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tv   Itogi nedeli s Iradoi Zeinalovoi  NTV  April 21, 2024 7:00pm-8:21pm MSK

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a big war is not just a reason for big bargaining, it is itself a tool for solving many problems not related to war. yes, it has great sacrifices, yes, it carries great risks, but clearly those who use it consider it collateral damage, because for them something more is coming. then the very idea on which all patterns of existence are built, because if you look at any big war from the outside through a pause, then there are always markers that explain everything, as there is now a statement by boris johnson, if ukraine will fall, it will be a disaster for the west, for western hegemony, we will have no one to blame for this but ourselves, and this already explains why it was johnson, an ardent admirer of churchill and his idea of ​​the iron curtain, who disrupted the negotiations in istanbul and convinced kiev to continue the war , there is. the statement of the younger kennedy, if
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israel disappears, russia and china will control the middle east and 90% of oil, that is, he is talking about hegemony, tightly tied to the flow of oil and the routes of its transportation. why exactly are they revealing the situation? because that they are next to her, not inside. politicians cannot speak so openly, they can repeat about values ​​and order that must be protected, but in principle they began to play on the idea of ​​values ​​only in this century; before that there was a clear and formidable enemy to whom everything was explained. the soviet union was gone, another threat was needed. in political psychology this is called the other, that is, the one who is dangerous, and this other can be anything, but he will be designated as evil, against which we need to unite. yes, the americans have always played on this in order to consolidate the nation, otherwise there will be a crisis of american values. that is why in less than 2.5 centuries in america they fought more than 400 times, almost always overseas. and more than 100 conflicts just after the collapse of the union, when instead of an evil empire.
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they were looking for other enemies, and the same idea of ​​consolidation against another already explains why the eu plays so fiercely against us, because before the ukrainian crisis it listened to the fact that it had become a pale shadow under the control of the americans, and about what was destroying european nations, and that it has become neither european nor a union, but now there is a unifying idea, despite the fact that it was in europe that wars were always understood, the continuation of politics by other means, yesterday's enemies can be tomorrow's allies, concessions and territories are part of the game. and the fact that it is the europeans who so demand our defeat can be explained simply: just before the existence of the eu project, they are really ready to pay with money, weapons, and not hear our explanations about the fact that no one is going to attack them, they need that very another, which will delay the failure of the project, and this means simple, ukraine is really good investment in ensuring that the project continues, zelensky’s statement, we are your salvation, is not about us, but about themselves, anatoly mayorov tried to understand, if everything is explained exactly...
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our high-precision strikes on the kiev rear areas are more than a problem for ukraine, even more than the ukrainian retreat at the front, because in addition to the colossal damage to the armed forces of ukraine, russian retaliation strikes must be portrayed every time and somehow as a blow to civilians, that is, to disgrace themselves again. this wednesday, our iskanders closed a meeting of the armed forces of ukraine in a chernigov hotel. destroyed command
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point of the ukrainian group north, that this object was not military, but of course a tourist one in ukraine, they immediately stated, but as always they fell asleep on trifles. victims in army uniforms, in hotel windows, barracks beds, volunteers in puffs even announced a blood collection for the military, a fast, then, of course, they erased, like all the people who clearly did not look like tourists, in these photographs, in a week ukraine received 34 group strike, in the kharkov region on a storage facility. bc in dnepropetrovsk , along the airfield in a flash, another one went. was fire at ukrainian armed forces facilities in dnepropetrovsk and odessa. according to our ministry of defense, manpower and equipment were destroyed in 112 regions of ukraine. once again, the echelons of the armed forces of ukraine did not reach the front, and even at a time when even the ukrainian boss is not trying to hide the fact that everything is lost. today's artillery shell ratio is one.
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can we resist? no, in any case, in this situation they will push us further and further, every day. zelensky has never allowed himself such pessimism as in this interview, always repeating about victory, even. if the listeners cheerfully retreated, what happened now is still unclear, but most likely kiev began to prepare public opinion before the inevitable maneuvers at the front. the american political publication calls this a defeat and a disaster, foreign policy a critical moment when kiev’s entire front will crumble. the avdeevsky direction in the ocheretin area, where our group is now pressing the center and the artyomovsky sector, the battles are going on around yark, which is underway. division of the southern group and russian paratroopers of the western the press considers the most alarming areas for kiev. both points at heights give their owners complete fire control over tens of kilometers. if ours throw all the power of aviation and artillery to support the assault troops. the count but he supports our
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motorized rifle unit, which is continuously moving forward. ukraine can only massively use drones for defense. yes, there are a lot of them, but against our armored groups, especially such... attack uavs are powerless, our turtle tank, as it has already been nicknamed, is armored around the perimeter its characteristic appearance terrifies not only the kiev units, but also military experts from germany. this car, this monster just moves along the streets of krasnogorovka and continues to make its way forward. ours gained a foothold in krasnogorovka and this is also news, given the whole effect of surprise, they simply did not allow the kiev troops to turn the area into a scorched field. reasons why the ukrainian armed forces are abandoned after the retreat? ruins in every locality, the point here is not only in the fiercest urban battles, but in the tactics approved by the ukrainian headquarters blow up as many buildings as possible to the ground to prevent our forces from gaining a foothold. there are many known cases when apartment buildings were destroyed along with civilians who
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were hiding in the basements. in the ovdeevsky, donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and kupinsky sectors , the russian army improved the situation along the front, repelling a total of 14 attacks. at the beginning of march , kiev had 14 assault attempts per week only near avdeevka, now on the entire front line, as the prisoners themselves say , recruits are no longer trained in principle, nor in the rear, because russians are falling there missiles, nor in the disposition of the brigades, because there is simply no one and no time, i don’t know how to shoot from a machine gun and even use it, how to disassemble it, the combat path of such soldiers ends, as a rule, with the first opportunity to surrender to ours. i saw.
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kiev parts of the dpr with powerful barrier structures, but in reality , they would be happy to dig for its fighters on the front line, but they have nothing with which to dig. hello everyone, but we have a fire, we didn’t have it, but we have it. any activity from the first line of trenches several kilometers deep russian intelligence officers monitor enemy rear areas 24/7. they're all huddled together in a bunch. three for sure, that's two in a bunch. and artillerymen. two escaped. russia
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quickly reacts to any change in enemy tactics. this is also recognized by the collective west, the highest military officials from kiev. the same dismissed commander in chief. luzhny generally called the situation on the battlefield a war of one chance, when even the latest foreign weapons become meaningless, because the russians immediately find something to oppose them. fighting new products is now ours of the domestic military-industrial complex, now kyiv will have to. drones that lift loads of 200 kg, mortar platforms, and assault robots were shown to the minister of defense this week. considering the experience of the north military district, such machines are vitally needed, such as, for example, this ambulance robot with... capable of delivering a wounded person from the battlefield under the cover of its armor and without risk to military doctors, the wait for the machine is absolutely incredible, as this machine itself should in the coming days to go to the group, start working. improved tank models with
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a new camouflage protection system now they are also preparing to transfer troops. the factories of the military-industrial complex are working around the clock, everything is for the front, the victory of saving hundreds of thousands. residents of new russian regions, whom kiev does not spare when retreating. people died from explosions this week even at the donetsk cemetery, in gorlovka on thursday there was a barbaric attack on the city hospital, more than a dozen were injured. an attack on predetermined civilian targets against unarmed people in the rear on the front line. on friday , izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin, fearless, was killed by an enemy drone strike journalist, professional and simply a caring person. he could drag wounded soldiers through the trenches on stretchers and take civilians out from under kiev shelling. he was very inconvenient for ukraine, which had been hunting him for a long time. he was very sincere and honest, so that because of this he simply refused to work in the zone. anatoly mayorov, results of the week, ntv television company. and it turns out that
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kiev’s allies have an understanding of the goal, but zelensky is unlikely to. and it’s easy to use as a tool to promote someone else’s idea. and his tactic is to ask for everything, pressing on the promise to lose if all this is not given. it only works when allies consider it necessary and possible. that is why kuleba’s explanation: we will stop attacks on russian territory in exchange for the supply of patri systems, everyone survives how. he is clearly starting from stoltenberg’s statement, strikes on russian military targets are legal, it all comes down to the fact that the end justifies the means, on the one hand, the allies understand that they are attacking non-military targets, non-military people are dying, on the other hand, kuleba does not understand that from the allies another goal, they don’t want at all... to become an official party to the conflict, they are ready to listen to macron about the possibility of the entry of french troops, although they themselves understand
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that this will change little at the front, the entry of these troops means that the crisis will already begin to spill over to their territory. why is macron repeating this? because he would really like to show that he is the boss in europe, that he will save the european project, and we need to unite around his flag. why? because there are old scores in europe, where the americans forced france and germany to promise after world war ii. that they will never quarrel again, having made this the basis of the entire eu project, old wounds do not heal, not even because europeans have a long memory, as germany has always been considered a natural ally of russia, in the same way it is a natural competitor of france in politics and economics , in the model of european life, and it is characteristic that meteran’s former adviser renuven is trying to explain now that the war for values ​​is not a european, but an american idea, they can afford this, in europe has neighbors on all sides, they are used to solving problems and...
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have closely approached the issue of money in european economies, if europeans are so afraid of the arrival of trump, who rather harshly declares the survival of ukraine for europeans is more important, why then has america already paid for the war by 100 billions more, let the eu also look for the same kind of money as the europeans will look for it, because it’s already clear why lavrov says there is no faith in kiev, there will be no pause in hostilities if negotiations begin, this is not even about a respite or regrouping, this is about kiev waiting for money for new weapons. ukraine needs people and funds,
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nato allies can provide funds, and as for people, ukraine must provide this. she adopted a new law, expanding the conscription age. i am confident that ukraine will do everything to mobilize the required number of people. these are the terms of the deal between kiev and its western allies. zelensky signed the law, but this is not enough, people still need to be recruited, but the tougher the military commissars try, the more desperate the ukrainians are resist. raids are carried out even at night, these are chernivtsi, in order to protect the men, local residents completely attacked the military commissars with sticks, the police, where is the police life, in the chernovidsky region, an employee of the tsk began to shoot with a pistol when two ukrainians first refused to take summonses, and then tried to disarm, pistol, what are you doing, where are you shooting, exactly how many... ukrainians zelensky wants to gain strength like this and send to the front, he does not specify, but the political publication writes: ukraine is not
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will be able to win without mobilizing the entire population, immediately reports that more than half a million men of military age have left the country illegally. ukrainians abandon their cars on the roads to cross the border and run. oops, ugulyan, so catch him, he’s running. at the same time, those who are already in europe are also panicking; thousands of ukrainians rushed. representative office of the square, in order to have time to change documents before the mobilization law comes into force, a huge queue in warsaw. there was a fight on saturday, right there at the passport service the men were doing something wrong shared. or someone jumped in line, it was so hectic, the police arrived, in short, the same picture in berlin, prague, here is the only place in the czech republic where you can safely apply for a new passport, the embassy now processes everything through the shopping center according to the new law , now the ukrainian authorities have given us problems. the main problem is to renew your passport so as not to return to ukraine and be left behind the cordon without european benefits, social housing and at least
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some work; no one else makes an exception for ukrainians in european countries collects. and for himself for the interests of the united states in europe. kiev's allies do not hide this. firstly, the transfer of old-style weapons to ukraine. forces nato countries to purchase new equipment, and these are new orders for the american military-industrial complex. secondly, no one is in a hurry to part with expensive weapons. we have decided to donate one of the petriot systems for better protection against the attacks that ukraine is subject to. we have heard that seven petriot systems are needed, one is ours, and we hope that nato will have six more. in turn, the head asked the ukrainian medoculeb from
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nato allies to at least rent out the american patriots. polish prime minister tusk responded to warsaw. can give, because the poles do not have enough of them to share. french president macron also said that paris did not stock up on air defense systems, because the french have nuclear weapons. obviously the priority is to support ukraine, but since france has nuclear weapons, we have far fewer air defense systems of our own. we deployed everything we could in ukraine. bloomberg writes: macron is wavering between peacekeepers and provocateurs, calling on europe to take care of its own security and immediately agitating for an increase. military aid to kiev says that he will send troops to ukraine, but the desire to show off and make a splash may backfire. so glumber states: macron is unable to gain the authority of a military leader either in europe or even in his own country. in addition, the publication notes: despite all macron’s calls to arm ukraine. paris's own contribution is not that great. in total, france allocated less than 2 billion euros to keev, while
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germany - 22 billion. therefore, the position of paris in berlin is already being quoted. mr. macron was planning to go to kiev, but as you know, he canceled the trip because the situation is worsening every day, he wants to show strength, but in reality, european leaders and macron, including, are hostages of the euro-atlantic policy pursued by nato and brussels. at the same time, european leaders admit that they would tighten their belts even tighter in the name of ukrainian independence, but they themselves no longer have enough weapons or money. here is the czech republic volunteered to supply ukraine with the very thing promised. a million shells, and now the president is explaining himself. the czech republic and other countries no longer have enough resources in reserve to give to ukraine. we are starting to look for where there are still weapons, and in order to collect enough money, we turned to our partners with a request to join our initiative, to purchase as much ammunition for ukraine as necessary. politicians are looking for weapons and money, and europeans continue to demand to stop arming
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ukraine, thousands of people who disagree with their policies governments are holding anti-war rallies. more citizens fall into pessimism, the publication clarifies, the main source of depression is even good news from the front, and not the ability of the authorities to explain where the war is heading. zelensky promises complete victory and is angry at allies, said this week that nato and the united states should also close the skies over ukraine, as they do over israel. france, great britain, jordan, the united states reacted, helped israel, this is a serious
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shield, they also used air defense aviation, a lot of things that ukraine lacks. they saw what allies are not on paper, in the sky. ukraine protects the sky on its own, but we deserve the same security. there are things that cannot be compared. you need to understand that the israeli iron dome system, which protects the airspace, has been created over the years. in addition, it is very expensive, but even if we had the resources, in ukraine, this cannot be done overnight. secondly, there are no american, british, and especially jordanian military bases in ukraine, so a similar answer is not possible. therefore, they are only trying to supply weapons and equipment. slovakia and hungary continue to refuse to convince dissenters in the eu, in particular to sponsor kiev. today in brussels the majority is in favor of war. european leaders already perceive the war in ukraine and are waging it as their own. we are one step away from the west sending troops to ukraine. this is a whirlwind of war that could plunge europe into the abyss. brussels is playing with fire. and they are adding more and more fuel to the fire. here's the commander
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the estonian defense forces started talking about direct war with russia and had already assessed the chances of victory. allegedly, estonia, together with finland and sweden, will be able to take control of the situation in the baltic sea from the first minutes and quote: smash the russians to drebezgi. in the event of a hypothetical armed confrontation. the russian side has a loss. usa, military personnel from america, lithuania and germany are participating in the maneuvers, wheeled armored vehicles are involved, including german leopard tanks. valeria lyokhin, results of the week, ntv television company. yes, after application estonians can even do without jokes in style, that's how we found out the size of the estonian army. no. these statements are made precisely because the estonian generals are confident that they are protected by the very fifth article on collective defense, and this is the best explanation why so much money from
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the country’s budget goes to nato contributions, why it was turned into a springboard for an attack, why the attitude towards the russians there the most severe, and at the same time no one reminds them of the past, that is, the report on the final solution to the jewish question during hitler’s occupation, the same in lithuania, in latvia it is difficult to understand where among the baltic states already have the loudest statements from...
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than the europeans, her bet is that american business will cope with all this, that is, this is not about russia, this is about your goal and the path to it, at a time when the imf
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warns that american debts pose a threat to the entire world economy, the americans are improving this economy with arms sales, rumors that if trump wins, he will divide his allies into those who pay 2% into the nato budget, and their fifth article will protect the rest, whom it will not protect, the europeans must. to what extent does the vote in congress on an aid package for ukraine, taiwan and israel create a new reality in which some will be given billions to protect american interests, and others will be given a debt repayment schedule, because the landlease scheme, which has already been adopted for ukraine, and didn’t work, which means they can return to it under a new name, precisely because talking about help is one thing, reminding how after two... congressmen agreed to divide aid to the american allies for three different bills,
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it was simply not possible to pass everything in one for a long time, and only after that there was hope that money for three military conflicts in israel, taiwan and ukraine would finally be allocated. we know what the urgency is now for ukraine, we will make sure that... dollars of aid for kiev. the bill was passed by a majority vote, congressmen took out the usual yellow and blue souvenirs, and some decorated their offices with real flags with curse words that were incomprehensible to no one here and therefore acceptable. to in order, i urge this violation of regulations to wave flags on the podium, especially when... interesting are the items on which this 61 billion will be spent, more than a third in replenishing american arsenals, another 14 purchase of the latest developments in the military-industrial complex for...
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american weapons previously unavailable to ukraine, judging by the published figures and lots, long-range missiles will be received, and mss fly 300 km, and biden must transfer them immediately after the bill enters into force, a total of about $ 14 billion in the form of a loan, which the us president can ultimately write off. we are talking about allocating money to ukraine on credit, so today i asked, what are the terms of the loan, what is the interest rate, what is the collateral? and no one answered me, and then it turns out that after 2 years it can be written off, but it’s not a loan, so these are the things that our people are tired of hearing about, and i’m tired of asking. mike johnson, who was called putin's trump puppet in terms of supplying ukraine, proposed essentially the same bill that joe biden initially promoted back in october last year. congress voted to confiscate frozen russian assets in favor of kiev. moscow
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promised. a symmetrical response, ukraine had not yet died, almost simultaneously congress passed a bill to support israel for 26 billion dollars, to confront china for eight, but in these cases the victories were celebrated more modestly. the americans threw all their efforts into supporting the ukrainian decision; the president , the secretary of state and the secretary of defense sounded the alarm, and cia director william burns even issued the gloomiest forecast for ukraine the day before. ukrainians can be defeated on the battlefield by the end of 2024 . putin will be in a position to dictate the terms of a political settlement. i worry that more avdeevkas will follow in the future. and if washington continues its support, the ukrainian armed forces will be able to hold their positions on the battlefield in 2024 and continue striking deep into crimea. a prospect
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that suits washington. all the most radical of the republicans promised their voters not care for the ukrainians, but a wall on the border, nothing comes of it, a flow of drugs and illegal immigrants the same as before, but the democrats are happy with migrants, newcomers usually vote for them, with this money we could build a border wall, i think six times, people are already tired of this fraud, republicans only promise and say how they are fighting for america, and then send in their hard-earned tax dollars. an amendment to the ukrainian bill, according to which all congressmen who voted for must join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. in response, democrat jared moskuvac called for an amendment to address the green to officially name her vladimir putin's special envoy to the united states. but judging by the votes against the ukrainian package, greene is not the only
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russian special representative here. president, the amount of weapons that we, ukraine, taiwan, israel need is enormous, and we simply cannot mathematically participate in all of these conflicts at the same time, so we should focus on our country and encourage ukraine to take a defensive position rather than carry out these disastrous counter-offensives , which promoted by the biden administration. joe biden himself is lost again, and when accepting the presidents and prime ministers, he confuses them. this is the country of the czech prime minister. no one laughs at the stories of the american president anymore, you should see how many posters i see with the inscription “fuck biden”, when driving through the village streets of america, they greet trump, and even eight-year-old
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children show me the middle finger, all the time. donald trump one of his last meetings with voters ended in tragedy: max azzarello burned himself to death in front of the courthouse in new york during the trial of the former president. the man left a message in which he explained the reasons for the government’s action , an apocalyptic fascist world conspiracy is about to bring down on us. donald trump's campaign and his podium today for the next 2 months here in manhattan criminal court. 4 days a week , the former president will be forced to spend his time here in an attempt to defend his good name in the case of the so-called exes, retired porn actress stormy daniels against ex-president trump, big money, sex and political intrigue. trump is being tried for using money from the election fund to pay porn models for silence. storm daniels was not the billionaire’s only muse;
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he then spent the money with... world leaders were looking for, this time polish president duda came to discuss ukraine and nato. the pole understands that donald trump has a chance, and he is not at all against supporting ukraine. what from the outside looked like a refusal to help kiev, the republicans slowed down the release of assistance, was a simple inter-party struggle over budgets, for voters, presidential candidates. the ukrainian leader this week asked western allies to protect him the same way they protected israel.
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are going to participate in it in a combat role, and we are not participating, because in the states they hope to buy off zelensky’s ally with money, then he himself, as he promised, and as they made clear before in congress, to the last ukrainian soldier, for the soldiers whom more and more is needed, this transfer from biden, the head of the white house, will sign it after approval by the upper house of the next this week, probably the last, next aid package will be discussed by congress... under the next president, if such assistance is still needed. anton panomariov, results of the week, ntv television company. and here you just need to see that even the name of the adopted law, peace through force in the 20th century, is a clear
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course towards confrontation, it does not imply any halftones. that is, the law enshrines the concept of the other. the axes of evil threatening america include us, china and iran equally in this axis. and this law is based on the idea that... america will do what he considers necessary, because he is waging a battle between good and evil, that is, we are not talking about a return to peace, but rather about a war for interests. yes, the americans adopted many similar laws, from the law on protectionism to the jackson-vennick amendment to the patriot act, each time uniting the nation in the fight against others. these were businessmen, communists, and islamists. and biden’s reservation: choose democracy or freedom - this is america, may not be a reservation at all. he's sure.
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by the way, if they remembered alep, will they remember about the girl bana, who kept a diary on social networks, turned out to be a fake created by anti-assad activists, it was an operation to create public opinion, they may well explain to zelensky what the difference is, they may also be able to, because the state debate asked whether netanyahu can be considered an ally, if in 2002 he assured that saddam had nuclear weapons, he deceived the americans, and they deceived the whole world, now it may be the same with statements about the iranian bomb, the answer is simple: america supported israel long before netanyahu and biden will continue to support him afterwards. speaker johnson explained that this is our biblical duty. just as trump won the election with the support of evangelicals, so now biden is following exactly the idea that
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the puritans brought to the new world. the second coming will happen if israel controls jerusalem and there are no arabs there. and in this battle of good and evil , the religiosity of americans should not be underestimated, especially if it is simultaneously about maintaining control over the region and uniting nations. against another, the danger of which is reinforced by talk of islamic threat. let's quickly watch the ad and try to understand whether netanyahu will continue to play on this idea? after all, he already tried, promising that the answer would be israel. to an iranian attack by drones and missiles will be instantaneous and tenfold, and he was told: end the game. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. a... infobank is the best bank for business. it is profitable to retire with
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now we need to see that unification against another has its own facets and its own red lines. and they are very clearly visible in the middle east, that is, the region of vital interests of the americans. it is there that the most difficult and toughest public and non-public games are always played out. everyone is already used to this. after all, it is precisely alliances and confrontation, there is an unspoken check, one’s own, someone else’s. therefore, it is constantly repeated by everyone parties. there is israel, and there are the rest of the degree. trust in which both one and the other in israel, but follow the logic: netanyahu’s side is measured precisely by the degree of hostility ; promises a retaliatory strike against iran after an attack by drones and missiles, which is not easy. repulsed, and they are already repeating to him with the forces of a coalition of friends, repeating persistently, convincing the iranian plan of revenge for the attack on the consulate in damascus, we propose to consider it a failure, because there were no casualties, and the destruction was minimal. iran does not have the strength to resist the combined forces, the iron dome, american aviation, and obviously all this is in order to convince netanyahu not to continue,
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despite the fact that everyone understands, he cannot not respond at all, despite the fact that his war cabinet is meeting immediately after the iranian attack from... from a direct strike on tehran is hunting for the commanders of the islamic guards before cyberattacks and bombings and nuclear facilities, it needs to choose the most effective one. the washington post even writes that netanyahu has already ordered the army to select targets for attack if possible without casualties under the motto, let the iranians have the same stress they gave israel. yes, everyone freezes, realizing that the secretary general. he is right when he says that the world is on the verge of a gigantic catastrophe, which can last a long time and will overwhelm not only the middle east, but all other crowds and refugees. the jump in oil prices is the minimum that can already be predicted. and while waiting for an answer, ksir orders his commanders in syria to return to their homeland so as not to come under attack. cbs assures that the white house knows nothing,
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israel does not share information with it, abc does not will separate and strike only after pesoh, that is, after april 30, but it seems he didn’t guess right. no one, all there is so far is the agency's report of explosions in isfahan, the ancient city and cradle of the iranian nuclear program, which even fox news calls a very limited strike. and the question of what it was, whether israel’s promised crushing response to its main enemy would be, is already hanging in the air. what happened on friday night was not a blow. have any other countries warned you that they might attack yours? base, these two or three were look more like toys our children play with rather than drones. it wasn't worth telling us anything in advance. and all this monstrous build-up, all this ping-pong statement, clearly means that netanyahu understood that he must respond in order to save face, because israel’s policy is that not a single blow goes unanswered, but netanyahu also
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understands perfectly well , he is not so afraid of the threats of his neighbors, that is, the arab states after the answer, as of the rupture of relations with the americans? yes, biden convinces netanyahu to be more restrained, but does not require inaction. yes, cameron announces that we support israel, but it’s time to think not with our hearts but with our heads. the eu explains that it is better to impose sanctions on iran and isolate it than to start a war. and the fact that nitanyahu continues to pause causes a similar reaction in everyone, as the financial times writes. why is he too busy to answer the british prime minister's call, because we helped him fight off iranian drones, and he is too busy for almost everyone. i thank our friends for their support in defense of israel, both in words and in deeds. they have it. there are all kinds of suggestions and advice, i appreciate it, but i want to make it clear: we will make our own decisions, israel will do everything necessary to defend itself. if the zionist regime commits the slightest act of aggression against our homeland or our interests, let them be sure that they will face a very massive and harsh response. and the cia is already asking turkish intelligence
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to become a mediator between israel and iran, because erdogan is a politician, his statements have always allowed for a parallel game. first to him haniyeh, the political leader of hamas, arrives. everyone understands that the arrival. there are still too many officials from iran, while risi is talking on the phone with putin, discussing how to prevent escalation and end the conflict. the egyptian president meets with the head of the foreign intelligence service naryzhkin, that is, the combination is very similar, despite the fact that the iranians repeat in every statement that what israel is doing is an adventure, the word adventure is repeated so often that it is clear that iran does not want to continue, reducing everything to that dealing with israel is not serious. and erdogan is not missed the opportunity before haniya’s arrival to announce: “we know who is to blame for all the tension in the region.” this is israel, which is pursuing a very dangerous policy and is seeking the destruction of the muslim world. those who had been silent for months about israel's aggressive policies immediately rushed to condemn iran's response, but netanyahu himself should be condemned and damned first. and the very meeting of erdogan with the leader of hamas, like the meeting of the head
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of turkish intelligence with hamas, means a simple thing: turkey is not just an individual player in region. erdogan doesn’t just miss the opportunity to remind that he protects all muslims. and he, too, can wait, and he, too , can remember the attack by israeli special forces on the marmara ship, which was carrying humanitarian cargo to the gaza strip. everyone is included in the game, because the real big war between iran and israel is a war between two regional superpowers that consider each other religious fanatics, that is , ready to go to the end for their truth. while former british peace chief jack straw explains, israel was the main arms supplier to iran against iraq in the eighties. iran gave him all the information on the nuclear reactor. i will give back, which israel bombed, and paid for this information, sayatala, the spread of information about the troops of the plans of iraq, that is, they played against someone whom they considered a threat, and then began to play against each other, repetition is not...
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understands perfectly well, iran still has a field to play, this is its proxy system, in lebanon, syria, iraq, even in yemen and afghanistan. israel has military bases of the americans and their allies in the middle east in turkey, and these relations must be preserved. they need bunker-busting bombs to parasitic the more sensitive parts of the nuclear ones. that is why the state debt repeats that it is sure that iran is not preparing to produce a bomb, magata that iran is still very far from a bomb, even if it has accumulated enough uranium, that is why , instead of victorious reports, the jerusalem post announces, israel does not admit that it hit isfahan for strategic reasons, the americans announce, and this definitely could not, obviously that is why the israeli intelligence already explains the effect of threats. already there, the iranians removed their surveillance vessel from the strait of armuz, which was coordinating the houthi attacks, which is why there have been no attacks in the red sea in
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recent days. yes, the iranians seem to even be picking up the rules of the game, while the new york times assures that the strikes on the isokhan were carried out by supernova israeli weapons that can deceive air defense systems on the borders, tehran explains that the air defenses did not notice anything because the strikes were carried out from within the country, this is the case hands of separatists from organizations of the iranian mujahideen, which are so from... that is, israel can play according to the same scheme as iran through a proxy, so it can kill two birds with one stone, respond and not respond at the same time. but from the iranian attack by missiles and drones, the conclusion was drawn not only about what iran has in its arsenal, or that it does not want to start a war in the region, but rather that, like the houthi attacks, this is a situation where the defenders spends significantly more in monetary terms than the attacker because the total cost the air defense missiles that... israel and its allies exchanged during the attack were a billion dollars, that is, hundreds of times more than the drones that iran used. i wouldn't be surprised
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if a deal was possibly struck. the israelis make a symbolic, balanced response, and the americans veto the un security council resolution that proposed recognizing palestine as a state, which they did. that is, it may well be that the vote in the un security council ended with an american veto on the recognition of palestine as a state for this very reason. yes. on the americans' explanation is that the palestinians have not carried out sufficient reforms, the palestinian president has already stated: then we will have to reconsider our relations with washington, but he understands that this is hardly a strong answer. and this could clearly mean that the simple fate of the palestinian issue could again be paid off, considering it a smaller izzol in order to maintain control over the entire region. not only gas has been forgotten, look also what is happening on the west bank, pogrom after pogrom, and no one cares about it anymore, because everyone is now worries iran, but... it is they who are now not
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paying attention to the fact that the bombing has intensified, like attacks on lebanon, where israel is attacking hezbollah bases, at the same time iraq is announcing that planes are bombing iranian proxies on its territory, and yemen, that he is also being hit, and the pentagon does not comment on this, as what biden could have promised netanyahu for restraint, and now the ball is in iran’s court and no one understands. his logic is that the americans seem to
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have exhaled, because they clearly calculated the crisis in advance, so they filmed venezuelan oil sanctions, they have now been returned, announcing that maduro will not be able to fulfill their conditions, ensure the opposition’s participation in the presidential elections, that is , the americans are no longer afraid of the oil collapse, but not just the photographs of the year , the photo from the gas sector, a woman hugging, is recognized... is back to very intensive bombing of gas, because he was advised to consider the crisis with iran as settled for now, but there will be another news, and another catastrophe, and after a pause they will remember about gas, trying to figure out whether it was there is another way out, and is there still a chance to create two states for two peoples, but to save a lot of money, the big threats under which they are united, and what ... answers israel: we cannot recognize the guards of the islamic revolution as a terrorist organization, they did not commit terrorist attacks, although israel itself is accused in the islamic world
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of liquidation operations abroad, and the fact that one of its... china is also being drawn in, it was he who reconciled iran and but we understand that the saudis are now already in the game, it is he who now supported the recognition palestine at the un, yes, he holds the same position as us, but now the americans are striking at him when congress votes on a law to counter the purchase of iranian
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oil, because it was during this crisis that they reached a six-year high and... china , that is, the americans want to kill two birds with one stone and break the connection between china and iran, at the very moment when the adviser, taliban leader ahuda, is shot in pakistan, and he was considered precisely the conductor of chinese ideas, and isis, which is banned in russia, is blamed for everything. in the very moment when chat demands the removal of the american military from its territory under our security guarantee, but this is where chinese business is strong. ksenia nikrasova was looking into whether china would, in principle, play consolidation, because it is still not easy. xi may be the main reason to claim that he has his own plan to solve the ukrainian crisis, and this is the very position that allows him to continue the game for control of the pacific ocean. shooting down air targets with a series of
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missile salvos from the ground and air strikes the main task ahead. and did not cancel the large-scale military maneuvers of hanguang, that is, the red beaches, when they used their entire arsenal on the island to simulate the destruction of the chinese army; when planning the exercises, as they said in taipei, they took into account the experience of ukraine, especially since just these days on a delegation from kiev flew to the island for new equipment to restore the energy system, they did not ask for weapons, they understand that taiwan itself cannot
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receive money from the states that has already been paid for. missiles and fighters, but what we have doesn’t respond safety requirements. an emergency during an exercise is an example of this. i would like to remind you that our fleet of american aircraft, p3c, is relatively outdated, the flight control system used appeared relatively recently, so problems such as ammunition derailment will still arise. problems are now feared in the philippines next week, where a joint exercise with the united states starts. for the first time, the maneuvers will take place outside the disputed territorial waters of the philippines.
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region. and after all, a few days before, during the first conversation in a year and a half with this us step exacerbates tensions with the prc defense minister, pentagon chief austin assured his colleague that the us respects chinese interests and will fly, sail and operate in the south china sea responsibly and safely, in fact, the chinese press writes, states.
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beijing also promised not to support moscow, olaf scholz, who arrived in china this week on an official visit. the position of the prc authorities has remained unchanged, beijing is not a party to the conflict, but to resolve it it is necessary to take into account the interests of everyone, both ukraine and russia, but to the chancellor's name was brought about not by political, but by financial issues, which scholz discussed with the head of the people's republic of china while walking. through the blooming garden of the state residence. in beijing, scholz had to perform miracles in political balancing act, maneuvering between his own economic interests and pressure from washington and brussels, which
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are calling on eu countries to break ties with china. beijing advises germany to seek common ground on the importance of harmonious development of relations to the german chancellor - the head of the prc also said. greetings from visit to china in full swing. russian sanctions are in need of chinese support more than ever; without beijing, the export-oriented german economy is unlikely to survive at all; it is already virtually paralyzed;
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the gdp growth forecast has dropped to 2%. a complete separation of germany from china is completely impossible; according to analysts, if it abandons the chinese market, germany will face an economic decline of 30%. this would mean a rollback of our economic performance in 1970. yes, but the states are insistently demanding that their allies increase pressure on beijing at the instigation of washington. brussels is already discussing the introduction of additional tariffs on chinese electric cars, which are next in line for metal supplies. continuing the course of confrontation. the white house announced a new increase in tariffs on chinese products. this time we are talking about steel and aluminum. biden proposes to triple tariffs to make it easier for american businesses to compete. companies from china. the head of the white house tried to explain the industrial successes of the celestial empire with government subsidies, according to the american president, chinese steel companies do not need to worry
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about making a profit because they are supported by the chinese government, all this is aimed primarily against the united states, joe biden said with offense, reproaching the second economy in the world for growing too quickly. for years i have heard that china is on the rise and america. stands up: for the last 2 years i was the only one who disagreed with this: we have the best economy in the world, in china there are more pensioners than workers, the chinese don’t do anything they import, they are xenophobes, no one comes to them, they have real problems. taking into account the growing confrontation with the united states, china is preparing its army for the information conditions of war and announces the creation of information support forces. the flag was presented to the new formation by sidin personally. according to him , the special forces will be protected.
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after all, right now we need to see how they play in all the traditional fields where we have interests, in the caucasus and the balkans. passe has already supported kosovo’s entry into the council of europe, all that remains is the committee’s decision european ministers in may and in response, serbia promises to leave pose. i understand perfectly well that there will always be leverage against it, and not only financial, because right now they suddenly remember the massacre in sererenitsa, the british are introducing a resolution to the un council recognizing that 20 years ago it was genocide and the serbs are to blame. yes, we are vetoing the resolution, and the serbs understand that this is the veto that they did not receive in the nineties, when sanctions were first introduced against belgrade, and for them it was the same shock as for the arab world when we did not impose veto on the decision to bomb libya is already a question: the kremlin, despite the fact that the authorities explain the law
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in order not to repeat the path of ukraine, we want people to understand who is investing money in georgia and for what idea, and even offer exchange, access in exchange for certainty, that is, promise membership in the eu, will cancel all restrictions on foreign agents, we are already withdrawing peacekeepers from... karabakh, their mission in the caucasus has been completed, but we will have to watch very carefully how erdogan and the eu fulfill their guarantees for the security of those , who remained in the returned territories, and we must clearly understand. no unimportant details. even the fact that argentina has applied to nato for global partner status is a big sign. after all, miley just refused to join brix, despite the fact that he cannot help but see how similar everything is to the situation with ukraine, which abandoned the european union for the sake of the eu and nato. the analogies here are dead-end. and the fact that colombia already has the status of a global partner and is now going to brix, that is creates the maximum number of playgrounds. why doesn't miley play like that? he probably
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thinks that this way he will be more understandable to the americans and this way he will save the argentine economy from fear, but then the logic is simple: the economy does not collapse where it is being dealt with, and not where they are sure that it will help abroad, but for those from whom they are waiting for help, because their interests and their own rules, who will be chosen next depends only on this. let's quickly watch the advertisement and try to figure it out. if now in the emirates for publications about what is not there can cope with the consequences of the largest flood in the history of the country, what threatens.
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the show is airing a mask, the first semi-final of the grand anniversary season, i’m just in shock, they tell me you’re crazy, and i say, i’ll figure it out myself, i’ll somehow manage without you, performance? definitely one of the best numbers in all five seasons of the show mask, in the semi-finals, according to tradition , guests come to us, and i don’t need anyone, i’ll never be able to unsee it and hear it, mask, mask, i was more surprised only by prigogine, mask, first semi-final today
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anywhere, as well as withdraw cash and receive cashback, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get it on an ozone card and pay anywhere. “i am irada zeynalova, and these are the results of the week. and now follow the logic. the strong position is that in order not to create the image of another, around whom the country needs to be consolidated, we need to make sure that the people in the country are united and ready to support it, work for the common good, and this is exactly the position that is important to us now, for which we voted during the presidential elections ". this is not just a formal document, it is a confirmation that he must continue the work that he started, which people voted for, this is about the record turnout in the elections, and about the record numbers of support that he
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received, but it’s putin about continuity what is being done and should be done speaks quite harshly, we have solved many problems during this time, but even more remain unresolved, and this is a challenge. the only problem is that every year natural disasters are added to the list of unresolved problems. now the flooding in many regions continues and is already intensified by the forest fires that have started in bashkiria. everyone understands that this is unlikely to be limited to bashkiria alone. the may holidays with trips to nature are ahead, which means again with bonfires, barbecues, grass burning, which are talked about every year, every year from them real disasters begin, the consequences of which are estimated at tens of billions of rubles, which cost...
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floods, as well as flooded dams. yes, while the prosecutor's office is dealing with the clogged river beds, the blow could have been aggravated, but this already seems to be a vicious circle that those , who does not want to understand, from each of us can for... after all, rescue operations, resettlement, assistance to the victims are what is done by the whole country, because there is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune, and this has always been the main unifying idea for the whole country . this is the footage in the izton region, huge blocks of ice cover houses in coastal villages up to the roof, and a wave washes away a multi-meter embankment near one of the bridges. they are trying to curb the elements in every possible way, congestion on the rivers is disrupting the flight, people are being evacuated from dangerous areas, there is water in the house, nowhere to live, and we can’t wait for this ice to leave here, for the river to flow, in neighboring
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areas where the rivers have already been cleared from told level water is at critical levels, this is how entire districts of the kurgan region now look from the air, this is the private sector in on the right bank of the regional capital, they counted brick by brick. the residents of this house monitor the water level by looking at the brickwork; by the end of the week, an entire floor had gone under water; what they managed to save, they dragged it onto the roof of the garage cooperative, packed the canopy with film, and then tied it up so that the wind wouldn’t at least blow away this kitchen and the soft sofa. corner, the only home with a mortgage, we spent the night in my car yesterday, today we’ll come to our neighbors, we left at nine o’clock from here, there wasn’t even water... there wasn’t anything else standing there, but it was already starting to fall. such they are trying to stop the water with homemade rubble; where possible, they filled the gaps with sandbags where the water had not yet reached. rescuers arrived in several rows and deployed special modular dams.
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in the language of specialists, such prefabricated barriers made of multilayer composite materials are called water-filled flood control dams. essentially, this is a long sleeve that is pumped up with water in a few minutes, cutting off the turbulent flow, quickly and reliably. in tyumen, orenburg and other regions, emergencies ministry specialists delivered to a total of more than 10 km of such barriers. in the tyumen region, the peak of the flood is expected by the middle of next week in some areas , several settlements have already been cut off from the land, in total there are two dozen villages and hamlets in the emergency zone, it was very scary, of course we warned us that there was water, but we didn’t they were waiting for it to just go like this, it was going very quickly, before our eyes it was still possible to pass the street , here by the evening after 2 hours it was no longer possible to pass only the boat, the water simply had nowhere to go, the situation in the tyumen region, complicated by the features of the relief, the plain, where even a slight rise in water turns into large-scale flooding, the rise , i tell you, was instantaneous, well, it was before our eyes, almost the entire population was involved in
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the production of bags for their further laying, places of possible flooding or rising water, therefore here are all concerned citizens, together with them hundreds of volunteers from all over the country are helping to carry the blow, like these guys from the humanitarian volunteer corps, activists flew to tyumen kurgan from moscow, surgut, chelyabinsk, yekaterinburg and a dozen other russian regions. that is , this is the moment when it is important that assistance is provided not only by neighboring regions, not only by the federal center, but by the entire large country, when 120 cadets of the fire and rescue academy from ivanovo arrive to help the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, doctors and volunteers of orenburg, when 37 tons of bottled water sends tatarstan, and it is transported in trucks to people in orsk and orenburg, when search engines from the volunteer center koshkin house lend a helping hand from donetsk, together with residents of flooded areas, they rescue pets from icy water. let's go, let's go, let's go. another
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saved soul, rescue footage all week from kurgan and orenburg, and we caught the baby, now they will come and take you to the clinic, yes, yes, my little one, where frightened animals were pulled out of the water, from cats to dogs to bulls, bones, cows and poultry, hooting, the girl was tired, like this, chest-deep in cold water , they cleared the way to get to the animals, that’s it, quiet. the sensitivity of ordinary people especially the head of the ministry of emergency situations noted at a meeting with the president and the leaders of the affected regions that the situation with floods is under the special control of the head of state every day. we communicate with you almost every day. let us please report on today what the situation looks like. more than 14,300 citizens, including 1,833 children, were resettled in the flooded area. there are 20 temporary temporary accommodation centers, which house 700. 30 people, of which 316 are children. today water is actively present in the first municipality, which
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is located on the border with kazakhstan, this is the kazan district, from the flood zones, people have been evacuated, the last ones left, the most stubborn ones, but brigades from the ministry of emergency situations, the police and local authorities are now actively working there, you said that about eight people were the most stubborn ones, don’t do that, people don’t need it, hiv, sorry, sorry, no , listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand that you are trying. everyone is tired, you work, you don’t get enough sleep, and you sincerely try to help people, but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but they need to believe that everything will be safe secured. issues related to the assessment of damaged property, restoration of infrastructure and housing, as the president noted, will need to be discussed in more detail in a broader format, already together with the heads of municipalities. the head of state demanded from the minister of construction.
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damage assessment has already begun in orski, which has been freed from water, and in some areas of orenburg. special commissions examined more than one and a half thousand houses. utilities, builders and dozens of teams from enterprises. together they clear debris, remove garbage, damaged furniture and equipment. in all affected areas , electricians, gas workers, water utility workers are working around the clock, doctors are conducting door-to-door visits and receiving people in mobile centers, and are vaccinating against dangerous ones.
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lessons are provided for schoolchildren, and the children are entertained by volunteer animators. here they form such reserves of drinking water products, heat guns, the peak of the flood in kurgan and tyumen, just ahead, 17 houses remain in the flood zone, but where...
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return to normal life, and most importantly, we need to remember those who turned out to be simple heroes, not only rescuers, but also those who came to the aid of complete strangers, just as they come to the aid of new regions affected by shelling, because war with the elements - this is also a war, and these people do not consider themselves heroes in the same way that the legendary anatoly kvochur, a test pilot, did not consider himself a hero, he brushed it off, i just fly on everything that flies, but this is about testing 90 types aircraft. about the fact that at the air show in laburge, when the engine was hit by a bird, he ejected a few tens of meters from the ground, only when he realized that he was able to take his moment away from the stands with spectators. he was one of the ten best pilots on the planet, his test, something that now underlies all of our aviation, because in those very difficult years, when there was not only no money for airplanes, there was none even for
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the required number of flight cycles of new machines, he i tested individual prototypes myself, looked for failures and shortcomings at the limit capabilities of yourself and the machine. yes, they called him the iron quartermaster, but he left at 71, because being a hero is very difficult. but this is the choice that he made, which everyone makes for themselves, without thinking about heroism. so that the country could be the kind he dreams of, in which heroes are just people who are ready to the limit to do what they think is right. this unites us, creating our common future. these were the results of the week. which, as always, has its own heroes and its own events, as you saw the reporters ntv, life is always easier if you understand how and what is happening, we will meet again next week, and i wish you all the best , good luck, the most secret show on television, the fifth anniversary season, what a cool mask,
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bright emotions, and unexpected turns, and what is breathtaking?


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