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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 16, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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logical. the flood level is reaching new heights. latest news from flooded russian regions. the highest pilate. samar magomedov witnessed an aerial duel between drone operators.
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the urals are gradually retreating from flooded areas. according to the latest data, the water dropped by 28 cm in one day. however, the levels still exceed dangerous values. more than 5,500 houses were sunk. the flood even reached those neighborhoods that, according to forecasts, should not have been affected. neither special locks nor high dams helped. at the same time, the common problem paid the townspeople. rushing to help a neighbor is considered almost the first thing to do. mikhail chernov about how orenburg residents resist. from the elements, but now i understand why their area was under water, a whole detective story, the rent microdistrict is separated from the flooded neighboring villages by a high and strong embankment, under the railway there are old locks, pipes 3 m in diameter, laid in the sixties, who at what moment opened the valve - riddle, at 8 am someone came and opened the gateway, perhaps they say that people who live here with of this sheep town, while in the sheep town itself the level has practically not decreased, but for rent. water poured out like a boron
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stream, until they realized what was happening, a dozen streets were flooded, the floodgates were closed, but not completely, then they were covered with sandbags, passing them along a chain, 300 of them. the level rose so rapidly that people didn’t even have time to pick up their cars; some drowned in their garages; for several hours the water had been spilling all over the street. alexander vasilyevich is 74, he says there has never been flooding in their village, here mountain rivers flowed. and the water flowed like such a river that... it was scary to watch, we have never seen such a river here before, it’s just, well , negligence, it’s the negligence of the one who is responsible for these sluices, yes, this is my parents’ house, i grew up here i, now in his childhood home for a generation, they simply didn’t have time to lift the furniture high, much less take it out, most of the things ended up in the water, the sofa, all of this was lifted onto pallets, they lifted everything that they could lift, today alexey was finally able to find a kitten in a flooded house, at the time of evacuation hid, after a while...
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until the last they sit on the upper floors, like the staff of this cafe, who lived on the second floor for several days, along with the children, cut off from the outside world. there are now boats parked here for cars, the elite cottage community of nezhenka has never been flooded, this time the water has risen by more than a meter, it’s flooding all around, the damage from the flooding has yet to be calculated, well, we have a refrigerator, a freezer, furniture standing
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there , this spirit of mutual assistance is everywhere, sergei does not live in the village, he just lived in help, they lifted the boiler, the boiler is worth half a million, we chick-chick it on bricks, on bricks higher, now on this street.
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in the village of menshikovo, a 20-minute drive from the regional center, cars are drowning in the water of several streets, bales of hay are floating into the abyss, it was a farm of a family of bulls, the cows were taken higher, they themselves are saving the house from the flood. we remove the doors, put the doors at the level of the window sill, then put all the things and everything else there. an upside-down interior is now in almost every home, a chair is under the ceiling, the covering has been removed from the floor, so there is a chance to survive a flood with least losses. the water came and went, then people had to change their wallpaper, linoleum, parquet. above on the floor, it’s all thrown away, this gardening partnership is already part of the snt mound in the water ring, so rubber boots are no longer enough to leave the house. the authorities are asking to evacuate in advance, the water is approaching populated areas and neighborhoods rapidly, flooding roads, overflowing bridges, and it may happen that escape
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routes will be cut off. this is how, in the middle of the night , emergency situations ministry employees have to launch boats to free those who refused from captivity in the water leave on time. this is footage of the evacuation from the topol microdistrict. they save you in pitch darkness. new accommodation, and for those who are larger , five care areas have been organized in the city, along with the animals you need to bring a supply of food to which they are accustomed, there is enough attention and care here for everyone, the cat’s name is phil, 3 years old, we came to live in one place, we are from there they kicked him out, they couldn’t take the cat with him,
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they came to a friend’s house and brought the cat, and there the wild cat wouldn’t let him fight, so they were forced to give it to a shelter, we hope everything will pass soon, let's take home our beloved pet, those who are waiting for low tide in temporary accommodation centers also dream of it all being over, here, of course, everything is thought out, three hot meals a day and a clean bed, children's play areas for schoolchildren's activities, at each point felchers are on duty, their attention is especially important for the older generation, this is a difficult period for them, they worry about their housing, about their property, so we support them all here as best we can, we try to be there, we encourage them, in temporary accommodation centers. home to 13,000 people, three hundred residential buildings and more than 600 household plots were flooded in the region. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. in the keimerovo region, fsb officers detained an attacker who planned to commit sabotage on several sections
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of the trans-siberian railway. he was going to set fire to 10 relay cabinets. this is a device along the railway track that is used to control the movement of trains. if they fail. this literally paralyzes the message: the twenty-eight-year-old saboteur received all instructions from ukraine and was promised a monetary reward. during the search, investigators found plastic bottles with flammable liquid, as well as a map of the road section. it is known that the detainee was repeatedly convicted of a series of violent robberies, uses narcotic substances, and is now in custody by court decision. now to the news from the special operation zone, the ministry of defense today publishes a video from the avdiivka direction, the drones of the troop center group helped detect the enemy from with the help of supercams or reconnaissance on the contact line, they noticed the movement of ukrainian national formations and equipment. the operators transmitted the coordinates to the artillerymen, and thanks to coordinated actions, the enemy lost two vehicles and an
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electronic warfare station. in the southern donetsk direction, drones accurately deal with ukrainian drones, which cause russian units a lot of problems. there was even justice for baba yaga, a heavy hexocopter capable of carrying several mines at once. omar became an eyewitness to the aerial duel. magomedov. south donetsk front line with the group. we are hiding in a dense forest belt, preparations for departure begin with the onset of dusk, this time was not chosen by chance, the enemy’s daytime drones have already gone blind, and for the night drones to work it is still light, the fighters need to meet the so-called half hour of clear sky. that’s it, strictly speaking, the bot is ready. it took only 5 minutes to assemble the drone; the supercam s-350 reconnaissance aircraft has unique electronic warfare capabilities; it is made of composite materials and is capable of. conduct surveillance literally, hovering over the target, today this model is on its eighty-fifth combat
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mission. the main advantage of this unmanned aerial vehicle is its long range and flight speed. in addition, it can fly fully automatically along a pre-programmed route. third day volgograd fighters slaughtered the immortal stalingrad, tracking down the location of a group of operators deep behind enemy lines. heavy ukrainian drones, nicknamed at the front. baba yaga carry four mines, cause problems for our infantry; due to their heavy dimensions, they fly exclusively at night, at an extremely low altitude; they can only be seen through a thermal imager; with the proper skill of a fighter, they can be shot down with a precise shot from a machine gun. hit, hit, the enemy is cunning, moves, changes points, does not allow us to concentrate on the same place, we constantly need to change the location, break through the enemy’s re there, change the height there there are many nuances that need to be performed in order to hit the enemy. several scouts at once enemy drones are on guard, cameras with
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thermal imagers help track an object in the night sky. having calculated the flight path of an unmanned bomber, operators warn our soldiers on the front line. having completed the resets, the copter returns back. unsuspecting apu operators are preparing a second vehicle. the enemy’s coordinates are immediately sent to the artillerymen, and the dugout is hit with high-precision ammunition from krasnopol. he's a drone. this is a drone, and he took out the second one, launched it, reloaded it, that is, and if we destroy their crews, well, accordingly productivity increases significantly. the massive use of drones, special military operations have changed the tactics and strategy of combat operations, these days aerial duels of drones have become commonplace, with the advent of the enemy bombers, a new direction is actively developing, fighters, rare personnel from the front lines fly over our positions, fly out to intercept drones.
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nuclear power plant, director general magatte stated this when delivering a report at a meeting of the security council. rafael grossi confirmed that russia does not deploy heavy weapons at nuclear power plants, but at the same time he stated that the operation of the largest plant in europe is taking place in very difficult conditions. the head of magat condemned any attempts to attack an attack on a nuclear facility, but did not announce the side from which the arrivals were coming. our permanent representative of prion, vasily nebendya, called on the director of magat to still name things. why, of the five nuclear power plants in ukraine, russia began
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to create security threats specifically in relation to the one that is under its control. if you are friends with at least elementary logic, then the absurdity of such accusations becomes obvious. but our western colleagues, without noticing it themselves, spoke out today. transfer control of the zas, then they will stop shelling it. thus, they not only betrayed the zelensky regime with fucks.
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the instinct of self-preservation still remained , reaffirmed, russia, for its part, will continue to protect the zaporozhye station from any provocative attacks. relations between china and germany will continue to develop subject to mutual respect, said the president of the people's republic of china sidin pin. based on the results of negotiations with chancellor olaf scholz. the german leader is on a visit to china, where he is negotiating economic cooperation. he has already visited industrial areas. shanghai and chongqing, where leading german companies operate. scholz faces a difficult task: on the one hand, washington demands to turn away from china, while german businessmen , on the contrary, call for working with the eastern economic giant; in these conditions , the chancellor needs to show miracles of political acrobatics. is it possible ksenia nekrasova observes.
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the german chancellor decided to preface his visit to china with a debut on the social network, registering. official account just before leaving for china. scholz dedicated his first video to analyzing his briefcase. inside, not surprisingly, there are documents, there are quite a lot of them here, for example, i have to read everything. here are some more glasses that i need, i need them for reading. on social networks , scholz’s appearance on the chinese platform was associated with the chancellor’s desire to show his openness and trust in beijing, critically the german economy, china, germany's main trading partner, is dependent on the middle kingdom. needs support more than ever, so the first thing scholz did in china was to go to the plant of german companies in shanghai and chongqing. economic issues will also be the main ones at scholz’s meeting with the head of the people’s republic of china, sidinpin, but in order to save germany from the crisis, the politico publication
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advises the chancellor to learn to juggle taking into account the pressure from washington, which requires its allies to turn away. from the prc and the interests of german business, which insists on rapprochement with china. undoubtedly, china is very important for the development of our business. for us, china is one of the largest and fastest growing markets and we see further potential for growth. taking into account the difficulties that berlin is experiencing from the consequences of the sanctions imposed against russia without china, according to experts, the future for germany will be difficult, especially since the german economy is already virtually paralyzed, despite... denmark gdp growth forecast worsened to 2 %, export and import indicators are in the red due to high energy prices, industrial volumes production fell by 5.5%. scholz invites china to unite. german modern technologies are in demand and are actively used in china, this speaks not only of
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economic cooperation, but also of the fact that the serious challenges facing humanity can only be solved together. but brussels continues to insist on reducing risks and calls on the eu to introduce additional tariffs on the import of the same chinese electric vehicles. the german automotive industry association has already spoken out against it. local companies simply can't handle it. another collision. therefore, it is no coincidence that scholz is accompanied to china by the heads of the largest german corporations. known for their anti-chinese position are the german minister of economics and the head of mit berbak, who once even called herself a dictator. the chancellor did not take it with him, so as not to once again provoke beijing. last year, germany adopted its first-ever china strategy, indicating that it sees beijing as both a partner and a systemic rival. the new document emphasizes the course towards competition, but as this visit showed chancellor in the prc to make economic sacrifices for the sake of political goals, berlin is not ready.
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ksenia nekrasova, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev, especially for ntv china. the georgian parliament will today consider in the first reading the draft, the so-called bill on foreign agents. the day before, parliamentarians had been discussing this document for 11 hours within the framework of the legal committee, when supporters of the ruling opposition party ran out of verbal arguments and resorted to fists. at this time , opponents of the law staged a rally near the walls of parliament, tbilisi police used force late in the evening to disperse the protesters. a dozen and a half protesters were detained. the demonstrators began to disperse only when... reinforcements arrived for the police, but the opposition still calls the draft law pro-russian and intends to continue to oppose its adoption. next, a short advertisement. we’ll tell you where blogger and business coach dmitry portnyagin will spend the next 2 months. alfabank for business.
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every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. get a credit card everything will be as you want. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. today at 20. you are watching ntv, we continue the broadcast, the housing problem, which, according to the classics, has ruined muscovites, will now become much easier to solve and throughout the country, at least, well , the part concerning repairs and redevelopment, and if you are going to update in the near future your apartment, it is important to know about the changes that came into force in the housing code in april, how to improve your housing without violating it. legislation and what documents for this, we need innovations , alina repina and experts looked into it, we’ll leave this column, yes, we’ll leave the column,
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we’ll demolish this one, yes. it turns out to be a huge room with a large kitchen, a living room and three panoramic windows and one window overlooking the river. i love my job, when will i get a chance to ask the price for a hundred-meter penthouse on the banks of the moscow river, but it’s not the task of the rooms in the penthouse to be small, so i really want to demolish this this wall, and the three-ruble ruble will turn into a two-room apartment, but which one? happy april, 1 this can be done up to two times faster, although unfortunately we are talking about speeding up the paper. on april 1, amendments to the housing code came into force, which seem to facilitate the approval process, the technical standards are the same as before, no, you cannot attach a balcony to the apartment, move the kitchen into the room, remove a load-bearing wall or
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break the ventilation .. . all prohibitions remain in effect, but if you have made a project within the framework of the current rules, then it will become a little easier for you to register it, you do not need to go to the russian registry, the housing inspectorate will do it for you, the housing inspectorate will independently send it to the rights registration authority, that is, to the rosreestr, for applicants this will reduce the time for making the necessary changes, and also the fact that these actions will be done for them by the state body; earlier it was necessary to enter new data in the rosreestr. necessarily, so there were easily apartments on the market where, in fact, there was one layout, it was agreed upon, but extracts from the unified state register of real estate are in the drawings and diagrams, the layout is different, this could confuse the buyer during the sale, now all updates will be displayed in the extract from egrn. thus, if you are thinking about combining a toilet with a bathroom, building a dressing room in the bedroom, or carrying out other planning permitted by law, then you need to develop a redevelopment project and obtain it from
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the housing inspectorate or local authority. self-government permission, carry out the work, order a new technical plan, send the documents to the housing inspectorate or local government, wait for the commission’s act and here is the main difference: order an extract from the unified state register of real estate to make sure that the drawings there are correct. the applicant must submit an application through website measure, in the other documents section, upload the technical plan, after drawing up the act, the mozhelinspectorate will independently send it to the rosreestr, and after making the necessary changes, they will send the relevant information to the owner that everything is registered and he can sleep peacefully. it has also become easier to unite apartments, previously, according to the law, this was carried out as a reconstruction, an architectural design was needed, the consent of all owners in the house, in general, morocco is terrible, now the association is considered a kind of ordinary redevelopment. for example, now we are in a building with 400 apartments, so
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we need to go to each one. communicate, say, are you guys okay with me uniting my apartments here, there are some neighbors who will say, i don’t care at all, and some who will say, no, wait, i mean, and at least one voice disagrees, everything, your history is essentially destroyed, now there is no need to do this, it turns out that you don’t need to coordinate with your neighbors what is not yet necessary, and there is no need to prepare a draft architectural solutions, because that this is also there, well, roughly speaking, a redevelopment project, it is 30 sheets long, roughly speaking, yes, depending on the object, and if we went through reconstruction, then there was a completely different project, it consists of six volumes of documents. we'll see how the new standards work; fines for uncoordinated redevelopment remain the same. 2,500 rub. for individuals and 40-50 for legal entities, and either approval of the redevelopment in one number, or bringing the apartment to its original condition. alina repina and irina savateeva, ntv. the court placed him under house arrest for almost 2 months of blogger and business coach dmitry portnyagin. he is accused of
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tax evasion and laundering. the court placed blogger, founder of the business club club 500 and author of the book transformer dmitry portnyagin under house arrest until june 10. previously, he was accused of tax evasion and money laundering. according to investigators, the blogger is from 18 to 20 years old. paid 124 million rubles to the budget. in addition, penalties and fines arose for another 64 million. dmitry portnyagin himself said that he paid off the main debt back in the twenty-second year, and tried to challenge the singing and fines. but on april 11, dmitry portnyagin ’s home, office, business club, and bathhouses owned by him were searched, and on the same day dmitry portnyagin’s wife , ekaterina, was detained. after that, he promised, without waiting for a court decision, to pay 64 million. and
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the entrepreneur, perhaps the person coming out of the courtroom is not just a future politician who, another quote, will stand for his president. during the meeting, the investigator indicated that dmitry and dmitry portnyagin said that in his portnyagin, his family members have a residence permit in the united arab emirates. the russian stock market starts the day with growth, albeit a very flimsy one. if yesterday the falling oil price did not become an obstacle to the growth of the stock, then today it is even more expensive. good statistics on retail sales in the us in march further strengthened investors in the opinion that the federal reserve will not
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rush to lower the key rate, so the dollar is becoming more expensive compared to other currencies. this morning it had already risen above 94 against the ruble, but has now retreated slightly. us sanctions and the uk could lose more than a third of its exports, bloomberg writes, citing sources. that assessment is at odds with most other analysts, who said sanctions on russian metals would have a limited impact. previously, the united states and great britain banned the import of russian aluminum, copper and nickel produced after april 13 of this year. also, such metals will not be able to be traded on the london metal exchange and the chicago mercantile exchange. interlocutors. kommersant newspapers familiar with internal analysis, conducted by rusal, they also say that sanctions threaten a third of the russian company’s exports. one of the dangers is that rusal’s clients will voluntarily refuse to work with him, and sources also say that
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the situation is complicated by the fact that the united states is forcing turkey and china to sever ties with russia. as a result , it may happen that the company will have to redirect some of the aluminum to warehouses, which are already almost full. official rusal previously stated that sanctions will not affect... supplies, production and access to banks, but according to the businessman's sources, the company expects to receive support from the government, including government purchases of up to half of the export volume. dima, everything about the economy. thank you, marina piminova, for business news. our episode is now complete, and developments will follow in the next issues of the program. thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. hello, about the weather for tomorrow. over the south of the far east the sky is gradually clearing. the precipitation zone will move closer to the coast tomorrow. in primorye there will be no rain, in vladivostok even it will warm up a little, until +13. in
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blagoveshchensk it is about twenty degrees warm, but in buryadie and transbaikalia, on the contrary, it will get colder. in the magadan region, the remnants of the chinese cyclone are snowfalls and blizzards. in the north of kamchatka, precipitation will also increase. that's all for now on the islands. everything is quiet. in siberia, the weather is almost completely controlled by the siberian anticyclone. in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, in the novosibirsk and kemerovo regions it is sunny up to +12. in the omsk region in the south of tyumen it will be up to +15, but with a little rain. in the urals there is already no significant precipitation, the temperature is also growing. there is only one thing. this anticyclone blocked the path to the east of the scandinavian cyclone, which is now forced to circle in the north of european territory. kola peninsula, arkhangelsk region komika. and the entire north-west is now in the toll, which means the coldest part of the cyclone. the cold will penetrate the northern half of the central region, but here the rain will be mostly local. and now let's move on to the good news. the main noise maker here is the south in krasnodar tomorrow +31, in
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rostov 29. a little cooler along the coast, there is no higher than 25, but there is no precipitation. in st. petersburg it is cloudy, with occasional rain, and temperatures up to five in the daytime. it’s rainy in moscow, but much warmer, +14 during the day. what a day today is somehow.


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