to conduct a cross-country survey of snow leopards, researchers installed camera traps. to do this, they had to get into hard-to-reach places using all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, horses and even helicopters. and that’s it for now, stay on ntv. about the weather for tomorrow, the far east in the kuril islands, on sakhalin, in kamchatka conditions for rain are appearing again. in the north of kamchatka for snow on the mainland, cold air falls from north to south, so there may be snow in the south. kala and in the north of the amur region, but the south of the khabarovsk territory, more seaside, is warmer. in basuriysk tomorrow it will be +17, the day after tomorrow and +20, in khabarovsk on thursday it will be +21. in siberia, the north is warmer than expected, the south is colder. as for precipitation, the atmospheric pressure
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is high, so we won’t expect much. and this is how cool novosibirsk is, with night frosts so far, but since friday it’s still daytime +10 and above. and in the urals now there is no particular heat up to +20 only in orenburg. and to the north at night precipitation we see sleet and snow. we are waiting for the temperature to rise from friday too, very warm air is coming to the european territory of russia, a thirty-degree pressure awaits the south, in kuban, in stavropol up to +35, in the south of the black earth region it will warm up to 26°, in the center the maximum temperature will tend to 20° and this with rain, in ryazan tomorrow it will be +21, the day after tomorrow it will be 22 and that is 7 degrees, warmer than expected on the right bank of the volga, tomorrow it will rise temperatures in the east are still falling, in the north a little. it is getting warmer in the vologda and arkhangelsk regions and this trend will remain until the end of the week. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be light rain and it will warm up to +8 +10. and in moscow it will warm up until 18:20. there will also be some rain, and still a gusty wind.


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