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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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cannot be changed 14:00 weekday broadcast on ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. carrying out an assignment from ukrainian curators, the special services detained a suspect in underfishing. ex-employee of the sbu. to escape from the flood, as in the kurgan region people resist the elements. under the cover of hail in the special operation zone, assault groups move forward with the support of rocket artillery. and ours, yours, will the german chancellor be able to reach an agreement on the economy with china and at the same time fulfill washington’s desire to reduce dependence on beijing. about the main thing about this
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minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello! today in the kremlin, the head of the central election commission, elo pomfilo, presented vladimir putin with the certificate of the president of russia. the elections were held from march 15 to 17, and according to their results , the current head of state received more than 87% of the votes. let me read the certificate to you. thank you very much and all your colleagues, the work in the invest cycle was difficult.
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conversation with iranian president ibrahim reisi, the heads of state discussed the aggravated situation in the middle east after the airstrike israel on the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus, as well as retaliatory measures from tehran. vladimir putin expressed hope that all parties will show reasonable restraint and will not allow a new round of confrontation. as the president noted, this could have catastrophic consequences for the entire region. in turn, ibrahim raisi noted that iran’s actions were forced and limited in nature, while he emphasized iran’s disinterest. further escalation of tensions, as noted, a conversation between putin and russia took place at the initiative of the iranian side. the flood situation in several regions of russia remains difficult: in orenburg, the ural river is gradually retreating from flooded areas, but levels still exceed dangerous levels. well, in the tyumen region, the flood forecast has worsened significantly; according to updated data, the water level in the ishim river will be critically higher than expected. now it has exceeded the dangerous mark in...
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areas threatened by high water, everyone was notified personally, some were informed more than once, you all know about dangers, collect valuables, immediately go to a safe place to visit your relatives or to temporary temporary accommodation centers, we will provide you with everything you need, in three villages downstream the flood has already reached dangerous levels, they are also taking people out of this zone, they are closed two bridges, a sapper is blowing up. congestion preventing the rapid passage
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of water along the river bed, but so far this has not helped. a dangerous situation is developing in kurgan. the level of the tabol river in the area of ​​the regional center is growing every hour and forecasts disappointing. in the next 24 hours, the water may add at least another meter. the head of the ministry of emergency situations has again arrived in the emergency zone. alexander kurenkov, together with the governor , assessed the situation from the air. he called this year's spring flood the largest in the last few decades, according to regional authorities. large-scale flooding threatens more than fifty settlements. emergency evacuations have been declared in the region. more than 13,000 people have already fled their homes. report from kurgan region by olga zenkova. flooded the entire suburb of kurgan, the village of menshikovo, a 20- minute drive from the regional center. cars are drowning in the water on several streets. bales of hay float into the abyss. it was the farm of a bull family. the cows were taken away. above, they themselves saved the house
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from the flood, we removed the doors, we laid the doors at the level of the window sill, then all the things and everything else went there, this is how their rooms looked in the morning, and this is how by the middle of the day, in a few hours, water made its way through the cellar. under your feet you feel like your grandfather’s linolion has all floated up. an inverted interior is now in almost every home, so there is a chance to survive flood with minimal losses. we spent the night at home today, we were afraid that we would be evacuated. somehow i don’t want to leave home. well, this is dangerous. well, of course, well , the water never reached us, this year the whole village was literally covered in water. this gardening partnership is already part of the mound and... tnt in the water ring is no longer enough for rubber boots to leave the house. the authorities are asking to evacuate in advance, the water is approaching populated areas and neighborhoods, rapidly flooding roads, overflowing bridges, and it may happen that escape routes will be cut off. this is how , in the middle of the night, emergencies ministry employees have to launch boats to rescue
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those who refused to leave on time from captivity in the water. this is footage of the evacuation from the topol microdistrict. they save people and animals with great laughter. and the reasons, the reasons? rescuers are constantly strengthening and increasing the height of the dam. almost half a million sandbags have already been laid out, which is 105 thousand tons of soil. the evacuated territories are protected from looters by police officers and volunteer athletes. these volunteers came to help from yugra. returning from a raid on flooded dachas.
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an abandoned dog was rescued; a hungry, frightened dog scoured the area in search of its owners. firstly, her paw is broken and secondly, she is blind, the dog cannot see at all. where is she going now? most likely to an animal shelter. volunteers are asked not to abandon animals during the evacuation; small pets will be accepted at temporary accommodation centers, and for larger ones, five care sites have been organized in the city. together with the animals, you need to bring a supply of food to which they are accustomed. a there is enough attention and care here for everyone. the cat's name is phil. 3 years old, we came to live in the same place. we were kicked out of there; we couldn’t go out with the cat. we came to a friend’s cat, brought her in, and there was a cat. the wild one didn’t give in, she fought, so we were forced to give it to a shelter, we hope everything will pass soon, we’ll take lyubimov’s pet home. those waiting for the low tide in temporary accommodation centers also dream that everything will end sooner. here, of course, everything is thought out, three hot meals a day and a clean bed, children's playrooms,
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areas for schoolchildren to study. at every point felchers are on duty, their attention is especially important for the older generation, this is a difficult period for them, they worry about their housing, about their property. therefore, we support them all here as best we can, try to be close, and encourage them. 13,000 people are currently living in temporary accommodation centers. three hundred residential buildings and more than 600 household plots were flooded in the region. the city embankment is immersed in water; the walking areas are closed to pedestrians. flows have already captured the tyunin highway, this is a major street leading to suburban villages and the road to kazakhstan. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. in the special operation zone, russian troops are pushing out the enemy along the entire line of contact, constantly improving their tactical position. the offensive operation is carried out in the kupinsky, donetsk, avdeevsky and south donetsk directions. fire from artillery, aviation, and missile forces destroyed accumulations of manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 133 districts, and also
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damaged ammunition, fuel, and drone production workshops. promotion our assault groups are provided , among other things, by crews of hail multiple launch rocket systems. they are constantly on combat duty, because the fire ... arrives day and night. our correspondent sergei pikulin went on his next mission with the artillerymen. army trucks are our everything. now the weather in donbass is when there is still impassable mud under the wheels, and there is already dust in the back that creaks in your teeth. we reach the desired place and dismount. between plantings we make our way through dry growths, the accompanying people warn us to follow the trail in track. the closer to our positions, the more unexploded.
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this is one of the most experienced crews of the rszzo , together from the very beginning, there were injuries, but there were no losses, as among personal ones. composition, so among the equipment, akim, the driver, says the main feature of his car is that it does not have a barbecue, as anti-drone nets are jokingly called, he says, subjectively, it’s more convenient for him, it’s better to dig the digger deeper and don’t skimp on camouflage nets, somewhere in it’s easier to enter a forest plantation this way than with these bars; here, in my opinion, it’s easier to enter without these gratings, than you will break more branches, you will hit something else, something else will be torn off, while you are doing it, another task will come to you and this... i think this complicates everything more. the main targets are enemy manpower and equipment. this is footage from our
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drone. hail covers the entire square. now that our infantry is moving forward, these crews have almost no time to rest; they also work at night. this is 24x7 artillery support. sergey pikulin and yaleriy dzhanov, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. in in moscow, a suspect in the car bombing of a former sbu officer was detained. the operational footage was provided by the russian special services. as reported by the fsbm, the detained russian citizen was born in eighty-third. he acted on instructions from the ukrainian special services. he was recruited last fall in ukraine, where he went after the start of a special military operation. to blow up the car, the saboteur used radio-controlled explosives, the components of which he received from his curator. before this, i had been following the victim for a long time. it was not delivered. the task was only to monitor the car, which i
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did, then the task changed, and i was told to assemble a bomb, my curator helped me with this, using instructions, explained, so i assembled it and on the ninth, approximately at 2:00 am, i ...attached this bomb to the bottom of the car. a homemade bomb went off on april 12 on korovenskoye highway in moscow. ex-sbu officer vasily prozrov received minor injuries. a case has been opened on charges of attempted murder and illegal acquisition of explosive devices, but the detainees may be charged with terrorism and treason. china welcomes the idea of ​​a peace conference on the ukrainian crisis, but only if it is about... all interested parties, including russia, chinese president sidin jinping stated this at
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a meeting with german chancellor olaf scholz. the german leader is on a visit to china, where he is negotiating economic cooperation. he has already visited the industrial areas of shanghai and chongqing, where the leading german company works. scholz faces a difficult task: on the one hand, washington demands turn away from china, while german businessmen, on the contrary, call for work with the eastern economic giant, and before traveling to china, how...
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demanding germany turn away from the prc and brussels, which insists on reducing dependence on beijing and calls on countries the eu to impose additional tariffs on the import of chinese goods, to find a balance in all this, scholz tried to walk with the head of the prc through the flowering garden, the state residence. mister chancellor, welcome to china, this is in the spring, when everything will return to life, before as long as both parties, maintaining mutual respect, are looking. common language, while maintaining differences, deepening exchanges and achieving win-win results, they
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will certainly move forward steadily. german business also insists on the harmonious development of relations with china without china; the export-oriented german economy is unlikely to survive at all, especially since it is already virtually paralyzed. the forecast for gdp growth fell to 2%, industrial production by 5.5, while the opposition. stop subsidizing production cars, green technologies, solar panels and wind turbines on such a scale, trying not to offend anyone, scholz maneuvered as best he could, and in order not to once again provoke beijing, the chancellor did not take anti-chinese ministers of economics for foreign affairs with him to the people's republic of china, instead of them scholz was accompanied by an impressive delegation of heads of german corporations, taking into account the difficulties
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that germany is experiencing from the consequences of the sanctions imposed against russia, and also the refusal of... china, its main trading partner germany, would have been fatal for berlin. last year, germany adopted its first -ever china strategy, indicating that it sees beijing as both a partner and a systemic rival. the new document emphasizes the course towards competition, but as this visit of the chancellor to the prc showed, berlin is not ready to make economic sacrifices for the sake of political goals. sidin pin and scholz discussed the situation in ukraine, even on the eve of his visit, the german chancellor promised to convince.
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yes, and they are still going, but the bank’s desire alone is not enough here, for example, such a deal must still be approved by the russian authorities. austrian bank, which has repeatedly promised to leave russia, is actively recruiting new employees for its russian division, the financial times writes about this. since december last year, she counted more than 2,400 job advertisements that the bank posted in russia. and they say. about the multiple expansion of the active client base and about plans for a doubling of income, which, of course, are not very similar to the bank’s announced plans to reduce or sell its russian business. as he writes financial times, after its requests, the head office of raiffeisen bank in austria, the head of the bank, johan strobl, demanded an explanation and received a response from the russian division. they say
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the job descriptions mistakenly used an old template that had not been changed since the beginning of hostilities in ukraine. therefore, raiffeisen emphasizes that the vacancy announcement does not correspond to the bank’s plans for the future. in march 23, the european central bank demanded that raiffeisen close its business in russia and now it is going to either sell this russian business or separate it, but to sell the business, it must function normally, the financial times notes. in the twenty-second year , the russian daughter brought half of the total to the bank. the russian one was growing yesterday, even despite the falling price of oil, but today investors decided, apparently, that it was time to make a correction, rusal shares are falling in price by 4%, against what news background they are trading, more on that in a minute. the ruble continues to fall in price, the dollar is now more expensive than 94, the euro is gaining less than the dollar, but still this
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was enough to break through the 100 mark rub. so here is rusal due to new sanctions. the united states and great britain may lose about a third of its exports, as bloomberg and the kommersant newspaper write, citing sources, these are internal calculations of the company itself, they, as bloomberg continues, disagree with the opinion of most western analysts who said that sanctions against russian metals will not have a significant impact influence of supply and demand. previously, the united states and great britain banned the supply of russian aluminum, copper and nickel produced after april 13 of this year. also, american companies cannot participate in the import, export and other supplies of such russian metals. even before all these new sanctions, russian aluminum was actively redirected to asia, but kommersant newspaper interlocutors say: the danger is that rusal’s main clients may now voluntarily refuse to work with it, especially since the united states is now trying to force turkey and china to sever
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ties with russia. in the end it may happen that that the company will have to redirect some of the aluminum to warehouses. and those are now almost full, officially, however, rusal previously stated that sanctions will not affect production supplies and access to banks, but according to a businessman’s source, the company expects to receive support from the government, for example, so that the state will purchase up to half of rusal’s exports. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denistlayev for your economic review. viewers in the capital, then awaiting the release of the program today in moscow. your broadcast for other regions of the central part of the country. in krasnoyarsk today we met the first stratonauts of modern russia. cosmonautics day, three russians mikhail kornienko, test pilot alexander lynnik and engineer denis efremov parachuted from the stratosphere and landed on a drifting ice ice in the arctic. no one has ever
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done this on them before. alexander kaneevich met with world record holders and found out whether everything was taken into account during the incredible large-scale preparation for the jump. greeted as winners of major international competitions, although first of all they fought primarily with themselves and extreme conditions, simultaneously proving to the whole world that russia was the first at the north pole, even if you need to get there from the stratosphere. vyborsk took place at a speed of about 400 km/h, respectively, exiting the charged zone at such a speed is close to an ideal crew. superbly done, we were led by a very competent person, these are the first shots from
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the north pole, pilot cosmonaut mikhail kornienko lands exactly in the given area, he prepared for this jump for several years old, both physically and mentally, well, here is the most experienced, the most correct person who arrived, congratulations, thank you brother, congratulations, from the first steps after landing on the ice you can see how... they were transferred several times, everything changed except the fighting spirit. one of the tasks of an astronaut is to wait, yes, to be able not to break down while waiting, because crews are also constantly transferred, rotated there due to objective reasons, so this is generally a normal situation, it’s okay, as we didn’t attach much importance to it. everything went, as they say in aviation and astronautics, clearly flight cyclogram. 3.2 hours after departure from murmansk, the il-76 plane delivered the paratroopers to the drop point. according to
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the altimeter readings, it is clear that they have achieved their goal, an altitude of exactly 10,500 m. although from a scientific point of view the stratosphere at the north pole begins a couple of kilometers lower, the russian parachutists decided not to lower the bar they initially set for themselves. a lot depended on the navigator’s crew, a small mistake with the choice of landing point and there would have been no record, but the sky that day in every sense was for them. the free fall did not last 2 minutes, as the paratroopers expected, only one and a half. there were other stratospheric nuances that you can’t prepare for on earth, like landing, despite the cracks in the ice, numerous taros.
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today at 23:00. this is the program today, we continue our release. modern russian drones operate successfully in the special operation zone; they demonstrate high efficiency in carrying out tasks, even in conditions of electronic interference. drone reconnaissance officers help identify firing points, kamis drones deliver crushing blows to enemy positions. operators often manage to shoot down ukrainian armed forces drones right in the air. omar magomedov observed the combat work. south donetsk front line. together with a group of operators we hide in dense forest belt. preparations for departure begin at dusk. this time was not chosen by chance. the enemy’s daytime drones have already gone blind, but it’s still light for night drones to work. the fighters need to go to bed during the so-called half hour of clear sky. everything, in fact, will be ready. it only took 5 minutes to assemble the drone. scout
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supercam s300. 50 has unique electronic warfare capabilities; it is made of composite materials and is capable of conducting surveillance while literally hovering over the target; today this model has the eighty-fifth counting combat sortie. the main advantage of this unmanned aerial vehicle is its long range and flight speed. in addition, it can fly fully automatically along a pre -programmed route. for the third day , volgograd fighters have bedeviled the immortal stalingrad, tracking down the enemy deep behind enemy lines. operator group location. heavy ukrainian drones, nicknamed baba yaga at the front, carry four mines and cause problems for our infantry. due to their large weight, they fly exclusively at night at extremely low altitude. they can only be seen through a thermal imager; if the fighter is properly equipped, they can be shot down with a precise shot from a machine gun. hit, the enemy is cunning, moves, changes
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points, does not allow us to concentrate. several scouts are on guard at once and the drone is unpleasant.
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more than ten confirmed cases of destruction of both drones themselves and their operators. behind every successful special operation is the teamwork of fighters from different units and branches of the military. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk directions of special military operation. in saratov, residents of several houses are required to pay off significant debts for central heating, which people did not use. many have more than one year. the apartment is heated by gas boilers.
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our lists of payers and found missing ones, we received a number of instructions from gzhi, the state housing inspection that there should be such and such a package
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of documents, we are charged with monitoring this and in order to avoid violating the rights of other residents in a mandatory manner in the absence accrue documents. to charge, the necessary documents are permission from the city administration to install an individual heating device. for some reason this permission was not required before. in total , about 200 owners in saratov found themselves in a similar situation, when there is no heating in the apartment, but there are receipts for the service. a lot of time has passed, the management company went bankrupt, the municipal institution that approved the installation of the boilers also closed. documents in these organizations have not been preserved therefore the only one. the owners have the option to prove their case in court. alexander tankikh, sergey skvortsov, vladimir khazov, ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv, saratov. in russia, the procedure for registering housing redevelopment has changed, and the corresponding federal law has come into force. he defined the concepts
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of redevelopment and reconstruction, and outlined the time frame within which the planning inspection must accept the project. well, some of the responsibilities for registration now fall on local governments. alina repina found out how it all looks in practice now. this column. we leave and leave the column, this is what we demolish, it turns out to be a huge room , kitchen, living room and with three panoramic windows and one window overlooking the river, i love mine. this wall, yes, a three-ruble ruble will turn into a two-room apartment, but what, from the first of april we will make small ones, so i really want to demolish this one, it can be done up to two times faster, although, alas, we are talking about speeding up paper work, not repair work. the most housing inspection is obliged to accept the project within 30 days. previously, the deadlines were not specified; in practice, what did they look like, how many days did it take? from one and a half to 3 months, if it seems to you that approving
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redevelopment is hell, then we have good news: on april 1, amendments to the housing code came into force, which seem to facilitate the approval process, the technical standards are the same as before, no, you don’t you can attach a balcony to the apartment, move the kitchen into the room, remove a load-bearing wall or break a ventilation duct, all prohibitions remain in effect, but if you made a project within the framework of the current rules, then it will become a little easier for you to register it, no need... in the rosreestr, the housing inspectorate will do this for you. the moscow housing inspectorate will independently send it to the rights registration authority, that is, to the rosreestr. for applicants, this will reduce the time it takes to make the necessary changes, as well as the fact that these actions will be done for them by a government agency. previously , it was not necessary to enter new data into the rosregistry, so there were easily apartments on the market where, in fact, there was one layout, it was agreed upon, but the extract from the unified state register in the drawings from... diagrams had a different layout, this could confuse the buyer during the sale.
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now all updates will be displayed in the extract from the unified state register. thus, if you are thinking about combining a toilet with a bathroom, building a dressing room in the bedroom, or implementing other improvements permitted by law, then you need to develop a redevelopment project, obtain permission from the housing inspectorate or local government, carry out the work, order a new technical plan, send the documents to the housing inspection or a local government body, even... a commission act and here is the main difference: order an extract from the unified state register of real estate to make sure that the drawings there are correct. the applicant needs to submit an application through the mayor of moscow website, in the other documents section, upload the technical plan, after drawing up the act, the mozhelan inspectorate will independently send it to the rosreestr, and after making the necessary changes, they will send the relevant information to the owner that everything is registered. and he can sleep peacefully, it has also become easier
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to combine apartments, previously, according to the law, this was carried out as a reconstruction, an architectural project was needed, the consent of all owners in the house, in general morocco scary, now consolidation is considered a kind of ordinary redevelopment, for example, now we are in a building with 400 apartments, so we need to go talk to everyone, say, guys, do you mind, as if i united my apartments here, yes, which the neighbors will say, i don’t care at all, but there is no, wait, i mean, and at least... one voice does not agree, that’s it, your history is actually destroyed, there is no need to do this now, it turns out, there is no need to coordinate with the neighbors , what else is not needed, and there is no need to prepare a project architectural solutions, because this is also , well, roughly speaking, a redevelopment project, it is 30 sheets long, roughly speaking, yes, depending on the object, and if we went through reconstruction, then there was a completely different project, it consists of six volumes of documents , how the new norms will work, we'll see, fines for uncoordinated redevelopment remain the same, 2500 rubles for...
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in general, on the european territory of russia the weather is very contrasting, all seasons at once, just look at the temperature map, the contrast between north and south is almost 40 °, and usually at this time of year, according to statistics , the difference is only 20 degrees. the fact is that now the south is too overheated, there it is 10 degrees hotter than expected, in the north it is almost the same 10° colder than expected, and the southern summer is increasingly gaining strength, together with fire danger, the main heat for the rostov region for... up to thirty and even higher, the north caucasus republics are also on
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the hot list, it’s fresh on the coast, but this summer will be fleeting, a cold front with dangerous downpours will be in krasnodar on friday, and before that southern warmth will be able to seep into the black earth on the middle volga, in voronezh and samara tomorrow until 23. there is a chance of rain in this process, but it is small. this thermal surge will not reach the very center yet, it will only reach for one day on friday. well, now about the cold anomaly, this is the north and... winter, this is arkhangelsk, in st. petersburg there is a chance of wet snow, maximum during the day. thank you, this was a forecast from erina polyakova. that's all for now, go to, see you!
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