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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 22, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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a thousand volunteers are helping to eliminate the consequences of floods in a number of regions, many thanks to the guys who came from everywhere to help, god bless them, what is it like? flooding situation at this moment. the four of them took a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, sowing panic among military opponents. at the same time , ours came out of the battle without losses about the work of one of the assault detachments in the southern donetsk direction. report by sergei pikulin. the liberated regions are gradually coming to their senses. they issue passports, pensions, and even get jobs. about how life returns to ovdeev. 95 days before
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the olympics in paris, migrants staged mass pogroms. and in the canaries there was a rally against the influx of tourists. energy is green, here are the methods. not at all vegetarian, the united states of america and europe appear to be starting another trade war, preventing china from developing alternative energy sources. more details about everything, alexander kanevich. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region has updated its historical level maximum. over the past day it has risen by almost one and a half.
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according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations , more than 3,000 people have already been evacuated from settlements in the region that are at risk of flooding. in total , almost 100 residential buildings were flooded. in the neighboring kurgan region, the water level in the tabol river began to decline. over the course of a day, it decreased by 16 cm and is now less than 10 m. about 5,000 houses remain flooded in the region, as well as several bridges and more than a dozen roads. now water from kurgan is moving to belozersky. the district there declared an emergency
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evacuation in three villages at once, in orenburg , water is leaving residential buildings, flooding of new territories is not predicted, in areas where the flood is receding, gas workers and power engineers began working, almost 13,000 houses remain flooded, 17,500 people were evacuated from dangerous areas, about the situation in flooded regions will be told by our correspondents and mikhail chernov. malaya chencher is surrounded on all sides by water, the elements came at night in 3 hours and cut off the settlement from the mainland, they did not leave people in trouble, volunteers front immediately set off on the journey, it was not easy, the team spent 10 hours on the road, first they traveled by car, then by boat, but they brought everything the residents needed, water, food, essentials, it was unexpectedly pleasant that they did not forget us , gives, so to speak, strength to survive this isolation from the world, the most difficult situation. and ishim regions, water
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washes away greenhouses and light buildings from the foundations and enters houses. evacuation has been announced in the village of koshkaragai; a section of the road near it has already been washed away. governor alexander maor now lives in vyshim and personally controls the situation. the level is growing, no, slowly, but it is growing, don’t expect anything, they will always wash you out, then they will say, come on, i give you permission, it’s our road, i ’ll restore it here for you later, it will be even better. thousands of volunteers are protecting residential buildings and areas from high water with sandbags. thanks a lot guys. who came from everywhere helps, god bless them. this dam protects three microdistricts and the airport from the onslaught of the elements, it is located literally a few kilometers away, it’s already here they brought tons of soil, rescuers are monitoring around the clock to ensure that there are no leaks, because the protective structure is constantly experiencing hydraulic loads, behind it is a flooded snt locomotive and water is rising in the streets. the latest official figures from the ministry of emergency situations show that in the flood zone in the kurgan region there are almost 5,500 residential buildings and five low-water bridges. and
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14 sections of highways. in the center of kurgan, the water has stabilized, as the authorities say, it is too early to relax, but there is hope that the peak flood will soon be passed in all areas, like in orenburg. my colleague mikhail works there now. chernov, mikhail, has the water already started to drain away from your houses? yes, olga, in orenburg and the surrounding area the water is receding, but little by little people and pets are being taken out on boats, on trucks, on anything that can float or drive up. this is how, overcoming water and off-road conditions , timofey, fantik and bonya, full members of the family, all dogs over 10 years old, were taken out from the dacha area at dawn. they were on the sofas until the last minute, but they decided to take them away if the patient refused to evacuate, rural finisher she comes by water, measures her blood pressure, gives her an injection. uncle sasha is 71 years old, he has a bad heart, a recent operation on the bladder, he sent his wife off the land himself to no avail. look, i have this suit, i go feed the chickens. felcher osipova’s plot is not small, except for khutra stepanovsky, five flooded
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dacha communities, where on foot, where in a rotational vehicle, in which he gets vaccinated against hepatitis, volunteer residents line up. all people go on their own, thank them very much for this, that no one needs to be persuaded, what will happen after this water. we don’t know, because of this it is very important to inject yourself, because water is the carrier. there are drowned equipment in garages, destroyed furniture in houses, dirt and dampness everywhere where water has been. the village of vesny in the suburbs of orenburg had never been in a flood zone, when the water came, they thought it would go up to their ankles, just in case, they raised furniture and equipment higher, and everything flooded. they lifted it well, but they didn’t save it, they removed the doors, and the whole kitchen was also gone. the plot of land was given to them as a wedding gift, it took almost 10 years to build, my husband, the architect, wife, designer, did it beautifully for themselves, as a result, the author's renovation sank along with the author's furniture, compensation will most likely not come either. we are flying with this compensation, since the house is in my father’s name, my father lives nearby, he has his own house, two houses have sunk, here are two of them standing, we have
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nothing, water from flooded areas is pumped from morning to evening, but the miracle technology there’s not enough of everyone, this is how the orenburg surroundings look from above. there is still a lot of water and it is in no hurry to leave. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, olga zenkova, artemy pefanov. tv component. and in other regions, the fire season has begun. a special regime is already in effect in 23 regions. additional security requirements were introduced there. residents were prohibited from visiting forests and burning grass and garbage. the situation is being monitored using satellite drones. all information received is promptly sent to emergency services. this year, forest fires have already been recorded in north ossetia, crimea and the kostroma region. in korachaevo, cherkess are currently looking for a suspect in an attack on police patrol. as reported by the investigative committee, an unknown person opened fire on the security forces, stole their service weapon and
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ammunition, and then disappeared. as a result , two employees died on the spot, the third was hospitalized in serious condition. a criminal case has been opened and investigators have begun work. in the kupinsky direction of the northern military district, crews of uragan rocket systems struck groups of militants and enemy equipment. fire. the combat vehicle was prepared in a few minutes. the elimination of targets was confirmed by aerial reconnaissance. crews of howitzers d-20 of the southern group destroyed strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction. the blow was struck from. numbers, russian detachments acted
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while the enemy outnumbered our groups with the support of tankers. about the results of coordinated work. now, during the assault, our tankers work for themselves, laying the ground.
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volunteer sword private on the fence studied to become a film director, third year, passed all exams, closed the session and took the academician. when you are here, you experience all this for yourself; many things are not shown in the film. during this assault, only four of our soldiers sowed panic among the ukrainian armed forces soldiers. the enemy, realizing that the opornik would most likely be lost, began to fire artillery without even waiting for his soldiers to leave. ours did not retreat. i think. spirit, spirit, the fact that the boys, god bless them, no one went back, everything is only forward, each assault
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is carefully prepared, the group knows exactly the location of the firing points of the dugouts, all this helps to preserve personnel. sergey pikulin and olyanov, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. the new us aid package of $61 billion does not radically ukraine will change its position on the front line , the financial times writes about this. the publication came to this conclusion after analysis. they also believe that the next aid package will not help them, and the supply of new weapons will not stop the russian army. it is expected that after biden signs the document on the long-awaited american support, weapons and ammunition will begin to be delivered as soon as possible. some cargo is already in warehouses in poland and other european countries. secretary general of nato. assures that washington is not too late in supporting ukraine, but the delay
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negatively affected the positions of kyiv. during the months of downtime, we see that russia has more ammunition, while the ukrainians are short of artillery shells at a ratio of one to five and even one to ten , depending on the area. and the lack of air defense means means that fewer and fewer russian missiles and drones are being shot down. everyone is happy that funds were allocated to distant ukraine, the majority of republicans did not support the initiative, they are not satisfied that not a cent was given to protect the country’s southern border, but about 300 million will be sent to ukrainian border guards so that they can better catch those fleeing the country. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, who gave the green light for congress to vote on an aid package to ukraine, was accused of betraying conservatives of everything american. the people had had enough, april 15th was the tax deadline, and washington
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had betrayed the american people by sending over $90 billion to support other people's wars and doing nothing, absolutely nothing, to protect our borders. and then, after approving it bill, the american people saw on television everywhere on social networks how members of congress waved ukrainian flags in the us house of representatives. all this became possible due to the betrayal of michael johnson. it definitely works.
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this is what almost all the houses in the city of avdeevka look like, people are not visible on the street, unless they appear only to prepare food. residents of avdeevka were left without a central one.
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benefits are now available directly in avdeevka twice a week from the city of sinovaty , employees from the labor and social protection departments come population, pension fund and employment center, the reception resembles a conveyor belt, the visitor goes through all the specialists at a time, there were so many people willing to make an appointment that a queue formed in the corridor, dozens of citizens officially found employment in the first municipal company cleaning city roads and streets. what do people think, is there a desire to bring order to the city? also what? everyone is striving for this, of course it is necessary, and they will rebuild it. marina osieva left avdeevka
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in 1914, when the first people came here ukrainian nationalist battle squads staged a purge of dissent. the main task is for the front to move a little, so that builders can begin to restore this city, and so all the services here have already carried out an inspection, everyone already roughly understands the scope of work, without waiting for the builders to arrive, residents have begun cleaning the local areas, not they forgot about it, about the good city tradition, planted tulips and irises in the gardens, the flowers became unspoken symbols of revival. joe biden lost support among muslims in the us, they will not vote for him in the upcoming elections. nbc tv channel reported this. according to him, many muslims were furious
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that america supported israel's actions in the gaza strip. the final straw was the decision of congress. well, as soon as israel received approval from the us congress for additional assistance, it immediately struck at rafah.
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the air raid killed more than twenty civilians. 18 of whom were children, gases were reported to the ministry of health. rafah, the last one, uncleared by israeli forces, the city in the south, an enclave from the fighting, shelters more than a million palestinian refugees. now the jewish state is gathering forces there and preparing a large-scale offensive. prime minister netanyahu believes that this is the only way to achieve the destruction of the hamas group. that the rafah operation will result in massacres and must be prevented.
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the russian consulate general in istanbul stated that it is monitoring the situation with russians who cannot fly to latin american countries in transit through istanbul. consul general andrei buravov said that official appeals were sent to the management of tokish airlines in istanbul and moscow, as well as to the turkish city of myth. and according to andrei buravov, diplomats expect an appropriate reaction to these appeals. the message that
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russians are not allowed on tokish airlines flights to brazil, argentina and mexico began to arrive from the end. february, early march, according to the source of the shot telegram channel, in recent months there have already been about a thousand such people. the russian embassy in turkey previously said that tokish airlines explains its actions by international rules, saying that the passenger must have a single booking of a round-trip ticket, must have luggage and documents about the purpose of the trip. the passengers themselves say that they were given other reasons for refusal, for example, that the person had never been to america, canada or england, and that’s why the route to mexico. russia's arthur muradyan told rbc that such stories with tokish airlines have been happening for a long time, due to the fact that the airline is afraid of claims from the united states, that's why.
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children over 6 years old can increase up to 12%. this could happen after july 1, the news writes about this, citing sources close to the ministry of finance. deputy finance minister ivan chebeskov said last week that the department is preparing a proposal on the terms of a family mortgage. according to him, there is an order from the president so that for families where the child is under 6 years old, the conditions remain the same, but for families where children are over 6 years old, quote, different options are being discussed. currently the key rate is 16%. at 12%, loans will be taken by those who
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really needs to improve living conditions, he notes that family mortgages are needed to stimulate the birth rate, but preferential programs have led to the fact that housing prices have risen sharply, according to the head of the central bank elvira nabiulina, apartments in new buildings for 4 years of the massive preferential mortgages under ... the central bank has repeatedly noted that mortgages with state support should become more targeted. yuli, that’s all about economics. navarin, thank you, it was marina pemenova with business news. and now about the incidents that happened in the world over the past 24 hours. in orekhovo-zuevo, moscow region , a large fire was put out that night. it started in an industrial building and the fire spread to 1,200 m2. an employee was injured. 50 people and 17 pieces of
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equipment, the country's largest garbage dump caught fire in the capital of india, new delhi. local media reported an environmental disaster that threatened the health of local residents. the area of ​​the landfill is equal to 40 football fields, and the height is about 70 m, which is comparable to a twenty-story building. previously, local authorities have repeatedly... in in paris, migrants staged mass pogroms; refugees are unhappy that the authorities are allegedly delaying the process of obtaining a residence permit. march participants threw themselves at passing cars and threw fires, meanwhile, only 95 days remain before the start of the olympics in the french capital. and a mass rally took place in the canary islands. tens of thousands of people took to the streets, calling to stop the flow of tourists. according to protesters, due to the increase in the number of visitors, life on the islands has become too expensive. residents complain about high rents water shortages, low wages, and environmental pollution. the collective
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west is looking for new ways to curb china's economic growth. the united states and the eu are especially concerned about the fact that china is rapidly increasing energy generation on its territory. in addition, recently the cost of goods from kens has begun to decline. and this, according to washington and brussels, gives beijing an unfair advantage in world markets. western competitors are trying to stop china with sanctions. the effectiveness of these merchs alexander kanevich. every day from morning to night, more than 12 thousand super mirrors will follow the movement of the sun and direct its rays to the 260 m high molten salt tower, generating electricity. about 10 years ago there was a similar report from the desert. would be something unusual, but today china is increasingly using the so-called desert cluster to develop alternative energy. in fact, it's just one of an astonishing 225 renewable
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energy bases being built in the western and northern deserts of china. this a gigantic project of absolutely incredible proportions, in total these new bases will produce a whopping 455 gw. once completed, 60% of the energy will come from solar energy. and the remaining 40 from wind energy. it is no secret that the chinese economy is heavily dependent on coal, but next year china wants to reduce its share in the energy sector to 51%, increasing electricity production by switching to natural gas and renewable energy sources. the usa and europe, positioning themselves as the main environmentalists seem to have to strongly support such low-carbon and sustainable development of china, but the growth of green energy in... and excess
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capacity, which chinese firms sought to export abroad at reduced prices. this caused industry in the rest of the world to contract. we are now seeing excess capacity build up in new industries such as solar energy, electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries. the us treasury secretary made this statement at one of the solar manufacturing plants. panels. by the way, 80% of their global production today comes from china. it was the americans who called state support in china. the main reason, they say, is unfair competition from chinese manufacturers. europe is not lagging behind; the old world is fighting china using old proven methods: bans, trade restrictions, politically motivated investigations. in general, there are all the signs of another trade war, and the united states and europe seem ready to do anything to prevent china from dominating this ever-growing and a very promising market, where western
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countries have been playing a role for many years. catching up, which means the first priority is not to stop climate change, the main thing is to stop china before it becomes a world factory in this area, although this seems to have already happened. alexander kaneevich, anastasia vishnyakova, ntv television company. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we’ll talk about the new rules in the field of tourism. don't switch. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless from the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. there won’t be any money to pay, but with a card, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 3000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, as well. withdraw
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type of recreation go to altai and carilia, and dangerous trips do not always end happily. to protect tourists, the country will change the rules for organizing mountain routes. in summer. amendments come into force that will tighten the certification procedure for guide instructors. rastislav skidan will continue: these climbers are preparing for the velvet ascent of elbrus. the highest point in europe is now relatively comfortable, there are few people - only -25. this season in prilbrus will be held according to new rules, among the key changes is the tightening of the procedure for certifying guide instructors. training requirements, in many cases requirements for the presence of a sports category. requirements related to experience, now, according to the law, instructors will be licensed by representatives of all-russian sports federations; previously, guides could be tested by any educational institution with an appropriate program in the know; climbers greeted this innovation with ambiguity;
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a person with high mountaineering qualifications will definitely understand how best to work in the mountains, how best to avoid danger and minimize everything risks, another point is that a person, for example, is a master of sports in mountaineering. not necessarily good at working with people, well that’s who i am i returned from elbros, i’m sitting in the gate, just like that, it’s ice, it’s ice on the face. 3 years ago, a group of tourists, which included dmitry dolgov, was caught in a storm while descending from the western peak of ilbrus, five died, 11 were injured, soon after this an initiative appeared to reform the tourism law. the trial of the organizers and instructors is still ongoing, according to the prosecutor, the group was introduced by instructors without the necessary qualifications, regardless of what the instructor would have had...
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at the bottom and rising, we spent under water only 12 minutes, we were preparing for the descent for more than an hour, the world there is perceived completely differently, weightlessness, it’s like you’re flying, but at the same time you feel pressure from all sides in your ears, on your body, and the temperature, of course, of the water played a key role, only +11 , i'm just frozen. the head of the dayf club, boris repin, explains that in order to conduct even such a short excursion, the instructors themselves must dive into the test at least 100 times, together with more experienced ones... according to approved methods, what requirements are now put forward to applicants in the updated law does not say that i should prepare for licensing, at least someone should tell me what i must do, who will determine how qualified this licensing body is,
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the law does not say. the legislator promises that the transition to new standards will be soft, it will be possible to obtain a license within 2 years, but starting this summer, only those guides who have been certified by the country’s sports federations, that is, government agencies, will be able to work without permission. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, maxim ushanov, yanna fedoricheva, dmitry mezintsev, suzanna prutchikova and oleg shalya. ntv television company. and that's all by this time. stay on mtv. good morning, about the weather for tomorrow. the coastal regions of the far east finally received weather by the sea. the anticyclone over the sea of ​​okhodsk protects the coast of the magadan region from precipitation in sakhalin and kamchatka. meanwhile , cyclones are frolicking over the mainland, in the bambur region the rains will not exceed +18, and the khabarovsk territory will be in the warm sector, where it will warm up to +20. in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory in irkutsk in the region, the weather remains unstable, during the day at most.


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