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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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oh, all the strength of spirit, that forward, carrying my gram to the smear, i walk the road, i believe that i am ready, i believe that i am ready, i will not be lucky, just give me strength, to understand not tomorrow, nor yesterday, i am a beast inside. to calm down the ardor and besiege the violent king.
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well, you’re a shot, of course, but what did you think, i ’ll just sit at home like i’m sewn, great, how did you get up, what do you think, i’m in vain yelling at healthy men, they helped, well, handsome guys, by the way, the cops were looking for you again , yes, i know what they wanted, i have no idea. where have you been? yes, i found one place there from drugs are coming into the city, don’t meddle there, give it to the cops, let them sort it out, what do you need most of all, no, there’s such a large structure there, i think the cops are also along, what’s the difference, don’t meddle, one collection is enough for us, yes rus, calm down, i’m not going to interfere anywhere, everything is fine. i actually
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came in for a minute, it’s you, if there’s any help, i’ll come, i’ll do everything, thank you, come on, connections, evgeniya, hello, hello, remember, a couple of days ago i came and wanted to talk to you, yes, yes , i remember you have now a couple of minutes, but there is. yes, then i wanted to talk about what happened on the square, but this is no longer relevant. why? one of kravchenko’s soldiers came to see you. well, they came. they will be blamed for the murder of the governor, since it didn’t work out for you. yes, where does this information come from? well, you need to make someone guilty. why not them? i think they will look for the shooter, but it is unlikely that they will find him. sorry. hello. yes, san sanovic. okay, i understand. yes.
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excuse me, i need to run. here is my business card. call when you have time. fine? yes ok. goodbye. goodbye. hello, hello, mikhailovich, let’s talk. what's urgent? yes, urgently. i'll call you back. oh, with a new thing, or what? something like that. where do the herbs come from? sponsors again? well, sponsors, so what? i envy you, you live in grand style. let's go, i'll show you something else.
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here there is one small inconsistency, well , how small, for 7 million rubles, this is your signature, mine, and how are we going to solve this problem? amicably.
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darling, one second, you, state drug control, let’s pass the car, on what basis, we’ll get operational information that you are selling drugs, we must examine you, you cannot examine me without witnesses, why not without witnesses. a white substance of the posh type was found, everyone saw it, stop, let him go , you’re in vain, i thought you were smarter, this is chaos, everyone says so, drive her car, let’s go and let her go, you have no right to go to the police station, paperwork,
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then we’ll figure it out, well, it’s necessary, murin checked in here, figara here, figara... where else did he check in? yes, in the cemetery, when they blew up the entire top of the veterans’ council, and do you know who he is now? who? assistant to the new chairman. then this is too open, if he is involved, it would be wiser to keep a low profile? but i didn’t say that he was involved, so don’t attribute your input to me. stasik! did you slap ardashnikov on the head? where is murin? i don’t care about his other affairs, if murin isn’t there in half an hour, blame yourself.
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it is he? yes, it’s him, well, let’s go talk to him, what if he runs away, if we leave him alone, fix his legs, his legs! wait, let's go to the car.
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this is a walker, is it to your liking? i don't know i i told you everything, please let me go, i wanted to go to the cops, quietly, sit down, let’s wait, oops! and he's lucky.
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come on, go for a walk. i don’t have my fingerprints, do you really think that your fingerprints are a big problem, so what do you want from me?
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correct question, it was not in vain that we studied to be a journalist. what is written here is true, no, victoria vladimirovna, this is a fantasy written by you. under the influence of the drugs found on you, and the truth should appear in tomorrow's issue, if i say no, article 228 of the criminal code of the russian federation, from 3 to 10 years, i’ll provide eight for you, murin, let’s go! the prosecutor general's office wants to talk to you,
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but he is a difficult passenger, very difficult. i’m listening now, commander, yes, yes, yes, i understand, yeah. yeah, sit here, don't fish yourself
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quickly. but i need time, at least an hour, yes, i understand, commander, we’re working on where he is, what a dog, i just went to the top, okay, to hell with him, we’ll sort it out later, let’s go, we have work to do.
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lena nikolaevna, i delivered it to murin, so bring him here, hello, hello, hello, ardashnikov is free, murin, have a seat. i was going to call you, why, but my health will handle it, well, something like that, serafima, go get some air, in general, we have records where the city authorities are trying to come to an agreement with alonbek, slambek has been feeding worms for a long time, well, not only he, there also a grip, a grip, a grip, and this one is on
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the international wanted list, yes, also the regional prosecutor, the mayor, in general, we don’t know many by their voices, but who are we, again with our danilov, i’ll tell you, but not here , look, he still sets conditions for me, in general you're right, right, the fewer ears, the calmer, can you organize for me to listen? yes, of course, but don’t expect me to let you go now, do you know how many questions i have for you? a carriage and a whole huge cart, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardin colombia medalin from selected arabica beans that reveal the aroma. in the author's roast, filled with colombian passion, a pleasure
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8:18 pm
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8:20 pm
uh, yours? my, well, what kind of shit did i buy? earned it, and where do they earn that kind of money? you need to know the places, uh, wait, maybe we can give up? no, i'm a modest person, why the hell do you care? should i drive the factory? okay, don't you want to be nice? “great, you can say, in short, rebrova has arrived, i just came from her, i should meet her, and where are you now, the prosecutor’s office, be
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there, then, i’ll be right there, great, where are you going, great, but on business, and you’re am i on business too? “listen, today we were detained and immediately taken to the prosecutor’s office, don’t you know why? no, this is the first time i’ve heard from you, where are you going? i’m talking about business, what’s going on, uncle? yes, from moscow from the prosecutor general’s office came on business gubanova, they’ll start shaking everyone, but what have you got to do with it, but the fact of the matter is that it’s all to do with it, that’s it...”
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katerina, and you’re already back, so early, what have you done, you rubbish? what are you doing? artyom is dead, what did you do to him? stop making a joke, you know everything? let me go, i really
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don’t understand. how did you do it? stop it! he himself, he galloped like a young man, he said, come on, i want more, oh, my god, he galloped, i can’t, and you were scared, borya, i saw the guy was already in i know that rebrova is here, he came by today, so
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what? well, he knows that you were brought to her, if i go to her, he will immediately find out, questions will begin, well, yes, you better not appear next to him now, let me show you the recordings myself, and you can’t see anyone there by their voices you know, you don’t need any oshog, but... do you have one? yes, no, home is not an option. my mother and aunt luzia made peace, this is vertnik’s wife. they now call each other every day and she will easily say that there was some kind of work meeting at my house. listen, maybe you have? will i take my laptop with me? well, let's do it this way. i rented an apartment two blocks from here. well done, otherwise we will have to talk to a lot of people. without prying eyes, what is this? i’m reading about the local schedule, well, in the corridors they were whispering about some article, so
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i snatched it from stasik, so i’m reading it for general development, then i’ll give it to you, there was no post for you, no, there wasn’t, there wasn’t, or you didn’t checked, i checked everything. do you think someone has already been assigned to watch us? why not? you know, the one who has his nose in the dust, he always wants to know what we breathe. we will go to the apartment separately, think about how it’s so easy to get to it unnoticed. i told you i'll call you back. count it,
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and the capture team is waiting outside the door, who do you take me for, there’s no one there, go look, it means you’re just not scared here, take it away, you’ll give it back tomorrow before the train, you were going on a plane, change your ticket, i won’t. give it in your luggage, vasily, wait a minute, and that little black one in the pub, it’s really okay, bring it to the hotel in the evening, you don’t have any violations, you can relax, huh? borya, what do you want?
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izotys just called, asking to come urgently. you're not going anywhere, that's enough, the games are over, borya, he said that they were looking for me because of artyom. how does he know that you were with artyom? you said? yes, i won’t tell anyone through torture that you forced me to sleep with this freak. shut up, what if i get arrested? i swear to you, i didn’t lay a finger on him, i left, he was still alive. why are they looking for me, i’m very scared, let’s do this: go to izotov and get him out of it, why are they looking for you? well, who's looking? cops, prosecutor's office, lubyanka, understand? i will do everything as you ask. i'm really really scared sea. well, if you are not guilty of anything, what should you be afraid of?
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give kuzotova a lift, i don’t feel well, i don’t want to drive, of course, sit down, wait, can i ask a question? just answer honestly, bunny, i
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never lie to you, i told my grandfather about us a long time ago, almost immediately, why, i like this job, and so do i, you asked honestly, i answered, let's go, let's go, he's waiting. today we have a great excuse to drink champagne, please, but something tells me that you will refuse, alas, yes, under what pretext did i manage to escape, even don't ask, the news said he died
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of cardiac arrest. so it is, rest in peace, artyom yegorovich, of course you can’t share the details, well, women should have their own little secrets, i agree, you’ll take it in cash, it’s better to have the bill tomorrow morning, it’ll be fine, but maybe i ’ll stay with you for a little while longer, well it would be very suspicious to come back so quickly, weights with ice? yeah, valerka, valerka, valer, what are you doing, valer, give me money, valer, i know you have it, son, wait, listen to me, please,
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let's go to the doctor, okay, and he will cure you. valerochka, you've gone deaf, valerochka, son, listen to me, don't you hear, passer-by, soup. little fly. great, great, there's something, naked, no money, i'll warm you up, nice, that's for two,
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okay, thank you, i'll wait here now, uh, don't tell anyone you saw me, okay. at the transformer booth behind the pipe, yeah. wait, what else? i saw valera dlinny, where is he? there in the park. i understand.
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he sat down. come on, what, skeleton, i'm running, yes, boys, boys, what are you talking about, i don't mean anything to you did it, what else would you have done, why are you making a figment of everything? well , what else should i do? let's wrap it up, i'll take you home. well, if you’re not too lazy, take me, otherwise i’m tired of sitting here. give me your jacket, please, take the keys,
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hold them, thank you, by the way, guess what, the rib is in the city, oh well, yes. that’s why the cops were looking for me, by the way, she asked about you, i mean, what does it have to do with me? well, they told her what happened to you, she asked how you were feeling, said hello, carefully, remembers, nice, hello to her too, okay, today i was dreaming about lenya the sea. what, it’s like i’m floating in a boat, and he ’s drowning in the water in the distance, screaming, help, help, but i’m rowing, rowing, and the boat doesn’t move,
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guess what, i haven’t heard anything about him, no, i haven’t heard anything, let’s jump in , now carefully, come on, i’ll do it myself, take it, uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we give
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8:40 pm
what do you need, open it or take the door out? well , what are you doing, what are you doing,
8:41 pm
talk to me again, sheep, ah, why are you getting so drunk, it’s not good, put him down, let him have a hangover. i almost broke my arm, oh, i’m ready, take him away, guys, here’s a replacement, and he lives like a pig, for what he needs.
8:42 pm
yes, hello, hello, are you ready to replay your horror stories? yes, come on, i also have the address come, no, no, it’s not good for you, colleagues come to see you every minute, we have
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a place, they’ll send you the address, i’ll expect you in half an hour, okay, try to be on time, try. looking for you again with the dogs, will you come in, no, i’ll go, that’s it, come on, thank you, come on, bye, bye , hello, yes, hello, well, dear, are you ready to meet in half an hour, how are you? yes, of course, go ahead, i’ll send you the address now, okay, yeah.
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come on, take the first turn and slow down. to whom i want to hiss a few words.
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taraza, the old witch, ran away, gentleman, clearly, well, it’s okay, it’s not evening yet, let’s go home, rest, and i got to the hotel myself.
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it's not that scary, it's just a normal death check. the cops are looking for the woman artyom was with, but they won’t find me. how did he know that? were you with artyom? i don’t know, but definitely not from me. only you, me and artyom knew about this.
8:47 pm
seriously? did you forget about ravelle? please come out, i need it. father, you’ve already left, i’m getting ready, don’t leave, i ’ll go down now, let’s go to one place, okay, i’m here. come on, hello, hello, who is this? criminal detective
8:48 pm
search for novikov, uh-huh, novikov, what have you got, but i just want to warn you right away, i didn’t have time to sort by dates, everything is scattered, nothing, go ahead, start your organ. hello, pasha, why aren’t you picking up the phone? yes, hi, sorry, i was at a meeting. you did what i asked. yes, tomorrow he will sign an agreement with you and leave the city. stop it. who was this? asks khvat valentin sergeevich. he is now wanted. second? vernikov pal ignatovich, deputy chief of the gvd. my uncle. well, uncle, so uncle. come on, keep going. okay, i’ll call you back, tell you in more detail what will happen and how, just don’t
8:49 pm
wake me up at night. boris tich, what kind of place is this? i've never been here. come with me, i need you. everything is ready,
8:50 pm
oh great, guys, come in. let's go, what's going on? how long have you been working here? i don’t know him, how he runs. what are you guys?
8:51 pm
barisky says it’s all katka. well, he has to tell me everything. boris lich, well, i’ve been with you for so long, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like this at the megamarket, cream mist for face doctor jard for 2029 rub. what, man, are you stunned? they had a captain, a criminal investigation department, looking for naked women or something, for good leads,
8:52 pm
you know, ready for anything, you have to work with your head. and not with your feet, oh, i told you, i’m a genius, well , you definitely won’t die from modesty, i would have fired him long ago if they hadn’t had dangerous business with you, well, actually, i have a black belt, but she’s lying, i warned you , oleg gaz, hands on the railing, quickly, spread your legs, no more chickens will come into your garden, gemelya, thank you, you are a very good person, gemelya, premiere from monday at 19:30 on ntv. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt. the most anticipated premiere of the year. today at 23:00. closing a loan is like a holiday; it is customary to give gifts on holidays. and tinkof gives you a great gift. money. apply for a loan with tenkof before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. we approve your plans. tinkov. one of my friends decided
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everything will work out together at vtb. one of my friends spends endless time on social networks. because the megaphone gives everyone unlimited access to social networks, and even unlimited video access to regular subscribers. connect megapower and there will be jaga jega. only in a megaphone. try investing with tinkof and continue if you like it. open an account with tinkof investments and receive starting 50,000 rub. from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses.
8:57 pm
8:58 pm
we will wait for no one, we will, but not everything is... i still have things to do, who decided what? who now? i'm not sure, but in my opinion, gubanov is the governor. guys, where did you get this? grip? well, i’ll tell you that these records are of purely operational interest. the court needs an examination of who owns the votes. and so on, especially since the salambek is no longer alive, the ubans have been killed, the coverage is on the run, by the way, i have something else on him there is, uh-huh, again in secret, well, it’s better then,
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well, yes, well, look, he has only secrets, okay, come here tomorrow at 9 am, try, don’t come, okay, that’s it, go home now, i don’t either iron, you need to sleep, but leave the barrel organ, the barrel organ here, the sima will figure it out on her own later, okay. oh, look, there’s someone lying down, these drunks are sick of it, it doesn’t matter, it’s frost, it’s not frost, that’s it, on
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our shift, first, first, we have a corpse, it’s accepted, we’ll send out a squad.


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